It is Written Bible Study

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praise the lord everybody hello hello hello this is pastor kimberly i'm here i know i've been away for a while but i'm here tonight and i just welcome you to it is written again this is pastor kimberly i'm so happy to be with you all i say hello to all of you i thank the lord for so many wonderful men and women of god who've been standing in for me but i'm here live tonight and i'm excited about the word of god listen if you have a friend a sister or brother in christ will you tell them listen just tune in tonight pastor kimberly is going to be covering a very interesting subject in fact it's something incredibly powerful and we're going to be talking about the shortest prayer in the bible but i promise you in times of need it will be a source of strength and power to you and i know that the word of god will really be a blessing i want to begin by saying hello to everyone i see you all coming on come on in hello so nice to see your names tonight again i thank god for the season and the time of being away i thank god for jesus christ my savior he is absolutely wonderful and i give him the glory and the praise i want to say hello and god bless you listen especially the church on the rock if you don't see some of our members on while we're live and streaming i want you to just text somebody and tell them pastors on pastor's on you gotta go you gotta go you gotta see it tonight because god is gonna bless us in this holy word now for those of you that follow along in the scripture i would like for you to get your bible we're going to the gospel according to saints matthew saint matthew i'm telling you this is an incredibly exciting teaching tonight and i know that it'll lift your spirit and again will you just be so gracious as to text post or tag tell someone to tune in right now as we are going to share a teaching that i believe will bless your very soul i hope you all are ready all right again god bless you it's so nice to have all of you all live tonight and we thank god for it is written again please post tag share and if you don't see someone on the line tell them come on pastor want to see you tonight and tell them that we're ready we're ready to teach what the lord has given us so we're going to the book of matthew matthew's gospel chapter 14. we've got several verses to read again we're talking tonight about a powerful amen an anointed three words just three words the shortest prayer recorded in the bible we want to let you know that the word of god is so powerful i want to begin by saying that the bible is to me one of the greatest books that's ever been written it is foremost and leading as it relates to the very word of god and we want to share with you that it is an opportunity for god to speak himself to mankind it's a book of divine instruction it offers sorrow in times i'm sorry comfort in times of sorrow it offers guidance in times of perplexity it offers advice for problems it offers rebuke and correction for sin it offers daily inspiration for our every need yes the bible the word of god it is not simply just a book but it is an entire library of books covering a range of literature it covers history it covers poetry it covers biography philosophy science inspirational readings all of it can be housed within the word of god and the word of god is also a blueprint it is a type of blueprint you know an architect needs a blueprint in order to create a beautiful structure well so does the word of god it is a blueprint to help you walk through life the bible says the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and so we want god to order our steps tonight and we want him to bless us in his holy word all right we're ready the bible teaches us in the book of matthew chapter 14 and again i would love for you to read along or to listen as we share the word of god and while we're teaching tonight i just want you to know that i want to share with you three words that were uttered that changed the circumstances the shortest prayer in the bible here we go we're talking tonight about the word of god in matthew chapter 14 and verse 23-33 let's go and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the even was come he was there alone and so the bible says in verse 24 but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and so we just want to pause for a minute and talk about contrary winds their heavy winds winds that bring in storms and so we we realize as we look at the the words of of the lord that the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves and the wind was contrary so let's establish that the winds were contrary it was a storm-like setting and so in verse number 25 the bible says and in the fourth watch of the night jesus went unto them and how did he come to them the bible says walking on the sea and so as we do our study tonight we just want to reference that we are referring to one of israel's largest of water bodies of water it is known as the sea of galilee verse 26 says and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear and so we can see here that the state of the disciples were that they were fearful and fear is a painful emotion or a passion excited by an expectation of evil or an apprehension of impending danger so they were perplexed they were troubled they were bewildered because they saw jesus walking on the water and they began to say it's a spirit and they cried out for fear verse 27 and the bible says but straightway jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer it is i be not afraid and as we study tonight i want to lift up the words be of good cheer it really means according to the scripture it means to have courage and so the why the bible is saying that jesus spoke unto them and said be of good cheer what is courage courage is the ability to do something brave it it's the ability to have uh to be brave in the in the in the area of the heart it means bravery courage fearlessness it also means to be daring and so jesus spake here be of good cheer it is i be not afraid it's not a spirit it is i the lord jesus so be not afraid i love this part of the scripture i really do in verse number 27 that teaches us that uh in the word of god that jesus said to be of good courage or be of good cheer and he established again that it is i and be not afraid you have to have courage and so when we look at and i just want to pause for just a moment and mention that in the summary of the gospel of matthew matthew is a very orderly and concise book matthew is one that is described