Please Do Not Spend Money On This "Game"... (Earth 2.0)

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hello guys and gals me moody and freelancer downloads in like 30 minutes so i got some time to kill ladies and gentlemen i wanted to look at something called earth 2. no you're not looking at a bunch of you're not you're not looking at some goggles from the bottom let me tell you about that much this is earth 2 a futuristic concept for a second earth a metaverse between virtual and physical reality in which real-world geolocations on a section map correspond to user-generated digital virtual environments these environments can be owned bots sold and in the near future deeply customized so uh you know real estate is expensive now virtual real estate well that might be a little more affordable for the average joker earth 2 has experienced unprecedented growth and success since launching late 2020 and they've sold more virtual land than any other project what other projects are there well i did a little checking and apparently they've got a whole bunch of these this is earthium which is a real-time strategy game where you can earn money crypto if the vet with the website didn't look like some web 1.0 [ __ ] look at the currency earn wreck a new kind of reality the only thing wreck is going to do in my opinion in my opinion i think it's just going to wreck your wallet if anything but let's get back to business our mission statement our future is virtual terminally online the information age is accelerating technology at an unprecedented speed as we see more and more science fiction realized already today many of us live half online and with every passing year the fantastic sci-fi metaverses of ready player one and snow crash seem less far-fetched there's a long road ahead of us as a new virtual future slowly becomes non-fiction but it may not be as long as many think earth 2 believes that carving out the foundations of this world may be one of the most important ongoing technical developments in the next decade and beyond so they want to bring a robust location-based game and technologies platform which supports strong virtual communities now it seems kind of like they're going for the idea of like you ever heard of that game second life all right second life you could actually i think sell stuff on let's look at the approach earth 2 is created because there needs to be a central platform which over time brings together all key vr haptic and similar relevant emerging technologies for use and enjoyment by people within an open world that is massive magical and familiar listen for games that have massive open worlds i've already been burned a few times i'm willing to give chances i mean hey i bought star citizen and you know we know how that one turned out so far phase one claim land so you can buy that land phase two resources uh resources will be released in 2021 so a little bit of mining minecraft 2. phase 3 is terrain so they get access to the earth 2 terrain system but i feel like you know let's look at the earth 2 trailer okay let's see what earth 2 is all about a new world with endless possibilities okay alternate reality in the making okay earth two splitting together that's a multiverse man i thought kojima was i thought kojima was out there with the with the whole debt stranding thing but this is just kind of taking the cake so here you got the idea of selecting and purchasing your land all right so you can buy basically full addresses market driven values and uh that's it buying popular areas so the taj mahal one day could be purchased by you know the brits again okay so all the way back what okay all right so that's kind of the trailer over there it has its production value i'll give it that here's the terrain system in 4k let's give this one a watch okay so this is the this is what the games i guess visually going to look like the terrain system let's let's give it a try so i mean off the bat i'll say right now the the graphics look it's in-game footage they're saying it i mean it's it looks nice definitely looks it looks like something i would see in just a standard game engine creator anyways but i mean it doesn't look bad all right it looks alright i assume each of these plots of land is what you're going to be purchasing in in in the near future what's a little wild though is there's no wildlife in the scenario dude where's where's the animals and the critters at this is a dead ass world you know looking at this gameplay footage i'm getting a little bit of vibes right now that maybe the e2 terrain engine might actually be unity actually let me check their description here real quick unity we chose unity because it's known for being very versatile easily expandable and the king of iteration and suitable for big teams i'm not throwing any shape to the good old unity people they're actually really great and unity is an awesome game engine unfortunately unity is also known to have some of the worst asset flips and hell if you go to the dark side of steam you'll probably know what i'm talking about kind of wild here now this doesn't look necessarily bad again despite whatever reputation unity itself has whatever their engine along with the unity assistance looks to be pretty good however i i don't see how different this is compared to say something like the newest microsoft flight simulator which also just generates the entire world anyways using a bunch of ai and like geo graphic tools that said though you know i'd be interested that they are apparently showing in-game footage it's time to see