This Site Helps "Modifies" Kittens...

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hello guys and gals me muta horn welcome to another episode of deep web browsing dark web browsing dank web browsing you know what time it is it's that part of the Uighur you sit back relax and browse that part of the internet that is a little too dank for regular viewing as always the theme is random the night has just begun and we are going to our very first web site alright so over here we seem to actually have a website that can give us a fake ID identity name generator it's called forsaken and for those things beginning over here first things first this tool generates information from algorithms it does not produce actual issue documents nor fast similes specimens or samples of real documents so ladies and gentlemen this is a web page that frankly creates an identity just for you me and whatever you want to call it so the first things first create a random generator with a fake name for games novels or alter-ego avatars of yourself create a new virtual disposable identity instantly okay so we have disposable emails for all those riveting websites that you have to be a certain age to access and now we've got the ever lovely beautiful side of creating our own a virtual identity out of nowhere so I'm gonna hit refresh a couple times get to get something gangster going across over here ladies and gentlemen real quick and we'll cover everything over here so here we got Brad B Harmon and I live at 75th North Farmersville Boulevard in California alright I've got a phone number as well I've got an email Hebert 409 at safety mail dot info so I randomly generated stuff now if we look over here my gender is male first name Brad Bruce Harmon BBH mother's maiden name as Frances we even gotten mother's maiden name alright birthday September 10th 1991 man we were just one day off from having a day that could have been a terrible day to celebrate on by the way I had those little interesting texts I actually got over they're kind of weird and creepy this hour of the night actually I'm not gonna go too into detail I actually want to forget about it September 10th 1991 27 Lake Forest California I saw Xia's those owed zodiac sign zodiacal signs the first time I've heard it a Virgo we've got passwords username [ __ ] md5 and sha-1 hashes of our passwords okay we need to stop all right we've got emails phone access credit card all right social security numbers that's issued in California again none of these are real in any relation is completely coincidental coincidental can't speak tonight passport number issues expert dates we've even got so that's [ __ ] that's weird did so we've got the okay if you ever open up a passport real quick and this applies with like us Canadian I think UK Australian Japanese passports they have like the two strips at the bottom that are relative to uh what is it like they're a little like country markers almost right they're like markers on a passport you put them into a computer terminal and they will immediately pull up for you so they've actually got a little passport like computer barcodes almost that's that's [ __ ] weird did we've got a driver's license that's of course it issued all in California we've got a car actually so Brad mile tareka on the Volkswagen Beetle [ __ ] gangster homie issued in California in the year 2014 so I've got GUI D unique IDs you got physical appearances we've got brown hair brown eyes I'm five feet ten inches 179 pound mole thick boy and my blood type is b-positive and I can donate to be positive and a B+ I can receive alright that okay so I've got a I've got some crazy physical appearances that's pretty cool dude my personality so my religion is an unaffiliated believer I'm a Republican god bless my favorite color is blue which actually is my real favorite color in real I find the way that's kind of cool favorite comfort food Pizza favorite seasons like you can read my [ __ ] mind dude summer is great because winter is just depressing my US federal taxpayer identification number okay that now now we're just bringing the meme hardcore and then you've got fantasy features so that's kind of cool alignment is neutral good oh yeah dude I have 11 charisma damn son I'm 11 charisma dude I can i'ma roll some twenties on that boy US Constitution is 5 my dexterity is 9 ok my intelligence is 12 but my strength is 18 dude I'm a [ __ ] unit homeboy and my wisdom is 13 alright so has your life become duller boring lately pretend to be someone else for a while yeah with information like this guys you could certainly be your own absolute man that's [ __ ] great dude check your anonymity so here they've got an ax and anybody checks going on for you so it's actually kind of important so they've gotten my IP address which is localhost that's kind of how tor really works anyways they've got operating system platforms a screen resolution color death the color depth color system time all that so when anybody tells you not to full screen pages on the Deep Web or something of the sort is usually because you see how they can track me so when i refresh this page i had a screen resolution of 1853 by 951 so if i refresh this again it'll it'll change to like 1920 well