Is your SPIRIT pure?

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hey it's on the gas is here popping in with a Sunday sermon and I was listening to the book of first Timothy this morning and I do audio versus reading just waiting my brain works and one thing I realize today and you got to really think about this and understand that our world is moving further and further away from logic and righteousness when you think about right from wrong and if you think about it you can look back even 20 years ago 10 years ago and what you'll notice is that with every passing year things that used to be unrighteous or wrong are now seen as right and okay and what you'll notice is that the rules and the regulations on the heart becomes more and more lacs with every passing year you'll start to see people become more and more distant from any belief system and everything starts to become normal everything is okay everything is accepted and one of the biggest things that people are hanging their hat on today is don't judge me don't judge me and I can't count how many times I read a message that says instead of judging others don't judge others judge judging others is this and the issue is is that not everybody is judging you somebody's telling you the truth somebody's holding you accountable but we are in the age of outrage we are in the age of outrage everybody wants to be outraged everybody wants to be offended everybody wants to be able to do whatever they want to do without any sense of a moral compass without real morals and values without a foundation and if you are not careful the stuff you watch on television the movies you watch the music you listen to the conversations you hold will push you further and further away from your righteous mind what you know is right so that if you have children now you will become more lacks with them and what you don't understand is that now you're passing down the wrong lessons and now your children who don't have the wisdom that you have or the experiences that you have what you have made okay for them eats them alive so you have to make sure that you have your foundation that you never forget in your heart what's right from wrong what's righteous from wrong and that regardless of what everyone else is doing my dad used to have a saying on the wall and it said it was a description as for me and my house we will serve the Lord and we have one new printers that have printed out you know this big and they printed all the letters and big old letters and he let that printer print it out and he taped it on the wall long Gould preffer ated pages as for me and my house we will serve the Lord and I had to look at that every day every day and guess what I still went on to be a prodigal son I still went on to be a prodigal son because there was things that I was curious about and I wanted to know and that's why you have to be mindful as an adult that you get in line and that you are able to talk to your children about the real and let them know and expose yourself tell the things that you did now you can't tell it all at one age but you might tell her this age this age this age tell the things that you did tell the the mistakes that you made so that that cures that curiosity because they're gonna be curious about whatever is around them so it might be alcohol it might be drawers it might be crime it might be the game whatever it's around they're gonna be curious about it if you've already walked down that path you can cure that curiosity by being a transparent parent transparent parent understand that so what you have to remember and look at your life in every area look at your life in every area and evaluate the righteous from the wrong right from wrong and start to be honest with yourself and ask yourself what are my beliefs what are my beliefs now one thing I realize about this whole the Bible with me reading the Bible I said we don't want the whole Bible we don't want this whole Bible we get that Bible okay give me this page all right give me this page okay leave that page up okay cuz I was just in first Timothy and first Timothy probably I don't know if it's the second or the third chapter I can't remember I listen to all six it was the second or third and when the telling what the woman's supposed to be doing look look we had to let that go and we had to let that part go with that is not in America today but it was that's also why God says serve God in spirit and in truth and obey the laws of the land see what that means is that God is fluid in the sense of when you're in a different area and you're in a different time period and there's different laws in your land then you have to use spiritual discernment so what I'm referring to in that book of Timothy is that women should learn in quiet and in submissiveness and not be able to be over men and and have a position higher than a man that's what it said but that was that time period so you see what I mean with your righteousness you have to understand that with righteousness and serving God in spirit and in truth you got to be able to talk to God not to the letter not to the letter see a lot of people taking their my new education and going to the Word of God and trying to interpret it as if you in school in English a composition class doing a reading and comprehension comprehension exercise and you're trying to take that and interpret the Bible when you might be a couple fries short of a