Saturday Noon Prayer

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hello everyone grace mercy and peace be unto you from god our father and the lord jesus christ i want to invite you to come on in we're getting ready to pray and call on the name of the lord together i want to pray for you today and give you a moment to just let a friend know that we are live right now we're live hello to the saints that are coming in will you do me a favor and just reach out to someone that you know that watches uh angie ray ministries pastor kimberly and let's get ready to have a word of prayer together we typically have our saturday prayer call at this time but we're going to pray live for you today in the name of jesus again i thank the lord for just being a part of angie ray ministries to be the pastor of the church on the rock it's a high honor and i thank the lord for how he is a sustaining god he's awesome i tell you i just every time i start talking about the greatness of god it just brings so much joy to my heart and how god has been so faithful to me uh this morning i thought about how um oh my goodness it's been over 30 years i've been preaching the gospel and ministering the word of god and i just praise god for how the lord has been so faithful to me i want you all to know that god is a faithful god and we praise him for his faithfulness i also want to just with joy in my heart give god the glory for last saturday many of you were with us at the house of hope the lord blessed us so beautifully during our time of prayer but just as i am without one plea prayer service it was a heralding success a great success and we praise god for all of the saints that were able to fly in and to join us along with those that were local that came to pray with us i'm serious it really really blesses me to know that god hears our prayers do you know that god really hears your prayers he hears and he answers prayer and so i want to take this time to say a special prayer for those of you that are watching god bless you i can see your names god bless you sister michelle god bless you brother terry benjamin praise the lord sister tara owens god bless you sister lawanda sister marla edwards sister nikki praise the lord again i want you all to just do me a favor just text someone tell them listen pastor is on she's live and we are getting ready to go into prayer god bless you brother george i see your name up there praise the lord god bless you sister tibet thank the lord for you sister precious washington our beloved sister in christ sister melissa sands hi so good to see your names blessings blessings blessings listen i'm getting ready to go into prayer and i just want you to just those of you that are online with me today just post right there while you're uh scrolling just put in there god answers prayer and i just want to lift you all up in the presence of the lord today and ask the lord to do something very special for you in prayer on today god is faithful just remember that keep that in your spirit that the lord is faithful today and that he answers prayer the bible says in hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 the lord says that he will never leave you never will i leave you never will i forsake you and i want you to keep that in mind as well god bless you i saw someone say i love you praise the lord god bless you love you sis and brothers in christ i just extend my love to you all i tell you we're living in a world now i i mean you know the love of god is so needed the love of god people are in such a difficult state it seems a state of mind it just looks like uh if you go in the grocery store people are hostile and angry and fussing and you know it's just that that's just the spirit that's in the earth but i tell you this it is god's will for you to walk in peace the bible says and the peace of god that passes all understanding will keep your heart and your mind through jesus christ so we're getting ready to pray but i want you to lift your faith without faith it is impossible to please the lord so we want you to know today that we gotta walk by faith and not by sight i praise god that the lord has been merciful and kind he's just and he's worthy of all of the praise i also want to thank god that the scripture says in philippians 4 and 13 that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me and so whatever you're facing today remember that you can do all things through jesus christ who strengthens you and who gives you the victory in jesus name and caused you to triumph and so we're getting ready to pray and i'm looking so forward to standing in prayer with you if you have a special prayer request i just want you to just put in the subject line say a prayer for me say a prayer for me and i'm telling you we're going to go before the lord on your behalf all right father god in the name of jesus we thank you for every person that is watching today and we ask lord that you will stretch out your hand your hand of mercy your hand of healing your hand of deliverance in the name of jesus father we thank you that you are our god and i ask that you will overshadow your people today those that are standing in need of healing standing in need of deliverance my father in the name of jesus i say a special prayer for those that are in the hospital today father i pray right now for those that are asking for prayer for individuals who have covet 19 and who have the delta barrier there are some that are on respirators right now but father in the name of jesus i begin this prayer by praying for those that are in need of prayer that are in the hospital father i pray for the immune system and even those that are sick at home i pray lord that