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you guys this is a serious health tour and i'm a serious realtor okay i wouldn't go that far i think you're pushing it now [Music] beautiful day in bel air and we are in a guard gated community and i don't know what it's called but caroline's here to show us the house so she will be able to tell us what this community is called but we're going to see a 19 000 square foot mansion that is 27 million dollars uh it's not completely finished but it's like 98 percent finished so we're going to be the first ones to look at it let's go see caroline let's go see the house the door's open i'm just going to go in good god that's heavy there you are hello hello hello welcome to the mansion in bel air is this a big house or what it's very large it certainly is 19 000 square foot so it's like double a mansion so how was the one i know you guys just shot that recently it was unbelievable in fact you could put four of these or five of these in that house right oh that's incredible i know crazy but we shouldn't compare them because they're very different yeah but um that was ultra ultra modern and this one is ultra traditional is that one of the best houses you filmed or oh by far it's not just the best house of film it's the best house i've ever seen same for you adam right 100 it was nothing like it nothing like it wow what a house what a privilege to be able to shoot it well i hope to wow you guys today well you already do look at you you look very well thank you thank you the wow factor the caroline wow factor okay so tell us about this beautiful place so this house um is eight bedroom twelve bath 19 000 square feet it's listed for 27 million dollars but i just wanted you to check out like little simple thing details like this before you tell us i i said when we were outside when i was introducing the house that we're in a guard-gated community and i couldn't remember the name of the community what is it perfect the walls are two feet deep and they made it just like all the castles and so that's what they were trying to um replicate and also the floors are all limestone are they expecting like a nuclear blast yeah so if you want to i mean you can put these um metal gates automatic metal gates that come down if you gates yes on a window gates like zombie apocalypse shutters like shutters shutters i like yeah i like gates i'm going to adopt shutters you can definitely install those um it's prep for that and the floors are all limestone um and i was told limestone is more expensive than marble and it's more durable ceilings are 36 feet in this room and they're 27 in the other rooms all the wisconsins are from france and they're a hundred years old wow well they couldn't get new ones it's a joke it's a joke we will follow you all right and out this way we have a formal dining room i'm terrible right i mean just that was a terrible thing to say i know and i know beautiful chandelier we're going to be more serious in this video the last video i didn't get enough sleep i missed my flight to vegas and i had to drive well three hours not only did you not get enough sleep but obviously you got too much of something else whatever that was you guys this is a serious health tour and i'm a serious realtor okay i wouldn't go that far i think you're pushing it now okay we shall follow you so this is the dining room uh if i'm not mistaken that's 12 seats oh look it's actually two tables put together i've never seen that have you ever seen that what this is two tables independent tables put together i mean i've definitely seen two tables pushed together before yeah did you never eat a pizza hut as a kid like did you never ha oh wait what when what year was pizza hut invented so staff kitchen well let's have a look at it okay so this is like the butler's pantry right very good very good this is the butler's pantry please come here carry on is this another butler's pantry uh staff kitchen a stuffed kitchen okay so that is in fact the butler's pantry because it leads into the dining room this is the stuff it also doesn't have a cook top so this you can't cook in there you can uncook it there's a double oven too it does here yeah i mean a lot of people like to use this kitchen so they don't have to dirty the main kitchen and the main kitchen's more for sure um they even put marble uh in here and there's no nails in the pantry it's all screws so everything's screwed in i wish we screwed excuse me beautiful kitchen lovely kitchen there's like a spice rack very traditional isn't it yeah i think this kitchen is really beautiful and just you know when you glance over the window then you see that building that's actually part of the house you're not looking into a neighbor correct it's a guest guest house yeah then you have your little breakfast room in here overlooking the pool i'm not going to do my usual fridge freezer because it's kind of obvious that's a fridge and a freezer your microphone is upside down that's fine it's fine yeah just thought i'd mention it yeah i think mine's the right way around yours is yeah carry on it's because caroline can sometimes be a little bit louder so that was that was deliberate that's hilarious that is hilarious you know when i was a kid my report card used to say like you know because you have six periods and then so um six classes each teacher would write talks too much talks too much and who would have known i would have made money from like talking too much that's pretty funny it's interesting to see the very modern artwork on the walls as well in such a traditional space yeah two worlds i like it when uh when um they do that yeah family room and of course beautiful views of the pool uh i love this outdoor area yeah we'll come to that last it's spectacular sure and if i'm not mistaken the listing agent had mentioned that these five places are from like the 1800s or something yeah 500 000 per fireplace is that crazy excuse me no no no no 50 000 surely 500 hundred thousand