Bible Study "The Cursing Tongue"

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tuning in live to our facebook amen we're so excited about our series on taming the tongue and just before we get started tonight we want to give you a moment if you could just post or share or tag let somebody know that we're going into the word of god and we'll be teaching tonight out of our book that we've been teaching from entitled 30 days to tame your tongue what you say and don't say will improve your relationships it's not just what you say but it's also what you don't say amen amen we want to and even if you don't have the book and you're viewing with us you're free of course we'd love for you to take notes and follow along with us but we have a subject tonight that i believe it's provocative it's something that we need to talk about especially in the church of today is that right so again tonight we're going to be covering day 22 out of the book and it is called the cursing tongue and so just before we get ready to read out of the book as well as our teaching for tonight i want to ask you guys to get your bibles in the first scripture that we're going to tonight is in matthew chapter 26 and we're going to be reading quite a few verses out of matthew so if you're watching uh by way of facebook or periscope please get your bible we want to show you some of the very origin in the word of god what made someone curse in the scripture and what was it okay or was it wrong so we're going to look and show you what the word of god says as it relates to the subject and we're going into the word of god all right amen just before we begin our reading for tonight i just want to remind everyone that's viewing by way of facebook and periscope that we have a prayer conference coming up uh august the 30th through september the second we'll be at the western lombard hotel and we'll be amen seeking the face of god praying seeking god's reaching out to the lord in prayer for our fellow man we'll be going through deliverance we'll be taking one another through deliverance and praying for one another we're going to be encouraging one another strengthening one another it's a time of fellowship a time of unity amen god has blessed us to have registered guests from all over the country people are coming from several states around the nation and we are incredibly excited about what god is going to do if you're not registered to be a part of our prayer conference i want to look at you tonight and tell you listen log on to and register right now for our prayer conference all of our evening services are free open to the public listen you are free to come and pray with us and to receive from the hand of god this year's theme is even me lord even me i don't know about you but i tell you when you get into the presence of god and you cry out to him you can tell him everything hallelujah you can cry out to and him will answer and he'll hear your prayers somebody give god a wonderful praise and people [Applause] all of our guest speakers by the way are all listed on our website and you can go and see more about bishop blue and bishop james nelson and the nelson brothers and all of the rey girls and i would like to just make mention of this that at the end of each conference we ask our guests what is it that you know that they would love to see in our next conference and you all won't believe this but by popular demand they want to hear more from the rave sisters they want to hear from cheryl they're going to hear from denise in the word of god so this year you all are going to hear those girls go forth in the holy ghost oh it's going to be awesome i love my sister i've been asking the lord lord please bless my sisters they are such an enormous blessing unto me amen all right here we go y'all ready again tonight our teaching is about the cursing tongue and so what i want to do first is i want to go to our key scriptures for tonight and they are found in the book of james in the book of james chapter 3 and verse 10. the bible says of the cursing tongue we're going to be talking about uh what does the scripture say what does god's word what is it that as a christian as a saint of god as a person who is naming the name of jesus how should we conduct ourselves what words should we use what words should we say and what words should we not say as a born again christian somebody say amen james chapter 3 and verse 10 says out of the same mouth proceeded blessing and cursing my brethren these things are not be so amen should not soul be so we have to go to the word of god and see that these things are not so to be and we realize that as it relates to this word cursing we see that cursing is the use of profane or obscene words cursing is oftentimes considered obscene because it is a it's disgusting to the senses and it contains language regarded as unpolite and taboo and so as we look at the word of god we see that james the word of god is teaching us here that it should not be that a child of god or a brethren is what it was referring to should not have blessings and cursings out of the same mouth you know bitter and sweet water should not come from the same fountain and so again we are talking tonight about the word of god what does the word of god say about cursing i'd also like to take you now to the book of james chapter 3 verses 8 and 9. and this is very uh prolific i believe that we need to get this in our arsenal that will help you with your words but the tongue can what no man tame it is unruly evil full of deadly poison therewith