in detail and he described the detail of the lineage of jesus christ from his uh his ancestors all the way back to david and so we realize as we look in the book of matthew it's one of the synoptic gospels and it is written to reveal the lord jesus as messiah the king of the jews from the lineage of david and so again we're establishing that we're reading out of matthew chapter 14 and we're reading verses 23 through 33 and so we're reading again verse number 28 i hope you all are going along with me in your bible and just understand that this story is so fascinating this is after jesus had worked the miracles of feeding the five thousand men with the two fish and the five loaves of bread it is after jesus had went away from the shore for a time and the bible says he went up into the mountain apart to pray and you know this isn't it amazing that our savior the son of god jesus christ our perfect example that he also prayed i think that is so indicative of the the spirit of jesus christ is that there is a praying spirit within you when you are a child of god let us continue i hope you all are reading along we're verse at verse number 28 now and peter answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water and so when he said lord jesus if it is you lord allow me to come bid thou me to come to to advance toward you to come near unto you he said be it thou me to come unto thee on the water again i just think it's amazing that it is peter who was the disciple of all of the ones that were in the ship it was peter that asked the question of jesus be it thou me to come give me the opportunity to come to thee let me walk out on the water and verse number 29 says and he said come i love that jesus said unto peter come on peter he said and when peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to jesus now i just want to briefly share just a brief synopsis of peter simon peter also known as cephus was one of the followers of jesus christ he was an outspoken disciple one of jesus closest friends and he was also noted later in the scripture as an apostle he was a pillar of the church and became a pillar of the church peter was enthusiastic he was strong-willed impulsive and at times even brash but for all of his strengths peter had several failings in his life still the lord chose him and continued to mold him into the vessel that peter was intended to be i love that praise the name of the lord and so let's talk about the fact that here in verse number 29 and he said come and peter came and came down out of the ship and he walked on the water to go to jesus i also want to just mention in our study tonight that simon peter met jesus through his brother andrew before this happened of course um he followed after him after uh after hearing john the baptist proclaimed that jesus christ would be the lamb of god and so it was the lord that used andrew which was peter's brother that bought him to jesus that's how he met him and so when jesus met peter for the very first time the scripture says he said unto him upon meeting simon jesus gave him a new name which was cephas and in the aramaic it means peter in the greek it means a rock and so the bible teaches that later on in the scripture in the book of john amen that jesus officially called peter to follow him and so again this is that same peter that jesus called jesus changed his name it was peter who had a determination be it thou me to come to thee let me come to you jesus hallelujah verse number 30 says and when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying and these are the three words i want you to hear tonight out of all of our studies are all about teaching tonight i want you to remember these three words he said unto jesus after he saw the wind was boisterous what is boisterous wind that is boisterous means that it is loud it is roaring it is violent it is stormy and so in the conditions at this particular time in the scripture the wind was boisterous and loud amen and so christ begged peter to come and so he told him to come and walk out on the water and so we understand that the lord is powerful and in in the midst of this moment it was because of peter's fear the bible says that he was afraid and be and beginning to sink and while he was sinking my lord listen to his response to the lord jesus christ while he was sinking the bible says he cried out three words i want you to get these three words in your spirit lord save me three shortest words in the bible as it relates to prayer of course we know that there's an instance where jesus wept which was a description of what jesus was doing amen but we're not talking about that tonight we're talking about the prayer that was prayed that is noted as one of the shortest prayers in the bible he said lord save me praise the name of the lord if you really think about it the bible says here as uh peter began to look around it was because of the boisterous winds it was because of the waves it was because of the conditions of the storm that he became afraid and he began to sink and he cried saying lord save me if you're watching tonight just put that in your subject line lord save me i'm telling you three of the shortest words recorded in the biblical history but three of the most powerful words that you can still use today asking the lord lord save me bless the name of the lord and let's let's look at what happened when jesus heard peter crying the bible says he cried saying lord save me verse 31 says and immediately hallelujah i just love how jesus moves so fast sometimes in the scripture the bible says and immediately jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him hallelujah and said unto him oh thou of little faith wherefore did it thou doubt and so when you look at the word doubt it means to waver it means to fluctuate in opinion it means to hesitate it means to be in suspense with uncertainty when you doubt it's the thing that opens the door to the enemy because the bible teaches us that faith is what moves god without faith it's impossible to please the lord and so when we walk by faith and not by sight we can't walk in doubt at the same time and so when we look away from christ and we look at the opposing difficulties it's when you begin to fall but when you call upon jesus he will stretch out his arms to save christ jesus is the great savior and those who will be saved must come to him and cry out to him for salvation just like peter cried lord save me and remember it was it was peter that had the courage to step out of the boat to begin to walk out on the water to experience a miracle