A Time of Intercession

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you may win i thank god tonight for pastor kimberly ray who's not with us on tonight we love you pastor kim those beautiful race sisters cheryl and tanya and of course that wonderful church on the rock where in matching illinois 4013 lindenwood drive if you're ever in the area come on by and join in with us as we celebrate being saved sanctified and filled with the holy ghost join in with us as we seek the lord as we hear god's word i want you to know this is a wonderful place where you can come for fellowship forsaking not the assembling of yourselves together we have parking lot services on sunday at 2 p.m won't you keep in touch with us by going to angieraidministries.com and we want you to go on our website and keep in touch with us and let us know that you're watching if you want to send pastor kim an email a prayer request you can by going to k-ray at angieraidministries.com send your testimonies and let her know that the preaching and the praying and the words of prophecy are not in vain and that god is answering our prayers we do want to hear from you i tell you we really do and we look forward to it pastor kim reads your email and she will respond if you like to write to us you may do so by sending all correspondence to p.o box 1104 matson illinois 6043 and i also want to take this opportunity to thank each of you who are partnering with us by giving in your seed and sowing into ministry for those of you that are saying we want you girls to keep on going on in the name of jesus let the broadcast continue let ministry continue we want to say thank you we appreciate every seed everything that you all are sowing to help us further in the ministry and if you say well i've not had a chance to give or i like to give again i want you to know you can go to giblify and search out angie ray ministries you can sew that way or you can sew by cash app with using the dollar sign angie ray ministries and we appreciate every seed listen some of you the lord has spoken to you god has truly given you a seed to sow somebody out there tonight you may want to sow 10 000 hundred thousand dollars someone said well pastor denise i don't have that much but i want to sow five dollars whatever it is that god has laid on your heart to sow into ministry we want to say thank you we don't often stop and ask but tonight i am asking and i loose abundant blessings upon you in the name of the lord and i've been reading uh in psalms 118 i thank god for apostle john eckhart one of our brothers in the lord who has been talking about the psalms in psalms 118 and in in a certain verse in that particular uh passage of scripture says lord we we plead we act of you to let prosperity come now and therefore i lose prosperity upon each one of you in the name of the lord that will continue to sow and help angie ray ministries as we go further to carry out the vision that god has given to pastor kim i really love you guys in jesus name i also want to say tonight to those of you that are grieving we thank god for mother dr gertrude stacks a wonderful woman of god someone that we love the racist has loved her dearly and she loved us from the shalom temple and the shalom fellowship international in detroit michigan we send our condolences and our prayers for all of her children in the gospel co-laborers in the gospel we want you to know that the church on the rock we are praying for you you know i was telling someone on tonight i remember having a few encounters with mother saxon uh i'll never forget one in particular we were at a dinner and i was sitting next to her and as i was sitting next to her the lord spoke a word to me for her but pastor denise at the time i was younger and i you know had a drawback spirit and all of that and so i heard what the lord said and it was a a form of a rebuke in a way and i was like i'm not getting ready to tell this lady if i'm not gonna say this to her and about maybe three or four minutes passed and there was another sister and brother in the lord and i believe they're watching tonight and they were just cracking up because mother stax looked at me and she said so you just not gonna tell me what the lord is saying huh and i was surprised first of all that she knew that the lord had spoken it to me and then i was like oh lord i have to say this to her and so i told her what the lord had given me and she said to me simply that's the lord it's correct and and you got to stop drawing back and let god use you and so they continue to talk and we laughed and went on and then the lord said something else to me about her and i wasn't going to say that either saying so just being honest because i admired her and i had a reverence for the anointing on her life and i tell you at that moment she looked at me again and she said so you still gonna be hard-headed and not would say what thus saith the lord and i was like well it's kind of a rebuke she said well rebuke me in the name of the lord and i told him what the lord had said and and we all again we laughed it was such a blessing and she told me that she was going to obey and that it was truly the lord what the lord had given pastor denise to say to her and so i want you all to know that she was a gym a diamond and we love her and we love you and we really are praying for those of you that are grieving on tonight and that will miss her we all will miss her and most of all the anointing that she carried let us pray for that family and for their church family in jesus name amen and i want you all to also remember that this is a season at the church on the