MAN IN THE ROAD?! - Deep Web Browsing 71

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hello guys and gals and welcome to another episode of deep web browsing episode number 71 ladies and gentlemen there's a little bit of a different intro because I want to let you in on something the camera failed for that session of recording not really failed the video recording came out pretty spooky the colors were all kind of distorted or something like that I don't know what really happened I think I had it on the manual mode and I was recording something else for work that day and I forgot to change the settings again dumb mistake by me or maybe it reverted back to something but the original DSLR video quality came out to be a really really bad so I figured I'd change things up redo the intro in the X row as far as that I have my original old backup camera and I guess that services for the most part but I didn't want to show you weird ass intros so ladies and gentlemen for the first time in the deep web series I've actually browsed the Deep Web for this week so now I know that it's not entirely random but I'm not gonna tell you that yet so ladies and gentlemen I hope you excuse before the little apology but the audio thankfully didn't crash and i formatted that SD card so that intros completely gone so here is the new intro not as a dank as the original but hopefully it'll service everybody welcome to deep web browsing episode number 71 let's get right into our first website so first site we're looking at is crime a crime bay of course you looking at right now the bottom side of the screen is pretty [ __ ] like censored that's because there's actual pictures of people dead right now there's like [ __ ] goddamn just like one dude with a throat [ __ ] cutout and same thing oh it's up top over here this is crime bay by the Chechen mob crime bay is a dark web marketplace released and maintained by the Chechen mob customers anonymously submit orders to beat up set fire or kill we assigned these orders to trusted criminals near the area where the job is to be done we have Russian mafia members Italian members Spanish members and all kinds of nationalities our mission is to enable hundreds of customers to find criminals in their area easy and safe without the risk of exposing themselves users aren't anonymous no meeting in person required no customer address no customer name hidden IP use a privacy tool to erase any traces on your computer number two the transaction - safer than the classic way in the real the hitman can run away with the 50% cash advance that you are giving him before he does the murder if he takes the money and runs off you can't do much about it on internet you pay with Bitcoin through our escrow service and that's a very popular type of service available - if it has escrow it means that at least is somewhat legit the money is kept secure into your safe no one can access it without your secure private key you pay only when a job has been done hire a killer easy by providing a only target information while hiding your IP we will assign a hitman that already does jobs in the same countries as your victim and the job will be completed easy our website is protected by Deep Web does not have a Whois and the server IP is hidden we do not have feedback on public sites that are controlled by the government because any feedback that can be posted by there can be posted by undercover cops or legal employees the payment is to be done by Bitcoin after the hit of successful Bitcoin is the only easy way to pay online highly anonymous because the customer doesn't expose their credit card so basically you know okay what assist when talking about a hired killer most people imagine a slick assassin with a long sniper rifle waiting on a building these exist but they are expensive and suitable for important hits most of the killing is done by gang members who use a handgun in a hooded jacket waiting for the victim in the parking lot we can offer you smart assassins to make it look like an accident so first name getting from this is this is a very professional type of looking website of course they got new customers criminal sign up honestly it's something that I would see on GTA online you know it's like it's so surreal to like that's the thing there's 71 episodes of this so far the surreal tea has never worn off for me personally because coming across lights like this I play a lot of GTA online I mean that game is a parody but it's so crazy how the [ __ ] parody mirrors the real-life counterpart so well now whether this is fake or real is totally up for debate you can never exactly entirely 100% prove that something is real or something is fake me I'm a skeptic [ __ ] so I kind of think that this is more so dedicated to say something like a honeypot you know what I mean something something to attract people with you know them mentioning law enforcement undercover cops can make like things which is true but over here is just it's so surreal that I think it is some kind of an undercover BS going on but over here I'm gonna go to the order page of course you can you got to love how the has a cursor changes but I'm gonna go check these pages real quick and just see what it's all about now one thing I will have to do is I have to make sure that this is all censored as [ __ ] it's over here order order easy online by filling this forum this poor bastards about to get a shot in this Huck and goddamn heart right now but please remember that we do not need any of your personal information so the username password confirm invited by which is what you need a pair in there I guess target name kill the bastard which is five thousand to two hundred thousand dollars please read about prices and hitman make it look like an accident 440 so you can basically add packages set the house on fire set the car on fire break bones or cut body parts