Yandere Sim Will Never Be Finished...

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yandere simulator will never be completed 35 000 likes now i don't know my audience enjoyed me talking about yandere simulator this much quite quite honestly uh this game flew under my radar and it really shouldn't have yandere simulator is everything that i kind of wanted in a video game if you must know i love stealth action games i love games like like like hitman 1 hitman 2. i enjoy those level of video games uh you could literally make any stealth game about the most uninteresting topic in the world and i'll play it because it's a stealth slash hitman type of experience i'm a fan of it now yandere simulator for those of you don't know is a game that was popularized by youtubers like markiplier who have 15 million views on their first part to yandere simulator hell just just just witnessing it this brings me nostalgic i mean markiplier was covering this game because markiplier covered this game everyone covered this game yandere simulator was everywhere on youtube and a lot of its success was pretty much attributed to youtube let's players people downloaded the demos for this game played it was interesting and and that was it and slowly but surely success was almost guaranteed for a developer yandere dev at this point has almost 2.7 million subscribers on his channel and almost every single video uploads gets a massive amount of love and attention and viewership from the audience that has subscribed quite possibly one of the most popular individuals out there in gamedev indie game development i mean you're looking three months ago guy pulled in 2.7 million views on snap mode but if you must trace the history to it there is at least 4chan v specifically to understand now if you don't know v is the video game board on 4chan i i usually frequent it a fair bit but this is one archive post a screenshot of it where you had the uh where you had original posters talking about the yandere idea so you see that let's discuss the game mechanics of a yandere simulator uh set in a school pick a boy stalk him already sounded like a bad list of directions i'm just saying uh kill girls who flirt with talk to look at him stealth gameplay have to stalk the boy with the good the fbi is left without getting spotted set up accidents uh without getting caught using a variety of school supplies then you also have dating sim game play because why not right win the heart of the boy you have chosen without letting him find out that you are a jealous psycho bad ending he awaits the boy good ending you waste all the all the thoughts who are getting to the boy and live happily ever after would v play it i think v would play almost anything okay actually v would play nothing because they spend way too much time complaining about almost everything and i think we can we can crack a cold one to that can we boys now originally this was the yandere simulator prototype a 28 second clip of uh this girl walking around and it looked quite promising she was trying to get a shot of her of her dearly lover over there and uh it is what it is i mean the game looked quite interesting you know it's it looked like a fair fair game you know she's she's throwing her over about to break her neck all right that is what it is so cool cool prototype awesome you get the game look the game looks significantly darker nowadays let me tell you but that's the game nowadays it's like the snap mode so clearly you know there's obvious updates being made to the game uh it does not look like a like a proper unfinished game clearly the game is being worked on it looks far better than it did in 2014 that is at least an objective fact now to understand yandere simulator is a game that's still in active development okay a couple days ago a couple almost a week ago on stream i played this game and it was kind of a mess okay now this was a game that didn't run well on an i9 9900k rtx 2080 32 gigs of ram so it might not be the fastest computer in the world but i'm sure that my lowly potato could run [ __ ] yandere simulator uh plot twist it really couldn't the game was barely pushing past 50 frames i mean my average was 59 frames a second that's with vsync off no frame limiter no nothing i made sure wasn't frame limited i tried everything i could even after the stream i was pulling in 50 to 60 frames per second on my hardware so i could only imagine fools with lower lower tier hardware than that possibly not even running the game properly maybe it was a bug maybe i was using an older version even though it was downloaded fresh from the launcher there were some issues now not only was i getting some frame rate problems clearly the game was far behind development than i expected didn't expect really a story mode didn't expect anything functioning again it was sort of like an alpha demo phase but when you play a game that does not even have an option screen okay like an option screen so that you can enable things like maybe shadows if you wanted shadows in a video game maybe if you wanted anything in this the options are gone look at that there are no shadows i can't modify the graphics of it you can have all the sponsors in the world but they're not gonna they're not gonna [ __ ] finance a settings option what there's no settings you're just you're just [ __ ] alright so clearly the game was far behind development than what i've expected now it leads me to understand one thing yandere dev may not be a very good programmer now to understand i believe he walked into this situation with zero programming experience and if that's true to understand this what he's done can be a little commendable okay i mean he walked into a game he walked into game development having no idea how to program and he still cobbled together something that was functioning good awesome but here's the problem when you don't know how to program that's not a concern when you restrict the criticism coming towards you and you just throw it all away that's the problem now it's interesting enough there's been a lot of threads that have been posted on things like program or humor i like this reddit board a lot and they always posted about