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today's video is brought to you by Nord VPN are you sitting in an unsecured coffee shop checking your bank details probably not a smart idea to do that those packets can't be checked are you in a tyrannical regime that can check what you're doing at every single moment on the Internet probably smart to use a VPN or are you just like me where you want to access services that aren't really available in your country video streaming services or to be completely serious actually make sure your ISP can't check every single thing that you're doing well it's probably smart to carry something like Nord VPN on you ensuring that you remain unchecked and unlogged now ladies and gentlemen for a limited time you can get 70% off by going to WWE bien comm some ordinary gamers and if you use the code some ordinary gamers to get an extra month free stay safe and stay vigilant today's online world with Nord VPN this topic was brought to me through the attention of viewers following me on social media and they sent me a topic called arrow toss and this topic is one that I had a definite interest in as soon as I saw that the name 4chan was attached to it now me and 4chan have a history I've been on these image boards for a while so anytime I see some form of internet mystery show up here I'm always intrigued now there's plenty of content creators that have also covered this for years on end one of the more recent ones is a fellow horror channel by the name of blame it on Jorge if you want to check out a video on this as well that is a channel to follow but this topic is known as arrow toss for some it's a word that you shouldn't search and for some it's a term that refers to a alternate reality game and we've seen a bunch of them rabbit holes and whatnot but what Sinister's it could refer to a surveillance program a program that could spy on you target you and all of the nasty stuff that the internet is known for when it comes to machine learning and in big tech companies out there now to get to this we need to go to origin points we need to really start from the grassroots and we have to go back to 4chan now for me fortunes most populous board most intriguing board has always been paranormal or X and this is where it's sort of started with this board I used to lurk as a younger individual and I still do to this day it's where I browse ghost stories hauntings aliens whatever you want to call it anything that could be out of the realm of reality is on this board it's from this board that I went into things like creepy pastas and whatnot reading them throughout the night and to this day I still love that creepy element of the Internet and this is sort of that origin point for a lot of those now November 26 2015 on X and a non posted about a temp job given by a temp agency in a factory that wasn't exactly known to be reputable I guess or at least until they discovered this information okay just a heads up I'm only 20 and I've only ever worked retail jobs my whole life if I get terminology wrong it's not because I'm bullshitting it's because most of what she described is out of my rare frame of reference I'll be honest she's a super interesting chick during this period she was homeless and in a band her temp agency gave her a job at this place that was closing down all their locations in the country and basically it was well known that they were shady and generally treated their employees like cattle like they were in the process of cutting down all their full-timers to ship ours replacing them with temps and having the temps do exactly the same work for like 10 dollars an hour everything was really disorganized by this point and different departments were scattered everywhere and they were just getting everyone to do whatever work they could give them before they'd fire them they had a programming department that made payroll programs for other companies or something along those lines but by the time she got there it was just literally one dude and they were giving him random jobs to do like working assembly lines and running forklifts they put her in this dude in a room gave them a couple tape guns and had them pack stuff in boxes most of their had the names of their respective departments written on them in sharpies but hers said era toss on it or however the [ __ ] it spelled the do told her to get rid of the tape gun and not to mention it to any superiors since apparently one of his Jobs years before had been writing code to flag any employee that searched for it in their computer system not any old word just that one and they'd fire you if you got flagged weird [ __ ] so we've learned that basically searching for a word that meant error or printing mistake and latin roughly would get you fired now that might alone be just some random weird coincidence of fortune all right that just might be might be one off post and usually I would treat it like it's one off post but when you see it mentioned again roughly a month later it gets to you a little bit did anyone here have any software IT jobs on the East Coast between 2000 and 2010 or so I asked because a few people I know from that time in area have talked about some sort of sketchy HR related program called arretez and I'm wondering if I can find any information about it not strictly paranormal related but disturbing and I believe I saw someone on X mentioned it before so if that ant is here please post now you have what appears to be a pretty edgy photo I mean if we discount all of that the post actually mentions programming like we've seen before job specifically in the human relations sector similar to arrow toss implying again it's basically a software that Flags individuals and gets them terminated from their jobs at the very least now it's here at this point after this post going into another Bor totally unrelated but that's just the nature of some of these rabbit holes here we have to go into the /mu slash board which is basically the board discussing everything related to music it's here that again for those who don't know about 4chan it is a site all dedicated to having boards and if you have the ex board which is paranormal you're gonna have music which is mu just like there's boards for MLP there's boards for politically-incorrect whatever you want so on and so forth there's boards for almost anything on 4chan so this was the music board and it was mentioned once during a thread in January 26 2016 again we're moving