bless me god even the father and therewith curse we men which are made after the similitude of god and so we realize here that you know the bible talks about the tongue the tongue has to be tamed you cannot allow whatever comes to your mind to come out of your mouth the bible says from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking we're going next to luke somebody say luke chapter 6 and verse 45 the bible says a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bring it forth that which is good so who brings forth that which is good a good man out of the treasure of his heart bringing forth that which is what that which is good but an and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is what evil for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaking and so we realize that from the abundance of the heart that's where your words come from and if your heart is good that means that good words will come out of your mouth but if your heart is evil if your heart is wicked come on somebody then that's where those words are going to emanate from if you have wickedness in your heart that then that's what's going to come out of your mouth and many people have a spirit called repressed emotions the spirit of anger the spirit of rage and they allow these things to get deep deep down into the treasure of your heart and then when something happens the first thing that comes out of the mouth from the abundance of the heart what speaks the mouth speaks so you that is an indication that evil has gotten into the heart and that's why it is so imperative as a child of god to pray and ask the lord lord search me lord try me lord if there be any wicked way in me take it out of my heart take it out lord i don't want to have a stony heart i don't want to have an evil heart i don't lord i don't want to have a heart that's not pleasing unto you but i want a contrite heart and a broken heart and a broken spirit the bible says that god will not despise amen so i know this is a subject that is quite daunting for some people because they feel like there is absolutely positively nothing wrong with letting everything that come to your mind come out of your mouth but what we've learned in the word of god is that the bible says it should not be amen let me give you another story out of the word of god that i believe will help you understand the negativity that is associated with cursing and who we gonna talk about in order to bring this message to you his name is peter somebody say oh peter all right let's go to matthew chapter 26 and verse number 74. again matthew chapter 26 and verse number 34 34 excuse me we're doing 33 and 34 first and then we're going to go to um to 69 through 75 and so the bible says amen and this is in matthew and i need you all to read along with me matthew 26 and verse 33 says peter answered and said unto him this is peter talking to jesus who who had just said to jesus amen that he loved him and that he would you know basically he would stay with him but the bible says peter answered and said unto him though all men shall be offended because of thee yet will i not never be offended so let's talk this is a discussion between jesus and peter amen and this is when at the time that jesus christ was being betrayed he was being taken away being arrested all of these things were happening unto jesus but peter and jesus had a conversation and what did jesus say to peter after his comment that i'm not going to be offended and that i'm going to uh in other words i'm going to be with you verse 34 what does it say jesus said unto him verily i say unto thee that this night before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice so jesus heard the words coming out of peter's mouth in other words i'm gonna be with you jesus i will stand by you amen but after jesus christ amen began to go through his one of his darkest hours the bible says in verse 69 are you all there the bible says now peter sat without in the palace and a damsel came unto him saying thou also was with jesus of galilee now remember this is a child a little girl who saw that that peter had been walking with jesus as one of his disciples but after trouble came in the life of christ and arrest and being pulled aside peter began to back away from jesus to deny him but jesus it wasn't surprising to him why because he told him what was all he already knew what was going to happen but what did he say he said that before the crow thou shalt deny thee thrice and so the verse 69 says let's read it again together now peter sat without in the palace and a damsel came unto him saying thou also was with jesus of galilee but he denied before them all saying what did he say i know not what thou says and so here it is it starts right here he begins to deny that he was a disciple deny that he walk with christ deny that what they were saying was true is that right the first number 71 and i need y'all come on let's read it strong and when he was gone out into the porch another maid saw him and said unto them that were there this fellow was also with jesus of nazareth and again y'all hear that second time and again [Music] so let's watch what was happening in the life of peter he began to deny the lord he tried to distance himself from him he began to tell the damsel and all that were around him that i'm not with him he became uh he even denied it with an oath with a curse he denied it is that right amen keep reading go on and after a while came unto him they that stood by and said to peter surely thou also are one of them for thy