happy meal you might not have all the sense that you need to have and you leaning on your own understanding like the Bible tell you to lean not to your own understanding see you got to go to God in spirit and in truth and it was talking about after that how the elders and those who are holding a position need to be faithful to their wife need to be respected in the community need to be have their name clean and doing the right things carrying themselves with character and integrity so that people can look up to him and I say man we losing that too it's almost every pastor you know has gone through a sexual scandal almost every elder deaky you know has gone through some type of sexual scandal see we want to be righteous inward but then wicked indeed and then we want to be wicked indeed and then cry and scream my grace and forgiveness and non judgment and as I was listening to the book of Timothy say when somebody does wrong commits an offense that they need to be reprimanded in front of the whole church now in the last time you went to church and they brought up Deacon so-and-so and and and reprimanded him for cheating on his wife with sister Clarice when the last time you seen that in church no we just a slap on the wrist okay yeah just sit down in the sit in the third row for about five weeks then we'll get your chair back up down on the pulpit the pastor come up preached a whole sermon by his infidelity and the sermon come from such a evil place of conviction it go viral it'll go viral him trying to excuse his infidelity him trying to excuse his wicked deeds and see we come to a place to where we don't want to be held accountable when you want to do wrong is stop judging me when you want to do wrong where the Bible say thou should not judge but then when somebody else doing something that you don't like then oh you shouldn't be doing it and see you gotta come to the place where you have a relationship and not just a religion where you have a relationship and you know what you are called to from the Most High and you know what in your spirit you are called to see I can't judge anybody else's ministry I could pray for I could pray for their wisdom for their knowledge for their understanding unless it's a clear-cut violation of the scripture then I can't judge I can't look I can't reprimand them I can't say that to them because if I can sense that their heart is pure and their heart is in the right place and that they are serving in spirit and in truth that I don't know if God is doing a new thing in a new age with them I don't know lady said to me take that hat off and got a haircut so you see how trivial will be we will still hold on to telling the woman not the wear lipstick you know not the wear a dress or not the wet jeans or whatever it may be will hold on to that and stick to that because it's the easiest thing to stick to and from that same heart that you judge in this one for a lipstick or for the guy that's on YouTube that's not a pastor that's not a preacher that got a hat on cuz been in quarantine for two three months and can't get a haircut for the same little petty stuff that we hang on to we'll be operating from a heart of hate from a heart of spirit about the different from a spirit of envy and jealousy from spirit of anger and frustration bitterness and yet crying righteousness and then go out into the world bitter broken angry conceited ignorant arrogant trying to appear righteous on the outside but being unholy on the inside and then claiming to be a witness for Christ and doing way more damage than hell because people do not care about what you say you are they watching what you do they watching how you are so if all you do is condemn and judge but it's without love and if your example is poor then your reprimand holds no weight see if you can't live it I remember working with him with a pro sports team and one of the players he said to me he said you know this other guy is always preaching and in saying here Christian and all of this but then he listened to young though and I was like wow I was like so I said okay so because he listened to young though you saying that mess up his witness with you he's like yeah yeah you can't listen to young though and then say you a Christian I was like wow and this this this gentleman he was all the way up there he was all the way out there but he wanted to do right he wanted to be right but he was looking for an example he was looking for somebody who say I'm a Christian to be thorough inside and out to be a stand-up human being and to elevate to a higher level and to be on another level doing the right thing that's what he was looking for that's what he was waiting on but see we got so many people that say one thing and do another see real recognize real and la people don't look familiar but when you know God you know God to give you a piece got to get you a piece gotta give you a wisdom got to give you understanding so that even when you see somebody in the comments see when you have a godly wisdom you don't feel the need to go in the comments and try to show how smart you are Timothy was talking about that you say in these in these days people gonna start trying to talk so much to show how smart they are out in the public out and about but you know better don't get in arguments with people who trying to show godly with don't argue about what you already know by what God already done told you don't argue with people about