code behind yandere simulator if you look at this code for a second i don't know this is the actual code i have no idea i haven't seen the source code myself i would love to see a leak available but you can see that there's if if if this this else this if if that's pretty bad i mean the fact that we're not using switches or anything of the sword is already a bad sign i mean there's very simple fixes to this code that could very simple fixes to this code right now but i'm not i'm not really seeing it that that that is what we call spaghetti code schedicode is what we call it not not the best kind of code now here's also another thing on like devrant okay uh you guys want to see some skate code this is some parts of the yandere again everyone's just showing if else else statements i'm glad we figured out that comments were a reusable thing i'm glad we're commenting that's uh that's the the coding practice over here is where very very poorly done if this is true you can even see over here eye color if else if else if else if else if bro these the amount of if else statements are too goddamn high what the [ __ ] here you can see this is a great this is actually a great little coding showcase all right this is an amazing post this is on the r slash yandere are you winning son [Laughter] i think it's a reddit four got hacked dude but this is actually a great post that's on the reddit board okay so a few critical coding mistakes that yandere dev can fix easily so right now his code looks like if else if else if else bad here he just showed you that you can use switches and basically like clean this code up and actually have it more optimized here you can see he mentioned things like enums and then he talks about unnecessary loops this is actually really good coding advice even if you're not making yandere simulator this is actually a great post just to learn basic programming etiquette now it's even better okay even better all right this is right from from from from yandere dev's mouth he here he's asked is this like a debunk thread okay is a bad programmer no i'm not all right that's cool then here's the long answer all right around 2015 when yandere got popular on youtube i felt a lot of pressure to upload content as frequently as possible and then he committed to like a youtube schedule which i guess is great when he's developing because maybe it means that the youtube revenue is going to help finance the development and give him some long-term you know revenue to keep going with game development right keep his life going that's a commendable thing again we'll get to all that later so here he talks about to be honest there is no point in analyzing code that was written under the circumstances described above the code was never meant to be final just functional in order to allow people to experience a playable demo before putting any money into a crowdfunding campaign that's [ __ ] okay when you're programming you you don't program a demo with like shitty programming skill you use proper programming you use proper programming etiquette when you're when you're doing any development okay because when you develop a demonstration a public demo you're probably going to be using a lot of things in that code in your final product anyways so for you to take it lazy because it's a rough draft it's kind of a [ __ ] statement to make that's not how you program that's that's wrong okay so we talked about programming a lot right like oh moody you talked my ear off all right now i could go way in depth but just to just to tell you that what i what i basically mentioned in the last couple minutes was pretty much the gist of what i had to come across there's there's two types of programmers in the situations okay if you're gonna be the programmer that types in your ide that writes code and your debugger literally tells you hey you're getting a bunch of warnings the programmer in this case yandere dev or the people behind this game look at those warnings look at all those problems and say hey at least the code's compiling whatever it works cool no it's not the right way to program because if it's spitting out warnings it is in your interest it is in your interest to keep optimizing follow proper programming etiquette so that you don't have to worry about these issues in the future because of how this spaghetti code looks or at least people are talking about it the problem here is that as he adds more things into his game because the problem is he has a feature creep issue instead of finishing this game you're constantly adding new characters adding new gameplay elements without finishing the ones you have committed to making so because of this spaghetti code and because of feature creep you're reaching an issue where a the game is never going to be finished and even if it's close to finishing the problem with the problems with the spaghetti code are going to manifest and it's going to reach a point where this dude's going to have to fully rewrite his game because the code is so poorly put together it's like a jenga tower that's almost falling apart okay yeah it's standing yeah it's doing well but it's shaking in the wind dog it's about to tip at any moment that's the problem you kind of have with this code and the way it's running okay i may not be able to look at the code but one simple assessment of how it's running on my rig shows me that there's clearly an optimization issue somewhere in the code all right and it's it needs to be addressed before further development has to happen now to understand yandere dev because of how long he spent on the situation because of the financial uh request because of how much money that fans have poured into it and the lack of success and and and the time it's taken to develop this game he's gotten a fair bit of backlash and now you can see that he has a development blog which he's done an amazing job at constantly updating that is commendable okay normally developers would just like make a blog and update it very rarely but he's on point with it maybe too much now over here you can see that he's got a really long post which most of it is about the harassment that he that he goes through yandere death spends all