International Intercessory Prayer Revival - Just As I Am

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[Music] but we encourage you to get your breakthrough on today amen are you ready for a breakthrough in the spirit do you want to feel the hand of god touch you on today are you coming to the lord just as i am without one plea come on let's back the father lord one more time put those hands together receive sister rebecca and the praise team in jesus name hallelujah come on put your hands together let's give god some grace in this place today he's worthy [Music] open the eyes no one [Music] you like out of the ashes we rise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on put your hands together [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] everybody oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] sing with me how great is our god yes all will see how great [Music] raise your jesus i think you got it now come on let's take it one more time [Music] is [Music] how brave [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] you really are a great car you're really oh [Music] [Music] god that is [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] my heart will [Music] sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] bless the holy name of god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah oh bless his name you may be seated in the presence of the lord just for a little while hallelujah we're so grateful that god has allowed us to be here on today thank god for those of you that have made it here to the house of hope amen you weren't too scared to come out praise jesus but we appreciate those of you that are here there are some from far near thank god for our friends from saint louis from maryland from detroit from new york amen from milwaukee from wisconsin so many other places we're grateful that you are here today and we're we bless the lord for our pastor pastor kimberly ray gavin our assistant pastor j denis ray and evangelist cheryl ray amen we're going to go before the throne of grace and believe in god to move in a miraculous way on today i just have a few things to share with you before we go a little further as pastor asked the race sisters to pray today and she asked me to do a time of intercession amen thank you praise team i'll be i'm coming praise the lord hallelujah uh the lord gave me the word as i was studying the scripture i beseech thee oh lord and i beseech means to ask fervently ask urgently it also means to beg and so in my time of prayer and talking to the lord i said well lord there are so many faith preachers and we are people of faith and we think we just supposed to ask and it's going to happen but sometimes you're in a situation that you have to ask god a petition of his help in the strongest manner and so that's why we want to beseech the lord today hallelujah amen we can make formal requests of the lord yes we can humbly come to the lord and ask him for what we need in a way that suggests a modest way and an estimation of ourselves in a low degree because we're going to an awesome and an almighty god to implore god means to earnestly or desperate ask desperately for something even in ephesians paul uh beseech the church to present their bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto the lord he used this word to plead with the church and he said i beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation of which you're called but today one of our prayers because we will have many prayers on today we're beseeching the lord on today many of you are those of that are viewing on social media welcome to angie ray ministries but many of you have urgent prayer requests and urgent needs as the prayer intercessors and the counselors are on the telephones on monday nights and during the week we receive so many urgent prayer requests that people need god and they need god to move right away and so we want to do like those in the scripture that said i beseech thee oh lord to come to my rescue hallelujah david besought the lord uh solomon besought the lord in the second chronological six and four he said i beseech thee oh god to hear and attend to my prayer that is made in this place so we want god to hear the prayers that are made in this place on today nehemiah beseech god for mercy daniel said in daniel 9 and 16 i beseech thee oh lord for his anger and fury that your anger and fury be turned away from jerusalem and we know so much is going on in our world in our nations in the nations of the world we need to ask god for his mercy and to turn his fury amen hallelujah paul i mean i'm sorry david in psalms 116 found himself in trouble and in sorrow and he said i beseech thee oh lord to deliver my soul how many somebody in the room today can say lord deliver my soul your soul is your mind your will your emotions your thought patterns your intellect you need god to come to your rescue i just want to read this passage of scripture out of mark chapter 13 and verses 39 i'm sorry mark chapter 1 verse 39 through 42 and it reads and he preached in the synagogues throughout all galilee and cast out devils and there came a leper to him beseeching him and kneeling down and saying son of man if thou will canst thou make me clean and jesus moved with compassion put forth his hand and touched him and said unto him i will be thou clean and as soon as he had spoken immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was cleansed sometimes you've got to come to god kneeling on your knees and beseeching him and crying out to god i know sometimes we pray in meditation and in quiet time and we sit with our hands folded and our heads bowed but sometimes we have to cry about father and you got to cry out of your belly and ask god to have mercy hallelujah thank you lord jesus so i want to encourage you to cry out to god today i know you got your mask on but you can still cry to the lord jesus said i come that you might have life and that more abundantly but many of us are not living that abundant and promised life that god has promised us because there are things in the way there are things that we need to go to god in prayer for and so i want to encourage you today as we come just as we are the lord gave pastor kim the theme just as i am how many of you say lord i'm going just as i am here i am lord i was thinking about there was a time when you know so many people we honor the late dr angie ray but i thank god amen our mother dr angie ray but i remember the story my mother was pregnant with me and at the time of birth after having having me pastor ray almost died and came to the point of death and it was my father that beseeched the lord he went to god and said lord i need my wife don't let my wife die i have these three babies and now i have a fourth one and lord remember me so oftentimes we thank you testimonies of dr angie ray but there was a man named tommy ray that beseeched the lord and if it had not been for him it's a possibility that none of us would be in this place today because there was a man that went to god and got on his knees and said lord remember me remember my children lord i don't want my wife to die but lord never live and that was some 50 years ago and we're still here and we're praising and magnifying and glorifying and magnifying the name of jesus but i thank god that he beseeched the lord he got on his knees and begged god god don't take my wife hey all my glory to god hallelujah i don't know what your urgent cry is i don't know what your urgent request is from god but i believe if you beseech the lord like david did like solomon did like daniel did like so many in the scripture but like tommy ray did he mistake the lord and the lord heard him all glory to god oh bless his holy name hallelujah thank you jesus lord bless him bless him thank you jesus hallelujah they might not have been had their favorite daughter here today but i glorify god that he came just as he was he wasn't a preacher he wasn't an evangelist he was just a man he was a husband he was a father that went to god with an urgent request hallelujah and i know some people have writing all i have to do is just ask and i shall receive yes the scripture says ask and the shell you shall receive but sometimes you gotta cry out to god and today we want to come to god just as we are hallelujah david even said hear my cry oh god attend unto my prayer from the ends of the earth will i cry unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed lead me [Music] somebody listening to me you need god to lead you to the rock that is hired bless you glory to god david i'm sorry paul was out the lord he said i miss out the lord thrice he went to god three times because he had a thorn in his flesh of spirit that buffeted him and sometimes even though you cry and call on the lord you might not get the answer that you won't because the lord didn't remove that thorn but he told him my grace is sufficient so there are answers in the house today there are answers from god to you but we want to come to the lord just as i am the songwriter penned these words just as i am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me and that thou bist me come to thee o lamb o lamb of god i come i want you to lift your hands in the presence of the lord and let your first prayer be today oh lamb of god i come just as i am you know i think about apostle richard daniel hinton who was our he told the racists one day we