that because many people have been led away from the faith see that that's why if I see somebody with a spirit of bed go back to differ on your page because God trying to do a work here so yes you yes you deleted and you try me again yes you blocked because you got a spirit of debate you got a spirit of Bagger different already know what God told me if he told you something different that's why he created the people to make Google they make the by YouTube they make so that you can make you a and create your YouTube and make you a video so you could be on that side of the fence but you're not finna come in my congregation and be sowing discord because you operating from the wrong place from your spirit of beg a different you got every right to bear to do but don't come in here causing confusion and see when you start to talk with God and work with God and understand he'll give you a wisdom the stop getting caught up wallowing in the mud to stop throwing pearls to swine he'd get your wisdom to Jess it nor keep going block delete got to go got a work to do can't come down from sea because the atmosphere we're gonna send people to try to confuse you don't send people to try to sit down him and grill you don't get caught up in a fake righteous argument I don't care what you think you know I don't care what you think you know I know God I'm not gonna argue with you but God I'm not gonna argue with you about Christianity I'm not gonna argue about because I know God is real I know Jesus Christ is real I know it because I live it and I experienced it ain't nothing you could tell me you go get any history book you want to get you go get any book you wanna get you know the letter that you read from somebody else but that's why you frustrated that's why my faith frustrates you because what you believe ain't brought you peace because if what you believe brought you peace you wouldn't be trying to argue with me about what I believe because you'll just be in peace and say okay hey you want to believe in a Jesus Christ go right ahead I'm so happy over here well I'm not amazing you'll be so at peace you wouldn't want to argue with me but you frustrated and you angry because you'd have been turned over to a reprobate mind you lost your mind and you have committed your life to trying to disprove something that's already proven and it's so much proofing is so much evidence that is frustrating you to the point that you want to yell you want to scream you want to call names when you find somebody who is offended by your faith that's proof in itself that that your peace that your righteousness that your blessings that passeth all understanding that's evidence that what you believe in is right and guess what you don't have to argue that you don't have to argue that because see you're gonna start to step into the blessings in every area in every area and see you're gonna be blessed in every way in every way Bobby say muzzle not the mouth of the ox that treads to feel see the Ox is is pulling the plow that's that's giving his field prepare the Bible said muscle not his mouth let him eat let him eat cuz he working so I in first Timothy I was talking about don't get mad with an elder for being paid well and especially if he's good at preaching and teaching he deserved to be paid well because the Bible said Muslims not the mouth of a Nazi when you come into the Peace of the Lord you're gonna be blessed going and coming there is not an area of my life that's a weakness I have peace in every area of my life I have relational piece I have financial piece I have spiritual peace I have emotional peace now I went off the other day I did go off the other day and Mike down the drive-through because the lady answered the other speaker three times and left me on my speaker not now that right there got to me I had her I had to repent law I'm paying right now forgive me Lord come when she got to my mind I hey I need to talk to your manager cuz you answered o speaker three times and you asked my one time no I was wrong for that and when I got to that wonder ain't curse ain't curse I just had me talk to your manager the manager was that the window and she said here you go here's your receipt I comped your order you don't owe anything that was my fault that was my mistake and I just looked I said okay alright thank you now I know some of y'all right now you going he hit oh you're righteous you have mcdonnell's guess what what I just heard that's what I just heard in the book of first Timothy first Timothy say it's gonna be people that come to you telling you you shouldn't eat this and you shouldn't eat that you say everything under the Sun is blessed by God God owns that he blessed it you can eat it pray over it and eat it so yes I was getting a bit Mike with no pickles for the Queen because she like a Big Macs on time okay yes I have me a piece of Popeye chicken the other day but see that's the matter with faith righteousness is that we want to be righteous in the little and then we want to be wrong in the big there's so many people I see who they say I don't eat pork okay you don't eat pork but your heart is bitter you're gonna dive a bit of heart that little bit of that then look at a pork ain't gonna kill you my grandma ate poor little well into her 80s if people important in a 90s if P being poor past 100 that poor gonna kill you well gonna kill you at that bit of heart see you jealous in your heart you bitter