Can We Find the Name Brand? (Game)

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That was quite the ear metaphor Link.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/studmuffffffin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

No, Link. Wrong ear biscuits.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PB-n-AJ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What in gods name was that ear-saltine analogy...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheAwkwardBanana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nobody talking about the nipple stack? Just me? Ok then.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/uptownzara πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link’s going to jail for that one

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwaggiiP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Do name brand snacks have something the store brands lack? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) Good Mythical Morning! - Now, the Renaissance may be long in the past, but we are currently living in a golden age of snacks, a snack-aissance. - Hmm. - Yeah, 'cause Michelangelo may have sculpted David, but in these times, Cheez-Its and Teddy Grahams sculpt third graders. - (chuckles) Okay. - Now, I know you had a big snack game in your kitchen growing up. What was your favorite after school snack? - Well, I would usually prepare myself an entire meal when I got home from school. - (chuckles) Okay. - So, you know, the meal. - Well, do you know my favorite snack after school at your house? - Bacon bits. - Yeah, that's it. (Link snaps) Boy, I tell- - Not really a snack. It's a topping that you commandeered. - Technically Bac-Os, they were artificial bacon bits. But yeah, I don't know if I'd call them a snack at all, at least to me. But all the best snacks have generic knock-offs at lower price points. But the question is, are they just as good? It's time for Knock-Off Knockout: Snacks Edition. (bell dings) (intense music) - All right, we're gonna be presented with several rounds of snack products. One of them's going to be from a well-known name brand. The other three will be non-name brand, generic versions of that same product. - Yeah, we're gonna be competing to try and correctly identify which one is the name brand snack. And the winner in the end is gonna get an outfit that makes him look like a total snack. - Okay, bring on the snacks. (graphic whooshes) (bell dings) (intense music) - First up, we got a classic mini treat, Ritz Bits. And how does the original, which we need to identify, stack up against, or sandwich up, to the knock-offs? - Man, they are all very identical. And there's a little bit of a difference. - Now, the cheese is, like the cheese in this one is the same color as the cracker. - [Rhett] Yeah, this is all uniform. - That tastes good. - Oh man. Oh, it's good, it's strong. That cheese is strong! - Yeah. Now this one looks the same. Again, the cheese is the same color as the cracker. - It's the same. The cheese is not as strong. - Are you sure? - I'm sure, buddy. - They taste no different to me. Maybe- - I think the edge is off. - Maybe this one's more salty. Now, and then this one, if you look at it. - The cracker is a little more toasted. - And the cheese is orange. - It's got an orange-ishness to it. - I'm not even going to eat that one, 'cause I don't think there's enough cheese in it. Mm, butterier. - That's good. That's good. That's real good. - These weren't bad, but this was dramatically better. The cracker itself. See, those taste like, almost like a cookie. - [Link] Hmm. - Okay, we're gonna be guessing with our flags. As you can see, mine is a play on Ritz crackers, because my name is Rhett. (woman laughs) - Mine says Linky Maid, because I also have a part-time job as a maid. - Mm-hmm. - All right, I've got to vote- - Okay, wait. - Well, there's a three, two, on. - [Woman] I'm gonna three, two, one. - I've got to vote for the- - [Woman] Nicely, not stabbing, put your things in. Three, two, one. - Yeah, Rhett. - It has to be this one. I mean- - If this is not Ritz Bits, then they should start just putting these in the Ritz Bits bag. - And it's not really about the cheese as much as the butteriness of that cracker. - [Woman] You are both correct. (bell dings) - Oh yeah, night and day. - You know what else I got right? Okay, the cheese, first of all. They went the extra mile to make the color of the cheese more appetizing. The cracker is distinct, but you see the toastiness around the edge of the cracker? No other replica gets close to achieving that. - [Woman] The others are 365 from Whole Foods, O Organics from Safeway Vons, and Trader Joe's. - Trader Joe's are the worst, but they're all crap compared to the original. Don't be fooled. - They're all crap. (graphic whooshes) (bell rings) (intense music) All right, next snack is Honey Maid graham crackers, which by themselves are a snack of their own. But couple with chocolate and marshmallows, you get an even stronger snack, like a reverse Harry Styles and One Direction. (Rhett laughs) Let's give it a snack. - So these are the darkest. And then for me, one of the tests is how is the perforation? - The perforation? - Yeah, the perforations in this are basically just, there is no perforation, it's just for show. - The perf, yeah, I don't- - Doesn't taste bad. - The perforation in these is so strong. - Does it work though? Oh! - Yeah, oh yeah, it works. - I, it broke on its own. - Look, look, look. Oh yeah, the perforation is very functional. (woman