Sunday Virtual Worship Service

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[Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] magnifiers [Music] he's everything that you need [Music] he's my giant slayer [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] whatever you need [Music] he'll be on everything [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] whatever [Music] hallelujah [Music] he's asking for praise right now come on that's crazy [Music] i'd love to glory [Music] [Music] that's him [Music] clap your hands in jesus name hallelujah well i've been waiting to get into church i don't mind virtual worship i love to hear my pastor teach on facebook and youtube but there is nothing like being in the assembly of the saints and able to magnify and glorify god together for the word declares oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together if you love him today clap those hands one more time for king jesus the racism is going to come to you with a short selection of you are my strength in jesus name hallelujah god we honor you we thank you for being our strength we thank you for being our peace god we thank you for being our joy we thank you for being everything that we need hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you cheese we aren't you in this place lord nobody like you jesus hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus you are my strength strength like no other strip like no other it reaches to me you are my strength strength like no other [Music] strength like no other it reaches to me you are my strength [Music] strength like no other [Music] you are my strength yeah strength [Music] i'm glad it reaches [Music] i can count on you every time to lift me up [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me you are my peace [Music] peace [Music] you are my peace [Music] like no other [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord [Applause] [Music] lord you lift me up you [Music] [Music] strength [Music] jesus reaches [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you for being our strength god hallelujah [Music] that's the name of the lord is he your strength today he is our strength and when you're weak we are strong because of the mercies of the lord because of his grace hallelujah do you love the lord on today do you feel his presence he's here we're so grateful our guest speaker has arrived and is here with us pastor julie lee all the way from north carolina along with his wife the woman of god sister lynese lee amen we're so grateful that they're here with us today and we're in anticipation of what god has to say to us here at angie ray ministries this great church on the rock i'm going to share our announcements at this time so that we can go forth and when we when he hits the floor that he can take his time and share the word of the lord again those of you that are watching by youtube or facebook please like share tag post share with someone that angie ray ministries is live on the air on this afternoon amen we thank god again for our very own pastor pastor kimberly ray gavin amen praise the name of the lord thank god our assistant pastor is in the house pastor jay denise ray praise god amen we thank god for her evangelist cheryl is around here doing what she does as our administrator amen praise the name of the lord we want to invite you to be a part of our outdoor services our church is located at 4013 lindenwood drive in madison illinois we're on the corner of lindenwood and pulaski you can join us in in our services at two o'clock in the afternoon on sundays in our outdoor service you can come sit in the comfort of your car and worship and praise the lord with us or you can stand outside of your car and worship with us and hear the word of the lord our pastor will be preaching on next sunday at two o'clock in the afternoon i want to invite you to join us at 4013 lindenwood drive in matson illinois praise the lord also want to invite you to tune in on monday night at 11 o'clock p.m on tomorrow night june 7th to a time of intercession our telecast can be viewed on the word network amen you can also view the telecast on facebook and youtube live at 11 o'clock p.m invite someone to tune in to a time of intercession on wednesday night our bible study can be viewed on facebook live as well as youtube again it is written every wednesday night at 7 30 p.m our pastor is sharing the word of god won't you join us on wednesday night in bible study praise the name of the lord also on every saturday at 12 o'clock noon the andre ministries has a prayer call line you can join us on the prayer call on saturdays at 12 o'clock noon and we would certainly appreciate you joining in with us if you have prayer requests that you would like us to pray with you and stand in agreement with you you can send those prayer requests to k-ray that's k-r-a-y at k-ray at for your prayer requests as well as your praise reports amen if you um if you also need prayer you can call us on monday night while the telecast is on intercessors are there to pray with you and stand in agreement that number is 708-503-1140 amen you're also welcome to sew today with angie ray ministries we appreciate those of you that support angie ray ministries you support a time of intercession we thank you thank god for the church on the rock who's giving in their tithe and offering every week and we appreciate those of you that are always giving and sharing along with us here at the church on the rock you can give by the way of givlify you can go to the giblify app or and find angie ray ministries you'll see our picture of our pastor right there at angieraid ministries to sow your seed as well as going to cash app that's dollar sign angie ray ministries or you can go to amen we're also asking the church on the rock to be mindful and those are friends and family to save these dates we want you to save the dates those dates are saturday july 10 and sunday july 11th we're going to have a very special event that we'll be sharing with you in days to come but please save those dates you're going to be happy that you did also we will be in our virtual fellowship of the first weekend of september we want you to save those dates as well so for our fellowship we will not have our normal annual prayer conference but we will be in our virtual fellowship on the first weekend of september so please save those days at september 3rd through the 5th save the date in jesus name but also don't forget in 2022 we will be in our 40th annual prayer