not 1920 by 1080 but the desktop variant of it but they're able to actually check the OS I'm using which is Linux the operating system of the server that they're using is Windows 7 it seems and it's able to tell my screen resolution color depth and my system time and all that good stuff so these are things you have to actually remember and kind of watch out for it's [ __ ] weird how things work I've got a browser name which is Firefox obviously browser name what Netscape I think is mozilla-based that's that's a weird man I'm just saying just pointing out why not date to weed now browser install plugins mime types listed alright so it's basically got my entire systems going around and you can obviously donate to it which is a cool I mean if you want to donate to a site that helps you create some fake IDs well fake fake IDs well you understand then I guess this is the kind of site for you but for me though it's interesting to see that whenever I have to make a DND character super basic unreal I know exactly where it is where it where to go to but that being said let's go to a site that's not all about making fake unveiled secrets and messages of light the alien intervention-- oh man dude I just love browse and aliens deepened in the nights dude you know what a sight has heaven responds as a [ __ ] like side text panel free to go - things are gonna be great these messages were given to mankind feel free to share this information with your friends relatives and all who seek the path of light all right these are godly messages let's uh let's go let's go read into this group Oh Elrond has absolutely no connection with desert Church of Scientology's Scientology's don't believe in this in this chat okay so right off the bat I'm scared shitless like when you look into Scientology guys I'm just gonna point this out would you Scientology can have some pretty spooky circumstances into it well when you look too much into it like I I mean it those guys are some powerful people I don't want to [ __ ] with that kind of [ __ ] dude it's uh it's it's it's something anyway so you know Scientology of Scientology let's go down over here the alien intervention-- space exploration and galactic neighborhood reality of life in this region of the galaxy is quite different from the knowledge that scientists or astronomers have on earth our solar system is actually located in the most populated area of the galaxy and our planet has been considered by many alien races positive and negative as a huge reserve or repository of biological and mineral resources for them to mine hey man this is my planet Eila mouths if you come to my [ __ ] planet dude expect to get a big giant nuke on your face all right my planets so violent all different people on my planet have nukes everywhere you got the [ __ ] American nuclear so you got the Russian nuclear so you got the Indian nuclear's my [ __ ] you might even get the Japanese nuclear is even though they don't allow you you better not [ __ ] with me a lab mouse as well that's a little bit more that's a little muda being a [ __ ] nationalist for Earth you know what man you know what I'm an earth that can dude that's what I'm gonna go with nowadays anybody asked me where are you from Earth what the [ __ ] am i on lately our planets have been habited by numerous civilizations since ancient times which were even more advanced than the other societies such as Atlantis or Lemuria I've never heard of Moria but now I have these ancient civilizations left behind physical evidence of their existence than many places like the vault found at [ __ ] Mountains and other places buried under some IceCaps which were found in Antarctica also many more treasures have not yet discovered or have been destroyed by natural events the technological remnants found in these vaults as we said before are much more advanced in technology the deep state received from the Greek gray Eila mouths in 1947 here that ladies and gentlemen the grey aliens weren't even that advanced dude go probe something else here [ __ ] alien [ __ ] Lords contrary to the basic or popular idea that astronomers have related to space exploration at least in this part of the galaxy space exploration is very limited and controlled by a Federation of races here we go the mass effect and [ __ ] memes dude goddamn no free no race is free to go wherever it likes because space exploration is extremely dangerous and one can come across with a hostile spaceship and be destroyed alright so in space apparently the space cops say well you can't go to the soul system you can't go near earth dude you can't go near that what kind of [ __ ] space totalitarian North Korea do we [ __ ] live in [ __ ] or you can't just fly to wherever you want and [ __ ] dude and I bet you when humans become a spacefaring race we're gonna teach these octopus faced gray alien neckbeards to suck our dicks or whatever all right when that time comes dude I'm sorry man I can't accept this space North Korea the owners of Earth the common idea that humanity is erased lives alone in the universe is very outdated that I agree with obviously human beings aren't the only race out there if you genuinely believe that I mean think about it like this if we can become [ __ ] if we can evolve into a proper species that can think and act and all that [ __ ] then there are definitely other species out there you know I'm one of those firm believers that there's like pockets of human beings that exist in like other galaxies like if you develop a a planet with earth-like conditions and a species similar to that earth-like conditions I almost feel that aliens will look exactly like you and me except they'll be from an entirely different planet dude right now as weird as it sounds there could be another city in another [ __ ] galaxy on another planet with the another space indian dude all right making deep web exploration videos right now alright as [ __ ] up as that idea is run it around on your head cuz I genuinely believe that I think that can be a very real thing anyways though that's not the point of it let's go down there are hostile races that considers him no superior to the rest and they battle for conquest of other planets these aliens work as galactic empires don't worry when humanity gets into space and they're getting nuked dude we're gonna [ __ ] we're gonna build that space wall you know back in those days after the alien conquest took place the invasive force is able to control the native population of the planet they decided to rewrite history and enslave the native species on earth for they did not want the Inhumans understood from what had really happened in the solar system while a planet was being torn apart and plunged into chaos the remaining native humans were mostly destroyed and scattered and the new owners of the planets who were also expert geneticists managed to create a subservient race by modifying the DNA this is like the plot to Assassin's Creed modern day if you want to like get kind of technical we hope I mean there weren't aliens and Assassin's Creed but we were like humans made us slaves back off with that [ __ ] we human beings are our own [ __ ] and [ __ ] any alien that tries to control us by the way just pointing that out there the prison planet aliens had the representative on earth who are not entirely human but hybrid beings of oh yeah so lizard people okay just [ __ ] just say it lizard people and by the way this is no short article this just goes on and on and on and on and on to the point where while we reach the world state okay and as you can understand ladies and gentlemen when something is written with this level of intensity there's somebody who definitely believes it's real and I can I can believe that dude you know we can look at things like 2012 and planet Nibiru or Planet X I was supposed to crash into us by the way Hollywood curses oh [ __ ] dude the truth about the Superman curse according to the Masters of light curses do not exist in the physical plane you hear that boys and girls DC lovers and haters alike Superman is part of a Hollywood curse okay now now we're reaching a point where we're even muda can't try and defend anything goes into a dude The Blair Witch Project for the truth story oh boy you know there was a point in my life where I knew someone that like apparently said they were related to the whole Blair Witch stuff so I don't know dude I don't know man I don't know how real any of this is but you know I've always one of those people that had you know some semblance of belief in the supernatural I guess I don't know I'm gonna stay out of this dude this should genuinely freaks me the [ __ ] out but this site people genuinely believe the hell out of it you know and the thing is man at some point on a live stream probably sit down and read some of these together just because there are like big articles and I feel like if you put them all into one video it's gonna be kind of [ __ ] so let me back out and go to another website ladies and gentlemen bonsai Catan dedicated to preserving the long lost art of body modifications for canned scary alright so body modification in house pets does not sound good or core introduction for centuries people in the West have marveled at the delicate Beauty produced by oriental artists and sculptures from gardening to tattooing to dance and martial arts these craftsmen's have enthralled us with complex forms and the ballistic perfections one of the most fascinating of the visual techniques to emerge from this highly cultured region is the oriental art of miniature sculpture who has not been stricken with the expressive grace of Japanese bonsai though once the sole provision of bonsai masters was in Japan bonsai plants have been available to fortunate consumers throughout the world for some time with all this in mind we are now to provide you the animal component of this art form the bonsai kit oh okay all right that does not sound too good let's go look into a bonsai plan along with its more widely encountered counterpart that the topiary garden achieves his miniature yet mature form through a long and delicate process of trimming during the formative years of the tree it is not possible to trim a kitten fortunately the oriental artists of your were also experts in the modification of animal both footba Oh Oh foot-binding okay all right let me give you guys a real quick primer into this real quick I learned about this way back this was like the [ __ ] what was it like the sixth grade so my teacher has like I'm sure at this point she's probably gotten fired at this point but like in primary school she told me about like the weird things that like what it was cultural differences okay was like a social studies class but she made this comment one time about like back in the day right like in like Japan and China and Korea to make women look prettier what some women would do was that they would like take their feet so like imagine this is their toe right this finger and this is the rest of their foot what they would do is they would just stick their [ __ ] toe back into their feet and to make their feet look smaller and then therefore cuter so they would wear special shoes that would just [ __ ] just drive it in like crunch their feet in and like some of these women they couldn't walk well afterwards right I mean how the [ __ ] could you you've literally deformed your [ __ ] feet but I guess it made you look [ __ ] cuter so when it came time to get married right what would happen was that you know they would look at those physical features and say damn bangable right we [ __ ] [ __ ] this woman so to speak it was a [ __ ] up practice and of course it doesn't happen nowadays right unless I guess you go to like really really [ __ ] rural China Japan or Korea where I we're nowadays or just definitely [ __ ] laws against this for sure but yeah this is just this is like to do it on a [ __ ] cat ooh the technique is also principle how the well-known corset which is regaining popularity in recent years by are physically constraining the growth of developing living thing it can be direct to take the shape of the vessel that constrains it no no that's just [ __ ] painful go to the method real quick method and only a few weeks of age a kittens bones have not yet Harden and become osseous they're extremely soft and springy in fact if you take a week old kitten and throw it to the floor it will actually bounce who the [ __ ] does that who who takes a [ __ ] innocent kitten and just throws it onto a floor I bet it's going to bounce just by [ __ ] bouncy ball just don't bounce cats we do not recommend that you try this at home thank you your kitten may bounce on with the furniture and be difficult to retrieve yeah my [ __ ] stop it it's a poor little cat the flexibility of a kitten skeleton means that if its bones are gently warped at this early age it can be molded into any desired shape at bonsai kitten we achieved this by placing the kitchen kitten into a rigid vessel soon after birth and allowing the young cat to grow at its formative time entirely within this container that's [ __ ] torture that's actually the [ __ ] torture if you do that to a cat or a dog or any animal you're [ __ ] up and I hope the FBI like absolutely fingers your boy [ __ ] and the other day like that that's not right dude that that ain't cool that that that's that's beggin fur for an ash rush into your house by the way practical considerations air food and water and waste removal uh what about the obvious animal abuse that comes into it just putting that one out - it's fine I'm not gonna open the [ __ ] gallery that's not happening let's go look at the sails real quick I'm so tempted okay there's nothing in here's I'm not gonna look at the work-in-progress if I'm not gonna look at [ __ ] in cats being just destroyed bodily wise and Banzai kitten we do not have a coddle a catalog of I can't speak today of pre-manufactured kitties every mom's eye kitten is an original we can shape kitties to your specifications the closest we come to providing off-the-rack kitties is to provide example vessel shapes for those wanting ideas - what - request all right so what they've got over here is rectilinear vessels urns and curved forms tubular constrictions agnostic animal shapes space frame wire superglue muscle relaxants calcium sequestering agents glass drills shoe horns I honestly this is this is one giant like to me it definitely feels like a a sight that is clearly a parody but at the same time man like what in the actual [ __ ] that goes down into it Jesus Christ goddamn you've got a guns people typing stuff here I found that an infusion of 190-proof grain alcohol will contribute to the shrinking of tendons and other cartilages tissues um if you're giving 190-proof grain alcohol to a cat that's gonna [ __ ] it up dude it's gonna [ __ ] a human up trust me muda muda stone the beauty of Everclear and it's it's a hoot and a holler let me tell you your site has been reported to the United States Department of Agriculture god damn dude goddamn savages you cannot tell me in this day and age this is acceptable anywhere in the world you cannot compare a kitten to a tree please respond so this is like a real response by shelf at hum melt calm dear shellfish it is obvious that you have not traveled widely or you would have encountered the world-famous bonsai kitten you see that you straight-up called him out from being culturally [ __ ] I love it but at the same time don't don't do this to your cat you know obviously this is [ __ ] and fake like it's it's a parody website nobody nobody's gonna [ __ ] bend a cat into something that's not happening but at the same time there's