address city country picture job details aren't interesting and then you go to like the other one with just services that's the that's actually a picture of Ice Cube holding an ak-47 I know this for a fact that's where the photos [ __ ] from that's Ice Cube holding an ak-47 that's already to me personally the fact that does sensor that it already weirds me out because I don't know it just makes my skepticism more realistic now over here so we offer services like this so they offer murder-for-hire which is about five thousand two hundred grand whether you want a clear ex-wife ex-husband a business partner some prison inmate or some other prisoner a person we have the right criminals for you I think Bubba might be in on this I mentioned prison hitmen dude we have gang members drug dealers gun dealers and various criminals were of happy to receive new orders if the target is a normal person example ex-wife the price is five grand for shooting with the handgun the killer will run away with a car motorcycle see our basic hitman for important persons like small celebrities who have bodyguards we offer the sniper ex-military starting a 30 grand USD Jesus Christ they use a sniper rifle to do the job okay so if you got a small celebrity who has bodyguards whatever that you can actually hire a ex-military sniper to do the bidding that's [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] scary dude but could you imagine only for 200 grand you could have like access to one of the [ __ ] seals that killed bin Laden and [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy now beating will cost around five hundred to two grams and the local gang number to beat up the person you need number three is set cars at home on fire number four is guns this website is protected by Deep Web and is used by gang members and contract killers to do murder for five grand or not depending on difficulty a job and the importance of the victim see it almost again it just feels a lot like it's a [ __ ] federal like the honeypot attracting people like they sign up to make easy money and then they just bust their asses what happens dude but going over here how it works and of course we've all seen this before you give Bitcoin they take a little bit of information blah blah blah we've seen this [ __ ] we see this a million times you don't have to see this again security we do not ask customers real name all messages are encrypted with PGP keys for their destination oh one can see the messages not FBI and not police not even a hacker would get access to the database alright so they're pretty well encrypted as they claim it's kind of weird how a Chechen mob like it sits in Russia you know what I mean but they mentioned the FBI you know the FBI even though like you think in the Chechen mob or something like that you would worry more about like the Russian federal investigation authorities which is that weirds me the [ __ ] out when I read this it feels like like even for a service like this the English is really great you know what I mean like for the most part it really is great 2012 to 2016 copyrighted like it just seems either it's a joke or it is some kind of a honeypot if it's actually a thing frequently asked questions how do you have people in Australia can cops infiltrate by registering as criminals bla bla standard stuff okay not nothing nothing incredibly [ __ ] crazy do you kill women and children let me see if that limit is applied we don't get orders to kill children because nobody upset with them there's no point in to killing children yes we kill women some of our hitmen refuse to kill women but we do have hit men that kill women so you have eight men that don't care about gender at all they just [ __ ] go after and kill her okay they don't care they're a progressive breed of hitmen you know they they believe that every kill is equal [ __ ] me why [ __ ] so apparently he says cops can't infiltrate because each criminal registered has to get approved okay so I have to do a test order and provide them like video proof whatever the [ __ ] the test order oh here it is burning cars houses registered criminal can't provide us with a fake video because we checked the location and we can find the burned car or house the second day they can't way to the location to arrest us when checking because your passenger there are many passers-by they can't know which one works for the Chechen mob okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna stop looking at it over here that was the Chechen mob okay my god is it [ __ ] weird is it [ __ ] what first website we see I gotta say in all honesty I think this is definitely a honeypot like it's got to be on a pot or it's got to be fake whether it's real though you know I don't want to attract any bad blood from the Chechen mob you know if it's real man you know [ __ ] all the power to you once again I do have to say please don't order services from the mob or any services that involve killing somebody we don't condone it it's illegal and I just gotta say that for legal sake and just personal stake don't go ordering hits on the web all right just just don't it's bad but so far these out of all the hitman sites I've seen they've actually seen the most legit but remember the last one we saw that base on ophea that one turned out to be the most elaborate Bitcoin scam I've ever seen so again caution when you're dealing with stuff like this don't deal with stuff like this though let's go to the next site here we seem to have a free planning tool about the one of the weirdest things I've probably seen on a Deep Web is like a planning tool you know usually it's it's it's it's a very specific orient to the web site you never come across something that's a free planning tool you know I mean usually you can use your cell phone as a planning tool I really don't know why somebody would use a [ __ ] deep web