The "Deeper" YouTube Channel...

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hello guys and gals me muta Hari and welcome to the deeper YouTube channel exploration now we see a lot of creepy stuff on this channel and almost to be to be completely real with you I really enjoyed these videos because I do in general love creepypastas that's kind of how I started this channel and I feel like as I grow older I definitely want to look at things that are more tangible more real and honestly more full of mystery whereas internet campfire stories were great and you know they definitely interested me in a while this is what really really really pushes me to the brink of really wanting to dive deep into these things especially late at night it creeps me out and when I edit these things later on it still creeps me out even more now ladies and gentlemen this is the deeper YouTube channel now with 28,000 subscribers this is not a little tiny channel you know the same we're not going into the weirder channels that we looked into earlier now this belongs to what I believe a pretty decent arc now deeper has 28 thousand YouTube subscribers going to their About section they sit on a grand total of 1.8 million views which is a pretty decent amount of views now if you go to something like their channels tab you don't see anything the community tab doesn't show anything the playlist tab guess what doesn't show anything and this is actually par for the course for a lot of these channels to begin with I guess most of them don't care about showing us whatever playlists community channel and they're probably not using those tats to begin with I mean I barely use those tabs anyways and one would think that I should but I don't go into the video section one of the things that's interesting to note is that they've been doing this for about three years now three years ago they uploaded a video called 73-65 63 75 74 69 20 73 75 6e 74 now at first glance looking into these thumbnails immediately creeps a person out what you notice for the first I would say set of videos it almost has this VHS like aesthetic and then the more and more you go further into it it starts to sort of dissipate and you get more clear quality footage you start to see weird thumbnails like this for instance going down into some cellar you start to see the we're dingy shots which immediately at first glance give me the deep web vlog vibes view wise this is definitely caught on the first video itself has over 72,000 views and each of them gained about 57 57 thousand views 43,000 views so this isn't as tiny arg by any chance the last upload however was six months ago so this arc was relatively active it might come up it might have a resurgence but for the most part it seems gone now let's look into the one of the first videos and we'll kind of figure out what's going on from this point on so the initial video is sitting at 18 seconds long and it has a VHS aesthetic to it and it is just somebody running with their VHS camera now as far as I can tell this definitely seems like a distance definitely seems like it was filmed on HD cameras and then edit it forward with the VHS filter not terribly difficult to do you can do it yourself but yeah if you want it to do it it is right there now it is 0:01 in its description may 20th 2016 and you got a lot of people talking about why are you running why are you running where the hell is a nice fine so we're actually referencing other horror youtubers at this point now going further into it there's definitely more things like around call miss Bishop and some of these are most of them are at least like 19 seconds of them the furthest one out of this batch is like 40 seconds large there are videos that are huge such as this one hour 22 minute video which is actually a live stream the longest video that isn't in fact a live stream though is I believe to be this - roughly 2 minutes and 57 seconds the tail-end everything else is really really tiny in comparison let's check out another couple videos the clock would tick and time would slow [Music] so they're singing behind this so this is just straight singing that's going on that's really what you're getting over here these videos are all given their actual time description like zero zero four zero zero one whatever so here's somebody actually transcript of the song every morning he got up dreading each moment he had to be awake he'd look at the floor scribble on gum wrappers he never found a better way to joke around the clock with tick and time would slow there wasn't anywhere he wouldn't go to avoid having to see anyone he sit in a chair leaned against the wall just didn't seem to matter much at all most of these songs are by Daniel Johnston if you wish to go find them independently this guy that guy it's a criminal mind I can feel it the vibe is not anything now this mind there's a lot of people that sort of insinuate that you're getting this weird killer vibe from this person like they're actually dealing with killing people and going further into it I mean so far it doesn't really give that vibe yet I mean these are weird videos but I mean I could film a really weird video and upload it doesn't necessarily make me a killer right now let's go further into the rabbit hole so now we're in a basement scenario and this is more similar to the bucket we see if anything this is giving me like meat sleep vibes if you ever heard of that but let's just listen to it so it is it is definitely a boiler room I would say like I like where your water heater would be there's piping of course to it you've got the one is secure the safety information really that's kind of all you're gonna hear in this situation now my left ear really enjoyed this again is definitely a left ear friendly video god bless now all of those codes are broken down to names of females that are dead from Colorado so there are some codes that are being given and if I can actually look at this this is it this is the moment where like you get this weird code tossed into it and somebody said if you put the title into google it leads you to the video but at the description too if can't stop the feeling song from Justin Timberlake I'm actually gonna give that one a try real quick might as well searching for Google on this weird musical argh hidden messages related to unsolved murder cases that's actually taking me to a or chain archive post random and on post thread on B threat has hex