Fixing a Bitter and Broken Mindset

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hey Tony guys is here poppin in Sunday sermon I want to talk to you today about you know it's a passage from the Bible a scripture that says as a man thinketh so he is and it reminded me of a more modern day quote that says we don't see the world for what it is we see it for what we are which basically is saying wherever your mind is that's how you see things and we see things through our own lens and our lens is determined by what we have experienced and how we have processed what we've experienced so if you have not healed if you have not grown grown through instead you've just gone through situations in your life but you didn't grow through them then your viewpoint the way you look at things in life is going to be jaded and I've been thinking about this and really just trying my best personally and wanting to share this to tap into that freedom tap into the freedom of thought tap into taking off the shackles and a change from my mind taking off the limitations from my mind and walking and going about my life as if the doors are already opened and everything that I want is at my fingertip and that the world is mine and someone will have to someone will have to go out of their way and be completely against me and operate totally from their own you know negative space mentally emotionally to show me that what I believe is not true if I believe I can do it I can accomplish it I can have it then I'm going to walk forward with that mindset believing that I can and so I challenge you to think about this today and really continue to do the work on the heart I don't know if you've seen my past Sunday Sermons where I'm talking about the heart but really continue and and do a check up on yourself and ask yourself am i growing am i growing or am i standing still am i stagnant am i operating am i operating from hurt and from pain am i operating from bitterness am i bitter and broken who broke me and why haven't I allowed myself to get up and put myself back together Who am I giving power over my life who am i allowing to dictate my happiness Who am I relinquish my self will over to my personal power Who am I giving this to to allow them to determine whether I move forward in life or I'm stuck whether I'm happy or I'm saying whether I'm successful or unsuccessful I realized as I'm looking around is that what I realize it really comes down to a thought - a thought and a belief system which then determines the actions that you take in your life and when we are telling ourselves certain messages that may be true in one instance that may be true in several cases but it may not be the all-around consistent case truth of the matter it may be something that happened to you but what happened to you is not you it was an event I heard a quote that says failure is an event not a person which means that yes you may be dealt with someone who was a liar a cheater a thief manipulator deceiver but that is not all people that is not your existence from now through eternity that just because that happened to you does not mean you will have to go through that over and over again but guess what if you believe that that's your life that's your lot in life that that is what is available to you and you move forward in life and every person that you meet romantically you say this person is gonna lie to me this person is gonna cheat on me so what you do is you put your guard up and not only do you have your guard up you may throw some punches from your guard and you will shut your heart down so you won't laugh as much you won't joke as much your conversation won't be as engaged and as pure because you're telling yourself I was cheated on several times by a person that looks just like you and I know that you're probably gonna do the same thing so I'm getting ready for it surprise me if you don't do it great but I believe you're gonna do it and this is what you're thinking and as you're moving through life you're going in different arenas and everywhere you go you're operating from that place that believes that you're at a disadvantage and I've done this several times I only see things through a certain lens you know I had a meeting this morning board meeting for foundation that I'm starting with a couple of my guys and this foundation that'll be started by and ran and operated by african-american men and what all we're going through in life right now it made me think that this is necessary that means step up in unify and can be on the frontline and can help others in times of need whatever that may be social justice or you know health and wellness mental health across the board but guess what let me tell you about this thought this morning I got up and I told my guys I said hey let's meet at my office downtown and you know you know how downtown you have that tall buildings right the real tall buildings well my office is in a really tall building and it's a bank building and I immediately thought I said you know what they just were protesting downtown last week if I go down there and use my key card to get into this building with if they're watching the camera they may think we're going to loop we're going to look the place when they see three black men on a Sunday walking into this downtown building that's literally what I thought and we went we went up to the 33rd floor where my office was when 32nd floor and we went back down to the lobby we ended up sitting in the lobby of the building talking in there and I'm like hey man y'all be ready you know they might call the police if they looking at these cameras and they see you know three black guys in here we downtown this expensive building you know and I said that kind of jokingly but still kind of serious and nothing happened no police were called it was some other people that came up there