what thy speech betrayed me and so let us look at the reaction at the response when he was confronted again that you are with christ you know jesus of nazareth you're one of those disciples your speech betrays you you see you can't be a saved sanctified born again christian on your job and say that you're living a holy and a godly and a righteous life on sunday but all week long you're cursing and speaking out with four letter words and man and angry and swearing and cursing and still name the name of christ because it's a contradiction and that's why many people feel like so many christians are hypocrites because they say they're christians but they can outcast some of the sailors out there amen the bible says it should not be so amen it should not be named among a child of god is that right amen and so let's look at verse number 74. the bible says then began he to what he began to curse and to and to swear saying i know not the man an immediately the heart proved verse 75 and peter remembered the word of jesus which said unto him before the crow thou shalt shall deny thee thrice and he went out and what did he do he wept literally because he knew that he had betrayed his master betrayed his savior but what was it that made him curse he did not want to be associated with jesus at that moment he was trying to distance himself to minimize his role and to disassociate himself from jesus christ i'm telling you all if you start cussing everybody out what are you actually doing you are disassociating yourself with the savior that you say you serve amen i'm just telling you what the word of god said you can't justify it look at why peter was cussing and he was discussing and swearing why because he did not want to be named as a christian or a disciple at that moment and so we need to deal with the core we need to deal with the root of profanity y'all still there all right let's go to the book for a moment praise the lord we're just going to read out of the first the very first page the cursing tongue and when you all have it would you just kindly say amen amen the scripture says blessings out of the same mouth perceive blessing and cursing my brethren these things ought not to be so now let's read a little bit of the first chapter y'all let's read it with strength you ready evie an avowed christian faithfully attends prayer service visits the shut-ins fast for extended periods and goes through all of the motions of being a christian read so she uses four letter words in her conversation come on let's read it confronted her about her use of non-glorifying expressions she responded these words are in the bible i have heard others snicker about her hypocrisy behind her back why does evie use expletives as freely as she drinks water because she has not allowed the holy spirit to tame her tongue keep reading james the brother of jesus explained it this way usually no man can tame the tongue it is a ruling evil full of deadly poison with it we bless our god and father and with it we curse many who have been made in the similarity of god let's keep going using prophetic profane obscene or vulgar language is unbecoming to a child of god stop right there using profanity cursing obscenities it is not becoming unto a child of god and i want to share with you all this that profanity is also socially offensive it's a socially offensive language which also may be called swear words curse words cuss words bad language strong language offensive language crude language course foul bad bad mouth blasphemous vulgar lewd choice words and expletives the use of such language is called swearing and cursing amen so when people have all of these unpolite and rude comments what i found in our study is that it shows that a person has the basement of a d-e-b-a-s-e the basement of someone or something or shows intense emotions do you know that some people use profanity because they don't have intelligence amen some people don't have a vocabulary to express themselves and they just curse and use profanities but what is the solution to that you gotta learn something you gotta learn how to express yourself without cursing people out and swearing and blaspheming and you know people are nowadays in the church in the house of god trying to justify it and try to act like there's nothing wrong with it because they say everybody is doing it but the devil is alive everybody is not cussing everybody out every few minutes on that job it's just like the lady that we read about she was a poor witness and let me tell you what happens when you curse people out on your job and you say you're a christian and i'm telling you your co-workers will say it for me they will say this to you i thought you were a christian come on now come on why do they say that because the expectation is if you are a born-again believer you're supposed to be following after jesus christ and trying to be like jesus so you can't keep cussing everybody out and then vote witness to them tomorrow why because when you curse people out you lose your witness you lose and they lose all respect for you and they're all preaching teaching brain prophesying you've been doing up until that moment they began to put you in a category like you just like everybody else oh can i talk to y'all tonight amen so let me show you all that there are certain kinds of uh swearing that's even more terrible than what we've been reading about there is a swearing call say it with me abusive swearing abusive swearing is intended to offend to intimidate to otherwise cause emotional or psychological