you will move in the area of the white blood cells that you would move father in the area of the spleen of the thymus lord i ask that you would strengthen in the area of bone marrow father god you made the body and you know all about it so lord i ask in the name of jesus that you lord will move by your power and by your spirit in the name of jesus christ father i loose upon every person watching this prayer i lose the anointing of god for healing the anointing for deliverance the anointing for breakthrough i thank you lord for the anointing that shatters the plans of the enemy in the name of jesus father god in the name of jesus christ i pray now that you will let the healing virtue of jesus flow even right now to those that are standing in the need of to a touch from you father in jesus mighty name father god i thank you i thank you for your anointing that causes your power to bring about a change lord i thank you for those that are in the hospital with other kinds of conditions we pray for those that are strict struggling with cancer struggling lord with physical illness struggling with pain pain in the back pain in the legs and the arms pain in the body father in the name of jesus i lose the power of healing right now in your precious name lord i thank you that you are great and you are powerful that you are strong and you are mighty so we obtain your word and we glean from it today and we gather lord the scripture and we ask right now that as we stand on your word that we walk by faith and not by sight we thank you that when we walk by faith that we're trusting in you but we know that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen lord we thank you right now that you are building the faith of your children you're building the faith of your people in the mighty name of jesus lord i ask that you will walk in that hospital room i asked today that you will move lord move at the rush hospital lord move right now in the city of chicago move in hospitals all over the united states oh god cedar sinai in california lord i just pray right now that you're just bringing before me hospitals i asked lord that you will touch in the emergency room touch lord in the operating room touch right now in the receiving room touch lord that woman that is struggling having a baby even right now i ask that you will let your power cause the spirit of the lord to rest upon her give us strength even right now in jesus mighty name father we thank you that your word tells us that if we draw not unto you that you will draw nigh unto us so now we draw unto you we draw and we ask lord that we come closer to you and as we pray today we ask that you will stir up an anointing stir up a fire stir up your spirit lord we draw not unto you we ask that you will wash us in your precious blood that you will cleanse us that you will purify us that you will anoint us for your glory father god in the name of jesus we thank you for the power of the living god we thank you that you will show us the hope of your calling we ask that you all help us to walk worthy of the calling and of our vocation that you have given unto us help us to walk holy father in jesus name for your word declares that without holiness no man shall see the lord and so god we ask that you will purify and sanctify yourself and god then we sanctify ourselves and we separate ourselves lord even in your presence in the name of jesus we ask lord in jesus mighty name that you will move by your power that you will let the spirit of god guide your people your word says that the steps of a good man that they are ordered by the lord and we ask right now in jesus name that you will order our steps lord walk before us and go before your people today in jesus name your word declares that you will make the crooked places straight and the rough place is plain your word declares that every valley shall be exalted and every high place shall be made lower we pray in the word we pray in the scripture we pray now god your holy word that tells us to seek first the kingdom of god and all of its righteousness and all of these other things shall be added unto us of lord add strength to your people add power to your people add an anointing to your people add wealth add finances to your people strengthen them now by your glory and by your power in jesus mighty name oh god your word declares that we've weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning i release the joy of the lord upon the saints i release clapping in their hands joy in their souls up dancing in their feet i loose the spirit of joy in the minds of the saints that joy overwhelm them let joy be their portion let joy come forth like a river in jesus mighty name oh god we thank you we thank you for being a rock in a weary land we thank you for being a shelter in the time of storm we thank you that you god you are high and lifted up and your train feels the temple we call on your name jesus we call on you for families we call on you for watch for husbands we call on you for children for young people we call out to you today for every bishop every pastor every evangelist every leader father the teachers in the church we pray for them today that you will stir up the gifts father that lie and rest within your people stir up the gift lord in jesus mighty name and we praise you today for how you're stirring up the gifts we thank you lord for the angels of the lord that that are watching over us and lord you said that we would be surrounded by goodness and mercy all of the days of our lives and lord we will dwell in the house of the lord forever we thank you lord that a brighter day is coming so i loose upon the saints that are watching this prayer right now i loose