Shallon Lester is back at it

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She's so cool and level-headed.

And the very fitting circus music just sent me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/workhardlurkhard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is how I originally found out about this.. After watching I immediately came on here and you guys were already on it! I’ve been subbed to Ready to Glare for awhile she’s an awesome YouTuber

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bonesofbbydolls πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ooh I just finished this not too long ago!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/idreamofdewi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ready To Glare is one of my favorite YouTubers, I didn't know she had done a video on Shallon before. She was very balanced on this, she always is, and picks up on creepy behavior.

She is very correct on the person who was doxxed, not actually harassing or stalking. This is the difference too with Meghan, how she was constantly harassed by the vicious press and paparazzi to the point of a complete breakdown, where people just think she was living a fun life of luxury, she was not.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shallon does look great, at least in the face, but wtf, who is like this at 40+ screaming. Most teenagers arent even like this! How can she not see that acting like the worst of teenagers is only making her look weird af?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lagerttha πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're actually revisiting a topic i frankly did not expect to revisit at all but unfortunately here we are again actually one of you my viewers emailed me about this so we're gonna be talking about shell and lester if you don't know who sheldon lester is she is an influencer who creates content such as this on instagram essentially self-help saying you know how to be assertive instead of aggressive how to remain unbothered which will become ironic later female-centric content from what i understand about how to maximize your qualities and how to become a better person so on so forth but i did make a video about shaolin lester quite a while ago now i'd say about a year if not longer because i don't understand time anymore but i'll put the link down below and also in the eye i typically don't like really insisting on you watching that video prior but if you have no idea who shall and lester is i very much suggest you watch it because xenophobia weird interests in like significantly younger men like underage younger like there's a lot that we talked about with shaolin lester prior i'd rather you have a bigger image of who she is apart from just influencer who makes self-help content so sean lester has a highlight on her story as of when i'm filming and it's also on her just like active stories right now where she essentially outed a harasser of hers and went the whole nine yards like it wasn't just saying oh [ __ ] this person they're terrible they've been harassing me and going all into them in terms of their credit score their appearance it's kind of like a rebuttal but it's very strange and over the top i think the total of the stories together was a few minutes which is a lot of stories i'm gonna put the stories i suggest you actually pause to read each one because it is a lot i'll put them here if you've seen them and you want to skip them i'll put a time stamp to where i discuss what's going on here [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] all right now that you've seen the stories first and foremost the one thing i want to preface with is i do not encourage or condone any type of harassment okay that's just the end of that so if shaolin was being harassed by a person or people that's not something i condone that's not something i condone for any creator influencer whatever just know what i do also want to say though is that a lot of these comments seem to be coming from reddit from the format it looks like reddit to me it doesn't look like instagram or youtube comments so these are happening on a platform that is separate the only reason i'm underlining this is because and this i guess is advice to anyone if you ever want to be some kind of person online with a following do not go to look at any kind of threat about you i'm saying it right now i say it to my friends i've said it to myself the one time i happen to stumble upon something do not go check there may be some valid criticism there but a lot of the times the people who aggregate there aren't necessarily really there to critique you but they might be there to insult your appearance or to say things that really aren't helpful will hurt your feelings and that just you gain nothing from reading i don't think challenge should have been looking through these comments in the first place like going to anything that is about you kiwi farms guru gossip reddit whatever is the equivalent of knowing one of your friends is talking badly about you and you're gonna go read the messages it's gonna hurt you but sometimes curiosity kills the cat and that's why you look and then you often regret it so that's all i'm gonna say it's also important to note that shall and herself in one of her stories mentioned that she has never interacted with this person the reason i'm bringing this up is because a lot of the times when we hear harassment online we think of someone directly coming to you and insulting you and saying whatever horrible thing here instead as far as we can understand shaolin went on to some thread about her looked up you know whatever found these comments screenshotted them and then used them so this person would have been completely unknown to shaolin if she had not looked herself up again that's not to say that these comments are appropriate or nice or anything like that i'm just differentiating between someone actively pursuing you coming in your dms flooding your mentions versus someone on a different platform there's a difference they both suck i think it was out of line because whether or not someone's harassing you there are different routes you can go down other than publicly shaming them and the only time i really think that you should go to these threads about yourself is in cases of emergency for example you have a stalker and there's evidence of them stalking you there otherwise there's no reason to go see and there's no reason to give them the attention that they're craving by putting them on your story as a highlight and going off