Saturday Prayer "LIVE"

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hello everyone god bless you this is pastor kimberly and i am incredibly excited today about praying with and for you and um of course those of you that follow the ministry know that prayer is just it's in our dna it's a part of our lives it's something that we learn very early um in our childhood and i just want to say good afternoon to everyone good afternoon um before we get started i just want to give you some of the uh requests that i have for you today and the number one request is is that you would just post or tag and tell someone that we are live um i especially want to see the members of angie ray ministries on our feed today i want to see your name so if you see that some of our members aren't on there please tell them pastor wants to see you on our prayer call today and so instead of being on our conference call we're just going to pray uh live here on facebook i want to say god bless you good afternoon hello to all of you hello i see you're coming in oh my goodness i see someone um coming in from alexandria virginia god bless you i see a man of god there a woman of god um there from florida yes tell me where you're watching from and we're going to have a word of prayer today i feel a sense of optimism i feel like god is getting ready to move on behalf of the saints of god that's praying and again i want you all to please let me know good afternoon i see you sister marla i see you i see you sister stephanie sister stephanie she says i'm pretty much a member isn't that the truth i know you just live in detroit but we absolutely love you god bless you my dear listen again i before we start praying i want many people to be blessed by today's intercession and i really want you to just take a minute and post and tag and share and also i want to ask you all to subscribe to our youtube channel to subscribe to become a part of it get ready just allow the lord to bless you with all of our upcoming events and we've got some exciting news for angie ray ministries coming up really soon um i'll be able to share it with you um as the days go by but listen come on in come on in again subscribe today to ang rey ministries and uh begin to follow us and know that we are going to lift up the name of jesus and so we just honor the lord for all of you again i just want to give you one more minute to tell the saints listen we're getting ready to pray and we're going to pray through today and i just thank god again for each and every one of you that's here live with us on today i want you all to know that god is good and he's faithful he's just and we just want to praise and honor him today the bible says men should always pray and not faint and so we want to pray in the spirit and ask god to move in our lives today and to have his way um if you're sick in your body if you know someone that is not feeling well or someone is very sick tell them to just come on in we're getting ready to go into prayer and so i want you all to prepare and let us go into prayer at this time pardon me and again i still feel that god is going to do something spectacular today on behalf of the saints of god so again you're watching pastor kimberly i'm excited and we're getting ready to pray um also i want to just take a minute god bless you pastor dinard i see you from arizona uh oh my goodness so many of you coming in bless you i want to take a minute and praise god for the sunshine for the breeze for the beautiful day that he has given unto us it's another day that the lord has kept us and so we praise him because he is in control and so let us begin our time of prayer at this time in jesus name father god in the name of jesus we thank you for your word we thank you lord for every person that is on this call today on this live facebook time of prayer time of intercession a time lord of petitions and a time to beseech you and so father today in jesus name we thank you that you are our deliverer that you are our maker that you are our builder and father we just come humbly as we know how we humble ourselves in your presence we humble ourselves lord and we ask father that you will touch your people now for your glory father i thank you that you are god and beside you there is none other and lord we just praise you right now that you are still yet in control and lord your word declares that i reckon for the suffering of this present time is not to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us father in jesus name i just take time to thank you lord for those that have been going through a season of suffering lord those that have been facing a job experience i ask you lord to give them strength give them courage give them stamina in the midst of every trial in the midst of every test father those that are going through distress and hardship lord those that have been going through a physical challenge mental challenge emotional challenge lord we pray right now that you will allow your hand to touch them in the name of jesus father god in jesus name i thank you that you are giving unto us the victory your word declares now thanks be unto god who gives us the victory and calls us to triumph through christ jesus father in the name of jesus we thank you for every prayer that is prevailing every prevailing prayer lord your word declares that we are to confess our faults before you so we humble ourselves now we repent lord of everything that is not like you we ask lord that you will cleanse our hearts and take everything out that