A Time of Intercession

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be here live on a time of intercession this is our opportunity to pray to intercede stand in the gap for the people of god and it's one of our greatest joys the opportunity to pray and intercede just for you and i want to say to you that before we would have left the air tonight that we want to pray a specific prayer just for our viewers you all know that we appreciate all of you that send us letters and write to us and support the ministry i just want to take a moment and say thank you and may god bless you those of you that have been consistent and those of you that have been writing and giving us your praise reports i had the great joy today to sit in my office and i was doing some work and i just started reading the emails and praying over them and there were so many praise reports in the emails even from our most recent prayer service that we had in the city of chicago wow i tell you so many said that they were lifted they were just feeling refreshed and uh just rejuvenated and blessed by the power of prayer that we experience in the city of chicago i'm just so thankful to god for his goodness for his mercy endures forever great is the lord and greatly to be praised he is an awesome god i just love talking about the lord he is august he's mighty he's sovereign he's a holy god he's righteous i thank the lord today i was thinking about how god the vastness of his presence and the greatness of his majesty what a wonderful and an awesome god we serve i tell you he is great and we love him on tonight well again welcome to a time of intercession i'm pastor kimberly of angie ray ministries this great church on the rock i was thinking also about our late mother and then dr angie ray and the work that she did founding this ministry establishing the ministry i mean she put her heart her soul into the work of angie ray ministries and we just praise god for our late mom and establishing a sure foundation and teaching us the words of prayer i was praising the lord about how when we were very young she would teach us how to pray the scripture and i'm so thankful today for the treasured gift that she gave us in giving us the words of prayer amen so i want to just take a moment and we welcome you again to a time of intercession but we're here tonight with one of the pillars of our church she is a great great woman of god a great example of god's power i oftentimes refer to her as a powerhouse you know i was used to watch baseball with our father and he taught us about the power hitters that would come to the plate and i'll tell you when they needed in the ninth inning they needed a home run they would call for one of the power hitters and i often refer to her as being just that i praise god i praise god for my precious and beloved sister but she's also our assistant pastor here at angie ray ministries will you welcome with me my sister praise the lord people of god blessings to each and every one of you that are watching tonight and that are here with us why don't you call a neighbor or call a friend those of you that are standing in the need of prayer tonight you can call right now area code 708 503 11 40. we have intercessors standing ready to pray for you i thank god for my pastor my sister pastor kim who is you know i tell people often to me this is my opinion i believe that she's the prettiest pastor in the world this is my opinion and i'm not just talking and i also thank god for her life she's been saved since she was 10 years old and i i can truly say while pastor denise was trying to do her own thing was not trying to hear nothing about being saved and didn't want to know about church i was just you know rebellious and trying to do what i wanted to do this young lady would be somewhere praying and talking to the lord and always bothering me telling me jd no she was harming me see anytime she would say jesus loves you and i'm like yeah yeah you know but i'm so glad that she was an intercessor for my soul and that she prayed for me along with my mom and my sister tanya uh cheryl came along not too long after hey cheryl hi cheryl but i'm just grateful that you know even though i went through some major things in my life that through the prayers of the righteous god sought it to save pastor denise and i'm i'm so appreciative for my salvation and i want to encourage you all tonight to get and get to a place that you know god for yourself fall in love with jesus and those of you that are praying for family members don't stop praying god has a way to reach them all he prays i love what you just said and i think about the mercies of god and how sometimes he keeps some individuals from something and then sometimes he delivers some out of some things yes but now thanks be unto god who gives us the victory and causes us to triumph through christ jesus well denise i am so excited to ask you this tonight i want you to share with our audience and you know i know that you're a praying intercessor a worshipping warrior love my god i'm telling you but i want you to talk to us tonight about i know the lord recently talked to you about stagnation yeah and i want you to kind of share with our viewers tonight before we go into prayer a little later within our time but just talk to why are so many of the saints experiencing a type or a sense of just stagnation in a place of just being stuck well pastor kim a lot of times through disappointment yes a lot of times through fear and even in this day and hour because of what the world is dealing with yes the spirit of fear and i'm talking about complete terror i know you know to just cause people to stand still you know when a person is frightened it can cause a freeze yeah in their lives and so when a person is not really rooted and grounded in the word of god and sometimes those that have been but their prayers seem to not be answered or it seems to be taking too long right then they get stagnated and just stand still you know i'm i was praying for someone where they didn't want to get out of the bed they just you know what's the point why should i and the enemy satan comes to rob right people don't know that the enemy comes to rob you of your time yeah he he'll take your time from you while you're supposed to be busy for the lord and reaching for souls and living yes jesus said that i came that you may have life that's right and that more abundantly but so many times people get stagnated in their place where they are they'll get stagnated in fear doubt unbelief anger okay um you know rebellion sometimes people are just frustrated and so they don't move forward they just they're