It is Written Bible Study

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hello everyone god bless you this is kimberly and we are ready tonight for another edition of it is written we're going into the word of god to talk about an exciting subject tonight and i just hope those of you that follow along with us will read along with us and be blessed i believe that the word of god is so powerful i'm so grateful that we are taking time to look at the greatest book that's ever been written and i want to encourage you to get your bible and let us go to the book of first kings and before we begin our reading tonight i want to just take a moment and say hello hello to those of you that are coming on in hi everybody god bless you wow so nice to see all of your names as you all are coming in will you do me a small favor and just encourage someone to join in with our bible study tonight we know that thy word we hid in our hearts that we might not sin against the lord we want to know his word so that we can study his word the scripture says study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth and so we're looking tonight in the scripture to glean from the word of god to pull from it to learn to to be enhanced in our lives and to really apply the word of god to our lives we want to walk in a way that is pleasing unto the lord and so we want to ask all of you to get your bible and again we want to acquire information and knowledge and be able to apply it to our everyday lives again i say god bless you to everyone that's coming on listen i know that quite a few of you are coming in now but will you be so kind again is to just text someone and tell them pastor kim wants to see your name tonight so will you just uh listen tell us where you're watching from i want to know are you watching from another stage or watching from another city please let me know where you're watching from and i just always mean so so much to me to see where you're viewing our time of ministry from again this is pastor kimberly and this is angie ray ministries that great church on the rock and we're ready to go into the word of god again i want to talk to you tonight out of the book of first kings and we're reading together out of the third chapter and i really found this subject to be intriguing and i want to just revisit and talk about it again and we're talking tonight about the word wisdom wisdom wisdom no matter who you are no matter what your walk of life is all of us need the wisdom of god and so we need to see what happened in the scripture what did god grant to solomon that was a little different from other men in the scripture the bible really refers to him as one of the wisest men that ever lived i think if someone is noted as being that wise that we could glean and pull from uh what they have expressed and how we can learn from their lives so again we're going tonight in the book of first kings chapter 3 and verse 16 through 28 i want to read several scriptures and i need you all to read along with me i'll get your bibles get your devices let's read together i'm looking forward to seeing some of the saints from angie ray ministries on tonight i want to see your name i'm looking for you all right we're ready bless the lord i hope you all have your bibles let's read now the bible says in first kings 3 and verse 16 then came two women that were harlots unto the king and stood before him and the one woman said o my lord i and this woman dwell in one house and i was delivered of a child with her in the house and it came to pass the third day after that i was delivered that this woman was also delivered and we were together there was no stranger with us in the house save we too in the house and so let's just establish right from the beginning that these are two women who both had just had a infant a baby and the bible says and it came to pass the third day after that i was delivered that this woman was delivered also and we were together so we're establishing two women that were actually described as harlots came before the king and stood before king solomon verse 19 says and this woman's child died in the night because she overlaid it so let's establish that one of the women lost their child they died the baby died and one of them had a living baby and one of them had a baby that was dead verse 20 and she arose at midnight and took my son from beside me while thine handmaid slept and laid it in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom and so again we see a dispute two people here we are two women standing before the king to dispute about the child that remained one of the children died one of the mothers overlaid the child according to the word of god and when i arose in the morning to give my child sup behold it was dead but when i had considered it in the morning behold it was not my son which i did bear and so let's just talk about the fact that god had given unto solomon such wisdom that people would come before him to describe difficult situations and difficult things that would happen they went before king solomon and so in this case this this woman went to the king both of them basically saying the child is mine and so in verse 22 and the other woman said nay but the living is my son and the dead is thy son and this said and and this said no but the dead is thy son and the living is my son thus they spake before the king and so here we find again an instance where wisdom was needed in order to uh really solve a major concern the concern was there are two women both having just had