were in our family room and he said when the lord speaks to me he calls me richard he doesn't call me apostle hinton he doesn't call me elder hinton so i want to encourage you that he told us when you're listening for the voice of the lord don't listen for a title but allow him to call your name like he did saul and peter and abraham so today right now in this moment i want to encourage you to tell the lord lord just as i am it's tonya tell him it's mary it's kim it's elise it's vicky just tell the lord jesus it's just me lord i come i know you got petitions supplications and requests but right now come on lift your hands in the presence of the lord [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] start praying right there just as i am [Music] come on [Music] for me [Music] [Music] will you stand on your feet all over the room let's sing it together just as i am [Music] for me [Music] i [Music] come on lift those heads and tell them i come [Music] [Music] won't you lift your hands and tell the lamb of god lord i come oh [Music] just as humble as i know how it's a proud meeting so tell the lord [Music] my god [Music] [Music] for me [Music] here i am [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god [Music] together here i am jesus here i am [Music] [Music] before oh [Music] [Applause] my god [Music] when somebody tell you to come here you don't stay in the same spot but you begin to draw deal you become closer to [Music] don't just depend on the problem with the microphone but i need you you you and you come on to jesus he's here he's ready he'll receive you just like you are come on tell him lord here i i'm come son i'm your daughter i'm your child i need you today all created us today a clean heart oh god renew within us the right spirit we come just as we are we love you all today in the name of jesus clap those hands all over the house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this is not a spectator's meeting but this is a meeting for you to call on god until you get that answer that you need until you get that breakthrough that you need so one more time tell the lord oh lamb of god lamb of god of god [Music] [Music] here we are [Music] one more time oh [Music] here i am [Applause] [Music] but it's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your mind [Music] [Music] those of you that are watching my face tell them it's me it's me o lord it's me it's the o lord [Music] [Music] hallelujah receive pastor jay denise ray in jesus name clap those heads one more time and give him glory [Music] it's your praise the praise that you're giving right now is that a praise to tell god how much you appreciate him is that a praise to tell him how much you love him is that a praise to tell them how grateful you are i believe behind those masks are many voices and it may not sound real loud but from your heart right now i want everybody in this house the house of hope today to give your god praise for being caught up by himself that we're able to come to him that he's able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or even think come on and praise the god of your salvation in the name of jesus hey god hallelujah hallelujah i feel a hallelujah in the atmosphere i feel a hallelujah on road to rome look at your row and see if anybody is not praising god and tell him if you go sit here you gotta praise him because he's worthy he's worthy from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same god is worthy he's worthy lord here we are here we are here we are one by one in name by name we are your children lord you have sons and daughters in the name of jesus and we came to lift up your name before we ask you for anything else lord we glorify you lord we magnify you upon my own praise lord my soul magnify your name my soul i say i lift my voice to you father we lift our voices to you god we lift our eyes to the heels from which cometh our help for our help only come from you god the one that created the heavens and the earth we lift our eyes hush of a honey we lift our heart up here we are here we are here we are here we are lord we come to you just as we are lord god lord god in the name of your son in the name of your son jesus we bless you we bless you we glorify you the god over the north the god over the east god over the west god over the shout of your everywhere present beholding the good and evil lord god almighty you sit high in the heavens the earth is your footstool up you're the i am that i am we are not praying to a god that's in competition with the devil for you created him and hope i see another higher the only power that he has is the power that has been given unto him and that same god of the god that created man that created light and darkness that created darkness that i yelled out of ocean you created everything you stepped out of nothing because you were something and you gave authority and dominion in the earth god we want to thank you lord we want to praise your name you are your way nothing like you know where [Music] for the earth is the lord and the poorness thereof and they that dwell therein there's no place in the earth that you don't see her there's not a cracker there's not a premise that you [Music] [Music] we need a touch lay your hand on us lay your hand on us lord god almighty lord god almighty the devil want to make it seem like you can't touch us we may not be able to lay hands on each other but lay your hand on us you're right there you're in that house in that apartment in that car you're everywhere lay your hand on us you're right here in the midst of us lay your hand on us lay your hand on us touch us god we reach [Music] church and say touch me lord touch me god take everything out that's not like you we've been doubtful and unbelieving but touch us lord help us now we need a help from you he said lord forgive us for all of our sins everything we've done against your word and your will lord wash us in the blood take it out of us now lord we've been doubtful in this season lord some have even said that you were not alive lord we are sorry today but giving place to the enemy in any area of our lives but we take back the ground of the enemy we renounce saving them and seeing them we turn away from everything not like you wash us somebody cry wash me lord wash us and wash our mind wash our wheels wash our emotions wash our soul wash us lord wash it out of us and purify us sanctify us we need a washing jesus of jesus jesus we call on the name of your son god for the word of god said they that call on the name of the lord shall be saved let a jesus cry let jesus cry take over the atmosphere somebody cried jesus jesus jesus thou son of david jesus cheetah abraham jesus chief cornerstone jesus perfect sacrifice of jesus are coming again soon [Music] soon i'm coming again soon jesus we call you no other help no one to help jesus jesus jesus in the morning jesus [Music] lay your hand on us lay your hand on us lay your hand on us here we are show yourself strong you said it you were looking for somebody here we are we say yes yes lord can i get the church to cry yes lord yes to your will yes to your way not our will but your will be done past [Music] we need you lord we need you lord we need you [Music] [Music] see [Music] we [Music] [Music] somebody say the blood [Music] oh [Music] [Music] be the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus jesus your blood let it wash us let it [Music] jesus jesus that name that the devil hates jesus jesus jesus that saved jesus that saved jesus that changed jesus that they crucified him that same jesus that rose with all power power they gave us the keys of death hell and the grave somebody say jesus blood the blood the blood the blood say that we find you we find your devil somebody said devil you a liar say to you a liar say to you a liar say to you a liar every one of your words is a liar devil you a liar call them what he is [Music] through christ jesus greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world no weapon formed against us will prosper and neither the tongue that fights against us but god will hire messiah [Music] the joy of the lord is our strength tell your neighbor the devil is a liar we come against maryland college we come against depression we come against homers we find your life that lies in the ears of god's people lord your word is true and amen god you said it and we believe it we pull down the stronghold [Music] [Music] today [Music] we bind your fear we pour down fear fear that's in the land devil you're a liar w a liar fear virus and disease devil you're a liar the blood the blood the blood the blood come on church the blood and the white cells the blood and the red cells the blood and the respiratory the blood the blood the blood circulatory the blood the blood the blood we apply the blood from the crown of our heads to the souls of our feet we place a blood shield between every person and we say devil you a liar we bind the torment come on here we got torment in the north south east and west we find every harassing demon let the church change the blood oh the blood [Music] the blood god's blood manifested through his son tell your neighbor i believe in the blood now somebody say the blood the blood the blood of jesus clap hard and say the blood of jesus shake yourself save yourself shake yourself every spirit of happiness and the spirit of fear we cast you out [Music] we lose wisdom hope