would be displeasing in your sight wash us thoroughly from our sin wash us thoroughly from our iniquities in the name of jesus lord anything that is abominable in your sight lord as your people we come before you as a people today as a picture before a full fountain and we ask lord that you will wash us and cleanse us and purify your people now in the name of jesus father we pray today like jeremiah oh that our head were waters and our eyes a fountain of tears that we would weep for the slain of the daughter of our people father god in the name of jesus we ask that you will have mercy have mercy in the city streets we cry out for mercy today we cry for mercy lord in the land of violence in areas where there's so much cruelty so much violence so much retaliation and anger and jealousy in the streets but lord we ask for your mercy today in jesus name father i take a moment and i lift up young black males and young men that have been under siege by the enemy i ask lord that you will cover them in the precious blood of jesus and lord i ask that you will allow your effectual and effective prayers to move in the land in jesus mighty name father god in the name of jesus we are praying prayers that prevail prayers of strength prayers lord that will be effectual and effective in your in your presence in the name of jesus and father today i pray in a posture of strength a prayer posture of authority for you gave unto us authority in your word for your word declares in isaiah lord that no weapon that is formed against us will prosper and even the tongue that rise against us in judgment thou shalt condemn father in the name of jesus you told us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down of imaginations every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god so father right now we decree and we declare and we pull down every assignment every stronghold over your people over every man over every woman over every family over every marriage over the young people the young adult oh god every generation we pray for them now in jesus mighty name lord we thank you for the power of god we thank you lord that you told us lord lord for us to walk in liberty and be not entangled again with the yokes of bondage lord break every chain from over your people break the chains of bondage break every assignment break every yoke break every entanglement over relationships i pray now for those that have been bound in the area of fornication those that have ungodly soul ties those that have been involved in relationships that are ungodly i asked father in the name of jesus that you now lord will begin to break every yoke every chain lord i pray for that young man that is trying to break free from an emotional tie from a sinful time lord i thank you for the spirit of god and for the holy ghost that is breaking the yoke from over his life right now in the name of jesus father give him the strength and the courage to walk away from every ungodly relationship in jesus mighty name lord i pray for that woman that is trying to break free from the spirits of fornication all the spirits of adultery the spirits that keep pulling her back into relationships that's causing a demise of the soul a demise of the mind i break it in the name of jesus christ today lord that woman that is crying out trying to break free lord in jesus name i thank you for the prayers that availeth much and lord in the name of jesus i ask you now that you will begin to quicken your people by your power i bind every stronghold of the spirits of perversion lord i pray for that young man that young woman that's trying to break free from the the strain and the assignment of the flesh we break it now in the name of jesus and father i thank you for your word i ask lord that you will teach your people your word so that they can fight and combat the assignments of the enemy in jesus name lord we come before you in humility we come before you in sincerity we come before you god because god you are holy god you are righteous you are just lord i love to say it that you are august and you are incomprehensible oh god we thank you that you are god you have all power you're omnipotent and you're omniscient lord you're everywhere present at the same time beholding the good as well as the evil father we thank you that you're i'm not present and we honor you today lord we honor you because you are sovereign lord you sit high and you look low and so we call on you today lord you are our god you are our maker and we praise you today we thank you lord that you are giving unto us the nine graces of the fruit of the spirit and we ask lord that you will allow your people today to walk in the love of god we ask that you will strengthen your people with the spirit of agape love lord give your people a love for one another lord feel the hearts of the saints with the love of god lord we bind the spirits of division we bind the spirits of strife we bind strongholds of contention we bind this spirit that's in the earth of fighting and warring one against the other in the mighty name of jesus and then god we thank you for the love of god and we thank you for joy today and lord in jesus mighty name i release the love of god and the joy of the lord that is our strength strengthen us today lord with joy we thank you lord that joy is an emotion of well-being it's an emotion of strength of happiness of delight and i loose the spirit of joy the joy of the lord that is our strength on your people on today in jesus mighty name we thank you for love we thank