GOING FOR GOLD Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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ready to take another chance at this new plan of attack lucky bag wasn't that lucky maybe these Elvis 50 cent pieces one of our subscribers actually said this yeah should be awesome let's see how awesome in the machine are you ready yeah this is arm is fixed looks broke to me [Music] $25.00 star we're gonna try out yeah I don't think so either but maybe we should try this for the fun of it your luck has got to change somewhere here in my pocket though I'm more amazing is forget this iPhone there is an autumnal truth that's why she chose this so yeah the golden ticket this time is gonna be for a Nintendo switch over on this side we're on the opposite side of the entire structure of where we were this morning oh nice that's a good start that's a really good start nothing ever goes forward growing up I've had pretty much every game console but never switch so maybe we could switch that up today do you want to kind of switch it up looks like you're getting $100 bills jumping at show me a little Mario competition later oh yeah $100 bill is still on the edge you might be able to get this looking at software if you can push that with the first push this will be a major change of luck for you the lucky coins are healthy whatever you do whatever you do do not allow that golden ticket to fall and the other playing field do not let the switch which the switch is in there for show what you do is you take the gold and pick it up oh my goodness that is a change in law that is a change in law oh man alive that is a major change that is what the beauty of Elvis coins can do for you Wow holy cow Wow get that hundred-dollar bill get that hundred-dollar bill are you keeping it I can't believe you actually got that before the walk has first VI usually falls backwards sideways 180 turn around Elvis we're not gonna be you're lookin good luck charm you're gonna be ours come on $100 you're gonna drop I can't believe you're gonna get that hundred-dollar role within the first twenty five nice oh my goodness so much better after after earlier today that was oh how many more [Music] more dollars I think she can actually get the hundred dollar role I think she can do it you can do it where do you want me to go so I've been replaced with a machine wouldn't be the first woman that's replaced a man with a machine [Music] 29 min but check this out lucky bag 2.0 mustard and get a home already probably comes out three hundred and some odd dollars that you haven't really everything in so this is we're gonna be really comfortable because we are surrounded by people the everything is busy right now security we thought the golden ticket went all the way down the chute it did not so officially she hasn't won a switch yet visually it's lingering so I mean she could she could go and complain and they'll pull it but why why go and complain and get them to pull it when [Music] make the quarters through the work camp we got that power you got to hit that little tower down you gotta get that hunted role oh there goes the hundred roll went you guys can see there it goes straight down the chute so there's a chute there and if the weight poles wait Falls right that'll go right out the chute that's a Bitcoin Oh revenge revenge as a bitcoins revenge of a Bitcoin what do you think can you get it can you get it what's your technique all [Music] you got it you got it golden ticket felt it went through you got it you pushed it it's down nice job nice okay the Nintendo switch is a guarantee now and I don't think you can ever ever have a beginning this successful so whatever never ever ever which means I'm always gonna carry that all this points in my back pocket every time we make it to the casino every time [Music] we ducked down there and grabbed the golden ticket [Music] let's see she's still got money we just we had to see if we knew the ticket fell so that was so stinking awesome the luck has completely and totally safe for us our neighbor hasn't been doing too hot maybe very stingy I thought you were all about restored in Belov's but not quite butcher I mean technically with the bitcoins falling so probably your term for it would be coin pushing you out of my way what it is I mean we have we have given prizes to neighbors your mom and I don't mean that there Olga Tori I mean literally your mom oh yeah oh yeah we're all about we're all about giving the prizes than everybody we had to go take a break and get a long brunch recharge it's working it's working oh let's see let's see what you got now our neighbor just throws cups of money that's man what a chick 3654 you okay she's going for a big hole she wishes job 3650 she'll be able to do some damage on that big boy was a crazy crazy change planning and most of you are probably thinking what are you talking about this morning you just releases us this evening while probably evening for most of you we may spend the day and we make as many videos as weekend why we spend the day make the most of it so in yesterday's video oh my goodness if you haven't seen it yet you will probably have a panic attack you will probably clean it it was rough but that is the same day as today as a matter of fact that was just a couple of hours ago in the real time of YouTube world babe you're covering that Bitcoin but you're getting some older usually they get buried and then the it resurfaces and then the anticipation Rises one of our roles all right [Music] this is suddenly launched such a contrast [Music] Dutchess fogging up on the rustic wagon up on the actual descendants wish it might be walking up on the switch what nice okay okay it's fallen I'm on a break my name yeah nice cause [Music] the Bitcoin callin out crying out for their mama doors to save them oh wait are you talking that right there [Music] that is what I think it is isn't it no way this that's a $500 $500 kovachev no way come on do some archeology escapade that day babe it is I can see the blue and the white [Music] I've never seen any other color here that that's other than automate another it looks just like the one over to the left that is [Music] that's exactly like the one you're gonna have to get all those orders on push the corners off oh yeah that's a good way to start you can push the corners off and we'll be able to see it okay that's buried under there and the big point is in there what else what else [Music] welcome here to the Genesis the ancient ruins are shoveling within quarters [Music] that's quite the haul lucky banks holding $70.50 you heard that correct Elvis ten dollars I think I'm gonna go after the chips if I want to know what the dollar I guaranteed for five hundred