It Came From Tumblr #62 | Binge Compilation

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[Music] Meera's chime declines your mind with you're really gonna hate the last one of this trust me it's not a GNote but you're gonna hate it trust me but tumblr Google could eliminate all but its first two pages from the search results and most people probably would never know this if you have friends from Oklahoma they are your Oklahoma's skyscrapers have waterfalls of [ __ ] in them leading to the sewers wearing no socks at all feels better than wearing a sock with a hole in it big mood since winking is a theme one of your eyeballs has seen more of your life than the other let the other eyeball see more life now do it snooze are gonna Nam is disagree with your past self yep being a teenager is the shortest period of your life thirteen to nineteen yet it feels like the longest with how many changes happen yeah it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something and we chew a foo for an average of 25 minutes per day using that logic we will stop biting our cheeks by the age of 66 having good manners and saying please and thank you our life's cheat codes as they make living a lot easier who knew start being nice to be pull you in turn the volume up and turn the volume down of both make you sound our ancestors greatest mistake was not domesticating the borrower you will never be sure about which day you were born you just have to trust everyone we wonder why kids grew up too fast but then expect them to have their whole career path figured out 18 there one more year teenager to go let them make that life decision I like 25 and I'm finally and buckle up boys and girls and noms licking Enderman would hurt them and has been like the tall dark spooky boy to win a new theory the world is flat but it has two sides you'd fall off oh if you picked the wrong one Oh tails well he's in no danger he can fly there's just so much to take you in all the ones music is just cooling aaaah don't do this don't do this to music and colors just wiggling light thanks for coming to my TED talk artists and musicians are just magicians of the Hogan in arts best quality today I learned due to their reclusive nature scientist unsure how long a Pangolin lives in the wild well maybe they should leave their laboratories to go find water the wild then you ever think about that so we're just gonna gloss over the fact that Jim Carrey Eggman looks like evil Sportacus the resemblance is uncanny and 46 fish in particular I just saw this I wish I had the ability to do what yeah yo she's your girl why she using my crafting table mmm I'm not saying she's a [ __ ] I'm just saying her spawn point isn't set to her own bed very often I pity the future historians they're gonna try to take a crack at this one go hang a salami backwards is I'm a lasagna hog and that pleases me how did it either of these sentences occur naturally for you to discover this did you play this game as a kid no we older than you actually I was just poor thank you there is no reason to be scared of horses I don't know why every month big fuss about them they're good animals love sugar muscular strong the perfect friend a horse did not write this I created this post with my human digits and how did you tame these human digits the normal way biting so turns out the guy who discovered Uranus originally wanted to name it George just imagine a planet called George Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn and George so when you see in an orbit can you say here comes in general I realized what bothers me about the Skyrim horses head-tracking normal horses don't look at you head on because they see better to the side which implies that Skyrim horses are predators like I said nothing to worry about it's about time I contributed to the online discourse bricks are domesticated rocks stop let him speak UK we call it autumn from the French word autumn na and later the Latin autumn s USA we call fault because we fall down as much as I love the trope of a character falling fast and hard for someone I also love the settle descent where they don't really think about it where that person is kind of just there until one day they realize the person is so ingrained in their lives and they cannot do without them where there is no conscious effort on either ends to become romantically involved but somehow the thought of them being with someone else is disconcerning where I enjoy being with you unwittingly turns into I want to be with you fall bets so my mom just accidentally prematurely sent an email to an accounting firm it was supposed to say I'm afraid we'll have to postpone our meeting but she hit Send when all it said was hi Jeffrey I am afraid the writer here have some emotions reader oh yes you do have some more I will kill you basic threat overuse like serious weight pee-your-pants up-and-coming respectable unexpected I will pee your pants full of promise of grief and terror absolutely devastating your past can't wait for my pee and here we have the most terrifying sentence holy [ __ ] what Iowa is the only state that consists entirely of vowels every message in my inbox in the next 16 years job used Arva it is time to cleanse mind it at all we've dredged three am thoughts by tumblr your nails are a window to the flesh in your finger the word laptop implies that it is designed to be used on to her ones lap yet doing that is highly discouraged tasting is wet smelling four by three is more square than sixteen by nine but sixteen by nine is for three squared all the drive-in theaters are closed when they could be the most popular safest entertainment option out there wet have feels weird until you're surrounded by water we're definitely in strange times when you walk into a bank and they asked you to put a mask on mom's our spawn points in real life getting a job is a