The U.S. Government is Suing Google...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and yes indeedy the united states government is in fact suing google now if you know one thing muda is passionate about one thing that muda is just all crazy about is talking about use of privacy safety security we made videos on apple we made videos on tick tock we made videos on facebook and google is no exception google is one of the biggest tech companies in the world right now in fact google is probably the biggest search engine provider right now google might also be one of the biggest video providers as well through youtube google pretty much does everything and google does everything really good to give google all the praise that i can their free services provided you give them your personal data are actually fairly decent for the most part in fact i would wager to say that google probably makes better services than 90 of the tech firms out there when it comes to whatever they provide but that doesn't excuse google from being tossed into antitrust lawsuits now for those of you don't know what antitrust is antitrust lawsuits it's basically what the us government is trying to make sense here is to tell people that google in fact runs a monopoly now when it comes to the definition of monopoly let's talk about just monopoly power real quick at least in the united states the anti-trust lawsuit systems okay the ability of one company to control prices or exclude competition in a particular market it is a requirement for an offensive monopolization which is prohibited under section 2 of the sherman act courts may evaluate the following factors to determine whether a company has monopoly power ease with which a market may enter the company that's one we're going to be talking about market share in a relevant market size and strength of competing companies pricing trends and practices in the industry and ability of consumers to switch to comparable goods strength of demand so these are six points all right now of course this isn't completely you know all the way there but this is just sort of giving you an idea of what monopolies are about now the united states department of justice decided to file an antitrust lawsuit against google claiming that they control about 90 of global web searches now that being said it does sound like the ball is in their court but understand something google's got lawyers that are smarter than you me the entire world combined and they probably get paid three four times the amount of usd lawyer probably gets paid too and that's why they work extra hard to make sure google is clean of any possible issues legally to the point where they were so brazen to make an actual response a deeply flawed lawsuit that would do nothing to help consumers oh let's let's sit down and talk about this one boys and girls google search has put the world's information at the fingertips of over a billion people our engineers are working around the clock to offer the best search engine possible constantly improving and fine-tuning it which i completely agree today's lawsuit by the department of justice is deeply flawed okay well let's let's figure out why people use google because they choose to not because they're forced to or because they can't find alternatives the lawsuit would do nothing to help consumers now that paragraph they stated here it's actually very true google is not putting a gun to anyone's head and telling them you have to use their service people use google because it's pretty much ingrained into our culture and quite honestly it is probably one of the best search engines out there okay nobody's gonna use off-brand google which we all know is bing uh and what not okay now let's talk about specifics here as google says the department's complaint relies on dubious antitrust arguments to criticize our efforts to make google search easily available to people yes like countless other businesses we pay to promote our services just like a serial brand might pay a supermarket to stock its products at the end of a row or on a shelf at eye level for digital surfaces when you first buy a device it has a kind of home screen on mobile that shelf is controlled by apple as well as companies like atnt verizon samsung and lg on desktop computers that shelf space is overwhelmingly controlled by microsoft so what they're talking about is basically dominating markets in certain sectors right so for cell phone markets they're saying apple pretty much dominates that mobile market right which is fairly true if you're talking about that high-end market i mean apple being one sole smartphone provider if they own like what 30 of the smartphone market do that's 30 of just apple in the marketplace right that's all that's crazy all right the other pie is basically being shared amongst every other smartphone manufacturer when they're talking about microsoft windows yeah it's crazy windows has one of the highest market shares on computer desktops every one of their grandma uses windows 10. all right i use linux but i'm literally part of the one percent of people that use linux as their primary operating system there are more mac os users than linux users but combining mac os and linux doesn't even come close to microsoft's dominance in the desktop computing marketplace hell the laptop computer marketplace too so google's 100 right on this scenario they're absolutely right if you look at the search engines however right where they mention other competitors to their searches you can see that google comes in at 92.2 worldwide 2020 worldwide google is dominating right being is at 2.8 percent 2.8 it doesn't matter you that might be your competition but dog they're not doing jack yahoo comes after who here uses yahoo all right come on now i mean yondex is coming at 0.5 you can't tell me the russian search engines are going to do anything do duckduckgo could only dream of touching one percent to combat google you guys dominate the search industry let's not joke about it hell if you go to certain countries like let's just go right here to india for instance right you're owning 98 of indian market share alone on google these other guys can't even come they can't come close okay i haven't heard of what