The Self-Absorbed Tongue

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i'm so excited tonight about tonight's teaching and i want to ask you once again to take a moment uh to post or to tag or to share that we are live on facebook tonight for our wednesday night bible study hallelujah here's the name of the lord those of you that are viewing and watching at this present time we would like to know where you're viewing from so if you have a moment those of you that are scrolling and sending messages just let us know what city you're viewing from we want to know where you are viewing around the nation and also in areas around the world praise the name of the lord we have been doing a marvelous study out of a book entitled 30 days to tame your tongue but it's still our regular wednesday night bible study and we're going to prepare to continue in our teaching on tonight i just have one brief announcement while you guys are coming on i want you all to know that on august the 30th through september 2nd is our international intercessory prayer office our 38th annual been doing this for a very long time so we're looking forward to seeing everyone know not just another conference but it is a time of intercession it's four days of being in the presence of god there will be repentance there will be restoration reflection revival teachings impartation and i believe somebody's going to be filled with the precious gift of the holy ghost do you want to thank god for the holy ghost i'm so glad i have the holy ghost again the dates are august 30th through september 2nd for more information you can log on to and receive information regarding our conference it's not too late to register let me give you a word the hotels are filling up and they're filling up rapidly in the month of july i praise the lord so if you're planning to stay we need you to go ahead get a room in the vicinity of lombard illinois and let's go to god together amen amen god bless you all we're going to go back into our time of study and i want you all to know that we have been doing a teaching for those of you that might be viewing for the first time we're studying the word of god but we've been utilizing a book as an instrument it is called 30 days to taming your tongue what you say and don't say will improve your relationship and as a result of this particular teaching we have covered so many various subjects concerning the tongue is that right amen and many of us have received great revelation in reference to the tongue i'm just going to give you a few of what we've talked about before we begin our teaching tonight we have talked about if you have your book you can go with me the lying tongue the flattering tongue the manipulating tongue the hasty tongue the divisive tongue the argumentative tongue the boasting tongue the self-deprecating tom the slandering tongue the gossiping tongue we have talked about the betraying tongue the belittling tongue the cynical tongue the knowing all tongue and the tactless tongue somebody say my lord we've also covered the intimidating tongue and the rude tongue and so we're going to proceed tonight to a new subject but i want you all to know that the bible teaches us that the power of death and life are in the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof and again i want you before we begin our first scripture i want to encourage anyone on facebook if you know anyone a young person that's a millennial or someone that's been really struggling um in the area of self spirits just needing deliverance i want you to tell them listen tune in live to pastor kim right now if you're a millennial if you know a millennial i believe this teaching will be a great encouragement unto them somebody say amen and one of the reasons i believe that this teaching will help our young people our christian brothers and sisters in christ is that even the time magazine has tried to summarize this generation as the me me generation but we believe that people who decide to give themselves to service will be some of the happiest people in the world amen amen so tonight again we're going to be teaching uh our subject tonight but you all help me announce it real loud the self absorbed all right let's go into our time of teaching tonight our key scripture is philippians chapter 2 and verse 4. and in the book it says each of you should should look not only to your own interest but also to the interests of others again that's philippians 2 and 4. the bible is showing us that we are not to be so consumed with ourselves that we are not concerned about our fellow man and looking after the concerns and the needs of others when you talk about being self-absorbed absorbed uh it means to have a personal interest and deeply interested or involved or preoccupied with self to involve the full attention of or to engross or to engage wholly and so many people are preoccupied with their own thoughts their own emotions what's going on in their lives and if you're not careful you can operate in the zone of being egotistical or narcissistic or conceited or self-centered or selfish amen amen i know this topic is really really a blessing because many of us that are christians we want god to be pleased with our lives but god cannot be pleased if you are so self-consumed with your own issue your own trouble what's going on in your life you gotta look to the affairs and to the cares of others is that right amen let's read philippians again we're reading out of philippians chapter 2 and verse 4. can you all read that aloud with me look not on every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others when we look at the book of philippians we recognize that this is a prison epistle it's a letter that the apostle paul wrote during the time of his imprisonment he was in great