harder job than having a job if a pinata doesn't break it's broken wait if you have an older sibling you have never formally introduced yourself to them which is probably why they're always so rude to you you didn't even give them your name in a hundred years tick tock will be a bizarre archive of dead people dancing Derk being in private school is a pay2win platform parts of Alaska are closer to Paris into Miami immunocal pencils iron sharpens our pointless endless a robot is asking us whether or not we already roll by Rams bar tactical Assault scene there is no such thing as an adult Oh faking it inside every cynical person is a disappointed idealist I'm pretty sure that's um George Carlin quote everyone is brave unto the cockroach flies come at me bro is the modern hibachi faux and thought away if Darth Maul had run over a little Anakin with his motorbike during episode one he would unintentionally have brought balance to the force and saved the galaxy and this has been would have made for a shorter series by tumblr and Blitzer why kzx welcome no I have stuff saved already that I haven't done for the YouTube show so we're gonna do them live I have like I think like normally I have like maybe 15 to 20 that I do for video and that takes a while for me to do I am I and today we're doing like 35 and then I'll take requests and then I'll just read them in the chat oh my god Oppidan hey hey how's it going guys how's it going good to see ya oh yeah I love that Siena gift so much it's adorable it's precious it was so cute chaotic errors made it it's it's a gift it's a gift to humanity alright like say the video for YouTube goes laughs so people can get in here so we can start this show oh it's public they see it oh they see it oh no all right that's up so hi everybody hello welcome I hope you're ready for this cuz I'm sure not I was like beta testing all this last night just to make sure it was working at least visually on stream labs but now we're here and now I have to do this live but I've never performed late night tumblr for an actual live crowd before so this will be a this will be fun we'll start off with a fun simple one just so everybody gets the general idea of how this is gonna go and then when I'm done with all mine you're free to submit it so we can try to kill some time and then if I have time today we'll just jump right back into oblivion but for now we doing this with doing this live don't it laughs okay now you can see the screen behold right there it's beautiful my primitive setup of just plugging iPad into thing and having all my stuff saved all right so everybody gets the general idea let me just set the scene here brah every moment is an effort gamer moment when I'm with you yes get it you guys get the general concept all right and now this will go live and not this will go live on YouTube after this so I'll cut some dead air and everything so it's not just the music in distance all right smooth line so we're chirps gonna fight for now the oils worthless the hand of the fairest maiden in the land and her name is Olivia yay so I added some official sonic art to see what he'd look like with no shoes or glove hey I can tell you're a great artist and this is well drawn but uh this is literally the worst thing I've ever seen in my life just gonna just zoom in so you all can see that for a second and suffer because it is really well designed but there's so much wrong to get my feet mm all right moving on moving on before Skaar everybody okay you know haunted house walls start bleeding and spell six-six-six pulls out sharpie and makes it 6-9 6-9 6-9 the walls just bleed a little bit more before spelling it out nice hold on hold on hold on let me try that again nice Oh wrong effect Damien this is why I guys beta test things more nice perfect moving on I am getting a haircut today well which one strand number 1043 is getting longer than the rest that's precision right there love it I love the Chad's just blowing up this is great I love it oh my god you guys are all I just started high school seven years ago Jesus uh are you done yet I dropped in one of the lockers rip big rip brownie all right some of you literally sound like anime villains when you respond to an on hate and on your ugly die oh dear a non you make me laugh that's simply a matter of opinion and I don't let the opinions of some lowly human bother me please continue wishing death on me it only makes me stronger in the end beautiful oh yes yes yes ah Paul readings Black Cats welcome bring me the fitti use let me read them beans okay let's see uh that's a good baby that's a good baby that's definitely a good baby but this baby that's the best baby of them all right there beautiful also her schnoz that's some good schnoz game right there beautiful fun gender-neutral things to call your pot and when you see them hang on hang on love it love it I'm gonna start using it all right the [ __ ] love Irish slang like it's the most creative craft ever today I heard a call from being referred to as wooden one Xena sentence alright Jesus me nine he looks better than you and she's at a bleeding wooded onesie and it was honestly life-changing beautiful okay but I'm just saying this picture of mercury makes it look like the roundest potato in existence the someone tried to start to peel but God distracted Mike yeah I can see that that is a that what I want to know the [ __ ] going on there the [ __ ] is that oh my god wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute so okay all right guys guys guys guys bear with me bear with me er if mercury is made out of potato and our moon is made out of cheese you know what we have to do a surprise we have to do it must be done I know I hit the wrong effect but whatever it's fine it's fine it's fine we will get we will do this we will make the forbidden cheese fries alright moving on okay so like if