Responding To Kay's SaveTheKids "Apology"...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar this is a video i didn't expect to really be making just because of the fact that uh this roller coaster never really ended now ladies and gentlemen for the last month uh me and coffee were covering this thing called save the kids alongside barely sociable nerd city got jumped into it we were looking at this whole situation and the reality of save the kids was i was looking at this personally alongside other people since its inception now save the kids blew up face clan had to restructure and uh you know some members ended up getting removed one of them made a video a while back basically apologizing i guess for save the kids and um you know it wasn't exactly the greatest apology i laughed at it you know coffee laughed at it and uh yesterday all right or sorry two days ago fraser uploads what really happened with save the kids now i've been meaning to respond now this video right now has about 649 000 views on it as a time of me recording this and it's got about 53 000 likes but it's kind of rebounding a little bit there are a fair amount of dislikes i'm gonna be nice here i'm gonna drop a like over here just because our boy responded now to understand about responses ever since i made my second video that hour-long video where i really went in depth two two of these members actually ended up responding okay when i mentioned in that video there were three key members right that i was really kind of focusing on it was frazier who me and him have never talked you will not believe the amount of nights me and faze banks sat talking for an hour to two hours okay just about save the kids and various other things and i have constantly and banks can attest to this i have asked him hey can you get this guy in touch with me can i talk to frazier kay and i just couldn't apparently fraser at the time lawyered up and now he's made this entire video against all legal advice which uh by the way that's not a studio that's not something that's not some stinger that's like actually against all legal advice and i'll get to it fraser and i have never spoken i don't need to speak to fraser anymore this whole thing is dead to me now jordan galen was another individual i mentioned i even showed a clip in my last video where uh you know him and fraser were sitting in mom's basement discussing some deal that didn't go through and uh you know in this in this video i'm going to correct a few things because jordan galen ended up messaging me a day after i uploaded the video which is great by the way congratulations for getting back to me i mean it's great uh i will i will fix up whatever i [ __ ] up the little tiny in and out thing but uh it is what it is now sam pepper ended up messaging me and coffee or at least sorry coffee before the entire uh videos ended up coming out the second batch and i even ended up having a discussion with sam pepper where he was in the middle of a move we'll actually figure out why he was in the middle of a move to us and why he wanted to speak later throughout this video i feel awful that this ever happened and i just want to do everything i can to help fix it but i'll chat to you guys more about that at the end of the video with all the information over the last month we've been gathering huge amounts of evidence and we've made some actual shocking discoveries it's been very hard and complex to unravel but ultimately a friend of mine somebody that i trusted stabbed me in the back in a way that i never could have expected oh someone stabbed him in the back no joking on this matter all right ladies and gentlemen one of the things that phase k or sorry k himself confirms are four wallets okay so four wallets and i'm so glad he went against all legal advice and basically admitted this alright so ladies and gentlemen if you look closely wallet number one is ox5af bd67b 22 bomber if you watched my last video this is the one fraser k wallet even though i was saying really alleged it pretty much was his wallet that was discovered through his various giveaways beforehand right now in this time he proves another wallet ox 7167 dff8851ead you know why this one's real interesting that he confirmed it for us is that when you look at this sam pepper whitelist investigation i showed this in the last video this whole address right here where it says send bnb yeah that's uh that's the same [ __ ] address that is zero zero three b eight one nine b yeah that's the exact same address it's part of the sam pepper like white list where people are sending money in before the entire uh you know during the pre-sale of save the kids now of course there's more to elaborate on this but he also gives like two more addresses ox 881 and ox 5e9 wallets that i also suspected but again when you're covering these things you have to be fair and balanced and objective and i can only work with the facts that i have and i can truly and honestly discover and put my balls to and i'm glad that he's confirmed all of these wallets okay this is really great against all legal advice fraser i'm glad that you admitted that ox5af8d is specifically one of his actual wallets that is [ __ ] amazing so people have alleged that i sold for pure profit and then abandoned the project when this is just false i have costs going out days and weeks afterwards for the pure purpose of trying to help the project for example two hours after save the kids was launched i sent 55 000 of my own money and this okay yeah so he's sending fees basically this guy's running like managerial expenses i have no i listen this is one of the theories that i had i'm just glad he's confirming it okay so ladies and gentlemen he is running some of the back end fees so paying people because this stuff isn't free okay in order to run these kind of tokens you do have to put in that kind of cash that's not abnormal he's not fluffing the 55 000 that it would be costing to run something like this there's people to pay there's websites to host there's moderator teams to