faith joy in the holy ghost i find this devil that want to steal your joy tell the devil you can't have my joy tell him again you can't have my toy you can't have it god gave me [Music] [Music] drive them out of your house drive them away right now drive them away clap clap clap they get out there we cast you out we cast you out in the name of jesus in jesus name [Music] let me hear y'all [Music] oh if you've got the holy ghost speak in your heavenly language god give your people a repression of the holy ghost baptize baptize baptize baptize your people baptize your people i feel the holy ghost if you just reach up be refreshed by the wind by the wind of the holy ghost holy ghost holy kill your people [Music] there's a sound there's a sound that comes out of the people of god i need to hear that sound come on out of your belly out up your belly shall flow rivers of living water lay your hand on your own belly and let the rivers flow let a hallelujah come on little joyful hallelujah don't give him no shed hallelujah hallelujah let it come out of your belly hallelujah i'm waiting on the sound come on come on i bind weariness tiredness fatigue in the mind i lose strength i lose your strength the devil don't want you to praise god the devil wants you to lift him up defy the enemy of your soul and lift your voice like a trumpet electric good top player come on help him out a little bit [Music] i want the praise to come from the back let the praises come all the way from the back and let them come up to the front and let the praise come out of your belly in the front until they reach all the way in the back and everything in the middle catch a hole let the church praise him that's the sound come on come on and praise him [Music] on a yeah lay your hand jesus come on lay your hand on the lord lay your hand on me lord lay your hand on me [Music] corey tops corbin thomas i need you to take a walk from that side to the other just take a walk to the lord come on shane let your hands hide take a walk y'all not watching him god got him doing something else but i need y'all to praise him just say lord lay your hand off if you need it he's gonna touch you if you really need it he's gonna lay his own hands on you a liar [Music] reach tap [Music] [Music] just a few more minutes god is touching the building i see you reach on up again [Music] me [Music] come on lift your boys come on lift your boys hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] if you had the devil in the grips of your hand and every time you put your hands together it was a slap against him and all his plans i need you to put them holy ghost still hands together it is not by my normal power but by my claphaus [Music] get out of here [Music] lose your whole damn [Music] my soul love you lord my soul love you lord tell them i love you lord you are my god make a declaration out loud you are my god you are holy holy holy holy holy holy god i praise the holy gods of the world [Music] clap i feel something shaking i feel something moving get out of here lose him lose the body lose the mind lose him [Music] freedom freedom i lose freedom in the name of jesus christ one more time to say in the name of jesus [Music] so [Music] glory to god hallelujah i have a couple of assignments but i feel the holy ghost and i understand when the holy spirit begins to move he begins to shift and there are thousands of people that are watching that have sent prayer requests and they have asked us to touch and agree and so i feel like god has anointed you point to your neighbor say you you to be a conduit of his holy spirit and so i need you to activate i know that many of you are speaking through your mask hate your faith activate your vocal cords activate your hands activate your feet and we're going to give god a sacrificial praise and let me tell you why because we have a sister that has requested prayer for her daughter that worked a double shift and she fell asleep and had an accident and she is in icu and they're asking us to touch and agree so as i read these prayer requests i need you to reach up and say i'm gonna pray for that one amen i need you to reach up and say angels i'm gonna send these angels on the run but you're gonna have to get up and get active in the battle we can't have no coward soldiers and we can't have no if you're afraid i don't want to go the damn no no no we coming by the kingdom with the kingdom suffering violence and the violence take it by force today it is time to take it by force amen glory to god so we have another we have one family that says they have a issue with treating each other right y'all already know that families is having a hard time right through here so we're praying for families today how many of you all statues in the heavenlies amen we have several that have said they're going through on their jobs so many are facing stress frustration and depression these are prayer requests that are coming in we need to touch and agree we have several that are requesting prayer for their mothers we have several that are requesting prayer that they are actually putting their parents in senior citizens homes and not wanting to um we're praying for those that have been denied unemployment and they're needing there are many that need prayer in that area there are some that are asking god to restore in their marriages amen we have several that are dealing with different diseases sickle cell anemia cancers of all types the high blood pressure low blood pressure we're binding the enemy and we're releasing in the atmosphere today the healing virtue of the lord jesus christ yes hallelujah we're coming against hopelessness spirits of suicide depression and despair in the name of jesus there are so many that we can't cover all of them today but i want you if you would for just one moment to stand with me as we go into a praise for god moving i want you to know that this morning i was speaking to the pastor and i told her i said pastor kim i can feel the spirit of the enemy and it's like it just has a grip on people the minds of the people on the hearts of the people but today we're going to break free of this amen i want you to know that when you sit and you listen to the news it is only despair and despondency all you hear is call it this and covet that and we've got this many hot spots but i tell you it's a hot spot in the house of hope today it's a hot spot right here and right now and we're going to send this heat across the eat the ways is that all right i tell you you want a hot spot i'm fixing to show you what a hot spot will do glory to god i want you to just if you would just as i was telling her and tears welled up in my eyes because there are so many people who are hurting there are many that say well the lord is good and i'm highly favored but there are some that say the lord is good but i don't know which way to turn there are those that are saying the lord is good but i have a spirit of confusion i'm not so sure as to which steps to make but today i want us to just remember the words that sister tanya sang so beautifully just as i am we're not coming with form we're not coming with fashion but we're coming simply just as i am if you're honest you really don't feel like running around the room right now there are many of you that are watching us and you have loved ones and i see you and in the different wings of the hospitals there are those of you that are watching us and you're watching from your homes and you're just saying i need a breakthrough i need a fresh touch i need the power of god to resurrect his soul down on the inside of me and so today we release a praise upon you we release the resurrecting power of the holy ghost we release the spirit of god wherever you're tuning us in in the name of jesus and so i'm going to ask if our visible audience would just stand one more time and i'm going to ask if the musicians would hold it for just a moment but i want you to let the people of god see you clapping that their deliverance is on the way sending hope that the power of god is on the way that god is touching you even right now if we could go to eat go to china if we could go to paris if we could just hit down to mississippi if we could go to carolina we would tell you that we stand with you in prayer and so father in the mighty name of jesus christ lord you hear the petitions and the cries of your people and today we simply say we humble ourselves we humble ourselves before you lord in jesus name lord we come to you with so many different petitions lord there's so many we can't name them all but you already know what they are and so we present them to you we present them to you on behalf of those that can't intercede for themselves and so god today we ask that you would send your spirit send your spirit to every i see you lord those that are praying for their loved ones send your spirit to those family members god that are asking for reconnection and healing in the name of jesus lord there are so many oh god but we ask now that you would get on the wings of love and begin to move by your power and so i simply say father in jesus name not for ease or worldly pleasure nor for fame my prayer shall be but today lord we simply ask that we walk close close to thee lord open our eyes that we will see you open our ears that we will hear you with clarity and with precision god lead us and guide us into all truth you said the footsteps of a good man are ordered by