International Intercessory Virtual Fellowship - Friday Afternoon

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the power of life and death is in your tongue let's confess today that i am an overcomer tell that problem [Music] i'm not defeated i am triumphant the lord said be strong [Music] hallelujah oh [Music] i'm an oh [Music] time and time again you felt like starting over the enemy attacked you and you felt [Music] defeated [Music] oh [Music] god gave me this way to encourage you don't you give up [Music] i am i am a victorian [Music] he's with me he's with me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] the power of life and death is in your tongue let's confess today that i am an overcomer tell that [Music] lord problem be strong and very courageous hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] time and time again you felt like starting over the enemy attacked you and you felt defeated [Music] victory [Music] cause i know [Music] god gave me this word to encourage you don't you give up [Music] because of christ i am a victorian [Music] he's with me [Music] is bless the name of the lord god bless you you are watching the international intercessory virtual fellowship and we would like to welcome you to this time of worship of praise of the word of god of the power of prayer and we would like to say to you it is an honor to share in fellowship with god's precious people how good and how pleasant it is for us to dwell together in unity god bless you again good afternoon and we welcome you to this time before we go any further we want to just say a very quick word of prayer just for you father in the name of jesus every person that is watching us at this present moment we ask lord that you will captivate their hearts and lord breathe upon their souls whatever they're standing in the need of meet the need today father in the name of jesus father god i release upon them the spirit of peace i lose the spirit of joy and serenity and father we release the love of god that is stronger than death lord that person that's feeling heavy weighed down troubled in mind trouble in spirit lord touch them now from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet only you can fix it only you can work it out so lord breathe upon them right where they are right now in jesus mighty name we pray amen and amen hallelujah glory to god this is your time this is a time of love and fellowship it's a time to share with you what thus saith the lord and again we welcome you this is pastor kimberly ray gavin of angie ray ministries that great church on the rock and you all forgive me if i seem extremely excited it's because i am hallelujah great is the lord and greatly to be praised our god is an awesome god amen he reigns from heaven and earth again we welcome you listen i want to take a moment and share that i have three natural sisters with me it is such a joy amen to have three sisters working together in ministry and i tell you i'm just grateful to god i really say in my heart sometimes that thank you when i say thank you to my sisters it seems so inadequate to express the heartfelt gratitude that i have for the contributions that they make in ministry for the investment of their time and of their energy and their love i just want them to know that i'm grateful and i love them so much and i thank god so much for what he is doing in our ministry and also we praise god for you we are appreciative of you those of you that are watching right now and at this moment my sister tanya has a word for you listen you stay tuned and hear what the lord has to say today praise the lord god bless all of you that are viewing by facebook by youtube we want to ask you to join us again to all day today as well as tonight at seven o'clock p.m i want you to share and post and like and put hearts and do all that call or text a friend call a neighbor let them know that the virtual fellowship is on right now call your auntie tell her to take if she's at work tell her it's time to take a lunch break amen god has a word for us today we're going to be blessed by two ministries today by bishop tudor bismarck amen glory to god is going to be live from um africa on today and from zimbabwe and then we're going to have the ministry of our own pastor kimberly ray gavin is going to share a word that god gave her just for you so don't just stay right there amen again i'm asking that you share post tag a friend tag a neighbor and tell them to tune in right now to this virtual fellowship we're so grateful that you are attending the fellowship and we're excited and we're grateful that we know that god has a word for all of us we want to pray for you today prayer is going to be going on and the power of god is going to bless your life we feel i feel the power of healing on today and we lose healing upon every person that is in need of healing and deliverance i want to ask if you know of a friend or a neighbor a family member that's going through in their body that's facing challenges encourage them to tune in today they're going to hear a word that will bless their lives they're going to receive prayer and deliverance in the mighty name of jesus christ and we're grateful for you tuning in today and we're so glad that you're a part of the international intercessory virtual fellowship amen we also want to remind you you can call right now 708-503-1140 to receive personal prayer and intercession we have counselors here with us ready to take your call and we're excited about you calling in those of you that just feel pastor kim i need the lord to touch me today well i want you to call right now 708 503 11 40. what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on the everlasting arms of the lord we're leaning and depending on jesus on today and we point you to him he said if i and i be lifted i will draw all men unto me listen if you're praying for unsaved loved ones today praying for those that are in need of healing tell them turn on the virtual fellowship we want to share the love of god we want to share the power of god and we want to share the word of god at this time you're going to hear from our sister denise assistant pastor jay denis ray and also a greeting from our sister cheryl right amen praise the lord everybody god is such a good god and i want to remind you i want to say what tanya just said thank god for my pastor kimberly ray gavin and each one of you that are participating in this virtual fellowship on today i want to say tanya mentioned that she felt the anointing for healing today and i concur and i speak to you in jesus name are you if you're near someone that you know need healing in their body if you know somebody that needs to be healed tell them to tune in they can go to the youtube channel they can come on facebook tell them to call the number area code 708 503 1140 but there are miracles signs and wonders and par in action right now just for you and we speak healing into your lives into your bodies and we even speak to the emotional area of your life sometimes in your emotions excuse me sometimes in your emotions you feel that you're a burden to your family sometimes in your emotions you feel like god you don't know how long will i have to be dealing with these particular infirmities but many are the afflictions of the righteous but god promised to deliver us out of them all and i want to encourage every person that's watching and listening on today to know that god is still yet a healer hold on to your faith and watch the manifestation we're believing god by the end of this broadcast today this live virtual fellowship that we will get the call that you got healed completely in the name of jesus where we love you with the love of the lord and i'm assistant pastor jay denise standing in the gap for you hallelujah praise the lord god bless you all this beautiful afternoon it is such an honor to be able to come and to fellowship with you wherever you are in the world it is amazing to me that we can sit in a little sanctified church in matson illinois and uh touch the lives way over in asia and in zimbabwe and over in cape town south africa and then to be able to go across the way to australia and austria and asia it is such a blessing and all my friends in london england hi and if y'all see the queen tell her i said hello praise god i just thank the lord so much i want to encourage you as you watch in these next few moments next few minutes the next hour i want to encourage you to shine so you know it has been gloomy since february march since they telling everybody stay at home you can't do this you can't do that i'ma tell y'all something about that a little later but i want to tell you what you can do you can lift up your hands and bless the name of the lord you can walk freely through your home and give god glory you can get up and walk outside look up at the sun get some vitamin d for yourself and give god glory listen god is worthy to be praised even in the midst of this covenant in the midst of people leaving here listen to leave him to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord i just believe that god is who he say he is and he told us that in everything give thanks so in these next few minutes let's give thanks unto the lord amen give thanks he and we give him the glory i love what you said cheryl about the lord being in every place god is omnipotent omniscient he's everywhere present at the same time and i'm so glad he's capable of handling whatever happens in our lives god is in control and again we will say to you welcome to the international intercessory virtual fellowship and this is our time to just share the love of god upon you i pray that while you're sitting and watching that you can actually sense the tangible presence of the lord i pray that you can feel the love of god if you're in a place where you've been broken or discouraged or just standing in the need of prayer please know that we are here today to stand in prayer with you i also remember something that was said earlier about healing i believe that god is healing someone today maybe you're in the hospital watching or maybe you're on your way and you're just uh watching with your with your cell phone we're standing in agreement with you today for the healing power of god healing is the children's bread and we're believing god to heal you to deliver you listen all you need is just a grain of the mustard seed faith and you can speak to the mountain and tell it to be thou removed cast into the sea don't doubt it in your heart and you shall have whatever you say so we stand in agreement we set ourselves in love and an agreement with you for the power of healing i was thinking about how so many people are fighting with the covet symptoms and fighting um you know there are some people that are having issues in their respiratory system and with their lungs and we're asking the lord to breathe into you today the breath of life while you're watch watching this time we're asking the lord to breathe and touch and heal in the area of your immune system in the area that is connected to your lungs your immune system your spleen your that bone marrow everything that is connected