It Came From Tumblr #98 | Binge Compilation

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[Music] okay bye an enemy is just a friend i haven't worn down are you saying that you're the main character of a kid cartoon i'm saying that i'm going to be friends with you is both a promise and a threat twilight but instead of a dramatic reveal about how edward's a vampire bella just shows up to class one day and slides a copy of dracula across the table to see what happens here autographs and slides are back how dare you hide this comedy gold into tags does anyone else remember attacking the power of juju remember how hard nick tried to make it a thing like tac was put in everything it was treated as the main nicktoon but no one really got into it and he was just wiped off the face of the earth little did you know he got rebranded think about it tech a character we were trolled into thinking was a nicktoons character now look at neck an actual troll tech neck put it together people dunk you was right neck is truly a masterpiece okay but whose idea was it to get tom hiddleston a classics graduate to get into character as loki and stand on a go-kart in pompeii yelling to all the inhabitants about their impending doom in latin because honestly that seems kind of like christmas and a birthday combined level of treat for him i'm feeling dangerously affectionate today one might even say soft ah yes soft the tumbler's version of thirsty probably i don't know sometimes adhd is making schedules you know that you're not going to follow but you're optimistic about trying anyway shut up danny am i going into this knowing i'm doomed to fail yes specific favorite dynamic is depressed person and the immoral but funny parasite monster slash alien they're host to ratatouille well i mean i mean yeah so you're telling me in the span of 24 hours thousands of staff bots have taken over tumblr less than a week after this website asked us to trust it with their money i hate when people say why or why not the reasoning for my thinking should not have to be explained to you mortal the inside of my mind shall remain a mystery andy put up a gif of the milk spilling like like patrick you know little one you may be an open book spongebob but i'm a bit more complicated than that the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma [Music] egg recipe difficulty egg thyme egg ingredients egg eight whole egg step one put egg on plate step two look at all those egg step three congratulations you made egg sometimes you can pick up a cat and hold it and it may make noises at you sometimes good sometimes bad that is the 50 50 draw of cat a limerick doesn't look like a limit to you try this a dozen a gross and a score plus three times the square root of four divided by seven plus five times eleven is nine squared but not a bit more what the heck the heck heck cat cake powder is not meant to be used like this aliens has everything you need in a horror movie body horror anti-capitalism cocky butch with a big gun cool robot dude and plot relevant forklift certification and aliens oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i forgot it also has aliens one time i fell asleep with a half eating bag of chips on my chest and while i was napping one of my cats jumped up on me and chewed up the bag and sent the chips flying everywhere and a bit later i woke up completely covered and shredded back in chip pieces and the last thing i remembered i had started eating some tasty chips so for a short while i was convinced i had blacked out and got into some sort of uncontrollable chip frenzy i mean wouldn't you sounds about right i know i just called you dude but i'm trying to flirt with you right andy my dude dude by the way i'm pro quitting this is a quitting positive space if you're doing something and you decide i don't like this or i don't want to do this then you should quit quitting is awesome grinding only works in video games i quit all the time it's great embrace the power of you know what [ __ ] this and see how it can improve your life how long does someone have to be dead before it's considered archaeology instead of grave robbering as an archaeologist i find this a very awkward question answer the question grave robber ugh of course you're a leo you know what y'all don't get to have stars anymore i'm putting them up on the shelf until you can learn how to use them correctly and navigate back to spain or some [ __ ] [ __ ] you carpe diem seize the day carpe noctum sees the night carpe not em sees the ass seriously if you guys don't stop reblogging this i'm going to carpe someone's neck and break it carpe columnist sees the neck hey is there anybody free tonight i want to check out the bottom of the ocean but not alone you know once you step into the ocean you're no longer alone and that's a threat oh okay the moon is proud of you and so are the stars and so is the sun the aliens are watching you a little confused about your life choices but are proud of you too this is basically cosmic wonders do you ever associate someone with their icons so much that you just assume that they're the same gender as their icon or something and then they post a selfie and you're like wait you're not thomas the tank engine what are we raiders what are we gonna do right when are we gonna do it [Music] hey congrats on the vaccine dude you're now fully fledged 5g wizard and if you stand near me you get free wi-fi and become gayer you're welcome pro tip whenever you're feeling discouraged as a creator think of the absolute worst popular media you've ever seen then remember that no