you for joy we thank you for peace and now god i speak the peace of god that passes all understanding to keep the hearts and the minds of your saints lord in the name of jesus i thank you that they deserve peace i release the peace that passes all understanding strengthen your people in the area of the mind father right now we know that the mind is the battleground of the adversary the mind is the striking place where the enemy fights but father in the name of jesus we thank you for the spirit of the living god and you told us to put our minds on you you said whose mind it stayed upon thee that you will keep us in perfect peace and so father right now i lose the peace of god in the mind i bind up anxiety anguish of mind mental the struggles in the thoughts we bind up spirits that are attacking the minds of your people in the name of jesus lord i lose a spirit of peace in the thoughts i ask you now god that you will strengthen your church strengthen the minds of your people now in the name of jesus and not only give them love and joy and peace but lord just crown them with gentleness and with meekness and father we thank you for the meekness of your holy spirit we thank you lord that those that you are giving lord to walk in humility and meekness strengthen them in that area today in jesus name lord we thank you for the spirit of long-suffering lord we know that this suffering that we're presently going through as a people is not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in your church father god in the name of jesus lord you gave us as christians to walk in morality walk lord in integrity to manifest your spirit and god we thank you lord for the love the joy the peace the gentleness the goodness and the faith and the meekness and the temperance and god we thank you for long suffering we father thank you right now that as we are your people as we are your church help us to go through every trial and test help us to go through with victory help us to go through with strength and help us to stand on your word lord help your people to walk worthy of the vocation lord that we have been called to in jesus mighty name father i thank you for the spirit of tranquility thank you lord for the spirit of freedom thank you father for harmony that you allowing to rest on your church in the name of jesus and father right now i pray i pray that you will bless every pastor every evangelist every teacher every leader god bless right now lord the five-fold ministry we thank you for the prophet for the teacher for the evangelist for the apostle for the pastors and right now lord i ask that you will bless every pastor and i ask you lord that you will teach them and bless them to preach the word help them father to be instant in season and out of season lord i ask that you will touch your pastors and allow them lord not to be fearful to rebuke and to reprove with all longsuffering and right now father i thank you that you will allow your saints your preachers lord to preach the word of god lord we thank you father today that we know in the last days that your word declares that people will have itching ears lord that they will be a people that will be rebellious and stubborn that will not hear your word but god you said that you will make our foreheads as a flint and you told us lord lord to stand on your word and to speak the word of god and so we declare your word we declare it and we proclaim it and we speak it and we live it and we say it lord that your word is true and we thank you for the word of god today oh god thy word have we hid in our hearts that we might not sin against you so right now god hi help us to hide the word help us lord to stand on your word bless the evangelist that is traveling and speaking your word cover them in the blood keep them safe lord even from the virus lord i pray for the apostles that you have assigned to set the things in order set the house in order the church in order bless them now god in the name of jesus lord look on the real prophets of god those that are saying thus saith the lord father i pray for the prophets for we know that it's an isolated walk thank you lord we know that the prophet has an isolated way we know that the prophet has a heart and a difficult time at times because they speak your word and often people don't want to hear it but in the name of jesus i thank you lord for breathing on the prophet thank you lord for touching them now helping them to have your word in jesus name lord bless the deacons in the church bless the trustees help them to be sober help them to stand on your word even now in jesus name let them be a holy example of your grace a holy example of your spirit in jesus name and god right now i pray for those that are bereaved those that have lost family members and loved ones that have passed away lord even in our world we are watching lord and you snatch our generals out of the earth and lord they have been walking even into your presence and right now god i pray for churches that have lost their loved ones lost their pastors lost their leaders father right now i lift up the churches even today that have lost their leaders and i pray lord that you in jesus name will comfort them with the comfort of the holy spirit wrap your loving arms around your people wrap your loving arms around your church in the name of jesus father there have been so many around the nation that have had lord funerals and hatch memorial services because of losing their leaders and i pray for churches lord that you will let them be