how this matures in the next coming months or years now the comment section section is where it's weird okay terrain system this is just a landscape in unity be careful they might sue you if you get whoa sue me what the what turns out we all have access to the e2 engine it's called unity you guys should probably change the video description now that you've been caught looks like they changed the description to include unity i feel like they were being real nice apparently the values have been jumping up like crazy you know japan just went up eight thousand two hundred and seventy one percent look at international territory 82 000 dude [ __ ] holy c went up 129 000 terry davis must be doing rpms right now god damn this is crazy the united states went up 60 thousand percent in value it's a hot time to apparently buy god damn member obligations by registering as a member to our website you agree to abide by the term set up below you acknowledge that any information or material submitted by you to the website is and will be treated by us as non-confidential and non-proprietary and we may use that material without restrictions good little weird nature of rights in virtual land we value the value of virtual land that is not yet assigned to ownership by any particular user is set by us in our discretion so i guess they can set the value of land to whatever they want including by the use of algorithms that respond to various factors including the apparent supply and demand and desirability of particular lots there is no inherent value in any virtual land and the value in particular blocks of virtual land and in the virtual land generally may fluctuate in value from time to time by various factors including user demand and our algorithmic determination of land value your rights in any virtual land are not ownership and are conferred by contract only for the purposes of transacting within the website as a registered user those rights are expressly subject to all of the terms that apply to the use of the website and require you to remain a registered user of the website okay we reserve the right in the future to convert your holding of virtual land or any rel equivalent credits held in the earth2 platform to an equivalent value of a cryptocurrency that we may create in the future any conversion would be conducted at a valuation reasonably determined by us if we have converted virtual land holdings to a separate cryptocurrency then you will maintain your rights to that crypto separately from the registration to the website already this is sounding like a terrible way to buy real estate everything is managed from within this one website okay all right kind of weird so we've already got we what have we got so far we've got a virtual real estate platform where the fluctuation in value is in the tens of thousands of percent right now canada and china are slumming it together in terms of property value um kind of a little unbelievable all right eight almost ten 000 increases in like what the last 24 hours or something and we've got situations where they have gameplay that up gameplay talking about gameplay towards criticizers already i'm telling you right now this doesn't sound like a good idea now then again i do reserve everything a lot of people have said earth 2 seems like a scam to them to be honest with you a scam to me is something where i put money into it and i really get nothing out of it but i also don't have the ability to withdraw my money which is a story we'll be getting to towards the tail end of the video so here i made an account real quick i logged in and here i'm sitting with my actual account now i've got zero earth credits and i actually tried to buy some earth credits real quick i really did so the balance is zero that i have but each earth dolan earth two dolan is equivalent to a u.s dolan okay so one us dollar is one earth dollar now if i wanted to add ten dollars worth of it i have to pay with a credit card and i ain't giving this company my visa or my mastercard we're just putting that right there i'm also not giving them my [ __ ] billing address because i'm not really enjoying any of that nonsense they do also have withdrawals so withdraw the car trial period dear earth 2 user earth 2 has significant long-term goals and for compliance reasons we need additional confirmation on user accounts that want to access and use sensitive parts of features over earth too i guess like an anti-money laundering check or something which is whatever now let's go to the marketplace real quick okay so here in the marketplace you can see that uh new land value six thousand one hundred dollars over 750 tiles okay so if you view the tiles like this you'll see that uh it's in this j well i'm trying to find this general location it's owned by user earth2 so i guess we'll try to view this real quick in their new map tool or whatever and this is the land in question right it's got a bunch of flags right next next to it but if i zoom out this seems to be land if the page will even load somewhere in south america okay so it's land that apparently is worth something in south america now the price per tile is eight dollars meaning the total is going up to 6172 if i click details i can buy the thing i can bid on it or i can see details now if you look at this real quick you can see the property history belongs to so they got kind of like a blockchain thing going right you can do 45 all right this is the first time it was bought by somebody named tanby then user earth 2 bought it for 750 i guess and then paid a 35 improvement fee