Elden Ring Lore | Rennala & The Carian Royals

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the lands between are dominated by the Earth tree and its God Queen Mara in most recent times Mar and her royal family had rested control of the lands between through military might culminating in the massacre of the fire Giants and the containment of their ruinous flame however there were one people that the AR tree forces were never able to overcome not through strength of arm at least and I am of course referring to the kingdom of learia led by the powerful caran royal family in the end these two houses would join via the marriage of rigan and ranala producing some of the most powerful demigods of an age yet the truth of the earthree house and the marriage of rigan and manala is just the tail end of their story when we examine the carens we can see there's an August history of a fascinating family that transformed the power dynamics of Leonia and the greater lands between so in this lore video we will be examining the story of the caran dynasty from astrologer roots to lunar monarchy and its eventual collapse and at this stage I would like to thank Loki translator and author of Abyssal archive for providing their translations and insights throughout which I will reference but before we get started remember that if you like Elden ring lore then consider subscribing to the channel and liking this video as I have hours and hours of content for you to enjoy the story of the caran starts where most of magic story in the lands between begin on the mountaintops of the Giants where a fledgling Society of astrologers first lived in years past rala is referred to as an astrologer in the Stargazer heirloom which is how we know that she has descended from them chronologically we first hear of the existence of these astrologers via the sword of of night in flame a relic of the carens which reads as follows stored sword and Treasure of caran Manor astrologers who preceded the sorcerers established themselves in the mountaintops that nearly touched the sky and considered the fire Giants their neighbors notably this sword is also described as a treasure of the Carion and it's found in Kara Manor reinforcing the fact that they do owe their lineage to these early astrologers and they honor it a fact reinforced by the description of the preceptor set as well we find evidence of this old Society in the stone basins and the Stargazer ruins found on the mountaintops the latter of which was presumably their home going by the account given in the sword these astrologers lived peacefully in the mountains alongside the fire Giants meaning the development of this Proto leeran Society very much predates the urre Dominion I presume most are aware of this but for those who aren't these early stargazers are the ancestors to the Glenstone Sorcerers as is said in the sord description we just read but it's also reinforced via the caran preceptor set which reads the following a long bright blue gown with the movements of the Stars drawn upon it worn by the magic preceptors who served the caran Royals Glenstone Sorcerers are the descendants of astrologers a fact that the carens remain aware of even if their fate has long been severed from the Stars it is very interesting to me that the Carion do have this habit of remembering and loing their ancestry no doubt a practice enforced by ranala who herself was an astrologer and of course recording and preserving one's lineage is important for monarchies in the real world as well of course the other reason the Kion still likely care about astrology is that they are fully aware of how important fate is especially to them this Stars alter the fate of the Karan royal family and the fate of your mistress Rani my understanding of the settlement of learia and R lucaria is that R lucaria predates the rise of the Kens as a royal family and they developed independently of one another I mainly take this from the specific wording of her remembrance which reads the following in her youth ranala was a prominent champion who Charmed The Academy with her lunar magic becoming its Master she also led the glint Stone Knights and established the house of Cara as royalty the fact she made this discovery in her Youth and then Charmed The Academy reinforces the idea that the real aarian Academy was already an established Facility by the time renala came to prominence and indeed momentarily we well examin the history of R Laria which predates the rise of Kara when we look at founding OG members like lucat and Aur but returning to the Karan pre receptor set the astrologers are the ancestors of those who have become Glenstone Sorcerers these Sorcerers we find in R Laria and so we do have to fill in the Gap a little bit when it comes to the transition from this astrologer Society on the mountain to the Glenstone Sorcerers of the leonian Basin however it is clear that in time the descendants of astrologers moved from the study of the sky to the study of Glenstone a material which makes one's position relative to the sky less of a pressing issue indeed if you take a look at Leia's landscape we can see that it is a huge source of glint Stone both above ground and beneath it and thus it makes sense that these adherence of the Stars would gravitate towards this region indeed even now a Glenstone mine lies underneath Ria lucaria in the form of the academy Crystal Cave and as we learn from the shatter Earth sorcery description glint Stone mining is very s Central to their culture it is the foundation of it with the failures of the academy still being useful to that ecosystem by doing the dangerous job of mining Glenstone that can be studied by their betters and while the Glenstone Sorcerers are the descendants of astrologers there has to be some overlap the astrologers didn't completely cease to be although their community on the mountain tops does seem to have been a thing of the past as I said earlier it seems that renala was still part of an astrologer community even after real aaria must have been established because in her youth she meets her Moon and then not long after she goes to the academy and charms it bala's early history as part of this astrologer community and her meeting the Moon that would change her life is best explored by the item Stargazer heirloom which reads the following the young astrologer gazed at the night sky as she walked she had always chased the Stars every step of her journey then she met the full moon and in time the astrologer became a queen the obvious conclusion that we have to come to then with this overlap is that ral's Community was either the last to come down from the mountain tops or was simply the last to give up that way of life whilst others had long become glint Stone Sorcerers Loki has an interesting perspective on this gradual migration from the mountaintops something shown by this map here Loki believes that we can trace the migration pattern of the astrologers through the trees the suggestion being that each migration of astrologers brought large conifers with them to their new home we can see these ghost conifers on the mountain tops of the Giants the astrologer's original home we can also see dead ones at alaskar ruins in South Leia where they clearly migrated to and in Celia and of course Moonlight alter where the Carion would eventually migrate to we can also find them in the area around the shifra river and in the hall horn grounds which lie above the shifra river given that both both of these areas surround the city of nron Loki suggests that the Conifer presence here is because of a contact between Celia and noon which we of course know exist given selia's deep ties to the Eternal City and the nox my main issue with this is that I personally see Celia as more culturally nox or Newman though I believe Loki isn't discounting this either rather Loki sees the town of Celia as the result of a sort of cross-pollination the astrologers settled down here in kalid and made contact with the nox and while the establishment of Celia above ground is definitely because of the noxian influence he believes that the population here are mainly astrologer descendants