anticipation of his release from prison and it is a message that he gives to the book to the church he says it is written to show his appreciation to the philippians in a thank you letter for those who continue to help and support and also to encourage their growth and so let's talk about paul for a minute he explains to the believer in the book of philippians that we should walk in unity with the mind of christ and he teaches us how to care about humanity and not to be self-centered people of god in the day we live in now so many people are so consumed with themselves that they really don't even think about other people that much amen and so this is the topic tonight we will not give in to a self-absorbed tongue but we will walk in the spirit according to the word of god y'all ready amen let's read the first paragraph it says on page 89 let's read it together haman a persian government official mentioned in the book of esther was self-absorption personified haman boasted to his friends and wife about his ass well number one he first boasted about his wealth and what else did he boast about his many sons and all the ways the king had honored him and how he elevated him above other nobles and officials y'all keep reading [Music] you never see him express interest in anyone other than himself like hayden's family and friends some people perpetuate this kind of insensitivity by grieving and burying though they may be ever so bored let's keep reading uh most of your conversations with others centered on you or your issues a self-absorbed tongue will surely alienate others as almost everyone desires to be the focus of attention occasionally and so let's talk about that for a minute the self-absorbed person they really don't care to discuss what's going on with anybody else because they want all of the focus and all of the attention to be on them amen and as we look at the study tonight and we recognize that haman in the book of esther we know that esther was a woman of god that the lord utilized her life and god gave her favor with the king she had an uncle by the name of mordecai and mordecai was a jewish man and there was a time in esther's life where her jewish people were under siege they were about to be massacred but god gave esther a fasting spirit and she was not selfish she was concerned about her people so she fasted and prayed and god gave esther wisdom to outwit the man named haman somebody say haman and god used her to go with a petition before the king the bible describes it that esther basically said if i perish i'll perish but i'm going to see the king in other words another example of a person who was an enemy against the children of the lord but god caused a woman of god to be raised up to fight on behalf of her people i'm telling you that blesses me so much because it shows us through the life of esther she was not self-absorbed she was not self-centered it wasn't all about her have you all met some young people or people in general that when you talk to them their conversation is never about jesus it's never about the cross it's never about the blood of jesus never about the lord but it's constantly i i i and i remember when we were coming up as children our teachers would tell us don't even use the word i they would tell us to de-emphasize the flesh is that right they would tell us to die to self and so when you talk about the self-absorbed tongue that's when you have to go to the word of god that says and i want to point you now to philippians chapter 2 and verse 3 and 4 and it says let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in lowliness of mind that each esteem others better than themselves look not every man on his what on his own things but every man also on the things of others saints of god we can't do things for vain glory to be seen to be heard and one thing i've discovered in our teaching about the tongue is that god weighs the spirit god weighs our motives he knows why we do what we do amen so we cannot get into a place where we want to lift ourselves up i heard uh pastor bitty hen say one time he said you can't touch the glory not only can you not touch it you should not want to touch it but if you really love god you should have a humble spirit dying to the flesh dying to self coming all the way out of self and getting in the spirit somebody said don't look for things for yourself but look unto others we should not do anything for strife the bible teaches that where there is strife and there is contention there is every evil word and i'm even seeing in the body of christ that there are people that are doing things to be seen doing things to be heard there's a spirit of competition that's trying to operate even in the ministries we see people competing against each other striving against each other but we don't want to have a self-absorbed tongue where it's all about us but the bible teaches in galatians y'all turn to it galatians chapter 2 verse 20 the bible says i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ what liveth in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me hallelujah and gave himself for me it's all about jesus amen the bible says if i and i be lifted what will happen i will draw all men unto me you know what we should be able to say i am what i am by the grace of god that's why we can't look down our nose on anybody else we can't have a prideful time a know-it-all tongue we gotta stay in the spirit of humility how many of you believe that humility is the way ain't that humility is a gateway into the presence of god you can't even go before god being proud the bible says that god resists the crowd but he gives grace to the humble no matter how great god has allowed you to become you still have to give god all of the glory and you got to give him all of the praise if you