rock this is a month that we are praising and magnifying the name of the lord the enemy has set forth a plot and a plan to cause god's people to do a lot of murmuring complaining and fussing and you know not really seeing the the blessings of the lord not understanding that the lord is with us and that we're in this world but we're not of this world and all of the things that are going on around us should affect us a little differently and that we have the victory through christ jesus and so pastor kim told us that she heard us praising god and at the church on the rock we're in a revival of praise and i want to lose that same anointing on you tonight want you to be encouraged just to praise god lift up your voices and give god the glory yes excuse me i know that many people are going physical bodies you are your finances or you know in so many different areas but god is still good and he's greatly to be praised when you begin to think about the goodness of jesus when you begin to think about how marvelous and wonderful he is and how merciful he is i want to know if you would join the church on the rock and just begin to praise god in your individual homes and begin to give god glory praise them when you wake up in the morning praise them during the day praise them even right now and i'm not talking about that praise you know how sometimes thank you jesus hallelujah yes lord no i'm not talking about a carnal earthly praise one that you're just coming out of your throat i want you to praise him out of your belly praise him out of your heart really thank him for who he is and for what he is he told us in everything to give thanks i know sometimes it's difficult to praise god through trouble through death through sickness through frustration through wantons and wantedness and through many things you're going through but i guarantee you when you begin to praise the lord he will lift you and the bible says that the joy of lord is your strength and there's a strength that comes over the saints of god when you begin to praise the lord there's no reason for us as a people to allow the enemy to take our praise that's what he's wanted all the time he wanted the praises of the same praises that were given to god satan wanted those praises to be given to him don't you let this the devil your life and the enemy that's around you satisfied with the praises that you give to him by murmuring and complaining and by not living holy and not doing what you're supposed to do as a wonderful child of god but loose yourself in jesus name and give thanks unto the lord for he's worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the lord is truly worthy to be praised don't you know when you begin to think we're in the church world many of you that may not know that in the church where many testimonies started out when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah and i thank god for saving me well where is that same praise you ought to get up in the middle of your living room in your bedroom and say the same thing that when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah and i thank god for saving me when you really begin to praise god he will lift you you know the praises are for him but most of our lives you've heard when the praises go up the blessings come down the lord inhabits the praises of his people and when you begin to praise the name of the lord he will pour out on you the lord loves to be in fellowship with his people he loves to be in fellowship with his children so the one of a good way is for you to just start saying thank you jesus thank you lord lord my soul love you lord i praise you for waking me up i pray some people say well that's denise i praise the lord and i don't feel nothing well you ought to keep praising him until you do praise them until you're lifted and you know what i want to know this if you all i know that we've been hearing so much on the news about so many different sicknesses and you know so many different variants and you all know what i'm talking about but i want to know where are the saints that would say i have a testimony i'm not been sick i'm not sick you ought to put in your comments on tonight i've been made whole if you have been sick and god has healed your body then you should say i'm healed in the name of jesus for those of you that may say hey pastor denise i've not been sick at all you ought to put it in your comments the lord has kept me through the virus the lord has kept my body he's kept me from sickness and disease give god the glory for that and those of you that may have had it and you've gone through the process and now you've been healed put it in the comments god brought me out the lord jesus brought me out and he wonderful in the amazing and i want you to know today that because of calvary there's a an anointing of healing the bible says by the stripes of his son jesus you're already healed so tonight i lose healing for those of you that are watching and are listening healing in your emotions healing in your mind healing in your body killing in your finances healing in your marriages i lose healing over your children and healing in your your psyche and healing in your feet from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet those of you that are going through with cancers and with hard heart issues and blood issues and headaches and listen the devil is a liar and we loose upon you the healing virtue of jesus christ but i want you to praise god for it praise him for what you don't feel like praising them for i remember um once you know you are many of you that have followed the ray sisters for a