You will be elevated! | Sunday Sermon

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hey tony guys here popping in now you know i'm a little late today on my sunday sermon my son had a soccer game this morning so normally the time that i would be shooting my sunday sermon i had to go to a soccer game but i wanted to pop in today you know i had to um had to block me somebody today and one thing i'm big on is protecting my energy you know i'm always big on protecting my energy and you always have you know the adversary gonna always send people in your life to derail you you could be working towards something in your life and somebody will come in they'll share their fears and they'll share their doubts and they'll question you and say do you really want to do that do you really think you can achieve that do you really think you can you know make that happen and it's really because they doubt themselves they fear for themselves and some a lot of times the stuff that god gives you other people won't understand i have a quote that says you can't expect people to see your vision because god has given you different lenses and so um every now and then i'm always you know taking inventory i'm taking inventory to see you know who is happy for you who wants to see you win you know so it's a good thing when you can watch somebody that you grew up with or somebody you know and or somebody you watch online and you see them progress you see them go from you know little to much and be faithful over it all and the other thing is that we always have to realize that especially when you working for god you're working with god when your life is a testament a testimony what you have to realize is that so many people want to see your pain so many people want to see you struggle i always talk about we have levels of support in life to where when it looks like you're not gonna do nothing you're not gonna be nothing when you look like you on the struggle bus um what a lot of people didn't realize about me until here recently is that i had um made a million dollars by the age of 30. you know i was already in that range early in my life but i'm not the showy type of person you know i could have big old diamond you know big chains and all of this stuff and and and if you go to my instagram you'll see where you won't see me sitting on the hood of my car and i've i it's just not something that i do so i'm not braggadocious i'm not a show-off but one thing that i don't believe we should do is hide the blessings of god because it's high the peace and the prosperity and and that's one thing that i want to share with those who can understand where i'm coming from everybody's not going to understand this but you go and you serve god and you live right to the best of your ability you live a righteous lifestyle and you're praying for more in life you tired of riding the struggle bus you tired of going up the rough side of the mountain and you like lord i'm trying to be a witness for you i want people to understand about your peace and your blessings and just what that love feels like to walk with you but how can i be a witness for you if i'm always down trodden if i'm always sad and depressed if i'm always in lack and in scarcity who wants to serve a god that if that god is a god of poverty if that god is a god of brokenness if that god is a god of you know scarcity and so that's not what god does and when you read the bible when you look at the life of job he went through a whole lot but job was was wealthy job was filthy rich as what the term will called today he was wealthy righteously rich and then went through lost it all but then on the other side he was given double double of what he had so gardner say because you're my faithful servant i'm gonna i'm gonna let you have less cattle than everybody else in the city in town i'm gonna let you have a smaller home than everybody else no god gave them double and so i want you to understand when when your sacrifice puts you in a position where god can open up the windows of heaven and pour out on your life and and bless you with the promotion on your job bless you with your own business give you the wisdom and the clarity to write your book to start your company you know to lose the weight you've been trying to lose give you the confidence and the strength and the courage to get that degree that you've been working on or that certification that you've been wanting when when god gives you the peace and the strength and the courage and the humility to pursue that which he has promised you don't be afraid to be amazing and don't be ashamed to share your story and one thing you got to realize is the people who get offended by your blessings the people who want you to hide your blessings and hide your testimony those people never wanted to see you win anyways those people were selfish and they only came to get what you could do for them but they didn't want to see you progress they didn't want to see you grow so those are people that you get far from because those people you can't even trust those people will be stealing from you those people will be key keying in your face and lying and talking back about you behind your back the people that when you got a check when you got to tell them about yourself they cut you off they block you they never and but they've been there all this time and the one time you say no what a one time you have to get with them and get them in line now they want to cut you off and you the worst person ever live that person always disliked you that person they were waiting for an excuse they were waiting for you to give them what sound like a good reason to cut you off because your grace your favor your peace your poise has always offended their insecurities your confidence when you was broke when you were struggling when you went through that divorce when you put on that weight when you lost that job when you lost your mother or your father when things going wrong for you in your life they on your phone every day they're on your phone every day and they trying to they they tricked you and made you think they was a good friend because when you were miserable they wanted to be right up under you but when