get there's experts to hire there's sam pepper and then uh you know everything else so this isn't like shady this this i'm glad that he's confirming on the video what i have that nobody knows about that still has every save the kids in it and i didn't sell a single one so if i was focused on profit then why did i not sell that and it's been i i don't know dude why didn't you sell anything at all i guess one of the ideas is listen guys i'm not focused on dumping this token because i have one wallet that uh that you know just it never sold so yeah you can literally see that this account got saved the kids if you if you look at how much they have and save the kids they do actually have the kids token right there never sold received from deployer address but in the same [ __ ] video like a minute before he shows his wallet information and one of them is ox 881 d60 so again let's look at the time here dude receives the actual uh the token from the deployer address right to the point of 3.1 million tokens and then immediately sends that around dumps some of it and whatnot but i think what's more damning is the ox 5af wallet right so here's the fun fact this only has 4.7 kids in it but if you look at it got it from the same address to deploy her all right to the tune of 6.2 million tokens so more than whatever he was huddling in that new account that we just found out about but immediately listen look at this look at the timing on this [ __ ] within like what an hour within an hour guess what fraser is doing dumping the token on pancake swap so 5 afad is dumping that save the kids completely within the span of that day literally within the span of two days all right i'll give it two days dumped so it's like at the end of the day yeah sure you have some tokens sitting around you have one of your main wallets dumping and also participating in what appears to be the anti-whale code some of these transactions guys are only like three minutes apart okay within three minutes apart so i don't want to hear it all right at the end of the day yes if you were yeah you didn't completely like you know dump all of your tokens but we still have wallet addresses where that dumping occurred and definitely took advantage of that anti-whale code change where you could actually dump you know or transact every other minute okay so it's it's wild to me that we're even discussing this so later on he says that he puts his brother's reputation on the line and his friend's reputation online and then like he would put like his relationship with faze and his entire career to think i would participate in a rug pool that has my face on it it's kind of like saying you know hey uh i'm gonna go and rob a bank without wearing a mask and expect not to get caught if there's no way i would put my brother and my friends reputations on the line as well especially when you know i have my friends and family and people i love who are invested and have their money in this like why would i [ __ ] them over it just doesn't make any sense and it's like listen i get it you know it's like at the end of the day why would you put everything on the line i asked that question numerous times throughout the entire video and explanation and and my own back end researching listen at the end of the day why would you put your entire career on the line for literally no gain dude i didn't do it you ended up getting into this mess i have to ask you why would you do it why are you sitting in the situation that you are right now that's the real question save the kids or really any crypto or any nft nonsense that you could have gotten involved in wouldn't have been worth the loss of your career your involvement with face clan and your friends and family around you you didn't just screw yourself over fraser you screwed your brother over you screwed your family over in that regard i feel the worst for people like tico and nikon who basically didn't get anything out of this tico especially who ended up buying tokens even more so later on that dude didn't dump at all but he ended up getting suspended from faze that's the real problem listen you can tell me that hey this isn't a good idea why would i risk my career you're sitting in this situation right now i you have to ask yourself how you even got there to begin with why so anyways fraser mentions sam pepper who's got his own like weird history regarding everything now ladies and gentlemen how sam pepper ended up getting a job at face clan is weird to me okay how how he passed the phase background check how he passed the social media check is something that i have no idea how any of that worked okay sam pepper has has a history on youtube and various social media platforms and even in the crypto sphere where like the dude is unreliable the dude is someone that you cannot trust how you ended up getting close to him listen fraser look i get it people make mistakes but you tell me you didn't do one google search on the guy come on now the dude is living with you if you're gonna live with a guy you should know something you should know at least half of the nonsense that they're involved with i'm just saying anyways the fraser ended up being a content creator because that's his main job right youtuber first not a crypto genius that much i absolutely agree with now sam was basically brought on board basically fraser when he wanted to make a video he tossed out an idea sam would take the idea he would package it up basically do all of the hard work and bring that idea into a video it basically for a cut of the youtube percentage revenue that frazier would make it seems like a pretty awesome deal all right it worked out for a while eventually fraser tells us like sam became addicted to focusing more and more on the cryptocurrency world and the nft world which is believable literally a couple days ago i ratioed the [ __ ] out of sam pepper on twitter because he was trying to like push some off brand crypto punks okay so i know that dude is still active on twitter showing some random jpeg to his fans or pushing some