roughly months later at a time it pops up once a month now I'm not really into the music board I don't really care to discuss to find details of music and I don't care too much for it I listen to music I don't get into the nitty gritties of it but here we find something called deep internet music now before we continue deep Internet music is sort of like the Deep Web and that the concept of it is using incredibly obscure video and audio snippets from YouTube videos that have less than 20 views maximum like anything after 20 V's too much so kind of like that channel we saw last week on Deep Web browsing that would be the channel related to it effectively what would happen is the audio snippets from each of these videos would be combined and you would create a music track now going back to it a channel known as Chronos for life Jurassic Park was thrown into the mix now this channel has around 698 total subscribers and what's to note is that it was made around the same time as the initial Erica's postings now going back to coincidences yet again like we said in the beginning it rubs me in a way that when you look into these I brush them off as ARDS or complete internet hoaxes pranks whatever you want to call it when dates end up correlating so properly right when it's one thing if you have you know a channel related to a creepy Internet event that gets mentioned in 2016 but the channel has existed and uploaded since 2014 I mean it takes a lot of commitment to craft in our two years in advance and then start talking about it later you know what I mean but when you have a situation like this where it's just months months months and in between each other yeah then I guess you know you can you can date it as an internet prank hoax whatever you want to call it but let's get back on track here what's important is these videos in nature and what they talk about now there's two videos in particular YouTube is monitoring my channel and one that is all about answering the questions related to that video in particular now these videos are 144p they are very very poorly made I mean even if you upload in 2015 these videos look like they have the quality of something out of 2001 like it is barely touching 144p which is one weird aspect of this video to begin with like ladies and gentlemen I get you know it's a 2015 video I understand I get that I get that it's blurring and everything but it just doesn't make sense timewise you know even in 2015 people are uploading in high-definition at the very minimum for some people now because of the terrible nature of the quality on these videos I've had to transcribe these so let's take a look at how much I can transcribe out of YouTube is monitoring my channel I strongly believe that my mom was being monitored and harassed by YouTube Universal Pictures and their affiliates because of secrets of sorts she had uncovered within the original trilogy of Jurassic Park films let me start by saying as early on as I can that I'm not crazy never been diagnosed with schizophrenia anxiety disorder or any other mental illnesses I'm just good at noticing patterns I've always been a big Jurassic Park fan I saw that movie when I was five years old it's possible that YouTube part in the harassment campaign may have started with their removal of her various tribute videos to Jurassic Park after her passing but those may also merely be the result of the church the vast machine that is the automated copyright takedown system as big of a Jurassic Park fan as I am I was never as deeply into the franchise as my mom was she would watch the entire trilogy she would buy JP branded oatmeal's and sugary cereals long after her doctor advised her to steer clear of these those Linkin Park anime music videos I started noticing their absences towards the end of 2015 without access to her YouTube passwords videos she created on our old laptop I contacted YouTube many times regarding these videos but if only received canned auto responses and unhelpful yet sympathetic responses from actual employees after pressing on the matter now this video focuses a lot on this person's relationship well their mother's relationship with Jurassic Park but what's to realize over here is this is sort of the first time things like era tossed or getting mentioned I believe with this video and it might be wrong I'm just trying to really factor in there's a lot of discrepancies here but Eratosthenes may have been the first point of the program being tossed in it seems that whatever was targeting this person's mother was the Arantes program now there's very very obvious cases where the automated copyright takedown system could take into effect YouTube's takedown system is is incredibly incredibly sensitive I mean we've all heard of the false DMCA nonsense that's been happening on YouTube it's literally that I mean YouTube's system is so sensitive because it has to be because if it isn't then it's going to trigger it's going to cause massive issues for the companies I mean you can look at the court case of YouTube versus Viacom and just realize how much of a nuisance it is for YouTube and Google is a company to keep hosting free videos without any form of a sensitive DMCA system so there's no doubt given the fact that this is a big big movie and being in time for further releases and the franchise there would be a triggering or takedown of said material related to Jurassic Park in question now video number two is all about answering questions that people have I've been fairly reluctant to really ask anyone for help since way to pixelate oh sorry algorithms controlling things behind the scenes weird stuff in that year but I would never waste anyone's time with stuff like that in the past couple of years I've asked for help from friends and programming and business circles but over time friendships fade people move people stop talking to you you know the drill now these questions and answers are to a point where they are tough to read so I'll just paraphrase them but one question was asking about the arrow toss word in the description of the videos and Cronus's response was saying that well he doesn't have knowledge in programming arrow toss is used by dozens of companies now this point questions deviate from arrow toss to things that really don't serve a purpose for this video so I'm going to kind of skip those the next step of this rabbit hole is to look at one more video from Chronos this one is titled here goes nothing what's to note on