the lord and so today lord we become good in your sight make us whole make us holy make us righteous in the name of jesus lord give us to love like you have loved give us to entreat each other a little better than we've been in treating each other give us to show mercy to the mercy that need mercy oh god give us to show kindness and give us to show favor as you have shown unmerited favor toward us my prayer is simple today lord lay your hands on your hand on us we can't touch each other physically the way we want to but god you can lay your hand you one touch from you will make things all right one touch from you will heal us one touch from you will deliver us oh god we thank you now and so i join in with this congregation of believers and we put our hands together and we send a praise to the heavenlies lord that you're touching our brothers touching our sisters in jesus name and i simply close this prayer with the words of our song just as i am without one plea oh god we come we come humbly to thee in the name of jesus would you put those hands together [Music] i want you to with fervor remember that hand clap has got to go to carolina that handcuff has got to go to hawaii your praises are breaching the states of the united states of america that hand clap has got to reach our president that handcuff has got to reach our vice president this handclap this praise is covering those that are suffering in louisiana and don't see a way out father for your glory [Music] our people [Music] in the name of jesus have your hands on lord time for king jesus you may be seated in the presence of the lord we're grateful for the move of god thus far one of our sisters is in the house today sister santia jackson where are you i bless you woman to god hallelujah we want to just take a moment and pray for reverend jackson and the mother jackson this at this moment so can we all just touch and agree right now the woman of god is here as a a vision of faith to me for those that are in the hospital and those that are going through so can we agree and pray right now father we thank you now we thank you for the power of your word we thank you for the anointing that destroys every yoke we thank you for the love of god that is stronger than death we thank you for your power we thank you for your grace and mercy that is sufficient for us lord we thank you that your compassions fail not for great is thy mercy lord we ask that you will touch your manservant your woman servant now in the mighty name of jesus we agree and we stand together on one accord father that you would heal and raise them up that you would quicken them by your power that you would touch and heal cause your healing virtue to flow through their bodies now in the mighty name of jesus father we decree and declare your word that by your stripes that they are healed we thank you god for the power of your word we thank you for the power of your blood we thank you for the power of agreement and we stand together trusting you and believing you god that you're going to touch heal and deliver in the mighty name of jesus if you believe that prayer let's clap our hands all over this place and say yes lord in jesus name i can't hear you in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah wonderful savior thank you jesus now there are those of you that are in the room and those that are watching by facebook and youtube that have loved ones in the hospital rooms those that of you that have different situations in your life we know that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds evangelists and pastor j denise ray has prayed prayers of warfare and sure all has prayed prayers and petition we believe god to move by his power and his holy spirit the lord told us to ask and it shall be given unto you he told us to seek and we would find he told us to knock and the door shall be opened unto us and we give god glory for the moving of his holy spirit we thank you for the anointing that is present i want you to lift your hands in the sanctuary right now we're going to go from height to height and depth to depth in times of prayer and intercession i just want you to talk to the lord right now for that person that told you pray for me there is somebody in your life there's a family member a co-worker someone at your church a member of your church family someone in the grocery store may have said will you pray for me i want to give you just a few moments to intercede on their behalf come on lift their names before the lord come on open your mouth lift your voices those of you that are watching by social media pray for that person that said pray for me hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i need you [Music] remember that son that daughter me now my shame shave y'all [Music] [Music] i [Music] come on pray for that neighbor i need you the salvation of your son that one on drugs [Music] bless me now oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] here i am again [Music] he is [Music] is [Music] god [Music] [Music] that cannot [Music] is [Music] [Applause] any church oh in the room [Music] [Music] my father needs help jesus [Music] already but i'm gonna say like jesus said could you not carry one hour we would be in prayer meetings like this and dr anthony ray would tell us you just now touching the surface you got a long way to go you got to go higher [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus we call your name we call you jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] you're [Music] [Music] get on the path [Music] miracles of signs and wonders of miracles of signs and wonders in your name all in your name all in your name all in your name cheers [Music] [Music] i've been through storms and rains and tapped the trials that appended my walk with your hand in my prayer life but today god rekindled the fire that's down on the inside stars again stars to seek you start to call on you start again that will provide until change comes until deliverance comes until the sick are healed until those that are bound not delivered we praise you clap your hands and give god [Music] [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah love fellowship is here hallelujah those that are watching on facebook and youtube you still got a little time to get to the house of hopes 752 east 114th street if you're in the chicagoland area if you're on the south side the south east side you've got a few minutes to get over here our pastor pastor kimberly ray gavin is coming at this time won't you receive her by the clapping of your hands and with a praise on your lips say thank god for you love the lord today will you give the lord a mighty hand praise if you love him i said if you love him if you love god will you give him a mighty hand praise if you're glad to be here today let me hear you clap your hands for the prayer that we have already prayed oh come on let me hear you clap and magnify the name of the lord the name of the lord is a strong tower where the righteous run into it and they are saved i will look to the heels from which cometh my help all of my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth he will never sleep nor slumber come on clap your hands if you're glad that you know the lord today you may have your seats for just a moment amen and we're going to go back into a word of prayer but the lord gave me an assignment in reference to today's service i was praying on last friday morning and the lord gave me to share with the saints of god the fact that many of the saints have been under attack and i mean a strong attack from the enemy to stop you to hinder you to impede you to stop your progress and as i was praying the lord began to reveal to me that it is time for the saints of god to war in the spirit and to resist the devil in the book of james the bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you but the lord revealed to me and i will bring you back to the book of genesis that man and woman had of course in the book of genesis in the first book of the bible we find the story about adam and eve and we know that the devil the serpent at the time was in the form of a snake and of course we realized that that particular serpent after it was cursed to the ground at one time it was on the ground but then you all remember originally it was upright but the lord revealed to me that in genesis that it was a snake but in revelations it's an old dragon we're dealing with a stronghold that is growing and growing and groaning growing and the lord revealed to me to tell the saints of the power that you have remind you of the dominion the authority amen remind you that god is saying to you that greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world and the lord revealed to me and i was watching something where there was a particular snake called an anaconda a very large snake and in this particular scene that i saw this particular snake is actually known for swallowing its prey whole and in this particular area i found that if you understand that there is actually a way to survive the attack even over anaconda one of the ways to survive is that when it begins to open its mouth to strike you amen in the natural you could use your fist to stop the mouth from closing down and if you use your fists in the natural come on somebody there are ways to stop the attack for even if it starts attacking you can keep using your fists to fight there's another way to fight