to the immune system that may be compromised we're standing in agreement with you today for the power of healing god is able to touch every system of your body your skeletal system your respiratory your cardiovascular system he's able to breathe from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet and i speak to you today to rise and be healed in the name of jesus of nazareth oh glory to god raise sisters let's give the lord a praise right there hallelujah oh bless his holy name praise god i want to just give a quick testimony if i may i remember um i had a very severe toothache and my parents could not afford to take us to the dentist and um my tooth it was a jaw tooth it was hurting so terribly so and mama put her hand on the side of my face and she began to pray and she said she put and i i was lit you know i was young in the lord so i was like okay mama all right but she believed god for me and she laid her hand on my face and then i felt my tooth shift and she said he had spit in my hand girl and my tooth my jaw tooth came out it did the i always say the lord pulled my tooth himself but i want to thank god listen god is able to deliver you i thank the lord i i think about my sister denise we were um living we were at home and it was one afternoon niecy got sick she had asthma very bad and i remember her passed out in the floor and we had called the ambulance we called the um the the paramedics and i heard one of the paramedics say pray mother they said pray mama and um we were losing her and i you know we were like breathe nicey breathe the blood of jesus the blood but my mother began to bind the spirit of premature death and she began to say i bind every spirit that would that's connected with premature death and she began to say denise i command you to live i command you to breathe and she hollered come back here yes she did and uh niecy she's here man and she's still here she's still here kick it praise the lord but i thank god i say that to say this to you be encouraged that there is nothing too hard for god to do if you could just muster up enough faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed listen speak to the mountain you don't have to climb that mountain you can speak to that mountain and tell it to get out of the way and so we're going to touch and agree to with you today i just believe healing is in the atmosphere healing is right where you are and give in the presence of the lord so just begin to worship god begin to thank god you may have a loved one that is on their bed of affliction they may not be able to holler hallelujah but you can sit there and just touch them on the arm and just say in jesus mighty name be healed speak it into existence i believe god with you today we have intercessors standing by if you'd like someone to touch and agree with you if you're sick or if you need uh you're praying for healing for someone else you can dial 708 503 11 40. we have intercessors that have been praying and consecrating just to touch and agree and pray with you in this self-saying moment i believe god with you call right now praise god i want to just encourage the saints too i want to really uh to say to those of you that are going through in your physical emotional realm sometimes you'll find yourself not really fighting the good fight of faith because you want to give up and then some people actually have a mindset that if i get healed then i can't get off of um help disability and you got to believe god that he'll take care of you you know and regain your independence and regain it's a good thing to be able to go and minister the gospel of jesus christ and witness to people and to have your own livelihood without people having to take care of you and bring me some water and do this for me and there are those of you that are you you want to even die the lord dealt with me this morning about people you're trying to just relinquish all hope because you have been to doctors you've been to surgeons and it seems like you're not getting better come on here and so in your mind you said well i'll just die you're laying there and you're still here you're here for a purpose and i command you to live today in the name of jesus you know get up from there give no place to the enemy if you can move your arm move your arm until you can move your body if you can move your leg move your leg until you can remove move the other part of your leg look fight the good fight of faith and let the joy of the lord be your strength i have been so close to death so many times hallelujah but god but god he's given me life and that more abundantly and i asked the lord one day i said lord i have been through so many different afflictions and lord i'm sick of this devil and i want to know why am i and the lord let me know that when you have a gift of healing in your life sometimes the devil will fight you with the same thing that you're telling others but i decree and declare over your life today the healing power of jesus christ i want to speak to those of you that have been bound by witchcraft and all of those different things and many are dealing with the consequences of sin that you have to repent and say lord i fall out of league i renounce and denounce everything i've ever done against your word against your will lord i give up the ground for every lie lord don't let me reap what i sowed and sin lord pluck up untangle uncoil every assignment from hell in the name of jesus and lord i thank you today and i stand on your word that i am no longer cursed but i'm of the blessed of the lord and i lose the blessing that i feel a stirring in somebody's belly right now i see you trying to get up out of that bed get on up in the name of jesus and we have people standing ready to pray with you 503 11 40 is that number 708 is the area code listen pastor kim has a word today the man of god has a word today to the bismuth bishop to the bismarck we thank god for the anointing i if i were you i would not leave the screen not one second because of what god may do for you be healed in the name of jesus praise the lord hallelujah you know i feel the lord is healing naturally and physically but uh pastor there is a woman even on our on youtube and she said i'm grateful for the camaraderie of the racists because my sisters and i are close and i have three sisters but we decree and declare healing in your relationship in the name of jesus christ we're praying for healing in emotional in in relationships husbands and wives and mothers and daughters fathers and sons that god will heal and bring great deliverance in the name of jesus god is faithful and we love you today there are people on watching and with us and standing in agreement with us from new jersey from florida from palm beach from durham north carolina mobile alabama charleston south carolina california alabama michigan virginia illinois kansas city maryland pennsylvania delaware new york connecticut and on and on thank you for being a part of this virtual fellowship stay tuned there is so much more to come in jesus name in jesus name again thank you so much for staying with us and taking the time to share this virtual time remember we want you to tweet post share tag and let someone know that something great is on the horizon god is about to do something great for his people i encourage you to pause and give this time to the lord and spend time with us this afternoon and again it'll be our joy and pleasure to spend time with you in our virtual time of fellowship listen we want to hear from various nations of the world today if you are watching us in different areas and different nations will you be kind enough to put on the subject line where you're viewing from i know just recently we saw that there were people watching from jamaica oh yes hallelujah and then we had people watching from various places but i want to talk about today right now i want to hear from those of you in the islands i want to hear from those of you from various nations of the world let us know where you're viewing from it would mean so much to us in jesus name well listen we have something lovely for you a greeting from a mighty man of god in the chicagoland area and also we want you to be blessed by a song entitled healing listen if you are in need of healing today this is your day of deliverance and your day of breakthrough stay tuned and be blessed praise the name of the lord i am pastor kimberly ray gavin and it is such an honor to come into your homes or wherever you're so kind to watch at this present time you're watching the international intercessory virtual fellowship and at this time it is our desire to say a prayer for every person who is sick in your body i want to call the name of the lord on your behalf and say a prayer for you tonight father god in the name of jesus i thank you for every person that is watching right now and i ask you lord in the name of jesus to go into that room go into that hospital room go into that family room wherever that person is that is sick in their body lord i lift them up in your presence and i thank you for the power of god that delivers and sets free so god i find every assignment over cancer i'm buying diabetes now i ask that you would bring the high blood pressure down in the mighty name of jesus i ask that you will touch heal and deliver in the name of jesus for god you are our source and our strength you are our healer and you are jehovah jireh we bless your name tonight and we ask that you will move right now let the power of a living god break the yoke and the shackle and god i declare over every person watching that they will rise and be healed in the name of jesus jesus our savior jesus our healer jesus our deliverer have your way lord quicken them by your power let your anointing break every yoke break every shackle of touch and set free now in the name of jesus and god will praise you we'll give your name to glory we'll give your name the honor we'll bless you lord lord touch that woman give us strength in the legs and give us strength and a backup give us strength in our hands and the none of them won't sunday lord touch that man of god that's been laying in the bed for two or three weeks i command you to rise and rise rise up off of your bed of the bed of affliction for many ah the afflictions of the righteous but god delivered them out of them all now in the name in the precious name in the powerful name in the holy name of jesus bless you there is healing for your body there is healing for your soul there is healing for your mind receive your healing tonight in the name of jesus christ of nazareth [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] he was wounded for our transgression he was cruised for our iniquity is [Music] lift your heart [Music] he can deliver you [Music] hallelujah there is healing for your heart your mind your body and for your soul i believe god is touching you even as we speak right now and you're watching just then the angie rey ministries praise team praise god singing healing and we give god all of the glory i want you to receive it lift your heart prepare to receive the miracle of healing in your life today in jesus mighty name saints