and I do think this certainly makes sense given that we only see two true kns in this town and the rest appear like normal Glenstone Sorcerers but I really like this theory of Loki regarding the conifers and the migration patterns of the astrologers and I think it helps illustrate the evolution of the astrologer Community to their glint Stone descendants via conifers that are primarily found on the mountaintops of the Giants but also these conifers are found in areas related to Glenstone sorcery such as Moonlight altar lascar runes and Celia but to conclude whilst a lot of her astrologer kin had already become Glenstone Sorcerers rala was still part of the astrologer tradition but once again I think Loki puts it in a more concise way and so once again I will quote Loki's notes to me on this subject the carians are still living on the mountain tops during ral's Youth and migrate down while she is still relatively young the alasar and Celia already have a lengthy history with the academy under azur and lcat in short they established themselves as Nobles on the western mountain and become royalty within a short number of years but the par dnamic would shift when she met this Cosmic entity the full moon that would come to Define her and her rule henceforth so as we've just learned from the Stargazer heirloom as a young astrologer rala was essentially observing the stars and at this point she made contact with the moon where this fateful meeting took place for me is most likely to be Moonlight altar mainly because location has a deep connection to the Moon specifically despite this Altar and not being the highest point in the lands between one is able to see the Moon far more clearly than in any location a place where we can see the full moon and the dark moon in the sky simultaneously unlike in other areas of the map even just below us in Leia which means it most likely has a special connection to the moon and if this was where rala first made contact it would make sense that this was where a Moonlight altar would be established we learned that rala tries to recreate her own meeting with her moon with her daughter rany and this is something we learn of via ran 's Dark Moon which reads as follows this moon was encountered by a Young ranie led by the hand of her mother ranala what she beheld was cold dark and veiled an a cult mystery given that the full moon is foundational to ral's power and she sees rany as her air this makes total sense but returning to Moonlight altar given it is one of the only places in the lands between that we can see the Dark Moon and the full moon in the sky simultaneously it does lead me to believe that this is where rala led ranie to meet her own Moon and it is where originally rala met Hermon with that in mind let us consider the archaeology of moonlight Altar and what it can tell us about the early history of the carens firstly there are two sets of ruins that can be found on the altar in the shadow of the cathedral the lunar estate and the moonfolk ruins as I stated in my hidden Tales video I attribute the lunar estate to be the estate of the caran family prior to them living in Kara Manor the term estate in the real world in Britain is usually used to denote land owned by a Royal or aristocratic family and so I see this as the old caran estate the lunar estate the Stargazer heirloom states that in time ranala became a queen and given she was very young when she met the Moon it is a reasonable assumption that good deal of time passed between her meeting the full moon and establishing the carians as a royal family she would attend the real Laria Academy as a young sorceress charm them with her unique Magic and then in time build up her power base before eventually declaring herself as monarchy when she had enough power of course and the foundation of that power I think can be found here in the Moonlight Altar and as such I would imagine this lunar estate to be her family's home during the this transitionary period established at the site of the most important meeting of her life likewise I would see the moonfolk ruins as the ruins of a community who followed rala and joined her in the veneration of the Moon there is another feature of interest to this story found on Moonlight Altar and this is what I call the three sister statues which are guarded by a red wolf of rigan now we are never directly told what these statues represent but the statues of the three female figures immediately makes me think of the three sisters found at Kara Manor these towers are called Rena ranie and celas's Rise celas's RVE is clearly named after the current occupant however given this area is called the three sisters I speculate that this is only a recent renaming of the teror and that at one stage it was also named after a female therefore speculatively there might have been Three Sisters of which rannie was just one multiple caran princesses indeed the description of the caran Fig greed Crest does imply there were multiple caran princesses and while it is speculation I do think this is the story that has been told to us through the environmental details and is just another tie to the carens suggesting that this was their earlier home predating ker Manor then of course we have the cathedral the Mana celes itself and as zorm points out in his video on Moonlight altar this Cathedral shares the same architectural design as the Church of vow marking it as a caran structure really being the final piece of evidence that Moonlight altar is caran the translation of the Latin Mana celest that people have provided within the community does vary but the two most likely translations are the hand of God or Hidden Hand the cathedral itself is shattered and spread throughout the ruined fragments of the cathedral are Starlight shards additionally in the sky we can see blue streaks suggesting that Starfall has damaged the cathedral here and this is something suggested by zorm and while I agree that the cathedral itself was damaged by a Starfall I don't agree with the common notion that the two fingers found beneath the cathedral came down as a sort of meteor and people usually site the different blue colorization of these fingers and the blue streaks in the sky as evidence for this one of my main reasons for not agreeing with it and again this is pointed out by zorm in his video is that the crater or channel that leads down to the two fers is not a straight up and down line the passage that leads to the two fingers under here actually travels horizontally a fair bit and so if it was a straight meteor site you'd think it would just be a straight up and down Channel and more importantly I think the name of the cathedral the hand of of God or Hidden Hand is actually named after the two fingers meaning it is built after the two fingers arrived here and this would discount the notion that the two fingers sort of crashed through the roof of the cathedral because I don't think it would have been built until after the two fingers had appeared so if the cathedral was built in honor of the two fingers as I'm suggesting this really clashes with ranny's future view of the two fingers and the greater well r would later come to despise her connection to the fingers but perhaps at the time it was a cause of celebration for the carens after all their Heir their princess had just been granted imperian status there is one other fact of important that is relevant when discussing Moonlight altar in this early community of the Kens and that is the connection to the Eternal cities specifically noxa the passageway that now acts as the den of the Fearsome Estel is sealed with the Seal of the carens marking it as their passageway and this passageway ultimately acts as an underground highway to Noella and this makes sense because the eternals and the Carion do have some cultural overlaps most overtly seen in the Church of vow this church literally houses statues that can also be found in the Eternal cities but more importantly the actual main function of this church is the Basin and this is actually a statue of a noxian sword stress and it requires you to use Celestial du and as the description of the celestial