a child and both of them disputing that the child belonged to them and so let's look at the wisdom of solomon and we're going to verse 23 but i'd like to just establish that wisdom means the quality of having experience knowledge or good judgment it is the quality of being wise and the soundness of action and decision with regard to the application of experience knowledge and good judgment i wanted to share with you that also when you look at the word wisdom there are other words that are connected to this word words like prudence insight reason understanding to have an intellectual understanding a comprehension to have perception and discernment and so when we look at the word even intelligence means to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills and knowledge means facts information and skills acquired by a person through experience some people have got gained wisdom through experience some have gained wisdom through education and so theoretically or practical understanding of a subject can come through information and oftentimes acquired by education and so we're talking tonight about wisdom about prudence insight insight is to have a deep understanding of a thing reason is means the power of the mind to think to understand and to form judgment by a process of logic and so it is a blessing to have good understanding it really means having good insight good judgment and so in this case we are looking at the life of king solomon again where there are two women before him to dispute a serious case where there are uh two women that are both claiming to be the mother of a infant baby and so let's look at the wisdom of solomon in this particular time in the bible we see that god allowed solomon to ask of the lord anything that he would have wanted he could have asked for houses and land but the bible says in when it was given an opportunity of solomon to ask for anything that he asked god for an understanding heart and for wisdom let us go on are you all there with me praise the lord we're at verse 23 now then said the king the one saith this is my son that liveth and thy son is the dead and the other sayeth nay but thy son is the dead and my son is the living and so what happened what did solomon do the bible says and the king said bring me a sword and they brought a sword before the king and the king said divide the living child in two and give half to the one and half to the other and let's just look at it one more time in the scripture where the bible says and the king said divide the living child and so there is a case here where the baby is uh the discussion is to slice the baby in half or to cut the baby in half now we know in the natural that if a baby is cut that the child is going to immediately die we know that in the natural and so the bible says in verse 26 then spake the woman whose the living child was unto the king for her bowels yearned upon her son and she said o my lord give her the living child in other words before i watch you destroy the baby and cut the baby in half let me give the living child to the other woman and in no wise slay it but the other said let it be neither mine nor thy but divided and so their responses was indicative of how they felt or what was going on in their hearts or in their minds for the first woman said in no wise slay the child but the other woman said listen king don't let it be hers or mine just go ahead and divide it and so because of the response that came forth from the heart when we know that the scripture teaches that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speak it so whatever is in the heart is going to come forth out of the mouth and she said don't let it be mine or don't let it be hers let's just divide the baby and that was a sign to king solomon that this woman that is saying it doesn't matter just go ahead and divide the child was clearly not the mother of the child and so in verse number 27 then the king answered and said give her the living child and in no wise slay it she is the mother thereof and so we can just look at the wisdom of solomon and the prudence that he showed and the understanding to say that if this woman is willing to say take the baby that she clearly had a concern for the child but the other woman's attitude was don't let it be mine don't let it be hers just divide it and so then the king answered and said give her the living child and in no wise slay it for she is the mother thereof i tell you as we look into the scripture the bible says and all israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged and they feared the king but they saw that the wisdom of god was in him to do judgment i tell you as we look into the scripture tonight again we're talking about wisdom wisdom means the quality of having experience of knowledge and good judgment the quality of being wise it means soundness of action decision with regard to application of experience and as we go on in the scripture we find in the word of god that proverbs 2 and 6 says for the lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding so the wisdom of god did not just come from solomon but the wisdom come came from the lord and we know that the scripture says in proverbs 4 and 7 i hope you all are being blessed by the richness of the word of god and proverbs it says that wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding and so when we recognize in the word of god that it is incredibly important for us to ask the lord to give us wisdom the bible says in james chapter 1 and verse 5 amen