that when decoded to ASCII to had hidden experts from War of the Worlds and points to a YouTube channel upload some clips each with a three-digit number and a semi sorted ascending order what we just saw some videos have weird noises spectrogram showed that these noises contain names one contains the name Stephanie and Bowman in the spectrogram of the audio still an open murder case another contain encrypted ro t1 code deciphers to Darcy Anderson her murder case is also still open in Colorado both contain names two unsolved murdered murders Seyfert hex digits are coded in images deciphered leads to website that downloads wav files with unrecognizable noise noise read in spec spectrograph program reads Edith Burness lair iners case is still open to the day and her body has never been recovered as of now videos consistently reference hunting in showing dark places that weird forest video we saw first videos of the individual filming running possibly stalking its victim murders homicides videos are all related to Denver Aurora Colorado area channels avatar is a hidden image of anglerfish hidden messages are being found ciphered in images and here you've got police reports to cold cases and whatnot interestingly enough somebody did the job of running these videos through running these videos in audio pieces through a spectrograph check so you can actually see in the spectrogram you've got Edith furnace laners and if you take a look back you can actually see in the plague doctor video that we did it's actually easy to do some of these you can actually convert this text into spectrograph pretty easily so it's not something out of the realm of doing if you look over here you have eby's Dee's boy if Stu post of post so I guess this is something to do with it but it's clearly an encoded message hidden within the audio you're getting and that belongs to 25 mp3 so yeah this is definitely encased messages hidden within the actual audio that we're getting now can I run everything through here I guess there's some moments some some in time the video that we actually just saw the one with the weird like URL that led us to this 4chan post is pretty pretty clean relatively like it's got what looks like the forest but I guess I'm kind of looking too into this thing at this moment I'm getting a little bit creeped out so really at like 3:30 in the morning I'm gonna be seeing a lot of weird things but it kind of does look like a weird forest to me I don't know if that's intentional or if it's just the byproduct of a pretty clean spectrograph to begin with so going down further in the 4chan detective archive you actually have one poster that kind of kind of weirds me out reading it so this whole thing is really [ __ ] up for me I was born within a year of most of these killings in Denver Colorado my mom still stills my mom still tells the story to this day about there being a warning at the hospital while being born uncomfortably close to a few of these coordinates to be careful because a man kidnapping young woman especially pregnant ones young mothers presumably to kill them my family took it so serious that my dad made my uncle stay to watch me and my mom at the hospital whenever he was at work until I was old enough to leave with absolutely no [ __ ] I almost went to this or within a few blocks to an address last year to buy a jeep so the parent Lee they were they they deciphered an address that was related to this actual channel and this person with her to try to buy a secondhand Jeep I'm trying to find the email text with his addy we were on our way to pick it up and he kind of got Shady wouldn't talk on the phone only his wife would talk even though I could hear him talking in the bathroom way too many inconsistencies and odd feelings with the car guy so we didn't end up going yeah if I ever if I ever had a weird purchase on like Craigslist with a car yet probably wouldn't go through with it so yeah my face on my ex used to live exactly where they found the car 13 in Colorado Boulevard yeah this is definitely weird I mean this could be total [ __ ] by 4chan poster but at the same time like I I'd really don't see a big reason to kind of lie now this is an interesting poster this is from the YouTube video and one of these YouTube videos we actually will check it out in a second that that looks like a body dude like it could be fake or whatever but now we're getting into the rabbit hole where I don't know what's real or fake anymore let's go check it out ladies and gentlemen what we have over here that that could be a body look I can't be sure this all could be total [ __ ] but like however it's filmed this is scaring me more than like half the [ __ ] that I've seen on the internet like this is incredibly creepy stuff to see like just listen to it again dude that's like a body under the sheet I don't care like it's just like that I mean who the hell is gonna act in one of these things you don't know I don't know this is a passion project if that's the case Jesus now I don't know if I can play the audio to this but it's some creepy distorted version of music so we got VHS transitions let me just see if there's any screamer that pops up hold on what's that there's weird images being posted in here look at this real quick there's like a weird weird images being posted you can actually go frame by frame in the YouTube video and like point them out gotta have like neighborhood watch on one of these things Jesus so let's go to this so this is back this is taking us to the frame with like the broken lightbulb that we saw in like one of the first few videos whoo Oh oh no dude not on it I'm not one of these that somebody handcuffed so that must have been in an older video if he's showing it now okay let's go through frame by frame that I don't know but it seems like it almost gives me like a broken glass type vibe down there and then this is like so he's showing snippets of prior footage so that's when he was running away as he's walking down through this neighborhood late in the middle of night with this distorted music running in the back what's this a gun that's a [ __ ] revolver dude holy hell that's like that's that that's the that's the whole that's that's that's a revolver right there Jesus and I think it's missing a grip even that you can barely tell in this okay I mean this is this isn't it I mean this might be an edgy deep web video type style but at the same time like I don't know seeing