du tells us this is an invention of the nox and so this absolutely speaks to contact between the Carion and the nox and is a nice detail when looking at their cultural and ideological development as the tunnels at Moonlight altar that lead to the Eternal cities speak to this sort of contact so to summarize I see the Moonlight altar as the first BAS of carrying influence when they were more concerned with the power of the Moon and before they became associated with her tree royalty as for why they abandoned this significant location well there are a couple of speculative ideas that I have firstly there is the possibility that this region became less significant and more isolated as the land in Leonia fell away after all we're only able to actually access this area by passing through the Eternal cities there's no direct route for Leia and as someone who is the monarch of Leonia basing yourself in a location that can't even access the lands that you rule is really not a strategic advantage and so perhaps when the lands fell away and the lake of Leonia was created the caran looked for a new location from which to rule from it could also be a shift in priorities when she got married to rigan and they had children together and her alliance with the her tree family obviously strengthened perhaps she was less concerned with her old ways of venerating the Moon and she cared more about maintaining her Alliance and her marriage and Cara Manor's location is definitely closer to Altus plateau and if there was an ongoing alliance between these two houses it would make sense to relocate somewhere closer to Altis Plateau so while we've discussed ral's consolidation of a power base we also need to talk about her influence in another area and this is of course in reality Cara a institution that she would come to dominate and is definitely one of the pillars of her rule so let's talk about that as we've already mentioned rala was able to charm people at the real Laria Academy because of her unique Magic and when you look at the history of sorcery in the lands between this certainly makes sense because ral's Moon magic would have been like nothing anyone had seen before the lazuli conspectus mask which represents the school that was founded to study carrying magic shines a light on this as it reads Scholars of the lauli conspectus study caran sorceries a heterodox Pursuit that views the moon as equal to the Stars so this means that Moon magic is unorthodox and it was no doubt this unique nature that led to rala becoming so prominent to the stage where she is honored in paintings alongside other alumni is not just the uniqueness of her magic though rala is of course a very competent Sorceress in other regards a point well made by Loki and his notes to me is that rala in stage two of her fight with us which is presumably rannie recreating her Glory Days she is able to use azor's Comet showing that while she eventually banned the Primeval Sorcerers from the academy she was certainly capable of using their most powerful spells and so with the combination of her raw talent and this unique type of sorcery that clearly blew away the academy and revolutionized its way of thinking it's no surprise that she would become governess of the academy a fact we can learn from Marielle who names her as such rala and her brand of carrying magic eventually claiming dominance over the academy had quite a few consequences firstly of course it is definitely a huge win for her it is a consolidation of power and no doubt helped her legitimacy when she established herself as royalty and we will learn about other things that she did to consolidate her power base in the next chapter when we look at her forces and allies but of course claiming dominance over the academy is a massive feather in her cap but of course it would gain her enemies as there must have been an existing power structure in the academy before rala took full control because while renala became the sole Governor or ruler of RI Laria it seems that before her there were Grand Masters a term coined in the Robes of Aur and lat two Sorcerers that she would ultimately OU it is of course rala who dismantled the par base of those known as the Primeval Sorcerers something we can learn via Selin's personal emnity of the Carion if you recall I was exiled from The Academy of Rea lucaria it was for attempting to restore the Primeval current of blindstone sorcery the toothless pedantry pedal by the Aran royal family can rot for oica I want Glenstone sorceries that open our minds Unbound by terrestrial taboos even to this day the carens are still trying to wipe out this school of sorcery because Salin has been hunted by jiren a retainer of the Carion and presumably the one responsible for chaining up her True Body in the wchb ruins no doubt intending to return the moment the star started moving again and she could be killed for good and while Salin is the most recent heir of this school she isn't the one that founded this in fact this can be traced back to two of the oldest Glenstone Sorcerers in existence lcat and Aur I need your help my Apprentice Master lucat is another founding Glenstone Sorcerer And like Master Azure he was banished from the academy now he languishes in prison somewhere my Apprentice can you find master lucat with this Glenstone key you should be able to cross the boundary that encloses him I need him to restore the Primeval current of Glenstone sorcery he's nigh a child of the Stars such as his body now ral's reasons for banishing this school of sorcerers is never explicitly stated however as always we are able to speculate with the evidence given to us firstly the methods used by selin and her predecessors are extremely dangerous and pretty abhorent and this is of course how selin earned her Monarch selin the Graven witch the term Graven is a reference to the so-called Graven schools or Graven Mass a horrifying Abomination that we can learn of via the Graven Mass Talisman which reads the Primeval current is a forbidden tradition of Glenstone sorcery to those who cleave to its teachings the act of collecting Sorcerers to Fashion them into seeds of the stars is but another path of scientific inquiry we can find these horrifying Abominations throughout the lands between tortured beings and we can even find a dead one in real Laria itself in a room where we find Aur staff suggesting that he created one within the halls of the academy itself imagine bonding humans together into this Frankenstein ball within the very Halls of the academy itself this no doubt would have caused cused a lot of Discord and resentment indeed the dialogue from Top suggests that Selin's expulsion from the academy was inde de tied to her Graven habits s was well known the most promising Sorceress in the history of the Academy I followed her at school but there may as well have been an ocean between us but selin was expelled from the academy accused of Unthinkable treatment of certain Sorcerers under the name of the Graven witch I still don't believe the accusations the illustrious selin would never do such things seems pretty straightforward however I do think there is another consequence of exiling the sorcerers and that is that rala got rid of some potential political opponents and solidified her control over the academy Sid describes both lcat and azur as founding Glenstone Sorcerers heavily implying that these Sorcerers are some of the ogs sorcerers who not only helped found R Laria but helped build the foundations of Glenstone sorcery itself indeed this seems more or less certain when we consider the carolis crown which names this school as the oldest and this school was founded by none other than azur so we really are talking about the Old Guard here Legends who help build the very foundations of the academy and sorcery in general to reinforce their prestigious position that they once held we can look to their robes which read the following since the grand Masters azur and lcat were driven from the academy no one has achieved their formerly held rank so azur and lcat were Grand Masters a position which hasn't been held since they were expelled and this makes sense if it