if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that give it to all men liberally that means if you ask him he'll give you wisdom he said and upgrade it not which means he won't withhold it from you and it shall be given unto him so if you lack wisdom let us look at what god used solomon to do is that he allowed the wisdom of god to be able to solve a major case where two women stood before him basically saying that this child is mine and the other woman is at fault and so we recognize that it was god that allowed solomon to go beyond what he was hearing and to present to them something that would cause the truth of the heart to come forth and remember that the the heart begins to speak through the mouth the truth of the heart according to the word of god and the bible says in in proverbs 4 and 7 that wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom and in all thy getting get an understanding and remember to have an understanding means to have insight or good judgment and i think about when you understand it also means to be sympathetic or knowledgeable or aware of the character or the nature of something and so the bible teaches us to ask god to give us wisdom because it is the principle thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get an understanding and the bible says in proverbs 16 and 16 how much better is it to get wisdom than gold and to get an understanding rather to be chosen than silver praise the name of the lord i've got some more proverbs scriptures to give you the bible says in proverbs 19 8 he that geteth wisdom loveth his own soul and he that keepeth an understanding shall find good listen to what the scripture says if you want to find good in your life if you want good to follow you if you want god's blessings to be upon you then the first thing we should do is to ask god for wisdom the bible talks about how to fear the lord in the book of ecclesiastes let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter that we are to fear god and keep his commandments and when we fear the lord it is the fear of god that is the beginning of wisdom and he that keepeth an understanding shall find good my mind just went immediately to uh the scripture that talks about i know it's in jeremiah i know the plans that i have for you there are plans for good and not for evil and so if you want good to manifest in your life then you want to ask god just as james says in james 1 5 it says if you lack wisdom to bite the bible says let him ask of god and so in our prayer we should be asking the lord lord give us wisdom give us knowledge lord give us prudence give us an understanding give us discernment give us perception listen i'm telling you saints of god we have to walk in humility and walk in the fear of god and say lord every day lord give us wisdom give us wisdom not our own wisdom not our human understanding but lord give us your wisdom your understanding so that we'll have good insight and good judgment and then the bible goes on to say in proverbs 3 and 7 to be not wise in thine own eyes but fear the lord and depart from evil and i'm just i believe that those of you watching tonight that are alive with us here while we're live on facebook teaching it is written out of the word of god our subject tonight is about solomon our subject is about wisdom it is about two women that stood before solomon with a major concern and it was god that gave wisdom to solomon to be able to solve the dilemma to solve the problem and let's just talk about again those women in their mindset one woman her thoughts were listen i want you king do not let any harm come to the child don't let the baby be split in half because if it split in half with the sword that means the baby will die i'd rather watch you take the baby than to watch the baby be cut in half but the second mother she said listen in other words it doesn't matter it doesn't really matter you can just cut the baby in half and give her a portion and give me a portion and that really shows that she really truly did not care about that baby but her concern was more about you know herself and so the bible says as we look at the word of god the mouth of the righteous uh we talk about the righteousness of god and the wisdom of god remember that proverbs 1 7 says that the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction and again i read to you earlier proverbs 3 and 7 be not wise in thine own eyes but fear the lord and you see the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom begin proverbs 4 6 and 7 says forsake her not and she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep thee wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get an understanding and so we recognize as we're looking in the scripture even in ecclesiastes chapter 2 and verse 26 says for god giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom and knowledge and joy come on now we can stop right there for a minute and see what the word of god says that god says that he giveth to man that is in that is good in his sight those of you that are walking up rightly the upright those of you that are trying with all your might to live according to god's word trying to walk being saved sanctified filled with the holy spirit trying to treat your neighbor right do good unto those around you love your neighbor as yourself the bible says for god give it to a man that is good in his sight wisdom he said i'm gonna give you wisdom i'm going to give you understanding or knowledge and i'm going to give you joy but the bible says but to the sinner he