you injected brownie mix into your bloodstream like since your body temperature is like 98 the brownies it would cook over a few days and then you'll have clumps in your arms and you just cut it open need the brownies I should be a scientist bro what the [ __ ] hell is wrong with you like brah brah stop it get some help alright a villain who commits crimes because they want to impress the hero and get their attention but they don't know how to flirt like a regular person are a guy's level with me level with me or I know it's not right I know it's not right but could one possibly consider that this is literally literally the plot of Megamind tell me don't yeah thank you Tom stirrer got it right before I was about to say it did literally Megamind yes that's perfect oh my god just [ __ ] what like this sitter literally better that's the pot I know I don't [ __ ] but honestly I chip the [ __ ] out of those two if this was legit all right my thing with Luigi is like mmm man I'm just just saying just saying this is a fusion all right okay all right hold on hold on a second hold on a second party we got a turn down turn down to music here cuz it's gonna throw off the rhythm turn that down alright this is Waluigi back together and I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of whack proud moment very proud moment I'm gonna have to do a full cover of that in the future like seriously all right it's beautiful fantastic all right moving on 2020 does not pass the [ __ ] vibe check what in the [ __ ] is this little did you know 2020 is the vibe check it is it oh my god that actually makes so much sense all right people are asking for a full cover I guess I got no choice in the matter now I got a I got a go ahead and do that all right I've Deborah don't do covers anymore but this would might be worth it I like that at some point a human looked at a sheep and went oh man that looks warm I wish I was that warm and then stole off its hair we got snatched millenias of language interpretation have cumulated inverse oh my god poor sheep big rip brewery the YMCA but instead of young men they say comrade and YMCA is USSR comrade steel production is down I said comrade you must sleep on the ground beautiful I think that's another one I have to do now god damn it how do I do this to myself all right I think I've done this one before but I love it so much just because there's there's literally a history here like okay look at these men look at these men they have never been so terrified in their life by skeleton and this is also the most condescending skeleton I've ever seen like he has no mouth or eyes but you can tell that there is something wrong here there's something wrong here it's just mmm and then obviously this man who uh you know took the calculations here but man was he bad at math all right okay first you're being a total dick right now just yeah you are being kind of a dick why would you do that all right Bri god I forgot I put this one in I forgot that I put this one in I just gave myself whiplash looking at this what have I done okay don't worry we mean you no harm what in the [ __ ] is this yo that shark tales to that is a perfect yep yep yep yep yep yep all right okay all right everyone meet pickles look at him look at his big old baby aka the catasaurus Rex he was rescued in Boston in his over 3 feet long there's a big old baby that is definitely a big old baby but also someone looked at this cat decided named pickles the [ __ ] live look I wanna I wanna pet it I wanna pet the chunky boy I hope he's okay he's a big cat like definitely a Maine [ __ ] mixed with something but [ __ ] why ahead it's chunky scare all right [Laughter] make my laid out down I I want to find the artist I'm sure it's you know I don't think it's going to I don't think it's weird etiology is either but this is how I was given it that is uh I love this art it's adorable and funny it just dis lend REE missile injury hands is beautiful okay you teenage girls saying I can't even is basically the same old lady selling well I never this is messing with my head especially when you realize it was once a teen girl saying well I never and someday it will be the olders lady saying I can't even oh my god the I've had that realization for the longest time with my generation and the next generation behind me gets old our slang is gonna become the new old terms so like enjoy the [ __ ] you say right now like and also like the things you do like dabbing or planking or saying that's Gucci enjoy while you can because when you're 90 years old it's gonna look weird alright okay Adam the adversary destroyer of Kings angel of the bottomless pit great beast that is called the dragon prince of this world father of lies spawn of Satan and Lord of Darkness hey guys you wanna go depose recursively a mr. Tyler until he calls the police it's literally I'm pretty sure this is how we're playing oblivion right now into which we have so many titles but this is the highlight was me doing the flame touch on Jimmy just yeah yeah alright okay alright gas bath means I gotta put three flags on I gotta do this we gotta do the hardcore hole then down the block to the left this was posted to July 11th 2019 at 9:41 a.m. nine months ago ahead of their time they there's a lot of these posts that I've seen there that they [ __ ] tell the future it's uh it's it's gift it's truly a gift oh my gosh alright alright AFD bud thank you for the subscription welcome and I also just looked at our viewer mark we have 332 people watching any one moment here you know one moment holy [ __ ] well okay moving on moving on all right real question why do people find Hatsune Miku so appealing I don't really understand why it's clearly a forty and desire to eat toothpaste you know I don't understand these words but they make so much sense um yeah yeah I can't yeah I don't know much about