coincided with renala taking control as Governor a position that essentially made the role of grand Masters worthless and it changed the control of the academy from an oligarchy of the these ogs to an effective monarchy real Laria thus transformed under renala her school of magic her brand of magic would become its own conspectus the lazuli founding your own school is really the mark of being a great sorcerer and again the fact that she is able to do this with her own unique brand of sorcery would definitely have helped solidified her claim to governess of the academy selin describes carrying magic as toothless pedantry a reflection of the fact that under her rule under ral's rule there was no Research into the Primeval current which people like sellin C as the ultimate end goal of Glenstone sorcery as a whole and thus practicing magic without this end goal in Mind Is Toothless and so with this clash in ideals and the political aspect of it it is no wonder that Bala would get rid of these Sorcerers from the academy and with it her control was Secure I had previously mentioned that rala did other things to build up her parabas all of which would culminate in her being able to declare herself as a queen and her house as a monarchy and so in this chapter let us discuss Kara as a royal house and what its makeup is rala founded the house as royalty and so at this point I do want to tackle one of the weird parts of the lore something I've talked about in my previous videos and that is the fact that when rannie conjures the vision of rala that we fight in the stage two she refers to rala as the last queen of Cara and this is a little strange given that she's the only queen of karer she's the founding Queen but rany's language on a surface level seems to suggest that she is the end of a long line however once again Loki was able to provide me with an answer that I find quite satisfying Loki believes that Ran's word choice here is a reflection of rany's view of the Karan monarchy and her place within it Loki points to the ghost found in carria Manor the ghost of a carrying retainer or Knight and its dialogue belays a certain expectation among caran retainers that rannie would take the throne so to speak this expectation isn't particularly surprising given all we have discussed so far rannie was clearly being groomed as the air to ral's throne and so Loki suggests that this statement by rannie that rala is the last queen of Kara is a reference to the fact that rannie has no intention of becoming the queen of Kara rannie has her own path which goes far beyond being a queen and as such her mother is the only true Queen of the carians the last with that said let us now look at the forces that are under ral's command and I think what is interesting about the caran Royal House when compared to the Erry Royal house is the way that it enforces loyalty the Erry house very much did it through Conquest whereas the caran house and its vassals are more closely bound through Oaths of loyalty and cheric values the main state of caran forces is of course the legendary caran night that numbered only a few something we learn of via the carrying KN sword which reads these KN swords could serve as catalysts letting them wield a sorceress battle skills despite numbering fewer than 20 this power made them a match for even the champions of gold in battle so these Knights are few in number but very elite and given the council chamber seen at the top of carrier Manor it suggests that they served as a sort of council as well well although that is just my speculation based on Roundtable culture the caran kns also welcome trolls into their rank as evidenced by BS the caran troll Knight and the unnamed caran troll Knight found in caran Manor this is a marked difference from how the majority of trolls are used in the lands between as the degenerate cousins of the Giants and hated enemies of the erre realm they are generally used as slaves or manual labor however the troll Knights are treated with a sort of dignity and the troll knight sword item description highlights just how differently they were treated under the Carion as it reads called into service when the queen invoked an oath they swore the trolls are treated as true Knights of caria and fight arm inarm with their human comrades so in this Brotherhood the troll Knights are treated as equal to their human counterparts and this makes sense as the carens would not have the same enity for trolls that the arery Royals would would because they didn't take part in that war indeed if we remember the karan's origins as astrologers both the ancestors of the carens and the ancestors of the trolls the fire Giants coexisted in peace on the mountaintops and so this partnership this welcoming of trolls into the ranks of knights is honoring that past and so culturally we can expect the Kens to have a more even-handed view on Giants and their kin and because of this they gain very powerful allies powerful Knights that served with loyalty but also gaining the guidance of the lake of EG we learned via the hammer item description that the art of smithing originated from the Giants hence why EEG is such a skilled Smith himself jiren even comments on how useful these weapons were in redan's war against the Scarlet rot and funny thing his swords were all plant as Stone but not one of them decayed when faced with a Scarlet rot again just another powerful asset for the caran Royal House an asset that would have been left on the table by the her tree because they view the trolls as nothing more than just slaves and while the UR tree forces is clearly also armed trolls to be used as slave Warriors it's hard to compare them against the nightly trolls of the caran house who have been trained to use magic and serve not because they are slaves but because of a powerful oath and something I missed about Loki up on so again credit to Loki is that rala gathered other allies to her side through Oaths as well Loki highlighted the summons that rala uses in stage two of her fight with us rala summons Giants dragons and wolves and each time she does so she says come oath sworn so again these aren't just slaves or summons these are beings animals trolls and dragons that have sworn an oath of loyalty to rala that she then calls upon so I think you're starting to get the picture that Oaths are important to caran culture they didn't just want people to serve them they wanted them to be bound to the carens through loyalty and Oaths the troll knight sword that we looked at obviously tells us that these Knights were bound to them by an oath and this of course makes sense because they are essentially Knights of this Royal house and in medieval history when you are KN you are indeed bound to your Le through Oaths the term oath is also used in regards to another caran vassel jiren the Witch Hunter and Ali to General Redan we can learn of this via The Eccentric armor set jiren set which reads the following jiren preferred a nomadic existence but after spending time as a guest of the caran Royals he became a guest Commander for General Redan and for the first time the Restless Tumbleweed would be bound by an honorable oath these Oaths are described as honorable and they seem to have the effect of creating real ties of loyalty especially when you consider what jiren went through for the carians he stood by the degenerating Madan for God knows how long his dialogue that we quoted earlier where he discusses 's weapons suggests he was actually serving by redan's side during the war against the Scarlet rot and he even assisted in putting General radan to his final rest all the while while having Salin tied up so he could fulfill his real oath which was to kill selin now the festival is over and general radan is defeated jiren's Duties are finally fulfilled though we served different Masters I could see he was truly Adept in his role now the time has come to remind him of an old promise made with the stars of fate set into motion a certain sorcer is dispossessed of her immortality finally we can be rid of a long standing Kian weed jiren is described in his armor set as someone who is a tumble weed who doesn't want