the tables turn when life start to change for you and the promises that god had given you started to come to fruition now they get an attitude now they get a little distant see because not ain't got nothing to talk about see they used to could talk about you and say yeah she really or he really going through it's everything going bad and your misery was their company your misery made them feel better about their life but then when you get a little something when you get that house when you get that car and when you get that job or you start that business or you birth that book whatever it may be you lose that weight whatever it may be now they're like um you think you all that i remember a quote that said every joke is 50 true you think you all that don't you saying it like they being sarcastic but they halfway really mean it not any and what you got to say no i don't think i'm all that do you think i'm all that obviously so cause you put words in my mouth i never said i was all that i know i'm blessed to have a favor but i didn't say i was all that i never treated you any different never treated you any less than but you don't expect me to park down the street and and get out of my new brand new toyota camry or whatever it may be that god bless me with the walk up here like i had to walk to work don't expect me to post some water on the side of my face to look like i'm sweating from walking to work when god had blessed me with a vehicle or or a year bus pass from when i used to be walking you see what i'm saying a lot of times and that's the one thing is that we want to look so downtrodden we want to look so bro busted and disgusted because we don't want to offend anybody we we want to live within limits when the bible say when you come into the knowledge of the lord you receive a strong confidence the knowledge of the lord brings about a strong confidence so that strong confidence makes you go beyond the limits that other people have placed on you but we'll take and downplay ourselves and we'll live beneath our means to make other people feel comfortable but see now one thing is is look shine as bright as the lord has allowed you to shine but make sure everybody know that to god be the glory that you wouldn't be here without god so so yeah you're gonna hear me mention uh blessings from god but don't confuse my testimony with me bragging but the way god bless is that when you share your testimony an insecure person gonna call it bragging because they don't understand what a testimony is because they ain't had theirs yet because they're too busy hating on you getting yours they too busy being jealous of god showing up and showing out in your life that they're not to experience a testimony because they don't understand they're blocking their own blessings by being jealous of you getting to the next level in your life birthing some in your life when you in that terrible uh relationship when that relationship looking like who shot john forgot to kill him they all in your business they want to be on the phone so how so how are things going today how's everything today um that is just oh my goodness oh my goodness let's let's pray right now they all in your business when you crying and you down but when stuff start to turn around for you you find a peace and you get happy now it's like your happiness make them sad because now you don't depend on them you don't got to depend on them anymore because now you can lean on god now you know who god is now you got the strength of god and now they start to feel worse because they want to be your god because now your mem your misery gave them meaning your misery gave them meaning in their life because the only way they feel good about themselves is is if you doing worse than they are and so when you recognize that listen you can't feel bad about it you can't feel bad about it you got to keep on living you got to keep on pressing so listen i ain't going to bring you in inside of everything and just show just the show but ain't gonna hide it either i ain't gonna hide it either and you know the the you'll see people that they gonna have stuff to say to you and then muscle said this to me she said i've seen this online you know everybody's saying my biggest flex is my biggest flex is this my biggest flex is that uh i saw one say my biggest flex is that i don't have to be in and pretend i'm something i'm not myself say she saw one say my biggest flex is that i could flex more i say wow now look at that and that's what you got to let folks know it's like listen yes at some point you're going to see olive oil dripping off of me but understand if i took you to the source and if this right here a little bit that you know offends you if i told you everything about the peace the grace the favor the mercy you'll throw up on yourself if you get offended by the by seeing a uh look teensy weensy bit of the glow up the blessings the progression the growth you will actually lose your mind if i had to walk you through everything and that's what you got to tell them that's what you got to tell them what you got to let them know and and see the good thing about this now what i want you to realize is a lot of my message is inspired well all my message inspired by real life so one thing i want you to understand is whenever i bring you a message that's when you hear a on time word that's why it's on time because it comes from real life so don't ever feel like when you hear me talking about something i use myself as an example that's just me letting you know that i'm not talking at you i'm talking with you i'm human just like you i experience what you experience but i don't ever feel like oh tony ignore the haters oh tony don't let people get get you down listen ain't nobody get me down they can't get me down cause i serve god but when i speak on something that i have experienced i want you to know that when you if you have an experience you getting ready to and when you get ready to now you got a blueprint on how to deal with it because i don't share with you what i went through so that's our job in the kingdom to confess one to another to strengthen one to another to uplift one one to another don't don't hide your pain don't hide