this video is not just the content but rather the auto captioning generated by YouTube itself on this video now the background music is just some distorted rap music that's it but YouTube's captioning system had interpreted it as an address to the band KFC murder chicks now remember you got to understand YouTube's auto-generated captions are generated by the system itself these aren't generated by a user there was nobody tampering it was just YouTube's automated system doing it for you you can see you do too every video in it whatever you watch you can click on the closed caption button on the YouTube player and it'll translate the video or do the best that it's can now at the point in time of this video the YouTube system wasn't that impressive now even if you factor all of that in this video was not made in a way to trip YouTube system anyways looking at the quality of Cronos videos it's not as if they had any form of weird metadata hidden within them this wasn't a case of the plague doctor videos where there were things hidden between the video within the video or the video was causing some weird flags to machine-learning in any case this is just a case of YouTube's AI machine being what it was and back in the day it was not as sophisticated as it is in 2019 of course you got to realize with machine learning and artificial intelligence the more data is fed to the system the better it becomes of course there's Huhn intervention but for the most part this is how it works so in 2015 while it is an infant system it's still weird to see an address being posted this now while you investigate the address and KFC murder girls one of the names really sticks out and this is DJ Roswell now this is where we're going to deviate just a little bit okay this producer was a little bit popular on the music board and even X as well one post is about searching for a cursed album right can we get a spooky Bandcamp thread and here you've got three links please add your own projects or anything else you found that would count a spooky bandicam how the [ __ ] there's none of this is real hurt you I've listened to the album without following instructions I don't even know that there were instructions the intro says to listen to it very specific ways or you will have bad luck now ladies and gentlemen don't don't take the threat too seriously in fact DJ DJ Roswell doesn't even like this rumour anyway so I'm not gonna feed into it I mean there's no such thing as a cursed album ladies and gentlemen is not gonna die gonna hurt you there's no cursed photos relax boys and girls you can listen to this album with without without any repercussions don't quote me on that but that's just how it is now at this point Chronos becomes a bit of a topic again by Anton's and there's threads from X titled first legit internet mystery of 2016 and then you also have a thread on music as well so we're gonna look at these and just analyze them real quick a pretty guerilla style so this is first legit internet mystery of 2016 obviously was posted on 27 January 2016 this is an archive of the thread so some mutants were trying to start a new memes on row where they samples short weird YouTube videos with no views and dug up this and they've got the if you look at the video they're actually mentioning this YouTube is monitoring and controlling my life and if you look around over here they talk about the errata system mentioned in this video which is linking to those original threads that we had seen last time so this in particular we learned about the retail jobs in the weird at warehouse and then the second one with this weird image obviously talking about jobs in the East Coast looking into these further there is an actual extra post another thing that she said was that the atmosphere of the place was like hellishly unhappy in a really unreal way it sounds stupid but I want to emphasize she's not a lazy person or the type to complain about job so here we are going to all this detail about the miserable atmosphere seriously creeped me out but I'm kind of a [ __ ] anyways she didn't have any specific way to put it but they say she kept describing it creeped me out hard what not just like a normal job where it Sun fun but everyone always seemed thoroughly miserable no work being done there seemed to actually make any impact or have anything to do with anything else everyone was just doing what the computer system would tell them to do even weird useless [ __ ] like making something and putting it in the warehouse so there was just the most boring job imaginable I understand the name aratus rings a bell Arata so what does it mean I'm not sure I follow Kafka esque and then the more and more you go into it the more and more they're looking into the history of the word and whatnot people are bumping the thread and that's just what it comes down to the more you look into this thread I'm interested I am an IT trainee and one of the leading sausages companies I get it I understand these people are talking about a job right there but let's go back to that post in particular now the more and more you dive into it the more and more of these people are running a in a pretty active thread of the time trying to figure out this era tossin so here they're posting an album image it seems is creeping me out this image has been in the MU share threads for a while now it's also here they talk about the Jurassic Park secret that Cronus's mom discovered we never really got to know what that was and that's a that's a pretty accurate situation now this is a rabbit hole that did come out of the other side of Planet [ __ ] Earth so I will go on that now there is a music thread where they talked about this okay mu some spooky weird stuff is going on bear with me here is the first deep Internet thread one of the first in the first post this one here's a transcript of the video and this is where they of course go back to talking about those threads now let's go down further they actually mention things going back to the same 4chan posts right and then people here are talking about it being a forced meme it being out there over here uploading a 144 video will create those artifacts especially high contrast moving images videos really used to look and sound that bad if the uploader didn't give a [ __ ] about looks if you have Windows Movie Maker on Windows XP it has the option to export videos compressed from dial-up connections which produces video quality similar to now this is actually