laughs) - The holes are deeper. - Very functional perforations. - It doesn't have nearly the flavors as the first one. - It tastes like cardboard. - Yeah. I'd rather get tastes than perforates. - Okay, here we go. - I feel like graham crackers are a snack where you have to like, let them sit for a moment. - In your mouth? - In your mouth, yeah. - Okay. - [Woman] You know what I mean? You got to like soak them a little. - Soak them with what? - [Woman] Soak them with saliva. - I'm doing it. - Meh. - These have got, the perforation game here is just through the roof, but the flavor does not top number one. - Maybe we just don't like graham crackers by themselves. By themselves. - Are you choking? - Yeah, choking on graham crackers. - All right. Again, great perforation here. - Perforation is across the board for these third. (woman laughs) Crispy. - Letting it marinate. - Hmm, crispy, and there's a vanilla flavor in there. - It's not bad, but it's not what you, it's not what you sign up for when you, beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. - Are you ready to nicely stick your sticks in your choice? - How could the tastiest one not have any perforation? - And how could the copies of the original have better perforations? - Right. - Why would you take the time to be like, we really got to get the perforations right, if the perforations were wrong to begin with? - All right. - Here we go. - [Rhett] I have one little thing I'm going on. - [Woman] Three, two, one. - I'm going on the slight vanilla flavor in those. - There's no way. I've never tasted that vanilla. - [Woman] The Honey Maid graham crackers are in bowl number four. - You're right! - Yeah. (bell dings) - [Woman] The others are Trader Joe's first. - Trader Joe's! Y'all got to perforate, get your perforation game going. - But your taste is nice. - [Woman] First Street from Smart and Final, and Market Pantry from Target. - [Rhett] You like the target ones. No, I thought that while it didn't taste super familiar, it tasted more complex. And you know, you pay for a complexity. - If you don't need to perforate, go with Joe. - Yeah. (graphic whooshes) (bell dings) (intense music) We want to take a quick snack break to say, we think you would really like what Mythical Chef Josh in the kitchen here has had been cooking up over on the Mythical Kitchen channel. - Yeah! - You know they also have a podcast, he and Nicole, it's called "A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich," and you can get it wherever you get your podcasts. And recently they debated crunchy versus smooth peanut butter. - I know. - It got heated. It got very heated. - Yeah, I know. - Go check it out. Mythical Kitchen. - Definitely have my opinions, but check out what theirs were. Speaking of peanut butter, next we have the Utz peanut butter filled pretzels. Or as I like to call them, Utz peanut butter that happens to be wrapped in pretzel. - Interesting perspective. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I didn't really want to say that 'cause I didn't want to risk you getting upset and storming off as you tend to do in this format. - Well I might do that. Well, just watch yourself. Okay, before we start, well actually, let's just start on the first one. I'm going to tell you a little story. - This one looks burnt. - And see if you remember it. - Compared to that. - Do you remember that we had these in a particular place? - The memory that's coming to my mind is a big barrel. There's a big plastic barrel of these. - They were on the set of "Buddy System." - Yes! And? - And, whoa, I just spit right out. "Buddy System," just spit right out. That one wasn't great. I ate so many of these, but I don't know if they were Utz. They were probably generic, but they were good. Taste odd. - [Link] And they're not as good. - The peanut butter in those was pretty good, actually. - It's like, it's like unwrapping a peanut butter present. - Like I don't think any of these are good so far. - [Link] I know! - What is that about? How could these not be good? - I don't know. Now, this one's darker too. More toasty. - Hmm, it's very confusing. - The pretzel is the star over here in number four. - [Woman] Here we go. - I'm just gonna vote for the one that I would want. - [Woman] Three, two, one. - I've voted here all three times. This is like my slot today. - I think, the reason I voted number two is the peanut butter flavor. Had a higher quality to it, in my estimation. - I'm guessing. - [Woman] The Utz peanut butter filled pretzels are in bowl number one. (buzzer buzzes) - Really? - [Woman] Yep, the other ones are Kirkland Signature from Costco, Gold Emblem from CVS, - Really? - CVS? - and Great Value from Walmart. - Just, just, it doesn't matter. Get whatever's closest. - Yeah, these, you just get what you like. (graphic whooshes) (bell dings) (intense music) All right. Now we got Kellogg's Cheez-Its, not to be confused with Kraft's Cheese Nips. (laughs) The nip is not it, and that's just a tip. (laughs) So there's no Kraft Cheese Nips in here at all. - Unless there was a Nip slipped in there. - Oh, okay. A more, - Man, that's so good. - [Link] a toastier one. - The cheese pops you, man! - Now, they also sell one that's like extra toasty, right? - [Rhett] These are the originals that we got. - These are less toasty, just more straight up orange. Crunchier. - Crunch. (woman laughs) - Ooh, the taste is nasty. - [Rhett] Shinier. - Where's the cheese taste? They look great, but they do not deliver on their promise. - [Rhett] They look like Cheez-Its. - That's