The Great Cleansing of LifeSteal SMP

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this is me hiding in the vents of my secret base as it's being raided the base was compromised and i went into hiding creating an underground network of hyper-speed dolphin tongues which served as a safe haven for several weeks but one day after forgetting my invisibility i was ambushed and killed by a group known as the cleansers rumor has it they're using exploitive items to quick drop and quote-unquote cleanse people killing upwards of 10 players a day gaining extra hearts with every kill as one of a select few with footage of a cleanse two players approached me for information on their methods for no particular reason could you maybe just screen share the footage for no for no particular reason let's just say that this is in your best interest so right here [Music] i have seven crystals on me oh all right all right all right okay right we'll let you in on it i was in on the secret the cleansers had developed a new form of pvp with tipped arrows of harmony a fully charged bow does a single heart of damage but if i shoot him with a really weak shot it does two and a half hearts of damage this is how the cleansers killed 11 people in a single day and with each kill they gain a heart claiming everything will end on what they call the day of cleansing four days from now however shooting bows with little to no drawback isn't an exploit the exploit is simply having the arrows because this server has a plug-in that physically prevents you from picking up arrows at least that's what everyone thought you can put the tipped arrows recipe in your crafting table but instead of clicking to put them in your inventory you can press q and drop them on the ground and if those arrows happen to fall in a hopper then get shot out of a dispenser you can pick up the arrows off the ground we call this form of pvp candy crushing why candy crushing well if you're in a voc and you're talking about an illegal pvp method candy crushing well it doesn't sound illegal it doesn't even sound like minecraft so i now know how to fight the cleansers but i have a big problem tommy in it specifically the cleanser's murdering tommy in it there's only a few people on this server who haven't been cleansed tommy in it being one of them because he hasn't logged on yet so i decided the best way to keep him from getting murdered as soon as he logs on is to build a hyper-speed dolphin tunnel out of spawn look if he wants to join the cleansers fine but i don't want him getting murdered before he has a chance to think as soon as i got wind tommy logged on i hopped on lifesteal and sure enough he used the secret exit underneath the flower down the drop shoot in the pool all the items were gone and tommy was nowhere to be found which is great one more person who hadn't been cleansed but he was in a vc with the cleansers if he's gonna join them he probably shouldn't post his coordinates i think tommy's trying to bait us i think that yeah they i think they want everyone to assemble on tommy let's just check it out i'm gonna invis and i'll check it out you sure yeah okay well um i see something right now what we're going to say who is it netherhub not me not one of them this is a bunch of people right here oh i see don don's going to the same empire okay let's let's use donna's bait if don dies we go in and raid them okay um i see don tommy's down with spoke they could be i'm like on who okay i'm going into the nether i'm following them i'm in this yeah you show yourself where'd he go i lost him no no no i see him i see him i see him where i'm right next to him spoke is with tommy oh you're with him frick i gotta go i gotta go spoke is attacking me spoke is attacking me in the netherlands i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die where are you where are you where are you i i don't know i don't know are you in the head another huh overworld hello okay okay i got it i got away i got away i got away that was too close and i still didn't know anything about tommy but thankfully he wanted to meet up and chat about a few things oh my gosh there's so many invisible people here why did you scream like this because i thought i was about to get jumped man you want to come through the portal yeah yeah sure except all tommy wanted to do was build a house i mean he had questionable design choices to be sure but that was one more person who wasn't a cleanser in fact there were about 12 of us and we decided to call ourselves the dirties kind of a weird name but it fit and we decided to strike back against the cleanser so we all met up for an ambush our target prince zam he's there i see him i see him he's right below oh oh i see him i see him i see him too he's coming up he's coming up the stairs he's building up wait let him get up to be honest it was a slaughter i mean six invisible people versus one guy in the nether i'm surprised he survived as long as he's come out how is he not dead he's gonna kill gaps just keep nice nice nice nice oh i see where he's at oh it's ripped got him let's go let's go over the next two days the dirties became a force to be reckoned with killing up to six cleansers a day unfortunately rumors of a spy amongst the dirties began to spread the team might not have been as stable as it seemed but it didn't bother me the great cleansing was in 48 hours and i needed practice i spent hours with clown fine-tuning my technique until i started beating him [Music] [Music] wow that was nutty no this was the first time i'd felt a natural at pvp both spamming just clicked for me and me and clown became quite the duo but there were still many uncertainties what did the great cleansing actually mean were the dirties becoming too large of a team for their own good that's when clown recruited me to a third faction one that would fight both 30s and cleansers but i wasn't sure what to do me and clown played well together but i didn't just want to abandon the dirties chaos faction wants to hoard all the hearts personally i find this option very enticing because we get all the hearts you know are you kidding me even with 20 hearts clown got jumped in a matter of seconds and to make matters worse three people attacked him there's only two cleansers online spoke just whispered to me now you need to figure out who the third guy was there was a mole on the dirties team so i decided to team with clown and fight both sides did you die no okay can you see my can you see my stuff on the floor i don't know i'll go back invis i have an invis pot yeah