conference our international prayer conference we're believing god that everything will be just fine and we can come together in jesus name as our final announcement i want to say thank you to the church on the rock my church family my family and friends that blessed me on last sunday i am so so grateful i appreciate appreciate every word of kindness every act of love every gift every cash have glory to jesus praise the lord amen everything one of the saints say i want to put something soft in your hand i want to say thank you and i appreciate you for being a blessing to me for my birthday and just knowing that god is faithful and he is good i am so so so very grateful and as i look back over this past year of 2020 and 2021 i thought about when uh my birthday was last week and i thought about on last year in the month of march that i was in the bed sick and this is before everybody knew what was really going on with covet i had had a low grade fever for about 30 days straight and i thank god that i was like well some of the other people that just waited and waited like i'm gonna be all right i'm gonna just take some tylenol till i finally called my doctor and he did what he had to do and the lord touched me and healed me and i'm here today praise the lord many didn't make it but i was one of the ones who did does anybody else have that testimony i'm grateful for life health and strength today thank god for the mercies of the lord for the ones that his compassions fail not brothers and mercies i do every morning but great is his faithfulness hallelujah oh bless his holy name my god is a great god i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i give god grace hallelujah oh wonderful jesus when you stand to your feet all over the building hey god has been good to me he's been so good to me more than this world could ever be he's been good the lord's been good he's been gone [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you've been good you right now you've healed our bodies [Music] at this time will you receive the angel of this house the pastor of angie ray ministries that turns on the rock pastor kimberly ray gavin [Music] while you're standing i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together i want to ask every person that is under the sound of my voice to just begin to clap your hands for what god is getting ready to do we have a special guest on today a revivalist a man of god and i want you all amen for the next few minutes that we are together church on the rock i want you to push this preacher like you've never pushed another one i want you to clap harder than you've ever clapped i want you to yell louder than you've yelled somebody let me hear how you gonna tell them amen how you gonna say it how you gonna say preach it pastor let me hear you let me see you move your right arm when you tell them to go ahead glory to god we don't have a lot of time but today god has graced us with the presence of a man of god who is saved sanctified and filled with the precious gift of the holy ghost we are grateful for pastor julie he is the founder of the light church ministries the pastor of the light church located in clayton north carolina and i tell you god has given him a vision to empower the people of god to be the light and as we are blessed today as a church on the rock we are going to hear a word from the man of god we know that god has been speaking to us that we are in a season of answered prayers we are in a season of resurgence that means after the the interruption a continuation so we're getting ready to hear what the lord has to say to us again he's blessed to have with him his beautiful wife clap your hands for the niece amen lead woman of god first lady precious vessel of god and the doctor praise the lord we are honored to have them in our midst so one more time without any further delay i need you to put your hands together help me welcome the preacher from out of town our guest pastor joel lee well come on and give the lord a great big hand clapper pray [Music] oh come on if you're gonna open if you're gonna clap your hands you need to open up your mouth and say something to your savior come on he's worthy of the glory come on church he's worthy of the honor come on david said it best i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord there's joy in the house of the lord come on there's peace in the house of the lord whatever you need you can find it in the house of the lord come on church of god lift up your oysters and give them glory come on from the fruit of your lips offer up a praise unto god he's worthy of the praise he's worthy of the glory come on let all the people of god give a praise from the depths of your soul from the power of your heart let them know that you love them let them know that he's been good to you come on church of god praise them everybody oh hallelujah praise god we honor god this day who's the head of our life thank god for his wonderful son jesus without we're saved and still going on with the lord we thank god for the gift that he's given unto us we thank god for the precious gift of the holy ghost let's give the lord another gracious handclap amen we are so thankful to god today we thank god amen amen thank god for my wonderful beautiful wife that has accompanied us amen so glad amen that she's with us today we thank god for your pastor amen amen i think that she is one of the most humblest most kindest i'm serious that person that i know and i thank god for her humility her elegance her kindness her love oh we could just go on and on thank god for pastorate thank god for my sisters all of them are my sisters i call them man amen thank god for tanya sister tanya thank god for sister shirl thank god for sister denise all of them they're my sisters amen and we thank god for my brother thank god for amen brother gavin let's give him a great big handclap it is such a blessing to see you all again can we stand as we get ready to go into the word of the lord we're not going to try to hold you just want to say what the said the lord if we could i know we can't grab hands but how many know there's a place where we are able to at least spiritually connect amen let's put our mind on god amen and by faith not necessarily if you came with somebody that's beside you and you can reach over and grab them then that's fine but if not let's just reach in the spirit amen and let's connect the god the bible said that whenever two or three are gathered together in his name god has made a promise to us that