Vocaloids either so I got to take this at face value can I just say don't don't eat the toothpaste don't really know what that is do then the virtual Idol but okay all right Lily on biological information gender probably not okay but mood that's yes there's a lot of good and gender-neutral term lately probably not is definitely a top favorite I like that one all right I want to know a game is's first off because this is just their inventory right here I don't know what game this is but this is all they have these carrying nothing in her purse except a compact and a bowl of gumbo is what I inspire to be I need some history here what is this game Chet Chet what is this what is this game I don't know why the stream is 30 seconds delayed maybe refresh and try again because everybody see everybody else seems to be on the ball so maybe give yourself a refresh all right oh my god bees bees Oh cuz it's his best I [ __ ] up well guys let me level with you it wouldn't be one of my videos if I did not say something wrong think about it think about how many people hunted me down because I said Persephone wrong by the way I was just saying right now I will die on this hill Persephone rolls off way better that's just my opinion that's just my opinion take a little hydration break and let you all just suffer for a second alright moving on today I learned that hard disks are so sensitive to vibration that just screaming at them diminishes their performance okay but I gotta level with you getting screamed at diminishes my performance - you ain't special reblog you're getting screamed at diminishes your performance I would right now but it's not working I'm trying a giant it's not doing the thing okay lord of smores welcome glad you could join us I do need more coffee maybe this is ya guys agree this is literally a whole last movie okay love the guy all right if there are trees you aren't alone I can't tell this is supposed to be encouragement or an ominous warning that's entirely up to the trees you guys got to be very careful because if you don't Lorax will find you I'll take births the phone again oh this is great Liz used to bother me but now it's like a weapon is like a weapon word is beautiful I have to do this oh my god all right you can take another man's trash to another man's treasure but you can't make it drink fun fact the blending of idioms or cliches is called the malla for my personal favorite is we'll burn that bridge when we get to it's beautiful it's art it was art right there BAM sorry guys I have the bubonic plague I can't hang out tonight now rates I love a good pun as much as the next guy did that one hurt that one hurt real real bad ow the music's not helping my pain it sounds very painful like this is like this sounds like song that Jess would use in math now weird okay anything is he asking you okay all right I used my third ass eyes [ __ ] guys have you ever looted so hard to use the power your third ass it's good it's good God switch I'm sorry I'm sorry all right pipe training come in what what what there's I dream what is happened oh I'm a limited time to learn exclusive look at that all right all right guys level with you if you could have any video game ability what it would be protect Carl's Keith's wife you have awakened feeling now you have awakened feeling rested and press Y to hunker beautiful honestly I'd gladly take all four sounds great also I think I know definitely no the bottom is untitled goose game waken feeling rested is Skyrim kissed wife I don't know and protect girls is Final Fantasy 9 I think that's the John's exclusive ability I think alright let's do it wham-o this is the last one I think and then we'll take requests ok this is last wood and then we'll start taking requests from the craft for me to read alright I'm going to try and read Homestuck now try is the key word what what what oh my god it's beautiful alright that was like the I can't believe damn it I went through all of them already in like 23 minutes so okay so start taking some stuff from the crowd okay let me see you know just open it up on I don't think you guys will be able to see it but I will be able to read it because it tried to like set it up to read fake arm that's a video I can't do that one the tricked all right well um well damn okay um give me one second give me one second I forgot I have a discord that's dedicated to submitting late-night Tumblr posts so let's just go in there and do that so let me just hide this for a second so that way I don't accidentally ducks my phone all right let's see here Zero's duel this where's my discords where is my discords already um it came from tumblr perfect okay all right we'll just work our way up we'll just work our way up all right cause I'm all right you guys want the discord I believe my late the the second latest YouTube video has a link to the discord so you can check it out we have a few rules be sure to check them out so you don't get yourself and instantly all right let's start with this one do mermaids have babies do you think the people who play Teletubbies feel horny on set sometimes why did Charles then have a beard how many things are there and more importantly why didn't Aladdin have nipples why didn't Aladdin have nipples all right good okay we got this working all right cowboy advice be rootin be tuned in and by God be shootin but most of all be kind this almost made me cry and I have no idea why tears are just your inner cowboy chasing no-good cattle rustlers away from your brain pots that's yeah that's a good question that's a good analogy [ __ ] I like that okay 2005 fire wolf go get some sleep thanks for stopping by oh jeez dude gamers right my famous discord which caused someone to actually name their new pet goose corn beautiful all right I love that mayhem is a legal term like you can be charged with mayhem it's like arresting someone for