of god again we have so much more to come listen we don't want you to move from that spot where you're watching but we want you to know that the healing power of god is flowing right now like a mighty river and a mighty stream receive it now in jesus mighty name glory to god sister cheryl will you say a word to those that are viewing right now in jesus name i sure will i would just like to encourage you that if you are in need of prayer you can call now 708 503 11 40. we have capable and anointed intercessors standing in the gap just waiting waiting to touch and agree and pray with you right now i would also like to say don't move we've got bishop tudor bismarck uh pastor kimberly gavin oh my god and uh there's so much more listen we're here to be a blessing to you we want to encourage every believer to shine let your light so shine that men may see god's works in you won't you get up and shine call your favorite auntie call your mom your dad get up and call those cousins and this listen there is a um time is very short and there may be breaches in families breaches and relationships be the mender today you be the one to restore i know you say well it's always my fault i'm the one i'm the one but do it one more time and watch god bless you i believe god's going to heal and even in relationships on today amen amen god bless glory to god cheryl you know you said something so vital we found that in the area of families that sometimes things happen and people hold on to it for years but when you have a heart of forgiveness that means i release you from the punishment i feel you deserve because of what you've done to me and so today we say to you let it go let go of past offenses of herds of disappointments things that have caused your heart to be broken release it and bless them blessed are the peacemakers be the peacemaker of your family and sometimes you say well i'm always the one saying i'm sorry but that's all right be just like jesus take the low road that place of humility and i tell you god will get the glory out of your life amen pastor we're getting prayer requests for people that have lost loved ones and they're praying asking god to heal their hearts heal their emotions heal their souls because of the loss of loved ones so we're praying for you we're standing in the gap knowing that god is with you he cares for you and he's going to heal your heart and your emotions that you will have joy restored in the name of jesus christ be encouraged we love you and the lord jesus loves you most amen and sister tony you know i want to encourage those of you that have lost their loved ones and a lot of times we do ask the lord to heal i remember when my dad was uh was alive and well and we prayed that the lord would save him and fill him with the holy ghost and to heal his body and god did it and it always it baffled us at the end because the lord took my dad and he went on home to be with the lord we wanted the lord to heal him down here for us but the lord healed him and now we know that he's in glory and i want to encourage those of you to forgive and to let go and to let god heal you and don't allow the spirit spirit of melancholy to sit on you and i want to also say that in this world during this time you have to fight for your joy you have to i mean purposely let the joy of the lord be your strength don't find yourself the the prayer request that came about sisters uh being apart from one another's listen saints forgive each other and remember but but by the grace of god there you go if you would think about the things that everybody is going through it would help you humble yourself and say look i hear people say all the time i forgive but i'm not gonna forget you need to go back to the altar again and let god wash you and purge you listen fellowship is good in god i want you to know that and if you really love your sisters and your brothers in christ you're not in it for yourself the relationship is not about what you want it's about the other person sometimes and so let the love of god flow i love jesus and i'm so glad that jesus loved us enough to be our friend first so be somebody else's friend first hallelujah that's right praise the lord ray sisters we i just received a message from one of our prayer counselor that cheryl said last night she prayed for someone to receive a miracle and told them to get up in their room and praise the name of the lord and sister dorothy brown evangelist received her miracle on last night we give god all of the praise to god be the glory amen i am so excited about what god is doing listen share your praise reports with us let us know how the lord is blessing you as a result of the international intercessory virtual fellowship all glory to god listen i want to share really quickly um something that happened with our sister denise last year in the month of october our sister denise became very ill and i remember it was two years ago forgive me two years ago and i remember getting a call that um denise was in distress again and unable to breathe and the paramedics were there and i'll never forget this moment when i drove up to denise's home and as soon as i got there i'll never forget this she was coming out of the house on a stretcher and the paramedics were attempting to help her breathe thank you jesus and i'm telling you it's something when you see your sister that you really love and care about in distress she says she really loves me now you know that's just the truth praise the lord but i tell you as i saw her coming out of the house on the stretcher just flat on her back unable to breathe and i remember praying and asking god to raise our sister up and i thank god for the power of prayer glory to god and and even the paramedics said if they had waited any longer that she would have passed away but i thank god for life for my sister jd i thank god for life for you today we have that same level of love and compassion we're speaking life in that hospital room oh god that person that's been on the respirator for two or three weeks we still believe that god is able to take life in his own hand we're trusting god still standing in agreement and believing god for the power of prayer bless the name of the lord ray sisters i feel another praise moment glory to god yes cheryl i would just like to say this you know as being the eldest sister there has always been a fight in me that um i'm going to do the protecting the scripture says that the kingdom suffereth violent and the violent must take it by force you all gonna have to get up and fight you cannot sit there passive and say well satan lose your hope no you're gonna have to get up on your feet and tell the enemy that the blood of jesus yet prevails and that you have the victory that you're not coming in your flesh but you're coming in the name of jesus christ you're coming in the name in which every knee will bow and every tongue will ultimately confess that jesus is lord you're coming in the name that is far above principalities and you gonna have to get up and fight i want you to get up now yeah raise up you might say sister cheryl i can't get about the bed tell him to set you up you can get up and walk around shake yourself and listen the enemy is not going to make it easy call this prayer line right now 708 503 11 40. not only are our intercessors waiting they're ready to war on your behalf we believe that the enemy has to lose his hole today in jesus name if you would rise up and fight god will give you the victory amen hallelujah sister cheryl glory to god i felt somebody be stirred right there oh bless the name of the lord listen we are blessed by god to have such an incredible speaker for our afternoon session today we are absolutely thrilled and it is just only god could do something so wonderful for us to allow such a an extraordinary man of god to be our guest speaker for today we want to just take a minute and honor god for the gift for the blessing of bishop tudor bismarck he is one of the most noted gifted speakers of the world not of the states but of the world god has anointed him with fresh fire and anointing of revelation listen as you listen to the scripture as you listen to him preach the word of god it is as if the word of god becomes unveiled it just god just opens up your understanding through the gift that god has given this mighty man of god he's also a husband of pastor chichi bismarck one of our dear sisters and they have awesome sons that are working in the gospel with them again from zimbabwe africa we are absolutely humbled and honored and blessed to introduce today's speaker the one and only bishop tudor bismarck amen bishop tudor bismarck is the founder and senior pastor of new life covenant church in zimbabwe africa the headquarters church for jabula new life ministries international a church he co-founded in 1989 with his wife pastor chichi bismarck an accomplished author bishop bismarck has penned more than 20 books and teaching manuals from the age of 17 when he began traveling to surrounding villages in zimbabwe to the present bishop bismarck has been known for sharing the gospel of jesus christ be prepared to be immersed in the wisdom word and anointing of god join me as we welcome bishop tudor bismarck hey pastor kim and family thank you so much for your years of support uh ever joyful and happy i think the lord has given you the gift of joy because any time we've been at any place and you come in you actually literally you and your sister you light up the room and it's a wonderful gift i thank god for the apostolic anointing he's put in your life and the very strong prophetic gift he's put on you and you've done so well in what is typically and commonly known as a man's world goddess bless the work of your hands i know that chicago right now is under duress the unbelievable number of killings and that don't make sense uh the crazy crime but you're standing and you're doing so well and i know it's affected the area that you guys live in but you're plowing along and building a wonderful embassy uh on the earth for the lord jesus christ and for that we commend you uh coming to you from harare our church new life covenant church and a real joy to present for you for your conference and the title of the message is let's shine let's shine let's go to isaiah chapter number 61 and verse number one isaiah 61 and verse number one [Music] isaiah says arise shine for your light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you verse number two for behold uh their darkness shall cover the earth he doesn't say darkness it's the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the lord shall rise upon you and his glory shall be seen on you that verse is exactly the same as genesis chapter number 1 and verse 2 where the earth is filled with darkness and the potential of humans being built are covered by great darkness but the glory of the lord began to hover over the waters and mankind was eventually brought on the sixth day matthew chapter number five and verse 14 matthew 5 verse 14. jesus begins uh his first um teachings to the people with his apostles he has three great discourses in the book of matthew the first one is