he would be right there in the midst and we believe god today amen for a move of his spirit father in jesus name lord we thank you lord we give you praise and we do give you glory father we thank your god for your blessings thank you lord for what it is that you have done today have you ever brought your people together for such a time like this father we thank you in the name of jesus lord for how you have lifted us to a place of honoring you and understanding the times in which we are living in and so today god we're asking you lord as we beseech you now as we come before your throne lord it is our prayer right now lord that your presence will fill the room lord like never before god we pray in the name of jesus touch every heart father everyone that's present here today father we bind the spirit of confusion lord we come against that spirit of distraction in the name of jesus but today for your glory lord move upon the heart of these people in the name of jesus draw them closer unto you help us to realize our purpose in the name of jesus god do a new thing in our lives do a new thing in our spirit god do a new thing in our soul and we thank you for it we thank you for elevation father we thank you for promotion father in the things that are spiritual in the name of jesus lord we give you glory and we honor you for these right now lord save the day those that need to be saved lord deliver those that need to be delivered healed and set free in the name of jesus we bind the works of the enemy father but we thank you for loosing among us your power your presence and your anointing in the name of jesus god i ask you now lord that you will cause flesh to die lord that you might come alive come alive and i'm preaching come alive in our praise in our worship god we thank you father in jesus name for what you're getting ready to do in this place today we praise you for it now we clap our hands unto you as a sign of victory in jesus name we pray come on can everybody just say thank you oh come on clap your hands and tell them thank you praise the lord quickly we're going to the book of acts amen we're going to the book of acts the third chapter amen very familiar verse of scripture praise god i don't know about y'all but we have just come out of pentecost and i tell you if we didn't have a time now i know y'all had one here but we had a time at the light amen and we are so thankful for what the lord is still yet doing in this hour praise god but we're going to the book of acts and we're going to be looking at verse 3 amen through verse number eight praise god again that's acts the third chapter and we'll be looking at verse three through verse eight when you have it say amen the reasons thus it says and now peter and john went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour and a certain man laying from his mother's womb was carried whom they lay daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask arms of them that entered into the temple who seeing peter and john about to go into the temple asked alms asked and on and peter fastening his eyes upon him with john said look on us and he gave heed unto them expecting to receive something of them then peter said silver and gold have i none but such as i have i give thee in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand lifted him up immediately and immediately his feet and his ankle bones received strength and he leaping up stood and walked and entered with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising god verse number seven says and when they had set them in the midst they asked by what power or by what name have ye done this then peter filled with the holy ghost said unto them ye rulers of the people and elders of israel if we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man by what means he's is made whole be it known unto you all and to all the people of israel that by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom ye crucified whom god raised from the dead even by him duff this man here before you whole stand before you whole today we want to speak to you amen on a topic of just simply a new experience a fresh experience amen a fresh experience a new experience what what we are understanding in the days in which we are now living in is that with all of the things that we have seen transpire over amen the last year amen and a half one of the things that we must make sure that we keep in mind is that praise god that the church needs a new experience i believe that some things happen in our lives to drive us to a place where god pushes us to realize that we cannot continue in the same way we always been there's some things that happen in our lives whereby god speaks to us and he and he propels us into a place in our lives whereby we realize that if he don't do something new in us if he doesn't renew us if he doesn't change us as he amen does not begin to renew us we're going to miss out amen on the things that he literally has for us praise god in the day in which we're living in we have to seek now a fresh experience from the lord and when we read the scripture we find out amen that peter and john after amen being filled with the power of the holy ghost and we know we're living in an hour where many people don't put a lot of emphasis on the fact that we need the holy ghost but how many know we still have to have him in the days in which we're living in amen and in the time that they are with that experience that they had amen in the upper room it was because of that that when they came out of the upper room praise god that they begin to reach for the things of god what i'm finding out today is that we are seeing people that are are lost in depression they're lost in uh society they're lost in things amen that amen i was bogging them down simply because of the fact amen that they need an experience with the holy ghost we have found that that in churches that shouting is not all that's going to do it we have found that that in our churches amen just coming to church and serving is not all that's going to do it but if we're going to be able to move in this lasting evil day we're going to have to have a real experience with god and your experience is not measured by yourself your experience is not measured by your ability to be able to move people but you got to know that god has done something on the inside of you because how many know when certain things come upon you you might not have a shout but you still have an experience when certain things might come in your life you got