ecosie is but 0.01 of indians use it that's just to test it out probably so yeah i think it's kind of a flawed argument on google's end to just say oh there's competitors yeah but you you do dominate that search engine industry let's not joke about it now here they talk about uh our agreements with apple and other device makers and carriers are no different from the agreements that many other companies have traditionally used to distribute software so what they're basically doing is talking about the fact that google is bundled into a lot of popular products like let's say that you get an apple product right now i don't know how true this is i haven't bought an iphone since the iphone 10 but if say youtube is bundled alongside your iphone purchase right let's say any google application or the here's a better example and when you open up safari on your apple product right the search engine that's set by default is google now there are other search engines that are available on apple safari like bing like yahoo but the default is always google how many people do you think are just gonna switch off the default all right do you think they're gonna manually go to the settings on safari for their iphone and change it to bing no i'm pretty sure almost 99 of people using an iphone are just gonna stick with the default google placement anyways and that's how you kind of win right you pretty much win because you're you're you're the sole choice well not not the sole choice but you're the choice that people are probably going to stick with the most because that's the default choice on the device now here they talk about apple devices in specific right where they feature google search in the safari browser right but they do say that you can in fact change to yahoo bing or duckduckgo again how many people do you know that are switching from the base default right just putting it out there google doesn't come pre-loaded on windows devices microsoft preloads its edge browser on windows devices where bing is the default search engine that's true when you install windows 10 the only internet client that you get the only browser you're getting is microsoft edge and microsoft edge preloads the [ __ ] out of bank in fact microsoft edge people pretty much i'm sure use edge for the most part to just download chrome anyways it's why when you search google chrome on the edge browser it's like no no please try edge just don't immediately switch no no let's be real here okay let's be real they're absolutely 100 right about this situation but i wish they gave more context and i i wish i wish you could look at the data of how many people use the edge browser in fact i'm sure google has this right how many people go to the chrome download page that have the user agent of the microsoft edge browser that would be an interesting survey i want to check now here they also talk about android where one of the in the lawsuit they talked about the fact that the app stores the google play store was a dominant store which the united states government is factually incorrect on at least for google there are other rival app stores i don't know why they showed samsung browser i guess it's a rival app but they showed samsung galaxy store there's also amazon's app store there's plenty of third-party app stores you can download on android so to say that google has a monopoly is factually incorrect in fact there are some handset manufacturers around the world that don't even install google services on android android is an open source operating system that anybody can download anybody can deploy on their devices and in doing so can create their own app ecosystem if they wanted to this is not apple's ios where apple solely dominates the software this is purely open source anybody can contribute anybody can use it provided they also give back to it now they also talk about downloading search engines which is factually true you can download any search engine on android and even ios alright so this isn't something that the u.s government is absolutely right on at all setting a search widget i mean google literally wins this 100 if we have to just go by the argument what they're providing here is proper semantics of this situation right they're actually giving you proper showcases as to how they're not technically a monopoly the bigger point the lawsuit misses so let's let's cover this one this is an interesting fact the bigger point is people don't use google services because they have to they use it because they choose to this isn't the dial up 1990s when changing services was slow and difficult and often required you to buy and install software with a cd-rom today you can easily download your apps of choice in a matter of seconds faster than you can walk to another aisle in a grocery store that's true anybody can download any crappy app on the app stores or play stores and be content with it the lawsuit claims that americans aren't sophisticated enough to do this i don't know if the usdoj is playing like really stupid but come on anybody can download apps let's not be stupid about it now here they also mentioned there's another area in which the lawsuits a lawsuit is wrong about how americans use the internet this is where this is a really important part it claims that we compete only with other search general search engines but that's demonstrably wrong people find information in a lot of ways they look for news on twitter flights on kayak and expedia restaurants on open table recommendations on instagram and pinterest and when searching to buy something around 60 of americans start on amazon every day americans choose to use all these services and thousands more now what's also interesting about this okay if we go back to the definition of monopoly power there's one thing that i wanted to talk about ease with which a competitor may enter a market now google may have a lot of their money coming from advertising but without a doubt they have massive dominance in in search engine stuff if you go to the search engine market share once again just generally 92 percent is google owned their second biggest competitor is bing at 2.8 percent so your other big competitor that by the way isn't even really competition isn't even coming