matthew 5 6 and 7 and that discourse is introducing the kingdom and its rules and then the second discourse is matthew chapter 13 where he tells seven parables each parable is for a week of the day and the seven steps of revelation the seven eyes of god the seven spirits of god the seven dimensions of the spirit he tells these seven parables this is how the kingdom functions and then the second and third the last third discourse is matthew 24 and 25 is the kingdom on display the working and function of the kingdom because the disciples asked him that question uh you know look at the temple and then jesus says in matthew 24 and verse 14 all these signs will first take place then shall the end come he says the kingdom shall be preached in all the world then shall the end come and so the sign that the kingdom is actually working is that it reaches the ends of the earth and so in matthew chapter number 5 and verse 14 as he's introducing the kingdom and the rules of the kingdom he says in verse 14 you are the light of the world uh and this is important because they were talked that the light of the world were the seven candlesticks that were in the tabernacle but he says to them you are the light of the world and uh he says a city that is set on the hill cannot be hid talking about the whole tabernacle neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and there's one of seven uh and but on the candlestick and it gives light to all that are in the house well what was in that house was a table of showbread with 12 loaves the altar of incense uh in which incense was raised uh 24 7 and the veil that no man could pass uh that was the light that that chemistry could only give light to he says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven so in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth heaven and earth heaven he puts that aside we don't see too much about heaven uh we don't hear too much about heaven uh there's just a few excerpts that explains heaven but jesus was element in your prayer you know our father be charged in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come and he was demanding that the nature and the culture of of heaven be brought to the earth because in chapter number one in verse two of genesis the earth now was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep all deep things have a face all deep things have a face and if you can recognize the face of a deep thing you have access to what is deep and the spirit of god was upon the face of the waters all waters that are waters that can be used that are viable have a face that's why jesus said to the blind man who will wash your face in the pool of bethesda now there were many pools in jerusalem uh there was a pool where there were so many hearts and jesus only healed one man that was sick for 38 years but this blind man was not sent to that pool he was sent to the pool called the the pool of bethesda which is the pool of faces and that was a deep pool it has the face of deep things and so the first thing that god says now after you recognize the two faces uh the first face is the face of deep things which are spiritual things uh i hath not seen an ear has not heard and in the face of deep waters which is a deep moving of the spirit the first thing that god says is let there be light and there was light the word light there is uh let there be illumination let there be information let there be awareness let there be knowledge a lot of times individuals are not aware of how great they are or aware of their gift or aware of god's agenda for your life and once a person comes into what zig ziglar says the aha moment and the light comes on in your head there's nothing that can really stop you because that aha moment that awareness moment creates confidence john says now we have the confidence which is faith that can do anything when you have that kind of confidence where it is impossible to have unbelief it is impossible for you to fail you can do anything and uh that's the a moment of illumination when the light comes on and and you now have a lamp unto your pathway and a light unto your feet a lamp unto your feet where god begins to shine in the way for you matthew chapter number 4 and verse 12 when jesus heard that john was cast into prison he departed into galilee he left nazareth where he was from the age of four he lived in nazareth from the age of four up until he was thirty when he goes to be baptized of john jordan he goes back to nazareth and he hears that john was in prison so he leaves and he goes to galilee and leaving nazareth he came and drowned in a fishing village called capernaum which is by the seacoast in the borders of zebulun and nephilim which are two of the tribes from one of the uh concubines or servants of jacob's wives one of leah's servants and the scripture says in verse 14 that it might be fulfilled of the prophet isaiah saying the land of zebulun and the land of nephilim by the way of the sea beyond jordan galilee of the gentiles the people which set in darkness saw great light and to them which set in the region in the shadow of death light is sprung up and so jesus is going to announce that he is the light of the world and so before he announces the light on that i am the light of the world is going to shine uh it's very difficult uh to just to [Music] say something is a thing if it has not performed and so when light is shining and somebody says what is that then a person can respond oh that is a light uh it was built to shine what is that that is an elephant what is that that is a steam engine what is that that is an aeroplane and so sometimes you can see a thing but don't understand what it is until someone explains it so zebulun and nephilim who were born of a servant they slept with jacob against their their own will they were instructed by their uh seniors by by their owners those that owned them rather that they were to go to bed with jacob and jacob was like whatever i'm here you know i'm available and so these the slave girl a servant girl produces two sons but if you look at the hierarchy in jacob's family you have uh leah is the oldest but rachel is the preferred one and then there are two servants there's zelda and villa and they produce children the youngest and the most despised of the slave girls produced these two sons zebulun and nephilim so they were always at the end of the queue getting food joseph and benjamin were in the front of the queue but these two kids were always at the back they were always in the land of darkness they got the last close they got the last crumbs they were the last to be loaded if they traveled they were the last to be recognized in a roster they were the last to get their school fees paid but if you read the scripture the ship said that which was first shall be lost and that which is last shall be first and so even though they were last now when jesus comes they are going to be the first to see the light so they see the light and this light is going to be a light that shines to the gentiles and it's going to be in a region that's in the valley of the shadow of death and so the two things zebulun is going to be representing the darkness that saw great light and a nephilim is going to be the region that was in the shadow of death and so two things people that sat in darkness and people that were living in the shadow of death i've been in both where they are seasons where it's just a dark season but i've also been in a season where there's been the shadow of death but what you need in those two moments there needs to be a light that shine and and he says arise and shine for thy light has come but when this light comes it's coming with the glory of the lord that will be risen among us say the glory has come say the light is shining so let's introduce isaiah the prophet isaiah is an incredible man of god uh he writes the book of isaiah and he starts his book isaiah the vision of isaiah the son of which saw concerning judah and jerusalem in the days of four kings uzziah jotham hezekiah all of them the kings of judah now if you know your history biblical history well during the years of rehoboam the son of solomon the kingdom of israel was split into two over a tax issue and rehoboam like most current governments overtaxed the people and it caused a split in the kingdoms ten kingdoms went to the north called israel and judah and the peace of another went to the south called judah and so both kingdoms raised kings for each of their groupings so they're the kings of israel and the kings of judah all the kings of the north all the kings of israel were wicked there was not one righteous king they were all wicked in fact they were the ones that introduced jezebelic systems into israel but for all those wicked kings god sent great prophets great great prophets that shook that demonic system to the core they were prophets that were sent to the tribe of judah or the kingdom of judah judah is the fourth son of leah which means to praise and so isaiah was sent to uzziah he said in that year that uzziah died i saw the lord high and lifted up and he's trained for the temple uh joseph was his successor and he was given a tremendous blessing ahaz in chapter number seven of the book of isaiah the lord said to isaiah tell the king that he's in a season where he can ask for anything and the message version says even if he asks for the moon i will give him half the earth and the moon if he sold his eyes and he has said uh i'm not worthy that god would give me that blessing and then hezekiah who was also a make a shaker god extended these years by almost 15 years uh he changed the sundial god used him to break down uh strongholds and uh break down alters that were lifted up to the fourth gods and so isaiah was in a very very key place god used him mightily his book contained the oracles of god his book the book of isaiah contained prophecies contain judgments they contain god's intentions his will they also contain uh the redemptions uh and prophetic words for those coming back from captivity he pronounces the captivity but he also pronounces great jubilation when the captivity is over his book probably has some of the most significant messianic promises from his birth isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 to his naming isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 and then to his crucifixion isaiah 53 to the way he enters into the city it's an amazing book has 66 chapters the scholars will tell you we have 66 books in our bible 39 of isaiah's chapters are the old testament which speak of doom and gloom but from chapter 40 all the way to chapter 66 or 27 chapters are the 27 books of the new testament and it starts in chapter number 40 verse 1 comfort ye comfort ye my people and he begins to speak joy and comfort and not judgment which is the book of saint matthew which brings comfort and peace that a messiah is coming and then he says in that same book he says the people are like grass which fades away the flower fadeth the grass withereth he says but the word of the lord shall abide forever which is referring to the word the lord jesus christ all things will pass away but what what