I Rented A Japanese Boyfriend For A Day

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Honestly best date, I also after a date draw them to assert love points 10/10 would recommend

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nouge_draws 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Hello, my beautiful viewers. Once again, I'm out in Japan. I don't really know what's happening. All I've been told is that I need to come to this theme park to meet with, of course, you guessed it, Shibuya Kaho. - Yay! - What are we doing today, Kaho? - So you are on a date today. - Okay, nice, nice. - Not with me. I'm renting a date for you. So you know the show called "Rent-A-Girlfriend," right? - I love it. Chizuru is number one girl. I love Chizuru, hell yes. (hands slapping) - Yes. - Okay, All right. I want my very own Chizuru. - But, I'm not renting a girlfriend this time. That wouldn't be fun. You can just hit the Tinder and get a girlfriend, right? - I guess so, I guess so, yeah. - So why don't I just rent a boyfriend instead? - Okay. - And just watch some BL moments and have fun on my own too. - So this is just your way of getting your own BL show? - I'm just being fujoshi. I purchased binoculars for this. - So what, you're just gonna watch me on a date? - Yes. - All right, okay, okay. - Okay, so I'm introducing you to this beautiful boy. - Oh, this is my date? Oh my God, okay, wow. - Oh God, he's hot. - Oh my God, he's so cute! - He's 22! - 22? - Oh, my God. I feel so old and creepy now. Is this weird? This is weird, right? - This is his first time going on a date with a guy, as well. - Okay, 2021, starting it off good. - They don't usually really, like, accept man for the date. - Yup. - But this is a special occasion, I asked the owner and the owner the owner said it's okay. Why didn't you say no? Why didn't you say no, owner? But okay, here we are. Why? Why did you say yes? So I guess we're going to go on the date in the theme park that we have coming up. - Yes, yes, yes, very cute. We usually go on a date by request, like a date usually takes your request but since this is my request, I was like feeling a little bit aggressive and I can start with maybe holding hands? - Okay. I mean sure. (hands chinging) Oh, wow. Oh, well, we're locking hangers. I did not expect for such aggressive finger locking action, but here we are. (Kaho laughing) - Kaho, are you happy? Is this what you wanted? - Yes. - This feels so wrong. I'm going to go on a date now. See you guys. Oh shit. Okay, I look like shit. Let me grab this. Okay, let me. You're gonna look fine for the date. - I know, I know, I know. I am slightly underdressed. This theme park is Cosmo world. It's located right in the middle of Yokohama and considering that, it has a ton of attractions to do, such as The Log Flume, the Ferris wheel, the rollercoaster, and it's the perfect place for a first date. And I was eagerly awaiting to experience all of the amazing rides that Cosmo World had to offer. I could picture it now, me and my affordable boyfriend on the rollercoaster going around enjoying the view of Yokohama. Now, normally I am a smart boy and always get permission to film wherever I go. I didn't do that this time because I was told by a friend that it's okay to film here. So that was a lie. All right, nevermind. They said we can't film a life. All right, now I've got to think of another date, very quickly. Let's do it. I did not have a backup plan. I was also an hour and a half late to this date because the trains were just not running this day. So needless to say, I had made a great impression on my rental boyfriend. But no worries, your boy's a master of improvisation. So I decided to go and take a beautiful stroll around Yokohama and get to know my rental boyfriend better. - Look at them, just so adorable together. - [Connor] My editor originally cut this scene where I asked him if he liked Jojo and I insisted that he put it back in. So here it is, the rental boyfriend telling me he likes Jojo. - [Connor] We are now married. - Fingers intertwined. (both laughing) - As you can tell, I pick only the most interesting topics for my dates. Obviously the date was going so well that my rental boyfriend asked me an important question. Oh my god, he just asked me to hold hands. I don't think I'm ready for this. I don't want to hold hands with him, I'll seem too needy. That would give the impression that I want him to hold hands with me. I don't want him to hold hands with me. Why would I want that? Why don't you just start the date saying no, play it cool, you got this. What am I supposed to say, huh? Listen, if a cute boy asks to hold your hand, there's only one answer. Shut the (bleep) up. But anyway, it was time to talk about the important topics. - Listen, my Japanese is not that great, okay? I'm trying my best here to make some form of conversation. I swear if this was in English, I'd be killing it right now. - Yes, look at those hands and they're talking constantly. Just looking at each other so often. - Maybe he wants to be the boyfriend to be rented, I would guess. - How do you know me so well, Kaho? (Suzuya laughing) - I'm happy for you, Connor. They're laughing so often. - If I stop laughing, it becomes awkward, so just keep laughing, Connor, and there'll be no awkward moments. "It's the sea, it smelled badly." That's what I was trying to say. So nice. He's so sweet. And now that the first part of our date is over, it's time to head to the restaurant where they didn't kick me out for filming. Thank you, Restaurant, link down below. Where it was time to ask Suzuya and his unique profession and learn all the ins and outs of being a rental boyfriend. - [Connor] My first question was a simple one. In most countries, if