day reading emails and not working on the game not even true uh yandere wants to abolish age of cons okay that's a little too heavy boys that's not even related to the game but as you can see it's a really long list posting on the amount of harassment he receives which none of it is condonable you should not harass anybody okay he's developing a game all right if you don't care about his game get the [ __ ] out of here walk away but do not harass an individual that much you have to understand harassment and bullying somebody is [ __ ] wrong in any situation and this person is he's just developing a game if you don't like him developing a game don't give him money and [ __ ] right off but do not harass and bully the individual regardless he's mentioned a lot of things like harassment isn't the only problem either there's this anti-yandere dev community that's convincing my fans to stop financially supporting me putting me beneath the poverty line and putting my future in jeopardy uh anti yandere dev community even hacks my accounts and sabotages the games developments in various ways every day there is new drama that other people have created some new mess to clean up something else that takes my time away from osana uh what the [ __ ] anti-yandere dev community now understandable yandere dev is a bigger creator than me okay so in any ways he's a far bigger more popular individual he's created something that has such a huge financial incentive and so because of him not developing this game fast enough for him making these mistakes and not responding properly to criticisms he's created an anti-yandere dev community this doesn't sprout out of nowhere okay when a creator [ __ ] up that hard they're gonna start cultivating an anti-fan base now that being said stop financially supporting me it's not it's not anybody's requirement to give you money if you're constantly screwing up the game then guess what people are going to take their money elsewhere that's how business works that's how the world works okay this is the real [ __ ] world okay if you're not meeting up to standards people are going to be taking their fun box somewhere else okay it's no one's obligation to financially support you you have to put in the effort you have to make the [ __ ] game and then people give you the money for making said game all right these anti-communities are formed because you consistently make the screw-ups and cause them to form these anti-communities don't sprout up out of nowhere okay when a creator [ __ ] up that hard these communities start forming that's just how it is i love how like now finally the end you get like a little patch notes list over here and which is great okay it's still it's still active game development cool i just think a little too much talking about the drama maybe maybe maybe stop that in the first place the less you respond to this yandere dev the healthier it is on you and the less you'll get of it trust me it sounds hard but the moment you start doing that the moment it's just an easier situation to deal with now this is where you get into recent controversy right like oh [ __ ] why is muto making this video the reason i'm making this video is because of something that happened quite recently okay so there's been two games that have been produced right one of them is watashi no okay so if you go to the website over here you can see that they're making a game that's literally a stealth based yandere simulator game if he's not making it someone else is going to make it faster okay there's also another game called left sick which started development almost two weeks ago okay so they started off analyzing yandere simulator right then they just made a preview and now they're already had like a corridor test so they've already designed and like got a game somewhat up and running in two weeks okay so you got a full ui that seems to be working you've got graphics and assets running i mean the game the game visually is matching up so in two weeks they're getting up there with development kind of cool so there's two games already being formed and because of this the community has realized hey yandere simulator ain't the only yandere sim in town we got two others yandere dev responded to the lovesick game and which is fair this is this is this is fine okay it's okay that he responded to it he made some good points over here they didn't actually make a better game in two weeks a little bit salty number one they use my work as a base instead of starting from scratch they are also using assets that are created specifically for yandere sim which they do not have permission to use i don't know if that's true or not because somebody down here says yandere totally has permission to use the assets himself and then i i don't know i don't know i'm to ignore that point let's leave it out number two they don't have to deal with nonstop harassment and abuse so they get to work without constant interruptions unlike me um i don't know what to tell you on that okay like i would i would probably advise you to to stay away from social media if you're getting that level of hate and you're getting that level of harassment because uh just indulging in it is not healthy for you uh but yeah fair point number three they gain an advantage by ripping off a pre-existing game instead of making something original like i did shut the [ __ ] up what do you mean original this game is like scuffed weeaboo hitman okay let's not try to pretend this game is any bigger than it is it's scuffed weeaboo hitman with like a dating mechanic and like a day-by-day mechanic like persona let's not pretend this is any bigger than it currently is i'm just going to put that one out there dog but you know it is what it is right it is what it is now because of all of this because of all of this nonsense kicking in okay you have yandere dev who said some pretty unsavory things about the to one of the devs of lovesick or or sorry rather watashi no mono to stop development and try to do the same to the lovesick project now i don't know how real these discord messages are again until i refresh a discord message and that goes for any discord message you've seen in this video i