i challenge you on that per how many five places does this house have uh i think four but i have to double check that would be two million dollars because i remember i asked for a quarter mil or half a mil and she said half a mil there's no way did that fireplace cost half a million dollars i mean it's nice and all but this is loose this is not this is not half a million dollars this looks like it's been made though yes looks like the original and then it looks like they've had this made to protect the top perhaps 18th century 18th century well i might be wrong i mean it wouldn't be the first time i've been wrong but let's continue and see some more wrong one day i'll cook for you guys you will no i was just trying to be nice so so the only way out of the kitchen is to come all the way through here through the dining room did i i was just thinking that myself there's no other way out you can't get into the back of the breakfast nook there has to be a way i guess you could cut across the pool so we missed something we had to have missed something yeah here surely yeah there's the breakfast nook yeah there we go so not only did we miss the breakfast no entry we also missed a little bathroom got it and this is the formal uh living room um again 36 feet uh chandelier these sconces are gold uh gold plated 24 karat gold-plated also 100 years old half million dollar fireplace there uh adam you gotta have them at half hospital are you sure about that that's what she told me i didn't see the invoice what would you buy with half a million dollars would you buy this or would you uh buy a uh highly modified mclaren 720s what's the new one what's the new 720 that i don't know about mclaren's yeah you get an aventador uh who actually i buy crypto where did we see these at the truth not a bad move you remember these oh yeah our mess blankets from amazon just kidding gosh this you can build it into a bar they have like a little you know downstairs we saw that bar layout it's actually for this room okay got it got it we'll show later so this is this is what this little could be a little bar no so this is the formal living room formal we shall follow you library hand carved ceilings fireplace another half a million dollars so right now we're at 1.5 million dollars in fireplaces i challenge that i shouldn't touch it should i just in case yeah that's expensive yeah nice modern desk yeah fun chair it's kind of uh art deco-ish isn't it yeah and um as she was saying the house is like feng shui and there's three blessed coins in the foundation of the house there's three what blessed coins what does that even mean i i don't know take it for what you think it is but i i thought that was kind of neat that's very neat i don't know what it means but blessed who blesses them um i don't know i'm guessing like a monk or something no preaching i mean they're talking about priests i suppose it depends what religion you practice right yeah it could be a rabbi it could be whatever you want could be anybody yeah i thought that was very cute i think it's really cute it's nice it just makes you feel better like oh it's flesh is that when they like get around the house with burning sage and stuff is that different that's to get rid of the bad spirits i think oh oh then i guess you're not welcome back i'm not honest i didn't sage well enough oh so uh this as well caroline i don't know if you've heard about this but this apparently is very expensive and came out of a museum this mirror yeah isn't that neat how they collected all these like sconces so just just so that people know what we're talking about the listing agent did walk us through the house and tell us a few things and if i'm not mistaken i heard her say that that was a hundred thousand dollars wow that mirror so maybe you're right with the fireplaces being half a million dollars i mean gosh um i mean it would make sense 50 thousand that's pretty expensive fifty that five thousand is expensive yeah yeah but five hundred thousand she didn't say it was from the 18th century so it might yeah it should be cheaper because it's old and used i'm kidding don't forget this room here a ferrari to get this room here after you after all of you no sorry nearly crashed watch the step so this room um you can make it into a gym and there's also this outdoor area with comes complete with builders do whatever you want you get two builders and there's another half a million dollars out there that one i mean i'm not sure but i don't think you want he should build her why don't we ask the builder how much to fight for that's a good good idea hey we're shooting a youtube video hi he's the builder and we're shooting the youtube video and missy told us that the fireplace was half a million dollars each is that correct uh i can't comment today very different but you can either confirm nor deny i think i think there was a bit of shock in there just caroline's presence or was that there's another fancy thing in there i'm gonna wear this everywhere i'm not taking it off anymore it echoes in here go in there's a fancy thing in there oh my god that's cool i like those tiles oh come out it's off limits because it's the workers bathroom oh sure okay so we got a sneak preview of the workers bathroom which will double as something special wall is that mother of pearl caviar you know you eat caviar with it yeah you have to eat caviar with this like mother of pearl spoon and it looks like that are we going upstairs or downstairs um i think we should go downstairs i think we should go upstairs come on [Music] and you could put plants up there something pretty go ahead adam thank you bedroom so i like how they kind of split it so this left side can be the children's quarter the right side is the master so i have a suggestion apparently the bedrooms are all pretty much the same so there's eight of them so we'll show this one the master and just a little quick glimpse of the other ones to show the bigger stuff this room is a little hot oh this