an anointing for hope i lose an anointing for optimism are loose and anointing for your glory to rest upon your people today in the name of jesus and father i thank you for the word of god that teaches us that whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven so father god in jesus name we lose every anointing but we loose your fire we lose joy we lose strength in jesus mighty name father god in the name of jesus i decree and declare that the blessings of the lord that make rich and admiral sorrow are about to be released over your people i loose the blessings of the lord i lose blessings on the left blessings on the right i loose the blessings of the lord that bring about the spirit of joy in jesus mighty name god i ask right now that you will open the door that you will make ways out of no way that you will strengthen your people now every person that is on the line every person that is watching by way of facebook and social media father god i find depression from over your people i find a strong man of depression i bind a strong man of fear abide the strong man of anxiety we come against mental assaults and mental attacks we come against mental anguish that is affecting the lives of your people we drive out anxiety we command the fear of the future to go we command the strong man that makes people feel like lord what shall i do and where the shall i go lord i lose the strength of god i lose the spirit of trust let your people trust in you like never before in the name of jesus so god we thank you today we thank you that you are equipping your church you're equipping the body of christ we're you're equipping every soldier lord to put on the whole armor of god for your word declares that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places but father we stand on your word that says that no weapon formed against your people will prosper and even the tongue that rise against him in judgment thou shalt condemn father god in the name of jesus we thank you for how your word is true we thank you for how your bible and the word of god was written lord by men by holy men inspired by you father so we pray your word and we pray the word of god and we thank you that your word declares that while we're praying that lord that we would declare that as a dear pet after the water brooks us so that our soul pets after thee oh god we're in a dry and thirsty land where no water is but we want to see your power and we want to see your glory as we've seen it in the sanctuary because thy loving kindness is better than life our lips shall praise thee so we praise you lord we praise you for this afternoon we praise you for this saturday we praise you that you're alive that you're still the god of all flesh we praise you that you're mighty that you're el that's your elohim your adonai we bless your name today father we thank you that you are our god and we magnify and bless you and we give your name the glory and all of the praise we praise you now father because you're a good god you're a merciful god you change not lord you are still yet but today yesterday and forevermore we thank you today lord that you're the god of hannah lord we pray just like hannah today lord even as she prayed you gave her a son when she was barren we pray today father that you will bless every woman of god that is desiring to have a child we ask lord that you will open up a womb today we pray now lord that you are blessed to be just like hannah and then god after the samuel comes forth we pray today that you will deal with samuel lord we ask that you will touch every samuel watching right now that knows that you're dealing with them and just like samuel in the bible we know lord that he began to hear your voice and didn't understand who was calling him and lord your word says that eli the priest told him the next time you hear this voice of say here am i lord so god i loose a prayer today in the hearts of your children i hear am i lord send me i'll go prayer in the name of jesus lord help your people say yes to you yes to your will yes to your way yes to your word yes to your anointing yes to your power yes to your spirit yes to humility oh god we come before you as a picture before a full fountain and we cry out to you today and we ask for mercy mercy for the city that we live in mercy for the cities that are watching and the individuals representing cities i ask you father in jesus name to cover your people in the blood the blood that is shared on the cross of calvary the red blood the atoning blood the blood that never loses its power lord i thank you for the blood that is being applied even now we apply the blood to the mind the blood in the minds of your people lord we lose a sound mind we lose a mind of strength of a mind that is focused we thank you for a sound mind today we thank you for the will of the will is the decisive area of our lives lord give your people a will to do that which is right give them a will to walk right a will to talk writer a will to treat the neighbor writer a will to love thy neighbor as thyself lord fill your people with your love take out the hatred and replace it with love take out the sorrow and replace it with joy take out the fear and replace it with power and courage in jesus mighty name and father we just give you the glory of and we give you all of the praise and bless us now god and we'll be blessed touch us now lord and we'll be touched strengthen us now lord and we'll be strengthened in the name of jesus thank you lord god that you are great and you are greatly to be praised from the rising of the sun glory to god y'all are still the anointing from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same son your name is