is constant is the lord jesus christ and so in this book we are going to see a god lifting up his his glory and his power and he shows that in so many ways isaiah sees things that no other prophet sees jeremiah gets a bit of a hint of it in jeremiah 28 but isaiah is the one who actually is the first one to name lucifer and he sees lucifer's intent uh lucifer has five eye wills that's why god has a five-fold ministry each of those in the fight for ministry is to deal with luciferian five i wills lucifer said five times i will exalt myself i will i will so for every i will god has sent a prophet an apostle a prophet an evangelist a pastor a teacher to break down the five wills of lucifer that have gone through although somebody say amen amen isaiah saw this and uh he was pre-exilic in terms of his prophetic position before the babylonian captivity he was so unique in his insights he spans so many things so the first thing that god always does in a thing as isaiah will show us is that god brings light to a thing he turns on the light as you'll see in genesis let there be light and when the light comes on god then introduces you into a system and so your theme is let's shine but what are you shining for who are you shining for and uh who turned on the light who capacitates you to shine in the manner you are so let's look at the system of light because to shine is the first thing that god requires and expects so when jesus comes to zebulun and nephilim the first thing he does without saying a word is to shine because now that you can shine you can challenge darkness you can speak words in a dark room that may not challenge darkness and even though god is omnipotent and even though god is omniscient and even though god is omnipresent even though god is love even though god is light the first thing that god does he hovers over the earth which is filled with water he addresses the face of the deep and announces some deep things are about to come okay and when he announces that the first thing he does is he turns and the light says let there be light amen in other words light b and so uh when light comes it's then put into a system so a system then is an interconnected series of persons places things and events that are self-sustaining self-perpetuating organized to produce certain outcomes so now that you're saying let's shine it means that god is introducing to you as a ministry he's putting you into a new system and once a system is put in place it works forever light doesn't have to be reminded that it travels at 186 000 miles per second in a straight line and can only be bent by a prism and usually when it's bent by a prism uh it produces seven colors the rainbow and those seven colors are the seven dimensions of god that we'll see appearing in so many places so god is light and whenever you as a prism as an individual the moment you reflect god's light seven dimensions will always appear in your life so so when you reflect the light of christ like the apostle paul on the road to damascus when the light hit his prism amen he then had to reflect the light to the gentile world and there's no person that did that better than the apostle paul because he was a great prism and so for you to shine amen you are not a generator of light you are a reflector of light and you reflecting light understand that you are now going to walk in dimensions you have never walked in before it is important to understand that characteristically there are different levels and decrees of light for example uh you you there's a a 40 watt bulb and uh i remember when we first started going to church the church we worshipped in uh they got the lowest wattage of bulbs they were 40 watt bulbs but watches and channels of bars that light up stadiums are in the thousands of watts and so you you're gonna let your little light shine that little light is not gonna shine anything it's not gonna even shine a coin that little light's not gonna move devils that little light is not taking away darkness we have to increase our wattage but for that to happen there's going to have to be a cable that carries power from the power source to where the light shines if you don't have the right size cable uh you you the the light that you are trying to project will never never be released you could be a 5 000 watt light but if you have a thin little cable the cable will burn just because of the power trying to get to the light and so you have to understand that if god is connecting you to to be a light to shine you have to work on your cable which is the system that carries light and so as an apostolic leader you have to build within the the construct of your monastery you have to build people that are able to carry weight that are able to transmit uh electricity moving at 186 000 miles per second and so on you have you have to have people that can take the heat because anytime you have anything moving at that speed is going to produce heat from our sun s-u-n to the earth the light travels at 186 000 miles per second it takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for the light of the sun to leave the sun and reach the earth that's almost 600 it's almost 6 mil 6 uh 617 million miles an hour that light is traveling and when you're traveling at that speed 617 miles an hour it's going to produce a lot of heat it's going to attract a lot of attention it's going to draw devils to you if you're driving down the freeway it attracts bugs and attracts animals it attracts attention and so if you if you're willing to shine baby yeah shine you'll enjoy your platform you'll enjoy the money that comes from that but remember as light moves darkness it also attracts all kinds of things and you have to be able to deal with both of those things and so in in understanding the ability to shine you have to be anchored into principle truths you have to be anchored into fundamentals uh to know light is to understand darkness and you have to understand how darkness works and functions and so in in exodus chapter number 19 the bible says that god called moses into the darkness because even though god is light his secrets are hidden in dark places uh revelation knowledge is never discovered in the light revelation knowledge is is hidden in dark places so when god brings into a dark place jacob you can only have your dream at last when it's dark the ladder will only extend out of the stones of that place when it's dark god is not going to reveal himself when you leave egypt in the middle of the night you are going to spoil egypt in darkness the the revenge is coming in the land of darkness so zebulun and nephilim in your darkness you are about to see great light somebody say amen and so jesus then says i am the light of the world he shines and then he announces i am the light of the world and then he says let your light so shine as you see me shine let your light also shine and so when our light begins to shine it's it's our awareness of our is-ness in other words you have to know who you are there's a a movement in your country black lives matter and what's happening is that it's caused a lot of so-called confusion but what is actually happening is that people are now becoming aware of who they are and i'm not an american i don't understand so much of what happens in the united states this is an election year for you but what's happening is that a people group are now becoming aware of who they are and aware of their rights and aware of what they should be getting and should have received and now beginning to make demands of what is their rightful place and so awareness then makes you aware of not just who you are but who you what you are entitled to if you are an heir if you are a son this is what you are entitled to if you are a servant and you are a chief servant as a chief servant like abraham's chief servant genesis 24 he as a chief servant was almost like a son to abraham because abraham said to him i'll give you everything i don't have an heir i'll give it to you eliasa and abraham even brought that case to god and said i don't have an heir let me give everything i have to eliasa because he was a top servant he was a top servant so even in places of servants as a servant as a slave you still have entitlements you have rights even though you might be bored with the price you still have rights and you have to be able to exercise those rights and if you don't know what those are when satan comes around you'll never be able to able to shine and and show your trinkets of what god has done for you and so let your light shine let your light shine be braggadocious about what god has done for you and what he's doing for you do not be ashamed of what god has blessed you with uh the fact that you drive a nice car or a bad car is not the fact that you humble or proud humility is awareness of who you are and submitting that awareness to the will of god and and walking in that jesus was extremely humble but he was extremely confrontational and extremely wealthy you know i know he was extremely wealthy why would the top soldiers in that uh centurion bunch uh it was a centurion that means there were 100 soldiers that were around the cross why were they casting lots with jesus coat it was a seamless coat it was the top uh tailored coat literally in the country it was made so much it wasn't something that was just thrown away i mean the top guys were costing lots to get jesus coat if it was just a rag why would you cast lot and so even at his death jesus showed that he was very prosperous that he was a advanced thinker even in the statements he made on the cross the seven things he said on the cross he spoke seven times on the cross all of those were to address uh issues of humanity to introduce us into spirituality including the last thing he said it is finished because the work was finished and even on the cross to the two thieves that were aside one of them recognized him because even on the cross jesus let his light shine in the midst of so much humiliation being crucified totally naked and being humiliated whooped to an inch of his life there his light was still shining there he showed an example of how you look after your mother john take care of my mom in every area even in adverse in the face of death he let his light shine and when the devil thought he put his light out jesus went into the midst of the world of darkness conquered darkness broke every demonic spirit destroyed every demonic stronghold he became the conqueror just by light just by letting his light shine shout my light is shining shine in the midst of hell you might be in hell right now your job is to shine it's easy to shine when the sun is out but shine in great darkness jesus said to them again in john chapter number eight and verse number 12. then jesus spoke again to them saying i am the light of the world he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have light and the light of life sisters and brothers if you don't have light shining in you just follow jesus if you follow jesus he will be the light that's the example if you don't know what light is just follow jesus oh yes where he leads me i will follow turn to your never say follow jesus oh