funny business the jury finds the defendant guilty on all accounts of tomfoolery Jay King and certainly taking the piss causing ruckus alrighty beautiful I should have just done this from the start Oh little awesome we did a good one alright have you not been made aware of the clown code it's the only thing preserving civilization as we know it so yes wait do people honestly not know about the clown code the clown code the ethical code for clowns the code of the clowns town code yeah that code it's been a while since I've been a good one let's see oh my god daddy's Gaber thank you for the flower appreciated okay guess what I invented a new word plagiarism what I'm reblocking this because I just got the [ __ ] joke great oh it's beautiful it's a big ooh it's a big oof right there Oh down I forgot this part does that okay do you think soda cans are alive and each time you take one out of the pack and open it you're really snapping its neck and drinking its blood in front of its family agreed agreed with that face big oof big rip brewery for cans okay I forgot discord ever so often we'll shoot you straight down okay with me okay cream cheese isn't that good who's kidding but you know what [ __ ] for real beautiful god these are great I don't you wrote okay guys I have to level with you I was worried when tumblr had its first like big shutdown scare cuz I've got I thought we were gonna ride it things but like there's literally there's an anyways cavalry of absolute madness on this website and I don't understand but I love it all the same okay policy ominous positivity one I can do this one life ominous positivity you'll be okay you have no choice everything will turn out fine you cannot stop it and you will succeed it is inevitable art okay alright I guess I've been sing this to the song you got a car loose Footloose put on your [ __ ] foot loose feet foot beat dance song [ __ ] dude baby oh my god as art also this I love this I feel like this was supposed to move and now don't gotta close but it's too powerful to be shut down [ __ ] agreed alright okay there's drama nerves got too tired after watching the moon go around the earth for 24 hours so they decided to call it a day yeah I agree I agree with the face right there ah p.m. how'd you get your horse I think her name was Jules she's a rescue horse we actually had a few and she's our last one they're all just horses that retired and usually sometimes I just if they had donut and end up getting used that usually leads to them just getting abused unintentionally so we rescue them and we brought him here so Jules is my last horse sadly but it's okay they've all lived goodbyes here's money mr. Seymour I'm not feeling great for seeing your content oh thank you cobalt this is beautiful okay do not Americans realize that the United States is literally a bunch of countries in a trench coat that agreed to be semi nice to each other in order to sneak into the big boy because be honest that's just what the USA is the rest of the world is so your big country the state standing but each other soldiers yes yes oh my god I love how everyone who ever blog this hasn't add anything or tagging anything on it they all look just like yeah that's it that's the entire United States end up in one post beautiful I can't I can't it's absolutely right okay let's see all righty me is sad some random shiny thing with no function of monetary value half bird in the dirt the bus stop we're all just crows with rights oh my god it's true this is just rain of fact oh my god oh my heart hurts oh I love it okay time to bitch-slap some inner demons I consider therapy a hands-on process I'm always waiting an attention with a broom to beat my intrusive thoughts back into their corner hole alright alright brace yourself begone thoughts I love [Laughter] this is like the most posts I've done in one swoop it's hurting me it's like physically hurting me how much comedy there is oh my god okay uh that's a lot of butter they're [ __ ] Google eyes staring into your soul from every angle and you comment on the butter to be fair it is a lot of butter that is that's ridiculous also the floating googly eyes in the cough syrup is a nice touch also [ __ ] I didn't even notice the cereal there's so many eyes are the cereal but look at butter oh yeah butter my god alright yeah okay let's see here okay I love cats like we as a species just literally go out of our way to obtain fat little house goblins in the hopes that they will occasionally acknowledge us reblog if you love your fat little house goblin Oh where's pip where's Beth she's usually hiding in my room when I'm recording she'll just pop up out of nowhere winds a power of 98 welcome thank you for the fallout mmm beautiful all right uh-huh that's the one that I picked up last time every moment get an epic game or move okay okay let's do this all right it's nearly 3:00 a.m. and I just had the most world-shaking Epiphany Anakin Skywalker is only nine years older than Han Solo this is important for several reasons one of which oh my god Anakin is a baby when he has kids but the most important is that obviously now there has to be an au where Anakin was never Vader instead he just peaced out of the Jedi Order and became like the bounty hunter or something but with my money is on smuggler because pilot and also because where I'm heading with this as an au where Han and Anakin are like familiar with each other before Han ever gets involved with Luke and Leia and the rebellion like their acquaintances frenemies business associates I don't know lad more later that sounds way better in my head then what actually happens that's beautiful okay all right okay this is a motivational one I actually like this one okay Misuari you're not ugly dude you're just not your type hmm [ __ ] wait to be honest this kind of turned my whole world view upside down that's soo