actual like crypto nonsense how sam is even successful with like 30 active followers is beyond me okay that much i still haven't processed but uh yeah i absolutely do agree with fraser that sam pepper is one of those like key ring leaders and at least orchestrating a lot of this crypto stuff that much i totally am on board with fraser on now i want to respond to a few more things here sam apparently wanted the anti-whale code change which fraser actually elaborates on he actually shows some like you know audio clips that you can get into and the team's manager who mainly pushed this and this was sam was pushing trying to argue with the devs that the code should have been changed so it was a lot less limiting um originally it was argued down to being 10 minutes but then it was eventually stated that they just wanted to be one minute the devs are reminded that they were contracted so eventually we had to concede and make that change so ladies and gentlemen i just wanted to read you all something over here too this is sam pepper's actual statement to me way back i don't think i covered this in my original video but the only reason i'm showing this is to give you an idea of how these people are trying to really just give their sides of the story and i feel like in this kind of a video you have to bring up everyone's side of the story as much as you can so sam pepper said he was a paid consultant decay for two years took orders from him and had no independent authority of k everyone knows that k does what he wants and doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do even if others want him to do it the name concept and aspects of save the kids coin were kaye's idea and he chose and assembled the team members he controls that's what k does now of course later on he says i'm not 100 sure but i think that anyone involved in the development launched in promotion of the coin including k were well intended perhaps the coin's flawed start change for some i don't know as for me i did not develop or direct the development of save the kids token i did not promote and i had no control over what was going on before during and after the launch of the coin either everything is on the blockchain blah blah blah as anyone who follows kay can see in his in 10th july video that was the last apology he is not himself and is lacking his usual control and sincerity indeed he has been looking for a fall guy for the situation to divert the pr nightmare as he has so much more to lose even though it's probably all due to innocent mistakes you know ladies and gentlemen i don't trust any single person over here but clearly i'm getting conflicting sides to every single story that said i don't trust sam pepper as much as i don't trust frasier k as much as i don't trust anybody that joined into this entire situation but i feel like for something like this you have to be as honest and as like you know forefronting as you can okay because this kind of information comes from everyone you can imagine how difficult it is to try to pin down the truth when every side is giving a different conflicting argument now up until this point it was a theory of mine okay because remember i can't go out and make claims like this because of legal implications now with fraser saying this i'm just reporting on whatever frazier's giving me sam apparently allegedly pressured these developers uh and because they believed that they were contracted by sam and all these people that they were they had to participate in changing whale code listen look if somebody is telling you by the way to at least be complicit in what you believe to be shady activities or potentially a criminal activity you got to get your foot down and stay away otherwise you end up getting [ __ ] implicated all right that's not a good it's not a good response now fraser ends up leaking out calls with sam where he confronts him about like making money on save the kids and basically sam lies to like this dude's face apparently and i mean no one's surprised okay like i said in the beginning everyone here needs the pr win okay everyone that i've talked to tries to make themselves look the best out of the situation and there are no [ __ ] winners by the way there are no winners you know again i'll retract at the beginning sam when i first spoke to was a guy that was basically uh you know in the middle of a move he was telling me that hey listen fraser is the guy that is the one that uh you know it's the real head of the operations the guy that real really controls everything in this video it makes it out like sam pepper is the one that really runs everything sam pepper had this entire intention from back in the uh back in the day jordan galen a person i talked to said that he basically just worked for you know fraser all right and he really just he did what he he was basically instructed to no one is the real winner in this scenario okay you can never get a straight answer with anybody it baffles my brain even trying to comprehend everyone's side of the story now if it's one thing that i'll agree with fraser on is like listen this guy is not a crypto genius however he's not a [ __ ] total buffoon either okay fraser k has been involved in at least a few of these various crypto nonsenses as well even back in my initial like second video when i looked at something like moon portal where faze banks was constantly being thrown under the bus i looked at that whole moon portal thing and i compared the fraser wallet and the bank's wallet banks held on to his moon portal fraser dumped that [ __ ] off like no tomorrow this is a guy that i think knows more about crypto than he's letting on hit extra let's plug in maybe fraser's wallet okay so let's get rid of the search let's put in phrazer so ox5af ox5af8 uh d67 b22 bomber holy [ __ ] ox0d6769 sent him the exact same amount that banks would send so you know what banks didn't do anything with his wallet but you know what fraser did with his wallet he [ __ ] dumped that [ __ ] out into the market and he now owns no portals dude