worthy to be praised we thank you lord jesus that you are our advocate we thank you lord jesus that you're the anointed one we ask right now that you will bless your people those that are online at this moment walk in that room where they are lord i thank you for that woman that is down on her knees crying out to you lord i lift up the prayer warriors i lift up the intercessors i lift up the ones that are standing in the gap and making up the hedge for your people lord strengthen your prayer warriors strengthen the anointed ones strengthen them by your power today in the name of jesus stir up the prayer will let them pray like never before let us pray without ceasing breathe on the intercessors today in jesus mighty name and god we thank you we'll thank you for being our deliverer thank you for being the strong tower thank you for being the way the truth and the life we thank you for truth today lord i pray for every person that is watching this prayer i ask god that you will let truth let it come up out of their belly let them speak truth let them live truth let them walk in truth and we bind every lie we bind the deception we bind the plans of the enemy we shatter them in the spirit realm in jesus mighty name we thank you lord jesus that you are christ the lord we thank you lord jesus that you are the foundation thank you lord jesus that you are the gift of god we thank you lord that you are our soon soon-coming king we thank you lord that your word declares that when the righteous cried that you would deliver us out of all of our trouble so right now god we cry out to you and we ask that you will deliver your people that you will set the captive screen lord i loose deliverance over that young man that has been wrestling in the area of the flesh that's been wrestling in the area of his mind i pray for that young man that single brother that's trying to live holy and the enemy is bombarding his thoughts i come against it now for that brother that's trying to hold on lord in jesus name we refute the stronghold we refine the strong man every spirit that's affecting the men of god the single brothers we bind the works of the enemy over their minds in the name of jesus glory to god and we pray for the single women today lord we thank you that your word declares in corinthians that they ought to seek you lord and to seek to please you in body and in spirit so god i ask that you will bless the single women that's holding fast to your word bless them now lord increase their faith help them to lift their heads today in jesus name oh god we thank you for your anointing we thank you for your fire lord i feel the fire of your spirit and we thank you today that you father you have given unto us the name of jesus angelo shanda thank you for the name of jesus he is our prince of peace we thank you for the wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace the rose of sharon the lily of the valley jesus we thank you that we can call your name and we can call you with joy we thank you lord that we can praise your name because you're mighty because you're awesome because you're august oh god thank you that you reign you reign over heaven and earth lord you're majestic and true lord you're sovereign you are the ancient of days lord we focus our attention back on you lord many have been distracted distracted by covenant distracted by problems distracted by circumstances but today father we lift our eyes unto the healer from which cometh our help all of our help comes from you we thank you that you're never sleeping and you never slumber thank you lord that you have set your angels over us and you are causing us to triumph through christ jesus thank you lord have your way today have your way lord over the saints of god i lose a praying spirit around the country i lose a praying spirit father call your people back to their knees call your people out of carnality call your people out of worldliness but you said if any man love the world that the love of the father is not in him so god we renounce the ways of the world and we turn against the ways of the flesh and we stand on your word today and we thank you that you said you would that we would prosper and be in good health even as our soul prosper so god let the soul prosper today touch in the mind touch in the wheel of touch in the emotions father god we thank you lord that you are a strong deliverer and there's nothing too hard for you have your way in your people of god i pray right now but that man standing in his family room refill him again with the holy ghost i pray right now for every member of the church on the rock i pray right now for every member of churches around the nation that you will touch your people lord so many have become so busy they're too busy to pray too busy too fast too busy to go to church so many have left the house of god and because of covetous they're using as an excuse of staying away from church but the devil is alive your word says but save not the assembling of yourselves and so god we come together and i ask lord that you will put a fire up under your people that have been staying at home those individuals that have not been to church that have not been to their pastor that have not heard the word of god i find this backsliding spirit that has hit our nation i find men and women of god that don't want to hear their bishops anymore don't want to hear their leaders anymore don't want to hear their pastors i find a strong manner of self-management that strong man those that are involved in the stronghold of rebellion and stubbornness that refuse to hear sound doctrine in the name of jesus and stir your people back to the church stir your people back to the church