harm and so you know you see sometimes if you're walking in the store and i actually saw this happen very recently there was an adult woman who was walking with a little girl and the little girl was following her but she was too far back from her and she turned around and started cussing the child out and telling her to hurry up and she was sick of her and she was getting on her nerves and so abusive swearing actually tears down the value of that child it tears down their self-worth it makes them angry and when somebody keeps cussing with abusive swearing over and over year after year it makes the child angry i'm just telling you and that's why a lot of children grow up and in their teenage years they start acting out and acting utterly and cussing everybody out because that's what they have seen and heard amen are y'all with me tonight all right there's another topic called cathartic swearing cathartic swearing is using in response to pain or misfortune people that curse because something happened because they feel pity or feel fear but if you're a child of god you've got to let the lord help you feel your life fill your heart with with god's word and that's what's going to come missing y'all you feel your spirit with the word of god and the word of god is gonna come out can i just give one amen amen then there's something called emphatic swearing and it's intended to draw attention to what is considered to be worth paying attention to you don't have to cuss everybody out in order to get a point across you don't have to get angry you use the right words and the right terminology and you still will get results but the people of the world that's how they deal with things i'm talking to the christian i'm not talking to the cinnamon but the cinnamon does not follow after the dictates of jesus christ but if you are a christian come on peter if you are a born again christian when you cuss and use those four-letter words you are disassociating yourself with the lord jesus christ i believe you need to ask god lord take it out of my heart that's where it comes from james told us that from the abundance of the what the mouth speaking and i'll tell you all something else some people have a stronghold it's a spirit that comes from from things they've been through in life some of them have the emphatic swearing the cathartic swearing the abusive swearing some have idiomatic swearing and that's when you uh for no particular purpose whatsoever but as a sign that the conversation or the relationship between the speaker and the listener is informal some people use idiomatic square they just cuss all day and all night but what it's a reflection of it's negative there is nothing positive in the word of god about cursing amen i'm telling y'all what the scripture says praise the lord my seeing our the day we're living in now that people are their attitudes are changing they feel like everybody doing everything so you might as well just you know do what everybody else is doing but god's got a remnant yeah god's got a people can i just see the hands and do that i want people that don't care and don't want to be right don't want to hear this teaching but i'm talking to people that know that you have given place to the enemy you have given place through the spirit of anger through repressed emotions through pushing things down year after year using profanity when you're not in the presence of your brothers and sisters in christ well tonight if you want to be delivered god will set you free i believe that the power of god will set free and arrest the spirit of profanity and the spirit of swearing and anger you know we were in a deliverance service one night and there was a special sister in christ who had been through so many things in her life she had been through loss through devastation and she was receiving prayer and the spirit of profanity manifested in her in the service and as those spirits came out they came out cussing but guess what dr ray said she said say to the lord god rebuke you i command you all of the anger all of the rage all the repressed emotions all of the things of the past i command you to lose her and let her go i want you to know she got delivered it's a spirit i'm going to talk to the appearance of spirit home profanity anger rage come on and what is it still from the bible says it come on that heart and the bible teaches us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking now y'all still all right amen so we realized tonight and as we talk about peter peter was cursing and swearing and his whole goal was to disassociate himself with the lord jesus christ but the problem with the christians today is you can't act out like that and then jump back into your spiritual zone okay some of y'all want to cuss everybody out and then you want to pray for folk and wonder why they won't receive your prayer and like yeah man right yes yes sister please you know what i'm saying because you have lost the respect of your peers by committing this particular offense somebody say yes lord all right let's keep our uh our study going out of the next page are y'all still there amen we're going now to the second paragraph where it says while i wholeheartedly believe that profane word should not come out of my mouth i often find myself thinking though not saying and so let's talk about that y'all can we be real tonight and then you do not have to say everything that comes to your mind some thoughts come to your mind because of a memory recall you might see something that you saw when you were 10 10 years