yes he is the light of the world he said a light or a candle that is lit cannot be put under a bushel when you light a candle put it on a candlestick the light of the candlestick is not a stand alone candle because you are one of seven seven candles making up the church age so when jesus said let your light shine is saying don't be independent but be part of a conglomeration of believers because he goes from the light of a candle to the light of a house he says a like that a candle lights up a house but a house that is set in a city the city on a mountain cannot be hid so seven candles make a house and 12 houses make a city and once you have those 12 apostolic houses they will be on a hill that cannot be hit oh yes citizen brothers let your light shine so that men can see it old children of zebulun i know you've seen the light of the sun but you've never seen the light of the candlesticks and you'll never experience the light of shakina but your light is about to be seen sons of zebulun and sons of naturally the last and now first you'll see a light but you won't describe it you'll drive a car you won't understand it you'll bake a cake without understanding how it was made you'll meet the prophet in the middle of a famine and he'll tell you your bread will never be extinguished you'll meet a prophet that has a double portion anointing you'll meet an elijah on a mountain and you won't know what's happening you'll meet a jeremiah who's a weeping prophet but he will assure you the blessing is nigh i feel like preaching to somebody here in the midst of your darkest moment you will find the greatest light so arise and shine for your light has come jesus said in john 8 23 he said unto them you are from beneath i am from above you are from this world i am not of this world this world has its light but the world i come from has a different light oh yes i'm coming from a world of light i'm not walking in darkness but i am in light satan the lord rebuked you in jesus name and so i'm saying to all of you in this place let your light shine shine let your gift shine i said shine shine on your job shine shine in the marketplace shine shine in your family setting shine shine in your neighborhood shine shine on the university campus shine shine in the hood shine in a gang-infested neighborhood turn to your neighbor give them an elbow and say shine i said shine shine on the mount of transfiguration shine with abraham and moses and shine with elijah and elisha shine and a voice will be set unto you shine oh yes amen in a dog-eated world in a eat world dog world shine from the dog house to the white house shine in the valley of death i will shine in the valley of evil i will fear no evil but i will shine in the secret place of the most high i intend to shine in the midst of persecution i'm going to shine oh yes at midnight with my back beaten put in stocks i'll sing praises unto god and i will shine in the jailhouse when i'm facing a giant with only five stones and a slingshot i'm gonna shine in goliath's face oh yes i'm coming out of moab i don't have any money i lost my husband in mohammed but my name is ruth i'm going to shine in bohaz field i only have 300 men my name is gideon i'm facing 180 000 million nights but i'm going to shine i've got a torch in one hand i've got a trumpet in another and i'm going to shine i've been sold as a slave i've been accused as a rapist and find myself in jail my name is joseph but i'm shining in the jailhouse pharaoh is going to call me and when pharaoh calls me i will arise and i will shine i'm joshua i am moses successor i've seen miracles in the wilderness but now i'm facing jericho jericho my name is joshua i'm arising to shine the walls are coming down but rahab shine in the wall put a scarlet cord and shine in the wall because jesus is inside of you elijah on mount carmel facing jezebel and the false prophets shine elijah shine fires coming down from heaven shine when there's no hope shine when there's no blessing shine when there's a coronavinus shine when you lose your business shine when your accusers come against you shine in the midst of temptation shine in the midst of a storm shine when there's confusion shine when you're dying on calvary shine in the pits of hell shine when you raise from the dead oh my god i'll feel this thing give someone an elbow say let's shine let's shine together if you'll shine i will shine if i will shine you can shine i won't be jealous when you shine shout to three people say shine shine shine [Applause] shine in this election year shine in this polarized environment shine in that poverty again infested neighborhood shine let's shine i feel like letting my light shine this little line of mind ah i'm gonna let it shine hide it under a bushel no i'm gonna let it shine my light will shine on the jericho road my light will shine on bethesda's path my light will shine on the road to emmaus my light will shine on the damascus road my light will shine in the midst of trial and tribulation arise and shine for thy light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you [Music] arise and shine keep going to praise for your life [Applause] [Music] apostle kim god has not just placed a prophetic mantle on your life but an apostolic decree to go forth shine in the midst of trouble god is going to put it on god he's putting a governmental anointing on your life where even the governor is going to put you on a a forum to consult to help not just because you're a woman but but to help you help women with with revenues to build businesses to build houses single mothers who are struggling help a lot of teenage girls that are lost their lives through drug addiction gang struggles and challenges god is going to use you and you are going to be the light amen i pray for your protection i pray for you securely amen that god will keep you because the kinds of things that's going to happen in your ministry gang leaders are going to come and bring their weapons and lay them on there and and you're going to teach them and meant to them the school that you have to start mustn't be teaching people how to prophesy that too but teaching people how to invest the gift that god has given them including their money and you are going to build a legacy for the things that you thought you lost in life is your gain from harare new life covenant church we bless you christian i love you and this church appreciates you all the very best let's shine together god bless you hallelujah glory to god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord bless the name of the lord arise and shine for thy light has come thank god for bishop tudor bizmark hallelujah glory to god and thank you lord i'm so grateful to god that he has shown us today how that we are reflecting the light of god and that we can be courageous and bold and strong this light that god has placed within us it is time for us to shine i love it when he said all of us can shine together glory to god we can all give god the glory i'm so thankful for the seven dimensions of light that he shared with us today how that we reflect the light of the lord jesus christ amen i want everybody that's on facebook on youtube wherever you are just please just put in the subject line in the note hallelujah bishop has preached the word today just put in there he preached the gospel bishop tudor bismarck once again we give god the glory for this great man of god and for the anointing and the fire of revelation that has been immersed upon us and the light the illumination and the revelation that we have experienced through the word of god again you are watching the international intercessory virtual fellowship and this is our time to share the love of god and to walk in the light the beautiful light we praise god for the message and the messenger one more time i wish i could hear the saints clapping for bishop tudor bismarck glory to god he has preached us happy in this church today my god what a blessing we have intercessors available you can call now for prayer 708-503-1140 and for those of you that want to sow into this work sow into this ministry right now you can sow by way of giblify angie ray ministries some of you are stirred and i want you to sow this seed with a gift today by saying this seed i'm sowing i'm sowing it in the name of the light come on somebody i'm sewing it so that i can shine this seed is to shine glory to god you can go right now to even the cash app with angie ray ministries so many of you have let us know over the years you've been blessed by the ministry this is your time to give right now come on put that in the in the subject line let's shine even as you sow this seed and i believe god to bless you and your family in jesus name next we're going to have someone very special to our family he has been a blessing to the ray sisters and i for about 30 years this incredible gift many of you know his voice as soon as you see him but we give god the glory stay tuned and see now who's coming to share a word with you family family what's going on congratulations pastor kim my god sister and the ray sisters are my god sisters you know pastor angie uh adopted me back then in the 90s and we've been family ever since congratulations on that amazing international virtual uh intercessory fellowship man this is going to be an amazing event and uh man i am so proud of you as usual i've known you've come such a long way until you got some of my friends on the program you know you got the sisters my sisters the ray sisters and you got uh bishop to the bismarck and you have my man uh bishop john francis you know the bible says uh in matthew 5 14 you have the light of the world a city sit on a hill that cannot be heard so let's shine family congratulations and man just have an awesome time in the lord love you praise the lord praise the lord everyone did not we enjoy that word and i want you to know next we have none other than our very own pastor kimberly ray gavin with a preached word from the lord now you all know she's a little fireball and we are so excited about whatever it is the lord has given her to share with us on today so i want you to do me a favor i thank god for each of you that have been with us on our virtual fellowship but would you tag a neighbor a friend tell one of your facebook friends and share the word that pastor kimberly ray gavin is coming with a preached word and they don't want to miss it bless the lord and if you need prayer you too can call at this time area code 708 503 11 40. we love you we are we are so excited god is moving and he's moving right now now if i were you i would gather around right now get your leticia because you may do your little crime and then you may get your little spot because you may do your little shouting the word of god is coming next from there our very own pastor kimberly ray gavin pastor kimberly ray gavin is one of four evangelist daughters of the late dr angie ray founder of angery ministries church on the rock where pastor kim serves as senior pastor as a pastor she patiently strives to teach her members how to fall in love with jesus as a passionate international preacher she shares the gospel of jesus