don't believe me look at what happened to nebuchadnezzar he kept on lifting himself up and getting higher and higher and i tell you one day went by and he was on his knees eating the grass just like the animals i'm telling you the prodigal son he wanted his portion and he wanted it right in and there and that's the fear that i have concerning some of the millennials and god knows i love them and i'll pray for them but sometimes they feel like i want the answer right now and if you don't give me the answer god then i'll go somewhere else and get it wait a minute you got to humble yourself amen he's got to wait on god just like the rest of us get away and he may not come when you want him but he's always on time wait on the lord and then be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart tell your neighbor we got to stay humble even in our prayers we can't force god to do something we can't make him do what we want to do and then tell him what we want but we've got to trust and tell you maker i gotta trust god tell somebody else i've got to trust god somebody give god a major hand right there [Applause] [Music] we've got to trust in the lord and so galatians 2 and 20 said i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ that lives in me that means that your conversation ought to be seasoned with saul it ought to be gracious is that right what does a person with a self-absorbed conversation do they turn all of the attention to themselves they don't want to discuss anything that you do but they want to talk only about who they want to talk about themselves and i'll tell you this in haven's case in the book of esther god allowed the man that created the gallows to hang some of the children of god on mordecai and others god allowed the enemy amen to hang on the very uh instrument that he created to destroy somebody else don't you worry about your enemies don't you get upset about don't compete with people listen it's only one you you are a fingerprint on the sand [Applause] he's the best you that you forgive for the glory of god you are fearfully and wonderfully made you don't have to lift yourself up the bible says let somebody else talk about how good you are to meet some of the greatest people i know some people the lord has blessed us in our travels to meet some of the most famous individuals in the body of christ and one thing i have noted and this is my own observation is that some of the ones that have gone the highest are the ones that god has caused him to have a humble spirit praise the name of the lord i know a musician a singer he's one of the greatest singers in the nation but when you tell him he did a great job he'll point up to the lord or say to god be the glory let that be your reaction when somebody praises you come on somebody but the bible says beware when all men speak well of you you have to check yourself if everybody is singing your praises you got to make sure that you're lifting up jesus come on somebody people are going don't just talk about yourself there are some people that are desiring companions they're desiring a husband desiring a wife or even if you sit down in a starbucks to get to know somebody ask how they're doing ask them how was your day asking how things have been going in your life and don't just sit there and take the whole 45 minutes and talk about how great you are how wonderful you are this wonderful mr wonderful come on somebody that's only going to turn off a potential faith amen because they want to know are you going to care about them or are you just going to talk about your wonderful self the whole time come on somebody be concerned about humanity concerned about your fellow men i found out that some people are so self-absorbed and so into themselves that they only are concerned about how people see them how people view them are you pleasing the people my god if you please god he'll cause man to be at peace with you oh glory god somebody's getting somebody in this teaching amen it may not be you but i'm sure all of us have met somebody that's just so into themselves i mean they just need to put a t-shirt on i love me some people i'm telling you that's all they deal with all they talk about but when you get your mind elevate tell your neighbor let's elevate our mind all right i want to share something with you if you've ever been called self-absorbed you can believe that it was not a compliment hallelujah can i tell you that the root of the definition of the term is a negative thing it's when you are super saturated with yourself and if you get to the point that you're self-preoccupied self-centered self-obsessed you become egotistical and selfish and let me tell you you can catch it in some children [Applause] can i get an amen you have to teach children how to share because if you don't what will they become have you ever seen a selfish child if you invite some other little friends over and let them play with them and all of their toys are on the floor as soon as somebody reached for their little basketball they know that's mine and if somebody reached for their little uh their little uh frisbee or whatever they grab it and say that's mine it's because they are self-centered and selfish but somebody has to teach them what is mama gonna tell them uh-uh you're gonna share your toys with your friends or else you never have no prank see that's part of the problem in our nation some people are selfish and they want to control oh lord they want to control everything and everybody and anybody that won't go under that control they get mad at them [Applause] so when you are walking in the spirit you are letting somebody else sing the praises and not yourself i'm telling you all i've seen some of the greatest athletes in the world in fact my favorite athlete he is uh the fastest man