so you like patched up the land that that that's cheap landscaping now from what i'm understanding all right until like phase three and phase two hit in this multiverse design you effectively bought a bunch of pixels on a [ __ ] map for 750. now you can buy it for six thousand one hundred and seventy two dollars that's not really that great of a deal what's also interesting is when you look at it they've got a uh referral code as well so five percent i guess cash back referral code which if i see more of that i mean i'm just i'm i'm wondering if it's a bunch of users trying to get new users in and basically saying hey save a little bit of money you know use my referral code it's going to be like a laundry list of referral codes i think there's like a word for that i'm kind of forgetting what it is i'm sure i'm sure i'm i'm i'm sure it'll come to me eventually let's look at the leaderboard real quick apparently this person spent like four hundred thousand dollars in credit that can't be real that can't be real what is it luck for you i gotta say i gotta see this i gotta see this real quick luck for you as a portfolio this is all the owned land this person has they've been buying the [ __ ] out of laborie laborious st lucia laborie quarter okay let me let me see can i buy this one can i buy saint anne saint anne apparently you can can can you get this it's con i don't know the flag to that country can you get this view buyer bid somebody bought this land for like a dollar 94 and then a day later they sold it for a quarter to like luck for you that's a bad deal what is going on here this doesn't even seem like an intelligent way to make money or flip cash you just lost money according to the transaction history so okay we we know we know that people are buying and selling virtual property how much does it cost to buy real virtual properties let's go to the united states let's go to the upper peninsula of michigan real quick and we'll get an idea actually you know what let's go to like ohio i think this is no actually this is the upper peninsula of michigan we'll just stay here so let's go zoom in really deep in here and uh let's go find a random patch of land so here we've got uh we here we got a beautiful like group of pixels okay we got like a little uh river right over here so as we zoom in i'm not trying to buy extopia city stop it okay maybe this might already be taking over [ __ ] uh we're gonna wait for these tiles to load up and then we can make a selection buying land [ __ ] finally dude that took like 30 seconds man this whole thing is a this whole thing is slow so let's buy let's let's just buy this patch of land real quick okay so 25 tiles uh let's see the details on these 25 my foo loading so ladies and gentlemen apparently buying in atlanta michigan i don't even know that was a place by the way big ups if you're from there and you're watching this video 25 tiles is apparently market valued at 1 500 because apparently they're charging 60 dollars per tile price you can buy that for a thousand five hundred and a thousand five hundred and fifteen dollars and you can just pay that with a credit card but if you use those referral promotion codes i guess you'll save some money it's also wild how this is not a [ __ ] game this doesn't seem like a game that you could just buy pixels on a [ __ ] map locked behind a website for for 1500 oh man now interestingly enough they had an algorithm for this right so since we know that's michigan we have to assume that california prices must be insane right so let's go down and see uh cali prices let's go down to like you know southern california let's see how much money uh let's let's see how much things start to cost here okay yeah here it is 24. it's the same thing details it's the it's nearly the same price so california and some like town and like michigan are priced the same your algorithm doesn't make sense what kind of what kind of what kind of realty prices are we looking at here earth 2 see maybe they're missing that code i don't know but they're already talking about like available resources so apparently on venice beach i guess they might have resources involving fresh water and then [ __ ] gold some oil some goddamn oil oh [ __ ] is it the us army outside my god damn so i guess we'll look at like one of these people again i'm having such a hard time here this person is apparently bought 677 properties so a net worth of 340 thousand dollars but their property value has increased 288 000 so they made 552 percent like gains on this now ladies and gentlemen at this point you would think this is a crazy investment if if you if you let's say you bought like a hundred thousand dollars worth right and it jumped up by 200 over a quarter million everyone should start cashing out but now i'm starting to wonder how are they calculating it if we just looked at the algorithm we just saw apparently property blocks in michigan like a town in michigan and i'm not dogging michigan or anything but the property value in michigan is comparatively less than the hottest beach in los angeles okay so if you're able to buy both those plots of land for the same price how is the algorithm determining property value increases you would think if the algorithm is designed in this way people who are buying in venice beach like crazy according to the map we saw the value would increase per tile in that area and if people aren't buying in that section in michigan the property value should be like what a tenth of what it was in los angeles so if they're calculating these increases why are