in your heart you don't eat pork but you fornicating you vegan but you fornicating you see what I'm saying see it does you no good to be righteous in works but then to be unrighteous in your spirit in your heart in your mind you hear what I'm telling you because they're poor getting on that ain't gonna put you in hell their fornication will that adultery will that backbiting that lion that deceiving that manipulation that we'll see you got to understand like they say we major in minor things you got to start majoring in minor things you got to know what really matters and this one thing my queen has taught me she taught me balance she taught me balance and and to major in the major things and to keep the main thing the main thing stop focusing on the minor thing so so I will talk to people a lot of times women and they may have a certain belief system and then they say well I don't eat this so I don't eat that I don't eat that but I can't leave my ex-boyfriend alone so you defiling your spirit you're creating soul tires but then you pat yourself on the back because you're vegan or vegetarian or pescetarian just saying and no because that man could drive you crazy send you to our early agree but you eating a piece of beef or a piece of pork if you eat that at moderation now you sit down eat it all day young it's gonna mess you up but see people we wanna argue about things that when you have balance it's nothing wrong with it things that when you have balance in your life and you understand that spiritual health being righteous in your spirit then will lead to being righteous in your body and then when you realize that there was a transition cuz he just what the thing is a lot of times we do stuff because we want to feel special we want to be applauded I was listening further Timothy he said that an elder should not be a heavy drinker but he was talking to the people and he said drink you some wine because you always see your stomach always sick drink you some wine you know I didn't used to drink any kind of alcohol but you know why it was for bragging rights I wanted that to be a part of my Mac my game play up front of Himalaya so I pull up on there's lady okay and I'm talking to her and why are we talking I'm like yeah oh yeah myself oh I don't smoke I don't drink I don't curse so she'll be like what ooh you don't even curse Oh Oh curse really well I got a potty mouth I need to stop cursing so why don't you curse hey I am a man cursor because he lacks the knowledge to express what's on his mind oh whoa okay and you don't drink no nothing smell alcohol what you are rare that's why I didn't drink smoke or curse at first it was because I was athlete then I lost my college scholarship got kicked off the team for a bad attitude because I was lazy and always faking injuries and so at that point okay I could have cursed on teeny err by the curse I could have drank everybody drink I could uh smoke everybody smoke I got the normal thing it was a lot of athlete is pro athletes today drank like a fish smoked like a chimney curse like a sailor sleep around like a escort and that's what I was doing sleeping around like a escort so let me ask you what sense does it make for me not to drink when you could drink in moderation and there's nothing wrong with it Jesus turned water into wine if it was a sin to drink then he wouldn't turn water in the alcohol the sin is when you do it without moderation the sin is when you become a wine-bibber when you become a drunkard why because now you got a gluttonous spirit now you don't have self-control now you being turned over to another mindset so what sense duis does it make for me not to drink not the curse I still don't curse just because it's called profanity for a reason so if it's profanity that means it's profane and you cannot mix the sacred with the profane so I don't use profanity because it's certain words is labeled as profanity some people want to argue their right to curse if that's what you want to argue go ahead go ahead that's why everything is subject to your interpretation that's why you got to serve God in spirit and in truth because he God is a spirit not a letter in a book God is a spirit so you got to understand that you may not your your knowledge is going to fail you at some point when it comes to comprehending the letter of the word that's why you have to have the Spirit of God in you because your spirit will be quickened your spirit will be convicted when you out of line because see that's why people want to be theologians and people want to be all intelligent but if you saying that your interpretation of the writing in the book is the end-all be-all then you tell an illiterate person that they can't serve God you tell them an illiterate person that they got dependent solely on your interpretation that when they hear the word they got to depend on your comprehension skills see illiterate person may not be able to read it but be able to hear it and understand it I listen to the audio on a Holy Bible out on the Bible out so not let me get back to what I was saying what sense would it mean for me not the dream not the curse not the smoke but being fornication and in in fornication unprotected so not only am i fornicating and creating soul ties multiple soul ties with multiple women but then also risking a child out of wedlock a child that will be born out of fornication a child born of sin and then having the mother carry this