in the world currently his name is usain bolt you bolt is one of the fastest guys that you will ever see on earth have you ever seen you saying run but i'll tell you he can run so until when he's in the race he acts like he's effortless when everybody else is huffing and puffing and turning colors and veins popping out you saying is almost smiling like you beat everybody he has a natural talent he's gifted to run he's fast but guess what he does when he finishes his race he does a little bit you know call somebody make sure that after you finish whatever you do still give god some glory give god the praise the last time god [Applause] did you like him or did you tell everybody how beautiful and how wonderful you are and why it came to pass listen let's dodge yourself tell your neighbor that's kind dictionary says it like this to define self-absorption is it's unappealing it's when a person is preoccupied with oneself and one's own affairs frequently adding that if to the exclusion of others in the world in other words they live in a world all by themselves and all they're concerned about is i'm me me and i but it can't be me and i when you're a christian you got to be concerned about your fellow man is that right amen now indulging in grandiose thoughts about your specialness it causes you to descend into a toxic state of self-absorption tell somebody say specialness does not make you special let me explain that you can't in your own mind become so special that you act like you're better than everybody else you're greater than everybody else you're smarter than everybody else listen you got to humble yourself and learn how to listen and learn something from somebody else praise the name of the lord i was recently talking to someone that had come to visit the church and they were saying to me that i've been in a church for years i know the bible i know all the scriptures i've been reading the bible back and forth front to back i kind of like your church but i already know the scriptures i already know the bible and i just simply asked a simple question i said is there any room to learn anything else [Applause] was that a legitimate question can you learn anything else from the bible you see the bible that i read i read it on monday and then tuesday i see something else the same scripture on wednesday and it looks different to me i can go back and read it again and the same scripture has a completely different connotation you gotta keep your spirit open you gotta keep learning keep growing we are students of the bible i've been hearing people say things like well i don't have a problem with my tongue i don't have no problem so i ain't gonna watch all the bible study listen if you love the word of god your mindset ought to be what do i need to learn how can i improve how can i hear something different i don't care how long you've been saying if you've been saved and sanctified for decades there's still a freshness in the word of god you still can learn something else but if you're self-absorbed and you're self-centered you feel like i have already made it i have arrived these people are trying to get to where i am no you got to stay humble stay humble in the sight of god somebody clap your hand and tell them tonight about the self-absorbed time if you're watching i still want to know where you're watching us from what state are you in what city listen send us a message so that i can say hi praise the lord amen i also want to teach you all something else i discovered and that is that for self-absorption of a narcissist it's because they become so grandiose in their own mind and grandiose people have a sense of entitlement they lack empathy for anybody else they lack sympathy for anybody else now i'm just going to use this as an example i am a just an individual i don't have children but to see in our world little children being taken from their moms and dads for whatever reason it did something to me now i get it that the immigrants are coming in etc etc my point tonight is if you have any empathy if you have any compassion it makes you want to see a little baby that's screaming and crying get to his mother or to her mother if you have any compassion it's something in you that just feels that this is morally wrong but people that are self-centered selfish they don't see it and they don't care i saw another story this week about a young woman i've never met her her name is tia holman tia coleman lost her husband on a boat accident her husband her three children all together nine members of her family now i've never met this woman i don't know anything about her but my prayer went out to this woman that's got to grieve the loss of you imagine nine members of your family at the same time you don't have no time to be selfish and think about yourself want to think about somebody else and their plight and what they're going through forget about your flesh stop just paying all this attention to self self self self why because it leads to a toxic person you don't want to be toxic do you okay let me go further nobody's going to want to be around you you're going to be by yourself and nobody's going to spend no time with you why because you cannot have a fellowship with people if you're self-absorbed if all you think about is you you you me me i know it might not be popular but i'm gonna tell you all we've got to keep going and come against the spirit of self-absorption is that all right okay can i teach you all one more thing somebody said depression y'all are not going to believe this but do you know that some depression is connected to self-absorption that when a person's focus is constantly on self-recrimination it's about how stupid they are or how ugly or how worthless or how bad things are or the bad outlook on life or everything that they've