giveth travail to gather to heap up and that he may give to him that is good before god and so look at what the lord is saying that god is going to give to you three things those of you that are walking in the fear of god he said i'm going to give you wisdom and remember that wisdom is the quality of having experience the quality of having knowledge good judgment the quality of being wise not wise in your own abilities your own knowledge but the wisdom of god and that's why sometimes you have to just stop early in the morning when you wake up before you begin your day to say lord just give me wisdom give me understanding i'm not going to depend on my own way my own mind that's why the scripture says to acknowledge god in all of your ways and he will direct your path the steps of a good man they are ordered by the lord and so god is saying that i am going to give you wisdom so you can ask for it ask for it liberally and god will give it to you he said i'll give it to you liberally and upgrade it not and so let's look again at verse uh number 26 where we are looking again at the story about the two women that were disputing about the child in verse 25 and the king said divide the living child into and give hath to the one and half to the other then speak the woman who's the living child was unto the king because her bowels yearned upon her son that was showing that she loved the child that she had an affection for the child and she said my lord in other words you know king don't destroy the child because of the love that love that was within her as a mother and i'm telling you there is something about the love of a mother isn't it wonderful if you those of you that had a wonderful mother that raised you and that taught you in the things of god and the fear of the lord a good mother is a precious thing in the sight of god and in this case it was a good mother that was willing to sacrifice the child uh before having watching it be slayed or to be cut into but the other woman said let it be neither mine or die but divided then the king answered and said give her the living child and in no wise slay it she is the mother thereof and it's just something about a mother i just want to pause right there and just reference there's something about a praying mother a mother that is concerned about a child a mother that is concerned to the point that she's sacrificing and giving of herself giving of her time and i'm saying to you all today that god if you're a mother i want to even ask you to ask the lord to give you wisdom even regarding your children your family i believe that god will give you even more wisdom no it doesn't mean that you don't have it it just when you ask hey humility will make you ask sincerity will make you ask lord god give us wisdom lord don't let us depend on ourselves don't let us depend on our own mind our own thought our own wisdom but lord we want to have your wisdom and your knowledge and your understanding so as we are preparing to conclude tonight's lesson again i want to just revisit proverbs 4 and 7 that says wisdom is the principal thing and some wisdom comes from understanding some wisdom comes from experience some wisdom comes from good judgment and do you know that you can gain wisdom by even seeing some of the decisions of others god will allow you to see amen what is what happens as a result of the some of the decisions that are made in life amen the bible says who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom there's another word connected to wisdom we've talked about wisdom knowledge understanding we've spoken about prudence we've talked about intelligence insight we've talked about understanding but i want you all to know that there is another word connected to wisdom and it is meekness it is having loneliness of heart humility uh proverbs 11 and 2 says when pride cometh then cometh shame but when the lowly with the lowly is wisdom and so tonight i want us to say this prayer together and ask the lord to just endow his people with wisdom with knowledge and with understanding because in the day that we live in now it is imperative that we ask the lord lord give us your wisdom the wisdom of god and so tonight let us prepare to just have a word of prayer before we leave our time of study tonight and again let's honor the lord for giving solomon wisdom and giving him the ability to discern and to to just discern between that which is good and that which is evil and you know the scripture talks about uh the word of god even says that god's word is quick and it's powerful it's sharper than any two-edged sword it pierces piercing dividing asunder joint and marrow soul and spirit it is a discerner of the thoughts and the intent of the heart so when we pray let us ask god lord give us your wisdom endow us with an understanding endow us with your power endow us lord we don't want to rest on our own minds our own thoughts our own abilities but we want to stand in a place where we are trusting god for his wisdom and his understanding again i want to say that solomon is noted in the scripture as one of the wisest men that ever lived even in the proverbs many of the proverbs were written also by solomon and so we're going to pray for those of you tonight i just want to know is there anyone watching who has a spirit of humility that would say pastor kim i want the lord to give me wisdom will you just put that in your subject line i want the lord to give me wisdom i don't want to rely on my own mind my own strength my own ability but i want god to endow me with