to put down roots and yet because of the Loyalty that the Kens Inspire he did put down roots and went through great effort to fulfill his oath to the family there is another rather interesting oath between the Carion and another unusual Ally the crystallion and this is something we can learn of via the magic downpour item description which reads the following one of the sorceries of the caran royal family said to have been taught by the challans to Mark the swearing of the Old Concord as to what the details of this Concord was we can only guess beyond the fact caran were granted a deeper insight into magic directly from these unusual beings we can also find crystallion present in Moonlight altar alongside dragons again implying that rala established these Concords early on in her rise to power before settling down in Cara Manor and that she somehow bound these unusual beings to her service rannie as a caran princess seems to continue this tradition of making her Oaths with her vassals this is most clearly seen in her relationship with her Shadow BL and this is in many ways the greatest illustration of the Loyalty that the Kens inspired as BL is already bound to rany in a cosmic fashion through the power of the two fingers I was once an imperion of the demigods only I Mika and Melania could claim that title each of us was chosen by our own two fingers as a candidate to succeed Queen Marica to become the new god of the coming age which is when I received blly in the form of a vassel tailored for an imperion and yet despite that rannie still requires blly to take an oath swearing loyalty to her not as an imperion but as his Le and we learn of this via the Royal great sword which reads in defiance of the Fate he was born into blle swore to serve no master but rany as proof the sword was imbued with a called Magic at the moment the oath was sworn blly literally ends up defying his own nature in favor of his loyalty to rany his words and his Covenant with her more powerful than the cosmic forces of the world the Kion are even able to bind dragons to their will as evidenced by aula the dragon that guards rany and we learn from ullah's moonblade that this dragon is specifically tied to rannie however ranala also summons an oathbound Dragon during her stage two fight with her implying that ranala also B found dragons to her service in the same way and then when you look at Moonlight Altar and you see how densely populated it is with Dragons this makes sense I've always assumed that these dragons found on Moonlight altar apart from adulla are ones that the carens bound into their service this sort of chalc culture is the core of the caran identity and is how they differ from the urre monarchy and as a result while the carians probably don't have as big an army as the arry forces we can already see how they were able to put up such a fearsome fight they had trolls dragons and soldiers willing to die for them Bound in a sort of loyalty that the Ary forces could never know of course we can't talk about the caran chaler culture without discussing the most honorable Knight in the lands between Loretta we learn about Loretta via her armor set which reads the following Loretta was once a royal caran Knight and her collapsis lazuli blue Cape is the emblem of the nightly Pride that continues to guide her of course Loretta is no longer in service to the carens and we can see this from Loretta's War sicle where her blue glint Stone of the carens has been replaced with the unallied gold of MCA marking her change of Allegiance however as the armor set says while she no longer serves the caran house the chalc values that she learned under them is what guides her to be one of the most honorable people that we see in this game I think it's greatly implied that Loretta somehow stands above the other caran Knights as is evident by her more extravagant armor and armaments and I've always assumed that the Phantom version of Loretta we fight in ker Manor is a conjured version that rannie has made showing how valued she still is even in her absence and when fighting her it is clear to see why she would be so valued she is extremely powerful both in her Marshal proess and her spell craft characterized by her fearsome magic bow yet Loretta of course is most well known for her quest to find a new home for the Alban orics this is what leads her to the halic tree and her service to meaw Loretta's Mastery tells us that she traveled long and far to find a home for the Alban orics and given she has settled in the Hal tree changed her allegiance to Micha and we can find Alban orics in the consecrated snowfield it's heavily implied that Micha offered safe haven for these Alban orics and in return Loretta gave him her loyalty the consecrated snowfield became a sort of fabled land a legend to the aloric people a chosen land awaits us aloric The Medallion is the key that leads to the city it's only a quaint treasure for we who cannot make the journey but for dear latna it is needed to fulfill her purpose purpose and this was all achieved by Loretta who clearly showed great compassion to the Alban orics now when it comes to the creation of the Alban orics as you will see in my nox and aloric lore videos I'm certainly of the mind that the albor were originally created by the nox and I won't retrade that entire video here but a summary of my main reasons for believing so are as follows the nox have an obsession with creating a lord of Knight there is a cut dialogue from tops that directly states that the Alan Orcs are a creation of the Eternal cities the NOS are well-versed in alchemy as is evidenced by the celestial due and the puppet draft they've also worked with other silver beings namely the silver tears beings that can mimic things again suggesting that these beings these malleable creatures Were Meant to create an artificial Lord of night there is a cut dialogue featuring a mimic tier called aimi who directly states that again these silver teers are creations of the Eternal City and thus with all this together it isn't hard to believe that the Alan orics are another creation of the Eternal cities an artificial being created in the hopes of producing a lord of night however in that same video I did also touch on another connection that the Alban ORS have the connection to real Laria that goes beyond their heavy presence in this region zul the witch did a video in which they revealed the silver armor of the female aloric once had a different description pre-release at one point the item description of this silver armor attributed the creation of the female aloric to real aaria and I will let PM describe what my thoughts on this contradiction is what is the truth behind their creation did the KN create them or was it a real luaran or caran creation when well the balance of Truth is for you to decide but I believe both could be true I do believe that they do originate from the work of the nox the evidence we looked at previously is too strong and the thematics fit very well however it could have been expanded upon by real aarans and caran my belief is that the work did originate with the nox as an experiment to create a lord of KN but that the real larians and carians may well piggy backed off it in an attempt to create War Warriors and servants and this would explain why there are so many Alban Orcs in Leia specifically some serving the caran royal family and I more or less stand by this however since then my ideas on this have somewhat refined especially in my discussions with Loki where I had previously stated that the real aarian Sorcerers may have just replicated This research one for one Loki goes further to suggest that the female alinor specifically Mark the real larian contribution to the research the female versions are more sophisticated being able to pursue combat in a way that the older ones are not able to whilst also retaining their intelligence unlike the second generation or frog aloric perhaps speaking to the fact that these are a second attempt or V2 and thus having more sophisticated results I am now however going to directly quote Loki's reasoning on the matter as I find it quite compelling female Alban