Infilitrating The "Gelechild" Roblox Cult...?

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quality audio then raycons are a very very good way to go ladies and gentlemen please click on the link in the description below buy some ordinary gamers and get 15 off your raycon purchase hello guys and gals me mudahar ladies and gentlemen today we're diving into some roblox mythos that's for sure now today's video could all be about a roblox demonic cult indeed now that being said ladies and gents before we get into this we have to first look at the roblox mythos community for those of you don't know roblox creepypastas roblox mythos are in in fact its own science one could have a four-year university degree talking about the exact depths of how deep these rabbit holes go some of them are very popular there have been communities dedicated specifically to uncovering uh mythical locations in the world of robloxia throughout the world right if that sounds cringe to you there are communities of three to four hundred thousand members actively working on uncovering this stuff it's actually quite cool now some of these are really really popular uh like as far as i know i think it's like one of them is guest 666 which was the which is one of the most popular roblox creepypasta phenomenons but some of them are a little unknown and actually quite recent today's case is gala child now this breadcrumb trail starts off on obviously on roblox with one server specifically known as smile now of course you can see smile by what appears to be zelda fight characters very closely we're gonna go and call this moth boy okay this is what we're gonna call this string of characters moth boy as you know is what is apparently referred to as gila child but i like to call it moth boy because their their zelda fine things and i'm gonna go with my interpretation now of course you can see the description is slash e pray now of course slash e i believe is the emote command and pray of course you [ __ ] know what it is they're praying like a [ __ ] now let's go look around with what's going on currently there are 67 players playing it is favorited 33 000 times with nearly 2 million visits right now it's created 510 2020 which makes this a very recent affair even so far as to being updated less than a week ago of time of recording now the max amount of people are going to be 25 it's got a genre of horror and ladies and gentlemen before we get into it the game badges themselves i'll tell you that you are a very happy individual thank you for joining me in this reality midway was green door the way to ascension or shall you dissent and then you've got this japanese string of characters which tells you you have clipped back into reality impressive implying that this is the actual completion point as far as i know with a hundred percent freebie being basically individuals who i think have just signed on to this game now of course you can go to the store page and give them robux and buy your way to ascension by your way to the wrong way to this to centipede and all the way to the light now some of you may recognize these creepypasta characters and portraits and images but we'll get to that as due time comes now to understand signing on to the server and the footage you're about to see was captured on mobile platforms because there was no way that as much as i love roblox i'm not going to bother installing this on my computer because it's just a weird pc setup going on that's completely besides the point regardless i connected to the server on mobile and boy oh boy was it a creepy server indeed now effectively it's one straight shot you know you could say it's one it's one hallway that you spawn into now all horror is effectively sucked out because you're spawning next to individuals with with player names that are hilarious to begin with but as you're going down this hallway you know that you spawned into you end up getting into this field now this field has a pretty broad exploration you know you can go left right but eventually you're gonna wanna head straight into the fields eventually going far enough you start seeing these weird floating mask faces and yes it is indeed as creepy as you would expect roblox to be at this point i started encountering other players and there was some brief platforming that i had to realize some would call this an abi which is a roblox obstacle course for those of you who didn't know now you do eventually i made my way to the this this weird creepypasta face but wait a minute you might ask haven't i recognized that creepypasta face somewhere some of you astute people out there would be right it is in fact a heno barbus heno side a creepypasta face that some of you will know if you've been in that community long enough but of course the more i closed into this face i was sent to the depths of a hellish dimension that had me at the edge of my pants my seat completely littered with piss and [ __ ] indeed now of course when you spawn into this location you are greeted with absolute what would hell look like faces plastered all over the walls no audio indeed and what appears to be one crazy mamacita walking and floating towards any player that would spawn into this hell hole below now i don't know what happens when this character comes floating towards you i was too [ __ ] scared to get near her so i decided to [ __ ] right off and run towards the straight center as you can see that's a pretty common theme with this whole scenario now as i was walking through the center i was given text commands floating in the air like some [ __ ] death stranding nonsense which told me to run and then to run and then to run and finally i was given zelda fight characters again run that was probably the coolest thing that i've seen no doubt once i got all the way to the end i fell through this hole into what appeared to be another long stretch of a hallway as i ran down the hallway could i tell you by the way this has like like half like upvotes you could tell why all right there's not a whole lot of gameplay variety but as i walked my way straight straight straight straight i eventually reached this altar now this alter i tried praying to it i tried doing everything i tried doing slash e-jerk off until i realized that maybe it was the fact that i was