his wisdom will you just put that in that subject line and say pastor i'm ready for the lord to endow us with wisdom just like god used solomon to be able to solve a major crisis with the wisdom of god he used he was able to get to the truth of the problem which was who was the actual mother of this baby and because of his wisdom that child was spared and we're so grateful because we look at what god did through the life of solomon again while we're praying i want you to just just begin to put in the subject line lord give me wisdom those of you that are humble i know that there are some people that feel like they have attained everything that they've already acquired everything that they need to have there's some people that feel like they don't even need to ask god for his guidance they don't need to ask the lord for his wisdom there are some that feel like they've come to a place where they have nothing else to learn but i tell you this i want to humble myself even more and more and say daily lord show me your ways teach me your statues and i will uphold them with my whole heart everything that's not like you lord take it out everything that is wrong make it right those of you that want wisdom come on let's pray together and let's ask the lord to endow us with his wisdom on tonight father in jesus name we thank you lord for wisdom and we ask father that you will give unto your people tonight a spirit of wisdom and having the quality to experience and have knowledge and to have good judgment father give us the quality that makes us wise give us your wisdom father your word declares in the book of james and if we desire wisdom that we are to ask for it and you said you would give it to us liberally and upgrade it so father we ask for every person that is on the line watching live at this moment i stand in agreement and i set myself in agreement in the spirit that you will crown our heads with wisdom knowledge and understanding and then lord you said you would also give us joy lord bless your people with wisdom but also endow them with joy tonight in the name of jesus lord give us good insight give us good judgment and father we ask for prudence give us the quality of prudence in and allow us to walk and show care and show concern and act for others with a spirit of love and concern in the mighty name of jesus father we thank you for the scripture we thank you for solomon we thank you for the story of the two mothers and lord how you spared the child and how we can learn how god you use solomon to be able to answer a dilemma lord in jesus name lord use your people to be problem solvers help us to walk in a way that we are walking in your wisdom and not our own wisdom in jesus mighty name and father i just honor you i thank you for every person that is on the line tonight and i ask god that you would bless them with length of days and with understanding god give us all wisdom give us knowledge and understanding for your glory and for your honor and then father we walk in the fear of god today what we honor you and we say that we walk in the fear and reverence of you but you said that that the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom and so we want to be prudent we want to be wise we want to be understanding lord like you gave solomon an understanding heart give us an understanding heart and give your people wisdom tonight and we ask it humbly and we ask for the meekness of wisdom and then we ask that you will give it to us in abundance you said you would upgrade it not if we'll just ask for it and we're not too full of pride to just stop and say lord give us your wisdom tonight in jesus mighty name and father quicken us by your power let us walk in love let us walk in the demonstration of the love of god and we'll give you glory we'll give you honor and all the praise shall be thine forever in the precious and the mighty and the matchless name of jesus christ we pray amen and amen listen before we go i just want to say hello to some of you that's on the line tonight and to loose upon you the prayer for the spirit of wisdom i believe that god is giving unto his people the spirit of wisdom knowledge and understanding and don't forget he's also going to give you joy joy like a river and he's going to allow good to manifest in your life all right we're ready we're going to say hello god bless you to some of the names that i can see here on the screen at this time we're going to say hello to sister rose nicholson god bless you sister rose we praise the lord for sister tammy praise god god bless you sister tammy we honor the lord for sister lisa amen we praise god for sister doris jackson god bless you sister doris thank you so much for staying with us during this time we also want to honor the lord for sister shalena west and for brother kelly god bless you both in jesus name god bless you sister patricia rogers and she's watching from memphis to see thank you so much for watching we're there not too long ago uh in a wonderful church uh the temple of deliverance we thank god for the pastor and his wife we also want to thank god for sister alice fay sister taylor god bless you and brother taylor we honor the lord for you all today let us all ask for wisdom if you're still on the line with us i want you to just go to that subject line tell me where you're uh watching from and also put in there lord i want you to give me wisdom god bless you to brother kenneth mercer thank you brother kenneth praise the lord god bless you sister m.c praise god god bless you sister cynthia bolton