ago that might cause your mind to remember things but you do not have to let what comes to your thoughts come out of your mouth the bible says amen that evil communication corrupt good matters so if you're communicating with somebody that's constantly cussing and constantly evil you have to cover your mind in the blood of jesus amen come on somebody and let somebody do something to you if the thought comes to your mind even though it comes to your thought pattern you don't have to sit there and think about it i've seen some of y'all know i see y'all here i know if i wasn't saying you should have taught me five years ago before i came to chief because if i wasn't saved i would just let you have it right now that's that all nature that want to stay alive that all men that want to live that constant evening that want to come out of your mouth but you've got to take the opinion over it and refuse to let a corrupt word come out of your mouth it might come to your thoughts but the bible says in committing casting down imagination and every hot thing that exalted self against the knowledge of god and what we talked about and bringing into captivity every thought come on to the obedience of christ that means the thought hits your mind and what you gonna do you're gonna go to the word of god and say my mind is renewed by god's word i'm not going to bow myself down to a level of focusing on life and cussing and swearing and acting a fool come on somebody you are a child of god a royal priesthood a holy nation you should be held to a higher standard yeah i'm not going to make you mad but you never learn how to tell god lord help me i'll hear you all you got to guess what prayer is for you gotta learn how to see god the woman said this to me the lord helped me lord help me to hold my tongue help me to keep my mouth lord let me don't let me say the wrong thing and make me lose my weakness among my brothers and my sisters help me to say what's pleasing in your sight sometimes you won't have to grab your mouth [Applause] and those abusive first words come to your mind the following first words of this civic uh excuse me there's one word that i have been really working on it's another form of cursing and i'm telling you it's called defemistic swearing and it conveys to the speaker negatively of the subject matter and to make the listener do the same it's a slang word it means to dis it means to diss somebody sometimes you just our people are disrespectful in the street and they'll just holler out of cursed word jester you know just to diss somebody but y'all let me tell you something the devil is alive you are different from the world tell your neighbor you're gonna give you this you're gonna get delivered from this spirit yes there is a stronghold a spirit a demonic spirit and it's called profanity and if you have a propensity to keep on cussing and those words come to your mind you're gonna have to take dominion over that spirit in your prayer closet and you're gonna have to tell god lord take it out come on take it out of my mind take it out of my heart take it out of my soul take it out of my spirit don't let me be like peter don't let me live churchy at church and then cussing out the food when i'm in the street lord take out the anger take out the rage take and let me tell y'all another thing i've discovered in my study that most people that have profanity issues feel that people are disrespecting them that's where it also comes from the sense in your neighbor the sense of disrespect say it again the sense of disrespect i will never forget this as long as i live we went to minister in a juvenile correctional center years and years at least 20 years ago and we were there to minister to some young brothers and one of the young guys he had to be maybe 13 or 14 i remember my sister denise asking him son son why are you here you're so small and so young he said cause they disrespected me [Music] he was like 13. oh he was a terror to those that was around him but he felt disrespected now how are you going to be disrespected if you don't have nothing that's where a lot of it comes from the feeling of being disrespected now where does the disrespect emanate from self the spirit of pride that spirit that want to be acknowledged want to be seen want to be heard come on talk to me so we cannot give place to the spirit of anger and the feeling of pride what is pride talk to me people a higher opinion of oneself so that means you have to humble yourself you know what let both talk about you people don't talk about you as long as you are in this world they you they're gonna talk about you but you don't have to respond like the world respond come on somebody the bible say bless them that person oh come on here i wanna tell y'all a secret people can cuss and act of food and say whatever they want to say but i found the secret you can't curse what god is blessed god got some best people on they somebody do nothing tell you why because the angels of the lord are encountered about them that fear god you got goodness and mercy all around you call somebody [Music] amen i want to talk to the person that feels like they've been mistreated that feels justified in their anger and holding on to grudges year after year month after month day after day unforgiveness works along with bitterness bitterness works along with anger anger works along with rage and if you allow those spirits to stay in you the bible says it's one that's a coming from a good heart and one is coming from a one evil heart so you've got to make sure that