long time knew that pastor denise was a sickly child and growing up in my teen years adult years and i remember one day that i was feeling terrible and i could barely breathe and going through my body and all of that and my mother dr ray she was sitting across from me and she looked at me and she said denise praise him and i said thank you jesus thank you she said you not praise him i want you to praise him out of your soul come on and i was so weak in my body and she said let the weak say that i'm strong she said put god's word into action and so i was saying okay and she began to quote different scriptures and so i want you to let the word be a frontlet before your eyes whatever you're going through find a scripture to stand on according to what you're going through and stand on it and believe it have faith that god is going to do it and then praise him for it she asked me she said do you believe god i said yes ma'am she said god is a god that he cannot lie neither is he the son of man that he should repent so praise him because his word is true i started saying thank you jesus thank you jesus she said uh-uh don't praise him in sorrow praise him with joy and then she said think about what god has done think about how many times the lord has brought you out come on saints i want you to get in your mind and think about for a moment this time last year the year before this in 1975 in 2021 what were you doing in 1967 some of you some of you the lord has brought all the way from the 60s and the 50s some even from the 40s god has never failed you he's never let you down so reach into the archives of your mind and pull it up in the front of your face and say wait a minute i've been sick before and god healed me i was broke before and the lord made a way out of no way before i didn't see a way but the lord fixed it for me and lord i want to just say thank you i didn't have a home in the lord gave me a miracle and blessed me with keys come on testify in the comments and let somebody know that god will never fail see the devil wants to bury your testimony but you are overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the words of your testimony and then she begins to say say it out of your mouth i shall not die but live and i begin to say i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord in the midst of the congregation i shall not die but live and speak forth the oracles of god come on church i'm calling you out of your close places on tonight and i lose a hallelujah in your belly i lose so thank you jesus down in your soul i come against this murmuring and the confusion over your mind i come against the devil that wants you to doubt and have unbelief and to be fearful fear not for the lord thy god is with you you can stand firm on his word eyes have not seen neither ears heard neither has it even entered into the heart of man that that god can do we say to the devil he's still yet a liar and the greater one where does he live he lives on the inside of you come on say it out loud greater it's he that isn't me then he that is in the world come on say it out of your mouth no weapon formed against me shall prosper and even the tongue that rise against me in judgment god is going to condemn come on out of your own belly and say thus saith the lord i am more than a conqueror through him hallelujah through jesus christ don't you know that god has already given you the victory and that you if you're on the lord's side you are a winner i thank god tonight that one will chase a thousand go ahead and get your family member get your sister brother and say look here come on let's stand together for one will chase a thousand and two will put ten thousands of life if you need prayer right now call that number 708 503 11 40 and let somebody stand in agreement with you we will stand in prayer with you knowing that god will answer prayer don't you know that the word of god said if they call on me i will answer them and write early he said his ears open to your cry what did god tell you when he called you did he tell you to preach the gospel to be instant in season and out of season praise them for the call don't begin to back up now just because you're being persecuted lied on some of y'all are not being persecuted you're just getting talked about but i'm talking about the ones that are being persecuted for righteousness sake some of you are going through in your body and you're you're complaining stop that complaining and say god i thank you and i honor you and i know that you're gonna do what you said you would do i want the people of god everywhere to begin to testify on your own social media platforms begin to praise god begin to give them glory and begin to give what kind of praise did you have when the lord jesus saved you how did you come out you know we came from as little girls we were born and i was born in the south and we used to go to a southern church a primitive baptist church and i tell you during revival time in august and september i want you to know that the saints they had something called the mourinho's bench and they would sit on the moon mourner's bench and you couldn't get up until you knew that the spirit of the lord was on you for real and i mean they would sing those old songs they didn't have the organ they didn't have the drums they had the pattern of the feet and the clapping of their hands and they would sing songs and i tell you the spirit of the lord would come in and those people that would get delivered get saved they would say i'm so glad he saved my soul from a burning hell they would get up off of that mourner's bench and they would begin