hmm that is a damn damn damn it's good one okay oh okay this one is furbies let's see what this one's about do you care if I take the skin off the Furby I want to make him a god once he is free of his sinful flesh he begin the path towards enlightenment you will take care of us and I also I want to soft half his circuits I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening is that ever again my boyfriend is out of his mind I will Bend Furby to my wheel and strip his soul bare so you can post in the update Jesus Christ dude look what you off caused I had to come home to this make you to pure flayed ready for the next of life oh my god that is cursed he looks like the skeletons from five nights at freddys but worse but way worse oh my god oh my god oh my god why did I do this to myself oh this is cute this is cute okay plague doctor with plague chocolate little best design birdies don't talk to me nor my three PhD students ever again this is adorable oh my god I need a plague doc Ling in my life that's [ __ ] adorable okay oh my god right time you're working all the night Vale people in the crowd all right pretty sure drove through Nate bit night Vale on my way home tonight we invited the children of same-sex couples to listen to the radio announcer we invite the children of different sex couples to listen we do not invite the children of the corn to listen not there's anything wrong with that a different voice cut in some of our best friends are realizing what he was saying was ridiculous corn beautiful fantastic also I really want to know what the history is to that one okay all right take a quick hydration break here before we move on to this one all right the radio channel I listen to you has a guy who does the traffic report every morning and he's got fed up of saying basically there's no traffic because everyone is at home that he started getting listeners to message him with the traffic that's in their home like well in Steve house in Surrey today there's a massive delay between the bedrooms in the dining room table that is where Steve is working because the dog is lying in the doorway the current recommended version is via the kitchen for a cup of tea it's adorable and very funny and oh my god we're all going insane beautiful I'm glad here at austra not love your name by the way hey I remember this music I used it for one of the Siena videos hang on let me turn it up so you guys can hear it groovy [Music] beautiful now already I just heard my mom say you were very naughty and then I'm now and then a software voice saying okay but next time there will be consequences and then another meow and then a you're right probably not this is literally how I talk to my cat and I hate it I hate it so much beautiful okay glass headstones imagine a graveyard full of these on a sunny day would be so beautiful I would position mine so that every day when the Sun was in the right position he would set fire to the roof of someone I hated thus achieving revenge from Bree on the grave every single day there are two kinds of people I'm not gonna lie I'd probably do the same thing okay boy alright hello this is called for a I saw a post a long time ago and it's talking about who was the real hero at motr the last part was talking about how they were two halves of the same hero I've saved it but I cannot find it I would ask that you answer my call for aid someone Culver's aid what is it I can't even got duped into reading that one but I thought they were going somewhere with that one but okay alright we will try to go for 20 more minutes because I think an hour of late-night temblor reading live is actually gonna drive me insane alright she was poetry but he couldn't read his name was Jared he's 19 what his parents built a very strange machine what's that scene dig in the dancing queen bach-y-rita horrible to be blah you know I'll give you a solid 5 out of 10 for effort there's a I don't even know where to begin uncovering this I lose so many there's so many you could do here ok alright alright Bermuda Triangle ship reappears nine years after going missing Havana the Cuban Coast Guard announced this morning that they had intercepted an unnamed ship heading for the island which is presumed to be SS cotopaxi a [ __ ] streamer which vanished in December 1925 and has since been connected to the legend of the Bermuda Triangle the Cuban authorities the Cuban authorities have spotted the ship for the first time on May 16th a near near a restricted military zone west of Havana they have made on it they have made many unsuccessful exhale yeah I can talk and talk right now they made many unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the crew and finally mobilize three patrol boats to intercept it when they reached it they were surprised to find the ship had actually a nearly hundred-year-old streamer identified as the cotopaxi a name famously associated with the legend of the blue muir triangle not now Bermuda Triangle I felt like this was a long time ago this was like 2015 your fingers in this one happen but ok Barrett I have to do this in the sense I hear a voice I'm going to defeat you with the power of friendship and this gun I found damn I have many questions why I sent a hero needs a revolver but alright ok I literally struggle to believe that some people haven't tried to tip tabs Vegemite fairy bread whiz fizz Chico's Minty's or Kent and caramel colas you are missing so much other street names for drugs you know what with how good Tim Tams are in Australia they are drug just dropping that right now ok oh I forgot this was the thing Thank You shortcut hope you can keep up with me yeah speed is my middle name actually it's Maurice but don't tell anyone ok every day of my life I laugh about Sonic more Riis hedgehog so that's what their people went so that's what people say when they're about to say s mhm oh