your pain report but also don't hide your praise report don't don't don't be secretive about the test but don't be secretive about the testimony either you see what i mean because god gets his glory through your story so if you go and you parade around with all your misery and your pain to get some sympathy but then you get blessed and you hide that because you're afraid you're gonna offend somebody then god don't get no glory from your story not now it's just you not you being self-righteous and self-serving because you got all this sympathy and got you a gofundme for being downtrodden but then god didn't get the praise that didn't get lifted up by how he showed up and showed out in your life so that's what you got to understand that's what you have to understand and listen to him don't don't get don't get especially on my page don't get comfortable don't because if you don't want to see somebody change for the better if you don't want to see somebody grow if you don't want to see somebody go to the next level then you there for the wrong reasons so if you on my page you got to understand you my life god always going to take me higher every year every year it's going to get bigger and better because that's the promises of his word so just cause you see me one place today don't mean i'm gonna be there tomorrow just because i'm at one rate today don't mean i'm gonna be there next year so don't get comfortable with where somebody at when you know god working in a life because what would that say about god if a person ain't elevating if you don't see somebody go from an apartment that they rent to a house that they rent or or from a house that they rent and their goal is to own to a house that they own then that's a that's a problem if they profess in the name of the lord and they living right and doing right because where god is you're going to see the results so don't ever get used to or get comfortable with a child of god being stagnant see that's an oxymoron a child of god is not gonna be stagnant it's not gonna be complacent it's gonna get bigger and better it's gonna be brighter it's gonna be next level so what you got to understand is when you go and you really read the bible you're gonna see that when god started to move in people life they went from living with somebody else or being sold to slavery or going through to having land to having cattle to having sheep and then getting more and more and more when you read the old testament and you read about the stories of god's service what they had in the bible would will be the equivalent of being a multi-millionaire today when you understand inflation understand money if you have what they had in the bible if you had that today you were millionaire with the land that god gave his children with the cattle and the sheep and the goats and the donkeys what god gave his servants his children will make some of the people in the bible will be a trillionaire today you see what i'm saying so don't alpha get comfortable and it ain't just about material and money god gave sarah a child at 95. nah you eat processed food so serum 95 might be your 45 okay don't get too happy now because you eat processed food so understand this god's still on the throne miracle's still being performed i'm watching miracles happen i'm watching miracles happy with my very eyes and god gonna meet you where you need him see so for one person it might be a miracle in their body because there's a sickness in their body in another person it may be a miracle in their marriage for another person it may be a miracle on their job for another person it may be a miracle in their business in their finances see so understand this don't think that just because somebody go from a hooptie to a bentley that christianity is about materialism no that's where they were elevated at because everything else was taken care of so one person could go from sick to healthy they didn't need a new car they didn't need to elevate in in a in a car or in their house they needed healing in their body but somebody else might be healed and healthy in their body so god gonna bless you where you have room to grow god gonna meet your need but not just your need the bible say god will give you the desires of your heart so are so many people that want christians to be struggling you ain't reading the bible because ain't nowhere did god promise you on ongoing misery and struggles and the times that god was talking about where you're gonna struggle and it's gonna be hard really when you look at the context a lot of times christianity was banned in that area so what god was saying when he said forsake not the fellowship we can't even barely fellowship right now because of this here pam in me but when god when god was talking in the bible sometimes you have to look at the context and say look there was no real christians everybody need to come together everybody need to bring everything to the storehouse everybody got to stick together everybody you got to be a tribe because we're getting beheaded out here for being christians so you have to understand context as well when you read the message but it's still our principles that although you are in a different day and time the word still stands true so don't don't get ready to argue the word theologian the word still stands true every letter of it but you have to see and pray for the wisdom the discernment the knowledge and understanding of god how do i apply this word to my life in this day in this time in this season what is it for me so i'm seeing god moving my life in one area in in a certain area here certain area here i will watch god move in somebody else's life in another area but not everybody blessings is the same because we god will not put more on us than we can bear so we are given different blessings at different times based on our growth maturation in christ so depending on where you are will determine what god can put on you in the form of blessings and progression so never let somebody sit next to you who is not open to receiving the word of god they're not trying to hear it and they working against you never have an enemy behind the lines never sleep with a demon never sleep with a devil never that