is the laundry isn't it in here guess room one we can do this how nile did the staff quarters guest room two guest room three not really get family rooms right family bedrooms this was described as like a kiddie play area which is cool because the reason i say it's not guest rooms is the guest house which we will visit and then this goes down to the fun stuff in the back of the kitchen and down another level so we should probably go back that way and do the master i love that pool though isn't it gorgeous very inviting off this way to the master and another fireplace we're up to like 9 million now in fact not kidding that's a pretty fireplace hand carved the fireplace um ceilings the ceiling is hand carved i do notice there's a sprinkler system in it you see there's little round things up there adam yeah those are automatic sprinklers we have to keep everything safe but i think this these this is for wall like two feet walls are amazing i've never i've seen so many mansions but that i have not seen so imagine if you went around the entire house and you made these regular walls you'd gain a lot of square footage yeah probably another 500 square feet i know but i think that's like the special thing about this house that makes it different you know so she was saying that you can't hear anything from outside and you know vice versa pretty uh bathroom right gorgeous fit for a princess not exactly practical but cool looking why isn't it why not practical well too small i don't know is it practical i suppose it holds water it looks pretty ergonomic there's a shower with all sorts of accoutrements in here there's uh say what turn it on yeah right right hand that's basically another right hand it's so high and another one body jets i'm getting out of here before somebody hits one and an invisible drain and also don't forget mother of pearl inlay tile yeah they've really put some details in here aren't they cool okey dokey i do like it it's not my cup of tea as far as yeah i like modern yeah i mean it's nice don't get me wrong her toilet his toilet because it has a extra unit in there why can't i use that yeah that's a big day was that a foot washer yeah that was a crocodile dundee right wow now this is exceptional off the ba of the bathroom from the master room absolutely exceptional and i'm assuming these are gas pipes of some description so they could have a another half million dollar fireplace yeah but wow what a gorgeous gorgeous balcony i'm just gonna have a little peek yeah and you can overlook uh adam's favorite pool it really is pretty it is oh look at the hot tub down there as well yeah hidden away yeah that's nice all private she was also saying that these fountains like dance and like spray water into the pool right and then the uh the hot tub the two little bits either side are fire torches oh really and there's an overflow there as well yeah yeah i know it would have been nice she also mentioned that each one of the tiles on the roof is hand signed did you hear it stamped yeah hand something yeah each one is personalized in some form and the flashing on the top is copper that's been treated in switzerland and it will never patina how do you know that she told us is it oh my god what are you doing i got a message where is it from okay while you're being antisocial let's show everybody your new watch oh yeah let's do that oh look he puts it immediately puts his phone away how about my shirt this is a producer michael's shirt see the watch we've seen the shirts they've done a video on them let me see the watch beautiful isn't that gorgeous yeah with the drumsticks that's cool that's my name on the back you wanna see no way has my signature on the back oh that's so cool yeah i really like the strap that's on that thing i have to make sure it's the right way around all right there's no hold on hold on hold on do you see it there it is producer michael there oh cute and at nine o'clock i don't know if you can see in there but there's my logo oh hello wow that guy really loves you uh well it's it's a limited edition line from jacob and go did you see it yeah isn't that cool videos that you've done with him love this watch whoops why i fall over you see i like that one just difficult to put on shoes to his hand of course i'm actually matches everything to everything what are you watching undies on let's see no i'm good i actually do black with red writing i do do you have your name on those as well i don't remember when you're at school caroline and you used to put your name in your school like gym like pe kit so that no none of the kids took it that's basically what michael's done now he just puts his name on everything so that he doesn't lose it [Laughter] lovely shirt right yeah i love it yeah i mean i i don't want you where you felt these they're gorgeous and if you go to the description there'll be a link and if you use copy i'm 25 you get 25 apple shirts for the next you sound like an auctioneer but yes 25 off there's a whole range of them and they are just amazing and there's also 20 off this watch if anybody oh is that yeah nice i did a deal with jacob for 20 off so beautiful i love this watch love this watch let's continue they're going to be sold out check this out caroline's website there's 25 off her subscription services too but the question does that one does ask themselves yeah it came out wrong what do you want from me how do you get in those right i mean you need a ladder right yeah and also is there a his yes there is is this the his no i'm into his this is the hers i probably got that wrong yeah there's no way this is the hurt no this is i guess this is the his not in my case but as i say yeah and there's a safe nope that houses wires i think he's some kind of electric cable safe yeah so this must be the his right i guess i don't know i guess you would have to stay with the city maybe we'll find another one if we look around i i think this is for the closets and the master then this would be the his thoughts