in jesus name but more than back to the church that'll renew their relationship with you lord that so many that have grown cold so many that are walking in the flesh but god draw your people back to your presence you said draw nigh unto me and i'll draw nigh unto you so god we draw back to your presence in the name of jesus oh god every person watching right now that's standing in the need of a miracle that's standing in the need of a blessing that's standing in the need of fire that's standing in the need of a breakthrough break it now lord break the spirit of discouragement to break the strong man that has your people running away from you but god let them go back to their first love i loose repentance and lord i lose the spirit of the living god upon your people of lord baptize them again with the fire baptize them again with your anointing stir up the word of god deep down in their belly in the mighty name of jesus i pray for my millennial brothers and sisters lord the young people that are wrestling with the spirit of discouragement the young people that are wrestling because lord that not in relationships that are resting because they feel alone wrestling because they feel lonely even those that are going through in their minds strengthen their mind lord let them know that you feel every void that you feel every space of feel the space lord those that are abiding that are wrestling with loneliness wrestling with fear i loose upon them the strength of god but lord your word declares that i have a plan for you and the plan that i have is a plan for good and not for evil to give you an expected end oh god help them to walk not in the country of god there help them not to stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful o god but the delight is in you and we walk in it day and night and lord in the name of jesus and let your people be like a tree that is planted by the rivers of living water that bring forth fruit and a season and whatsoever they do shall prosper i lose welcome i loose abundance i loosen in the name of jesus and then god i pray that you will crown your people with wisdom knowledge and understanding of oh god give them the knowledge of solomon in the name of jesus let the spirit of wisdom all that of us shut our might and understanding them let it overtake your people now in the name of jesus lord you say that if we ask for wisdom that you would give it to us liberally and upgrade it and not to her so god we thank you for wisdom we thank you for knowledge we thank you for understanding us and lord and thank you because you're god and there's none like you there's none beside you you're a worthy lord you're worthy lord worthy of all the praise now lord we thank you for what you've done for us now lord we thank you for where you bought us from you brought us a long way we never would have made it if it had not been for you lord that was on our side we thank you uh thank you for taking us the long way uh thank you for every triola thank you for every tribulation thank you for the test because if we were never tested we would not have a testimony so we praise you thank you lord god thank you for the testimony of the saints thank you lord god that you have brought us through of and you brought us up and you brought us out and you brought us to you father we thank you thank you for the blood that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony and we love not our lives unto the devil we thank you lord that you have given unto us a stamina you've given up to us resilient you've given up to us faith that moves mountains thank you jesus for giving us the faith of abraham thank you jesus for giving us the faith of isaac thank you jesus for giving us the faith of abraham isaac and jacob we thank you today build us up lord build us up lord build up your people where they've been torn down strengthen them where they're weaker oh great men and women of god and lord i thank you that you are allowing that same anointing that rested uh upon dr angie raya let it break forth through your people today that same anointing that rested upon our late pastor richard daniel hints in the lord let's serve up the anointing that they taught us in the name of jesus oh god we thank you for the preachers of and the pastors that would preach the revivals that would encourage our souls thank you for the memory of s e mitchell thank you for the memory of joyce rogers and thank you for the memory of those that were in the earth that blessed us while they were here thank you for their memory in the name of jesus oh god thank you for the memory of bishop mason thank you for the faith of bishop mason and how he told the people a woman the lord healed you now man the lord healed you now rise up and walk up in the name of jesus lord i thank you for the faith of my father that he besought you up and he had a beseeching prayer and lord you heard my father lord i thank you for my grandfather and how he would pray every sunday morning down on his knees in the red clay hills of alabama he called it out of the moshunda thank you for my grandfather and how he used to call on your name jesus lord i thank you that he taught us that i will trust in the lord until i die i thank you that he taught us and i will treat everybody right to her lord i thank you that he taught us that you are god and your god alone thank you lord thank you jesus lord i want to thank you for our ancestors i thank you for our predecessors i thank you lord that they taught us that in the time of trouble that you will answer our prayers i thank you for the prayers of my grandmother who taught us that you were bred when we're hungry you were bred in a starving land under my sunder