these people not pulling out like a quarter million dollars from the situation like what's going on over here again i'm trying to be really fair to this whole situation because like i've seen a lot of people on youtube just straight up say it's a scam and you know at first glance i guess it kind of i guess i can actually see that on a personal level but at the same time i like to do as much research as i can and look into everything now one of the places you can go to is the earth 2 subreddit which is an interesting situation so you got a bunch of these people sharing referral codes in the situation which is is rather interesting like i told you about the referral codes earlier it seems like everyone just like creates an account here makes a referral code so somebody with a referral code gets somebody in to buy something with their referral code and then they use their referral code it seems to go to another new user and tell them hey use my referral code and the train never ends again i wish i knew i'm trying i i'm trying to remember this word but it's like lost to time in my head withdrawal process is a joke and this company is anti-consumers let's see some of these like subreddit posts okay uh here we've got i've got the been testing withdrawal process for about two months now and of course as expected there's absolutely no way to get your money out without applying for their ridiculous mastercard and who knows if you'll even get it then in every email they reply to me with which has been around 30 they say they can't give me my money but they attach the details on how to get a mastercard hilarious use the revolt app seems that the deposit is going through but not yet either way don't drown more money into this thing please so that was from two days ago from one user and here you've got i got the mastercard within a week and the withdrawal fee waived bit of a pain but it works fine so then they've got other videos that you can use so it's kind of a mixed bag as to like how legitimate some of this is like here's a creator named earth2aria reality who's got a crap ton of [ __ ] dislikes over here god damn complete steps on how to get your money back on quick earth 2. yeah i mean they're for the people who actually do follow the company it's pretty simple i can i do all my withdrawals within like 48 hours i think the last withdrawal was uh it was like two days ago three days ago and i got it in like 12 hours so that's because i know what to do and in this video that's a real that's a real condescending way to say the withdrawal isn't rocket science it either works or it doesn't but i'm glad this guy's getting his withdrawal so again conflicting opinions let's see the real steps here direct to card that's that's the patrol myth and then you put in your debit card and then you withdraw it's gonna come up denied it's gonna come up denied like 99 percent of the time i don't think i've seen any united states resident who just got their money the easy way i mean i wish it was that easy so maybe that's why cure tb and these other reddit posters are saying that it could be like a scam or whatnot withdrawals suck and oh i can't get my money it's because it's not that easy you have to use a third-party account i use revolut that's what we're gonna mostly talk about in this video it's called revolut you can get it on the app revolut type it in ios or the google play store i'll actually put it in the description box oh man there's just like a million referral codes i'm done all right that's a weird red flag right there you know what somebody's just like uh yeah i've seen like i i think in his words by the way 99 of us residents didn't get their money the easy way now normally i think when you put your debit card in i normally would never give a credit or debit card to any company that i don't trust i don't trust earth too that's for sure but if you're not getting your money sent and you're you're advising people to use a third party doesn't it raise red flags when like money doesn't like doesn't that raise red flags to anybody like i mean if i if i'm giving you a master or visa card why am i not getting money back from you what's going on why is the back end having issues normally unless they're seeing legitimate red flags in the back end that's the only way that i can ever imagine some of these payment processors are having issues again i'm not a financial expert and i'm kind of speaking out of my ass at this point but i i if i ever have issues with any payment service and a website that's a red flag to me and i've been online shopping for a long time box maybe i'll put in this video or something for you guys you have to get that account which takes a couple seconds it's actually a really nice app i i have a card for it and everything and then you can withdraw to the revolut the card you're gonna count in a card number within seconds and then you just withdraw to that revolut card the number and then revolut to your bank account like i said i can't speak for any countries besides my own i've heard of other countries who are actually uh it works just fine for them too i mean some countries i don't think they have revolut but just use another company that's like that i want to see why another virtual card wouldn't work like uh like venmo or cash app i haven't tried those but i don't see why those wouldn't work either i have personally tested this revolute several times and i've pulled out maybe 10 20 30 000 apparently you're pulling refunds out of 13 000 that's that's [ __ ] wild so again i'm getting so many conflicting