christ around the world proclaiming and demonstrating that the power of god through prayer and consecration will heal and deliver those that are in bondage pastor kim also hosts the internationally televised program a time of intercession viewed on the word network in over 200 countries pastor chemist also shared the gospel in london england cape town south africa and in bimini and nassau in the bahamas pastor kim's assignment is to empower and equip the body of christ with tools in prayer and warfare her god-inspired goal is to raise a powerful army of fearless intercessions who will destroy the plans of the enemy through prayer and warfare i introduce to some and present to others pastor kimberly ray gavin [Music] father god in the name of jesus we praise you today we praise you lord that you are god and beside you there is none other father god in the name of jesus i ask you humbly today that you will breathe upon every person that is watching this virtual fellowship lord i pray that you will move in the continents of the world as this international time of ministry is flowing through the airwaves father god in the name of jesus i just want to stop and thank you thank you for being faithful thank you for being a god that has been with us down through the years lord you've been so gracious unto us lord we just want to stop and thank you for being infinite and incomprehensible we thank you god that you are the sustainer of the pillars of the universe we thank you lord that you are god that you stand in the solitude of yourself god you are faithful and just you're august and mighty lord we just love to call your name we ask that you will breathe upon every person that is watching this virtual time in the name of jesus somebody needs a miracle somebody needs a breakthrough somebody needs you to lay your hands on them so god i ask that you will lay your hands on your people on today god you are eternal your word transcends man's thoughts so god we ask that you will bless your people now in the name of jesus lord someone needs a touch from heaven so i ask you now lord in jesus name to breathe upon them for your glory in the name of jesus let your anointing begin to break the yolks over cities over states and nations lord in jesus name we ask that you will touch your people let them shine in this hour let the joy of the lord be their strength in jesus mighty name and god will give you the praise we'll bless you god we'll praise your name because you are el shaddai your jehovah jireh your jehovah nissin god you're awesome and you're mighty and we love you and we give you all of the glory in the name of jesus lord yellow i ask that you will stir your people stir up the fire stir up the power of the holy ghost let the glory of the lord rest upon their countenance as they shine for your glory in the name of jesus and oh god we ask that you will release a spirit of prayer that you will release a travailing spirit of that you will release an anointing for prayer oh god breathe on your midwives and breathe on the daughters of zion breathe on the mother's anxiety breathe on the women of god let there be a travail of around the world let a travail break forth in every home in every house in the name of jesus oh you said when zion travailed him she brought forth her children oh god i lose a crime you said when the righteous cry that you will hear us and deliver us out of all of our trouble you said call unto me and i will answer him and show you great and mighty things that you know not of you said that your ear is not too heavy that you can't hear your people and you said cry unto me and so today we cry we cry with purpose we cry with mercy we cry with intensity have your way lord quicken your intercessors and let him rise up into a place of warfare that of war against the enemy him let him fight the good fight of faith and lay hold to eternal life in the name of jesus oh yeah he come about stir your people everywhere stir every man of god stir every woman of god stir every young person that loved you with a whole heart touch him now lord in the name of jesus jesus we give you glory and we give you praise we honor you and we bless your name in jesus name we pray amen amen and amen grace mercy and peace be unto you from god our father and the lord jesus christ it is a distinct honor and pleasure amen to share this time this international intercessory virtual fellowship and we're going now into the word of god and i would like for you to turn your bibles with me to the book of luke we're going to luke's gospel chapter 10 and we'll be reading a few verses of scripture out of the word of god the bible says after these things the lord appointed other seventy also and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whether he himself would come verse two therefore said he unto them and these are the words of jesus christ the harvest truly is great but the laborers are few pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into his harvest people of god this is an hour that we need to do exactly as jesus said and pray that god would raise up warriors and laborers that will win souls and share the message of the lord jesus christ in every nation and every city every continent every place of the world we need to be the light of god the light of the world that is a city that is set upon the hill that cannot be heared i want to go further in the word of god the bible says in verse number 16 and he that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me and the seventy returned again with joy saying lord even the devils are subject unto us through thy name and just to put in perspective here jesus was talking to a group of disciples it was 70 of them that had gone out to evangelize and minister two by two and as they returned they came back to give jesus uh us a type of update to let him know what had happened during their times of ministry and they began to share with him that even the devils are subject to thy name they were telling jesus with joy saying lord we in other words we have power and we have seen the demonic spirits be subject unto us during our times of evangelism but here is the key word and herein is our message for today in verse number 18 the bible says and here are the words of jesus speaking and he said unto them i beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven in other words he's saying to those disciples listen i understand that you're joyful that you have dominion over some demon spirits and those devils are subject to the name of jesus but i want to share with you that in the words of jesus i saw him fall as lightning and i want to say to the saints of god that it is indicative of us to recognize that jesus had the power over the powers of the enemy and he gives unto his believers and his disciples this truth that if you understand that jesus saw the devil when he fell from heaven he saw his defeat he saw his collapse he saw his crash he witnessed it he observed it by but with an eyewitness view he observed amen the fall of the enemy and then jesus goes on to say to those disciples behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you and then jesus said notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven and i want to just pause right there and say to you those of you that are watching this message today i want you to have a new appreciation for these words it is written amen if you look in the scripture in the new testament there are times that jesus references some of the old testament prophets there are times that he begins to speak words that have been written down through the ages of the uh of the the sacred scripture and i want you all to recognize that when jesus said it is written i want you to start utilizing this as a part of your arsenal as a believer i want you to help me announce my text today and the word of the lord is it is written and one of the things i must share with you today in order for you to recognize the impact i want us to have this conversation what was it that lucifer did that caused him to be violently hurst and violently kicked out of heaven what did he say what did he do that created such an anger in our sovereign god that he decided to destroy the enemy by casting him down to the earth i want to talk to you about five things that the enemy said that caused him to be destroyed and it is imperative that you understand these things so that you will not allow the enemy to cause you to say the same thing the first thing that the enemy said out of the book of isaiah chapter 14 and 13 he said i will ascend into heaven and so we realize here that lucifer wanted to mount up on the scales of heaven he desired to occupy the highest heavens he wanted to penetrate the kingdom of our infinite god he wanted to have the highest place the highest position just remember this number one is i will ascend into heaven number two he said i will exalt my throne above the stars of god lucifer wanted a position that was above the stars that god had created may i remind you that we're talking about the fact that he wanted to take the place or to overthrow or to exalt himself even above the stars that god had created and if you really want to recognize why god had to be grieved in his soul all you got to do is go to the book of genesis for the bible declares that it was god that created the heavens and the earth but the enemy wanted to take his place as an angel and exalt himself as the morning star he wanted to shine with the brilliance that was greater than all of the angels combined he wanted to be the one that had the brightest of all stars oh yes i want to talk to you and tell you the third thing that he said that caused him to be violently thrown out of heaven he said i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation he desired to sit and be enthroned in the highest places of the angelic assemblies the enemy was not pleased with just being a leading angel but he began to idolize himself he became impressed with his own abilities his own beauty his own talent he became impressed and dazzled with himself ah god i tell you but it got him in trouble uh that the fourth thing that the enemy said is he said i will ascend above the heights of the clouds and clouds are used in biblical terms to represent the glory of god and so lucifer began to covet god's glory i want you to know that all through the scripture we realize that the glory of god belongs only to him if you look at the old testament and you find out amen that the glory of the lord was sacred it was precious and even today we're not supposed to touch or desire god's glory but satan desired to have that which belonged to god and then the fifth thing he said which was the thing that caused his real demise he said i will be like the most high he wanted to be equal with god he wanted to be the possessor and the ruler he wanted to dominate god and be a completely independent creature not responsible to anyone so we have to see the fact that the enemy became lifted up in pride he got pride in his heart pride in the mind pride began to overtake him and this is why when we hear jesus save it is written i beheld satan fall from heaven as lightning