standing still but you have to remember something about stagnated water right eventually this starts thinking that's right and it it'll draw uh flies it'll draw death and that kind of thing and so i want to encourage the saints to keep moving all right in spite of what you're going through in spite of what the enemy has said keep moving forward because the lord we're in this world but pastor we're not of this world so we should not be living like the world the bible says that the joy of the lord is our strength that's right when when you're constantly watching and listening to the world and through you know whatever outlet you're looking you have to sometimes shut it all down and remember let the word of god be a frontlet before your eyes and remember what god has said and not only do you remember what the lord has said but speak it out loud all right say it often and remind yourself that i serve a true and living god i wanted to tell you the lord was telling me about moses and how moses asked the question to god who am i yeah and and the lord didn't answer answer moses question with well you you know you this or you the other he said i am the god of your fathers abraham isaac and jacob and then he's turned around and moses you know i believe probably got the revelation and then he asked the second question he said well if i go if i do what you're telling me to do who am i going to say sent me he said tell him that i am oh my god that i am send you and that's what i want the saints of god to know it's not about us amen but it is about the christ on the inside right and when you know that you're serving god you're serving jesus christ that stagnation cannot keep you there was something burning in moses that he wanted to even see the face of god and the lord told him i cannot let you see my face because anybody that saw my face died they couldn't live that's right and so but he wanted to know more and more about the lord so my point is is that it's not about us and as we seek the lord and say lord in these last days in these end times how do you want to use me right what do you want me to do what do you want me to say we were so we've been of the church world pastor kim yes um so long have been spoiled when they have pulled on the pastors the prophets the praises everybody else and sitting in the proof in the pew being entertained right but now and i'm so grateful that the lord gave you well i remember one day we were talking and i said pastor what what is it that the lord is saying you said the lord said teach my people how to pray and to get to me for themselves amen and and so i still praise the lord and you begin to teach the church on the rocks yes you know i don't know what they're doing outside of this building that's right but i know what you taught them when they were in here praise god and you taught them to fall in love with jesus to get a relationship with god we had no idea that the world was going to shut down but the the blessing is that those that listened yes knew how to get to god for themselves for themselves and not get stagnated in a dry place right but to actually go where the water is yes and that's on your knees in the presence of the lord living water keeps moving yes it does i tell you stagnation is where you know it just seems like nothing is going forward nothing is going backward and denise you know we were born and raised in the city of chicago and there are times in chicago if you're driving on the expressway um between the hours of like 2 30 and maybe five something the traffic can become so blocked especially coming down the dan ryan right right you know we have many highways you know the eisenhower and lake shore driving the the the reality is is that the traffic backs up at certain times of the day because there are so many people trying to get somewhere at the same time and sometimes when you're on the expressway and there's no movement you know that that person literally just has to sit and wait until the lanes open up and i just think about how you were teaching some time ago about even about hindrance yes hindering spirits delaying spirits and i know that's also connected to stagnation so i just want you to talk a little bit more even i thought about as i'm speaking about daniel how the bible says he prayed three times a day and he sought the lord and he kept finding that he was in a place where he was being hindered but the lord allowed gabriel the messenger angel to send a message to him and say daniel i heard you when you first started praying but there was a principality a stronghold uh the prince of persia was assigned to block and to impede and to hinder the progress of daniel but then the lord allowed the warfare angel michael yeah to war on behalf of daniel so what what did you say to the people of god watching right now that feel like you know some need a job some need a promotion some feel stuck in life stuck with you know problems in their families and things like that how can they break through the stagnation you know you use the uh traffic as an example yes and most of the time when everybody is merging onto the expressway at the same time yes there are accidents or someone they get a flat tire yeah and they call it gapers delays because people are being nosy and why you know are watching slowing down right if the speed limit is 65.70 yeah and everybody is slowing down to 25 30 right to just see what's going and i mean i've been in some heavy traffic in illinois before oh yes and then we get to a certain spot and it's someone changing attire right so this is what the enemy does he brings distractions actions yes to cause the people of god to start looking to the left and to the right when the lord told us to keep our eyes stayed on him that's right and so a lot of times pastor the stagnation or the hindrance for is because we take our eyes off of god we take our eyes off of our assignment we take our eyes off of our destiny yes because we're too busy looking at our brothers the scripture says not to even compare yourself with to another because it's not wise that's right so a lot of times the hindrance itself the hindrance can actually you say how do they break forth i'll give another example if you have been hurt or disappointed in a situation yes if you do not confess and talk out loud people don't understand that even repressed emotions that's right cause a hindrance when you have this when you have a uh mom you said diseased heart your mind when you are dis-ease when you just are so out of whack and frustrated it causes hindrances yes i want the people of god to understand the spirit of the lord is not we take it for