unified lord often when the shepherd leaves the sheep are scattered but today lord i pray for the church i ask lord that you will let them walk in victory walk in unity walk in oneness for your glory and for your honor and right now god i pray i even pray in detroit lord for those that have been affected by the death of mother stacks oh god your vessel that you place in the earth lord to shoot forth the men and the women of god in the spirit and to lord teach them your ways and to teach them holiness and sanctification and how to give god lord a clean life and father right now i pray for the church for for shalom i pray father for those that have been affected by the death of this great woman of god and lord i ask that everyone that she ever laid hands on that she ever gave a handkerchief to and wrapped it around their necks for every person that she ever prayed for and preached to that today that they would take the time and glean from what she taught them and stand as vessels in the earth and stand as representations of our legacy lord let the spirit of holiness begin to sweep the nation lord let the spirit of prayer begin to sweep our nation let the fire of god lord break forth in the lives of your saints and those that have been weeping all night and crying all morning lord mourning the loss of mother i ask god that you will give them strength that you will give them hope that you will build them up lord and let them set their eyes on you in jesus mighty name oh god you said for us to call unto me and i will answer thee and show you great and mighty things and so god i pray now in the name of jesus i pray lord that you will strengthen the church lord that those that are set in place to lead that the lord will stand in the holy place lord let the spirit of consecration rest on the church let a fasting spirit begin to rest on the church father those that have been raised in the things of god that have strayed away from it lord bring them back to it today look on the backsliders in jesus name those that have walked away from the house of god walked away from you father bring them back into the fold in jesus mighty name i cry out to you today o lamb of god strengthen your people now for your glory and for your honor help us to do your will help us to stand strong help the church around the nation help us to stay in a place of humility help us to cry out to you like never before lord we thank you for how you have used our predecessors those that went before us those that we stand on their shoulders today we thank you lord for those that have influenced and inspired our lives we thank you for those that have gone home to be with the lord but god in the name of jesus we know that we can look unto jesus the lord you are still the author and the finisher of our faith in times of loss in times of sadness in times of sorrow you said come unto me all ye that are labored and heavy laden and i'll give you rest father god in the name of jesus i lose a rest upon your people i loose a peace upon them i loose a fire upon them now in jesus mighty name oh my savior we need you today we need you like never before god i thank you i thank you lord for how you use our late apostles i thank you lord for how you use our late mothers and our fathers we thank you for how you use apostle hinton to be an evangelist and a soul winner one that had revivals for weeks at a time god we thank you lord for the late dr angie ray the house she labored for hours and hours in prayer lord i thank you for how i saw her lord on her knees at times and then sitting in a chair at times i saw her when she was younger lord as she prayed and cried on the phone for apostles and leaders and pastors and teachers and evangelists and prophets so god i thank you for what they left in the earth i thank you for all of their investment thank you lord for the late mother boyd and how she prayed and left a mantle of prayer in the earth i thank you lord for how you gave unto her lord how to cry out to you i thank you lord for how you trained her and she trained the masses i thank you lord for all of the ones that you have used in the past thank you lord even for a pastor fred price who was one that taught the faith of god and taught faith in the earth and taught your people that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god he taught the saints to walk by faith and not by sight he taught the saints that lord without faith that is impossible to please you lord we thank you father we thank you for smith's wigglesworth we thank you lord for bishop mason we thank you for all that were affected even by the azusa revivals we thank you lord for all that were a part of the early church that moved in god in your presence and in your power but god today how y'all don't see another little shender today lord thank you lord for all of the ones you've used in the past but god we need you today to let a revival hit our nation we need you today god to let your fire fall in our nation we need you today lord to let our revival of holiness sanctification and honor of you lord let it break forth like never before we thank you for what you did in the past but god we need you today to have your way and to move in our lives in jesus mighty name and god we'll just glorify you and give you all of the praise all of the honor all of the glory will bless you and we'll magnify you for having your way in our lives and we praise you for it now somebody just begin to put in the subject line lord move today thank you for yesterday but god yesterday