matter how bad it was it got popular that's the worst art i've ever seen but i have seen it and i can do better you know i like this this is good why do we only drink cow milk what does whale milk taste like i want some whale milk are you okay i would be if i had some whale milk unite official united states there is a dark part of the internet you have just summoned with that statement put it back if you identify with the joker in any way shape or form i'm gonna need you to get in your clown car and drive the [ __ ] away from me please what if i'm the joker but like 50s goofy joker where his plan involved tricking the mayor into thinking he's on a high classification of europe so he could impersonate him and pass the silly laws in gotham all right you can stay for now if i would have correct it's almost a complete sentence of contractions the south is out of control hey what what happened in 1915 we don't talk about 1915. well at least they eventually realized they should start filling the bottles with coke i don't have a 1915. they got down with the thickness yo just discovered any trick if you make brownies but don't cut them you can eat the whole slab and say you only ate one brownie don't do this oh god i think it's very brave and sexy of me to still play pokemon games in the exact same way i did when i was five years old ignoring all stat changing moves this is an offensive move only household if you effectively strategize using stat changes in battle [ __ ] you the only stat we care about changing is changing the enemy's hp stat to zero i love cats so much i would literally die for any cat show me a cat right now that's my favorite cat how about this guy that's him that's my favorite guy oh hard suggestions trying to have the same mindset as just cut your hair to grow back when making decisions they're not all make or break but if i don't order the correct sandwich at this coffee shop my life will be destroyed well then buy every sandwich just in case pocket show as someone with an english degree i just want to say you have a spectacular way with words pros and poetry thanks for existing you're very cool doctors hate me scholars love me what did you do to make the doctors hate you i am a terrible patient it's the furry salary post isn't it maybe that too you don't know me my gender is the giant skull shaped disco ball in the 2002 live action scooby-doo movie oh yes the true cause of gender envy just imagining that sequence where that ball comes down and somebody in the background probably me is going god i wish that were me today i learned humans domesticated dogs before they developed written language and now the hairy little bastards never will the best gorilla joke of 1897. gorilla did you hear about the gorilla who escaped from the zoo the zookeeper no i did not that is because i am a quiet gorilla muffled sounds of guerrilla violence man the people in 1897 were mentally in 2030. don't worry we'll get there i'm so confused whenever i see ads because i feel like ads have no effect on me and so it's just kind of funny that companies spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to advertise to no avail until i remember that my boyfriend will download 90 of the games that show up in ads on his phone he will be playing a mobile game and get an ad and [ __ ] click it and download it anything for the free crystals man oh [ __ ] i forgot to scream at the end of this um i'm gonna need some motivation here andy uh help me stub my toe all right three two one [Music] [Music] when i was in elementary school i thought that the reason we were supposed to capitalize the first letter of people's names was a sign of respect so i always refused to capitalize the name of my fourth grade teacher or george bush because i did not respect them lowercase derogatory everybody wants an adhd husband until we start doing house chores at 3 a.m cause we can't sleep oh i want a golden retriever lesbian girl boyfriend until it's time to give us indoor enrichment what is a lesbian girl boyfriend an experience is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backward sentences saying how crazy it is this this needs a warning sign don't mess me up like this wait is it actually genuinely a thing that americans don't have kettles then how do you make tea by throwing it in the harbor stop talking trash about greek gods athena is wise hephaestus is productive dionysus is a pansexual icon demeter's generous zeus aphrodite is badass and hades is efficient if you think evil thoughts and concentrate real hard you can manifest them as purple orbs you can throw them at enemies to inflict a poison damage over time effect tiny little grapes of despair probably a bad rpg idea an axe that doesn't do damage but makes enemies smell nice how about a bow that only shoots when you're aiming if you're blackout drunk or a sword that does untyped area of effect damage with d12s many of them or how about a sword that is actually just a really big butter knife i'm saving all these as ideas for cursed items i love every one of them i'm playing oblivion and i stole a wheel of cheese from the store and then like two hours later i'm in an oblivion gate drowning in lava and a guard swims up to me and is like stop right there my bounty is five gold and this dude is on fire trying to arrest a cheese thief employee of the month also because you're swimming in lava you just ruined that cheese writing prompt you walk in a room to find that the only way to escape is by writing a name of a real person on a piece of paper this will kill that person wait ma'am ma'am you only need to write