why the bible said you got to come out from among them bob said what what is what are you doing with these people over here who they ain't trying to be reached ain't trying to hear none of this here you wasting your time reach those who are open and they ready to come over but they looking for answers and they just don't have the answer see that's why the bible say men are chosen but few are called everybody ain't everybody can't be converted because where there's good there will be evil so some people have chosen what side they want to be on as an adult and if you read the word you will see you will be a fool to try to convert everybody even jesus knew as he walked the earth he couldn't convert everybody that's why it played out to him being crucified so you have to understand that if jesus purpose was to show you that not everybody can be converted and some people are going to want to argue you to death some people don't want to see you down see you hurt see you bother see you broken you got to know who that is when you when god show until you know who that is and then you be a blessing and you'll be a testimony you'll be an example for those you are called to reach and understand that you will not reach everybody and my daddy gave me this thing a long time ago he said son i was like dad why can't you know jesus suck with the centers he said yeah you're right he had dinner with him he hang with him every day he ain't lay down with him he tried to reach him he let him see god working in his life using him but if they didn't convert they didn't change then he couldn't god don't force anybody to do right so don't get out here trying to play god let god touch their heart that's all you could pray to god soften their heart so that i could reach him he said to me say son if i give you a clean white suit and you go outside and you go to sitting up against and brushing up against and hugging and rubbing on this boy over here your friend who got on a dirty dirty suit he said do you think that clean white fin to rub off on that dirty suit or that dirty suit finna rub off on that clean and basically what he was trying to tell me is that not everybody want to change clothes not everybody want to get clean not everybody want to be renewed somebody was because if they want to check they say oh well let me take this let me take my jacket off cause it's filthy so how did you get washed white as snow let me take this off okay now what you did okay show them what you did oh okay oh okay little water okay a little soap okay scrub it together okay you see what i'm saying some people know i'm trying to keep my dirt i'm trying to keep mine my sin uh and they set their goal out to conquer you that's why a lot of men and women fall into bed in fornication sinning against god because they trying to make love to someone mind who has a spirit in them that refuses to change and then their goal is to prove to themselves that god is not real by conquering you they want to prove to themselves that god is not real by conquering you and so sometimes people come to try me but i got and i don't step out of character now but i'ma read you just like jesus read them there come jesus jesus say you listen you go tell that viper i said this the man was getting ready to do something to jesus and the man he said i got all the power right now to crush you yo yo life is in my hands and what you got to say for yourself jesus said you have no power other than that which my father in heaven has given you and say what what you hit me so that's how i talk to people i let them know like listen just because i'm a christian don't mean that you won't get read left to right i'm not gonna curse i'm not gonna sin but i'm gonna let you know with the knowledge of the lord comes a strong confidence you're not finna bully me you're not finna punk me you're not finna intimidate me i don't feel nobody but god you see what i'm saying a lot of people have christianity so they think because you're a christian you put the right on the bus because it's a gospel song they talk about going up the rough side of the mountain they think because you're a christian you're supposed to keep the same car for 20 years because that show humility that's not humility that's stupidity you're going to be on the side of the road pushing your car so if god gave you wisdom and god gave you the means and god gave you the ability to get in something that's going to get you to point a to b but god has given you also the ability to get some a little nicer that's going to get you to point a to b you get the maximum of what god has allowed you to get and understand that you can't feel bad about that because somebody else is in another walk in their life because god no he can't put them in no 2020 or 2021 because they they're a baby in the lord and that's gonna have them back in the club trying to show off their new interior god no he can't give them a promotion yet because that's gonna have them back in the casino gambling away they knew earnings because they've been struggling with gambling so what you have to realize is that you can't feel bad about your blessings just because everybody ain't been blessed on the same level somebody say oh you know you making investments and people losing their job so when i'm supposed to stop living and stop operating in the blessings and preparing my future preparing my family because somebody lost their job i don't know what the person who lost their job doing but i know if they serve to god i serve they gonna find another job i know if they serve my god they're gonna be okay but i'm not finna stop living a blessed life the life that god has allowed me to live because somebody in the world or even another christian because that's between them and god if god say help them then i'ma help them if god say be a blessing i'm gonna be a blessing so i can't i maybe can't give you no job but god say do a video on multiple streams of income because i got a child that's watching that video so you can't pay their way through life because you got a wife and kids but give them the knowledge you can't go fish farm and feed them but teach them how to fish you see what i'm saying but i can't say oh well i'm just