Long-Lost Treasures and Suspicious Activity in the Desolate Mountains | Metal Detecting Adventure

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're at it again I'm already out of breath we were out today in the mountains again I'm gonna love nowhere and it's really cold the trail now but it was I think it was a road at one time the instructions are follow this until the home site which should be obvious a very rough estimate of distance a couple miles they said we'll see it is still Bo season and I'm not wearing orange again because there shouldn't be any hunters in this area that's what I've been told at least private property so we're gonna continue on up it looks like yeah looks like it's gonna go up and up and up some more chipmunks are all yelling at me um we're gonna go up and up and I'll see you again if we find this home site alright well it's been just about five minutes since you last saw me look at our first evidence of some human activity here we have a old stone wall which hopefully means we're close and if you notice trail goes right through the middle of the wall and it doesn't look like it's recent so I am convinced this is the old old road you know sometimes you'd see if the road was new or you'd see rocks kind of Stern about in the middle of the trail that's a good sign looks like this it's probably gonna be a farm up here in the mountains they probably weren't growing like it's most likely livestock she maybe potatoes so I'm not super optimistic we're gonna find a bag of gold coins especially these farmers up in the mountains didn't have much but hopefully we'll be able to date that site find something cool all right well I made it as you can see I'm standing in the hole just taking a look around look down into the cellar and I saw something odd which was that which looks like I don't know rind of a pumpkin a little pumpkin something a little bit more this looks like a stick used to be laying there not too long ago and then I saw this and that's a pretty deep hole with water with a stick coming out of it sometimes you'll see sticks in the ground because they fell out of a tree and they just kind of stuck in the ground but looks like somebody's been fooling around that I don't know like I said we're so far up in the mountains I'm not sure who would be playing in a cellar hole like that but we're gonna keep our eyes open and do some metal detecting anyway okay well right here just found this little silver-plated maybe buckle and I just got two more high tones I assume they're gonna be more little buckles this looks like it was probably part of some kind of horse tack like reins or something but they're all high tones might as well film them see what else we can come up with here I guess that was just it just the two that's pretty cool though hard to say exactly what those were part of but they were together whatever it was pretty cool alright first pretty good target out here big buckle geez we are knocking it out of the park today with buckles alright just notice this little wet stream here a little trickle and we've got another mountain spring it's hard to say if they dug that as a well and then it was just like artesian the water just pumped out of the ground or the water was already pumping out of the ground and they just built some stones around it hard to say but it's mostly filled in now the water still finding its way out of the ground pretty cool alright just more looking around alright well kind of in between the seller and the road trail I got my first little coin I think oh yeah I can see it already it's a little Indian head nice man targets have been pretty slim out here so this is uh morale boosting alright well it appears to be an 1890 it isn't quite as old as I was expecting to find here but certainly not complaining all right let's might be a little hot spot here I just found another buckle all right over there so let's keep looking all right we actually had quite a few cold nights recently and you can see those Frost in the shade over here but uh we had a pretty nice target here 76 nice and even see we got of course it is of course it's another buckle unbelievable all right moving on well as you can see I'm eating my words here a little bit I've always got this orange hat in my bag well this time of year just in case and I was hunkered down eating a snack I heard something kind of rustling it's he off in the distance somebody wearing orange walking through the woods no trail so plain a safe putting the hat on I was told there's no hunters allowed on this property but maybe somebody's passing through maybe somebody's doing something they're not supposed to be doing hard to say I'm gonna put the orange hat on just to be safe all right I just found one of these last week it's another chronal Bell looks like an older one this time little jingle bell right next to this little stream you can probably hear it bubbling over here next to me oh nice it's got some petals on it too those old designs they're nice sometimes I'll actually have a little number as well but I'll have to wait to get home to see if this one does beauty she's pretty soon I'm gonna have a whole strap of these things awesome alright well I just got another target here it wasn't very high it was in like the 60s which isn't usually a coin but I think it is this guy right here it's incredibly thick even thicker than a fat Indian headset I think but we'll find out here no I guess that's