to know without a shadow of a doubt amen that you know where god brought you from and you also know because he is god where he's getting ready to take you and the bible says that peter and john after having a real experience with god in the upper room they come out of the upper room and they begin to go now and we see to the house of god in prayer one of the things you can measure a person that has experience with the holy ghost is the fact that they're still seeking god and they're still going after god you cannot have the power of god on the inside and you're not hungry for prayer because prayer is a time of communication if you're not careful you can get caught up in the ritual the bible says that they was headed to the house of prayer be in the ninth hour we understand that the jews would pray three times a day they prayed early in the morning they prayed at noon and then they prayed at three o'clock and we realized that in that prayer time amen sometimes you can do things out of ritual it's not so much that it mean anything to you but how many know because you know what to do and you know when to do it that's why you do what you do but praise god when you get the power of god on the inside of you how many realize that prayer hallelujah prayer takes on the new meaning when the power of god resides on the inside when the holy ghost is what's prompting you when the spirit of the lord is what's moving you how many no prayer takes on a new meaning and you don't go to prayer because they called it you go to prayer because prayer is in you you go to prayer because you know that when you call on that he said if you ask you shall receive if you seek you shall fire if you're knocked out the door shall be opened how many of you have ever asked and know that god answered how many of them knocked at the door and god came to your rescue how many know that with your call on jesus that he will answer prayer and the bible says it's 3 o'clock now at 3 o'clock somebody shout 3 o'clock it's 3 o'clock in the day what time is it here today it's almost 3 again y'all ain't talking but it was three o'clock in the day and being three o'clock the bible says that they have now a man going into the house of the lord not simply because of the fact amen it's a ritual but because they had an experience how many know it's your experience with god that keeps you seeking god the bible says if you draw nigh unto god can i get some more he said if you draw nigh unto god he will draw nigh unto you look like my mic went down if you're drawing nigh unto god look like he will draw nigh unto you how many don't the more you seek god the more you'll go after god the more you cry for god the closer god get to you and how many when he get close to you you ain't got time for depression y'all ain't gonna talk to me you ain't got time fulfilling sorrow you ain't got time for feeling bad because when jesus steps in the room the bible said in the presence of the lord that there's fullness of joy and it is right ham their pleasure forevermore when jesus steps in if you're sick you ain't sick no more because you recognize yourself by my stripes y'all ain't saying money here i said when jesus steps in the room i don't know no matter what it is that you're going through when jesus comes in your well when jesus comes in if you're broke you're rich well they said but the cattle on a thousand hill they all belong to god and when jesus shows up because you're an arab god and you're joining ass with christ whatever he has you got it to look at somebody tell them neighbor i know who i am i got a few minutes so the bible says that it's the third hour and then they're going up into the house of the lord and the first thing that we recognize is that when you want a fresh experience you got to have a prayer life whatever it took you to get the first one you got to continue in it it was prayer that gave them their first experience it was prayer that caused them amen to find out that after the power of the holy ghost came upon them that it was prayer that stood up the tongue on the inside i mean when you got prayer and you understand what it took for you to get what you got you can't let go you got to keep going forward i'm trying to figure out today who really got anything because nowadays people got to be prompt for stuff people got to be poured into everything people got to be convinced to do it but how many know when you got a real experience nobody ain't got to convince you nobody got to prompt you nobody ain't got to pump you up but because of your experience you recognize that god has been good to me and the bible says somebody shouted the bible so the bible said that they go into prayer because it was prayer praise god that brought them their first experience and because it was prayer that brought them their first experience i just choose to believe that they were still seeking after what it was that caused them to receive what they had because church when god does something in you it is not something you can so easily walk away from that's why i don't understand if you really get filled with god you don't backslide the next thing if you really get the whole y'all ain't gonna talk if you really get the holy ghost how many don't you don't just turn everything loose but the holy ghost will continue to prompt and push you into areas that you've never been before the holy ghost i tell you to leave stuff alone the holy ghost tell you to shut up the holy ghost will tell you to walk away the holy ghost will say leave that y'all it up when you really get the holy ghost it's the holy ghost that continues to move it's the holy ghost that continues to prompt god and so the bible said that after they got to that place amen that now they're going into the temple because when you got the power of god on the inside and i wish i had more time to talk about it because we need power i'm tired of folks shouting with no power i'm tired of folks speaking in tongues with no power i'm tired of preachers preaching with no power i said we need power power to bind the devil power that can't stop demons power to make us i need to know how many focal power because when you want power you don't sit there and look when you want power you do whatever you got to do because you will be oppression that say that when i step in the room jesus steps with me look at somebody say power and so it's now the third hallelujah my god from heaven it's the third hour now amen it's three o'clock amen and the bible says that now that they're going into the temple uh