one name too late this is death note the escape room now do bananas float yes yes they do oh thank you that is a really nice photograph of that floating banana that should be up in a art gallery somewhere andy put that up in an art gallery make it look nice always makes me feel a little melancholy the inevitability of time don't you think what do you see sharks every time there's a cataclysmic extinction event damn that's crazy anyway good thing i'm so smooth sharks are so smooth extinction effects just slide right off them do you really think your spirit animal is a wolf come on now we all know you're a worm or pathetic lizard yours isn't a wolf either look at me look at me i'm a rat another writing prompt you're happily going about when you vanish into a cloud of smoke suddenly you're standing in a ring of candles a sorcerer holding a tome looks pleased at your arrival turns out earth is hell and we're the demons and you've just been summoned bad choice buddy superiority complex i find it quite simple really is achilles a twink the greatest thread in the history of forums locked by a moderator after 12 239 pages of heated debates god i would have loved to have seen it [ __ ] [ __ ] cannons what do you guys think about head cannon characters as x's the only tags on this post squillium and squidward and they're probably right personally i would love to introduce some medieval peasants to synth music not for sinister reasons just because i think they'd like it actually well smith music draws on the rich history of string music so i think they'd play along at a fiddle which what devil's music does that play for it [ __ ] verily oh [ __ ] i did the accent again andy andy please andy i'm sorry please don't don't blow me up what country you from wha watch what ain't no country i ever heard of they speak english and what [ __ ] english [ __ ] do you speak it yes [ __ ] say [ __ ] again say [ __ ] again i dare you i double dare you [ __ ] say [ __ ] one more goddamn times oh the miracle of science if you have two hands you can pet two cats at the same time science is beautiful man i don't understand why some people use fractions instead of decimals it's pointless but anyway you gotta draw the line somewhere or else people will think you're being irrational but that is beside the point jeff shut up mobsters are part of a mob and so you'd think lobsters would be part of a lob but life just isn't so simple now is it aren't we all just trying to be more tisha adams just a little bit excuse me some of us are trying to be gomez actually honorable respectable where would we be without you does the average man get enough sleep what is enough sleep what is the average man what is it does the san francisco examiner california february 25th 1935. you know sometimes i think humankind hasn't changed at all no no it hasn't it's so annoying that you have to order the whole pizza when you just want a little green pepper from papa john's grow up and ask them i just got a box full of greasy little green peppers and they said that people do that all the time you're just scared everyone's [ __ ] meat on this side dear women looking at pictures of capey bowers on the internet won't solve your problems you have to kill people what if i'm looking at kp bars that are trained assassins i was just sitting here eating candy hearts and literally every single one of them has words on it only but i just found this one with arthur's face on it how do i please explain oh looks like someone forgot a very important part of the song it's a simple message and it comes straight from the hearts the reason i stay up late is because i don't want my free time to end and tomorrow to stop i feel so called out and yet so understood [Music] bus drivers to reopen their doors when they see someone running towards the stop are neutral good and any other kind of bus driver is automatically lawful evil chaotic evil is the bus driver who saw me running to the stop and waited until i was at the door to close it and drive away [ __ ] that guy what should i do of this empty stomach of mine fill it with rocks okay does anyone that's normal have any suggestions chocolate milk you ever been so stressed that you're calm this is my constant state my chill is fake how are you so calm i've passed beyond stress beyond hysteria into the gray misty indifference of complete shutdown of all but emergency services in my brain i have never felt such a mood in my life hey tumblr zoologist does anyone know whether there's a plausible theory as to why out of all the big cats lions somewhere along the line decided oh wouldn't it be cool in evolutionary terms if our tales had pompoms on the end what is it for please the old razzle dazzle the judges will accept that streaming music every song is on every platform streaming shows okay so season one is on netflix season two's on hulu except for the season valley which is only available on hbo max in japan hey pm do you know the muffin man he stole his wall on druid lane what did he do called santa fett in a negative tone had to be done so how much did the ass have on him was a good clean lift come on man i need details let's just stay in stores on the new ownership look at me i'm the muffin man now no no hold on i can do that better look at me look at me
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 138,282
Rating: 4.9750447 out of 5
Keywords: It came from tumblr, Late night tumblr, Voice over, 20 minutes, 20 minute video, Lnt, P.M. Seymour
Id: r-KA1pJKI2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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