orics are both young eloquent and uniquely given large wolves from mountain tops to ride same wolves leftovers from hted experiments are left wandering around Cara Manor in short they are carrying first generation built off nox's previous experiments or third generation Alban orics in general Loretta learns from observing these Adept wolf riding archers firsthand at Cara Manor I'm leaning towards the caran and real larians picking up the work established by the the nox and that the female version specifically may be a real aarian or caran refinement on the same formula but do you agree with Loki that Loretta is a human Knight who learned combat style from the Alban orics and thus grew to pity them or do you think that Loretta is the culmination of the carrying refinement of the aloric formula and that she is essentially the ultimate aloric it is hard to Discount the similar styles of combat the horseback archery whatever you believe in the caran OR real aaran involvement in the Alban orics what is clear is that the carens Incorporated Alban orics into their service as is evident by pidia and other Alban ORS found within Kara Manor so now we can see why the caring would have been such a formidable Force when the Ury forces would attack not only were they led by the most powerful Sorcerer of all time who had United the entire lands of learia under her control but she had loyal Elite kns trolls C stallions and Dragons all sworn to her service never mind the resources of the academy and its Sorcerers as well as been led by renala the most powerful Sorcerer of an age Leonia had developed into a real power with its own culture and thus the stage would be set for the conflict that would become known as the wars of Leonia so if you've seen my Elden ring timeline video you know that I generally place the elite erni Wars is something that happened after the era of the earthree conquest that it happened quite a bit after the wars with the giant after the golden order was firmly established this would take a long time to fully explain once again as I've done it several times throughout my videos and so I will go through my reasoning as fast as possible so not to distract from the subject at hand firstly the leian wars are not mentioned in Godfrey's armor set as one of his great conquests nor as he even me mentioned to have taken place in the leonian wars is all Radigan and this implies to me that this is deep into his reign as Elden Lord a period where he is vowed to act more like a lord thus Radigan a champion is given command of the army there is also the barrier of gold incantation the description of which tells us that this was an incantation used specifically in the leonian wars by AR tree forces the casting Sigil of this incantation is the Celtic not looking version of the ER tree the sigil still worn by modern ER tree kns again suggesting this war was waged at a time when earthree Society had been allowed to mature I also ascribed to the theory purported by tarnish archaeologist wherein you can trace the evolution of Earth tree culture and history through the different classes of Earth tree Miracles if you weren't aware there are three classes of incantations associated ated with the golden order and the Earth tree and they apply the evolution of changing beliefs under the same system these incantation categories are the ancient Earth tree incantations which include any to do with the age of The Crucible or the age of Plenty then there is the categorization of her tree worship which is what barrier of gold falls under and then finally there is the golden order fundamentalists and so given that the ancient Earth tree incantation s represent the age of Plenty and the age of The Crucible this must be the beginning of our tree culture on the other side we have the golden order fundamentalist incantations which are of course associated with Radigan second Elden Lord's Reign so this is near the end of the timeline and so in the middle we have the Earth tree worship incantations to which barrier of gold belongs and again to me this is strong evidence that the leonian wars happened in the mid period of er tree rule I hope that makes sense and if you want a deeper look at these ideas I would recommend tarnished archaeologists Creeds of the earthree video from where I get this Theory and so let us return to the event of the leonian war itself which we can therefore assume happened at the height of both the ER tree and Leia's power while the Erry forces were clearly going to be the dominant military force in the lands between as we've discussed already the leian Army was able to fight them to a stand still over two conflicts we learn of this via the sword Monument that details the second war which reads the second leeran war no victory for the golden nor for the moon no prize but atonement the birth of a v we can imagine the caran were able to hold back the much larger Ary armies through a few distinct advantages rala herself who at this stage will have been the most powerful sorcerer in the lands between the complete order of carrying Knights and other oathbound allies and finally the defensive Advantage it wasn't one-sided of course Radigan from the Erry armies in particular is noted to have covered himself in glory during these conflicts as the sword Monument for the first war States the first leeran war radigan's Glory Burns as red as his hair and so while we don't get any clear picture about the conflicts in this war it was clearly a fearsome war between two Kingdoms at the height of their power and it speaks to the power and Prestige of Kara and its Royal House given it was able to hold off this Mighty Empire by itself of course Radigan and rala would eventually make peace peace that was secured through barriage Radigan once cleansed himself with Celestial due repented his Territorial aggressions and swore his love to renala the order of the ER tree and the fate of the moon were conjoined and all the wounds of War forgiven before we go any further there is something really interesting in this dialogue Mariel states that the order of the earth tree and the fate of the moon were conjoined the fact he specifically talks about fate being conjoined with order is fascinating to me it makes me rethink some of my prior assumptions the telescope item description reads as follows during the age of the Earth tree caring astrology weathered on the vine the Fate once read in the night skies had been fed by the golden order I had always assumed that this was a reference to Redan halting the movement of the stars and arresting their movement as we do know this does affect the fate of the carens and we actually have to kill him in order to restart fate and free up ranny's fate however from this dialogue with Mariel of order and fate being conjoined makes me think that this Union was something more than just a marriage between renala and Radigan that fate was also married to order and that somehow it was restricted by order being imposed upon it astrology is really important to the Kens and this is denoted by the fact the Karan preceptors seem to carry on the practices of their astrologer ancestry and the fact that rala was once herself an astrologer and Selin's dialogue that we looked at earlier makes it clear how important fate is to the carens but perhaps it was at this moment when fate was conjoined with order that the fate of the carens truly became restricted maybe it is little surprised that rannie despises the golden order so much and that she would strike out against them just something to think about when think about the wider consequences of this marriage I really do love the low significance of the Church of vows Mariel tells us that it was constructed at a specific point within Leia in order to have both sight of R Laria and the Earth tree symbolically looking at the moon and the tree representing the union of the House of the tree and the house of the Moon after the church was constructed the marriage was prefaced with an old noxian custom the cleansing of oneself with Celestial duw I do think it's important to analyze what happened here as it isn't merely a symbolic gesture there is actually