always that [ __ ] idiot out there that thinks that uh you and if you do it you know there's there's a number and the FBI crime unit you should give them your address and tell them that you touch the little cats and they'll give you your magic million customer award trophy in the following couple hours so just point that one out there that being said though I'm gonna back out of this and go somewhere else and ladies and gentlemen our deep web video of the week coming in at 1 minute and 18 seconds ladies and gentlemen we sit back relax and look at a video well above our normal average so that being said we've got what appears to be I can't even confirm I think I'm looking at a [ __ ] wall it could be minecraft visuals for all I care let's just sit play oh boy what have we stepped in here oh okay all right well we stepped into the twilight zone ladies and gentlemen we've got what appears to be hate written on this person what are they [ __ ] bleeding out or something like that there's just apparently we've got hate okay all right dude we got a little bit of that I a little bit a spooky spooky Stein VK rotc is what they're WK ROTC's what they're writing all right oh Jesus Christ dude the [ __ ] visuals were just giving me a headache oh my god we got a Venus flytrap Venus flytrap eating eating eating animals dude that's great eatin insects sighs spots Cammie and then oh no I hate this forest oh god oh god oh god what the [ __ ] are they doing they're being followed and [ __ ] by something what the [ __ ] just like saying hi we Pike okay it's it's like in another language student wk ROTC e and that's it it's a minute and 18 seconds of what in the [ __ ] did I watch okay let's give a little play-by-play real quick so okay let's go to the first thing obviously we've covered somebody writing the word hate and coming out with light what appears to be really lit up fluid that's awesome we've got this person with the two X's over the eyes looking at us talking and W K ROTC e now I don't know what that really comes down to I'm just gonna assume that it's like another language almost and then we've got this shot of Venus flytrap size spot commie which is another word that's written over here and then we've got this weird like trek through the forest and obviously the audio is really weird but what's really cool is this [ __ ] so if we look and analyzes this real quick oh god can I can I go frame by frame please real quick I hate to be using premier for any of this like it's just so janky but we've got oh I guess that works we've got what seems to be this like person watching and if you've got the two eyes staring you down but it could be anything else really and there's like a sign but the problem is with like all these videos and because they're deep web videos right they have to be really compressed and small otherwise you can't obviously view a lot of them right that's the biggest problem we have so now you have these uh these these videos that are almost incomprehensible tell it like you can't get the really tiny interesting features out of it it's just not gonna happen so we've got somebody putting up a sign over there and you've got these two red eyes and like what is appearing to be like a Slenderman type deal right or it might not even be a sign it might just be like a post with something stuck on to it and it's really hard to tell like I can't post anything and we cut right back to this guy he's giving us hand signals and then W Michael so it could just be another language you know it really could but apparently this is a message being sent to us by this person and it's a dank web art project due to really it's a [ __ ] art project now the thing about it is is I feel like I'm part of an Arg when I watch these videos like there's definitely an Arg right to it but I don't have any access to it like I can't obviously get you guys the whole video I feel like I'm missing maybe like four minutes whole video in general right because I've got a minute and 18 seconds over here I don't know what else exists in this other than this this video right so it definitely feels like a bigger plot I'm just not seeing it so that's that's one thing I'm saying is going against this video to be honest with you on my friend so you know interesting video you know minute 18 seconds definitely well shot it has a lot of things going for rather than just still image you know transitions and whatnot but ultimately nothing really leads up to it guys I'm gonna back out of this and head out somewhere else somewhere that makes sense let me tell you you let me know what you see in this video until then we're gonna go somewhere else alright so over here ladies and gentlemen we've got a Japanese website it seems right so we've got six links 104 and 202 2314 so the only thing I can really convert in this kind of right now are the actual numbers well what I can actually tell you is that this is an active website so we've got 2019 a January and pretty much the entire month almost covered and if we go into it ladies and gentlemen we've got January up until fourth fifth six seven eight nine ten and beyond basically put into this so you know it's a it's a newer website all right we've got a blurred blurred names over here you