playing on my own now normally in this scenario i could probably kidnap a couple friends of mine and force them to play roblox with me but i didn't have such luck okay even my friends had their [ __ ] limits i i finally realized that you needed an entire [ __ ] group to get into it so this is where in this part of the video i'm gonna leave it to my good online youtube friend and internet personality [ __ ] shadow links who currently is sitting at 3 500 subscribers if we can get this buddy up to maybe 10 000 uh i know that might be a bit of a [ __ ] stretch but if you can get them up that would be great all right god damn let me let me let me let me check a little bit of god's good g fuel whoa that stuff perks me up let's get right into it boys now of course you've got shadow links with his friends um just just chilling around the location you're nothing to really really add into i guess they're all going to pray together just forwarding through this nonsense a little bit eventually they get teleported to what i believe is the haunted school above where pentagrams and weird cultish symbols are placed now you might notice at some point he has a knife but he can communicate with an npc and ask grab it and go we have stuff to do and there's actually a [ __ ] dialogue system as well grab the girl oh he's getting this got a little spicy isn't it god damn roblox and kidnapping a match made in heaven right boys and girls of course you can see these ever loving [ __ ] roblox paranormal experts finally get towards the end where they are appearing it appears to be that there's creepypasta characters all throughout and shitty jpegs spread across the ground finally they get to the end where it says off the beaten path and then you can respond in japanese as above so far below i think they're also referencing a [ __ ] amazing netflix movie by the way too but it is the end for this scenario i want to thank shadow lynx for providing the footage uh for going the extra mile to come across all this content uh show them some love for sure they definitely put a lot more effort into uncovering the mysteries of this [ __ ] mythos more so than anyone else i have ever seen of course let's go back to our moth boy mothman alright let's look at what the developer is all about now of course the developer for this wants to shout out the channel jella child now this is where the breadcrumb trail gets a little deeper than expected gel a child's bio page pretty much tells you something called diphenhydramine dph is in blank with anti-cholinergic and blank effect it is found in both over-the-counter and prescription drugs used in the treatment of allergy related symptoms now i don't want to play mad lib crackhead edition but i'm going to tell you right now this is getting to be just a bit weird and then there are multiple games you've got smile which we just saw and played but then you've also got a room now you might be like well what's that all about don't worry i logged into it and it literally is just that a room with some pretty relaxed soundtracks running across the board but it does offer a slight message is this room the one does this room remind you of necessarily anything to which i'm going to be [ __ ] real with you the room didn't remind me of anything at all however when i walked up to this grandiose doorway that i couldn't exactly do anything with there were like [ __ ] eyes floating out of the doorway as particle effects i don't know what that's supposed to mean but clearly it might it might have some deeper hidden meaning at least hidden meaning that i couldn't [ __ ] uncover god damn now interestingly enough when you go to gel a child you have two options alright you can see that immediately this character joined this account was created on in 2013 so for anybody wondering if this is like a new wage deal no no this account is as old as is this channel itself believe it or not this is kind of insane so one can say that this is some like long-term operation that was occurring or this account was made that long ago and now it was changed to the gel a child system or the gel a child like brand if you will if you go onto the mobile website for some reason yes my name is moodle likes fuda thank you please call it out as much as you can but if you go into the mobile application you can see that they have two social links right they have one for the twitter account and one for the discord account right now of course these are all binary numbers and whatnot but we're going to go into each and every single one of these accounts the first one though we're going to go to is the discord so immediately at the gala child discord you can immediately get into the beginning of the server where they have this gif from what i believe to be nana's channel this is i believe a gif from that scenario right now if you look into the rules real quick this is where like the whole cult argument gets a little weird so follow the rules mindlessly okay number one follow terms of service i believe this is just discord tos number two is japanese text let's give this a translation real quick god bless google translate follow the struck road whatever the [ __ ] that means english only outside of international no japanese all right we got it so no japanese even though number rule number two was in japanese thank you this is not a cult never will be a cult and has never been a cult no god really but then look at the next point become legion with us know what to believe in what the so are you a cult or are you not really what the [ __ ] you want me to believe in [ __ ] but you're not about it all right you're sounding a little giving me some mixed signals i'd say stop asking motz for help if you wish for help go to hashtag help obviously help would be like the puzzle that they have created in this like hallway hallway game that they've made which again constantly gets updated so it is kind of like an arc territory helping people is a bannable offense please take help with a grain of salt no streaming smile gameplay in vc i guess i also have rule number nine which is keems to keep memes out of general right boys now of course in the news section they're always covering updates for the system right for instance this this is a this is an updated leak of like a roblox character gala child hanging out on an open field what appears to be a beheaded [ __ ] character of course you can see you've got a baby as one object a flashlight head and hands uh [ __ ] normal right then you've got a lot of gifts of stuff like this i don't know if this is the gala child like characters or the mascots but it is genuinely unnerving [ __ ] of course let's go to general real quick in the general chat it it appears to just be memes like they're sharing photos of mustangs uh you've got individuals telling people to leave you've got individuals saying [ __ ] you zack all right god damn it's a very it's a real hostile [ __ ] server now isn't it hey guys um please stop talking i have to suck [ __ ] real quick oh man i gotta screen these before i look into them right of course gala child is over here proving that this in fact server is owned by the individual also linking to the twitter account which is verified in this entire discord profile gallery is where they share some really weird photos so let's look at some of these you got these moth characters you've got the same creepypasta mascots and slowly it starts deranging into like pure [ __ ] nightmare fuel to the point where like i i really don't know how to gauge these like this image alone freaks the ever loving [ __ ] out of me and i don't know why you've also got characters that are related to the rake which is a pretty popular creepypasta from back in the day like imagine coming across this you know late at night that would that uh that that that that that that's [ __ ] bad but then what's really common though is when you get these like characters with one eye and like this this like this like tooth structure going on over here this like dental plan that you're witnessing these are the most common sort of characters right then you've got more recognizable characters like i believe this is like eyeless jack so yeah man i'm really dating myself at this point this is actually quite nostalgic but uh yeah this is her discord channel and a lot of it does in fact contain some blatant racism as well like this entire channel that i've blurred out has uh pretty much an n word for every line that you're going down okay so if you do go on to the server and you have like an issue with like racist language you probably might not want to hit it up just putting it out there now this is where the next breadcrumb trail follows into this weird demon cult server that's i guess not really a cult but at the same time is this leads us to gel a child's twitter account now if you don't know gel a child's twitter account gella child's twitter account is a channel that has been formed in june 2020 around the formation of this game now t you've got japanese character that translates to down a369 as the bio and then the word down again location is below it links to the discord channel that we just looked at right now the same discord server it follows one one account which i can't exactly confirm who it is gel a child follows one person but has 345 followers now the pin tweet over here is kind of a little interesting so let's give this video a watch the video says i killed myself the other day i killed myself and buried my body underneath the floorboards i don't really remember where i don't want to remember okay let's watch this let's watch this video real quick it's just uh transmitting live to bleed from god's attacks i'm really trying to heal him but i have no experience with dissection and he can't feel pain and it's coming out of his mouth and if he does you can watch him die you're getting sick give me the knife all right ladies and gentlemen for anybody who's trying to figure out the lord of the scenario it's really really difficult to decipher really it's just a mishmash of creepypasta jpegs and what appears to be just edited footage of like some obscure news story to make it look kind of freaky you know we're placing like you know eyeballs with teeth and all that nonsense and i don't know what really the transmissions are all about but this was actually created june 19th so this is as old as the actual game itself so this is what we first started off with let's go down and see just any post okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go scroll down we're going to look at these posts and we're going to see the level of degeneration from top to bottom i blacked out on datura and awoke to moth it's my subconscious telling me something i've developed an issue serotonin syndrome 17 days left and of course we're still counting down aren't we now what's interesting over here is the word detura if you look into detoura itself you can see that detroit is often known as jimson weed devil's weed devil's trumpet moonflower and tollo ache right now detoura is a plant from the nightshade family with sweet scented and trumpet-shaped flowers known across the world for their potential as a poison medicine and entheogen the torah drives thrives throughout the globe in tropical and tempered climates sometimes even in strange conditions like near landfills and roadsides so clearly it's a very you know resilient plant clearly it can grow in a lot of places that you rather wouldn't expect it to right does it produce tolerance yes it takes roughly two weeks to return to baseline sensitivity and there's a cross-tolerance effect with other deliriants including diphenhydramine which is also known as benadryl and myristician which comes out from nutmeg so it's related in a way but the torah for those of you who really don't know de tora is very potent and i think nexbo actually has a video which focuses on a user talking about taking datura from the drug subreddit and completely disappearing whether they took the tour or not and whether the tour caused him to disappear for good or for not is a whole separate story and i would rather you watch his video than me explaining that even further but yes this is where the torah mentions come from and this is where the more we look into this twitter account the more datura is going to be mentioned now i'm quite the delirious fellow again delirians we just got off this drug conversation but you can see like you've got shadow figures right so get off my couch get the [ __ ] off my couch which takes you to this image of hell i would say right it appears to be an