they're going back to the place where amen that they had an experience with god and when they're going in there's an opportunity presented unto them how many know when you got the power of god on the inside god will give you opportunities and what i think the day is wrong is because the church is missing out on opportunities it's not that opportunities are not presented but because we don't have power we're distracted i believe that covet 19 was an opportunity but when you don't have power all you dwelling on is who died y'all you dwelling on this who's sick y'all ain't talking but when you got the holy ghost god to direct you and god will lead you to those that need help when you got the power of god on the inside you understand it ain't just about you making another day that you can say that i made it but you realize that god kept you because he got need for you there's something he wants to do through you there's something he wants to do in you somebody getting better to be blessed by your testimony somebody getting ready to be blessed by your hand somebody getting ready to be blessed because you are able to exemplify what god is doing in the earth look at somebody tell them neighbor we need a fresh experience and so the bible said that here they are now amen pray the lord the bible says that here we are now and what we find out is that at this time church of god that what they begin to do now is that sit stay in the temple of the lord i'm gonna take it easy for a second i got a few more but they're in the temple of god and since they're in the temple we see now that the bible says that peter and john looks amen is going in and because they have something within them amen the person that's at the temple the beggar amen he don't even understand what's getting ready to happen to them see church of god we're neglecting certain things that open up those opportunities it's important to make sure amen that whenever you are seeking god amen that you are doing it from your heart because when you seek god he will lead you and you always say he leads you and when god begins to lead you he leads you where he needs you and sometimes you're not careful you will lead yourself and because you lead yourself you're not experiencing anything see i'm trying to figure out why having people confronting folk like they used to why when people see folk today they don't come see them and they don't come offering nothing and when they come there sometimes if we're not careful we don't seem to have anything to offer back to them but the bible said that this man sees them and he's asking arms but peter and john don't look at it it's just a person that's asking us but they look at it it's an opportunity and the bible said that they're saying that he's begging for something he's begging for a donation see you got to realize there are people that are in your neighborhood i was coming in this day when we was riding here i'm looking around and we was talking but i'm looking around and i see opportunity because this world this time in this city is such a bad place today murder on the rise y'all ain't talking some of everything going on but how many know god put the holy ghost in you so that wherever you go that you can make a change wherever you step in how many no you ain't got to be depression praise god that's backing up because of what the devil doing you got the note that the greater one lives in you and the bible said greater is he that lives in you that used to be a time church what the people of god didn't mind confront the devil but how many don't we don't get afraid now we don't know what we're working with to do but how many know when you got a red experience with god you know what it's like to say dev y'all sitting there looking i'm trying to tell y'all we were dealing with something just a few weeks ago and god reminded us because we had to do it but we cast the devil out of the lady she said she said listen i've been here a long time i told that devil you coming out of here today how many know and before we were finished how many know that devil came out of there she was saying one time where the name was but after the power of god hit her how many know she started saying my name is such-and-such she won't say my name crap no more she won't say my name is hatred anymore but when you got power i wish i had somebody that really had it because some of y'all ain't excited for me come on if you really know what god can do i don't know you can't you can't just come confront the devil unicorn you got to have something to offer look at somebody ask him neighbor what do you have what do you have cause you got to recognize that they come looking for one thing but you got to know you got something better y'all ain't saying no now he came looking for a donation but how many though he didn't leave y'all he left with a deposit but it won't money we miss it we miss people we miss opportunities that are presented under us simply because we are trying to do it our way we are sometimes at a place where we're stuck we have seen certain things go on for so long we forgot that god made us changes god put the church in the world to change the world he said ye are the salt of the earth he said ye are the light i wish i had a real church now he said ye are the light of the world in other words whenever you show up how many of you illuminate the building how many oh how many know when you the salty up whenever you show up you keep stuff from getting rotten and if you walk into a place hold on sir if you walk into a place and it don't get better you better check your life because you don't forget somewhere something is missing because when you show up there's supposed to be a change that come about us when power lives in you when jesus lives in you something look at somebody and say something is supposed to happen the bible says that what we find out with these is that jesus left it on record he said listen i got to leave you y'all hit me now he said i'm leaving but he said when i leave i'm sending you another comforter now i want you to understand that means a whole lot because when he says i'm sending you another comforter to be another means that there was already one prior jesus was the first comforter and while jesus was on the earth jesus began to present to them what they would do with him with them he was showing them how he healed the sea he was showing them how he raised the dead and all he said that he he he even got it to the place where he took peter and made him realize you can walk on water he