you're not giving any place because the bible says but the tongue no man contained it it's full of unruly evil full of what deadly poison you know the bible says in song of solomon chapter 8 and verse 6 that jealousy the bible says it's cruel as the grave some people are just they're jealous of what they don't have jealous of what they think you have and a lot of times jealousy is another one issue where is it coming from say it's coming out of their heart so that's why we see where is it coming from all this person and all of this evil it's coming out of the heart and the only way to get delivered is to acknowledge it and to be honest and say god take it out of my thoughts take it out of my heart lord take out revenge take out retaliation take out the desire to get people back come on church come on because when people do people wrong a lot of times the first reaction of the flesh [Music] [Applause] amen but we've got to give up the ground tell your neighbor give up the ground don't allow those spirits to manifest in your life i want to give god the glory for the viewers we have right now viewing our lives facebook uh concerning claiming the time praise the lord let's thank god for all of the states [Applause] all right we're almost done let's keep going we got a few more words left let's read now out of the last paragraph on page 95 it says understanding that profanity resides in the heart helps us to reject the idea that a curse word slipped out of our mouth the reality is come on y'all that it slipped out of where it didn't just come out of your mouth it came out of your heart and out of the heart preceded the issues of life out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking the power of death and life are in the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof we gotta bless the lord with this mouth come on somebody we gotta praise him with this mouth and james is saying that bitter and sweet water excuse me james is saying that these things ought not be that we're saying blessings and curses at the same time but tell them if i'm going to my heart tonight in prayer and ask god to take it out of my heart take it out do you know that deliverance is real if you need deliverance in this area i say to you tonight to be honest and to confess it lord this is the area that i struggle with lord this is an area where the enemy keeps fighting in my mind oh lord this is an area that i've given pledge to the enemy in the past but god i repent right now i turn away from it i don't want to be like peter i don't want to disassociate myself from christ by cussing and swearing but i want to live so god that you can use me and that you can use my life in jesus name i'ma tell you something that person grieves the holy spirit that person grieves the heart of god person grieves the spirit of the lord and let me tell you something about the holy spirit the holy spirit is sensitive i don't know about y'all but i don't want to believe man i don't want the holy spirit to leave me i don't i don't want him to ever leave me or to ever go away so it's god i don't want to give any place to the enemy i want to shut this door lord i repent lord i give up the ground lord i confess it and the next time you feel that spirit of anger that spirit of rage that spirit of profanity what you gonna do you won't go to corinthians come on come on corinthians gonna come to your mind casting down imagination every hot thing that exalted self against the knowledge of god you gotta go over to the song and say uh i'm gonna bless the lord at all times his praise shall forever and continually be in my mind all magnify the lord with me and let us do what exalt his name together we can't exalt god and cut spoke out the next day [Applause] [Music] or the spirit of profanity or whatever the stronghold was and then delivered she would tell us i want you to ask the lord to let the angels of the lord hallelujah bring swords of fire and cut cut cut and sever and destroy every root come on somebody you have to get the root out of there you can't just deal with the surface but you gotta go to the rook every spirit of anger every spirit of retaliation every spirit of rage every spirit of reacting when you feel disrespected that's when you're gonna get real delivered and you're gonna have to go in the holy ghost and say god i apply the blood to my mind i'll apply the blood of jesus in my heart i apply the blood to my soul and i drive up come on somebody and i believe my life in the name of jesus i command you to go now every spirit every curse word every idiomatic word come on here i drive it out in the name of jesus i come against rudeness and being in the light and being obsessive i will say what thus saith the lord i will not excuse the name of the lord in vain come on somebody i'm not going to blaspheme the holy ghost [Applause] [Music] you all hallelujah that if you allow that thing to stay in your mind it's going to come out of your mouth if you allow if you keep on entertaining the thought it's going to come out of your mouth because guess what it's getting down in that heart it's getting down to the heart i'm talking about it all the time one of the church mothers that moved down to kentucky said to me one day she said she said kim you're going to be a pastor now she said i want to tell you something she said she said forgive quickly she said hurry up forgive quickly don't let it get you home when folks say things about you when they do things to you when they walk away and you haven't done nothing to them she said look here