gonna stop building business and i'm just gonna stop investing in my future because people are losing their job and i want to feel the pain of losing a job i don't lost a job i don't been without a job i don't been evicted but you got to stay the course i know that they got to stay the course i'm going to pray for them lord bless them if i know them personally or if i hear about it i'm going to pray for them blessed because i know it's a lesson in the testing it's a lesson in the testing it's a lesson then comes the blessing so that's what i know so listen to me stop feeling bad about because that is the trick of the enemy to make you feel guilty to make you feel guilty about the grace and favor and blessings over your life to whatever extent it may be it may be that you went from living with somebody else to your own room in a room and house it may be you went from a room a house to your own little apartment in a low-income area it may be you went from that apartment in the low come in local low income area to a median income area and then to a high earning income area it may it will be one step at a time because god didn't move you too fast because too much or derail your walk so god didn't move you too fast but one thing that the enemy want to do is the enemy understands that so as a man thinketh that he is that's the word of the lord so the enemy knows that if he could get you to think that you don't deserve the blessings if you don't deserve favor if you don't deserve a promotion if you don't deserve to earn more money if you don't deserve to be elevated then he knows that all your blessings will be blocked because the bible say a double-minded man receives nothing from the lord see god can't pour out and bless you unless you believe that you are ready and you are worthy of it now you gonna still get more than what you worthy for but you got to say lord thank you for seeing me as worthy because you're reading the bible when when jesus was doing miracles he said according to your faith be it unto you according to your faith be it unto you he said because you believe this is what you can receive now because you over here don't believe you can't receive but because you believe you can receive so the enemy the adversary your haters the people that's jealous of you they want you to feel guilty about the promotion that you were offered and they will come to you and say you know what if i was you i wouldn't even take that promotion because all they want to do is just keep you a slave to this job and it's like oh here go a promotion they just want to give you that promotion just so you can't find nothing else so then you sit there and say hmm you know what you you know you got a point you know you what you know what you got a good point i'm finna go in there and tell them thanks but no thanks because i got bigger dreams i'm not gonna get promoted on this job i'm not gonna set their promotion you go in there and tell them that and then the same demon that told you not to accept your promotion they gonna put their application in hey i heard tanya turn turn down the position just want to let you know i'm open for it when it told the the supervisor that supervisor called tony that's so tiny um so yeah so i mean call uh lindsey and now so yeah uh latoya told turned down the position so do you want the position well you know i'm trying to remain humble and just be a hard worker i want everything i get to be earned i don't want to ask for anything but you know well yeah if you want to give it to me yes obviously yes i'm definitely ready didn't come to you well they told me that since you turned it down they really needed somebody to take it and i know you have big dreams and that you want to go elsewhere with your dreams but i started thinking it's like i'm stuck here this is all i have and you know me and my baby daddy just fell out and it's like i really need that promotion now they go and take the promotion that was for you you come to work late next week because you had to go and check on your mother your father who in old age you come to work late now here lindsey is could ignore and understand that why you late lindsey go to the super bowl and say yeah latonya came in late today and this is the third time in the month so i was thinking i need to write her up and just want to know how you feel the zumba say well hey i'll put you in that position for a reason do what you need to do now here come lindsay well latonya i did not want to do this but you know i had to write you up so you're going to be on probation and please understand it's nothing personal you know you and i we don't have many coffee days we don't i don't come to your kids games you didn't kind of my kids can't i love you like a sister but you know how it is in this and you're looking at it like so now you ready to lose your religion uh-huh you ready to sit that religion right down okay all right lord i tried to be cordial with the hip purse but something got to take these glasses off okay put his hand in his ponytail so what you saying again now lindsay so do you want to meet outside you getting ready to lose your religion over lizzy because you let her talk you out your blessing that's how the adversary work i remember the lord was trying to elevate me trying to do more for me and i was trying to take everybody with me i was trying to take everybody with me so now i'm gonna bless the people right in my circle now i'm going to do like this if they can't see the way that i live for god and serve god and understand that's the reason for my blessings and get in line with god and get their heart right with god so god can move in their life then that's on them i'm no longer feeling sorry for nobody i ain't feeling sorry for no grown people who got the word right in their face but they choose the closing and going about their business i'm no longer feeling sorry for them hey you have to make a choice and the bible talk to you about that when you trying to reach this person you trying to reach this person and they just keep just ignoring no no no no no bob tell you don't argue with no fool bob said stop chasing a fool read the book of proverbs you don't see them talking about read the book of