an anaconda you can use your hands to stop its eyes you can affect its eyes you can also grab the tail the very end of the tail and bite it and it will open its mouth and let you go i stopped by to tell you tonight that no matter what your assignment whatever the devil is trying to do to you god said tell you that i'm giving you power today to survive the attack [Music] in the natural there are times that even in the natural if you go into the nature world there are two kinds of bears there is a grizzly bear and a black bear and in the natural the grizzly bear if you just play dead it will leave you alone y'all ain't saying nothing in other words sometimes you just have to be quiet and be still and god will fight the battle for you i need y'all to clap your hands right there and then there are times that in the natural out in the forest if you don't some people run into a grizzly but then there's some that run into a black bear but if you run into a black bear you got to fight with all your might to get away from it i just came to tell you what the lord gave me to tell you that god has given his people strategies in order for you to overwhelm the attack of the enemy and i came to prophesy to you today that god is going to bring you out of the attack and you shall be made whole god is going to remember you and he's giving you the power and the authority and the dominion to war against the enemy and god is saying to tell his people that our god specializes in things that seem impossible and he can do what no other power can do i stopped by to remind the saints of god that our god is the ancient of days he's sovereign and he is holy he is the god of abraham isaac and jacob our god is from everlasting to everlasting our god is high and exalted our god is amen a root out of dry ground our god is elevated he's the most high god so if you're under attack today i dare you to clap your hands and remind the enemy of the god that you serve i stopped by to tell you that god is our supreme being that our god he's distinctive and honorable our god is holy our god is a jealous god he's jealous over you our god is the centerpiece of civilization god has all power he's got power to heal power to save power to deliver our god transcends thought our god he is wise and just he is august and mighty our god he sits high and he looks low our god he stepped out of nowhere onto nothing and created the world our god is powerful clap your hands and thank god for power oh bless the name of the lord glory to god can i talk about god for a minute he's a rock of ages he is a shelter in the time of storm our god is a restorer our god will revive you our god he is savior lord put your hand together and that's his name i just want to tell you who god is he's god he's noah's ark he's moses burning bush he's saps and strength he's david's song he's solomon's wisdom he's jeremiah's tears he's radiant and eternal and splendor our god he is a phenomenon he's great somebody clap your head and bless his holy name and praise him today because he's god y'all ain't praising him he's got all power all authority you shall overcome you shall survive you shall survive the attack of the enemy i feel the anointing for joy that's about to overtake you today the bible says that the joy of the lord is your strength i want to put your hands together and tell your neighbor i might have came in here one way but i'm going out of survivor i'm going out delivered i'm going out set free i'm going out made hold i'm going out i'll make it i shall survive [Music] bless his name are y'all ready to go to another level if you're ready to go to another level clap those hands i need you to praise him right there i want you to know you all can take your seat for a moment that in the midst of life's perplexities that you can stand in prayer and god will answer you god is making builders those of you he's reconstructing you and building you back up in your most holy faith those of you that have been affected by the assignments of the enemy i came to tell you today that god is about to break you free the bible says that it is the fervent effectual prayer of the righteous man that availeth much and i am here today with my brothers and sisters in christ to remind you of the authority and the strength and the power that you have the bible says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but god delivers out of them all and so we're getting ready to say a word of prayer but i want you to take this prayer for yourself personally and every one of you that can honestly say that the enemy has been targeting you and attacking you today is your day of deliverance somebody clap your hands right there i want to give you one more example of what the lord gave me he gave me that god allowed paul the apostle amen you all know that he experienced a storm and he found himself on the pieces of a broken ship and when he got to shore the bible says that paul the apostle was trying to warm himself by the fire and the scripture says that a snake jumped out of the fire and attached itself to paul the apostle but how did he survive the attack the bible says he shook off the beast shook it off in the fire i dare you today my god to shake off the attack today to shake it off in jesus name jump up on your feet one more time father god in the name of jesus we thank you we thank you that you have blessed us with another day that you have made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it lord we thank you that your power is greater than the powers of the enemy and so today father in jesus name we stand in the gap for every person that's been under attack that's been under attack in the mind under attacking their bodies we thank god of jesus that is going forth in their minds right now you said it is a fervent effect you are prayers of the righteous that available much so god we stand in the gap and we come against the perplexity we come against the pressure we bind the works of the enemy in the name of jesus lord your word declares that whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth it shall be loosed in heaven so god today we bind the attack we bind the assault and we lose the power of god upon your people in the name of jesus god let the fire of the holy ghost begin to break forth in your people lord revive them again and baptize them with fire in the name of jesus jesus thou son of david jesus thou seed of abraham jesus the rose of sharon the jesus a lily of the valley jesus a bright and morning star jesus we call your name your name is strengther your name is power we call you lord on behalf of those that are standing in front of us today break every yoke yoga break every chain break every feather in the name of jesus lord we thank you that you give power to the fainter and to them that have the mind you increase their strength lord your word declares that even the euphor shall faint and utterly fall but they that wait upon the lord he shall he shall renew their strength they shall mount up they shall mount up with wings as an eagle they shall run and not get weary they shall walk them and not faint lord teach your people how to war in the spirit and how to win they will survive we are more than conquerors through jesus christ so we clap our hands almost shut up we clap our hands up and we magnify him and we glorify you we praise you we praise you like daniel oh god lord we thank you that when daniel prayed there was an assignment to block his prayers but god you sent michael the warfare angel to war on his behalf so right now god let the angels of the lord bring swords of fire and cut cut cut every assignment cut cut cut down every stronghold from over your people look in the name of jesus somebody say jesus jesus i will rock it a weary land jesus a shelter in the time of storm jesus i'm root out of jesse jesus we need you today you're the bread of heaven greet us lord feed us until we want no more we call you we call your name your name is great your name is powerful your name is a healer jesus we're not ashamed to call your name today hey you said when the righteous when the righteous cry that you would deliver out of all of their troubles so we cry out in the name of jesus we call you we call you today we call you like jonah in the belly of the whale we call you today we call you like esther when she was praying for her people we call you today jesus we go down to the new testament and we call you just like peter when he said lord lord save me save me save yourself save us for your glory save us for your honor in the name of jesus thank you lord for your saving power thank you lord for your redeeming power thank you lord for your breakthrough power thank you lord for fresh oil fresh oil that's being poured upon your church fresh oil is being poured out of the horn of the anointing oh god do it like it did david let the lord anoint a samuel to pour out the oil that it flowed from the crowd of our heads to the skirt of our garment to take us over bless us lord bless us keep us up take us higher thank you lord clap your hands and bless us just one more minute call the name jesus come on church let's call his name jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus shut up jesus we need your lord we thank you we thank you that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high god shall abide under the shadow of the almighty we thank you we call you lord you're worthy you're worthy we praise