my god oh my god it makes so much sense now beautiful also I just realized that the sonic voice again I'm sorry Oh gets even worse ty it gets even worse sonic has another name sonic has a legit name if you get a chance to look it up it'll blow your goddamn mind alright I was at Target today and this little girl wanted to buy Halo 4 but this lady came up to her and said video games are for boys this lady had a box of tricks in her car and so the girl grabs a box and said and tricks up her kids and ran off with the cereal and the game small child one lady zero this child wins in life oh okay see you have 15 minutes 15 minutes let's find some goodies let's money all right here pocket show he's never let us down he has never let us down okay anime cliche with a big old raindrops manifests behind their head law anime cliche where the screen fades to black in verse split second I see my reflection in the monitor and it's that of a broken person are you okay Amy nosebleed yeah give it a refresh yep that's there it is Oh glib Maurice Hedgehog definitely understand why he went with Sonic okay I know it's it's bad it's bad what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is this okay there's bad and then there's king of March three having a car okay I have a play king of Arts three kids so what [ __ ] valide is this is this legit it's their car is three world the kingdom arts is third please tell me there isn't cuz I won't play if it's true oh my god form Queen all right there's no card I thank God my mind here I'm cursed now I'm very like I'm gonna like die in my sleep tonight because the Soraa car it just no I can't okay this morning I kind of flung out my hand while reaching for the alarm clock and my heavy open once over thumb ring flew off and directly into the ceiling fan which launched it across the room with the noise like a gunshot so I automatically rolled out of my loft that drop six feet in take cover on the ground just in time for my twenty pound weighted blanket to slide out of the loft and follow my head but otherwise save them pretty boring damn damn rough that's roughly alright interesting fact about me is I have a great memory but I also have a [ __ ] memory what this means in practice I can recite any number of Simpsons scenes verbatim but I can't remember what I did last week [Music] big mood again oh that's beautiful ok no longer going to pursue a career I'd like to be a rock thanks metaphoric or igneous neither Dwayne though I don't I don't think I don't think you can do that I think that's a tenon either pretty sure pretty sure oh my god so many new followers well guys welcome Jesus twitch is gonna [ __ ] explode on me alright oh and that's that one oh shut us all the way back down uh uh see discord discord living up to your name okay oh oh she's warbird her Tootsie's Oh me acting like I did nothing wrong ever adorable oh my god um category chill sports game oh I put chill as the subject because I thought that was the thing I thought that was the thing he did when you're just doing a casual live thing I realized chill was an actual game what the [ __ ] alrighty there's good stuff at the bottom oh there is you're right oh my god I would have missed that okay last year I was eating in a fancy large restaurant when and I began to hear a rumble and a distant sound of people chanting potassium potassium and suddenly hundreds of people dressed as bananas fled this restaurant chanting potassium over and over again and we were trapped there for a very long time because the bananas not would not leave and they were everywhere what the [ __ ] oh my god okay okay alright hello yes 999 I just need a very multi blueberry by mistake and I'd like my tongue removed hold on I think of my ordered amethyst from America I'd be a little bit scuppered since I live in England it's a Buffy walk drive oh my god it's Jesus oh god people are chanting potassium in the chat I'm doing bud I'm scared I am legit scared thank you for the calming music epidemic sounds I knew I could count on you just turn it up a little bit okay okay in Lord of the Rings the word man is only used for human men so now I'm imagining like are you a man or woman I'm a hobbit but what's in your trousers mostly snacks perfect perfect you love it love everything about it alrighty let's see there we go there we go the graceful chanting of the boldest doors why are a bunch of cabbages singing oh they are not cabbages they are Bulbasaur's you uncultured little shits how dare you insult the Bulbasaur's like that and those are not cabbages those are like tulip bulbs I think whenever veena sores becomes okay [Laughter] okay god I gotta put the effect that I got to put the effect do this right hold on super mash potatoes you know I don't feel bad that you thought that's hilarious when you're drunk because it's [ __ ] gold right now it's beautiful I love it yeah alright ten more minutes ten more minutes okay I got it I can zoom down relax this burden more energy than playing Oblivion for three hours okay alright reblog if your URL represents who you really are I am really Putin's girlfriend then we have a problem I can explain beautiful well / hi hello you okay hmm I took LSD last night and apparently drew this I got it I want to know I wanna know who these characters are and why are they a gift to the world all right right 44 thanks for stopping by I love it is it oh it is Jojo it is Jojo oh that makes more sense I love it [Laughter] is this the guy from unfortunate events you know [Laughter] citrus I cook toast corn syrup sugar vesical an arrangement of deplorable fruit candy uh-oh sour [ __ ] oh my god that is that is the best that our guys I know there's been so many late-night uh proposed but this is legitimately what are the best ones oh this is so good oh my god okay it's one weird ass for heavy hurry boy good show it's obviously turtle I