granted that we can feel the presence of the lord but we don't sometimes forget we forget the word of god yes and we don't know that god means what he says yes and he said he does not hear sinners prayer amen so the hindrance is your sins if you keep sinning yes and doing things against god's word if there's no there's no sacrifice and so that could be a hindrance sin can be and then disobedience because all because all disobedience is sin yes and then those that are righteous and are living right pastors sometimes the lord will put you in a refinements fire yes and he may not give you what you want right then when you're a tribe you'll come forth as pure gold the lord will allow you to go through certain things just like joel to see job one thing i learned remember we were talking one day and we the racists were having a conversation and we said well who in the bible would you want to be like and you know me not having you know much spiritual sins at the time i probably would have changed my answer pastor yes but i said i want to be like job it's like my life i want to meet him because i just want to know what was it in him wow that caused him to worship god in the midst of everything that he was going through every situation every time they came the scripture says that job fell to his knees and he began to worship and so in my mind it just i wanted to know how was it because you loved god so much all right that you didn't charge him foolishly blame him for what you were going through right right you had enough in you to know that in all of my appointed times i'm going to wait for a change to come because my change is going to actually come yeah so the hindrance for job yes was not because of anything he had done yes but it was because god gave the devil permission to buffet him yeah so sometimes your hindrance is not because of your sin right it's because the lord said i found one and what listen he was god was bragging on me he was bragging on him and the devil was trying to make it seem like well if you remove the hedge from around him he'll curse you to his to your face yeah but he understood that job was not going to fail he wasn't going he wasn't going to fail him and he said i know that my redeemer lives yes and so yes he was able to get through the process of his suffering and not curse god or cause him to be you know to speak against god foolishly amen and then pastor so that that breakthrough that a lot of the saints need yes sometimes it's a praise so if i was to say i would just try it i would try them all right tear him up in the spirit of jesus in the name of jesus fast to pray yeah and then go to worship then have a time of praise again not complaining yes forgive come out of sin that's right in the name of jesus stop walking in your flesh you know even when it comes to finances pastor yes a lot of times the people of the lord they beg god lord bless me lord bless me but they'll turn their back on that strange-looking person or right they're and i remember once mom was in a thrift store yes and and i'll never forget this because um again in my mind i was like we got this shop at a thrift store and these you know we can't even go to the other cabinet store at the time because we were going through so yes and when she went in this thrift store and just out of kindness met a multi-millionaire and he was he was in the thrift store and so god knows the way that we take that's right and i'm so grateful for all of the lessons learned yes even though it may seem as if god does not hear you right when you pray keep on praying keep praying do not charge god foolish keep praising bind the enemy war in the spirit and win and then don't hit and miss right if you know you're angry tell god lord i am angry i am hurt right i am disappointed because all liars are going to have their part in the lake that burns with fire so you might as well go and tell god to tell them the truth yeah because the devil no and god already knows and then you know that's right you know for those that are bound by uh you know the even like i said the giving and you know that you're going through your finances you know how to break through that gift yeah that's right so given to you and don't give for your own purpose like you know giving for to be seen yeah giving to be heard giving so that somebody can call your name sometimes you have to give and nobody knows anything that's right i'm just i'm grateful to the lord for what we've been taught and trained in yes but not only us but pastor we've been on television how long almost 20 years and next february it'll be our 20th year uh anniversary on on the word network and so we've been telling the people of god yes and now we can be examples yes even the more that there is freedom in christ jesus bind satan yes pull down the strongholds and if you have to fast and the bible said these can't come but by fasting in prayer bind the hindrance where is the hindus if you have sick in your body first natural then spiritual sometimes the hindrance is natural yes just because you're not doing what you're supposed to do you want to be healed you have to stop if you you know yeah come on now saints if you know that you still with them ham hocks and pigs high blood pressure yeah high blood pressure guy that's right i went to the doctor pastor uh-huh and my doctor immediately said well we're going to check you for your you know she was you know kind of looking at me because of my my stature and my height cause i'm a little thick i bet you this is what's wrong with you right and so after all of my test results and came she called and she said um i'm going to test you again i said okay we went through the second realm of test yeah and she said i can't believe it you don't have high blood pressure you don't have high cholesterol you don't have you don't have diabetes and i was like why can't you believe that she said well most people your height and your size have these issues that's so well i want to say to you that my my uh heritage yeah my grand great grandmother was at my height yeah and six feet tall you know i came from something yes a big people now i'm not going to be deceived and i'm not going to deceive y'all yeah because i am still too thick to talk to you yeah we're going to come we're going to come on down some more praise the lord but my point is is that i had to come to the realization because so many people would tell me how nice i looked at my clothes right right they would tell me how which was a hindrance because i'm all right i'm fast and i'm good you know but then i had to realize i got to get healthy i have to be healthy that's right and so i took