I Tried Japan's Craziest Girl's Bar

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what is up my beautiful weebs today as you can see behind me I'm in Shibuya which is the predominant nightlife District of Japan and there's plenty of strange bars around here and today I've been invited to come to a rather strange bar it's a yaru girls bar which you can see here called tension I already know what's going to be in here I've just heard of these giara girls are quite crazy in the west we have a pal Boro Club in all places you can go and drink but Japan has many categories of places where you can drink and there's one type of category called a snack bar and amongst all of these snack bars the most popular type are girls bars which is a bar where you normally pay a premium it's normally quite a lot more expensive than normal bars have cute beautiful or interesting girls talk to you and it's not uncommon for some of these girls bars to have some sort of twist to them and this one is that all the girls are gyaru so let's jump into it of course kahoe's here of course kahoe's here of course I'm also a regular here sir what are we doing here what is this place so do you know the term Gary Corner a little bit I kind of know what it is maybe I should ask her the definition of yeah yeah I'd like to hear what you think it is [Applause] I mean I can get behind that I like having a good time I'm sorry to interrupt this video but I'm just wondering are you craving a mobile game cyberpunk themed with hack and slash well try punishing Gray Raven if you're a gamer like me and you have a gamer phone you don't want to be playing this game because not only does it have beautiful 3D Graphics in a third person melee combat style but it also has deep RPG mechanics new players the elite Gray Raven Special Forces to recapture Earth the game features highly detailed 3D Graphics complex combo Focus combat and a large RPG party management system now my brain don't think too good but this sounds good so what are you waiting for immerse yourself in stylish high-speed Combat Action 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I am I am I am oh there is a specific rule called so you can't use any K go at all here you don't have to be polite well I don't know any cake so that's that's really lucky let's get one of everything I'm I'm pretty sure I can drink it all let's do it what made you want to bring me here well we've been to so many cafes in Japan you can find so many crazy cafes too many what could be crazier or what's more Japanese knees I don't know what is more Japanese so I came across oh Gary's very Japanese I haven't really heard much about Gary I see them occasionally in anime but I don't really know what they are like I'm just like oh they're very tan yeah in my image is like they're tan or they dye their hair more makeup or longer Nails is there a reason why they dress and tan so much because they want to build happiness wow it's got LEDs do I get to keep the float I want to keep the float so these three cocktails are the Specialties in original cocktails that tension has to offer most snack bars or girls bars in Japan will have some form of original cocktail and that's why it's always fun to explore around These Bars wow look at that all the kiss marks and also you get to kiss yaru it's like kissing her oh that's awkward okay you're supposed to kiss oh I always thought you either oh come on come on that's how Connor kisses oh yeah you bite that lips I'm a natural okay oh wow trees and get a way of saying hello so like working hard I guess yeah what made you want to become gyaru oh those get magazines oh there's magazines regardless wow I didn't know that question magazines and she's so they're gonna go oh my God Gary's the prettiest the cutest oh in the world so how long have you been together for yeah so how long have you been working here is so in your face and outward it's not exactly something you could hide I wanted to know what kind of jobs a gyaru girl can do it I wonder what's the uh the appeal of a place like this what makes customers want to come here and experience together I'll bring my mum I'm sure she won't be confused at all wow just the people who want to have fun I guess damn that's me I want to have fun why do I look so miserable in this I nearly finished my drink future corner here just wondering why could you not be a little bit more enthusiastic huh it's super hot it's really hot in here I'm sweating in buckets it was really hot I guess I'll drink the flamingo part oh wow whoa okay this drink though seriously the one with the flamingo that was bossing Boston what are you asking for cow what are you asking for Kaho was asking the staff to do something for me and I was not too thrilled with the idea because normally when Kyle has ideas for me they're not good but we wanted more time to talk to another one of the staff so another Garrow girl came over oh okay that's my new name all right awesome I love it it sounds like I'm a banana that went stale this crazy oh yeah of course yeah it smells like a beach too yeah so in the winter is it just like like this too okay let's go yes I'd love to go to a beach party so much that feels like a really sad choice that feels like a really sad it's a happy place I'm so happy so so I'll kiss a straw and some sweets okay try some food what kind of food do they do here then canned food you're having a laugh there is no way there is no way it's your favorite afternoon tea holy did you know the Japan created by chance too it's like being back in World War one with the Russians and you get to juice five of these delicious looking Goods this one right here is butter chicken curry this one behind it is Udon that's uh beef with rice it's a very common dish in Japan there's clams down here mapo tofu there this one is chicken balls I think that's oh God and there's mackerel behind it so you're spoiled for choice and I won't lie it did not sound appetizing I'm a very polite man sweet I didn't know you could get chocolate dessert in a can like this I don't know if there's good information or bad information I don't know if I wanted that information I think I'm scarred of cup Ramen I don't ever want to eat a cup Ramen ever again I still haven't since the video and I'm not going to and it comes in an afternoon tea well you're British yeah I am British that's what we eat all our food