proverbs and so guess what it come a point the way you got to flee because the devil is not this man in a red suit with horns walking around he using the people right in your circle bible say resist the devil and he will flee when he said resist the devil he could be talking about resisting the person sitting right next to you that the devil using you see what i'm saying so you have to understand this but see it's so many christians who have been trapped in this mindset of struggle and trapped in this mindset of allowing people to use you and take advantage of you and abuse you and mistreat you and manipulate you and deceive you the word discernment would not exist if that's if if god intended for you to be deceived by the devil using somebody right next to you every day it would not exist but some people get so self-righteous oh tony that is not right we are supposed to love did i say you not supposed to love did go back and listen anywhere i said you not supposed to love but did you read in the bible well god says better raw sport a child well god said he chastised it though he loved do you understand that sometimes love means tough love sometimes love means you got to let go so they can grow love don't mean enabling a person crippling a person by carrying crippling them so you could carry them and they dragging you down you need to admit don't misunderstand what love mean yes you go the extra mile you walk two miles they need you to go one yes you give them your shirt but guess what you give them your shirt and you tell them how you made your shirt how you got your shirt you help them and you show them but don't keep giving them your shirt and i once got them revealed to you that you've given them your shirt they go on taking your shirt to the marketplace that you work hard paid for and earn they taking your shirt to the marketplace and selling it for pennies on the dollar nine use a fool see don't let your self righteousness turn you into a fool don't let what you think is turning the other cheek turning the other cheek see listen if you hit me on this cheek and i turn the other cheek and you hit me on that cheek and then you hit me on this cheek and i'm forgiving for giving forgiveness see turning the other cheek to me gotta go you see what i'm saying turn the other cheek don't mean come and get beat down every single day it mean instead of you standing out and wallowing in the mud with the devil turn your other cheek and go about your business resist the devil and he will flee move on with your life when you are given the discernment to understand that this person is not i am not authorized to cast out this type of demon somebody this somebody else deeming to deal with let me pray for them but let me remove myself from this situation and say lord i'm removing myself so you can step in see you got to understand what god's saying to you because there will be a season where you suffer the wrong there will be a season where you suffer the wrong that's where the turn come from where you suffer the wrong and you suffer long there will be a season but that's why you pray for wisdom knowledge and understanding but then there will be a season where god says okay your work here is done you've done everything you can do to help this person and now they're using you so i need you to get out the way so that i can reach them because what they're getting ready to go through next in life i won't let it kill them but they're gonna hit rock bottom so hard that their ears gonna be wide open and then i could reach them because they're taking advantage of you the grace is being taken for granted and when the grace is taken for granted access is denied the grace will no longer be granted until there is a humility and there is a respect and a reverence for the grace and mercy that god pours out of our life if you continue to take the grace for granted you will be excommunicated see you god the bible said god will not be mocked you cannot play god like no fiddle you can't trick and deceive god he's all-knowing so when your heart is hardened to god god will turn his back on you just like he did the children of israel so that you could then see the error of your ways and then when you call him with a repentant heart with a repentant heart that's when god can come in not not i'm here but you got to open the door so what you'll as you read the bible you'll see is times where god had to turn his back what god had to burn sodom and gomorrah where he had to send the floods where god had to send the plagues over the land where god had to turn his back on the children of israel where he had to flee from the face of all this sin and fornication and idolatry until they called out with a repentant heart and then he can come and heal the land when you meditate on his word and you repent and you call on god then he come and heals the land but god will not be mocked you won't play him like no fool you can't play god because he's all-knowing and so that's what i want y'all to understand is in this all-inclusive word we touched on a lot of different things you have to break this down you might listen this on your commute to work to and fro um see when i grew up the only book i read was the holy bible that's why i say stuff like two and fro that's the only book i read growing up it's the holy bible my dad made me read a chapter of the bible and then write a summary that's why i talk in parables that's why i share stories but you notice jesus taught in parables that's why i'm always doing skits because i learned that from jesus i just make it relevant for today a lot of y'all miss that but i'll just point that out to you that's why i teach the way i teach because i grew up reading the bible that's the only book that i've ever really read and studied so people say tony what books are you reading i'm not reading any books i'm hearing from god i'm hearing from god people say oh that's not uh readers leaders are readers readers are leaders well do it look like i'm leading i'm here to tell you i'm not reading so obviously they don't apply to everybody when god in the midst see god gonna do what men don't understand that's what man told you but god said i got people serving me who