been through and that's all they do is let that critical internal voice keep repeating those same things to them over and over in their mind it begins to cause a person to be depressed but i came to tell you tonight if you forget about yourself and start looking to the ways of others who you gonna look to go see about a widow don't mind a fatherless child go help a mother that's got five or six babies trying to raise her by herself forget about just you and your problem and get your mind go volunteer at the hospital go serve somebody that's homeless go get the spoon and serve some corn or some grits or something to somebody that's hungry you don't have no time to be depressed you got too much to do too many people can help turn your focus over yourself and start singing about your fellow man hallelujah let's keep reading out of our lesson y'all all right amen let's go now to the second to the first paragraph on page number 90. but i want to begin reading write in at the word identify it says the minute i would mention one of my personal concerns she would immediately identify with it through her own experience and suddenly the focus of the discussion was all about her this happened time and time again i found it very frustrating as i never felt that i had the opportunity to share my issues a few times i gently told her i really need to you to listen to me right now tell your neighbor one of the reasons self-absorbed individuals are rejected because they won't listen now i'm telling you all that was major if you are in a conversation with somebody and they say something like you know what i have a headache my head is hurting so bad and the first thing the other person said this girl my hair hurt too my head been hurt for six weeks and they start talking about themselves they're not concerned about what you're saying but what you ought to say is stop for a minute and be concerned about their plight their pain before you start see people that are self-absorbed they always bring the subject matter back to back to who say come on this wonderful mr wonderful they always bring it right back it could be about snow it could be about watermelon a self-absorbed person gonna do what they gonna bring the conversation what back to y'all y'all come on somebody say help lord all right now there's something called recrimination and that is when a self-absorbed person uh undermines their capacity for empathy and true understanding of the feelings of others and the needs of others and the desires of others and it's extremely difficult to clearly appreciate or to exist outside of themselves but when most of the time the focus is directed to themselves so if a person is in depression and you start talking the most of the time if they'll begin by saying i'm sad because of this i'm hurt because of this don't stand with me just say i i i i i i i that is connected to the self-absorbed life but you've got to take the eye out of it and put the lord in it and your perspectives on life will change is anybody being helped by this amen praise the lord let's go now to the book of james chapter 3. and verse number 16. the bible says for where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work a lot of times strife works with the person who is self-absorbed and self-consumed amen let's go now to romans chapter 12 and verse number 10 it says be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love hallelujah did y'all hear that be what kindly affectionate with brotherly love and honor doing what preferring one another instead of yourself so i just want to take a minute and thank god for the people that are viewing on facebook and periscope from alabama philadelphia new york florida maryland from georgia from arkansas louisiana texas i want to loose the love of god on our brothers and sisters in chicago praise pennsylvania lord can't continue y'all can i keep going i want to lose another god upon the saints and the people of god in rhode island in the bahamas in california and michigan we bless you tonight we honor you we encourage you in the word of god i'm saying to everybody watching tonight and that it is god's will for you to have peace to be happy to walk in the joy of the lord and not to be so self-centered so self-consumed and listen the time magazine has actually said that that the next generation is called the me generation and i'm telling you it's a whole article about people that are being raised to be self-consumed let me give you an example i was in the airport not too long ago and there was a young lady an asian young lady sitting not too far from me and she pulled out her cell phone and the entire time that i was waiting for the flight for the doors to open this young lady had her cell phone out and she was taking picture after picture i mean i was like how many more you're gonna talk in this same little spot but that's what i'm talking about it's a generational thing that will make them become self-centered self-consumed but what she need to do is turn the camera and take some pictures of somebody else or find a senior citizen or something come on lover it is a spirit the spirit of self the spirit of the flesh and guess what the flesh wanna be in front the flesh wants to dominate but the spirit is saying that the flesh gotta come such and the blessed god to die because to walk in the flesh is enmity against god but if you walk in the spirit if you live in the spirit there is life there is joy and there is peace tell your neighbor i'm going to die to self i'm going to die yourself how are you going to kill him how are you going to kill him the bible says to set your affections on things that are above and not things on the earth you got to forget about you and yourself and put yourself on the altar and go after god somebody said yes i lord