It Came From Tumblr #83 | Binge Compilation

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it's a compilation okay bye goth girlfriend this and goth girlfriend that where were y'all when i was getting bullied in middle school also getting bullied in middle school an ally change returned twenty one thousand seven hundred fourteen dollars and seventy seven cents can you give this to me in carters everyone needs to be themselves and not let anyone get in the way of that if i want to suddenly remember about a secret stash of oats and honey granola bars after sixish months and then eat half of the 64 pack then me do me chase your dreams king henry viii i want to look stupid wide of my portraits go ham brother oh wellesley i'm trying to get a divorce but i'm dumb thick and the clap of my ash cheeks keeps alerting the poop ah she glass milk oh the plot hole that's there for ventilation me poking holes in my plot to let characters i've trapped in a cup breathe animate x 2020 is unrealistic not just because of everything about it but also because yaakov didn't die instantly and permanently after consuming all the data on the internet i've been solely exposed to the world wide web over a period of years and my brain is melting out of my ears how is yakko even functioning that's a good point actually hello everyone this is snob i just wanted to say you were all beautiful and capable of anything some people forget that if something is difficult take a second to rest and look at it from a different angle backtrack if needed someone out there is going through the same thing and someone cares about you if this helps any of you even slightly i'm happy there's no need for likes though i will ask you share this to those who might need it thank you we don't deserve some yo why do people call soda soft drink you ever felt that thing in your mouth they're spiky not soft flock it so what do you do for a living i exist against my will two asexuals sitting in a tree s-i-t-t-i and can you please call it fire to part where we're stuck top picks for april buddy it's november wait wacko had a gender once then he ate it non-binary so you know what [ __ ] you i'm on caramelizing your dancing how dare you i don't trust birds [ __ ] hollow bones that's suspicious what are you hiding in there love oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you're right [ __ ] volunteering at a soup kitchen is one of the least productive things you can do to change the world art can inspire people and motivate them food is important yes but you aren't changing that person's life whoever wrote this post has definitely never been hungry there are only four genders [ __ ] bastard baby and clown only the avatar master of all four genders the history professor no one worships those gods anymore anyone who did has passed away by now the pagans quit telling everyone i'm dead today i learned that a captive beluga whale learned how to read rudimentary english after seven years in captivity it was only known after a diver visiting his tank at night heard voices telling him to get out when no one else was in sight it was actually the beluga whale that is spooky where is my 48 hour horror game about this i need it please and thank you bucket show what's your opinions on dirt i just love love love what you can find in there like worms even people if you dig down far enough oh so you like metal name three blacksmiths will jaden and willow this post has two puns i can't handle this i wanna be a bartender man named bart lookout i love working at a joe on fabrics today a guy asked me to show him the fake fur and when i did he goes no this won't do and part of my job is giving advice for projects so i asked him what was he using it for and he looks down at the floor and quietly says i want to make a good costume to scare people with when we go skiing aha we found the scooby-doo villain this unused memory pick and breath the wild is killing me i have so many questions who took this pic why is link doing the jutsu pose why is that they're like oh [ __ ] what you're gonna do link is gonna do to you oh look out where do you even find this memory it's unused because link is repressing this memory wrap a rubber band around your door lock tonight if you aren't doing this already you should start and let the boogie man get me no no no no way i know you're behind this boogie man you want my wallet go get it fun game refer to america as south canada and watch as americans lose their [ __ ] probably because it's the united states of america and not south canada that doesn't even sound right look it's working it's a cute little thing though sometimes it's hard to remember that owls are incredibly dangerous predators seen by cultures throughout the world as ill omens especially when they look like toasted marshmallows my boss once described them as flying pillows filled with seething hatred i could see it but i still want to smooch his head look at it then go it yellow paint because he was suicidal karen if van gogh had antidepressants where wouldn't have his artwork we'd have a lot more of his work here who the [ __ ] cares about what we get from him he deserved to be well karen carter thereof for a woman because he because he was mentally ill karen i'm at a mcdonald's and this little kid just took off his shoes and dumped all of his fries into it my dude put the shoe back on with the fries in it hobie's walking out of the establishment with fry feet my