my doctor said to me she said you are very healthy and because you're healthy we want you to stay that way right because you're getting a little older right and i said all right we're going to work on it so just things that we added into but pastor i feel fantastic amen and you know and it's a blessing so i want to say to those of you that are going through physically so yes you need to find out what is it that you're doing because we can pray and miracles can happen that's right but if you go right back to your own ways yeah that's that covers anything if you have a lying spirit and you know you're tired and you give up the ground and god delivers you have to practice telling the truth you got to practice you know you have to practice that's true when mom would pray for him we would pray for those who were bound by perversions of all kinds yes they would sit around and tell each other what they were doing yesterday you're still you're talking with the list for your you know whatever you're smacking you know men don't sit a certain way right they had to learn because they had been trained yeah so a lot of times as saints we've been trained to do things wrong and we're trying to figure out why am i being him why you're not blessed so i want to encourage you all to find out in your own personal life and be honest with yourself yes and say this is what i'm doing wrong right and so i yield myself to the lord because one thing about job the bible said he was an upright man yes he was he assumed and he issued evil some of us don't do that amen but god is going to help us denise i remember and we learned a great lesson even from our mother yes a lot of people saw that dr ray was heavy and she was a big lady and everything and i remember how mom would sit from morning to night in the same spot but she would be praying for people right all day for bishops and apostles and evangelists she was just praying praying praying and many days she'd be saying come out devil yeah i bind you the name of jesus but she would literally be so selfless that she really did lose herself in a negatively negative way and we understood even after she wrestled with obesity and we saw god changing even her before she passed away and we want to tell people that god can still deliver even as it relates to and in her case it wasn't that she was just sitting and eating all day she was immobile right and part of that was because she had fallen yeah and she broke one leg and severely sprained the other leg and she would have to minister sitting down she was not as mobile as she was in her younger days amen but i thank god that even in her size god still uses you and we praise god for the victory that he gave unto her but i want to say before we go off the air tonight earlier you were talking about stagnation talking about hindrance and talking about distractions and i thought about peter and how peter saw jesus walking on the water and when when peter saw him his faith was so lifted he said bid thou me to come to thee just let me come to you jesus and jesus said to peter come on come on walk out on the water and as long as peter kept his eyes on jesus he was able to walk in the water it was only when the tempestuous winds and the boisterous winds and waves began to distract him that he started sinking but he in the midst of sinking said the shortest prayer in the bible lord save me save me save me lord before we leave tonight and denise i know we just have literally just about two minutes left on the air but i want you to pray for those people that have been watching us tonight and just share in a quick prayer about breaking the power of stagnation and distraction amen father in the name of jesus yes don't be touching the greed tonight thank you and we ask you lord those that are going through stagnation yes lord those who are dealing with hindrance and delays in the natural yes in their emotions in their physical lives lord tonight we bind it up in the name and we pulled down every stronghold from over them in the name of the name of jesus tonight and we bind you according to god but we lose encouragement in the hearts of your people god help them take their eyes off of man yes and to keep their eyes stayed upon you yes so whatever the distraction is cause them to put their eyes on you and not the distractions but we call them out of every steel and us place stale place we call them out of every place that would cause them to be cemented and being still in the name of jesus jesus so we break up the following names of jesus and or we command them to live right now speak to your people and command them to go forth yes he come out of those closed places in the name of the name of jesus and that more abundance yes we decree and declare over their lives that they will live and not die yes and declare the works of the lord in the midst of the country in the name of jesus and a praying spirit and an obedience to your word on tonight we bind that nation in the name of the name of jesus damn the stronghold hallelujah your people and god we thank you for the victory each over each and every one of their lives from the oldest to the youngest according to your word and according to your will we pray in jesus name amen amen thank you so much for that beautiful prayer and we just want to say that we charge you tonight to walk in the love of god walk in his forgiveness walk in his peace walk in it's joy in jesus mighty name and for those of you that desire further prayer you can dial 708 503 11 40 to receive intercession we have counselors and we have intercessors standing by to pray just for you and again i want to say thank you to our assistant pastor jay denise thank you for your wisdom and your love and your great joy and we think you look wonderful but we are the racist as we're coming down and we're going to keep on working on it in jesus name we love you have a beautiful week to this week and remember this amen that the lord is going to bless you and keep you that he's going to cause his face to shine upon you may the lord be gracious unto you and may the lord give you peace i want to say we're asking the lord to keep us and will be kept bless us and will be blessed and to breathe upon us and as he breathes upon us that the joy of the lord and the brightness of his presence will rest upon us now and forever in jesus name god bless you we love you we love you you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 3,051
Rating: 4.8969073 out of 5
Id: _xCo1xNhiKc
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Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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