it is a miracle to defy gravity to be able to walk on the water and that's exactly what peter did and i believe that peter saw jesus walking and when he saw him walking he felt like i believe i can do that too if jesus can walk on the water i believe i can walk on the water too peter had faith and he believed but at this moment the scripture describes that peter began to have doubt and fear unbelief begins to open the door to the adversary and so jesus at verse 31 says and immediately jesus stretched off his hand and caught him and said unto him oh thou of little faith it was a type of rebuke because of peter's doubting the lord wherefore did his thou doubt but in verse 32 and when they and then when they were come into the ship the wind ceased let's look at the fact that in saint luke chapter number 8 and verse 25 the bible says and he said unto them where is your faith faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen i tell you you've got to have faith to move the heart of god faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god but in the book of luke the scripture says and he said unto them where is your faith and they being afraid wonder saying one to another what manner of man is this hallelujah i love this verse what manner of man is this for he commanded even the wind and the water and they obey him hallelujah and then in verse mark chapter 4 and verse 41 says and they feared exceedingly and said one to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him i just need you all to recognize that the lord jesus christ has so much of power so much authority that he can speak to the wind he can speak to the waves and command them to obey and i believe that one of the reasons why jesus portrays this fearless authority is because he knows that his father made the wind his father spoke to the wind and the wind was created his father hallelujah i just love that he knew amen who set the world in place he knew who established the pillars of the universe jesus knew when he prayed to his father he knew that the father had made creation it was god that made it and so when he saw the winds and the waves he wasn't afraid because he knew who it was that created the very winds and the waves it was his father that made it praise the name of the lord verse number 33 says and they that were in the ship came and worshiped him saying of a truth thou art the son of god my lord i love that i love the fact that they understood that there is no way that this person can just walk out on the water there is no possible way unless it is the son of god i want to share with you all tonight that as we're talking about the shortest prayer in the bible simply lord save me and whatever you're going through tonight you can say those words in times of prayer in times of agreement and ask the lord just like peter peter began to say lord save me and god heard and the lord jesus heard his prayer you know i was listening to the lyrics of a song that was written by james cleveland years and years ago but uh vanessa bell armstrong my dear sister in christ she also sang a version of this song and the name of the song is peace be still here are the lyrics it says master the tempest is raging and the billows are tossing high the sky is overshadowed with blackness no shelter or help is nigh the songwriter says charis thou not that we perished how can thy lie asleep that's them talking to jesus and when each moment so madly is threatening a grave in the angry deep this is what she began to write and sing a vanessa said it like this the winds and the waves shall obey thy will peace be still whether the wrath of the storm taught sea or demons or men or whatever it be no water can swallow the ship where lies the master hallelujah the master of ocean of earth and of sky they all shall sweetly obey thy will peace peace be still bless the name of the lord i pray that as you hear the words of the song tonight peace be still that you will embrace as we have looked or watched or observed the life of the lord jesus christ as he is dealing with peter walking out on the water peter the one that watched him peter the one that saw him working miracles peter the one that was noted as being tempestuous and oftentimes strong-willed and enthusiastic yes that's saint peter he was walking on the water he was doing fine until he took his eyes off of jesus i want to say to you let us observe as we look at the life of peter what did he do when he went wrong what did he do he allowed fear and doubt and unbelief to affect his ability to keep his eyes on jesus he began to look around him and that's when he began to sink into the water but as long as he kept his eyes on jesus he was able to walk out on the water saints of god those of you that are watching us tonight i pray that you will embrace this teaching about the shortest prayer in the bible lord save me whatever it is that you are dealing with that you are going through whatever it is that you're facing i say to you tonight don't be perplexed don't be distressed trouble but not distressed perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed listen hold fast to the word of god and if you find yourself trying amen to do whatever it is that god has called you to do and you find yourself sinking remember that it is the strength of the lord jesus that will hold you up when peter cried out to the lord he cried out lord save me and when he cried out to god which cried out to jesus christ he was afraid and began to sink and cried lord save me in verse number 30 but 31 says and immediately jesus stretched forth his hand hallelujah and he caught him blessed the name of the lord and said unto him o thou of little faith remember tonight you can stretch your hand out to the lord and you can ask him for his help i tell you one thing i've noted in the scripture is that simon peter understood his frailty manifested even more when he began to doubt don't doubt don't fear don't walk in unbelief but stand fast on the word of god hallelujah and know that the lord will bring you through i pray tonight that you have been blessed as you've been listening to it is written and i pray that you will hold fast to this truth that no matter what you're going through no matter what you're facing no matter what the challenge the test if it feels like the winds and the waves are overtaking you and you're about to sink i say to you to speak the shortest prayer in the bible lord save me and the lord will stretch out his hand unto you i remember our late apostle apostle richard d hinton he used to sing a song that says one day the