mean I don't know we weren't oh god okay here we go the fact that Daedra had to stop opening gates in Black Marsh because the argonians kept reverse invading them is so funny to me just like we're reading no we're invading teach writing fix our Guardians throwing hands patron ow a swagat we've come from a relatively manned jets to conquer you you're gonna insist it's very real estate oh my god that's beautiful I def oh my god oh oh I feel like leaving from my body a little bit I can ascend when this is over okay no what's that one again okay um no one likes to be around in a or excuse me a or had tons of friends your statement is potentially untrue according to winnie-the-pooh turnin the whole point of us characters was that despite his for depression he had tons of friends and always was included in their lives this is very important he is very important I always hang all your depressed friends when you can when they want to if they say no and don't try to push it well that's that one oh oh my god oh my god links hair got longer in breath of the wild and Zelda's hair is getting shorter and breath of the wild - therefore I propose that Nintendo is making them look more similar to each other to foreshadow their eventual effusion into Hyrule's ultimate defender Linda this is cursed I will destroy gay and don't bless your goddamn heart I love it favorite voice all of them are kind of a gift beautiful maybe the nerdy voice like that like this what are you doing this one okay oh my god this is about to be a mood I think in fourth grade I was introduced to the concept of run-on sentences by my teacher and I immediately raised my hand and pointed out that none of the sentence is being used an example were actually grammatically wrong at all and they were just longer than most people can comfortably write and read and she made me sit in the corner and I felt like that shows a lot of my typing style on this outside run-on sentence is our ADH called ADHD culture oh my god they are beautiful big old mood okay age verification are you over teen yes or no I am away Oh none then they get the effect I am the over teen all bow before the over teen you are the dancing queen you're sweet on me oh my god Linda witness stop oh my god okay vampire due to this vampire friend Wow looks like there's only one coffin what we do all the vampire dude who reads a lot of fanfiction we could share it and they were two mates oh my god they were two this is basically oh that is a gift poteete today oh my god I think people often underestimate the potential educational value of senseless memes for example thanks to spiders George literally every teenager on tumblr has a reasonable grasp of what a statistical outlier is and the sorts of problems that outliers can introduce into a naive analysis there are grown adults who don't get it I deal with them on a daily basis memes have educational value actually statistical error average memes teaches zero facts spider George is an outlier adn should not be counted should not be counted so you guys can see that oh my god I feel like I need some history there okay uh about three minutes three minutes we gotta find a good one okay all right here's a good one here's a good one can you blues put your crying child on vibrate thank you it's top left cuz I just imagine this kid screaming and and the mom pulls a remote out of their mom bag first off love it and presses a button uh let's top it starts to motley [ __ ] and hook of terror on the kids me as I try to make noise but they just vibrate dear God Oh [ __ ] beautiful I love it okay let's see damn damn and that's a lot of phone charms how much damage does this do if I hit someone with it [ __ ] done theirs Kyogre right there and him alone - [ __ ] him up good lord II don't know mom bag was a mom back I think they meant purse but they didn't know the word for purse so they were just like mom bag I love it okay alright okay we got time for probably two more writing prompt the zombie outbreak started two years ago now you'll find yourself cornered by educating some decaying zombie when you do the unthinkable and bite it first when it falls to the floor and grows its skin back and sits up and asks what is going on oh my god this may be the best sub verse idea for zombie apocalypse stories I think I've ever seen it's time to bite back I love it isn't that warm bodies though sort of the similar concept zombies coming back to being humans I think I don't know let's see all right this is the last one it's the last one the Flat Earth Society bought a $2,000 super accurate laser gyroscope to prove the earth doesn't rotate 15 degrees per hour and they kept getting results that prove that it does so they keep altering the tests to try and make it not drift 15 degrees but it didn't work so they just said well we still don't believe it and we have other stuff that proves it so whatsoever so whatever remember that it's impossible to reason with people who are willfully ignorant that is the truest statement in all of the world and I love it all righty well this has been quite a goddamn adventure that was like I normally do 24 a video this was I think like 55 if somebody was keeping track I'm just guessing at the top of my head because this was a this was a lot oh well that's gonna be fun to cut down but I guess because this is one of my videos about late night tumblr I should probably we just closed the included I suppose I should end it on an interrupting scream so uh thank you guys for watching and I'll see you later and here comes the scream
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 390,487
Rating: 4.9451714 out of 5
Keywords: Tumblr, late night Tumblr, compilation
Id: RbHawr1HOuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 42sec (4062 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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