apartment building with just darkness and shadow creatures all around and then you've got another mention of diphenhydramine dph which is an antihistamine with antioxidants anticholinergic and sedative effect it is found in over-the-counter prescription drugs again the image they're relating it to is this apartment image with hands over the windows just well a relatively clean table this [ __ ] shrek character sitting by the couch and then playstation 2 logos on top of this gated door again what correlations any of this has i don't know but clearly somebody believed that there are some facts involved into it so god bless again detura gets mentioned right after this all species of detour are poisonous and potentially psychoactive especially their seeds and the flowers which can cause respiratory depression and of course they show a flag of where i believe this tutorial grows which is all over canada but our northwestern territories and you've got all this uh all of the united states uh you know effectively growing the torah around right but don't let the detour freak you out buckos because then we get even deeper with what i believe to be is pretty cancelable territory regarding conspiracy theories all of my neighbors are glowing thank god this isn't getting up to terry davis levels hashtag targeted individuals at amnesty ua free from torture reprieve justice hq liberty hq anti-slavery yes we are getting into targeted individual territory if you remember a video i made back in the day where we looked at actual people who were [ __ ] targeted you know people who believe the government was after him this is relating a lot to that okay then you've got when does this street end i don't know brother gravity would [ __ ] you up when you get to that point hello twitter and of course these are just gifts that pertain directly to gel a child get rid of your teeth the numbers mason the numbers [ __ ] with my head centipede initiated accelerated back hop get it off oh my god shut the [ __ ] up i have too many hands sometimes you get really normal updates like just opinion on the update to the game right which is kind of a [ __ ] stark like it's it's just kind of like a stark departure from all the [ __ ] that we read so far right watch me start to bleed from god's attack i'm really trying to heal him but i have no experience with dissection and he can't feel pain and it's coming out of his mouth and if he dies you can watch him die you're getting sick give me the knife give me the knife a song or a riddle you decide audience eating all the kids vore i am not an obscenity same must i keep repeating myself hide things and they will be found fine then i'll do it myself [ __ ] it and then this is where things get really just unnerving where you've got like [ __ ] slayer and then he's sharing photos of like canadian serial killer and animal torturer luca magnata so this is i i don't know if he's like timing this with like some crazy like you know uh conspiracy theory but this is like november 8 2020 at this point he wasn't really even relevant so again i don't know maybe it's just to be edgy for sure then you've got what a wonderful world which this image i don't recognize all right and i've been looking at creepypasta imagery for a while i don't recognize this so this might be a unique uh piece of media related just to gel a child i've met with a terrible fate going back to ben majora mask here's our impression of you [ __ ] idiots none of you are targeted individuals you're spreading a message and nothing more you're not being stalked uh stop gang stalking me mother [ __ ] all right well clear clearly they're disavowing it right where hurts now earlier we said this wasn't a cult but i feel like this message sort of shies away from that a lot god bends me over and plants my seed i become sick he smites me with the same rod of iron i stand up against him with all my might but nothing succeeds all my bones feel the lash and my people cry out in anguish before the lord do they watch me start to bleed from god's attacks i'm really trying to heal him but i have no experience with dissection and of course we just read these now we're getting weirder they used to tell us he's watching you and he loves you i used to believe him turns out he was actually watching the other way you just sat back and watched it happen you did nothing you could have saved him you could have saved me instead you did nothing some of yous have never dissociated and it shows i i wish i could honestly live in the reality you live in for just five minutes because my god that would that would that would make my life entirely worth it i'd say this is where like this whole story pretty much delves into just creepier to creepier to creepier to creepier now the breadcrumb trail unfortunately starts to dry up at this point right but it's clearly a mythos which started off in a really like weird uh roblox game where you're walking straight down the narrow all the way to a discord server which is again seemingly innocent for a roblox server but then i think the real cream of the crop in this whole creepy scenario is this twitter account and again this gets consistently updated with the lore that keeps growing so yes ladies and gentlemen for those of you who've never popped your cherry on the roblox mythos hunting group this is a roblox mythos video and given how this entire scenario is playing out we might deserve an update gala child is a story that continues to develop and as gala child is developing its story and its origins are getting darker than one might have imagined one where demonic cults snuff and animal abuse become the [ __ ] norm one that starts to dissociate and creates alternate [ __ ] realities to explore and potentially live in ladies and gentlemen maybe i'm looking too deep into what appears to be just an online cringe fest maybe the g fuel tower keeps getting taller and taller per video or maybe this is exactly what i'm imagining and it's just going to keep getting wilder as we get down ladies and gentlemen that was the gala child roblox mystery right there if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 695,694
Rating: 4.953661 out of 5
Id: Cz1rHqw3l8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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