she's watching from georgia thank you for watching for georgia praise god we also want to thank god for those of you watching from los angeles california i see you sister deshay ward and we want to thank god for those of you that are watching praise the lord hi sister gail you all the names are going so fast up the screen i'm trying to keep up with everybody but i want to say god bless you too sister jocelyn king god bless you from nashville thank you jocelyn for watching i see someone watching from mobile alabama god bless you sister linda carter praise the lord we thank god for i think i said hi but hi to sister christy hello to sister yvette sister yvette francis we thank god for you thank god for you cleveland ohio brother linda sister linda paul wait i saw someone from hawaii praise the lord i can't wait to come visit hawaii we also want to thank the lord for those of you that are watching from chicago god bless you brother robert long so good to see your name bless you also we want to thank god for sister kathy toodle who's watching from columbus georgia and we have a messenger maria finlander who's watching from the caribbean of jamaica jamaica god bless you sis thank you for watching oh and to all of our jamaican brothers and sisters in the lord may i send you the pure love of god and the blessings of the lord that make rich and add no sorrow with it god bless you we love you in jesus name oh i see more people let's go uh sister lucy from new orleans thank you sister lucy for tuning in from new orleans i'm just really glad to see the saints watching from mobile alabama also from orlando florida hi child of god from orlando florida and listen i see brother henry clark from angie ray ministries god bless you brother henry we're glad to see you tonight praise the lord and we also glad to see sister janice who's watching um i'm sorry her name is cover but we thank you sister janice for watching uh she is from san diego california wow what a blessing thank you to all of our family and friends and partners in california we honor the lord for all of you today and we bless you in jesus name i see someone from jacksonville florida sister ann and then i see my brother brother h dean johnson from indiana god bless you my brother i appreciate you so much also i thank god for sister ann i've already said from jacksonville florida all right i see sister kimberly scott from new york freeport new york oh my goodness i want to send the love of god to all of our friends in new york um goodness gracious i truly appreciate the saints from the new york area you guys are just a blessing to our ministry and we just want you to know that we love you all right i'll be over just a few more moments i'd see someone from new jersey god bless you sister moyet from new jersey um and i thank you i see the saints asking the lord to give you wisdom that's absolutely extraordinary god bless you sister nadine from memphis tennessee we love you god bless you sister sarita sarita is from new york god bless you sarita and all of the saints of god our family and friends there we genuinely love you all i love you all with the love of jesus christ i wish we can all do a group hug and just greet one another in fellowship and in love tonight again i truly appreciate you all someone said hello is that from queens amen i believe that's from queens but blessings to you from queens praise the lord and also uh someone is saying sister marilyn from los angeles um and jeanette warren from washington dc thank you and jeanette for watching with us tonight we so appreciate you and appreciate the love of god and thank god for all of you god bless you sister sylvia i love you praise the lord sister rogers we appreciate you being a part of our live tonight i want you all to know that i loose upon you the love of god god bless you apostle hall i see you there and i appreciate you all right i just see somebody from down south i see someone from hattiesburg mississippi god bless you sis praise the lord and also praise the lord to sister lisa i believe her name is lisa pratt she said virtual hud see you well again i just thank god for all of you all and i want to ask all of you all if you don't mind if you've been blessed by the teaching about wisdom tonight and the teaching of wisdom knowledge and understanding we're on a little extra late tonight will you share this teaching right now think about one of your friends or prayer partners that would appreciate hearing about the wisdom of god in the book of kings and all of the scriptures we shared in the proverbs listen right now don't wait share it post it tag it share it with someone right now and let them know that you were blessed by the teaching about the wisdom of god god bless you from houston texas i love you big big big hugs i see someone from minnesota praise the lord god bless you someone from south carolina may the lord bless and keep you i thank god for all of you i just feel the love of god for the saints tonight and i thank god listen again share it post and tag right now tell someone you have got to hear this teaching it will be a blessing to you again thank you may the lord bless and keep you i shall see you all next week right here on it is written share it with a friend right now and let them know that you've been blessed be blessed you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 1,710
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Id: pJzOyoi5dG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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