this existed, it would be the other way around, where the guy would rent a girlfriend. But why in Japan specifically, is there such a demand for rental boyfriends? I wanted to hear Suzuya's thoughts on this question I also wanted to know how Suzuya learned about rental boyfriends and how he even knew he could become one. Wait, how old were you then when you started at a boys bar? - [Connor] - The legal drinking age in Japan is 20. So the moment you can drink, yeah, the moment you can drink, wow. (both chuckling) - I was also curious to know, how does one become a rental boyfriend? Do you have to do a test? Is there an exam? Do you have to do mortal combat? I don't know. I want to know. (camera shuttering) - [Connor] Cattleya is the company that Suzuya works for, and they have a massive catalog of beautiful rental boyfriends. - I did ask Suzuya if he could tell me more about the training details but unfortunately it was a company secret, but there are some basic things that they teach you that I think are general common sense. - Wow, okay, so you kind of get like butler training, very fast. - Yeah. I'm curious 'cause I'm always embarrassing myself. (Kaho laughing) As you guys know if you're watching. Is it embarrassing or is it something that you don't tell your friends and family? I'm curious, like who do you tell and how do you decide to tell them? - [Connor] Me too, buddy. Me too. - [Connor] We also asked how did his friends feel about it? - The one thing that a lot of people would be curious about is how does it affect like dating normally, right? 'Cause there must be a lot of stuff going on there. - [Connor] Me and the other anime fans be like. - Another question about the clients and you know, liking clients. I feel like if I met someone and I really liked them I would find it hard to not like fall for them. How do you stop yourself from maybe liking your customer too much? - Is there ever a situation where you're like, "Man, I just want to give you a free day." - To the viewers out there watching, there are some questions in this interview that were cut as Suzuya didn't want to answer them. For example, how often do you go on dates with clients? Some questions like this, Suzuya might not want to answer because other clients, for some reason may see this video and may get a little bit upset if they see that he's going on multiple dates outside of their date with him, even though that's his job but it's understandable. So, if there are some obvious questions that are missing here, that's why. So when we were on our date, our fake date. We were, we were holding hands. Is that like a normal or is it something that you do on special occasions or is it something that, you know, the customers can ask to do right away? - [Connor] Or if you're me, just go in for the kill right away and grab their hand immediately. You cannot hide. You can't run from me. I'm so sorry. - [Connor] If you give me an extra 50, I'll do it. - I'm curious, what does a normal day look like for you? What do you normally do? - [Connor] I see how it is. I'm just another one of your (bleep) clients, huh? You don't love me. - Sorry about that, back to the interview. - What's your favorite types of dates? Is it just talking then or is it like, do you have something that you really like to do with customers? - My favorite dates are with Connor Dawg VA. Okay, here's what Suzuya actually said. - Wow, well we had the perfect date then, didn't we? - Can you not say something stupid for once, Conn? I beg of you. I was curious to know on average how many of the customers came back for another date. - I wish I had 10% of this man's confidence. I was curious about this actually. So obviously I'm sure the boss tells you suggestive prices and what you should do, but how do you decide on your price? Cause I noticed that the prices were different for the rental boyfriends. So how do you figure out that hour of time? - It's like an anime power level. What is the average customer? Like what age? You know, what are they, why are they hiring a rental boyfriend? - [Connor] MILFs welcome. - [Connor] So you're telling me MILFs will rent me out and pay me? I'm in the wrong profession! Is there a reason why they go for rental boyfriends instead of normal? - Why do you think that something like this works in Japan? Cause I don't think anything like this would work in the UK or the US. - Right, of course, of course. There has to be, right? Yeah. On the dates that you go on, are you normally shy or are you totally in control and you're like, "This is what we're doing." - Well, I was having a fantastic time. Okay, I got to ask. Did you watch Rent A Girlfriend? Did you read Rent A Girlfriend? What did you think of it? - I have a thing for Kundere. - Chizuru, Chizuru. - Chizuru all the way. - Chizuru, Chizuru. (Suzuya laughing) - In the Rent A Girlfriend anime, If you didn't know, the main character hires the main girl to pretend to be their girlfriend to meet his grandparents. And I was very curious to know if anything like this had happened to him. Has Suzuya ever been hired to go and meet one of his client's parents and pretend to be a boyfriend? - Would you go and meet a girlfriend's family if you had to? - For women especially. - More pressure. - Yeah, from your relatives, from your parents. It can be like, you have to at least have a boyfriend. That kind of pressure is common for that, so I think for them, it's to save face for us. I have to like, you know, fake a boyfriend or a fake a husband. (chuckling) - Have you ever had any, you know, bad dates, would you describe them? Are you allowed to say that? Are you allowed to tell me any? (message notification) - Make sure. By the way, give me five stars. - [Connor] We had to order food and