it. Over here. What is this crap? Fish food? - [Rhett] No, those don't taste bad. They just don't look good. - I think I'm still tasting that. This is crap. - These don't taste great. - These are okay. - These taste excellent. - And let's go here. These are thicker, they're hard. - Very little cheese flavor on these, too. - I mean, there is a remarkable difference between one and the other ones, guys. - I just can't believe that these are Cheez-Its. - [Woman] Okay? - [Rhett] Okay. - [Woman] Three, two, one. - I'm so confused, - I've got to go. - that I'm going on looks alone, 'cause the taste has completely gotten away from me. - [Woman] The Cheez-Its are in bowl number three. (buzzer buzzes) Link's slot. - So we said these weren't bad. - [Rhett] Hold on. That's what a Cheez-It looks like? - [Link] They are crunchier. - That's not a Cheez-It. - What's number one, because we agreed that was the cheesiest. - [Woman] That is 365 from Whole Foods. All right. We got to recommend those. - Followed by Great Value from Walmart and Market Pantry from Target. - Now, Great Value from Walmart looks exactly like what I think a Cheez-It looks like, which is not what a Cheez-It actually looks like. So if that's important to you, go to Walmart. (graphic whooshes) (bell dings) (intense music) - Saltine crackers. Man, I'm not sick. So I don't know how to interpret this. (Rhett laughs) That's the only time that I eat these. - I eat them with soup. - Is when, yeah, but I eat soup when I'm sick, like a chicken noodle soup. - You don't eat soup when you're not sick? - I don't eat soup with crackers when I'm not sick. - Give yourself soup with crackers when you're not sick, and see how good of a life you can live. - Hmm. We're looking for the Premium saltine from Nabisco. - Without soup, it tastes like sawdust. - It'll help settle your stomach, man. - I don't even know how to interpret what just happened. - Nothing, yeah. - It's not very salty, though. - [Woman] Are these the saltless ones? Or are these, do these have little specks of salt? - Those didn't have any salt. - Oh, gosh! - First one didn't have any salt. - Oh, gosh! - 'Cause you know that there's salted and unsalted. - I think that might just be crumbs. We'll find out. - No, there's salt on this, look. Clearly there's salt on it. It's all sparkly. - This is nasty. - This is the worst cracker - It's like, - I've ever tasted - It's like if you go, - in my entire life. (woman laughs) - if you take your niece to the mall and you get her to get her earring, - get her ear pierced. - It tastes like poison. - And then right after they pierce her earring, before they put like a ring in it, you go up to your niece's ear and you just, you suck on the hole, like that's what it tastes like. - What is wrong with you? (crew members laugh) I mean, I think it's bad, but what you just said is sacrilegious. - I don't even have a niece. - I will say, (crew members laugh) whoever made these, when we find out, I'm going to - I'm gonna suck on your ear. - publicly humiliate you. - All right, these have salt. (crew members laugh) That's pretty good. - Okay. - [Link] Could almost be Premium. - [Rhett] Now we're talking. Number three. - Number three has redeemed our hope. - Number four has got a lot of salt on it as well. Oh, okay. I feel pretty good about this. - This one does not have salt. (Rhett babbles) - [Woman] Three, (laughs) two, one. - It's my slot. I'm sticking in my slot. - I think it's number four. It's either three or four. - It's not two. - [Woman] The Nabisco Premium saltines are in bowl number one. (buzzer buzzes) - What? - [Woman] Are you ready for what's in bowl number two? - Publicly humiliate them. - [Woman] Yeah. This is Gold Emblem from CVS. - Golden what? - [Woman] Gold Emblem. - Oh. - [Woman] It really rolls off the tongue. - I thought you said Goldenblum. - And then- - Y'all need to take that emblem and you need to just rip it off of your chest. (woman laughs) I will never go into a CVS again because of that. - [Woman] Then it's 365 from Whole Foods, - That's pretty good. - and Kroger. - Kroger was great. Kroger was better than the original. - Yeah. - Not surprising, they usually bring that game. - I got to tell you, Rhett, congratulations, because you won. I'm contractually obligated. Oh, look at you! You get to look like a snack. Actually, you get to look- - Kind of like Randy the Macho Man Savage! (laughs) - You kind of like a weird dude at the flea market that sells framed pictures of nude women. (crew members laugh) - Hey. - Okay. - What size nipples you like? (laughs) - Thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is? - Hello, this is Bertie Black checking in from Nottingham and the oldest pub in England. And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Hmm. - I like your voice. You should be in cartoons. (Rhett laughs) (crew members laugh) I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. - Click the top link to watch us play the brand new game that we invented, the Ziploc mouthfeel game in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality's gonna land. - [Nicole] Ketchup is a smoothie! - [Josh] Yeah, I put ice in my cereal, so what? - [Nicole] That makes no sense. - [Josh] A hot dog is a sandwich. - [Nicole] A hot dog is a sandwich. (Josh and Nicole laugh) - [Josh] What?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,831,145
Rating: 4.9599242 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: hleRrqxzkHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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