lord i thank you thank you for the pastors and the preachers that have blessed our lives even today lord we thank you lord right now god i'm asking you in the name of jesus that you will bless every pastor that's doing the work of the lord that's living according to your word right now god i pray for the pastors that have been broken that have been discouraged by members that won't come to church by members that are mean and evil by members that won't give lord touch that pastor that feel like walking away god give him one more strength one more win give him a second win and you god in the name of jesus make his way easier in the name of jesus and touch that evangelist that feels like her people don't want to be saved they want to close the bible and walk away from the ministry in the name of jesus jesus the son of david jesus the red jesus we need you today jesus we thank you that you're the scepter of israel we thank you have your way today lord strengthened by your power let your glory be revealed in the name of jesus and i thank you for every administrator that is watching this prayer i asked lord that you will call them in righteousness and call them in wisdom call them and understanding lord let them bless their leaders oh yellow messiah every facet of the church let it run like a smooth machine in jesus mighty name and father we'll praise you we'll praise you lord we'll praise you lord we thank you for those that are watching uh watching on the east coast breathe on them right now those that are watching in the midwest touch them right now those that are watching on the west coast raise them up run up out of the ocean i say to that person that feels sick in your body rise and be healed in the name of jesus of nazareth rise and be healed take up your bed and walk walk by faith and not by sight in the name of jesus oh our god is a healer he's still a strong deliverer he's almighty and we praise him today that he's our god thank you jesus thank you lord i just want to ask everybody that's watching up watching right this moment to help me praise the lord help me praise him right now i want you to put in your subject line up thank you jesus glory to god bless your name lord a wonderful savior wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace rose of sharon give him glory give him praise thank you lord in jesus mighty name we give you all of the honor all of the praise all of it shall be thine thing forever lord we don't want any of the praise we'll take no credit we'll take no credit the lord what you have done in jesus mighty name and lord we thank you of that all that we have we give it unto you lord all that we are we give it unto you all that we have we give it to you today and we thank you for your answer prayers in jesus mighty name listen those of you that are watching right now hallelujah i just want you to put in the subject line right now god answers prayer he answers prayer i want you to know that god is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we can ask or think greater is he that is within you than he that is in the world this is your season this is your time this is your hour to be blessed and before i leave today i want to ask you and those of you that know me personally know that very rarely do i ask anyone to give online or to sow but today i feel led of the lord to tell you to sow a seed on this prayer sow a seed and say pastor kim i'm standing in agreement with you today some of you can sow a seed of 77 just go right now to giblify at angie ray ministries or you can cash out angie ray ministries those of you that are standing in agreement that's standing with us in the word i want you right now to go out online and so so so a gift so give and it shall be given unto you press down shaken together running over shall men give unto your bosom give today give with joy but the bible says that god loves a cheerful giver in jesus name i just want you to know that i love all of you today with the pure agape love of jesus god is great and he's greatly to be praised and we just give him honor today again thank you for taking this time with me i just loose upon all of you the love of god i just wish we could just have a big group hug with all of you that are watching right now online and you all stay in touch with us we'll be live again on wednesday night for it is written on on tomorrow i'll be preaching the word of god at our church and we will be at 4013 lindenwood drive in front of me and that is in matson illinois again 4013 lyndon wood drive in matson illinois and you can join us at two o'clock p.m we are still being concerned about our members and socially distancing and taking care of everything that we must do even as it relates to the cdc they're telling people if you're vaccinated or not to still wear a mask listen we want everyone to stay safe and so we're having service still outside while the weather is beautiful and i actually love having church outside and shouting outside and praising god outside because i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to every man that believeth thank you again for taking this time and for praying with us hallelujah i feel the victory i call it done now in your life in the precious and the matchless name of the lord jesus christ listen you be blessed and walk in the joy of the lord for the scripture says that the joy of the lord is your strength you've been listening to pastor kimberly of angie ray ministries god bless you i shall see you tomorrow you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 3,102
Rating: 4.9408865 out of 5
Id: 9lCd2KRkR80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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