dude ah that's old salty shoes sam comes in here robot lobster why though he's a robster i love it when people try to claim representation and fiction is being taken too far to the point where it's not believable they're like oh what's next a mixed-race immigrant on the autism spectrum hi my name is rachel also known as rashna i'm a mixed race immigrant on the autism spectrum what's next a transgender latino man with chronic pain what you mean my former colleague marco what's next a black jewish lesbian [ __ ] i know three black jewish lesbians what's your [ __ ] point is now a bad time to mention i actually don't hate this site i mean i hate the owners hate staff hate the incompetence whoever's in charge here but i love the site i love the format i love my mutuals i love my followers and all the amazing content creators here i don't know what i'll replace this with if anything january february quarantine december it's [ __ ] december what wait no you checked me for a second which really speaks for how much meat any time is lost oh [ __ ] i scheduled this for december what do you mean it's december oh my god what the [ __ ] do you ever just stand up too fast and all you feel is just head pound heart ow eyes bad oh god i'm going to die and then after 15 seconds you're okay again because same my idea t-shirt that says well-intentioned on the front and but stupid on the back god lives in a jar how does it feel god how does it feel multiplayer video games are bad for health heart and emotional well-being cut them out of your diet did you lose again no maybe hey are you an artist or writer with work in progresses come here i got a secret for you come here waiting in deep suspense you're ready here comes the secret here comes i'm also very curious about this secret your time spent enjoying the creative process is infinitely more valuable than any final product you create so stop putting yourself down for never finishing or posting those working progresses because every moment you spend creating something you love there's a moment not wasted your progress and talent is measured by your passion not your number of posts oh man i wanted them out to an ancient city of treasure the most painful social interactions are when you miscalculate someone's meme literacy and reference something and the person or group doesn't get it and you have to half-heartedly explain it knowing full well it's zero percent funny if people don't have the full convoluted context of the joke and you feel the flames of hell start to look at your feet and all they give you is a pity laugh damn people talk a lot about figuring out the shower in someone else's house but every microwave i've ever used other than mine has made me feel like a neanderthal being thought from ice showing a car for the first time and immediately asked to change the oil me tex backs three years later not much what about you the worst part about studying languages is knowing that you'll never be nearly as good at it as a literal baby thanks i hate it we mean i never reached out to you i literally manifest you in fake scenarios i created my head each night before i fall asleep i made stew it was awesome i love potatoes i love you too where are you what was in the stew pick one edge piece or centerpiece neither because brownies are [ __ ] nasty and so the [ __ ] who eat them i'm sorry that nobody in your family can bake my mom's a private chef and i'm in culinary trading don't roast us like this i'm sorry that your mom went to culinary school and still can't bake oh [ __ ] i googled why do cats run around and meow at night and one of the results listed this as a cause a simple zest for life it's true excuse me pif could you get your zesting on at a more reasonable hour though zest has no curfew i require speed what if people made humanizations of colleges and started shipping them uh the ao3 tag you're looking for is academia anthropomorphic it's very suspicious that you know that if the multiverse theory is true then there's a universe where it isn't multiverse theory doesn't cover paradoxical situations except in the universe where it does i'm having an aneurysm i like my coffee how i like my coffee i like my coffee serial killer smiley face physically i'm here mentally i'm walking at a snail's pace through the mountains of skyrim occasionally screaming in dragon tongue because i am carrying valuable bones that weigh 15 kilos each and my horse ran off sprinting into the direction of a wolf who looked at me funny in the next town over skyrim was great you guys storm cloaks the empire is bad and that's why we worship that guy that um founded the empire if our ancestors saw how he lived for the most part they'd probably think we're royalty and i'd like to think that'd make them happy man you're right anyone else here a fool a hooligan an oaf with a phd in buffoonery what are we all but foolish mortals it's just [ __ ] up that we bred pigeons to be our companions and then we no longer had use of them we just abandoned them and now we treat them like menaces and pests and people want them dead they're our friends okay i was drunk but i was right one minute of a ghibli movie is greater than anything by tarantino i am not kidding when i say this single shot is better than anything your favorite director has ever made except if it's high on miyazaki then it's just hayao miyazaki being greater than hayao miyazaki which is just i don't even know where to begin on