the guy is locked and it's end game for that whereas banks and at least he gets this he gets this vindication because a he really didn't know what the [ __ ] was going on and if he was gonna participate in a pump and dump he would have actually dumped the token however where i'll agree is that he's not a true genius sam pepper at least appears to be a real genius somebody that knows more about cryptocurrencies than anybody else involved in this scenario which is why sam pepper has handled himself more intelligently in terms of how his wallets have been structured because to investigate fraser was far more easier in my experience than investigating sam pepper now in this entire thing the next thing he shows off that i want to address is the sam pepper wl so he discusses how he got these sam pepper white list and his team found it which like oh great i'm glad your investigators looked into it awesome uh that's not really new information me and coffee were using this i showed this in my original video okay so he showed in like his video that he found like or he's trying to investigate a dude named pronous 333 from this list this proves that we have the same list right so he tried going on twitter didn't find anything i ended up just googling this entire at pronos i found a telegram account which is like where i believe to be so like i mean i i hope your investigators looked even deeper okay it wasn't just twitter that these people were operating on of course that account is inactive probably deleted most likely ladies and gentlemen to get back into the situation while we share the same uh while we share the same pdf it seems the same like excel spreadsheet the white list he doesn't really show that one of his like wallets that he showed in the beginning of his videos was what was the one that people were sending the bnb to ox707167df8851e i looked at his entire video he didn't show this like one line which i think is kind of interesting but uh yeah he basically makes the claims that like these accounts belong to like one person i guess uh and listen that's a pretty heavy thing to say you know i i'm not even gonna make a claim like that it's just one of these weird things with fraser's video where he really wants to throw sam under the bus and i'm not defending sam sam is not a good person in my opinion but uh again i wish he was more you know objective in this entire situation listen at the end of the day every party involved in this is guilty and they're bad okay to which degrees is questionable but uh i would have to say in my honest opinion and from what i've seen frazier and sam you know while sam might be the smarter person and definitely you know in my opinion groomed fraser in terms of how uh fraser was doing these cryptocurrency deals and how fraser got involved into it sure i would say sam had more of an influential role but fraser is not innocent in any of this okay given just looking at his wallet transactions i think one thing that i really liked about listening to these calls is sam pepper gets really [ __ ] heated every time like he gets like the every time he gets a torch lit under his ass because at some point he actually threatens fraser like literally at some point he threatens him like it's kind of insane i'm gonna get so it's gonna be crazy when you release people's wallets just for you what do you mean just for me what exactly do you mean by that people i feel like what people are gonna do i mean listen fraser you have to worry about him sam has no real power sam is the kind of guy that'll give out a threat and it's the emptiest [ __ ] threat i've ever heard of but uh sam basically abandons the whole project and just dips fraser gets his security guard that he hires as a private individual to sort of watch over the shared house that they have and he basically tells that sam just leaves the house okay so at some point sam threw his [ __ ] in his car dumped it and booked it left the country most likely uh and at this point like listen sam pepper screwed okay like sam pepper is probably being investigated not just for save the kids but for various other situations he's put into no matter how much money sam pepper has in crypto he has burned his friends he has burned his family he has burned his online reputation no matter how many millions you have in crypto good luck trying to convert that to pounds to dollars to rupees to whatever in in order to actually like buy a house buy a car you know live your life at this point whatever sam pepper has made i would wager is going to be very difficult to retrieve because whatever country goes to he's going to have to report some of that money to a tax department and if he doesn't well congratulations that's a whole other [ __ ] pile he's entering into but sam pepper no matter how much he's made definitely in my opinion uh it was not worth any it was not worth all of this to follow up uh fraser actually shows an account that one of his researchers actually finds out this oxy 2076 019 now i actually looked into this wallet over here and it has about one million of stablecoin into it right now what you have to understand is uh because sam is currently mia uh if sam is truly being like tracked down or something as this video kind of insinuates how he like runs away or whatnot uh possibly to a different country then you have to imagine that uh sam really can't buy cars or houses or anything really tangible because even if he siphons us into fiat even if he tries to avoid reporting laws that some countries may have if he if he pulls cash out of this and it turns out that like you know he's buying anything flashy and the tax individuals start looking into where the money originated this would be pretty bad again though you know i'd love to hear everyone's side of the story that said though look at some of these transactions right so you can see how like they have 41 total transactions and i think how they ended up finding out was through like where the original money was being seated in right now of course one thing to really note real