child with toxins in her body because her brain her mind the control center is angry and frustrated and bitter and hateful and spiteful because a man lied to her used her mistreated her convinced her to get on her back to give her body to him without protection now her toxic thoughts sending chemicals from her brain to her stomach that is carrying her child so this child is being baked in stress baked in the sand and a lot of the women who are pregnant in an hour in fornication continue to fornicate the 910 months while carrying the baby so not only was the baby conceived in sin the baby is being carried in sin then the baby is being born into sin and being taken care of by a willing couple of sinners who have given away their mind and their spirit to unrighteousness but don't eat McDonald's listen to what I just said to you rewind hit rewind button if you need to we baking and balling and brewing in sin fornication unrighteousness but you pat yourself on the back because you don't eat pork because you don't eat fast food because you don't drink soda because you don't work on Saturday because you don't work on Sunday you'll back out a bruise on it you deter you you the same color is 12:01 a.m. and you can turn red coz you pan your back yourself on the back so hard but you love eating habits but you in fornication then you say well I'm in fornication but ain't nobody perfect you're right but that's a decision that's a choice you make it over and over and over you're right ain't nobody perfect so well I'm in fornication but I'm using protection one lady came in the comments one time I remember she said oh I don't know why Tony just assumes everybody who is in fornication she said have it you know SDA everyone who's in fornication is doing so unprotected I can't remember I responded to or not I might respond to I might have deleted them and I say you see what you see what we you see what we do we want to major in the minor so you and fornication and you happy and bragging because you using protection listen to me a culture center any common cannot protect you against soul ties cannot protect you against spiritually transmitted diseases it may protect you from some sexual transmitted diseases see some some STDs is on the skin so condom I'm not when they pelvis area here and you that's skin the skin you're still contracting some STD sexually transmitted disease but more so than that you could put a condom over your whole body put one on your tongue put one over your head put one wrap around your waist you could wrap your whole body on latex lay down there and get in that sin later on there in that fornication guess what spiritually transmitted diseases spiritually transmitted demons sexually transmitted demons sexually transmitted distractions sexually transmitted demands deviations down nations all kinds of STDs that at home cannot protect you from see we want a major in the minor oh you really should not eat fast food do you know what they do that meet you Evvie it ain't heard me but what's right with me is my spirit could see you're going to eat organic but the farm is on they spraying it with pesticides you would not dare you would not do it don't matter what country you in you being told a lot that's not your grocery store how many times you seen a commercial and say hey if you've been taking the pill or the supplement for the last ten years called such-and-such they have just been hit with a 300 million dollar lawsuit that claims that they were all natural but it was actually processed and you've been a and patting yourself on the back altering all-natural what form you was on what factory using you reading the label you make that you bought that for somebody that your country been selling you lies since your great-great grand so so what I'm trying to help you understand you need a major in what really matters that's your spirit that's righteousness okay congratulations you eat kale congratulations but your spirit is defiled because you better and you jealous and you spiteful and you hateful and you argumentative that you want to argue about things that don't matter and you want to come young people and you really don't care if they live or die but you want to condemn them to make them feel less than because you think you higher than in an area that does not matter now see if you live in righteous then you're not even gonna argue you're gonna walk in love if you live in righteous then it's not about what's coming out of your mouth it's about what you doing with your life I'll let you say it can you ask the missus can we clone you hey you know I showed my wife a little stuff like that get my look kudos meal pattern about it somebody go oh what Tony what is that any different than what you just said we're doing it's a thing called sarcasm I know I might not laugh at my own jokes okay but you got to use inference so I showed it to my wife and you know what she said she said women asked me can we clone you and they just saying that based off what they see she said they don't even know the half of who you are and what you do often the cry right now because what my wife said to me it spoke volumes if I truly documented and show the world like some people try to do on Instagram how I treat my wife you will throw up in your mouth you will say you got a good heart and that you happy for everybody it will make you sick because the Ephesians 5 says husband's love your wives as Christ loved the church the peace the blessings the abundance the favor everything that Christ has done for me if I showed you if I told you if you ain't all the way right you will go up in your mouth because God is so good god is so good beyond words I don't have the words to express what walking with Christ has done for my life I do not have the words I'm here to tell you this thing is real but that's why I show you the to the best of my ability while I show up and I serve while I show up and I give why I go when I don't feel like going I did not want to do this today ain't wanna do this message but I say it ain't about me somebody else needed I don't want to do my life that I opposed to do tonight at 9:00 p.m. I can't promise on the door cuz I'm tired I don't feel like doing it and somebody say well Tony if get you some rest I rest that's what the nighttime but I'll still be tired because I'm giving and I'm giving and I'm giving but when I look at Christ and I said where would I be what would I have what would life looked like had he said Lord I'm tired I refused I cannot go I cannot take this crucifixion I cannot take this beating I cannot carry this cross I cannot go I refuse I quit and Christ said I quit where would I be so guess what when you have been called your calling ain't about you telling everybody that you call people up to know you call by your service by your work people ought to know that Christ is real by your heart see I don't condemn anybody but I correct everybody but not just with my mouth with my deeds so if you in the room I'm gonna put a message in the air I'm not calling your name but if the shoe thing the shoe fit if the shoe don't fit the shoe don't fit if ain't stepping on your toes then you ain't gonna what your grandma used to say a hit dog Hollow well he human hollow see when you are in the comment with a paragraph of beg to differ that's when I know I stepped on your toes because if this I convict your spirit if you're doing everything right if you already way you need to be can't nobody offend you can't nobody offend you when you righteous the only thing you won't feel when you righteous is a righteous indignation when you offended by the insubordination of His Highness when people bringing disrespect and blasphemy that's when you want to go into the temple like Jesus and flip over the table with a righteous indignation because you know how real it is in the field you know how real God is so you feel this righteous indignation when somebody is blaspheming the name of Christ because Christ done saved you Christ has been your grace your mercy your help your healing so when somebody ain't never tried Christ at his word all the way and they wanna holla that's a fairy tale that's faith you need to get in touch with your rules that's a white man religion the Bible come from Africa the Bible was written before America was even founded the language of the Bible is not English it's translated in the English how is this the Confederate in the South religion it will Christians in Africa before evil Christians in America but they want to argue but what first Timothy told me today first Timothy meaning it's a book of first Timothy and it's a book of seven Tim 2nd Tim I'm not talking about the first chapter in the book of Timothy I listened to the whole first Timothy this morning why come on help but well first Timothy told me today Tony stop arguing don't argue with the fools that think they know what they talking about when you know what you know because you live in it and and and Christ improving himself to you because you see the fruits you see the fruits of walking with Christ don't argue with somebody who ain't never walked with Christ fully wholeheartedly and don't really know what this here is about let them go ahead let them go on about their business you can't save everybody you can't save everybody but just be the example just let your blessings they gonna see your blessings on you they don't see your peace they're gonna see your happiness they're gonna see you're blessed and beautiful marriage they're gonna see the fruit of it they're gonna see your blessed and beautiful children they're gonna see them straight age no a minuses or straight A's are all A's and B's you know behavior infractions they don't see that yes ma'am no ma'am well-spoken well-mannered well-behaved they don't see the blessings of your children your own one that's because grades don't define them but they behavior define something your child could get C's but if they well-behaved they know how to carry themselves guess what they gonna see the blessings they gonna be blessed so whatever what first Timothy told me today so I said okay so get blocked delete just like Jesus told maybe it was Peter when they got ready when it went when Jesus getting ready to do some work and Peter said unto him I ain't no no don't go you can't do it it came and he looked at Peter he looked at a human man and he says Satan get thee behind me he argued he didn't debate Satan get thee behind me that's what I'd be doing in in economy block delete that means Satan get deep jaimé I'm not going to go back and forth with you I got a work to do stop defending your belief system when you are hand public stop arguing with fools if I will tell you don't argue with a fool it's a speaking to us in the book of Proverbs it's a correcting one time because it might save his life don't correct them twice cannot you you