shingo dora doraga n-- and that's where it comes down to so we're gonna kind of look through this website interesting showcases indeed and the background is just water surface a gone to a beach so interesting stuff for sure we're gonna go down and suit we've got basically throughout this whole page so let me just sort of scroll in a more the site is having an issue loading i think it might just be the virtual machine kind of crapping itself when something new gets introduced but one of the first pictures we see come across over here appears to be a YouTube video that I guess leads to some animated series or something we have this page show up over here this little photo that moment I move my mouse over it sort of like starts to dissipate interesting design and then is that serial-killer lane did oh god I still have to watch this thing you know what man I've done it for too long after this recording I'm definitely gonna like download it and put it onto my put it on a Plex or something and watch it but that seems to be serial killer Lane and of course the moment I started putting my mouse anywhere near it the moment it starts to sort of disappear and okay I clicked onto it that's really it's really weird we've got twenty nineteen to nine about login tracklist let's go to about almost and I'll go back over here real quick oh it's just flashing images of Evangelion Neon Genesis so if you ever heard of this anime or called uh so okay okay no it's not serial killer Lane I'm a [ __ ] idiot I really am an idiot dude I I need to get my anime game stepped up again so that's actually rape from neon genesis evangelion which is like a really [ __ ] avant-garde anime if you want me to explain it to you it's about this like really depressed kid whose dad doesn't [ __ ] love him too much and basically the future of the world is destroyed you've got these angels that have come back to earth and they're starting to destroy [ __ ] up you know and basically what they have is that of these captured angels that they put kids into as pilots because they have the most sync ratio to them and they basically fight these angels and uncover this plot line later on so that girl over there is one of the three pilots the it's ray it's Shinji and it's also a german japanese girl don't get me started with this okay if you want the [ __ ] play-by-play to neon genesis evangelion don't [ __ ] ask me about don't ask anybody just watch it it's actually a good anime okay it's confusing as [ __ ] but it's a good anime so this is actually Neon Genesis Evangelion I mean I thought it was serial codleyn for a second just because you know you got a girl over there about totally different styles you've got icons over here and then oh okay shit's popping up over here that's it's a little weird so you've got a red stuff we've got numbers 83 66 3287 17 290 is that it is is there anything more to it like is it just a crash or something I think if I can hit okay I'm back I'm back to wear red alright Jesus Christ now you've got other doorways to sort of access and I'm trying to go over there not really getting anywhere but the website has crashed alright so let's go back let's not try to open the door anymore does not work they've got a youtube channel that you can kind of access into if you want a bunch of YouTube links and the more and more you go down obviously I can't read the language over here but it does lead to newer newer pages there you go so this has been active since 2018 11th 11th so it's it's a fairly like recent website it's kind of like daily updates it's got a bunch of accesses in the front so you can log in to a page from here I really love this background by the way I wish I could find a live wallpaper engine version of it we've got another page that leads to blossoming flowers Tachibana laboratories the wired is vast oh so this connects us back to the wired web pages interesting can I go randomly somewhere else to you okay this is another page real quick wired sound for Wired people we've actually seen that before and Red Room huh don't know what the [ __ ] we've got over there so Oh new new website entirely let's just go all the way back this is like Japanese side of the internet now terminal zero zero we have seen this one and indexing all right haven't recalled that one so let's go to that one real quick this third page and this takes us to a message board okay this is just one more message board out on the Internet this page takes us to some dudes Yahoo contact information so I guess I said webmaster and this takes us to what the [ __ ] is this ghost in the shell' or something like goes from the shell to innocence that I mean that was a cool movie dude that was it I was definitely a great movie let's go down over here that takes us to the page that we were assaulted with last time dude the the red is just blowing my eyes up one thing to note over here is the number actually changes every time we come I believe in the beginning was like 100-something and now it's like 114 so interesting set of circumstances to go with again this is just the the webpage dying that we can access and there's other places you can obviously go to like like a YouTube channel for instance right so you can go like right over here