handcuffed people and I'm like a body bag like a covered body apparently like this is not boding well for me right now this is so this is like the Silent Hill vibe we're getting what's also interesting is you get this ASMR style audio too I mean this is this is really a thorough almost this is so calming there's like nothing here he's like it's almost like if you ever drive through Wisconsin state early in the morning you get this weird foggy style so yeah it's about the most common video Road is beautiful you Silent Hill looks great I mean some of the comments are they definitely calm down it's interesting to know this is the one video that doesn't have like a numbered like sequential order so it's just I guess out of the loop if i if i if i have to take a guess alright so this is like the high definition video that I have to find over here this is like totally in color there's no saturation there's no weird VHS effect to it and then you cut to like sulfuric acid oh no no why are you showing a tub of sulfuric acid like that and then you cut back out to to this Jesus Christ alright so let's actually do something real quick show the corpse already people asked let's actually take the title and Google for that real fast yeah it just it just links back to this whole thing so yeah let's go let's go let's keep going as far as we can down the rabbit hole or pretty much towards to the end all right an hour in the basement I would say and at this moment in time we should be able to see something more substantial it's leading up to something now whether this is the actual kidnapper we read in the for chain detective post I'm honestly kind of believing it could be all right so it's just a it's just a unfinished basement that we're really kind of looking at yeah it's not much more to it yeah it's really all it is it's just running around an unfinished basement so clean your house things looking up now maybe got a job bought a new house whatnot Boards of Canada 5 9 78 he shows us the shovel he used to bury the bodies remains in the house foundations remains that didn't dissolve with the sulfuric acid yeah I mean that could be a viable theory but at the end of the day we're still reaching for [ __ ] straws hopefully so here's one of the weird videos so this is like a basement that has like I would believe like an actual chain some like weird delve into the corner and literally it's like one of the most unsettling looking videos and this is called 894 so I believe these might actually just be days if anything okay so now you got this weird like defocusing that almost feels like it's pokemons you know where you got like poison Pokemon and then every time you take like a couple steps it goes like good like it just starts going I guess if you were to put this into a spectrograph filter you might get something out of it because the audio does sound similar like the audio sounds like you could definitely pull that off alright I got to end that real quick this is this is crazy so the title is death base64 decoded apparently this is this is called death so I guess at least something is just a dingy basement that's yeah I mean at this moment in time we're kind of dragged on further into this and we really have to now one hour and 22 minutes we've got a full-on stream so I guess we'll open that up and what's cool with YouTube is it actually has a live chat replay so you can actually check out the chat replay and see what everything's about and real quick we'll kind of go over here Romeo echo Romeo India so that's so basically she's saying like call signs to essentially relay us a message so it says receive and basically this Arg is now leading up to a whole stream and one hour 22 minute stream and the best part about it is you can actually see the chat replay where people are investigating it and so they took those call signs and and changed it to like a receive so let's go further into it see what we've got going down over here so here there keeps saying like receive but in the call sign so we're you know Romeo echo Charlie echo what is going on so they said this is a nato code now this almost sounds like a weird number station so we talked about this before like it sounds like a weird number station where like they just keep repeating the same thing and apparently it's like to wake sleeper cells or some [ __ ] I'm almost half expecting a screamer to pop in so I'm hoping that's not the case but you know my luck I don't know let's go around over here real quick so it's a call sign that's it's literally just a number station so this is the last video in the grand scheme of things and it's just a black screen where half of it has the beeping that we heard in the cellar video not too long ago and the other half is just empty so I believe you can again put this thing into a spectrograph filter and get something out of it now we're here watch something in the middle of night this guy's monetized and we're like probably funding murders something tells me a deeper is just an experimental artist not a serial killer ladies and gentlemen at the end of the day one of the weirdest things that we've seen is this entire situation whoo I don't know what to go on with Oh God all right you know weird YouTube channels I think just took a dark dark turn ladies and gentlemen that was a surface Buster of the video you know I walked into a channel where at first glance it looked like some edgy deep web art project and I don't know if it's the weird fortune detective thread that's [ __ ] with me what we have over here is probably some of the freakiest video content that you could find I mean when I look at it args like meat sleep and I look at a lot of these things you know you can watch a horror movie and at the end of the day you can say hey it's made by cell and so studio it's fake you know it's it's it's a work of fiction but I'm gonna sit back relax myself and say maybe it is just some weird edgy art project ladies and gentlemen I got to find a way to calm down if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it check out deepers channel in the description below I am out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,241,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, arg, deeper, youtube, channel, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers, thread, videos
Id: YyX9EgyBro8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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