who had a keycard and I guess kinda office in the building they were bringing some of their stuff in moving some stuff in or move some stuff around and nothing happened and but I was thinking about that and I say you know the mindset that we walk around with and that's me now as a man you know as a black man you could be yours could be on your job it could be in your relationship it could be with your friendship it could be in any area a lot of times what we fear can come upon us and if you've been telling yourself something and then you are expecting this when you meet it if you act out of the place of your mind thinking negatively then you already have one strike you already wound up so then you act from that place but if you haven't been talking to yourself negatively and you're positive now you can meet it head-on and you can be in a neutral space to where you're not Wow too tight you're not on edge and you can address it in a peaceful manner that allows the natural progression to occur it allows peace happiness love to ensue because of where you are operating from and where your mind was at so to paint that picture if I'm telling myself oh you're gonna call the police well what if a police is on regular routine on Sunday and he comes in there he's walking around and hey how y'all doing if I'm already round tight what do you what do you mean how we doing doing fine we're having a meeting do you need something you see what I mean if I'm wound tight already now it's like whoa okay all right all right nice hand on his gun what you doing oh you go grab y'all you know and now just like that but if I'm telling myself this is my office this is my world this is my space now I could confront that hey offside you doing hey great to see you today hey oh yeah all right yeah all right have fun okay yeah we just sit here talking about our nonprofit organization oh really what you guys got going on and now you meet it at a different space to where if this person has bad intentions they got to go all the way out of their way and they gotta be all the way in the wrong to show you that they have bad intentions because you're peaceful mindset when you bump into this and apply this I'm using a personal example from today and it's how I think that's how I talk to myself to get myself in right standing to have my heart right but you may apply this to when you go to work when you go into a relationship if you go to work and you saying these people don't like me they don't even like me being here they don't even want me being here they're looking down on me and then somebody you know looking at you looking at you and you like what are you looking at why do you keep looking at me what's wrong with you you got a problem but really the person actually kept looking at you because you're looking gorgeous because you looking absolutely amazing today and they just keep like I can't get enough let me keep looking every time I get a break let me look and but because of what you were telling yourself now you just escalated something that could have been a woman just really admire your beauty and she was building up the courage to tell you you are so beautiful I wish I had your skin I wish I could do my hair like that or a man looking at you and he getting ready to tell you hey um I'm so sorry for looking at you but I just couldn't help myself I want to know you know are you single but where was your mind and so I say this to say and this the thing is we live in a world today that everybody wants to be angry everybody wants to hold on to the anger that their ex caused them or that their oppressor caused them that their boss caused them that their family calls them everybody is looking for a pass and a right to be angry to be bitter and to be broken we live in a world where so many people just want to remain broken don't want to get up I remember hearing a quote that said if I knock you down this Wednesday that shame on me but if I come back next Wednesday you still down not that shame on you and I thought about that thing and I said hmm you know what I'm gonna have to move different I'm gonna have to think different and I'm gonna have to let the world show me otherwise that what I think is not so but I'm gonna think and I'm gonna speak it and I'm gonna claim it as if it is so because the Good Book says as a man thinketh so he is it tells you to call things that be not to be as though they were to speak it to claim it to believe it and I say you know what that's what I'm gonna have to do and you're gonna have to show me that I don't deserve success that I can't have success and guess what you ain't gonna be able to do that not gonna be able to stop me and I and I said that this year to myself and I wrote down when I was right now my goal some of the goals I wanted to hit and I'd be honest with you when I wrote down my goals this year I was like hmm I don't know if this is possible like the self-doubt tribe does step in guess what it's real I'm hitting all of my goals because I decided to believe I decided to say you know what I'm going to believe I'm going to buy in to this mindset and I'm gonna do what it takes to accomplish my goals and I decided to do that and I'm seeing it come to pass so I say that to say ask yourself today am i bitter am i broken really ask yourself then ask yourself who made me bitter who broke me then ask yourself what am i doing to change my mindset in my situation do I have an action plan in place that I am implementing on a daily then ask yourself why am i giving this person or these people the power to break me even if they are not physically breaking me why am i allowing this person or these people to take up rent free space in my mind and break me spiritually emotionally psychologically how do they have the power he or she they have the power to control my destiny when they don't physically