on dinner wow illustration so when you've picked your five dishes they come out looking like this this one is Ken fruits next to it is the goudon next to that is the maputofu next to that is risotto if I remember correctly and next to that is the takoyaki which is like a dough Ball filled with octopus and all of this came from again wow yeah goodbye what is what is that okay little did we know our ears were not about to survive thank you happy birthday [Music] [Applause] I don't love attention in public so kahoe now it's time for us to try the the food It looks interesting Seafood so can I go with some Tomatoes well well I'm gonna try some I guess I thought he's a little bit hard but it's very fatty I guess I'll just it tastes interesting it's uh not as good as Matsu I think maybe I'll try the rice as well not bad at all yeah it's okay how's the tofu no I'm gonna try the tofu the tofu tastes like ravioli like canned ravioli that's so strange I don't think the food is the selling point of this place why don't you try and literature this food has been interesting I can't say I would normally go for canned foods but I guess if it's the delicacy here in the spa I guess I have no choice it's very interesting it is indeed interesting why did you want to work in uh yeah um as you can hear this bar is extremely Lively yes I think that in Japan people are really shy and they don't really open up a lot yeah this is really fun it's really refreshing to hear people be so energetic and so uh happy I guess British man tries to explain emotions were you working or doing anything else before gyaru yeah wow that's so cool but now it was time for the important questions I just like Jojo I brought my finest JoJo shirt I actually have a birthday present so during the shoot Caro wanted to give me a birthday present as my birthday was on the 26th of July so kahoe wants to give me a present well I how much should I have a JoJo is that a secret so here is my you know this is a totally legit official merch it is legit A Jojo phone thank you so much Carl thank you it's so kind also what cows out here giving me like the best birthday present ever what this is one of the most chaotic videos I've ever filmed this is just crazy I just can't get over the fact that kahoe gave me a phone for my birthday I I I've come from a place where birthday gifts aren't over twenty dollars this is insane but enough about how my friends are amazing and giving me amazing birthday presents thank you very much I wanted to know what else was unique about the Karo bar and so they brought out a rather bizarre item it's on a toilet roll so before I wipe my butt I can I can read it uh [Music] yeah so if I'm sad and I want to make someone feel sorry for me I've never seen like a dictionary printed on a toilet roll before that's pretty cool why don't you become get out of your car what's stopping you right maybe I should you could probably pull it off yeah you would look strange town I think yeah I know what the thing when I was in Middle School or in high school right like it's not that popular anymore in Japan no and my school was very strips I couldn't do makeup or Diet yeah oh wow is that common in Japan good Protestant school for Christian School so maybe extra strict you went to a Christian School yeah well food who knew yeah you turned out to be a great Christian Caro but it was time for our third and final gyaru conversation the Garrow girl who was kind enough to scream happy birthday at me wanted to come over to talk to us wow well how do you get so much energy you're just a natural Warren this is a really intense experience yeah when did you become gato was that difficult in school were the teachers not like no you can't do this so they would say like no you can't do it and then what would you do like what would you how would you be like no yeah it are you like this everywhere or just the bar [Applause] again her mom too wow so if I wanted to become Gary I could I've never had my nails done like wipe your butt yeah as Keisha we just mentioned she's an influencer in Japan and I wanted to know if there's any drama that goes on if you're an influencer in Japan because as you know we have drama non-stop in the west especially among the beauty scenes wow maybe I should become Gallery no drama it's all chill lots of energy yeah I should become gyaru peanuts now she used to be a man oh okay yeah awesome being lgbtq in Japan is quite difficult for example gay marriage isn't legal in Japan so it is actually very rare that you do come across transgender people in Japan so it is just awesome to see where even in Japan where the rules are super strict and you can't stand out at all that if you want to you can and with pretty damn good Nails wow thank you thank you again and so that's it that was my first experience at a yarrow girls bar and although the food wouldn't have been my first choice I have to say it was really cool getting to meet some interesting staff and meet people with some cool stories and if you ever are in Japan I highly recommend going around bars and just exploring and seeing what cool bars lie around Each corner and who knows maybe I'll make more videos on interesting bars in Japan but when you leave this bar tension you have to take a photo with some of the staff so that you have a souvenir to take home and that's exactly what me and Kaho did as you can see I'm extremely photogenic thank you for my birthday presents I didn't even know this existed thank you so much I'm so happy that you're happy this has been an interesting way to spend my birthday right definitely I've never had it done like this the yarrow girls are fantastic and crazy and amazing it's a part of Japan that I've never explored before and thank you so much for showing it to me oh I can't say I'll come back often um my heart can't take this level of volume but it's been a lot of fun so thank you so much another Cafe another Cafe onwards to our next adventure I suppose bye guys perfect bye [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,989,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Gyaru, Girls Bar, Gyaru Girls Bar, GirlsBar, Japanese Girls Bar, Snack Bar, Japanese Snack Bar, Connor, CDawgVA, CDawg, Japanese Girls Snack Bar, Japan Girls Bar, Gyaru Girls, Gyaru Bar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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