all your stuff i can pick it up i can pick it up after clown got back on his feet we jumped one of the cleansers to test out the bow spamming and it totally worked i felt more ready than ever for whatever this cleansing was let's go that was dude we were just silent the whole time okay okay we gotta get out of here all right get up there get out of here go go [Laughter] oh you made it here's the plan for cleansing day the chaos team aka me clown and a few others are going to announce our separation by inviting all of the dirties over to a castle then blowing up 1700 pieces of tnt my goal and it's a pretty hefty one is to get to the prestigious 20 hearts whatever the cleansers do we're gonna have to adapt to but they are my main target also i'm the guy in charge of blowing up the tnt no pressure okay show me where [Music] watch out there's like a really deadly trap yeah a few tnt a few t uh 1700 in fact once the moment comes you will place one down and then you shoot and you turn around you start running all right that's it that's it no pressure wreck no no no no no pressure no pressure just circling like little ants when is it gonna happen when can i shoot the tnt yeah they're definitely in position mid is the only one over the tnt though where is zam rowin [Music] okay cleansing has begun cleansing has begun the explosion worked perfectly our targets the dirties fled spawn and it was us versus the cleansers time to get to 20 hearts baby radius thinks we worked with the cleansers that's funny we'll kill him on site we'll kill him once inside there behind just fine just behind us they're here they're here here they're here free gap yeah i see i see we got here i don't know my poison i poisoned him i paused him go go go go go go go go go go go go go watch out move from the entrance right okay [Music] i have another poison as well if you guys need right here where are you where is it i'm still in i'm getting one i'm getting 3d ones [Music] uh you can comment one of the exits and i'll cover you oh i got the roshambo for three bro i got i got spoke is low smoke is low target spoke target spoke target spoke target spoke target spoke got him let's freaking [Music] oh i'm just shooting with punch which is an issue okay i'm low on law man [Music] goddamn godzilla let's go let's go let's go there you go let's freaking go okay i'm on a high now just going inside i'm just trying to pick up oh whoa yeah i knew it this is what this is what i said this is what i said they found a widow [Music] [Music] where where where where where is it um it's next to the dog center that's where i'm going what's the rec center where's the rec center i don't see the weather the weather isn't even on my screen okay i've escaped i've escaped i'm going i'm going okay i'm completely out and i'm safe i need more arrows though i only have 20 arrows that's bad i don't have any i i can make more like on me if you have a ton of errors clown yeah you go to the prince sam base and uh set up a brewing area scream if anything happens i'm gonna try to pick a pick a few kills off at this point it's also important to mention the entire server teamed up against us yes the cleansers and dirties teamed up against us the chaos faction why well maybe it was because we blew up a castle to try and kill some people but it was vital we get these arrows for survival and i was making good progress towards 20 parts 50 of the way there who has heroes anybody i know uh check if they have fletchers oh my gosh okay arrows for days correct wreck i i how many hours do you have like a stack i'm coming over i'm bringing some of them over don't bring them over clown not yet not yet i need i need to i need to i need to right crack right be ready be ready oh no clown this is not the time this is this is really not the time look right now hold on i'm close to you stop stop stop stop stop talking oh wreck i'll wreck i need help okay i'm right above sam empire oh my gosh they're all there clown clown do you have a lead do you have a lead go to the ocean i don't i'm going to the ocean i don't have to leave okay i can i can bring you a lead i can bring you a lead dude they are all on you i know are they so fast [Music] sub spotted me subs is on me okay clown i have a dolphin where where i'm coming i'm right outside the same empire oh my gosh did you get it for longer can you stay around for long okay where are you are you ahead of them yes go clown go go go go go go did you get it i got it yes yes i got it everyone on the server was after you clown i know i know oh my gosh we're officially evil i don't like to consider myself evil i'm having fun killing people and stealing their hearts let's find a let's find a dolphin and uh let's find another portal wreck dude that was that's another type of minecraft isn't it ramsey there they found it they found out they found us go go go go go go go go to the nethers hit another go go go go go go go go go go go go go this way we just gotta run clown [Music] clown wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what have you done a bed bomb hold on what are you doing come on what are you doing come back here come back here check this out how did they they found us how do you know that did you see them that was mid yeah they sent a question those were the exact coordinates let's go back come on actually i'll check if it's safe i'll risk my life okay yeah okay they're here i'm pretty sure yeah i'm dead okay okay yeah oh i shouldn't have gone back i shouldn't have gone back clown's death was already crazy one of the best pvpers on the server to make matters worse he left the vc i had no idea what was going on so i joined the public cleansers vc wait in the thing did you spawn i don't think you realize how crazy this is chat was moving faster than a ludwig stream clown had lost 10 hearts not all 20 because as it turns out the great cleansing was actually an attempt to reset everybody on the server to ten hearts as one of a remaining few with more than ten hearts i came back to spawn to find everybody hanging out and distributing hearts it was a celebration and in a sense i lost yes but it was so fun to pvp everyone all hearts were returned everybody was back to 10 hearts and we even went around the server blowing up farms and burning all exploited items and as for tommy's house well um [Music] you
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 4,667,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: 0SbiPng-Nek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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