a power to this ritual I have discussed this already in this video and in more detail in my nox video but the nox essentially experimented with Alchemy we know that stars are tied to fate something expressed by the Amber Starlight Shard item description and Via sellin's Dialogue on fate and the caran family and thus to me both the puppet drafts of the nox and the celestial du likely manipulate fate latent within the stars for the puppet drafts they shackle the fate of those who embibe it and in the case of the celestial due fate is Rewritten animosity forgotten for example if I attacked BL and killed him to get a dialogue for my lore video he would resurrect and permanently be aggroed at me however if I cleanse myself with Celestial due it's like he resets almost as if he has forgotten our previous conflict Our Fate has been realigned and this enity no longer exists I wonder if this contributed to how strongly rala felt about again it is clear that the relationship was initially political in Real History often a pact of Peace was solidified between kingdoms with a marriage between the houses and Elden ring is clearly no different however despite this it is clear that there was some genuine affection between the two Mariel describes how rakan declared his love for the beautiful full moon Queen and then ral's armor set tells us how much she was devastated by him leaving her so she must truly Tru have been in love with him but we will return to the collapse of the marriage at the end of this video for now I want to talk about the marriage itself as one of the more interesting points of lore within the entire story of Elden ring comes up within their marriage and this is the implication that rala knew the truth of rigan's identity that he is Mara I have discussed this in huge detail before specifically in my rigan lore video which I would refer you to but I believe that Radigan was already America at the time of his marriage to renala and again my full thesis on that is in my Radigan video however for the purposes of this video the main item of relevance is the mask of confidence worn by the caran preceptors it reads the following mask with the mouth SE and shut with gold thread when rakan married ranala he ordered the caran magic preceptors to Dawn these masks to make it clear that all of their matters were to be kept strictly private so I know others of argued that the preceptors are just keeping matters of State private but come on when we are talking about rigan there really is only one elephant in the room when we are talking about Secrets there's also the fact that when Radigan left ranala he left her a fragment of the Elden ring the Amber egg as a Parting Gift how would a mere Champion gain access to the Elden ring and take one of its ruins well the answer is he couldn't unless he was also Mara the god of the age Who Bore the Elden ring so it was quite interesting that The Masks of the preceptors are not part of their original outfit rather it's an affectation born of the karan's association with the Ury royalty it means that civis was also potentially privy to The Greatest Secret of an era just a nice little consideration this also means that when rakan and rala had children they are true demigods not just by virtue of rigan's later marriage where they became stepchildren rard and Ran's great ruins say that they became demigods when they became the stepchildren of America through their father's second marriage however I just see this as a political excuse to cover the real truth that they were actually demigods by virtue of their birth during the marriage between rala and rigan we can assume that this was a happy time for both rala being blessed with her different children and grooming Ranny to be her successor and eventually they would relocate closer to the shores of learia into car as we've discussed before in an attempt not only to have a better more strategic location but also to strengthen the ties between these two kingdoms which had now been married into one another and as prosperous as we can imagine this period to be it obviously wasn't meant to last in this chapter I do want to focus on the collapse of the caran household and I won't be covering the children of rala that much as I already have full erong videos on Reichard ran and rannie and I will link those below however in the context of the collapse of the house I do think it's important that we cover some of rany's lore as I said in the previous chapter I assume that rany's meeting with the dark moon when she was young happened when ranala and rigan were still together because after rigan leaves ranala it appears that she's completely broken and thus I would think incapable of introducing her to her dark moon I would also assume that rannie meeting the snowy Crone would take place after rigan and ral's marriage fell apart and I think this for a couple of reasons firstly let's look at two bits of lore that cover this facet of the story firstly the snow witch set which reads once worn by the snowy Crone who the young rannie encountered deep in the woods she was a witch and well-versed in cold sorceries it is said that the doll that houses rannie was modeled after her that old witch was rany's Secret Mentor and now let's let's look at the description of the freezing Miss spell which reads sorcery said to have been used by the old snow witch the snowy Crone taught the young rannie to fear the Dark Moon as she imparted her cold sorcery so this mysterious witch became ranny's mentor and part of my reason for it taking place after ral's fall is because maybe rannie needed a new Mentor a new mother figure it is clear that this woman is important to rannie considering she completely models her new form after this figure perhaps this was because this Noy Crone was there for rannie when she needed someone when she needed some guidance secondly the phasing Miss description tells us that it was this snowy Crone who taught rany more about the secrets of the Dark Moon again this suggests to me that this took place sometime after that initial meeting with the Dark Moon organized by renala it's just that this snoy Crone taught her the deeper secrets of the occult and the dark Moon perhaps the fall of rany's house her father's abandonment of her mother in favor of the urry order is what led Ranny to choose a different path resenting the urry order and all that it stood for after learning the secrets of the Dark Moon she would pled herself to the age of stars and set herself on a path which would have lasting consequences for the lands between but with that covered we now need to talk about the main event that really heralded the end of the caring house as a serious power rigan's departure we know from Mariel that rigan's departure left rala essentially devastated the great and beautiful full moon witch sadly her heart was broken when Lord rigan left her and then when the academy rebelled against the Royals she was locked away in the grand library in the end lady ranala was left alone cradling the Amber egg Lord rakan bequeathed her now she devotes herself to it through forbidden right the Grim art of reincarnation you would do well to remember severing a vow strongest of bonds has consequences ever more dire indeed this is how we see rala now broken kept in a sort of delusional Slumber by the Lis of her sweetings as to why she creates such beings it is again up to speculation there's the possibility it is just loneliness and that creating these beings gives her comfort and she's just using the last tool that her beloved rigan gave her especially when you consider it is their lullaby that keeps her suspended in this Slumber and does Breaking this Slumber is what causes rannie to intervene in the first place of course rigan's departure had more radical consequences than just breaking rell's heart it essentially led to the entire collapse of the caran Royal Family up until this point and as should be made clear by this video by this point the caran Royal Family's power was based around ranala not only through her unique and Powerful sorceries but through her General Charisma and statesmanship but with her basically out of