to walk the floor and sometimes they will walk through the neighborhood and begin to declare out loud i'm saved and i'm so glad that he saved my soul how many of you are glad that he saved your soul from a burning hell why don't you testify tonight i loose joy of your salvation hallelujah but this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it i see a woman in a red shirt i don't know who you are but you got a red ball shirt on and you have on a black uh black bottoms and i see you sitting there and i lose a praise don't you quench the spirit but the spirit of the lord is visiting you on tonight hallelujah glory be to god the power of god is resting on you you've been asking for it receive it in jesus mighty name glory be to god back to what i was saying about being in the south and they would sing songs and they begin to you know tell the people they would get off of the bonus bench and the older people said no baby you ain't ready yet you gotta go back and they will make them go back to the mourners bench until they knew that they knew that they knew that they were born again and then when we moved to the city and we began to go to the pentecostal church they made us stand at the altar and we would clap clap clap clap and they would say come on clap your hands and call on the name of jesus they would say clap and say hallelujah and the mothers will be on each side of us glory to god and they would say come on baby hold on and don't let go and praise the name of jesus and the next thing you know we were speaking in tongues and some were being filled and slain and rolling in the floor what is your testimony don't you let the devil take your testimony some of you got saved and some of you got delivered i don't know where you were you may have been at home because the spirit of the lord the lord said he's everywhere present at the same time and he can feel you right now there's nothing too hard for him to do i want to thank god today not only in the pentecostal church we were at a sanctified church uh it was a methodist church but it was a sanctified methodist church and and i thank the lord that we were at this particular church and a mother christine mcguffin mclaughlin moore was preaching the gospel of jesus christ and i was on one side of the church and she was way on the other side and i was saying to the lord lord one day i want to prophesy like that lady lord one day i want to preach like her and i heard her say out loud she said hold on wait a minute she said yes lord and she left from one side of the room and she came and she said baby stand up on your feet and when i stood up she told me what i asked the lord she said you told the lord that you want to prophesy you told the lord you want to preach like i preached she said but today god's gonna fill you with the holy ghost and that tuesday night god filled me with the holy ghost baptize me with fire and i want to remind you today those of you that got filled put your day on there wasn't on a monday that you got filmed was it on a tuesday that the lord filled you with the holy ghost was it on a wednesday or thursday night or was it on a friday or saturday or was it on an early on a sunday morning but testified i lose a testifying anointing over the people of god i lose some praise in your belly i lose said whatever praise you had when you got filled when you got saved whether that put it in the comments hallelujah i feel the holy ghost tonight was it a hallelujah was it a thank you jesus was it a bless your name lord glory was it a glory be to god was it in your wonderful messiah your wonder and my soul was the lord my soul loved you was it a hallelujah what was your praise hallelujah what was it testify and tell somebody hallelujah to god i was in a meeting one night and i tell you the prostitutes were coming in and the pimps were coming in and the next thing we know the power of god fell so until the prostitutes and the pimps were rolling around in the floor speaking in tongues hallelujah see i know a god who can change your life i know a god who can reach to the crack house and pull you out there's nothing too hard for god to do yeah i didn't got pastor denise excited here tonight i love the lord and then we went to another baptist church where family was before we uh went to the pentecostal church and they used to you know do the old dr watson when the preacher would begin to preach and sometimes you would hear somebody just break out and say i love the lord he heard my cry and he pitted every groan listen i want you to remember what god has done for this blind devil want to make you forget he will never get the praise that god deserves you are the same devil i will never let you get the praise that my god deserves oh bless the name of the lord i'm excited tonight i love the lord i lose the praise over every listener call that number if you've been in a stagnated place if you've been in a place that you've not been able to break through in a praise i want you to dial 708 503 11 40 and tell somebody say would you pray for me that i get a breakthrough in my spirit on tonight come on here just begin to say thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah lord my soul bring in your wandering mind and your wondering thoughts begin to praise him and magnify him again we want you to write us again we want you to call send your praise reports wherever that woman is in that red i see you i want you to let us know who you are email us and let us know what god has done don't come out of that anointing stay there and bask in it stay there and rest in the lord hallelujah to the king of kings and the