to somebody else's YouTube channel where they've got 18 subscribers actually so this is something totally new and interesting out here so red room one you've got videos that look really interesting in detail this is like another org or something that's kind of this is kind of like interesting and you actually let me just see this real quick okay one thing to note it's like February 1st 2019 and I think these are like like scenes from like a TV show or something of the sort cuz I it just it just looks like it is that way you can go to like anything else really you know it's just well that just takes you to the same youtube channel and yeah so you're getting post randomly day by day some of the posts actually link to something some don't like this leads us to an MPEG video called arc hyah hyah mp4 I'm not gonna open that one up but the more and more you go down over here you have I think this is more like a linear straight up rabbit hole dude like it just takes us to random pages here and there so I I really don't know much more I can't understand the language obviously there's a language barrier but there's also like a weird like content barrier going around like it links to a lot of sites we've been to before but at the same time it's it's almost its own demon it's a really weird thing to go to but you know without being super duper more confused I'm just gonna leave it the fact this is like a neon genesis evangelion fan page but for now I'm back out and go somewhere else Triple P proudly presents another [ __ ] freak production Friday February 22 1991 it's pretty old but this is by flash Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof all right there we go I'm glad that we started with with the [ __ ] a little bit of a u.s. Allah kicking in but intro this is a file on fighting to win our dude I always wanted to learn how to fight to win let's [ __ ] do it in my first attempt writing a file dedicated to self-defense I wish to make it clear that I am NOT an anarchist I believe in government I believe in the police and I even believe in taxes sometimes oh boy do I love me the taxes [ __ ] cancer however the police are never around when no one needs them therefore it is sometimes required for one's well-being can be able to kick the living [ __ ] out of an aggressor a few things to remember this is not boxing nobody is going to step in to stop the fight if you end up unconscious this is not wrastlin do not pull any punches or do tricky moves no one in the history of the world has used a move he learned from watching wrestling to win a fight oh yeah dude exactly you you want to uh when you and you're fighting you don't want to [ __ ] definitely post out what you're doing you want to play to win man there is no such thing as fighting dirty if it keeps you alive it's fair damn straight dude I'll be honest man if you're doing a fight to survive for your life and somebody says no balls you fought like a big puss that means they're the big puss dude I'm telling you right now I will I will bite your eyeball out if I got a fight and survive let me tell if my life's on the line I will draw blood let me tell I will bike down but let's go into it okay let's not let's not get a homicidal yet okay now the specifics you're fighting someone who's obviously better equipped to fight run being brave doesn't equal being smart yeah dude if you guys if you've got big lad and come and add you you know ripping your [ __ ] [ __ ] apart with this [ __ ] like one hand you bet you better run you better you better dart homeboy you better do it if you thought the above line was directed toward someone else the fighting below is for you fighting and winning so when fighting aim for certain points alright so they've got a stick figure over here alright weird the guy touch you alright so over here you get a lot of places to hit so the eye is classic Three Stooges um you're a key fob or something yeah I'm not even gonna go with that actually that's nice our family-friendly bridge of nose are right below the nose hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo that hurts below ear right next to jaw base of skull base of neck I mean one punch anywhere in those areas if you're like strongest [ __ ] and you give him like a punch to the [ __ ] base of the skull that guy's that guy's out I mean there's points were like if you punch so hard they're dead solar plexus right in the middle below ribcage isn't that like if you punch they're so hard like your [ __ ] heart stops working I think like I'm not even kidding is that the thing penis obviously died if you [ __ ] hit somebody in the [ __ ] penis the gonads it's gonna suck ass need joy ahahaha the knee joints are the worst if you like it a good smash over there you can win the entire fire there dude's gonna be like wincing and pain you can just win everything stomp on foot right near ankle yeah that's also another cancerous thing to do you [ __ ] break their foot and you've won the fight you break the foot you [ __ ] up the knee you basically make sure that they can't use their two legs to fight and I mean you've won like what are you gonna do crawl and punch you nah did nah you're winning right there the site's actually true knows if you strike with