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okay uh give me a collapsing while i'm next to you [Laughter] so once again here we are in uh in my garage and uh today i'm gonna answer a bunch of questions that you guys have asked me on instagram i get lots of different questions and i i've actually thought about what to answer and which ones i've selected over time and i'm answering questions that i think will reach most people so adam is sat behind the camera there say hi adam hello now you can't see him because we just have one camera set up here so it's like the garage studio but uh adam is going to you know reel out some of the questions that you guys have asked and i'm going to do my best to answer them so are you ready oh me yes know him i know you're asking them and adam is sat way away from me so i'll do my best to hear him okay you ready i'm ready so max jan carrich or jan carrich says producer michael as a millionaire what would be your best advice you can give to a 14 year old musician your videos will always be inspirational and will keep me going towards my musical career no matter what best regards max jan carrich well is he referring to him being a millionaire or me being a millionaire i don't know maybe he's a millionaire yeah well well if you're a millionaire at 14 wow that's amazing absolutely amazing but um i'm assuming he's directing the question of me and you know what it's about following your passion it's all about following passion if you want to do music and you are really passionate about it then all i can say to you is keep going never give up practice practice practice you can never be too good at anything and always strive to be the best so uh that would be my advice to you never give up never give up on it and keep going okay so choco chip cookies choco chip choco chip cookie oh i like that yummy it says where and when did you first invest what were your first few investments towards becoming a millionaire so that's a very interesting question and first and foremost i've got to comment on your instagram name chop chocolate chocolate chip cookie i love that that's brilliant that's absolutely brilliant um i don't know where it stems from but hey brilliant so what did i invest in the answer to that is nothing i invested in myself and when i say that i pay for my education i pay to work with companies and things and get myself involved in things i was passionate about and things that i wanted to do so i didn't invest in the stock market in fact i still don't really invest in the stock market i invested in myself my best advice to anybody is you come first so uh that's where you should invest so joe palph underscore underscore says how does it feel to be the best lifestyle and youtuber and the goat that's really nice the best lifestyle youtuber well thank you for that goat what does that mean goat god of all things god of all things i'm the god of all things um really good it feels really good um no i'm not the god of all things but i i strive to better myself every day and i tell everybody they should better themselves every day do whatever you can and just keep moving forward but uh yeah it feels good once you achieve a point in your life that um is is where your goals were and and you you actually achieve those goals and then you set yourself a new one so yeah it's pretty good thanks carl brown 1810 says how has the whole corona thing impacted your business brackets if at all have you felt any knock-on effects keep up the great content well thank you for the question um yeah uh my business is basically shut i'm in the live entertainment business whether it be music production live in the theater recording studios movie theater movies not theaters movie studios sets it's shut down the the pandemic has been horrible to everybody and uh i'm no different so yeah we're doing whatever we can to move forward in the best way possible and it's really really difficult and i sympathize for everybody out there that's suffering i am too af underscore 223 says how can i separate business from friends my friends feel like i owe them something but i keep telling them it's business not personal should i just get new friends that is a great question um i hate doing business with friends and family absolutely hate it you're absolutely right they they expect something and it's a guilt feeling that you get i mean how do you feel about that adam um yeah i've i've mixed business and pleasure in the past only a couple of times on a very small scale but that it definitely brought up feelings of resentment towards a friend of mine where i felt like perhaps he wasn't pulling his weight and that's all an awful position to be in a terrible position yeah so now without an absolute express understanding of what's happening i don't think i would go into business with a friend yeah and i'm gonna throw another little thing on top of that as well um if a friend or a family member asks to borrow money from you um it's a very awkward situation and i have a a theory on that here's my theory if you lend somebody money and you ask for it back you're an ass and if you lend somebody money and they can't pay it back to you they don't want to talk to you anymore right so either way you lose so you're better off not lending that money unless it's a life and death emergency that's a different story but at the end of the day it just destroys relationships so i'm i'm always trying to avoid those situations okay you're gonna have to really stick with me on this one because i might not pronounce her name right virgilia the yoja or virgo it's v-i-r-j-o-g-h-e one more time v i r j o g h e v yeah that's a tough one i'm sorry if i just butchered that are high-end brands overrated when automatically associated with the idea of success do we need them to validate our pers uh sorry do we need them to validate our professional value wow good question one i've actually not thought about but i'm glad you asked the question virginia virginia what was it adam yeah uh vigilia yeah um my answer to that is luxury brands are there um to basically impress people the quality of a luxury brand uh gucci or dior hermes whatever it might be whether it could be a watch a rolex whatever is a name and people pay a lot of money for those names and they do it for the most part to show success to other people does it validate you i don't think it validates you um i think it shows that you spend an awful lot of money for something that you don't necessarily need to spend a lot of money on my shirt i'm wearing is not a gucci it's not a dior it's an 8x and although they're not cheap they're nowhere near the price of um the the gucci brand and i love wearing these and in fact i support the brand best i can but this to me is something you don't need you don't need to have the name brand so yeah um yeah i i i enjoy them but i don't need them asterisk official says what was your purpose to start youtube except to show people some awesome things and why with adam swords let the