lord of lords i bless you all in jesus name i want to thank god for you now father in the mighty name of jesus lord everyone that's watching on tonight or whenever their eyes will behold this broadcast lord i loose a praise in their belly right now lord stir them up to pray stir them up to cry stir them to seek your face lord bring it to remembrance what you've already done for them lord let them remember the days that you brought them out lord let them remember the day that you saved their soul lord i come against and bind every spirit of oppression every spirit of depression every spirit of heaviness and melancholy we pull it down on tonight we bind up every complaining and murmuring spirit and we lose the praise from the north the south the east and the west i want you to put what city and what state you're praising god in go ahead and put i'm praising god in new york i'm praising god in north carolina wherever you're praising god put it out there we want to uncover every city every state every nation with a praise lift up your heads o ye gates and be lifted up be everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty mighty in battle he is the king somebody shall bless the king on tonight he is the king of glory hallelujah i bless you all in jesus name and lord i'm asking for mailbox blessings bless your people lord breathe on them lord i'm asking for miracles on tonight in the name of jesus and we thank you for it and we praise you again this has been a time of intercession that you have been watching and we love you with the love of the lord tune in the same time on next week god bless hallelujah praise the lord my facebook family hallelujah they own bless the lord hallelujah come on facebook and put a praise on it i want you all to praise and magnify god on tonight pastor denise love you all so much thank you all for tuning in and i want to say to you all week long all day every chance you get whenever you go on your social media platform put a praise on there just start saying thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god i'll lift up your name put your favorite psalm out there come on let's fill the atmosphere with praise i feel a praise even now put a bunch of hand claps on there put some dancing on there and i want you to praise god with everything that praise your miracle in praise your blessing in praise your children in i'm telling you come on and thank god the devil wants to steal the praises of god's people but we're not gonna let him have it he's a liar and again if you've been healed and you know that god has healed you put on that i've been healed by the hand of god those of you that have gone through in your body and you've come to the lord has brought me through with the mercy of god whatever your testimony is and if you've not been sick at all because there are millions that have not been sick at all i want those of you that have not been sick i want you to put i've not been sick god has kept me and he's going to continue to keep me i lose healing over god's people i lose joy in the name of jesus listen i appreciate you all i want our facebook uh family and those of you that are on youtube and on instagram however you're watching i want you to sow as well sow into ministry let us keep going forth let us lift up the name of jesus i mean i feel the joy of the lord i tell you i feel god stirring in somebody's belly on tonight and i would not lie on god but i feel the lord touching in your homes i feel god restoring i feel god calling you to be drawn together be encouraged mother and daughter sister and brother be encouraged that lift up jesus together according to his word and according to his will i thank god for each of you pastor denise will be putting a flyer out real soon on on this week i want to thank god uh first natural and being spiritual i'll be having a webinar and none other than uh pastor cece winan's love will be joining me when you see the uh flyer out there come on and join us as we give you all some nuggets on fighting the enemy and dealing with certain things first in the natural and then backing it up in the spirit with spiritual warfare and gaining the victory through warfare i want to give you some wisdom and some nuggets and i look forward for each of you to join me again on this week thursday at 8 pm i want to say a special hello to all of our youtube family we love you with the love of the lord listen you all keep praising god wherever you're watching from i want you to put it in your comments i'm praising god in africa i'm praising god in canada i'm praising god in new zealand i'm praising god in california wherever you're praising god i want you to put it in the comments let us cover the atmosphere with a glorious praise for the lord is worthy he's worthy give him all the glory in jesus mighty name would you all stay tuned keep watching keep supporting know that we love you with the love of the lord and we appreciate your prayers so much in the name of jesus now send your prayer requests those of you that have a prayer request send your prayer requests to k ray at angieraidministries.com or you can call right now 708 503 1140. you all got passes to me so excited tonight because i feel victory for the people of god again i lose the love of jesus and a praising anointing upon you have a wonderful night on purpose get some rest and get up in the morning and yet praise god you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 2,481
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Id: NuPouOIKrGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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