dollars it looks exactly like all the other ones that we've seen but [Music] they don't believe I won't be convinced until I see the surface no no we got the big coin you know there's a chip under there there could be anything else literally there could be anything hidden under there I just need all those quarters the best part is is she already got the golden ticket and it it got stuck originally in the shoes but it just went straight down the chute yes which I got a George the crazy part is a normal flat hundred dollar bills gets stuck in the shoe but down and that will just slid right down yeah probably because it's it's ridges and it's not it doesn't create like a pair of shoes I don't know if Endon whole like the others that was pretty epic [Music] we've never had we've never had a golden ticket actually get stuck record but that one was just stuck for a little bit that was an epic for a Super Deluxe but I love them Super Deluxe porches I have one ago together to that after all that Papa John's [Music] do you think the world know how much I love garlic butter yeah once upon a time I went to Papa John and bought an entire case an entire layer of garlic what does madam it's not a piece of garlic Serena there are hundreds hundreds and guess how much time it took me to eat all that garlic butter one week mum but you were close I think it's to 200 or 300 anybody works at Papa John's let us know but down below how many garlic you might want to have that frigerator I don't think it has to be refrigerated I don't know well I know we like a hot I'm gonna say don't send us any garlic butter I don't like it that much [Music] the trust garlic butter that's been shipped through the mail [Music] everybody ready for storytime with Georgetown hold on a second did you see that push it just know I saw the push I'm about to tell them a story about your push so this one time it's telling me that these quarters once upon a time in a land far far away at a time long ago there's a little man named George an Elvis mentor and says she was the devil into the skies like this story there has to be a villain in every story but don't worry that Jeremy came along kissed the angry I mean the hangry villain and turned into a princess no I never get it yes from you everybody definitely you know Elvis should be singing the chip is definitely gonna come down here what Elvis should be singing a little less conversation a little more action paper more pushing baby all this conversation satisfaction is [Music] satis Tom big burger burger do you remember on our third date when we were dancing to that on just dance on the week and now you just want a Nintendo switch I wonder if it has just dance if it has just dance you're right you're right these crazy a million is crazy middle-aged 25.5% black the rest white honky moves the world probably is not ready maybe let us know down in the comments below are you ready are you ready for these dance [Music] we're from the nightclub oh you're getting so close to getting the chip neither boy should be the boy big boy keeping power to be the mole by this pop a little more fine wait maybe it's less spice more spark I can't remember well I don't really know the lyrics of the song oh I know the dance I dance off to you right here whatever I'm seeing it on Carolyn surrounded by you got it you got it should we pull it let's see what it is don't believe it no give me your guests how much is this I don't know I believe it's a 500 what do you think pull it I think it's 500 let's pull it all right she's going up for the big point remember we still have to figure out what's in the box so we don't know what's in the $100 box although I have a guess so if you guys have guessed this did you guess it's down in the comments below say I guess you're lying 5 to $500 or excuse me mixing the chip now $100 box [Music] so we know there's a big point I'm just curious if anything else is going to be excavated and unburied very very interesting it's extremely possible because that thing just a thing all came down all that once it was things almost never fall forward unless like the doors have a really really lucky push and he had one today [Music] [Music] [Music] fire technique technique the shaky shape sheet turbo moves turbo Buddha technique when you when you get bubble gun you know yeah I've seen chapters of a book right now chapter one chapter two let go pick up pick up there is chapter three moving money with given mine this chapter is for advanced students of chapter 4 you have the device hitting ice cream afterwards chapter 5 how not to be too loud doctor six how to make it rain everywhere Chapter seven teleporter land to jeopardise quarter lambs reporter Lance you do a lot of stuff [Music] if you get enough quarters in there you can probably so close out another fifty dollars in profit My Mind's on chocolate soft-serve ice cream with peanutbutter sauce double Oreo the second foul Papa John's with garlic put it out so I can get a turbo boost are you gonna let me play today sure are we gonna go get lunch after this what do you want for long what do you mean like winter I just don't think that we should go to another one to quick because you finally got finished the good Street back we'll go hit some ice cream or something and give it a little great get a little crazy right [Music] oh you're getting so close to that big point come to mama [Music] so close [Music] come on I just need two more really good push-ups and then [Music] that whole thing that could be a quote for teacher that's teacher will be there down the chute it goes actually I think we should like that t-shirt to be on the T Springs account I just need to good pushes [Music] so focus on the edge it's on the edge [Music] come on big one baby come on big one baby come home to Daddy daddy's ready for you daddy is ready for you the daddy among the daddy it might be a heart attack no don't waste it come on just save it for the next one you gotta know when to hold them know when to fold em know when to walk away and no one you got a run and you got the runs 145 dollars in quarters alone we've still gotta see what was in that actual box remember it came over there off the edge so she's gotten so much golden ticket open to you $500 golden ticket wins the switch there's a hundred okay there is the box that is 200 yeah and I got a theory what's in there I got a theory yeah yes we've got to figure out how much these things are worth I have no food we got to look these up [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 89,536
Rating: 4.9358068 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: cTs45NFn04M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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