the edge of your hand karate chop style right below the eye you can got serious pain strike right below the nose and it's bad enough to cause unconsciousness yeah ear and below the ear and by the way I do not support this for condoning this side of the way do not fight and beat somebody up like this that's not the I have to put that disclaimer out there so legal is happy you're below the ear and behind the jaw has a small indentation press on it with your thumb ouch wait like oh yeah jab with your thumb right at that spot it will cause pain unconscious and if you do it too hard too oh no no no base of skull karate chop yourself in the back of the neck aim upwards there are two big tendons that form a large flat area strike in this area and you'll nail some nerves it feels like an electric shock do it or and it feels like a 220 volt line running head to foot yeah dude I mean I've been punched there before you feel like a flash of white it's not [ __ ] cool base of neck and I mean this is a place where you see spies and spy movies karate chop this won't knock anyone out to sit but you can disable their arm pretty well if you have their collarbone you'll hear a real loud crack and they won't be able to move their arm after that uh-oh that's like paralysis dude solar plexus jab with a finger they won't be able to believe breathe off do not testicles last resort if you want to retain some dignity I don't care man if I'm fighting somebody their dicks getting [ __ ] punched in dude I'm gonna give them a micropenis let me point that one out knee joint if you're knocked down hook your right ankle around the right heel and kick their kneecap with your life ah today's episode it makes me feel so pained Oh foot if you grab from behind stop their foot and drive your elbow into the solar plexus whoo-hoo feet boys weapons weapons are good and bad good when you've got them bad otherwise stay away from knives and guns it's too easy to accidentally kill someone killing is not good forget what TV shows tell you kill someone and you will not have a life worth living anymore unless you can prove it with self-defense I use a stun gun five g's are non-lethal and safe get a good 100 K bolts or more I use a 50,000 volt gun and it takes three seconds of contact to subdue get a 120 kilovolt and your attacker will be airborne in 1 to 1.5 seconds another goodie is a thaw and club' you know man tasers tasers do that take tasers well tasers will do that to you a steel bar was a strong nylon thong it's intimidating and quick just don't hit the person's head if you want to stay out of jail stick to forearms and hip bones nice and painful also don't neglect our friend the bullwhip those lips exceed Mach 1 add the tips they crack you here's a sonic boom extremely non-lethal and painful as hell oh yeah yeah dude you know you know this is actually the most honestly like thought-provoking Lee reel oh it's so painful to read there ah damn so if you don't wanted to defend yourself this is the way to do it again don't I do not condone any of this this is wrong so don't do this we don't condone any of it but it is an interesting read for sure god damn it's so out there it's just beautiful I love it but uh it also you know just just just just stay away from this fun to read I hope none of you end up in any of this situation take care if so take care of yourself and leave the fighting to the law authorities out there because really if anybody needs a lawsuit it's those mouths kurz they've got some money to lose they've got some they've got some they've got some [ __ ] to lose trust me it's not too it's not too bad over there but uh stay out of it take care of yourself and let's go to a different website and ladies and gentlemen that was another episode of deep web browsing dark web browsing dank web browsing the part of the week where we take a look at the denker side of the Internet as always we're weird set of videos today ladies and gentlemen just putting that one out there well weird video today but just just a weird set of websites to come down to I've honestly come across a lot of interesting stuff today websites that have a lot of passion put into them and websites that are just bringing me to the anime arcs height of things a video that did feel like an arc today was the Arg day and also just I want to say if anything kept today in check was passion weirdness self-defense and Banzai kitties so truly if last week was my favorite episode of the deep web this one is the most confusing randomized episode which is also beautiful in its own way but as always ladies and gentlemen I think I've kept you here long enough I'm gonna back out head somewhere else and have a good time you have an amazing Sunday this is me moot aha Ramudu horror can't even speak today at all if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like me just like it I am confused [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 322,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, sites, help, modify, modifies, kittens, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers, browsing, exploration, episode 189, 189
Id: nJO2YAO8Yi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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