you because we owe you a hallelujah we owe you a thank you jesus we owe you a bless your name we owe you a wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we call you like isaiah called you in the year that king ozil died he said i saw the lord he was high he was high undeniably video shut up and lift it up and his train feel the temple lord feel the house of hope with your anointing lord build the house of hope with your power lord feel the house of hope with your anointing every year shall be destroyed but no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper come on church clap your hands give god the glory thank god for jesus jesus jesus i'm sorry y'all every time i call him i feel his power jesus he was wounded by our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquity the chastisement of our peace was laid upon him with his stripes with his stripes no matter what your problem is you're already healed put your head together oh yeah [Music] oh yeah oh yeah somebody help me say oh yeah say oh yes [Music] come on let's give god a praise for about 60 seconds come on bless him bless him bless him i want to hear the sound of the saints blessing god with all your might let me hear your blessing [Music] come on one more time give god a shout your deliverance is locked up in your shout your deliverance is locked up in your cry your deliverance is locked up in your praise lift up your voice lift it as high as you can and bless the name of jesus bless him with all your might bless him with all your strength glory to god come on one more time come on one more time come on come on come on remember the analogy about god's word for you today is that you shall survive the attack of the enemy and remember with the anaconda its goal is to swallow you whole and to squeeze the life out of you but you got to use your weapons come on here your weapon is the word of god it's sharper than any two-edged sword it's piercing dividing asunder joint and marrow soul and spirit is a discerner of the fault and the intent of the heart put your hand together and clap your hands for the word of god somebody say yes i'm getting ready to take my seat but i feel something just take a step and just turn around in a circle and tell him tell your neighbor god is turning it around for me god is moving on my behalf so i'm getting ready to give him a praise and i'm gonna magnify him and i'm gonna give him the glory because he said i'll survive the attack i'll survive the assault come on i've got the victory come on clap your hand you are a champion you are a winner you're more than a conqueror the best is yet to come the sun is going to shine again clap your hands and give him glory bless his name y'all forgive me but i feel a shout coming in here i don't know who it is that's really been wrestling you've been under some major attacks i tell you look like the enemy trying to take you out but i want to just ask you for 30 seconds if you know that god has given you a word today that you will survive for you to just tell your neighbor i have got to give god a sacrificial shout because he has delivered my soul today come on tell your neighbor i've got to praise him because he has given me the victory come on that's blessing for my first session can you put your hands together [Music] come on church on the right let's praise him that's crazy [Music] i gotta shout i gotta praise i'm gonna praise him for the rest of my days i gotta shout i gotta pray i'm gonna praise him for the rest of my day come on i got a shelter and i got a grace i'm gonna praise him for the rest of my days i got a shout out i gotta pray i'm gonna praise him for the rest of my day come on praise him praise him praise him praise him y'all can clap crazy breathe in praise here come on church come on [Music] jesus jesus my deliverance my way making my little power my joy my peace jesus jesus jesus jesus he's a wonderful wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father jesus jesus won't you shout jesus jesus my wheel in the middle of the wheel jesus anybody in here got to shout i'm going to praise him i can feel ways of victory for those of you that'll give god a praise tell your neighbor god is getting ready to bless me say it out loud god is getting ready to bless me and the only thing he wants from you is a praise one more time come on one two three praise [Music] [Music] there it is go ahead and shout come on out of there come on out of this come on and praise him come on and praise him i need about seven people that will run to the altar and just shout for the lord like god has given you the victory come on and shout shout with joy shout shout out come on bless me come on bless me [Music] i need to leave your time turn him up but turn up the lead can talk that's it i feel miracles in this section y'all start praising him i feel miracles in this section i feel wealth in that section right there praise him for your wealth over there i tell you i feel peace peace is coming to this section praising for your peace see elevation over there promotion praising hallelujah [Music] glory glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've been praying since 12 o'clock now praise him for the answer prayer come on praise him praise him if you've got family on the east coast praise god for them the storm they survive the flood praise [Music] glory to god listen [Music] will you get someone's attention don't touch them but just point to them and just tell them because of your faithfulness god is going to remember you come on get eye contact with somebody and tell them because of your faithfulness tell them god is going to remember you now do me a favor you shout for their victory you shout for that faithful one come on one two three praise him i'm gonna shout for them look at somebody tell them i'm shouting for you you've been faithful to god you've been faithful and god is gonna remember you you know you've been faithful to kill me [Music] you've been faithful you've been thankful charlotte you've been faithful joanne you've been faithful to lisa said peter you've been faithful praising raising mr campbell you've been faithful huh it's going to be for you yes he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord that god has given you the victory shout out [Music] some of y'all haven't shouted i want to ask everybody thank you under the sound of my voice if you survived coronavirus you're a survivor i want you to tell the lord thank you for letting me breathe thank you for bringing me out this shout is a sacrificial shout for folks that survived and that's you if you didn't get it that's you too one two three praises praise of survivor [Music] lovely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait a minute mama told us when we were little girls she said if you're going to praise him praise him with all your might if you gonna shout shout with all your strength can i ask somebody that's grateful to be here today to give god one more shout but this time shout with all your strength come on shout you can do better than that go ahead [Music] do [Music] god has been blessing us since 12 o'clock put your hand together if you've been blessed glory to god are you blessed by sister tanya's prayer put your hand together that i beseech you prayer glory to god let's give god a praise for assistant pastor jay denise and a warfare prayer glory to god put your hand together for sister cheryl in her prayer of petition for the saints all over the world and let's give god a high praise just for being god just for being god he is god all by himself thou who rulest the wind and the water we praise you on today thank god that he did it he gave us his strength one more time we're getting ready to prepare to give amen hallelujah will y'all clap your hands right there it won't take us long thank you jesus amen we want to first of all honor the lord for the presence of our special guest he's in the room praise the lord i need your other clap real hard for bishop hezekiah walker oh yes you are loved in chicago bishop amen we also honor god for the singers that are with him today we're going to let them go in just a minute and we're going to all praise god together again at this time we're going to prepare to give i want to ask every person that is listening to us today as you all can see we're in a very large facility and we wanted to have plenty plenty of space so that we can run and shout and praise god and so i want to ask all of you that can and will will you be so kind as to prepare to give a seed of a hundred dollars or as close to 100 as you can get let us amen prepare to give in the presence of god remember we do have um we do have offering envelopes for those of you that are writing checks and for those of you that are going to give by way of giblify remember you can give by going to angie ray ministries praise the lord y'all we keep our joy when we give around here amen you can also give by way of cash app and that's the dollar sign angie ray ministries praise the lord and you know you all know that god has blessed this ministry to stand and to declare the word of the lord and to declare the power of prayer i remember one of the first assignments as new pastor in 2006 as i became pastor the lord gave me a scripture in the book of acts chapter six and four bible says and we will give ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word and we are continuing in that mandate and that