savior reached out his hand for me he had to reach way down just for me he said i was lost and undone without god or his son but still he reached out his hand for me and i say to you tonight if you're in trouble if you need the lord to move on your behalf tonight is your night to reach out with all of your strength and say lord save me i tell you i remember my dad used to sing a song and he would say father i stretch my hand to thee no other help i know every now and then you have to call on him and i want to say to you just like jesus said he said be of good cheer be of good courage and know hallelujah glory to god that he's here he's right there in the midst of you be of good cheer hallelujah and understand that it is i jesus said he said be not afraid bless the name of the lord let's have a word of prayer with the shortest prayer in the bible again thank you all for watching and those of you that need the lord to move on your behalf tonight you need god to step into your situation amen i want you to know you might feel like jesus has went off and left you because of the winds and the waves and because of the test that seems to overtake you but i say to you tonight no matter what the velocity of the winds no matter what the level of the storm it could be a category one category two you know in in louisiana they experienced a category five which was a catastrophic storm even during the time of katrina no matter what the level of the storm remember jesus can speak to the winds and to the waves and they must obey his will father we thank you for every person that is watching tonight and we asked lord that you would allow them to experience being of good care cheer lord give them courage give them strength allow them to stand on your word lord we thank you tonight because you god are the one that established in your word what manner of man is this that even the winds and the water obey him lord we speak to every storm in the lives of your people we speak to every test and to every trial and lord we thank you that you are still in control lord your word says in isaiah that the grass withereth and the flower faded but your word will stand forever and so god we stand on your word and we stand on the fact that the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul and the testimony of the lord is sure making lord wise the simple we thank you that the statues of the lord are right and they rejoice the heart we thank you that they are more to be desired than pure gold father we thank you that your word is sweeter than the honey in the honeycomb we honor you tonight and we say and declare in your prayer on in our prayer tonight we thank you lord that we can cry out lord save me and lord you said that if we call on you that you will answer and you will say here i am lord you said when the righteous cry that you will hear and deliver out of all of their trouble we thank you lord for every person on the line watching tonight and we pray now in the name of jesus that as they cry out lord save me that you will bless them beyond measure and that you will save them out of their distress give them courage give them power give them strength and motivate their hearts tonight through the word of god in jesus mighty name we pray amen amen and amen again i pray that you've been blessed by it is written and i pray that the lord has done something special in your life to encourage you to just stand on the word of god to stand on the truth of god's word and to know that all shall be well be encouraged in jesus name listen i just want to say hello for just a moment and just thank god for all of you that's watching on the line tonight i want to say god bless you i see your name god bless you sister april i just thank god thank you april for coming to share with us this weekend as we were live at the house of hope the lord met us in prayer oh my goodness i've still been feeling the essence of god's power and his presence and again i just pray that amen the lord continues to bless you in jesus name okay hi sister dolores wilde god bless you we thank god for you tonight sister nichelle greene praise the lord we love you in jesus name we praise god for pastor diane daniels god bless you pastor daniels she said do not be afraid because it is i the lord jesus amen god bless you sister eva henderson thank you for watching it is written we appreciate you so very much god bless you brother frank martin amen and your precious wife blessings unto her as well we honor the lord hi sister christie we thank god for you tonight we thank praise the lord for amen sister kathy toodle all the way in atlanta georgia oh bless you we'll be in atlanta soon by the way praise the lord god bless you we also want to thank god for our precious sister sister cynthia brown hi sister cynthia we love you she enjoyed the prayer conference she said yolks were destroyed praise the lord sister alicia daniels that's our sister in the lord god bless you alicia we love you so much we praise god for brother jimmy kane brother jimmy is also from glenville georgia thank you brother jimmy praise the lord and we also appreciate sister rogers god bless you thank you for tuning in to it is written i see brother anthony spearman hi god bless you man of god be encouraged tonight in jesus name we just appreciate those of you that have been coming on i just wanted to take another minute to say hi tonight it's been a while since i've been live you know we've been doing the work of the lord but just glad to see you all tonight god bless you sister pat god bless you in jesus name we just love you all with the love of the lord listen oh my the time is just gone already well i'm gonna get ready to go and say goodbye but i loose upon each of you the love of the lord jesus christ thank you for your support of angie ray ministries this great church on the rock we bless god for each and every one of you thank you for the women of god the men of god i see you all i love you from detroit god bless you brother fred harris god bless you sister candy from what from north carolina wow wow wow okay while i'm here don't forget that we'll be praise the lord together again on sunday at two o'clock right here at andrew ministries sharing the word of the lord again we thank god for all of you and remember the shortest prayer in the bible lord save me i'll see you all next week in jesus mighty name you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 1,842
Rating: 4.9349594 out of 5
Id: GGF-VfEe4qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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