quick guys is that when you see tornado cash this is an interesting little pick so we actually did some digging into it and tornado cash just for a quick understanding over here is a decentralized protocol for private transactions on ethereum so i guess in a way it can kind of be like so here he is tornado cash improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between source and destination addresses it uses a smart contract that accepts each deposits and can be withdrawn by a different address to preserve privacy a relay or can be used to withdraw to an address with no ease balance so i guess in a way to sort of understand right over here what it really gets down to what i'm really figuring out out of this entire situation is that this is like if you're trying to privatize your transactions there's probably a reason for it but i guess it didn't really work in the end considering that fraser's team ended up finding out this wallet address again though that's just his word going for it i haven't done my due diligence looking that deep into it but it's also one thing to understand this money doesn't seem like all of it's from save the kids um save the kids like probably would be like i think three hundred thousand two hundred thousand i mean i think that's the amount fraser showed in the video but uh this would probably be an amalgamation of multiple cryptocurrency deals that also being said this seems very conservative i know a million seems like a lot of money to a lot of people and it is but i was actually under the assumption i actually was under the personal belief that this would be like four five six million dollars um for it to be one million man that's that's [ __ ] nothing if you're losing everything at the end of the day just saying nanny talks about then fraser talks about like charity fraud and he he goes over the very generous one percent that's then divided from the three percent tax on transactions that would go to charity again look i'm not arguing that some money didn't go to kids no one is however even in your own words at the time this the value that was donated was over six figures now it's worth somewhere around like thirty thousand the website before the launch there is a three percent transaction fee one percent is a liquidity pool one percent is the holders and the other one percent goes to the charity this is an automatic process that is coded into the project from the very start the charity that save the kids donated to was called finance lunch for children this charity donates lunches and meals to less fortunate children in africa right now the tokens are valued to be approximately 34 000 and on the night of launch they were valued to be around 140 000 and as you can see everything was donated and has been from the very start look in one of the wallets ox-5af the b-22 bomber one you literally were dumping the token within the launch window time frame your wallet alongside other various wallets who were dumping this token contributed to the drop imminent value not to mention you did take advantage of the whale code it doesn't matter if sam pepper changed the whale code use your wallet still participated in it okay it's like yeah congratulations it's like i get it sam pepper [ __ ] intimidated the actual developers into changing the whale code that's fine all right but even if they changed the whale code your wallets definitely took advantage of that whale code change whether you had a whether whether you yourself changed it or not somebody else did and your wallace took advantage of it that's the real question man and that's something that i don't think he really wants to try the only person in the situation who didn't [ __ ] it up was tico all right and even i would say nikon and jarvis okay like those guys were doing their own thing they got swapped in with whatever [ __ ] fraser k was doing and at this point even tico the guy who bought more tokens well after it was being dumped i mean dude just admit it okay just admit it at this point all right yes yes some charity money got sent but you cannot act like the innocent party given the fact your wallet addresses prove very differently to the overall you know save the kids nonsense come on now now he talks about previous coins and giveaways which was like the interesting thing he talked about getting brand deals and listen while he's denying taking gambling deals and only fans which you know it's whatever it is what it is i'm glad you denied gambling that [ __ ] is very scary to get into legally but then he shows screenshots of like a few accounts like basically giveaways going around and listen i'm not saying that some of these giveaways weren't exactly like not every single giveaway was fake obviously fraser can give away a thousand dollars over a thousand dollars from time to time that's not a lot of money to people like fraser they'll give it away not every single giveaway is fraudulent however what he doesn't really address though in my opinion in this entire video are the various cases where in my video my second video i was looking at these various accounts that participated in the safe galaxy giveaway the eclipse giveaway the tits coin giveaway where fraser's accounts was sending to the same people i i guess it literally appears as if they were the same winners who won all three trans all three giveaways and then participated and saved the kids as well 10.4 billion all right let's go see what this token's all about let's go capture this dude's address and let's check what eclipse tokens this [ __ ] was getting wait okay so they won the giveaway right from fraser all right around 75 days ago right you know they got that they got that they got that good old eclipse token right here eclipse they got that dumped it out all right but wait did they win save galaxy wait a minute oh my god it's like they [ __ ] won safe galaxy as well ox ox5af d8d67b22 what a [ __ ] coinky dick they won it dumped it won it again dumped it wait a minute wait just a goddamn minute do they win titscoin wait a minute