reference folks i've heard people say and i love this woman of god her name is dr bridget hilliard and dr bridget killian was teaching one day about the strength of the flesh and she began to say to her flesh as they were discussing fasting and prayer and she began to say that the flesh to the flesh flesh you don't run me you're gonna have to take those over your flesh you gotta tell yourself die to your flesh come out of your flesh get in the spirit and god will bless your life come on somebody it's time now for us to be consumed consumed with ourselves hallelujah i remember as a young evangelist dr angie ray was training the race sisters and she was teaching us about ministry and serving serving the altar she would tell us you got to forget that you exist mama said forget about yourself and be concerned about getting somebody else delivered it's time for us to pray for somebody else you've got prayer all year now i know you delivered by now it's time to pray for somebody else you've been going through deliverance all year it's time to get somebody else for living come on we need to forget about you and start thinking about somebody else tell your neighbor i'm gonna kill this self-absorbed tom in the name of jesus i'm gonna speak well to somebody else all right that's a great moment for you all to look at your neighbor and find something nice to say about them come on come on find something to say tell them i appreciate you brother i thank god for you sister i love you come on you gotta be a blessing to somebody else's ministry that's somebody else that's another evangelist come on let somebody else and encourage somebody you've been encouraged all year now signing somebody else don't look to be encouraged be an encourager don't look to be served millennials but start serving and i declare unto you that the blessings of the lord will overtake your life you'll be blessed on the right if you forget about yourself somebody say hallelujah ohio in washington dc in detroit and we've got viewers in our lab tonight [Applause] [Applause] about somebody else let me give you a few quotes there's a man named timothy keller he says that there's nothing that makes you more miserable or less interesting than being a self-absorbed person somebody say amen gordon hinckley said it like this generally speaking the most miserable people i know are those who are obsessed with themselves and the happiest people i know are those who lose themselves in service to others let's give william god said raising self-centered children is not good for society but it's also not good for their own mental health to be completely self-absorbed amen people of god if you're raising children teach your children how to celebrate when god blesses their brother teaching how to celebrate when god blesses their sister and not always stand there saying we ain't gonna give me something don't let him get him it's so ugly to be selfish don't let your children be selfish self-centered and i'm telling you no friends come over just to play with them for a minute and they grab all the things that [Applause] guess what selfish children turn into selfish adults and selfish adults turn into selfish families come on and on and so on and so on y'all all right all right serving others breaks you free from the shackles of self-absorption that choke out the joy of living selfish people are often unhappy and often depressed because they cannot fulfill all of the things that they have in their own mind but if you seek the face of god he will reveal his will to you you don't want to be selfish and full of self absorption okay the time is running the time is running all right we got to read a little bit more in the book y'all right okay let's go to page 91 now we're gonna do our speed reading amen y'all all right okay the second paragraph let's read and go if you find yourself involved with a self-absorbed person try asking him to give you some advice or input about an issue that does not involve him if he attempts to direct the conversation to himself quickly acknowledge his concern about the matter but change the subject to something that is not about him for instance you might say i'm sure that this issue really concerns you did you hear about in other words something else all right so what's the answer when people won't stop talking about themselves all right all right bible shows us that if you know somebody let somebody else praise you if somebody else is talking about you you still point the attention and the glory unto god amen but you don't have to keep discussing yourself is that all right now there's a difference and let me be clear there's a difference between boasting and a testimony there is a difference between being self-absorbed and having a testimony a testimony is a test that you have passed to the glory of god something that you have gone through and it's a solemn declaration that god has done something profound on your behalf and when you give a testimony you're giving evidence and proof to substantiate that what god said he was going to do that he did that's not boasting when you stand up in the church and say i'm glad to be here y'all remember the old saints how they were testifying they were saying after being here finding me yesterday come on let us know sanctify and what else do they say and fear with the precious gift of the holy ghost they didn't stop there they said and do speak in tongues as the spirit gives us come on here i want you to know that a testimony is not boasting why because you're giving who the lord when he woke you up this morning did you give him you got to give him the glory you're not boasting when you say the lord woke me up this morning and the lord told his angel to touch me and the lord told him touch him in my name somebody and you can say i rose