for god knows how many stories to get back at them to prove how like unaffected you are and that's the thing that i think is silly is that people saying mean [ __ ] about you no matter who you are there will be a comment or there will be some aspect of your life that when someone comments negatively on it it will hurt you that's just normal that's being a human it's impossible for me to believe that nothing ever said to you will ever affect you at all but that's surreal to me so in posting all these stories i think the the idea is to try to appear unbothered but by definition you're posting like 50 [ __ ] stories about this one person you're clearly in some way bothered she not only went as far as to put this person's name and face which i blacked out because i'm not in the business of people will say that's not doxing because it's not a phone number or address but putting someone's full name out there when they don't have it out there i don't appreciate that i don't approve of that there's a reason and if you're so concerned with someone that you think that the harassment has gotten to a point where it's beyond internet trolls let's say then there are other routes to go down other than publicly shaming because i think publicly shaming if anything gives them more ammunition to hate on you to say that you're a bully you're mean whatever the interesting thing was that in the stories that you saw it almost seemed like a consistent compare and contrast it was like look at her and then look at me now in the very last story i believe it is there was also straight up appearance shaming which i was like this is this doesn't do anything you can say that someone's immoral for acting a certain way towards you you can say that they're disgusting for saying certain things but as soon as you start going for someone's appearance your argument kind of falls flat because it's like why did that have to be included at all it's not relevant the best part was that challenge included pictures of the troll had said something along the lines of oh she's stuck in a hole somewhere something along those lines and to prove her wrong shaolin had to post pictures of her whole their being it sounds dirty when i say it that way but like showing pictures of where she's at and she showed a picture from november of 2020 where she was traveling you are shooting yourself in the foot here because first of all we are still in this horrible pandemic but aside from that to put that as a kind of like [ __ ] you of like oh look at her she's on her computer in her room while i'm here traveling it's like here you're just underlining to all of us that you're traveling when you shouldn't be at all on her instagram there were other pictures that led me to believe that she was not necessarily being extremely responsible that is just something that it looks like who knows maybe they all got coveted tested before they got on a [ __ ] yacht who knows but aside from that going as far as to put someone's credit score on your story as a way to say oh this troll is so pathetic that their credit score is whatever it is is so bizarre because it's like sean is mad about this person consistently berating her which like i said isn't right but then again shallen is also kind of doing the same thing back but to a bigger degree in the sense of like going to look at her personal information looking for her name looking for posts in which someone else posted her like it's weird it's over the top and it doesn't look unbothered but on top of everything and this is the downside of having a following online the reality is this will happen to you it doesn't matter at some point this will happen to you you might have people simply hating on you on a separate platform which frankly to me is fine because as long as it doesn't invade the platforms that i'm on i can avoid going to reddit guru gossip whatever whereas on our platforms you're clearly going to look but it seems like shaolin went looking which also makes me wonder you know because i really do think that for your mental health it's toxic as hell you need to be prepared to deal with these things because unfortunately people online are just treacherous like they don't care there's no understanding of boundaries but then again we can also say that on shaolin's end as well like both sides prove my point that there's no understanding of where to stop and just a basic majority of letting things go and that's something that i have to learn myself in some respects because you know sometimes people start online fights in the comments and is it really worth it most the time no i don't really understand where shaolin's coming from here and i say that as someone who got doxxed like my full name my phone number and my address since then i moved changed my number and i know who did it my friends traced the person who did it because they were really mad and even then knowing who this person was who put my very life in danger technically there was no moment where i was like oh let me put out their name let me you know it's it's just not worth you putting your integrity aside like that just to get back at someone and i think the craziest thing which makes me think there's a little bit of delusion there is that she thinks put posting this highlight and putting these stories makes her seem somehow superior illuminated better than well the reality is you are now actually sinking to pretty much the same level as this person but you went farther because you looked up their personal information and even in the stories she said oh i'm not going gonna dox them but i'm like damn near you have their name out there you have a picture of what they look like that's enough for a lot of people to find a good amount of information so even that idea of superiority of like i'm not doxing them but here are a bunch of slides of various pictures of them plus their credit score their full name i don't understand and it's like i said it's ironic coming from someone who said you know how to be unbothered and how to take criticism it's like this is not unbothered and again there are so many other routes you could go down before this kind of public shaming that really just makes you look bad because you end up looking like they're bullying you but you're bullying them back you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 149,386
Rating: 4.9274368 out of 5
Keywords: shallon lester, shallon lester IG, shallon lester confidence, dating advice, self help
Id: OV2kuyBGHLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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