assignment is anybody here today been blessed by angie ray ministries in some way praise the lord let us give god the praise if you've been blessed again we give by way of giblify by cash app or you can give by way of giving online you can go to andre ministries we also want to say to those of us those of you that are watching that you can go to arm if you want to write to ministry also po box 1104 and that's in matson illinois 60443 as you all know we love to receive letters and we try to be responsive to the letters of the saints that write to us again we want you to prepare to give in the sanctuary today praise the name of jesus and we want to know how many of you are ready right now to sow and to give i want to know is bishop hudson still here is he here i mean someone told me he was coming i just wanted to acknowledge him if he was here praise god but those of you that are ready to give let me see your hand if you're ready you're ready to give praise the lord well what we're going to do is ask that you would all stand amen and we want to say to those that have especially in these three sections four sections please stand those of you right in front of me please stand praise the name of jesus hallelujah and some of you are saying well i gave on giblify i gave by my phone that's okay we want you to just walk around as well so no one has to step over you praise the lord again please do this for me kindly everyone stand in the senate okay praise the lord for the sake of time would you all just hear me for a minute if you have an envelope you can stand if you're just giving by way a phone or give life you can be seated just those individuals that are giving by envelope thank you thank you we want you to give those of you on the outer sections you can also stand amen those of you that have an envelope you can stand to give at this time let us pray father in the name of jesus we thank you for this beautiful prayer service thank you for how you have moved by your power and by your spirit lord we honor you and we give you glory and praise for this service and we ask that you will bless every person that has given in this offering we ask that you will give it back to them press down shaken together and running over my father in jesus name i ask that you will bless them beyond measure in jesus mighty name and let your presence rest upon them and we will forever give your name the glory the honor and praise in jesus name let the church say amen amen again okay those of you that have envelopes just come yes the outer aisles please come first yes praise the lord the section you may come come [Music] there's also a basket over here [Music] i really need you all to so come on saints to help us meet the budget for today's meeting god bless you mr o'dell bless you so glad to see you all thank you for coming i see you detroit praise the lord bless you i see those of you that are here from baltimore god bless you baltimore i love you all god bless you new york amen love you with jesus name praise god bless you indiana hi mother hallelujah i love you mother bless you [Music] those of you that are online at this moment remember you can give by way of giblify and you can give by way of cash up cash up and g-rate ministries you can go right now come on bless you sister melissa sands from the bahamas bless you in baltimore maryland bless you bless you you can give come give if you don't have a hundred dollars we understand but that that you do have so so unseed in the house of the lord on today praise god god is delivering his people [Music] god bless you mother bless you praise god thank you for every gift thank you so much for your sowing for your giving thank you thank you thank you a thousand times we appreciate each and every one of you and we praise god for this prayer service if you've been blessed by the international intercessory prayer revival let me just hear you clap your hands amen [Music] praise god it brings me great honor joy and a privilege a pleasure to introduce a man of god that we've known for many many years my big brother he has been such a blessing in our lives a blessing of strength the blessing of encouragement he's like a voice of encouragement in our lives and we honor god for him we praise god that he is the bishop over several churches on the east coast and then he also has a church even in cape town south africa god is moving through the life of bishop and we just want to ask all of you if you would be so gracious to help us welcome our special guest today what an honor a privilege and a profound joy it is to welcome would you please stand everyone please stand will you put your hands together as we celebrate the man of god bishop hezekiah walker praise the lord everybody praise the lord again everybody can you clap your hands and give god a praise i walked in in the midst of the prayer and i come to say tonight this afternoon rather that the prayers of the righteous man availeth much amen i am afraid of people who don't want to pray in this season can i say that one more time i am afraid of people who do not want to pray in this season for men or to always pray and not faint so i think we ought to celebrate pastor kimberly ray everybody come on for keeping and pastor denise ray come on tanya cheryl i honor you for keeping for keeping your mother's legacy going and i i i was in a dark place in my life a few years ago and i turned on to the angie ray ministries and when i tell you god did something in me and i thank god come on for people such as you and i was sitting there we're gonna sing it and get get out of the way but i was sitting there saying to myself i am so glad to be among a group of people who understand that we must follow the cdc rules and keep our mask on but we understand that our mask is not a muzzle please look at your neighbor and say your mask is not a muzzle aren't you glad that you were able to open your mouth behind your mask aren't you glad that you were able to give god a praise and the devil thought he was going to stop us about 16 17 months ago by allowing them this virus to hit our world and and really to attack the body of christ that we would have to put these masks on and stay amen in distance from each other but when the people of god come together god will be in the midst whether we have on a mask or not i was so happy to see the people of god dancing and praising god amen and i'm telling you we are on the winning side how many of you believe that you're on the winning side amen tell somebody i'm on the winning side i was sitting there thinking and when i heard pastor ray talk about the virus and how we have survived i was thanking god because i am one of them who survived covet amen come on give the lord a praise one who survived it and if the devil would have had his way i wouldn't be here with you today but thank god thank god for the hedge fund amen thank god for the hedge that surround my life and i was sitting there thanking god when my hands was lifted i was thanking god because he has been faithful he has how many of you know he's been faithful to you so i want this this is not really a song that we sing at the beginning of something but if you know the song i need everybody to get up on your feet we gonna sing it together as one big choir all right y'all here we go everybody lift your [Music] faithful is our god come on behind your mask ain't faithful faithful faithfulness of god say [Music] take back what [Applause] [Applause] today how many of y'all believe that tonight he's faithful faithful faithful is our god all over the world get your head and say faithful faithful faithfulness hallelujah oh he's faithful faithful faithful is our god now tell somebody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tell somebody in your room he's faithful faithful faithfulness our god say faithfully faithful faithfulness [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] he's holy holy holy is our god don't say it unless you believe it he's holy holy holy is our god [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] jesus jesus is the god we're talking about say jesus jesus jesus is our god [Music] he's stronger than buddhism he's jesus jesus is our god he's greater than our life he's jesus jesus is not god everybody says [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and i'm taking it back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] say y'all [Music] let me hear the brother [Music] and i'm taking it back [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i'm taking it [Applause] [Music] my [Music] i'm taking it back [Music] and i rejoice [Music] [Music] come on everybody i'm rejoicing right now and i [Music] come on y'all foreign [Applause] while you're standing if you're grateful i want you to remain standing hallelujah we're gonna do this all together this afternoon is that all right now if you don't have nothing to be grateful for then you can be quiet think about how many of you got so much to be grateful for thank god we're gonna make one big cry right now is that all right chicago you know i love y'all yes lord [Music] thank god [Music] yes [Music] because i'm grateful everybody here lift your hands and stay flowing for my heart [Music] is [Music] [Music] this time when we do it don't be ashamed open your mouth behind your mask let everybody know how grateful you are i'm grateful this time come on let's talk to the lord one more time i am [Music] yes i'm