they got coin right here oh x5 oh my god they did oh x5af8d67b22 they [ __ ] won it and dumped it uh but wait a minute wait a minute asides from dumping you know the breast cancer charity token let's see if they'd also did the save the kids and would you look at that they had the founders address dumped it bought it dumped it put it dumped it okay kind of day trader-ish but yo they were dumping it now after all of this the screenshots that he showed i received some of these in a mass file from jordan galen and jordan galen actually did tell me that in a lot of cases when he received money he wasn't participating in giveaways he was just taking finder fees now again whatever that in my opinion that's still kind of ethically [ __ ] but i had to make that point because jordan galen corrected me and he told me about it and just for the sake of clarity transparency and being fair and honest in this entire situation i'm passing that information to you listen i think the whole safe galaxy the eclipse giveaway the tits coin giveaway look i think they're far beyond honest errors okay like just explain some explain it like that was a big pivotal point that was like that was a big bombshell moment in the video it was very much left unexplained then he mentions this one giveaway shenanigan which i covered called milf token where he had like one winner apparently winning 500 in my video i ended up finding out the money he gave in that was to the jordan galen alleged wallet jordan galen later confirmed to me that this was again the finders fee so apparently that was the one giveaway that fraser just sort of you know didn't it never went through at the time and it was a team error it was an honest error apparently and they did ended up making up that person whole so they gave him like four times the value but like again you have to address the various giveaway winners who won all three of your big giveaways last time listen i just need an explanation because they ended up winning and dumping like it just none of this makes any sense whatever whatever like the big bombshell things you wanted fraser to cover never really got covered now i guess in the end to really just call this over he apologizes once again and then fraser says that listen he's gonna move away from the fraser k character i mean his lifestyle is consumed by fake [ __ ] clothes cars money whatever you want to call it look that isn't the problem i don't care if fraser k flexes anything 99 of [ __ ] youtubers in his sphere do the exact same thing that's not what i care about it's not that big of an issue it's not about playing a character if you want to flex corvettes and mansions to people that's fine i don't care good on you man i mean if you made that kind of money congratulations you deserve to kind of flex it every once in a while but i think the only issue that i care about is the cryptocurrency fraudulation the fraudulent the cryptocurrency fraud right that's going a bit too far look i dislike fraser okay i don't think he likes me either we're two people that'll never get along we're never gonna have a beer it's the end of the end of the story i do respect fraser in this regard though because he does he's the only person committed in this entire situation who wants to make people whole and i'm sure he has a process for it i'll keep an eye on it and i hope that fraser will do it okay i think that fraser has learned that you can't really do this kind of [ __ ] okay and and expect that there are no consequences i'm sure that there's something going on behind the scenes maybe there were some things not purposely admitted to maybe some things were purposely not mentioned in this giveaway because there are definite investigations that are happening in the background i know for a fact that there are some investigations and i'm not going to elaborate on that yet because with investigations you really can't until all of it's said and done that said the ladies and gentlemen i'm glad that our reporting stuck up man for the most part and at the end of the day while fraser made this video and i'm sure there's probably some people who will say yeah you're innocent dawg good on you chief you're fine just really settle things around it really doesn't in my opinion i think fraser while yeah he wasn't as complicit as sam pepper because sam pepper is genuinely an untrusted unreal unreliable person but uh to say that you know you were the one that was basically led along the entire way fraser you're not a dumb guy you're a smart individual all right when you're this knee deep in the whole like crypto sphere and in brand deals you have to have some understanding that maybe some things that you're doing aren't exactly above board uh now personally in another way would would this all have happened if me and coffee didn't cover these in our videos i don't think so i think if these people were allowed to basically get away with whatever save the kids was this whole thing wouldn't be addressed it would be one more [ __ ] coin altcoin that would have went down done its deed and flew into obscurity so ladies and gentlemen i'm going to end this video off by saying i'm glad that he's making people whole again i still don't like frasier and i still definitely believe there are aspects of this apology that are purposely admitting the real damning things a lot of the questions that i had are still left unanswered but i am glad that he went against all legal advice and confirmed some of those wallet addresses so thank god if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it this is the full finale of save the kids this is me mudahar and i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 875,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SaveTheKids, Save the kids, faze, faze clan, faze kay, kay, faze jarvis, faze teeqo, faze nikan, adin ross, faze banks, ricegum, sog, some ordinary gamers, responding, what, really, happened, with
Id: 5ReNN2s_7fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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