he was showing them the paraclete the one you call alongside for help hallelujah glory to god he he was showing them that when i'm with you what you got power to do and how many know church of god he was the first example he was the first paraclete he was the first comforter he said but i'm leaving you and when i leave you i'm gonna send you another comforter and that's important to understand because this comforter jesus recognized that with the disciples he could only in the human form even though he was 100 human and 100 divine that he could only be with them physically where they were you already saying that now and the flesh jesus could only be in jerusalem at one y'all ain't saying that if he was in judea galilee in the flesh that's all he could be but he said i'm i'm sending you another comforter and he said this one gonna be with you always oh my lord he said he said i'm gonna send you another one because i got to leave you and they began to cry and tears was rolling down their face and they was trying to figure out where it going what do you mean they leaving us but he said don't sorrow don't you worry i got i'm sending you some help going to send you somebody that's going to teach you that's going to lead you that's going to guide you i'm sending you something y'all ain't saying that he said i'm sending you someone that you're going to be able to do the same thing that you've seen me do the one i'm sending gonna live in you and the same power that i have the same pot y'all ain't talking to me the same power that this lives that i have the same miracles you watched me before i'm getting ready to live in you and i'm getting ready to do greater because the bible said he said greater watch than these hallelujah he said greater action these shall he do let me know he said in my name can i hear that for a second because the bible said i ain't got a few minutes but let me he said in my name in my name meant he was telling him in my authority because his name represented authority how many know you can go places and if you don't have no authority your name don't mean anything but how many know when you have authority you can say as an ambassador i come in the name of such and such and because you come in the name of such as there's certain things that got to happen because you come in their name doors open up for you that won't open for nobody else and you got to recognize when they sent the other comfort of that comforter open up the heavens to them and open up the kingdom riches unto them see we think that foundation is all that god got for us but how many notes they used to teach us that you got to be saved you got to be sanctified and you got to be filled with the power of the holy ghost because salvation can take you but so far but when you get the holy ghost i said the holy ghost is a keeper the holy ghost is something that's able he's able to keep you he's able to give you power not just power with the shout not just power to twerk but power to live right power the stand right that's why the bible said i beseech ye therefore brethren by the mercies of god you present your body's health as a living sacrifice to be holy somebody shall hold it but in the old church used to be a time when we shall hold it happen somebody shot it back at us because it meant something to know they have the probably it meant something to know they had the greater living on the inside and so peter and john are experiencing all that they've seen with jesus they've seen blind eyes open they've seen the lame get up walking they've seen people raised up from the dead and now the chance comes out cause they got the comforter living on the inside and when that man come to them he said silver and gold have our money [Music] we're trying to see people trying to teach them how to be rich but i come to tell y'all peter then john said i may not have silver i may not have those but such as i have i give unto you rise up and woke up in the name of somebody shall glory somebody shout glory and what we need y'all we need a new experience that's what peter and john got when they came out of the upper room that was the first one but when they laid hands reached out to that man he got up and run out how many know jesus was working through a house and gave him a new experience because when you get a new experience it'll cause you to keep on going [Music] [Music] things around for me somebody we got to get to the place well we longed for more of his power and when he gives it to you i would tell you my church because over the last 50 days we've been praying and fasting we've been seeing god move cancer being healed we've seen people have lives being changed we've seen demons cast out because i believe y'all that this is the last and final hour and god is raising up the real people god he's raising somebody that's hungry for the more of god he told us in his word he that hold him up and first after righteousness [Music] if you're really hungry he'll fill you up if you really want him he'll give you what you need but how many people have got to get hungry how many people gotta give us hallelujah yesterday's glory can't live i believe in how something is changing for the believer look at your neighbor and say maybe some of y'all ain't looking at nobody i ain't touched over how to help i said look at him and say neighbor how bad do you want it i want a fresh [Music] because when you really get a fresh anointing when you really feel the power of god something changes because the bible says when the people started trying to lift them up they turned the people back to jesus because i'm trying to tell you if anybody get healed god did it if anybody get delivered god did it if anybody get free god did it because when you give glory to god he'll give you more when you turn glory back [Music] and point that to jesus and say the lord whom they crucified he's still alive because he's living on the inside of my soul yeah that's why i'm not giving up that's why i'm moving forward that's why i got more ahead of me now but the lord has raised you up for this but receive a fresh anointing receive a blessing spirits hallelujah be flat come on glory [Music] come on somebody's out glory it's time for us to go now time for us to lead out of here can i tell y'all something i refuse to leave the same way every time god gives you an opportunity to get back to the house you better realize he didn't have to do it but be thankful that he did but you're not here just to say you here but you're here to receive a flesh out for it you