what it is once in man that is uh one of the thickest you've ever found I can't see the face at all it's so thick I'm wondering if maybe it's even a like a hard time stokin Civil War token but I can't be sure of that very good chance that's just an Indian Head cent but I can't make out the face it's just so incredibly thick I found them in the past and I don't remember them being that having that much of meat on him pretty cool I love these things so you can find some more so I'm out sideways from the cellar a little bit I followed this stone wall here and down in this little river channel and I was just kind of noticing this interesting pattern in this sand it's all kind of stippled it's frozen solid right now and I notice these guys said that it looks like it's a cat but I'm I'm 80% sure it's a raccoon we don't have any cats out in these parts that are that small we have quite a few Bobcats and mountain lions Catamounts I've never seen one but people see him pretty great early well anyway that's one that was pretty cool it's probably down in here washing its food alright we got a first target here that I'm pretty excited about just a nice clean solid 84 nice and deep [Music] nice look at that it's a big old copper pink man those Indian heads had me convinced I wasn't gonna find any coppers here this clearly is one Jesus thick is that it's hot it's not very round huh all right let me see if I can get this cleaned up all right well we have a mystery on our hands good news and bad news bad news is I have no idea what this thing is that's kind of good news too because I get to go home and research it it does appear to be a bust on the front but check it out there's a date down there 1806 I can read it clear as day 1806 the back you know I don't know there's some letters up there for sure so I'm gonna have some work to do on the coin to get us to the neck I can actually identify it but at least we know what the data is 1806 that's awesome that's you know 60 years older than everything else I've been finding here so that's good news it's awesome all right the in Vermont when or anywhere with mountains really when the Sun goes behind the mountain it might as well be nighttime so it's like three o'clock right now and the Sun is getting very very close and I don't want to walk out in the dark and when I got here temperature was hovering around freezing you probably hear in my voice it's well below that now and my face is nothing like a hard time talking so anyway I'm getting out of here I actually have like an hour-and-a-half walk back to my truck and then I have a ways to drive to get home so it was a good day though I had a really good time out here with the exception of that person I was walking through maybe they were just a hiker and they get a kick out of not using trails and just kind of bushwhacking through but they weren't supposed to be here so freaked me out a little bit part of the reason why I'm leaving a little early I hope I don't run into him anyway we got some good stuff today we got two Indians and our mystery coin here I'm really excited to go home and do some research on it it's one of my favorite parts of finding stuff that I don't know what it is we got a bunch of buttons here this is a broken piece of a bigger valleca Conestoga style bail collection of buckles I have no idea why we found so many buckles today it's clearly working farm don't know maybe they had shoddy leather here I get my little Colonel Bell a couple little spoon handles these are both pewter which is way older than the Indian Head cents but I don't know maybe they are grandpa's old silverware we actually got a complete live 30 at 6 round looks pretty old though this is just some random thin brass sheet I don't really know what any of it is but I thought enough of it that a second a little pile together a little suspenders clip in to brass oil lamp wick pieces you know the terminal thing and the wick goes up pretty cool pretty good day oh and a little musket ball so as you probably noticed we've got some frost in the ground now nowhere near frozen yet and you know in the woods the ground doesn't really freeze it takes a lot of really cold like 10 below weather for the ground in the woods to freeze so we'll probably be okay as long as we don't have a ton of snow to be able to dig through the winter we'll see in one of my last videos somebody asked to see all the trash that I find I do find trash I never show it because you don't want to see me digging pop tops I don't think so I'm going to show it to you today this is it you know we have a lot of these a lot of these and a lot of these out out here some of the stuff is actually old but it's just like pulleys and gears and stuff I don't find them super interesting so they kind of go in my trash bag sorry I thought I heard something what else we get here with lots of shells lots of ammunition bottle tops lunch from hunters pretty typical garbage flat sheet metal so anyway I definitely dig my fair share of garbage out here oh I start to see my breath all right I'm gonna pack up and get out of here [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 127,757
Rating: 4.9490137 out of 5
Keywords: treasure, treasure hunting, treasure hunter, coins, old coins, adventure, mountains, great outdoors, metal detecting, metal detector, garrett at pro
Id: 6Hkudqqsrd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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