close to you is owned by another multi-billion dollar company that has had a shoddy history of antitrust in fact i have a big video just on microsoft their dark evil history coming up because when it comes to antitrust microsoft is the one bad boy to watch for but if that's your competition i don't know what to tell you if your competition is amazon and facebook can you understand what i mean by ease with which a market may enter east by which a competitor may enter the market guys multi-billion dollar companies it's to a point where when you looked in the 1990s these dot-com companies were basically startups right google had their motto don't be evil they were basically just starting up you know garage style production okay this was like this was on the block and now google alongside microsoft alongside apple are world multinational billion dollar companies almost trillion dollar an evaluation for some of these guys that's a lot of cash that's a lot of capital this competition shows you that at least to compete with each other you need to have this massive amount of capital capital that we're looking at oil companies haven't had this much capital that tech companies now have so it's kind of [ __ ] insane market share in the relevant market this isn't even fair 92 versus 2.8 percent come on that's a multi-billion dollar company against another multi-billion dollar company now this is sort of a little bit tinfoil haddish all right but i'm going to play out a scenario now this scenario isn't exactly true there's no like concept there's no evidence for it it's just a hypothetical that i'm going at with right now google being the fact that they own one of the most used search engines can display ads to all the people that are searching right so let's say that you know some new person on the block makes an application right like like a game streaming service right like hey guys stream games at 120 frames per second good quality all of that right so they make a service and it does okay they realize man i can go on google and just advertise my service so they give google like i don't know fifty thousand dollars a hundred thousand dollars they advertise their service and bam they're getting more they're getting more traction more signups people are coming to their service now google could theoretically just make the exact same service right like the exact same game streaming service like let's say stadia it may not be as good but google can afford to undercut the [ __ ] out of you because google has all these connections they have all these you know agreements with companies they can get games cheaper and deploy them better and have better engineering teams so they can win literally by having a crap ton of capital and resources at their hand now they can then take that service go online advertise they can pay themselves 50 times whatever you paid them to advertise their service on google from a tax perspective hey that's a nice expenditure on the advertising department then stadia suddenly blows up more than your service and because google can afford to undercut you even if their service may not be as good as your indie mom and pop solution they're still gonna dominate and get but the best part about it is this they can go to a courtroom and probably argue very successfully that this is an antitrust they are getting away all right because they have competition you're the competition right but you can conveniently leave out the fact that they're a multi-billion dollar company with 90 revenue share in one of the most like populated like search engines out in the world okay like you get what i'm trying to say even if you understand the hypothetical i'm placing in front of you and how very easily it could happen not too long ago twitter was caught basically censoring one like political party it's to a point this lawsuit exists because listen i get antitrust is a big issue the us government isn't wrong but let's not deny the fact that the u.s government basically initiated this lawsuit because they finally realize that big tech companies have the power to influence large people and moss okay when election time comes these guys can pretty much filter information to their heart's content they can do whatever they want and then worry about the consequences later this is precisely why every politician is suddenly magically on board with all of this because they realize now that their livelihoods are at stake now they're pretty much beholden to big data companies out there and that's one of the reasons why this lawsuit exists now at the end of the day i'm going to literally outright say that i don't consider google to be right in this scenario like i get it but to understand something i have to side with google on the fact that they do provide a very good service in comparison to other people there is competition you can't say that google's the only person on the block listen if you don't want google to win stop using their service right now go to use bing every single day of your life if you find out that google's better well that's just that's just the free market right there ladies and gentlemen but i think it's very obtuse that google is like i'm not saying misleading about this like they're not misleading anybody but it's very like deliberate in keeping this certain information away that in terms of a monopoly let's be goddamn real about it in order to ever thrive in this industry you have to basically be another quote-unquote multi-billion dollar tech company okay you wanna you wanna do anything on the on pace with google you have to have billions of dollars and be willing to have businesses go on losses for years on end just to compete with google right there and that that's a little [ __ ] up but ladies and gentlemen it is what it is that being said i just wanted to talk about it because this stuff really interests me if i got off on tangents i'm sorry but like i said i'm very opinionated about this stuff so that being said ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 393,631
Rating: 4.969058 out of 5
Id: J3TqmXKLxuw
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Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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