have a hand on me when they don't physically have the power to change my life with a stroke of a pen because they are not in that position there they don't have all say-so over my life they may have some influence mentally emotionally physically but they do not have complete rein and say so over my life so why am i giving this person or these people whoever it is then when you think about your bitterness and your brokenness why am i giving them that power so in whatever area if it's socially when you're thinking about social justice if it's romantically when you're thinking about your heart soul tides relationships if it's interpersonal relationships you know friends your family relations your family where are you giving up your power where are you allowing someone else to dictate and determine your thought patterns what are you telling yourself and why are you telling yourself that and I this is a this is about whichever way you battling with it some people are soul ties to God be the glory it's not soul ties and relationships for me my wife she said something to me and she said she was telling my son about this the other day and I I was getting ready to go on a bike ride I had been coaching and I was tired I was drained so I have been talking for hours that day and I was I needed a bike ride speaking of my wife on her peloton right now but I like to ride outside and we do bike rides you know and I needed a bike ride you know she had something that she had to do and so I said they wouldn't go on a bike ride and I needed to just clear my head and do you know this was over the weekend do you know that in my head I said to myself well I probably shouldn't ride by myself because the people in my neighborhood is gonna think that I'm casing the neighborhood to come back and Rob I said and I said to my wife I I said um baby maybe I shouldn't write by myself maybe I should wait on you to go on a bike ride and right with you so it don't look weird and she was like wow and she mentioned it to me later she said I was talking to our son and I told him and we're talking about the climbing and everything that's going on in the world and she said I told him that do you know your dad fears being seen as a criminal in a neighborhood that he pays taxes on and bought spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a house in a gated 24 hour secure neighborhood because of the color of his skin your dad fears riding a bike in broad daylight and my wife said she talked to my son about that and I didn't I hadn't realized it but it was my mindset so for me that's that's my issue that I got to think about and I got a and I went on that bike ride about our you know nothing happened everything was cool with nothing happen but that's what I told myself before I went and so I say that's me you know that's my struggle your struggle maybe you know as a woman thinking that you know you telling yourself and see the thing is sometimes these things are true but what we have to realize is that we cannot have an incident and allow that incident to sentence us to a life sentence of poor self talk and constant self-doubt so you have to learn we have to learn how to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm as the quote says I can't remember who wrote the quote and the reason being is because the moment that you're getting ready to meet your husband or your wife if you bring the energy that is broken from being cheated on and taking advantage of that energy will block your blessing that was for you cuz he you're gonna go through life and things are gonna happen that's gonna start to shape your mentality and shape your ideas of the world but there will be rest and there will be peace and there will be a breakthrough but if you have not addressed your mindset in between failures you could be knocking on the door of your breakthrough but with the wrong mindset attitude and energy and ruin and block your blessing and I've been thinking about that and I want to share that with you so if it's dealing with your parents with your family relationships your job social issues wherever your hang-ups are in your mind whatever you've been lying to yourself about where your life is going and what you're always gonna get and what you barely deserve and what's gonna happen to you wherever you've been lying to yourself it's time to address it address it speak directly to it and move with a new energy with a new attitude and what with the confidence and an assurance about yourself that just shakes the ground that when you step in the room your head is so high your shoulders are pulled back your posture so perfect your glow is so radiant that people want to give you whatever you come and again that people see you and Wow whoo that they feel it on you that you are not beating yourself up that you are not doubting yourself right before your breakthrough that you are walking in power and in confidence in bravery you are determined to have the life that you set out to have to have the life that your creator has promised you that you can have according to your faith be it unto you as you think so you are a it's Tony Gaskins god bless you how did it building it's at this point with no advertisements as you know my Sunday sermon don't have ads on it thank you very much and to the person that sent me a cash out to that money side Tony Gosling you found me and I thank you for that cuz you don't understand what that does to my heart and you know what and you wrote ties with it I said wow that when I see ties that make me feel like a pastor like a minister so I thank you god bless you I'm praying blessings and favor over your life god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 28,360
Rating: 4.9536953 out of 5
Id: lFwhECYJdtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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