reports from everybody where some people can't get their money out and this person is getting like 13 grand out 30 000 apparently in some cases so again the definition of scammed me doesn't make any sense if you can pull your money out then it's not a scam kind of shitty in my opinion in terms of like how their algorithm treats property values and like just the general idea of buying jpegs on a [ __ ] grid map yeah kind of weird kind of something that i don't really advise you to do but uh it's i don't think you can say it's necessarily a scam if you can refund money again let's go back here's another post by somebody who's like i can withdraw trial option is the only option i tried five different credit cards and they say pending at first and just out of nowhere drops earth 2 doesn't have any support email and yes i am a verified user any help spar wheat says i got the same problem my withdrawal failed three times already you just got conned lol honestly at the end of the day if you want to withdraw if you want to withdraw create a revolut this is not me officially endorsing anything however their systems work cohesively with hours especially if you're worried about e2 stealing any info you can essentially connect everything to a bank account that you could theoretically only use for e2 so again people keep mentioning this revolut which seems like a method to bypass the shitty withdrawal system allegedly here and just use a third party again why aren't these withdrawal failings i'm having an issue trying to understand that i think it's interesting reading further when they actually talk about in the reddit community will we actually get to play the game there is no game they're building a platform akin to roblox where they want other people to build the games for them they just provide a gateway and economic system to charge people for access to those games forget about there being an all-encompassing game there won't be one and these guys couldn't build one even if they wanted to they definitely are getting the funding too that's for sure you might see them purchase some other games to plug in and get the ball rolling but they aren't going to be building intensive high quality games you know one of the weirdest parallels that i'm seeing here is kind of like star citizen like i mentioned maybe earlier in this video maybe the beginning because i just recently downloaded it but you know a lot of these in star citizen's case you're always buying like ships i mean there are ships for sale that are over a hundred dollars you know some of them can get up to like a massive astronomical amount so you buy these ships and you explore whatever galaxy you're allowed to in the alpha build of the game but at least in star citizen's case they have some vision of a game like at least when you buy a ship at least you get to play the goddamn game here to be honest with you it's just weirder because you're buying [ __ ] plots of land at the end of the day and when you hear about the stories of like alleged lawsuits which i don't know may or may not be real and then you've got situations where people are having such a hard time withdrawing money there's no way anybody can recommend this i don't recommend this simply because it doesn't seem logical to pump 1500 into a game to buy 25 patches of virtual land then again i'm not a financial expert and you know maybe if you follow my advice you might lose out on the craziest deal which is earth 2. but this seems like some kind of technology that i think is kind of preying upon individuals that are too into the crypto world too into any of that stuff where they think they can make fast easy quick cash and if you look at all the numbers at least on their website with property virtual property prices going up thousands of percentages it might seem like it's worth it but then you start looking into situations where you need third-party payment processors to extract money there's a lot of issues people are having problems this definitely doesn't seem like anything that i would consider safe putting money into so ladies and gentlemen i'm going to stop right there i think i've dug in way too deep into the situation and i'm going to keep this on the back of my mind as time goes on uh just to keep just just to see where it leads because who knows you know earth's two you got a lot of people on the internet calling it a scam and it doesn't bypass my definition since for a scam they would have to allow you to pump money in and have no ability to pump money out and since i haven't done that i'm not going to definitively state from my end that it's possible or it isn't and i'm sure as hell not giving her to my credit card information billing history or [ __ ] my number in any case so i'm going to stop right there and uh you know in this case if it turns out that it gets even more egregiously like weirder from the situation on then we'll revisit it but for now earth 2 is a platform that i would never recommend you put money into i would never recommend you support something like this it seems like they're cashing out on gullible individuals and that's where i'm going to kind of leave it okay ladies and gentlemen that's earth 2 proving once again in my opinion that the earth is in a [ __ ] massive hellfire and we're living right in it baby that being said this is me mudahar and i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 666,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UBF3t9rg6To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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