is gone lord we need you to raise up apostles raise up pastors raise up bishops raise up leaders that will stand in the oracles of god and preach your word preach it in season and out of season lord we ask that you will raise up people that will stand on the word of god that is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing dividing asunder joint and marrow soul and spirit is a discerner of the thoughts and the very intents of the heart lord we cry out to you today to move in our time move in our day so god we're willing to fast and pray we're willing to invest time in intercession and standing in the gap for others and lord we glean from your word and we pour from your word and we gather your scriptures and we we ask you lord to just put your word down in our hearts and father give us lord the wind of your spirit let your anointing rest in our lives like never before in jesus mighty name we thank you lord jesus that you are our mediator that you're our strong tower that you're our defense we thank you lord that you are root out of dry ground father we thank you that you've been with us lord yesterday and today and forevermore we thank you lord that you are jesus christ of nazareth and right now i pray for those that are sick in their bodies i pray for those that are in need of deliverance i pray right now for those that need a touch from heaven i ask you in the name of jesus christ that you will allow your spirit to breathe on those that are sick those that are shut in those that are indeed of a breakthrough i loose upon them even now the power of the holy ghost and the healing power of god in jesus mighty name i say to you today to rise and be healed in the name of jesus glory be to god well i'm gonna take a break for just a moment amen and we have another powerful woman of god amen on with us on today and we're going to amen allow her to have words into amen say a word of prayer in just a moment but i just want to thank god for how the lord is moving and how he is blessing us in his holy spirit glory be to god and thank you lord jesus for those that are on the line and right now those of you that are watching this prayer i want you if you agree with the prayer today all i want you to put in the subject line is yes lord yes lord that's what i want you to say yes lord yes to your will yes to your way yes to your word yes to your spirit yes to sanctification yes to holiness yes to walking upright yes lord to the praises of god thank you father for your praises on today thank you that we can do all things through christ who strengthens us thank you lord that you are lord above and not beneath you given unto us to be the head and not the tale so right now in jesus name we thank you lord for everything that you have done and for everything that you're going to do in the name of jesus glory to god hallelujah one more time i want you to just go into that um your subject line as we are praying today and i want you to begin to hallelujah we're trying to get our assistant pastor jd are on the line we're trying to get her on praise god but before she comes i just want to say again that we are standing in the gap for the fivefold ministry today and we're standing in the gap for the saints of god god is great and he's greatly to be praised i want to just tell you today hallelujah that we can feel the anointing we can feel the power of god as we are praying on the line today in the name of jesus i want to praise god for those that are watching listen i want to thank god for sister sherry sister sherry wilson that is watching right now she's asking for prayer for bishop everett let us pray for him at this time father in jesus name we pray for bishop everett right now everett jefferson lord that that you will touch and that you will heal him and that you will raise him up for your glory father i touch and agree with the woman of god at this moment lord that in jesus name that you will by your power begin to manifest your anointing and lord i pray that in the name of jesus that you will touch tamika wilson for total healing in the name of jesus christ and lord i just set myself in agreement lord with sister judith mason morgan that is just asking lord in the name of jesus i stand in agreement with her for victory in her life victory with her family victory with her children victory in her life in jesus mighty name lord i pray for tracy bailey that is on the call today i ask that you will lift her up that you will strengthen her by your power in the name of jesus christ our peace our soon king i thank you lord for bringing her into a new realm in the spirit father i thank you for mother emma perkins right now lord i praise you for a mighty prayer warrior a woman of god that's been praying and interceding for others for decades i lift her up and up in your presence and lord even as she cries bless him in her praises i ask lord that you will let her praise lord i ask that you will let it multiply upon those that are around her let it begin to go forth and to breathe in her life and then breathe in the lives of others in jesus mighty name glory be to god by god in the name of jesus i thank you for quintella more i'm lifting her up i ask that you will strengthen her surround her with your strength surround her with your power surround her with your spirit now in jesus mighty name lord touch regina logan lord touch right now touch us to melvina chamberlain oh god i thank you for the woman of god lord give her joy today father i release a shout i release a victory i release a