it arrived in the middle of the interview. So here's some B roll of the nice food. That looks delicious. That one also looks delicious. Fantastic, back to the interview. I feel like if I'm going on a date with someone and I thought it was good and I thought I did a great job, I was a fantastic date, if they gave me a one star, I'd be so mad. I would probably like be like, "We're going on a date again." "You're going to retract that one star" "and you're gonna give me five." How do you handle bad reviews if you ever get them? - All right, that is an actual flex though. Until today. I'm just kidding. (Kaho laughing) Were you always dating a bunch in school or high school or college or was it just something that you just kind of fell into and now you have to start dating? - That makes sense. I feel like I was the same in some ways. I actually didn't become a rental boyfriend, but I could have been. Connor, shut the (bleep) up. You can not be a rental boyfriend, can't you? - I got to ask, am I your first foreigner client? - Normally, would you, you know, if a foreigner does want a date and they can speak Japanese, is it okay? - Well, viewers at home, speak Japanese? Might have a chance. Who knows? Fake love knows no bounds as long as there is a crisp hundred dollar bill involved. - Is there a worst moment you can remember? Or is there any bad moments you've had that you can tell us? Or is that like secret? - Really? You've been stood up? I would never stand you up, I would not allow it. - Suzuya is a professional and thus does not want to bad mouth any previous or present clients. This place was kind enough to let us film. So here is some of the food that we ordered. It was very delicious and reasonably priced. I know that sounds sarcastic. I'm serious. So I think another question that a lot of people would have, especially parents out there. You know, how long do you plan to do this for? - Wow. Do you see yourself at like age 50 still renting yourself out? - I don't know how this man just did it, but he made being a player kind of cute. I did ask Twitter if they had any questions for a rental boyfriend. If they existed, I said. Do you ever get lonely? Do you feel lonely that you, you know, you have to keep dating multiple people? - Did you see that part six got announced? Don't know if you saw that. Jojo. - Jolene. (Suzuya laughing) I'm sorry, I had to ask. Someone also did ask on Twitter so I had to ask. It's not me, it's Twitter. Have you ever double booked? - If they stand you up, are you like, "Right, I'm just gonna go home"? Or do you try and find something fun to do in Tokyo? - Oh my gosh, huge dogs. - [Connor] Focus, focus. (everyone laughing) There's a cute dog outside. - [Kaho] Huge dogs. - [Connor] How many hours do you work? They said a day but how many hours do you work in a week or a month? - Damn, so it's full on shifts when you're doing that. Do you get a break? Do you get to clock out for like 30 minutes? - Oh, wow. - Time flies when he's having fun and he is having fun. - I feel like he's putting the moves on me over here with the stuff that he's saying. There's not really any more questions on Twitter. So I guess that's all the questions I have for you today. Thank you so much for answering all my questions. - Thank you so much for buying me a date today. - Yes. So I guess the only thing left to do now is go to the station and part ways. So let's go. But before our date was finished, Suzuya decided to put the moves on me one last time. (gentle piano music) And here it is, Suzuya drawing me trying my best to look cool but sadly, I'm not. This video has been sponsored by Bokksu. Did you know that Bokksu is the only Japanese snack box maker that partners with over 100 year old Japanese snack makers. (lid creaking open) Whoo! You can receive one of these boxes every single month to your door. In this wonderful box, there is a hand assortment of Japanese snacks and a tea pairing to go along with it. So you can get the Japanese snack goodness delivered right to your home. This is the Summer Fruits box and in here they have a melon end pen. I love it so much, they're very tasty. And inside every single Bokksu box there is this, a culture guide that details every single product's origins, ingredients, and even common allergens. So you'll know every single thing that's in this box, and you can auto renew every single month or cancel at any time. And your box will be shipped straight from here in Japan, and there's free shipping to US orders. So what are you waiting for? Get 10% off your own authentic Japanese snack box by using my coupon code, CDAWG10 And you can save up to $47 using my link in the description down below. So, what are you waiting for? Smash that link in the description down below. Bye. Unfortunately, my time today with my beautiful rental boyfriend is over. (Kaho crying) Kaho has run out of money, (Suzuya and Kaho laughing) and there's no more time left, but I feel like we've learned so much about rental boyfriends today and I didn't know they existed and now I won't want every single day of my life. (Kaho laughing) - Yay. - So thank you so much, Kaho, and thank you so much for being a beautiful and amazing boyfriend. Thank you, thank you. But for now, I'll have to be going. Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - [Connor] Kaho, this way. (upbeat electronic music)
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 3,443,790
Rating: 4.9723654 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, Rent-A-Girlfriend, Rent A Boyfriend, Rental Boyfriend, Rental Girlfriend, Japanese boyfriend, CDawg, CDawgVA, Connor, Shibuya Kaho
Id: iEjvVcdCDB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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