illiterate they can't read god said i got people serving me who deaf they can't listen to an audio book god say i can do anything and i could use anybody god don't call the qualified he qualifies the call so don't prescribe your theology on everybody so when somebody doing the work of the lord so they call it and i don't understand it i can't speak to it but if they in right standing i'm gonna see the grace favor mercy and blessings if they in wrong standing i'm gonna see the wrath of god eventually on their life so i just sit back and let god do what he does without judging what they so-called called the work of the lord because where god is in the midst you're gonna see blessings in whatever form that those blessings need to take in order for you to understand so sometimes people ask me well tony why you mention what kind of cars you got or what kind of house you got or what you do for your wife or what you do because some people the people i'm trying some people like the men they don't want to have no parts of god if they think it's just broke busted and disgusted because men looking at how they gonna provide a young man he told me he said tony i need to see your blessings he said i need to know that you drive what you driving that you live how you live because i want to know that it's good over there that is that is good over there that that i don't have to go sell drugs i don't have to go be a rapper well i don't have to go you know scam and fraud or i don't have to go you know get in multi-level marketing that i could be a life coach that i could be an author that i could work in my purpose but still have a good life because i want to have a good life i got a dream car i want to drive but i don't i want to know that you could do right by god and live right and serve god and still get blessings still get the desires of your heart that's the holy bible so for those of y'all that's broke busted and disgusted mentally and that you just want you want to see every christian so struggling and that you feel like if a christian share their blessings they financial blessings their material blessings their physical blessings their emotional blessings they spirit that they bragging if that's how you feel that's a demonic spirit in your heart because real recognize real if you truly walking with the lord you happy to see and and god give you the wisdom to understand discernment on is this person bragging or is this a praise report and just because a person don't deliver it the way you want it to be delivered god will give you the wisdom to understand that's just how they deliver it god will give you the wisdom to understand that that if this person was arrogant if this person wasn't humble they wouldn't be giving you an hour of their time every day because they ain't enough money worth it if this person went humble they would they'll have advertisements on every video they wouldn't dedicate a video on sunday with no advertisements i'm using myself as an example but you gotta look in your life and apply it to your life if this person who drive the mercedes benz and they went from riding on the bus was arrogant they wouldn't be wasting their gas money and putting miles on their new car to come pick you up to take you to work if they if they was braggadocious and and was arrogant so you got to look at what was offending you and really process why is this person being elevated and being blessed in the kingdom making me mad and offending me that's a question you gotta answer for yourself because until you can learn how to be happy for the children of god for the other people you'll never get the desires of your heart because you can't receive like that so you're gonna hear me say the same type of thing over and over and over and it's going to be mixed in with and what i want you to understand don't ever focus on the wrong things what i'm telling you is to live for god to live with god and to do the right thing to live a righteous lifestyle and what is for you will be added unto you don't ever think that i'm talking a prosperity gospel or i'm just talking about material stuff and forget where i talked about god doing a miracle in your body healing you of your sickness don't don't focus on your insecurities the things that ring loud because you lacking in that area and ignore the other things that was touched on because you may because you may be fine in that area hear the whole message in its entirety and understand that whatever word every sentence you hear your mind goes somewhere so you may need to listen to the same message three times and you're going to hear something different every time and you're going to realize okay that's why i was offended because that spoke to what i lack that spoke to my insecurity that spoke to my fears that triggered my fears it triggered my insecurity it triggered my scarcity mindset it triggered my mindset of lack it triggered my trauma my trauma bond it triggered that and that's why i was offended because when god gives you wisdom knowledge and understanding and you have discretion you can tell when somebody is trying to help you you could tell when somebody trying to reach you out of love or when somebody have what they trying to call today toxic positivity and there there is such a thing but you got to make sure your insecurity is not confusing the two make sure your insecurity is not calling tough love toxic positivity make sure your insecurity is not calling a direct lesson with toxic positivity make sure your insecurity does not label everything that convicts your spirit everything that steps on your toes as toxic positivity make sure of that it is tony guys and god bless you i said i got on here and i said i'm finna be under 10 minutes i'm doing a quick 10 minute sunday sermon going about my business and look where we at i said but i got to go to the lord stop going oh my look my family little dog yeah i hear that hey bella bella bella bella she i don't know she probably was here now she's going 11 12 months right hey god bless y'all we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 28,759
Rating: 4.9569335 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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