action enemies would now finally be able to act and bring down the hold that the carens had over Leonia and we learn about the real larians essentially rebelling against rala via her own robe which read the following when ranala head of both the Academy of raria and the caran royal family lost her husband Radigan her heart went along with him and then those at the Academy realized that rala was no champion at all in short it was a moment of weakness that was exploited by those at the Academy a chance to shake off her rule here was the powerful ruler that had dominated Leia and RI Laria for years broken and weak and so so they locked her up in the academy but even with rala out of the picture the caran royal family had powerful retainers at their command something we've already looked at and so the real larians would need some muscle and this is where the cucko come in the relationship between real lucaria and their soldiery the cucko is described by the real lucaria Soldier Ash which reads the following the soldiers of real Laria were also known as the cucko they were given free reign by the academy to wage war as they pleased and they were Infamous for their rapacious ways the academy had a sort of hands-off approach to controlling their Armed Forces indeed this may be due to the fact that the relationship between the academy and the cucko was closer to that of a mercenary Force rather than fty the Scholar's Armament spell reads the following taught to the Knights of the cucko by the academy as payment for their contract so here we learn of a contract between the ra aarans and the cuckoo soldiery and as such they were given free reign to wage war against the carens in any way they saw fit a brittle War we can assume given the rapacious reputation of the marauding cuckoo forces however we of course know the carens are also brilliant strategists and so aside from their powerful Knights and Dragons and trolls they also unleashed the puppets against these rebellious upstarts and we can see this actually still happening on the Eastern side of learia again just another benefit of their ties to the noxian people however as this war ended up in the siege of Karam Manor we can assume that the cucus overwhelmed the leaderless Kens and they were held up in the Kara Manor however it was at this stage that the caran were able to get a bit of a win as the sword Monument outside of Karam Manor reads the following the resting place of the contemptible cucko lost in the siege of Karam Manor indeed in a dialogue EEG confirms that the Knights of the cucko were essentially slaughtered during the siege of Karam Manor thanks to these magical traps and no doubt a result of the defensive advantage that Karam Manor offered indeed we still see cuckoo soldiers being used by pedia or by civis as puppets within the manor I can't imagine being captured by anyone worse than civis or pedia being forced to drink a puppet draft and being their little toy marionettes forever yet despite this the caran power was clearly broken during this war as learia is quite clearly controlled by the cucko now as evident by their tents over the majority of its territory rala is locked away and any remaining caran forces have either scattered or are pinned up in Karan manner indeed dialogue from rier suggests that the carens have been largely absent in the years's past only recently returning to the carrier Manor I have some idea of Ron's potential whereabouts there's a Manor to the north of the Academy of Rea lucaria it is the familial home of the Kian Royals from whom Ronnie descends there's been Talk of the old Royals vassals Gathering there in recent years rani's whereabouts since the shattering are a well-kept secret she hasn't been seen even once but I suspect she might have returned to the manner in which she was born so suggesting that while the carians reaped a bloody toll during the siege of Kara Manor this was essentially a victory for the cucus rule under the cucko in this area would be pretty brutal especially for the Alban orics as the aloric pot reads the Knights of the cuckoo do declare Behold thy defiled blood unlike any humor that flows in our grand realm suggesting that the cucko don't even see the Alban Orcs as human a sentiment shared by many as is described by the albor blood clot the greatest lore item in the game this is of course a stark contrast compared to caran rule as we saw in the previous chapters the caran would welcome almost everyone into their service as long as they would take an oath indeed we do have Alban orics still serving the carens now and I can't help but wonder if the Alban orics under Karan rule in learia were able to live in peace or a relative Harmony and it is only recently under the rule of the cuckoo and real Laria that they've began to be hunted the description of the Alban oric Silver Shield suggests that their main enemies are indeed Sorcerers suggesting they are often at odds with the real larians and their cuckoo mercenaries indeed armed bands of Alban orc second Generations now control the area around real Laria where Academy Town used to be and again I can't help but think that everything was more harmonious under the rule of the caran Royal Family and its collapse has had disastrous consequences for the unity of Leia making it a very unstable region made only more unstable by the fire monks who have recently come down searching for the thief of fire seeing their mission as Paramount Beyond any idea of nationality or sovereignty and have thus occupied large suedes of Leonia as well I think it's fair to say that the unity of Leia has certainly receded and indeed this might be the greatest Legacy of the Kens is seeing how bad it is now in Leia we can only imagine how strong and prosperous a nation it must have been to be able to resist the advancing earthree Empire and how unified and strong it must have been under Bala in her hday ultimately this is all that's left of the caran dynasty of old their Queen locked up and broken their previous Holdings broken and abandoned the future of the car Ian lie with rany and while the Splendor of the family is long since passed they may yet reach new heights but it's clear they will never be what they once were and having studied the carians for this video and understanding how they bound an entire region of the map together through ideals of Oaths and loyalty it makes the fractured and divided state of learia now all the more interesting and while we are often blinded by the glory of the urry royalty and their gods it is actually the carens who really showed the land between what it means to be Noble thanks guys that is my take on the caring royal family a mighty house with loyal retainers that is ultimately crumbled into nothing what are your thoughts on the caran royal family was there anything you think I missed or anything you disagreed with please let me know in the comments below as I do always love a good Lord discussion otherwise also let me know what you like me to cover next in my lower videos I'm still planning to cover Elden ring but also bloodborne and Dark Souls so let me know if there's any subject that pequs your interest if you like this content and you're new to the Channel please consider subscribing and liking this video as it helps me out a ton but until next time guys I will see you in the shattered remains of moonlight altar take care and have a wonderful night all
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 125,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring lore, elden ring, elden ring story, elden ring gameplay, lore, explained, elden ring lore explained, elden ring endings explained, golden order, erdtree, marika, radagon, those who live in death, maliketh, elden ring story explained, elden ring explained, night of the black knives, carian, ranni, nox, eternal cities, black knife assassin, sellia, ordina, leyndell, is melina ranni, Age of stars explained, dark moon, rennala, renna the witch, renna, Rennala
Id: 7sDTxqE6N3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 37sec (4297 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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