that one weather boy derogatory opie what does this mean wouldn't you like to know weatherboy i don't know what it means but i feel offended by it already this isn't my first rodeo but it is the first time i've ridden a horse what the hell bro your dungeon my dragons you're quick failing my d20 you're destroying my liches black or tree and insight checking my npcs stuff funny grow [ __ ] up it deeply pains me to know that there are some fanfics out there some golden fanfics that deserve to be seen and appreciated and that i will never get a chance to read because they're buried amongst thousands of other golden fanfics and there's simply not enough time to read all of them because of this stupid mortal countdown jesus man you know what i'm not a simple person with simple tastes i'm exceedingly complicated and my tastes are extremely convoluted never mind i was just thirsty why won't body tell me that it needs water in a direct way oh you were parched i thought you were horny i'm asexual and i crave moisture i'm getting i'm asexual and i crave moisture printed on a t-shirt now anonymous asked dooves immediately made me think of dilf elves i don't think dill valves can exist i don't think it's possible but i'm open to being proved wrong wait wait wait wait wait i got one i got one bear with me santa this is a lot to unpack at once conveniently compressed into a single word response like a live grenade throw gently from offstage elliott page formerly known as it's called dead name cause if you say it you die yes isn't it suspicious that the sexiest man alive is always already a celebrity i feel like they're really not plumbing the deaths in their research like imagine if you got the sexiest man alive edition of people and your orthodontist was on the front cover and you were like oh i guess i'm not the only one who sees it okay google red toad actual toad like real life toad images for red toad actual toes like real life that one's not even rough my pet peeve people who yelled at you and made you angry but try to joke with you a few minutes later because they can't stand the atmosphere they created i'm sorry did you mean parents if everybody will behave with intelligence the pneumonia rate will soon recede there is much virtue in your if the philadelphia inquirer pennsylvania december 7th 1922. me reading this in 2020 almost 98 years after this was published yep you know what i'm taking away the language until you all learn how to act that moment when you say you're bored and someone starts listing off chores and homework to do like why the hell do you think i'm capable of doing something productive when i'm bored out of my damn mind people who were born prematurely can never say the phrase i was born ready um excuse you i was so ready i demanded to be born perhaps the thing that was the most pog champ was the friendship we made along the way are you gonna make a pogchamp meme with sienna i did that before pogchamp was even a meme characters with no flaws are boring that's just a fact [ __ ] never mind i take it back everyone on this post trying to point out flaws that kirby has should be absolutely and completely ashamed of themselves there is a kirby flaw he isn't real therefore i can't hug him vinyl is probably the best medium because the material is relatively soft so it's easier to eat cassettes are a pain in the ass because you can't eat the shell you have to wide out all the music yourself to eat it i hate cassettes i'm sorry what being trans level two involves having a gender you reserve specifically for cis people then breaking out the good actual gender around other trans people like it's fine china by night i am socrates but by day i am karen a friend of mine wanted to play as a rude character in dnd and he told me that i am the rudest person he knows and wanted me to teach him how to act rude and yes i taught him how to act rude i'm not an [ __ ] mothers and [ __ ] of the jury i am the one radical dude and i am here to prove the defender is not bodacious prosecutor i'ma have to ask you to take a chill pill dude guys this is a murder trial whoa jerry number three i'm gonna have to ask you to chillax can you please chillax murder is not bodacious skye literally murdered the victim in cold blood and that my dog is in violation of radical saturday and why are you telling me to chillax you radical anna can we have jury dude number three leave the call for being too rowdy totally dude thank you my bodacious honor dude you radical honor i only did it for the vine i swear that may lower your charges slightly but you did break bodacious saturday yana what do you think the defender does say he only did it for the vine and that's pretty rad however he did break radical saturday and that's just an absolute now in my book dude i find the defendant guilty for breaking radical saturday but totally innocent for the not his radical murder thank you my radical honor dude you're absolutely welcome my prosecutor dude keep being rad what just happened yeah but could i spy do this ugh fine i guess you are my little buck jab come here
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 395,782
Rating: 4.9591894 out of 5
Keywords: voice, audio, P.M. Seymour, comedy, reading, discord, twitter, tumblr, social media, posts, reading posts, late night blogging, blogging, editing, not for kids
Id: a9zjkc2zpjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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