cosmos power be with you ostris from latvia i like the cosmos power um what made me start the youtube video is sat behind the camera uh adam swords made me start the the video we were friends and um adam came up with the idea that he thought it would be uh good to start a youtube video or not video channel and i said to adam who on earth is going to want to watch me and he said well you know um you can you have nice things and you live a nice night lifestyle and people would like to see that i said whatever and we we did one we shot one it was a lot of fun i really enjoyed doing it i enjoyed working with adam he's a pro and uh it did really well and people asked for more so we continued and my goal with this is to inspire people i started with nothing many people i know were there in a similar situation to me today also started with nothing and anyone can do this it's not easy i'm never going to tell anybody it's easy but with determination focus and that mindset you can do it so that's the purpose of the youtube channel and thanks to adam dominic matthew you said i didn't even say thank you you said thanks to me yeah but you should say thanks thank you for thanking me i'm awful i'm not really dominic matthews said did you have business partners in your first businesses if so what should i look for in a future business partner that's a wonderful question um really good question i have had business partners and i don't like having business partners i don't want to have any new business partners i'd like to do everything myself sometimes it's necessary and when you look for business partners you need to look for three things the first thing and the most important thing is trust you need to be able to trust the person that you're going into business with without trust nothing matters it doesn't matter how skillful they are trust comes before skill the second one skill and that skill needs to be in an area where you don't have the skills so that your skill matches with his and it supplements it and if you have a third partner the same thing and then the third thing the desire and motivation to make success in the work ethic so those are the things you should look for and if at all possible do it by yourself then you never have to worry about anything daldanero says what advice would you give to overcome low points in life stay motivated and keep on track working towards ultimate goals good question as well um the thing about low points is you have to remember something everything that goes bad in life as well as good it's all temporary you can change it so tell yourself if something is not going the way you want it to and it's it's it's a low for you it will get better time is medicine and uh just focus on the positive keep moving forward danny shin says hi michael through your life i guess you've seen and met many successful people what common characteristics do you think they have um everybody that i've met that is successful is positive they have a positive attitude against everything remember negativity breeds negativity and people that do negative things or say negative things it's it's sad to me because they're just putting themselves in a worse and worse situation to me if you think positively and you surround yourself with positive people uh you will get a positive outcome um you know if you were to ask a successful person doesn't matter who it is if they'd put a thumbs down on something it would never happen they've got better things to do they don't think that way and unfortunately those people that do are they're just destined for doom so always be positive think positively ignore negative people get them out of your life and and move forward daniel butt underscore not double 07 just in case you're confusing him with the real double 07. this is not him well he might be a different double 07 right he says i see many people who bought fragrance dubois perfumes you recommended saying it's much better than other fragrances why is that is it truly that much better it's really that much better it's in a whole different league i only recommend things that i truly believe in i will never endorse a product that to me isn't a great product fragrance dubois is one of those things i came across it not that long ago maybe three months ago and it was astonishing it really was astonishing and it's like comparing a ferrari with a mini nothing wrong with the mini the mini gets you from a to b it's comfortable it's it's reliable but a ferrari does a whole different job of getting you from a to b it still gets you there but it's different and it's to me it's it's way way better so same thing with fragrance dubai it's on a whole nother level um it just smells rich and i don't mean money rich although it smells it smells special it lasts all day it feels good on the skin and that's why i i promoted it and while we're talking about that there's a code for a discount if you go to fragrance drupal you can actually get it and i recommend you do everybody that smells it on you will comment on it and say well what is that you're wearing and that's why i do it and yes it is better sounds like an advert but it's not evo 1991 says if you could spend a day with someone living or dead who would it be and why definitely living because i would be able to have a conversation with him that's not what you wanted to hear right um dad william shakespeare but actually i'd rather have a living person never mind move on good question charles mcl says is the producer michael watch going to be made and how many people sent in a design if you actually read this it'll be a miracle thousands of comments miracles happen and yes it is being made and it was just yesterday i spoke to jacob about that because he's in charge all the submissions that came in and there were there were a lot um they went to jacob i really don't have that much input on it and the reason for that is i'm not a watchmaker i don't know what it takes to make a watch my understanding is it's nearly complete i have seen drawings it's based on one of the watches that's already out there one one of the things i spoke to jacob about was i wanted to make it affordable i didn't want it to be you know a million dollar watch or a hundred thousand dollar watch so this is going to be a very affordable watch based on something that he already has but modified radically to be befitting with my image and what i think people would like to see in a watch so yeah it's coming very soon hopefully in the next month or two anders lynch or ling says why did you decide to launch your youtube channel clearly not for the money does it add to your business brackets how or is it pure fun hope you select this for an answer ps your channel rocks and your interaction with adam is really funny he's very attractive must be very very intelligent and i'm sure he's the best person in the world to hang out with he's also got a great personality lovely teeth his dog's very sweet uh his car's awesome and um uh you missed a bit how about