in response to somebody talking about the video being the video looking worse purposefully which is kind of an interesting thing to say because even like I said we mentioned that and when we can we can say that to the end of the earth but it to be honest with you it really is just somebody not giving a crap on how their video looks so I can I can actually you know just just completely work with that of course going further and the music thread just makes them talk more about music and in creating this deep internet type of audio or music style do they want to go for nothing really important in the nature of the video anymore so let's go back to arrow toss now at this point a user by the name of Todd Ellsworth also shows up and makes a pretty key appearance to the whole rabbit hole in all of this he is related to the KFC murder chicks one of the uploaders of the albums apparently Chronos is name dropping companies that are involved in the arrow toss system and further inquiry into air toss Lisa discovering that Todd Ellsworth's name is apparently an anagram for the Lost Worlds that Jurassic Park movie that we saw Chronos uploading to his channel way back now Todd this character posts an image or leads leads to an image that you're gonna see on this thumbnail this image in particular when it's reverse image search is apparently a police composite sketch in Hawaii of a serial rapist operating in the Maui area now look I can keep looking into threads but what we have here is a few months of posting on a secret program known as arrow toss and it seems to filter human beings out based on postings whatever it makes them unemployable gets them fired maybe ruins a life or becomes a divorced a targeted harassment campaign now I'm gonna focus on that aspect right there ladies and gentlemen if this is an arc run by a band in question the KFC murder chicks band that is a very viable theory to go with I mean the fact that the address is linked the fact that everything is set in such a way this may be the case this may be very clever advertising but I'm gonna go into the surveillance program tube that is something that I have my personal expertise in now government surveillance big data surveillance is nothing new big data surveillance has been around for a while and if if you know anything about it you know the extent of how far it can go I've already talked about this in the targeted harassment video I made a while back where we looked at things like the prison system something like Google's artificial intelligence is what really makes the money you know these guys have one of the most sophisticated AI machines that exists alongside Facebook alongside Microsoft and even armies so to speak now artificial intelligence is not the sci-fi AI that I'm talking about you know this isn't some Hal 9000 [ __ ] what's going on is the AI is flagging individuals and putting key data points of each person into various arrays this is possible because the more data we feed it the more its able to categorize an individual now if you factor all of that in and you look at it you can see that over time a certain things are factored certain things are filtered out people can be targeted based on their danger based on based on knowing too much based on a variances of principle set by the host and if air toss is a system that exists which it very well could be it may not even be called Arrakis this program in nature could have a theory could could have existed could exist I mean at the end of the day the programming the software the trickery mentioned in this is not so far out of learning okay with machine learning and artificial intelligence now stronger systems have become this is all possible ladies and gentlemen we're at a point where Google with Google stadia a new gaming platform can predict user inputs and have enough processing power to plan for I would say millions of people do you think filtering human beings out on YouTube do you think YouTube is a website that does not make money it breaks even the only reason YouTube is viable and very important is it is the biggest AI farming tool on the planet if you don't think for a second that every time you upload make a comment do whatever on YouTube or any Google service gets fed to a giant alphabet Inc AI machine you'd be dead wrong this is how this works ladies and gentlemen this is what it leads to and if air tosses the system exists a way to filter out bad employees way to filter out bad people I wouldn't be against the idea that there are big companies using such a tool to knock people out to keep people down but I will say it is highly unlikely when you look at the case uses for this I always figure out I always try to ask myself why would people be targeted individuals is uploading Jurassic Park footage viable enough for you to be a targeted individual a targeted can a targeted person you know what would this would this be used against you is this some weird trial period I mean ladies and gentlemen something like this if it exists and if it gets proven it could be so scandalous for Google that it can put them on the map in numerous countries they wouldn't risk this on anyone if it even existed again this is just speculation but ladies and gentlemen it's such a tool exists you have to ask yourself am i a viable targeted target to be targeted well if the answer is yes I do know too much or yes I am looking into things I shouldn't be or yes I am a threat to somebody far larger then yeah maybe the system works against you maybe this whole system is real but if you're like me well some 4chan post it all seems like a coincidence to me I've been around on the internet long enough to know what's real and what isn't and I'm probably gonna bet a little bit that this isn't real to begin with well that well searching this word get you taken out will it'll get you forgotten by the world around you well probably not but do you want to take that risk for me all I'm gonna ask you is if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it this is me muda har and I out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 2,011,338
Rating: 4.9506969 out of 5
Keywords: chronosforlife jurassic park, what, is, sog, some ordinary gamers, arg, erratas mystery, erratas, mystery, alternate reality game arg, 4chan, imageboard, vpn, consumer vpn, online privacy, net neutrality, secure vpn
Id: qKWcuREU_wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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