it gives to the believer this responsibility that we have been granted power i want you while you're sitting in your living room to understand that you have power over all of the works of the enemy the bible says that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and even the tongue that rise against you in judgment thou shall condemn i came today to tell you that it is written and one of the reasons that the devil got lifted up is because of the spirit of pride pride is an abomination unto god the bible teaches us that if we are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of god and be lifted up but if you lift yourself up the scripture tells you that it goes before destruction and a hearty spirit before a fall people of god i just want you to be reminded that jesus spoke to the to the people of god to those disciples and he said i beheld satan fall as lightning i just stopped by to tell you that the devil forgot that god is the architect of the universe he forgot that god is the ancient of days that he is the self-existing one he forgot that god stands in the solitude of himself and he doesn't need anybody else's permission he is god and beside him there is none other i want you to know that our god he sustains the pillars of the universe he is the god that spoke out of the world when he's the god that speaks and man lives and the god that speaks and man dies and so the enemy got lifted up in himself and became full of pride but the word of god says that amen that as a lightning ah just just think about how fast a lightning strike is just as lightning jesus said i beheld satan fall from heaven as lightning and one of the things that the adversary is so angry about is that he was kicked out of heaven and we know that he's the god of this world the prince and the power of the air but one thing i want to remind the believer is that the bible says that the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof i want to talk to you for a minute and let you know when you feel kind of weak when you feel like you're being defeated i'm going to remind you that jesus said i beheld him fall i watched his descent i watched his collapse i watched him hit the earth and that's why i want to remind you that god has given you power listen and the weapons of our warfare they are not carnal but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every hot thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god i want you to get a new arsenal i want you to have a new weapon in your time of warfare i want you to begin to say it is written let me remind you of something else jesus said if you look in the word of god in the book of matthew jesus was on a man a place of fasting and prayer and he had been going up into the spirit to be tempted by the devil and the bible says that satan appeared to him and told him to turn these stones into bread but jesus looked at the devil and said it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god oh come on somebody i know you're in your living room and at home but you ought to help me say amen oh bless the name of the lord it is written can you repeat that with me one more time just say it is written another thing that the enemy did is that he began to tell jesus he took him to the pentacle of the temple and he began to try to tempt jesus and say listen if thou be the son of god he said cast yourself down he said that the angels have charge over you lest thou dash thy foot against the stone but jesus began to look at the devil and told him to get thee behind me he began to rebuke the devil and understand that he has all power and then the bible said the devil took him into an exceeding high mountain and begin to tell him that i'll give you the nations of the world i'll give you everything that you want but the lord began to tell him to tell the devil that you shall serve god and him only shall thou serve i stopped by to tell you the saints of god that this is the hour and this is the time for you to recognize who god is he kicked the devil out of heaven and that's why the enemy comes in as a flood but the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against the enemy and every now and then you got to remind the devil that it is written but the scripture said i have not seen neither ear heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what god are you under the heart with god what god has in store for them that love him our god he is the god of abraham the god of isaac the god of jacob the god of isaiah the god of ezekiel this is our god he had all power and then he said unto us he gave us jesus jesus he satisfied the sacrifice that we needed in order to have power with god and god gave unto us jesus so that we would have access to the father in the name of jesus that thank you lord jesus he said i beheld him fall from heaven as a lightning and that's why you got to put on the whole armor of god resist the devil and he will flee from you he wants your worship he wants your praise he want to sit high in your heart but i dare you today to say it is written it is written thou shalt serve the lord thy god and him will lay him only shalt thou serve you gotta recognize that you have power you have strength in the name of the lord he is god he stands in the sanctity of himself he is god he is infinite and incomprehensible he is god yes he is he is elohim he's god he's god and i give him the praise it is written jesus paid the price i could not pay he suffered bled and died for my sin every now and then you gotta remind the enemy it is written jesus said i beheld him fall from heaven as enlightened and where did he fall where did the devil go the bible said he fell to the earth but i want to remind you what the bible said the psalm is recorded in psalm 24 at the end i love this verse y'all forgive me the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof he has founded it upon the seas our god he founded it upon the seed and he established it upon the flood who shall a sin who shall ascend i feel good right now until the heel of the lord he that had the clean hands of a pure heart who have not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully this is a generation that's you and me this is the generation that seek thy face the bible says seek the lord while it may be found call upon him while he is near let the wicked up forsake his way and the ungodly other forsake his way and he will pardon come on somebody reach up to god seek it with your whole heart cry out to him as a dear lord jesus as the deer and after the water so that my soul hand out the deal god in a dry and a thirsty land where no water is i want to see thy power as i have seen thee in the sanctuary because is better than life my lips your pleasure thank you lord thank you for being my deliverer thank you for giving me power after that the holy ghost has come upon you i'll give you power it is written power to heal the sick [Music] power to raise the [Music] dominion authority over all the works of the unity now until here my lord now unto him now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and before the present of this glory with exceeding joy to the old age to the only to the only ones god our savior be glory be majesty dominion and power both now and forever he's a wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace yes in your living room yes at home i know he's alright [Music] i know he's all right he's all right he's all right oh yes he is [Music] praise the name of the lord i know he's all right glory to god it is written did not you enjoy that message by our pastor kimberly ray gavin glory to the name of the lord jesus christ we thank god for that word of god jesus said i beheld satan fall from heaven as lightning we know that satan is a defeated foe in all of our lives aren't you encouraged by the word of god on today let's thank god again for pastor kimberly ray gavin want you to be encouraged today by the word i pray that you've been blessed by this international intercessory virtual fellowship we love you so much with the love of jesus just before we go for this afternoon i want to remind you to join us tonight tonight at seven o'clock p.m central time we'll be back tonight the races all together and bishop michael blue from south carolina will be sharing the word of god on tonight and then on tomorrow pastor jay denis ray will lead us in prayer and intercession amen praise the name of the lord and then bishop leon wallace from the nasa bahamas is going to be sharing apostle leon wallace will be sharing in prayer and intercession for us on tomorrow we're going to have international prayer again won't you invite somebody to join us on tonight remember to like to share to post show those hearts amen those of you on youtube ask that you would share it as well we love you so much with the love of jesus we have another special greeting from a man of god a powerful man of god from right here in the chicago land area a friend of angie ray ministries just before we go if you're in need of prayer the prayer counselors pastor denise and i sister sheryl is here still and we're going to answer the phones for a little while we still have prayer counselors here awaiting your call 708 503-1140 anointed vessels are here to stand in the gap and to pray with you now at this time we're going to go to a pre-recorded uh message from one of our friends he wants to share the love of christ with you and then we're going to end with the congello love fellowship choir all the way from south i'm sorry from cape town south africa god bless you as our prayer we'll see you tonight at 7 pm ladies and gentlemen good evening i am apostle carlos chica from chicago marvin linares an apostle marvin linares from denver colorado is translating tonight i would like to greet you congratulate you and bless you ministers to angie ray ministries pastor kimberly and her husband to all the wonderful family ray and house upon the rock for this great conference of intersession and virtual partnership as we speak about brethren together partnership remember that when a spider they web together they can kill lions and when we speak about partnership let's never forget that we need two stones rubbing together to behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity for there it is where the lord sends blessings and everlasting life it is our desire that you would enjoy to the maximum this wonderful conference a hug with all of our love and many blessings to all [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] time again you felt like starting over the enemy attacked you and you felt defeated [Music] is [Music] god gave me this way to encourage you don't you give up god has given you power and authority [Music] i am [Music] he's with me [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] the lord said be strong and very courageous hallelujah [Music] you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 13,637
Rating: 4.8854628 out of 5
Id: lhP6zeNXolI
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Length: 136min 20sec (8180 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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