don't really believe it but let's read some of these okay this is apparently real this is apparently [ __ ] this is this is apparently full on reel by the community so in short you're asking me to go up to my entire community and say hey guys my game was fake the entire time my code is bad and i'm starting from scratch because the game is trash in general sorry you can leave the fan base now to which you get yes because that's my understanding of the situation will be nothing short of honesty and transparency to admit this to your audience no that's not how it works uh i took people's suggestions it doesn't mean i'm incompetent or bad on anything i don't know what to tell you i feel like i'm speaking to people who come from two complete different realities in one reality watashi no mono is a sham in the other watashi nomono is a genuine attempt at a game what i do know is that people feel justified in attacking me or lose faith in me or withdraw financial support in me because they believe watashi no mono is proof that i could be doing my job faster but from what i hear watashi no mono is held together by bubble gum and band-aids holy [ __ ] that's coming from what that's wild in so if i make a video saying guys i don't have enough income and the response is you don't deserve income wm is proof then i have to follow up by explaining that wnm isn't an example of a well-developed game and it would suck ass to have to do that so because people are saying that hey these other game developers are making the same game but at a faster pace which is a fair criticism to make this person's response is well that game isn't just well made i think that's kind of a really shitty response to make very disrespectful but hey what do i know right i didn't make a yandere game so [ __ ] the irony isn't lost on me it's possible that i have an incorrect understanding of the situation maybe the volunteers and ex-volunteers i spoke to were exaggerating or mistaken i've been told that x is 2 which is why i've drawn the conclusion that x plus x is 4 maybe i've been misinformed about x what i do know is when people attack me mistreat me abuse me and harass me their justification is watashi no mono you're working on a project that negatively impacts my well-being what and when i ask can you please tell the people in your comments not to be shitty towards me you won't even agree to do something as basic as that inhumane which is true very easy you know nobody harasses individual i think any creator should give other creators that same [ __ ] respect you're literally asking me to take someone you're literally asking someone to take down their hard work to better your hard work that's not basic and humane yeah just give them just just just just just just tell your audience not to harass but don't take down your game you don't have to take down your game you worked hard on it and you have the ability to show it and be proud of it so do that now it gets to a point where it's a little bit too far right the actual drama started a while ago but i don't feel like talking about it if you're aware that your project is having so many destructive consequences another person's life how can you possibly continue don't you see how this is harmful and damaging for me if the cost of yandere dev was ending a person's life i cancelled development now that's a pretty poor choice of words to use a lot of people consider this to be almost like a baiting of ending your life which i don't think this is initially i did i kind of feel yandere dev is more so talking about his like future financially being ruined because of other competitors in the market who are developing games at a faster much better rate than he is which to be fair okay like i understand where he's coming from like he feels threatened and maybe he should be because his financial support is dwindling like his patreon is going down but bro nobody uh you're not obligated to anybody's [ __ ] bank you're not obligated to [ __ ] anyone's paycheck okay either you do the work and you get paid or these other developers who are doing the work better get paid by the yandere simulator community at the end of the day the people paying you just want a yandere simulator game it doesn't matter who it [ __ ] comes from as long as they get the game that they want at the quality they feel is okay they're going to give money to that specific developer it is what it is that should be the theme of the video it is what it is now at the end of this whole situation the final message to give is i believe in yandere dev and i believe in yandere simulator with all that said though i feel like with the way this game is programmed and the amount of feature creep you're getting it's almost like looking at star citizen where you're looking at a game where it almost feels like the developer realizes they make more money developing the game than actually finishing the [ __ ] game which may seem like the case i don't know but uh with all of that said though this has been a long development cycle of this game very long development cycle and this is just scratching the surface so to speak of this development cycle but now you've got two other games in competition and maybe this is the maybe this is the perfect thing yandere dev really needs at the end of the day i believe in you buddy i believe in your game but listen if you want to be at the top of the pile you got to start putting in the work i know with your fan base you're going to have like four or five excellent programmers and it's time you start letting them in open yourself up to criticism it's hard to do that i know i it can be but let them in fix up that spaghetti code start getting your basic game out there before you let feature creep there drag in and you'll turn this train wreck around for the better it's not too late to start a new leaf and get your game on the right track but that being said though if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it this is me mudahar and uh hope you enjoyed this video i am out [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 2,337,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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