site as their planning you know tool let's go into it how it works here's a few Kanban board basic principles each story task is a card on a board boards have column to do and progress done you or other persons move story tasks between columns all right so basically it's kind of bored you'd be using any ways except apparently it's on here so let's go into this how to work this tool we have jabber box each bot is the column on the board you send commands the bots to change TAS state now already I can tell you right now is this seems way more [ __ ] complicated than anything like maybe you might use this if you're like robbing a [ __ ] Bank or something you know like like if you're robbing a bank or some [ __ ] you did an online planning tool that was hidden I mean you could but like but I mean I think most people who rob banks or some [ __ ] like that or do things like that are probably in person they probably don't use the internet to coordinate these tasks with you I don't think they you know Skype each other and and they're they're planning out their heist like that's kind of [ __ ] weird how do you work the tool we've already looked at that how many people can use the same one board one or more you can invite your friends to work together on one board you can use this tool for personal Kanban or even manage a team how many boards can have one person one or more one board requires one jabber account you must have jabber accounts for each your project but it is so hard to keep in mind this is not the problem if you set public or anonymous access level to your board you will get all your plain tasks on a web page okay why are we spelling plane like like an actual plane that's kind of weird who needs it distributed teams highly mobility and an automated anonymity is allowed enough enough lightweight jabot only so here you don't need Google accounts Facebook account or registration do you have jabber account that is enough so basically what this is all right is it's a planning tool for people who need who are distributed teams they need high mobility and anonymity so you don't need to make any Facebook Google accounts no registration no nothing you have a jabber account and that is enough and I don't really know much about jabber but you basically are pretty anonymized through it so yeah I guess I guess for the people who are okay what is this so how to start so are you ready to create your board just write something in jabber to agile master a jabber dot you way send command help the second step so basically this is a place where you and a bunch of people can plan things together with great anonymity now again I don't know the exactly usages I think there's way better alternatives you can use other than this this seems a little more convoluted than I can assume but uh ladies and gentlemen I guess this really is designed for people who are planning I guess bank heists or some [ __ ] like that things where they do need anonymity I mean obviously if the feds ever heard you say we're gonna rob we're gonna rob a bank you know you'd get arrested you know you get arrested on a conspiracy charge or something like that maybe not as heavily as actually robbing the bank of the first place but still you get [ __ ] all right so regardless he's that this seems like a tool you know free planning tool for anonymous activity I don't write that you do it for that purpose but I'm just trying to put it into my head of why somebody would choose to go and do this you know it's just one of those things you think in your head and so I guess that's why it was designed or you know similar tasks or the sorter maybe you know some people they just they just don't want people to see them fancy to-do list and this is the best way to cancel it so you know if you're using as a to-do list I mean [ __ ] your phone right I mean might might as well go on fire up a tor browser connect to a relay and used a free planning tool on canva and agile again you know say say for example the feds set this up as a honeypot and people actually used it to plan out bank robberies imagine getting arrested or imagine going to prison and telling them how you got busted Bubba would play with your rectum so [ __ ] hard if you found out that's how you got busted is what I think anyways go to the next site so one of the things that I do have to show you about the Deep Web is just how easy it is to kind of access the darker websites that I don't really show you at all because it's legal and you know I don't like showing this again because you know I don't want people to going to it but the thing is that of course you can see I've censored some of these links obviously right over here and I've censored them because all the links are seeing over here and well on the left a lot of these links some of these links are headed towards the uncensored hidden wiki Freenet sites sites that link to what is it the parasite forum board where you can see a lot of old file uploads but most of sites over here and the reason I have them censored is because a lot of these sites are child porn sites and the reason I'm showing this to you is just to show you again the scary thing is how easy it is to get to it the problem is with a lot of these sites a lot of these sites in my opinion is this is a site that you use to Brow's right so this this is one of the this is one of the Deep Web crawling sites one of these search sites and on a lot of these search sites you can actually go to a viewer page where let me just close this by the way you can go to like a viewer page where you can see statistics of sites that were accessed and a lot of them are split up by total search results like where people click after they do a search tour to web visits which is using the tour to web relay which I would never recommend you use because that completely defeats the purpose of using toured [ __ ] you over on the