you've got nice watches now it's lovely watching some nice tattoos on your arm for those that like tattoos etc etc i have no idea what he just said what's the question why did you decide to launch the youtube channel clearly not for the money does it add to your business how or is it pure fun it's pure fun i said earlier it was adam's idea um i was apprehensive to start with i'm loving it it's a lot of fun if i can inspire just one person then it's been worth it um i never even knew you could make money out of youtube so it certainly wasn't for the money but yeah i'm loving it and again thanks adam thank you you're welcome this is what happens right this is this is why it's fun because otherwise this stuff wouldn't happen did i do it right that time yeah you did it perfectly uh samia sen says will you invest in bitcoin someday and if not why would you be against who said what no samia sen samia said samia samia samia samia yes samia sen said so her name is samia sen brackets comma full stop she said will you invest in bitcoin someday and if not why would you be against it okay absolutely not never not going to happen will not happen no um lots of reasons i won't do it firstly have people made money with it lots of people have made money with it but it is the most volatile unregulated currency ever to hit the world it's like a ship it's up it's down it's up it's down just as many people that have made fortunes have lost fortunes and i i believe that it will get highly regulated through different countries very soon and uh yeah not something that i would ever even be tempted to invest in not one dollar um i'm not saying don't do it i'm saying i won't do it old dungo says that's excuse me i know it's a funny name isn't it old dungo oh oh oh sorry oh earl dungo why is that so funny he's cracked up why is that so funny el dango says how do you define success i can't define success uh only the person that's trying to define it for themself can define success to me success is when you achieve something that you want yourself whatever that might be doesn't have to be money it's it's anything it could be i want to run a mile in four minutes is that fast fashion that's a fast i think so yeah sub five is fascinating so if you achieve that that success somebody else might say i want to be a millionaire somebody else might say i want to be able to walk around in a crazy shirt like i'm wearing with the confidence to wear it and that's success for them or you know whatever it might be so i think you define your own success and set yourself a goal set yourself a target and once you achieve it you succeeded ryan1231 says what's your best advice for starting a new business best advice for a new business is don't set yourself expectations that you can't achieve set your parameters low and make sure that whatever it is you're doing you have a cash flow to sustain you for beyond when you think you're gonna get an income so if you think you're gonna make ten dollars in the first month you need to have thirty or forty dollars back up and i'm using ten dollars you'd need a lot more than that obviously but you need to have a backup don't blow all your money in the first go around because if things don't go well you won't have anything to fix it so small expectations meet them and then grow them from that point on tour drums asks what watch would you recommend to a first-time watch buyer that's a question i get a lot i say follow your heart buy something that you like buy something that means something to you and most importantly buy something you can afford don't go and max out credit cards to buy a watch that's not a good investment buy something that that you know you like that's not going to hurt you when you write the check for it or give a credit card nobody writes a check anymore do they i've not written a check for years i think i even have a checkbook no somewhere i don't know where well once i've moved here and found that you have to pay for the bank to give you a check to then give your money to someone else that's crazy right this doesn't sound like a good plan there's some crazy uh crazy things in this country last question comes from coop bowen he says if you were going to leave california what place would you have in mind to move to wow i've been spending a lot of time looking at this brilliant question and uh where would i go i don't know i'm looking at all the options and i'm seeing so many people leave california it's very sad uh this state is in a ruin uh it's being run incredibly badly whether it be from the from the virus that we're going through the pandemic or whether it's economic the taxes everything's outrageous here uh and i'm looking at alternatives now the downside of moving is the weather today we're in january it's 84 degrees cloudless skies it's absolutely beautiful it does have a lot to offer there's gorgeous scenery there's everything you could ever want but it's incredibly expensive and then whatever money you take oh sorry whatever money you make they take from you um it's getting worse and it's getting unpeaceful people are really upset there's a tremendous amount of homeless and uh i do my best to help wherever i can but i can't help everybody and the state doesn't seem to be helping anyone and it's it's causing problems so anyway that said i'm looking at places like nevada florida texas um don't know really i'm exploring and am i gonna move i don't know uh there's a so big a possibility but it's on it's it's on the map somewhere anyway so you said that was the last question that's it we're all done you have any questions um i don't think so no no questions from adam's swords he's laughing if you could see him right now well guys i hope this was fun for you uh fun for me thank you so much for all these questions and you know we throw this out once in a while we do this and hopefully it's helpful and uh yeah stay safe stay well we're in it to win it i think i forgot to say that in the one of my videos um that's really sad hit the subscribe button no that i didn't i did that all wrong hit the bell ding-a-ling hit the subscribe button we'll see you later and adam you have to move the camera and do your twisty he's coming see ya it was kind of awkward because it's on a tripod what would you want me to do about that nothing is it good yeah okay good bye is it off yeah okay [Music] huh what's up
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 393,041
Rating: 4.9096403 out of 5
Keywords: leaving california, moving out of california, california exodus, fleeing california, gavin newsom, recall gavin newsom, california, moving to LA, moving to california, business advice, millionaire mindset, millionaire tips, business tips, how to be successful, how to become a millionaire, wealth, fragrance du bois, eight x, mens style, mens fashion, fragrances, michael blakey, producermichael, producer michael, celebrity
Id: PXwuyp5UQWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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