grateful i feel the power of god in this room [Music] look at him and tell him because i'm grateful for [Music] praise you lord now this part gotta come from your heart say flowing from my heart [Music] hey do that again right there flowing from my heart come on [Music] got to come from the heart if it's not coming from your heart it's not reaching the throne of god open your mouth and say flowing [Music] my heart [Music] are the issues of my heart [Music] what about it it's [Music] and gratefulness want you to praise god right now like never before hallelujah everybody say [Music] grace who prays for graceful praise for graceful [Music] graceful praise for grace [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] how many of y'all glad to be alive [Music] gratefulness it's flowing [Music] [Applause] to be in your right mind [Applause] everybody say flowing make sure everybody on your road was saying it gratefully [Applause] gratefulness is [Applause] [Music] right [Applause] [Music] don't deserve to be alive [Music] [Applause] is [Music] stay right there one more time everybody [Music] [Music] don't just clap your hands but say something behind your mask come on clap your hands and say i'm grateful come on say i'm grateful can anybody in this room think of one thing the lord has done for you even in the midst of a pandemic god has been faithful yes lord as we were flying here and right before we landed the lord reminded me of some past things he's he's done for me and a lot of times we can only praise god for the present but every now and then you got to go back and pull up something that he did years ago that only god could have done i need a witness in this room now this time what i want you to do i don't want you to be ashamed about what the lord has done for you just like if we were dancing a few minutes ago you get excited right here hallelujah thank god because if you're grateful something that need to come out of your [Music] i'm mind can i say that one more time i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful now can you help me say it everybody i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful look at everybody in your world right in the face and tell them i'm grateful i'm grateful come on i'm grateful i'm grateful i don't hear y'all i'm grateful that's right turn around and find somebody to say i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful point that somebody across the room and tell them i'm grateful i'm grateful [Music] this is for the mothers if my mother was here you know what she would say so grateful so brave [Music] thank god put your hands on your heart and say so grateful so grateful so grateful so grateful for hey everybody so help me say yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] a strong dilemma foreign [Music] i [Music] [Music] up [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] in chicago [Music] according to oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] are these [Music] gratefulness [Music] so come on clap your hands in this room we got to get back to new york but how many of you know it's going to be all right come on it's going to be all right it's gonna be all right i don't care what you're going through right now it's gonna be all right don't touch nobody but you can elbow somebody and tell him it's going to be alright [Music] [Applause] we've been going through a few things in our personal lives and i told them just come and as we were ministering i said they called me said bishop we're here should we go in the prayer i said yes go into prayer and i got a text from one of them and said in the prayer god broke some yokes in my life so so listen we're not here by accident i know we came to sing to you but god allowed us to minister to ourselves many of you don't know what we left back home but i believe that by the time we get back home [Music] i believe it's already i believe it's already done y'all i said i believe it's already done somebody jump over down and say it's already done it's already done hallelujah we've been making do it for tonight we got to get out of here oh shut up thank god hallelujah glory to jesus glory to jesus ronald i want you to know it's gonna be all right ashley i want you to know it's gonna be all right thank god somebody's sitting beside you right now and all it takes is a word from god look at everybody around you say it's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right guys shut up oh god come on somebody clap your hand and say yes [Music] [Music] i need you to clap your hands everybody he's bringing up deliverance hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah thank god hallelujah thank god i need you to clap your hands one more time because let me tell you something most musicians come to do what they got to do to get us through the services and we don't really allow them to get a breakthrough but when i tell you the holy ghost is on the musicians right now come on come on they give us good shouting music and dancing music and we never get a chance for them to get a breakthrough but i believe there's a breakthrough in that dog come on come on yes here no no there's a breakthrough in that corner hallelujah we're gonna do what we were actually doing we're gonna do this last number and go thank god but i thank you thank you pastor for having us you know why because i believe that god brought a breakthrough through my choir tonight and because god is the greatest power we shall not be defeated everybody that's undefeated clap your hand and say i'm undefeated come on say i'm undefeated thank the lord we can do this as we go out of here the song says every arya thank god hallelujah i feel like pastor kimberly i feel a praise in here glory to god hallelujah i said i feel the praise in here i know some of you came to hear your favorite song thank god but god wants to praise in this room again i said god wants to praise in this room again i said god wants to praise in this room again somebody start dancing right now come on come on [Music] [Music] yes lord [Music] do me a favor let's let the devil know we got the victory i need about 50 people run down here and start dancing right now about 50 come on come on everybody else clap your hands look at the mother's running run run run get out your city right down here let the devil know we got it [Music] come on [Music] mama dance children dance come on dance like it got the victory dance like you got it [Music] have your hands everybody [Music] let the musician praise him praise him [Music] clap your hands yes sir yes sir come on in here clap your hand come [Music] on come on [Music] y'all gonna let the musicians praise him y'all help him help him [Music] we gotta get out of here yes sir come on in here let me hear you say yes yes yes yes yes see ya yes see ya yes see ya yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come here oh [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm loving it [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i say [Music] right [Applause] [Music] every [Applause] [Music] [Music] we gotta go you've got to praise everybody come on every praise you're going to do a little bit of it just to the young lady who asked me to sing every bracelet walking in thank god everybody get up on your feet i want everybody to stand now come on everybody just stand help everybody to get up come on help everybody get up now clap up in the air everybody we going home on this here we go y'all every place to our god i love you every praise prayer every praise [Music] god come on let's take it up now y'all sing hallelujah sing [Music] [Music] to our god is [Music] to our god [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] yes he is [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] every [Applause] every place [Music] every place god bless you everybody [Music] [Music] my [Music] just one song real real real fast it's called i will go in jesus name just a little bit just a brush special special request come on come on racist just want to sing with y'all on this okay so now this is pastor kimberly's favorite song i will go in jesus name so now uh we didn't rehearse it but we gonna do it [Music] [Music] y'all remember come on come on come on everybody move you know chicago i really love y'all i love y'all here we go i will go oh [Applause] just calling his next [Music] huh [Music] come on join them brothers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go ahead [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] i will go [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] i love y'all [Applause] [Applause] get on your feet [Music] is [Applause] praise the lord clap your hands if you're going to go in jesus name we're ready to leave at this time stand to your feet again thank you so much for coming and for being a part of the international intercessory prayer revival i just want to ask you a question were you blessed today oh if you were really blessed let me hear you put your hands together amen amen what a beautiful day thank you again to all of our guests blessings i see so many familiar faces we honor god for all of you we thank god for
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 13,036
Rating: 4.8914404 out of 5
Id: X4AHih2zGHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 9sec (10749 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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