i mean yeah i guess that's that's this look at his voice i was trying to match you come on so now to the guest house no no downstairs there's a hole there's a theater and uh all that stuff okay uh give me a one of them and we'll cut to being downstairs how did i do should i do it again yeah hold on it was upside down ready yeah so this is back in the family room area and they put a compass and then this compass is pointing in the correct direction spiral staircases they're not elegant are they no they're because the steps are just a bit too big kids too so this was the bar that i was showing you that this can be um this is the layout that they had imagined for the other and the formal living room yeah so this is the theater room and there this is the theater room this is the theater room bye so this is where michael is gonna do all of his performing arts here so this is laid out very well actually with the tearing and go and tell us a joke give us a dance a joke either a dance or a joke you pick dance but this is set up as a performance stage as well as a theater yeah so if this was mine i'd have a drop down screen that comes down projector back there and this would make for yeah it's fun i love it yeah and it's like connected to the kid's room so the kids can play here and be creative it's connected to the kids room if there was a shoot from two floors that would be fun or fine as well but the stairway is from the kids that's true play area that's true that's true and then so here you can put like ping pong tables pool tables it can be a game room foosball whatever you like well it's lodge anyone can anyone sing opera opera there's another staircase i think that goes to the dining room oh so this is sorry gone caroline you're the real estate agent she was saying that you can make a shot for an elevator that you can put an elevator in here oh check that out and make it into an elevator do you guys want to take the spiral staircase so i have one thing to show that you guys might not have heard her say you know this is michael this room right here what is it it's a walk-in humidor oh that's not very humid in here it will be where's the humidity come from that hole there probably no it needs to have a chimney oh needs to have the air come in it needs to get humidified and then it has to come out but there's nowhere for it to go are we going up there are we going up the main one let's get the main one what happened what did you just say then carol come on come on you're gonna take him up the main one [Laughter] [Music] adam and off this way is to the guest house across the grass i don't walk on grass you just did it and i assume they're going to put a walkway right you'd hope so yeah so guest house is a two-bedroom two-bath okay and we have a room on this side they're just identical it's a room with a bathroom and a little walk-in it's nice i think a guest would be very happy here i would be yeah and then what we got here oh laundry i haven't seen that in the house in a long time i didn't know they still did it so what is it central vac oh yeah yeah it was in that uh that massive abandoned one that we walked through do you remember yeah that wasn't built in there it's been a long time since i've seen them do that this is what is this a doggie shower i think a laundry room oh yeah yeah it could be yeah laundry room but doggy shower in case anybody's wondering what that is that is because the house doesn't have a certificate of occupancy yet that's where the power is and when they sign off on everything they take that away and the meter goes who knows where wouldn't that be sad if you bought a 27 million dollar house that came with it well it doubles up as a sculpture it's modern art yeah i guess i would if i owned it i would just make them do a sculpture around it where are we going caroline right downstairs it's a dog run right it could be or you could play croquet yeah that's what she was saying to me get that that's where i got the idea from i didn't come up with it i know i can't claim that it was me you're doing a great job michael i'm trying i'm proud of you you are time stamped that adam waiting and the sound in here one two three the sound in here one two three is different what is this soundproof room yeah i think it means i can't hear from the outside though i know but you it it echoes in here because it's sound proof no that goes in here because it's a box with just flat walls and our polished floor echoes in here because there's no acoustics yeah in order to make acoustics you have to angle the edges of the room this just bounces that's what you're saying is you can make this into a music room a bowling alley you could make it into a you could make it into a music room with modification you can you can never have corners in a music room but it's a big room and you could certainly do something with it i like the floor doubles up as a skating rink yeah they're cool aren't they so here we are outside beautiful pool with these spectacular fountains it's really pretty right i mean it's really really pretty and the gorgeous backdrop so we just got locked out the house caroline thank you so much for showing us it's been a treat and once again great property yeah fun times right i loved it so you know what to do hit the subscribe button hit the bell hit the like button slam the like button we really appreciate you and we'll see you later stop i didn't do anything to win it yeah i was gonna say i messed that up he's just saying it's winning right now in it to win it right bye you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 355,572
Rating: 4.8686829 out of 5
Keywords: house tour, mansion tour, castle, stately home, huge mansion, huge house, millionaire, billionaire, bel air, beverly hills, hollywood, los angeles, LA, michael blakey, producer michael, producermichael, caroline choi, lifestyles of the rich and famous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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