arguing with a fool not you ain't gonna know the difference hey listen to me you got to know what matters and you got to get right in your spirit veganize your spirit you want a pescetarian you want a vegan you want to cut out fat food you want to cut out so to cut it out of your spirit first don't do all the other works and still be spiritually poor don't be deep rich don't be fooled rich and spiritually poor and understand what really matters the book attempted to told me today it basically what it was saying to me we focused on the wrong thing Paul this Paul will talking in the book of Timothy he right he wrote the letter okay the Timothy to his brother in Christ but it Paul talking basically what Paul was saying is people focusing on the wrong thing it verbatim said now listen to the New International Version I believe it verbatim said people want to come to tell you what kind of food not to eat he was talking about the rules of the Old Testament from the law he said but God won't bless all of the food eat your food what really matters is when your spirit is that are you hateful are you spiteful are you bitter are you jealous you like to argue you like to debate you like to condemn you like to criticize to make yourself feel righteous see the righteous holds the righteous accountable the unrighteous will try to come and condemn the righteous for an area that the unrighteous has found some strength in oh you know I don't work on Saturday because Saturday is actually the real Sabbath if you look in to cola 95 o 8 what you will see from the great minister baka kala is that the Sabbath is actually congratulation what your spirit is defiled come talk to me buy something else come talk to me buy something else top means buy something that really matter why are you in fornication but you but but but you claim you know what the Sabbath day is it don't matter why are you in fornication why are you hating and you bitter and you backed by him but you don't be poor if your spirits still nasty you might as well go out there and lay with the pigs and roll around if your mind and your spirit nasty you hit what I'm telling you hey I hope this message ain't go over your head sometimes I need messages you gonna how to Apple Sarah come in on the Commons try to cause confusion on someone I might have to turn the comments off so that the messages for who is for and as people try to make you feel bad about not accepting their difference of opinion you have every right to your opinion on your page you have every right to your opinion in your church you have every right that your church that you found it you have every right to your opinion in your house that you bought in your car that you bought but you can't get mad at somebody else because they don't want to go back and forth with you by theirs you what I'm telling you that's what you got to understand but see the spirit of disk or the adversary the reason why the adversary has a beg to differ spirit let me help you understand if why I get off he'll cuz ain't the Lord and call me pastor hour yet let me help you understand why the Atma Sarah raise up beg to differ the reason why he raises up beg to differ it's because just like the book of first Timothy was talking about he said people don't come to you and they're gonna use big words and sound like they know what they talking about but you already know Christ you saw Christ work you know what's real but they're gonna come with their doctrine and sound educated in own point so they're gonna make a very educated educated sounding argument but the holes in it is spiritual and only a person who has come off a spiritual milk and now on spiritual meat can see the holes but who you call to is to help the people that's on milk get the solid food so the person that's on milk they came and they received clarity from your ministry but then here go this person over here who working for the adversary they came with their message belief system that sound like it makes sense but it ain't for the people who God has sent to you so when you sit and you at the lunch table at work and you arguing with somebody who is on the opposing side you only causing confusion for your ministry and your message so for the person that's on milk spiritual milk who God sent to you because you entertain an argument with somebody the adversary sent now your witness is lost because your witness is confused but had your witness see had your witness saw that you know what you know and that you have a spiritual peace and a spiritual confidence that you don't even waste your time arguing and going back and forth for about what you know with somebody who got a spirit of beg to differ because they pitied and because that gives them joy by being able to ruffle the feathers of others they just said they're rough fleurs that's what they major in ruffling feathers because if they care so much about what they know they will be too busy on their own ministry on their own page teaching what they but they don't care that much so what they want to do is to go to somebody else ministry and cause confusion Satan get thee behind me hey god bless you this Tony Gaskins will top song
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 27,237
Rating: 4.9472246 out of 5
Id: P4s9ExsvZ6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 29sec (3569 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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