this morning i rose this morning i rose this morning and i just gotta thank him for life i gotta thank him for help i gotta thank him for strength great just giving god all of the glory somebody when you give him the glory you'll feel like shout feel like giving god the praise you give him a hallelujah no goodness of my own but it's by the grace of god by the grace of the lord i've come a long way somebody give god the glory [Applause] north carolina and las vegas for watching us live tonight and then pastor minnie hen said don't touch the glory he said don't touch it and you shouldn't want to touch it listen you can't sing if you don't pray you can't preach if you don't pray if you pray god will use you but when he uses you don't become self-absorbed don't get egotistical amen to the glory of god every day is a gift from god every day is a new opportunity to give him glory i want you to know if you fight your battles write your fight i'm on your knees and god will bless your life again we are concluding our teaching tonight about the self of your time let's go to our affirmation for tonight praise the name of the lord thank you for all that are following us amen on facebook on periscope on twitter we thank you so much for following us on instagram we just want to lift up jesus hallelujah i love him i love him tonight all right okay y'all ready i want you all to hear the last sentence on page 91 says give everyone your converse with or converse with your full attention and watch your relationships deepen so how are you going to have a deeper relationship by listening to someone else being concerned about their needs concerned about what's going on in their lives concern amen you gotta listen but somebody has to speak amen tell your neighbor we are not mind readers so in order to communicate you gotta tell somebody what's on your heart what's on your mind is that right amen and then when they tell you if you got to do what you got to listen all right now let's read our affirmation i look not only to my own interests but to the interests of others therefore my issues are not the primary topic of my conversation since god weighs our motives he weighs our conversation we're not going to be boastful and proud but we're going to walk in humility in jesus name let's have a word of prayer and we're going to conclude for tonight and then just before we pray want to remind everyone our prayer conference august the 30th through september 2nd you can go to angie ministries log on to get any information concerning our upcoming prayer conference god is going to deliver from every subject we've talked about in here tonight god is going to do in jesus name we're not going to be bolsters and proud but we're going to stay in the spirit of humility father we thank you today that you have taught us lord that those who had an innate passion for elevation were often guilty of self deprivation and god often guilty of speaking in the wrong way father god in the name of jesus many have been guilty of self-absorbed conversation but tonight father we repent before you and we ask god that you will set us free from every unwise word in the name of jesus father we humble ourselves we die to self die to flesh we come all the way out of ourselves father in the name of jesus and we ask god that you will utilize our lives as instruments for the glory of god father if there be any virtue if there be any praise father we owe it all to you you get all of the glory get all of the glory out of our lives in the name of jesus father god we won't be boastful we won't be proud but we repent for all pride of self or self aggrandizement egotism lord we humble ourselves in your presence lord take it out of our heart take it out of our hearts father teach us how to die to self how to die to the flesh in the mighty name of jesus help us to seek you and help us to seek your faith in jesus mighty name and father god in jesus name we ask you now that you will raise up more esther's in our generation rays up god those that love you those that are concerned about their fellow man those that are concerned about serving humanity i say a special prayer for millennials tonight that father that you will cause them to turn their hearts toward humanity and serving those that are sick those that are underprivileged those that are disenfranchised father let them know that there is value in their lives if they'll just yield themselves unto you father in the name of jesus and we thank you lord that we don't have to succumb lord to the label that man says that all of us are just me be me but god we repent for for self and we turn away from the flesh and we turn our attention and our focus on you in jesus mighty name use us for your glory let the glory of the lord rest upon us and father we'll lift our hands and we give you all of the praise and we give you all of our honor and we bless you lord for all that you're doing in our we lay our lives to the foot of the cross and we say god be glorified jesus you be glory glory god jesus you get the honor lord we exalt you we install you we bless you we honor you and we thank you lord thank you for all that you have done and thank you lord for all that you're about to do in the precious and the mighty and the mattress and the powerful and the [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] to rise up in his presence and lift up holy hands and give him all of the honor and all the glory and all of the praise in the precious [Applause] in is name
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 11,270
Rating: 4.83391 out of 5
Keywords: The Self Absorbed Tongue, Bible Study, Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Id: cThimvWrefc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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