praise in her life lord bless her family bless her husband and her children in jesus mighty name i call them out one by one and name by name for your glory and for your honor in the name of jesus i thank you for olivia young oh my father she's asking for prayer for for continual healing and so i thank you lord for healing now i speak a word of strength a word of healing a word of deliverance in jesus mighty name and then lord i pray right now for pastor dinard i ask god that you will bless his endeavors i lose favor upon him i ask you lord that you will open doors that no man can close that you will strengthen him encourage his heart breathe upon him today in jesus name lord i thank you right now lord that for every person that is asking for prayer that you will multiply and manifest in their lives for the glory of god in jesus mighty name and lord i just thank you and i praise you for victory and i call it done in jesus name amen and amen listen i thank the lord for those of you that have been watching amen our time of prayer today and i want to just give you all a few announcements and let you know what we're doing here at angie ray ministries i want you to know today amen that god is doing a great work amen and we are believing and trusting the lord to have his way in our lives on tomorrow morning i want to invite you to join me as i'm the guest speaker tomorrow for a precious man of god and his wife i thank god for pastor corey amen corwin lassenby senior and we will be with him on tomorrow morning listen if you're in chicago i'll be preaching in chicago tomorrow sunday morning at that september 26th at 9 00 a.m and we will be sharing the word of god it is an outdoor service a park and praise and so i just want you all to know that we'll be there at um it's an outdoor service but it's at the location of 86 57 south burley avenue and that's in chicago illinois again that's 86 57 south burley avenue in chicago illinois and the host pastor is pastor corin lesson b and will be there to be the special guest on tomorrow and that will be exactly at nine o'clock a.m in the city of chicago so i encourage you to join us those of you that are in the vicinity let's lift up jesus and give him all of the honor and all of the praise in the outdoor uh park and praise service also i want to mention that tomorrow at two o'clock p.m we will be back at our service in the city of chicago at uh in the city of madison at two o'clock p.m at 4013 lindenwood drive and i want to ask all of you in our area to join us saints we have been having a time in the lord god has been blessing us in a mighty way and i just want to invite you again to join us at two o'clock tomorrow we'll be at 4013 lindenwood drive outdoors we'll be outside praying preaching speaking the word of god and god is going to move by his spirit i also want to let you know that every monday night we have a time of intercession praise the lord i'm a little tickled you all are our uh the man that does all of the grounds for the churches right outside the window praise god but listen join us on a time of intercession we're on every monday night live on the word network we'll be on this monday night again just sharing the gospel of jesus christ and for those of you that want to communicate with us listen i want to tell you you can take down this address you can write to us at arm that's 4013 lindenwood drive and that's in madison illinois 60443 you can be a part of this great ministry we also want to say to you right now that want to sow into the ministry and want to be a blessing i want to encourage you even now to go to angie ray ministries to go to giblifie or to just do cash app angie ray ministries i want you to sow a seed today and this seed is just to say yes lord to this prayer to just a seed that's saying pastor kim you've been praying for us today and i believe what you're praying god's going to bring it to pass so i'm saying yes lord again you can sow your seed of 7 77 or the very best gift that you have sow it today in the name of the lord jesus christ i also want to mention amen that god is doing something great in angie ray ministries all of our members are aware of what we have coming up and i tell you it's going to start tomorrow but i tell you our members are coming together every day next week it's just for our members and we're coming together and i'll give you all more information about that on tomorrow praise the name of the lord so again we praise god for all of you that have been watching us and we thank the lord for your love and for your support and again if you've been blessed even through the prayers today i want to ask you to just put in your subject line yes lord yes lord give him the glory the honor and the praise and he's going to bless you in jesus name well we we were trying to get our sister on the air with us today and we're not able to but even so i bless her right now in the name of jesus and i bless all of the members of the church on the rock i just want to tell you all i love you i thank god for you i give god the glory the honor and the praise for all of you that have been a part of angie ray ministries and again thank you all for being a part of this time of prayer i love you i praise god for you and i'll see you all real soon in jesus name god bless i love you in the name of the lord you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 2,528
Rating: 4.8562875 out of 5
Id: M-pHCfW-sok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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