anonymity front at least in my opinion and you shouldn't be using at any regular browser that's not sandbox like tour now public.www backlinks are you know totally you know they're on their other end but essentially over here you have about a hundred and forty seven thousand people accessing like over here for example one of these child porn sites pedo or something like that blahblah eleven thousand people visit you got twenty thousand people visiting one you have like fifteen thousand people somewhere you have a hundred forty seven thousand people covering something else now this is the most popular search engine ever this is just one of the search engines where the trackers are working right now and the scary thing about it is is the fact that there are that many people accessing it again there are good sites to this you know obviously we've seen funniest sites as well too but I do have to show if it's easy to find I do show you the scary side of it because the thing is I want you to explore the Deep Web but I really want you to do it but I show you the stuff to warn you that don't ever click on any of these links unless you truly like look at them and like you know study them and like for example some of the ones over here you wouldn't figure out like like some of these have like porn or something sex related like in the middle of the in the the URL and I think is be careful accessing sites because a lot of the sites in these like most visited Slyke links are porn sites and their child porn sites and I do not recommend you go on them definitely don't go on them it's illegal as [ __ ] and you're gonna get busted all right they're gonna play with your [ __ ] in prison so be careful what the sites you visit and just just don't just don't meld into this fair warning that's why I show you this kind of stuff just that you know nothing bad happens ultimately though I'm gonna end it over here and go to a site that I can actually show you alright ladies and gentlemen we got a video that is about one minute 37 seconds on the dang clip sorry pop filter for bothering you but as you can tell one thing that's similar can somebody figure it out this is a continuation of the video from last week as you can tell with the timecode at the bottom April 28 1966 not done 90 is a good 1996 seamers before this was captured at night at nine o'clock five minutes into that hour but ladies and gents this is an hour 37 this is an hour 37 so hopefully we'll see some creepy dude in this I mean I think considering it is literally that [ __ ] it is that [ __ ] video it literally is same aspect ratio same VHS quality same year almost same date but this is April 20th okay look you think this guy got high or something those for 20 like [ __ ] me dude I let's hit play so we're just we're just driving down the streets in his [ __ ] looks [ __ ] looks pretty dank alright just kind of last I'm gonna take it off to one here we just drive it on the road and [ __ ] am I gonna see some [ __ ] deer just jump up and slap its penis all over his [ __ ] windshield I got to say these dash cams really popular like a Russian [ __ ] there that's where that's where the [ __ ] sad dude I mean nothing's really happening dude we're like what like a third into the video at this point oh dude was that something in the [ __ ] it was like rustling going on little a it looks like like that it's a lot of dust or orbs or whatever you want to call it like there's so it's it's like I don't know if there's audio like there is audio in this one but it's so crackly and [ __ ] weird what the [ __ ] do you see that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was outstanding holy [ __ ] oh god dude that's a [ __ ] silhouette holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I swear that's [ __ ] sony camera dude holy [ __ ] [ __ ] it's moving holy [ __ ] [Music] okay alright whatever the [ __ ] is over alright dude okay first thing you gotta say if I ever saw something like that if I ever saw something like that I would put my gear alright into sports and just run that [ __ ] thing over do that just [ __ ] some scary a spooky [ __ ] dude alright so obviously like last week I definitely think this one is a fake one this is definitely an edgy art project on the internet but it is a [ __ ] entertaining our project that is a goddamn thing right there that I gotta mention it's definitely entertaining alright to sit through it's way better than the [ __ ] other [ __ ] we've seen I got to be honest with you it's like it's like there's a [ __ ] story about this but you want to know one thing alright let's go into it so obviously the first half of it is like boring as [ __ ] because you're essentially just driving down the road over here I mean it is definitely weird cuz I mean like I I hate like this gives me anxiety and [ __ ] like when I look at something like this this is in 1996 a long time ago tears after I was born so going up over here like the [ __ ] thing cuts out [ __ ] like you go up over here one of the things that I do have to mention though is like see like right over here like let me just find a better show let me just find the best shot that I can okay no no not that not that not that one thing say is the audio definitely gets really loud going up to this person but one thing that you have to realize okay so over here definitely seems like a very tall individuals like long ass [ __ ] hands one thing that I have to say is I feel like this now that I've seen that with like the really white like pale face its Slenderman isn't it you know as a Slenderman [ __ ] coming back I feel like Slenderman is finally glad that that's something similar to [ __ ] Slenderman dude if you guys are if I'm gonna be honest with you guys right now like if I'm being dead serious that reminds me so [ __ ] much of Slenderman it's not even a [ __ ] joke but okay so you go up over here the