quickly say to god tell your neighbor don't let it get in your heart i'm gonna tell them move quickly renounce it reject it turn away from it repent from it come on and when you repent and when you confess it let me tell you when you expose that devil the tempter's prowl the power is broken he can't hold your pass over you he can't hold your own stance over you he can't hold what you ever did over you because you have confessed it and you have you have been sanctified you have been justified by the blood of jesus all right i've got a few scriptures can y'all go fast with me colossians 3 and 8 says but now he also put off all these anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communications out of your mouth he said put off these things tell somebody put it off ephesians 5 and 3 says but fornication and uncleanness or consciousness let it not be named among you as becoming saints amen ephesians 5 and 4 neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesse which are not convenient but rather give giving thanks i'm not the new international version of ephesians 5 and 4 it says nor should there be obscenity foolish talk of course jeff joking which are out of place but rather giving thanks thanks to god we have exposed the spirit of profanity and we have commanded this spirit to lose god's people in jesus name there are some people that actually don't want to be that way there are some people that have never heard the truth or the answer as to how to get free from something but tonight we see that all of these things come from the heart come on somebody and what comes from the heart amen is going to come out of the mouth i want to thank god for a precious sister watching on facebook who admitted that when she is angry that she's been cursing really bad but tonight she has repented [Applause] and she is [Applause] [Music] we just want to help somebody get free want to help somebody get delivered i was telling you all about that sister a man that had a stronghold in her life but god delivered her and took that anger out of her amen listen one more thing we want to talk about in our conclusion is our affirmation for tonight and our affirmation amen in the book it says cursing does not proceed out of my mouth today i give god full charge of my tongue and by his grace i will only speak words that will bring honor to his name since god i pray tonight that god will give you a new perspective on what comes out of your mouth that before you allow the wrong thing to come out that you will stop and resist the devil the bible says if you resist them what's going to happen he will flee from you so you don't have to let him run you you can run that spirit come on and listen you can't let the little things say because if you let the devil ride he don't want to drive come on you got to shut the door give up all the ground in jesus name let's say a prayer together right now give god a wonderful handprint [Music] [Applause] father god in jesus name lord we have learned from the life of peter father that the cursing and the swearing that he did was to disassociate himself from you father jesus even in your darkest hour but lord in jesus name we renounce every spirit that causes anger and rage and profanity and swearing and foul words father we take dominion over them in jesus name lord i pray for every christian who has struggled in this area but tonight is ready to give up all of the ground and to cast down those imaginations and refuse to participate in words that are grievous to the holy spirit father tonight we lose the spirit of prayer and we lose an anointing to set the catholic screen in the name of jesus christ pray for that person that does not want to do it anymore and want to turn away from profanity and turn away from anger lord take it out of the heart tonight take out the hurt take out the rejection take out the feeling of disrespect take out the insecurity take out the jealousy take out the retaliatory tongue oh god in jesus mighty name we cry out to you today and we find the strong man of profanity we find a true language and blasphemous words in the name of jesus god we come against everything that is offensive in the lives of your people god we want to be saved we want to be right god we want to be holy we want to do what's pleasing in your sight wash us in your precious blood cleanse us from all unrighteousness lord you said our heart is desperately wicked and it's deceitful nobody can clean our hearts but you so god we cry out tonight cleanse our hearts father take everything out that's evil take everything out that's corrupt lord we cry out to you on a wednesday night we cried out in bible study lord wash our hearts and give us a heart of flesh lord give us a soft heart and a tender heart and a contrite heart and a good heart father in the name of jesus and god we give you all the praise and we give you all of the glory we bless your name and we glorify you tonight in the precious name of jesus christ [Applause] we're going to be going through deliverance and we're going to be praying that jesus will set the captive screen and that is in lombard illinois august the 1 the 30th through september 2nd meet us in our international intercessory prayer conference i know that god is going to meet us in that place the western hotel well god bless you i love you in jesus name amen
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 10,329
Rating: 4.9127274 out of 5
Id: K5wMdaXBEpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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