are here to receive a greater power lift up your hands and say lord kill me again lord glory i said glory i said lord you got to walk you got to go not because i said it but because you need it because [Music] [Music] ah i'm going home back to my neighborhood back to my school back to my job and i believe it cause he gave me [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah every hand lifted come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on come on reach to one tonight some of y'all don't even realize what's happening come on everybody might not get it but this is your turn this is your time come on he's sending us here because there's an outpouring church on the rock god is putting his hand great church on the right god hyatt is upon the ministry it's upon your life god want to use your greater god want to do great god want to pour out into you it's not just one or two it's not just the sisters but god want to touch you all because there's a plate of work there's afraid of move the city is waiting on you holiness must prevail righteousness must prevail who's willing to stand and say lord fill me lord renew me give me more [Music] tell me who can stand be for us when we when we call on that great name his name is jesus jesus [Music] lift your hands up everybody hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus we [Music] i want everybody in here just quickly whatever you need from god today if you're not saved i don't know if you're not saved today jesus comes to save you maybe today you lost maybe you don't even have the holy ghost today jesus comes to fill you maybe you know what you have but you recognize you need a fresh experience you need another refiller jesus comes to feel you and the bible says it's simply like this he said if we then being evil know how to give good gifts to our children how much more shall the father give unto them that ask the holy ghost today if you want a fresh experience from god i want you to lift your hands up to jesus and i want you to do something just as simple as you can and i want you to ask him if you need to be filled need to be saved ask him to save you ask him to feel you if you need to be re renewed and refreshed just ask him come on everybody talk to him now ask him come on this is not a game this is not some mystical thing but if you talk to him and if you ask him i promise you he'll begin to move on you come on talk to him now in the name of jesus come on ask him lord feel me again lord renew me again lord i can see where i've slipped i see my desire my i see the day god my determination is not the same and i need you to do something new i need you to do something fresh in my life god because i know you got a plan for me i know that you got purpose for me i know you promised you said it how you was going to use me but god what have i done what what did i miss you what what have caused me not to be able to experience it like i used to today god give me something greater he said behold i'll do a new thing hallelujah he said behold i'll do something new in your life something fresh something greater than what you have experienced with your hands up to god come on come on begin to talk to him and talk to her come on just tell him lord give it to me now give it to me feel me jesus reveal me for your glory [Music] come on just just ask them we're getting ready to praise them just ask them come [Music] on now come on and start clapping your hands and praise them for what you asked come on after you ask them you got to tell them thank you come on if you believe them the answer what you asked them about come on open up your mouth and tell them thank you come on some of you still standing looking but i said tell him thank you come on open up your mouth and tell jesus thank you i'm gonna reach out and tell jesus thank you thank you for the power thank you for the abortion thank you for the holy ghost thank you jesus come on tell him thank you everyone come on over here [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] but if you lift your hands jesus don't touch it come on i feel god in here i feel the anointing for it i feel the glory come on reach out to him don't let the enemy stop you [Music] come on [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] lord [Music] thank you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i need y'all to clap harder than that the lord has touched us today he has given us a revival come on and praise him hallelujah hallelujah i need you to clap hard as you can and while you're clapping tell the lord thank you jesus tell the lord thank you jesus tell the lord thank you jesus somebody's being refilled somebody's being healed rise and be healed in the name of jesus of nazareth yeah oh bless his name bless him bless him bless him glory glory glory glory glory glory church on the rock just start turning around in a circle and tell the lord thank you thank you for a new experience thank you for a fresh anointing thank you for fresh power thank you for the fresh fire oh yeah come on and bless his name bless the name jesus from the rising of the sun to the going down all the same his name is worthy wanted to be praised glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus lord bless his name i want you to take a few steps i don't want you to get close to anybody but we got some room in the house of hope i need y'all to just spread out for a minute bless the name of the lord don't get close to nobody but just use some of the floor space that we have and we're just going to give god the praise for blessing us with revival today get you a spot come on come on get you a spot and just say lord i'm going to leave here praising you i'm not going to leave out of the door until i thank you for giving me a fresh experience a new fire a new joy church on the rock hallelujah when i count to three i want you to get you a spot and just start leaping for joy and praising god come on one two three praise it [Music] [Music] come on come on come on oh god is here where the spirit of the lord of god won't you praise him with your [Music] hand [Music] thank you lord praise god my soul has been blessed my soul has been blessed thank you jesus [Music] i just need about i need about seven people to just run to the altar and get your own level spot and i just want you to dance come and come here aaron just run up here aaron and shout come here christie run to the altar and shout i need about five of y'all that's got the real spirit of revival on you to just start shouting i'm gonna shout with all your money come on chanel come on [Music] come on [Music] praise him praise him praise him praise him this is a revival praise him he's reviving us watch him he's restoring us praise him praise him thank you [Music] run up here trina come on sister linda come up to the altar sent a little shut up come on marriage god says that's somebody brother neal shout for jesus my little sister daniel somebody crazy praise the lord praise the lord praise it for real shout out it's a new experience praise your brother simpson you got a right to shout my [Music] sister trina in less than a month you're going to be getting married but i want you to just walk across this front of the pulpit amen glory to god and i want you to praise god like it's your wedding day that the lord will let his glory rest upon you and your life and your spouse as you are prepared to get married with somebody help trina shout somebody help us out [Music] crazy [Music] [Applause] that's it patricia that's his sister go ahead and praise the lord he's all over you praise him sister eva newton hello sister betty says [Music] thank you jesus christ come on and give him the glory praise him for it [Music] listen listen to them be the glory to god be the glory glory glory the things he's done hallelujah put those hands together yes lord church on the rock clap your hands all ye people clap your hands and holler with a shout hallelujah oh you can do better than that i know you got your mask on but come on and holla hallelujah hey lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i still feel the anointing in the atmosphere i still feel the power of god in the atmosphere i still feel the praises of the lord a new experience of fresh oil and a new wine somebody praise him if you got the real holy ghost praise him and speak in your heavenly language [Music] [Music] of the real holy ghost the other comforter jesus said i'll leave you another confidence and he will abide with you forever and ever bless the name of the lord i want to ask the church on the rock right now to offer a special praise unto god on behalf of mother hill who's praying for her husband who's in the hospital with covet right now i just need some real anointed people that just praise god for mother heals strength wow come on y'all let's send the strength of god we send the strength of god in jesus name in jesus name come on call on the name of the lord for brother hill brother edward hill is in the hospital and i see you glory to god hallelujah amen amen we also want you to call out one more name while we're praising god i want to ask everybody to stand up real real real fast i want to ask you to do something with me amen praise the lord one of our mothers is in need of special prayer praise god and i want you all how many of you all are intercessors bless the name of the lord this is a church field with intercessors i need you to take one strong minute and call out mother peggy cooper right now come on i need you to walk in that circle where you are mother peggy cooper god we send the word to her we send strength to her we send the anointing we send power father god in the name of jesus you said one of you shall chase a thousand and two of you shall put ten thousand to flight we bind every assignment every stronghold every spirit that is coming against mother peggy cooper right now god touch for your glory touch for your honor you told us where two or three of you are gathered together in my name there am i in the midst so we call your name jesus jesus thou son of david jesus seed of abraham jesus rose of sharon jesus lily of the valley jesus bright and morning star we need your help today jesus our helper jesus our propitiation jesus we need you to touch mother peggy cooper we call a name out we call a name out lord jesus touching now god for your glory and for your honor and every person watching on facebook that's in need of healing we stand in agreement and use the words of our revivalists and we say rise up and be healed in the name of jesus christ of nazareth be thou made whole be thou made whole be thou delivered be thou set free in the name of jesus now put your hand together church as we believe god as we believe god in jesus name one more time as you take your seeds let's tell the lord thank you for our revivalists for today i tell you god has truly used this man of god teaching us about a new experience one more time church on the rock let's give our special guest a mighty mighty mighty applause to the glory of god awesome job awesome amen thank you so much for flying in to be with us today we appreciate our guests i want our guests to feel so special that when they go to other cities they say i i this ain't nothing like the church on the rock i want us to spoil them y'all know what i'm saying amen we appreciate and respect pastor julie and thank god for his wife amen one more time let's celebrate lady lynese lee amen we appreciate you being here listen before our facebook audience leaves us today i just want you all to just start clapping for those that are watching live by way of facebook we love you all with the pure a love yes those of you that are on youtube watching we honor the lord for you and we want to tell you if you've been blessed by angie ray ministries church on the rock you can go to giblifie to sew those of you that have been it's been in your spirit to sow a seed into this ministry i want to say thank you in advance as you give amen you can go on to angie ray ministries to seoul and those of you that want to give by way of cash app you can put in angie ray ministries cash symbol angie ray ministries to seoul how many of you all believe god has blessed some of our audience those that are watching some of them can give a hundred dollars 500 a thousand dollars and it won't bother them at all i'm telling you saints of god the bible says that we have not because we ask not so i'm asking you those of you that are watching and if you've been blessed to sow at this present time and i believe the word of god that says that it's more blessed to give than it is to receive in jesus name one more time let's say goodbye to our facebook audience we love you guys in jesus name we'll see you live tomorrow night on a time of intercession international
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 7,427
Rating: 4.9316239 out of 5
Id: axXezE-tefg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 40sec (5260 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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