the thing about the thing is like the thing about it is the vehicle dies out you know what I mean like it's gone another vehicle dies out but I feel like the electric like right over here it's like [ __ ] the arms are super long like you can't tell because of the resolution obviously but the arms are super long you go over here the lights cut out but the but there's enough light that the camera captures the silhouette out over there now the sooner what just stands over there the battery is low I feel like whatever it is like sucks the power out of something you know what I mean like it's just coincidentally batteries going low but you're looking over here the person move it's so [ __ ] creepy how this person moves around - it's like they're just like [ __ ] like strafing and [ __ ] so their drive away nothing interesting is as they drive away the lights come back like right over there see that [ __ ] like right over there it is so [ __ ] weird it's like some tall individual again if I saw that I would put in my gear I would just run that [ __ ] thing dude that's scariest [ __ ] I'll be honest with you I would have straight-up just gone they ask [ __ ] scary dude that honestly is scary like holy [ __ ] whatever demonic [ __ ] that is but at the end of the day I got to say one thing it definitely is it definitely is a edgy art project it's got to be fake there's no way that [ __ ] if that [ __ ] was real do you realize how [ __ ] curved I roll this video would be like somebody must have obviously have found it okay if I can find anybody can [ __ ] find it 1996 it's gotta be [ __ ] real dude like not real but it's got to be fake as [ __ ] it has to be fake as [ __ ] but one thing I will say is out of the two weeks so we've looked at this Deep Web video series that you know that's on here it's interesting it honestly is more interesting than some of the other stuff we've recently seen though I'm gonna I'm gonna sort of leave it off over here I don't know where they're at it seems like they're in the desert or something like that not the desert sorry it just seems like they're in like the Midwest or something just driving down the road could be the desert to be honest like if you look at this final exterior shot like it seems like it's something in the desert or whatever but that's interesting man it's definitely one of the more interesting things I've seen but I think I'm going to end it right over here and I think that's really all the analysis I can say about it so let me know what you think about anything as Slenderman if you think of some [ __ ] edgier and crazier that's my analysis for the video so interesting set of videos indeed maybe there's more to it hopefully there is because I didn't want to see this because whatever it is is shot very interestingly well and despite it being fake obviously there it's done well enough to keep my interest though mmm that would say great work but let's go somewhere else the vast satanic conspiracy oh man you know I love conspiracy sites like conspiracy sites are like yeah the best because honestly it's always fun to read the tinfoil hat wearing side of the Internet appendix on the back is what they write I think this might be an excerpt of this this piece written nowhere to run by Chris White alright the following is the best-kept secret in the world all man we're about to know the best secret in the world alright this is the real [ __ ] Satanism in lower yet connected forms of organized occultism is very prevalent in our government military churches corsets media corporate and business world as well as the coven's lodges and other types of avert low and higher level witchcraft unions okay first of all I gotta say this is already reminding me of those videos on YouTube you know the ones where it's like they'll play like a little Wayne or Lady gaga or [ __ ] you know big artist song like a music video and then they'll just point out all the demonic imagery in that like I think there was one where like it was just a compilation of like rap music videos where like they just had like demonic Freemasonry symbols going on it's like come on come on now okay just I mean I understand there's some weirdness going on to come on okay so one the extent of this infiltration is vastly underestimated and actively covered up okay people who make accusations by the way not trying to cover anything up okay I'm just a third [ __ ] party that you know I'm just I'm just an idiot all right makes okay so people to make accusation of satanic ritual abuse SRM our viciously attacked as though they were lying even though the psychiatric field estimates about five million patients hallucinating I had like the probably air quotations about the specific in grizzly boost if I could only read to in fact it has become so prevalent that it has become ridiculous to believe that is mass hallucination on such large scale especially considering that the husband and wife founders of the foundation set up to propagate the idea that this abuse is imagined the false memory foundation resigned as they were accused by their own daughter of abuse three I know this sounds a little out there but please keep reading and by the end I hope you'll see that this in fact happening on a massive scale by the way this is longest [ __ ] so I'm only gonna [ __ ] read until I just completely stop giving a [ __ ] Satanism is a common thread that connects the various groups accused by many conspiracy theorists of ruining the world ie groups like the neocons Freemasons the Illuminati [ __ ] the Illuminati the Zionists the Jesuits and the rule ancient royal bloodlines of Europe but those that make claims like this don't realize that at the top level these groups some of which are in fact real are a connector through their religious belief system not through the quest for money sex or power although those things are used extensively as motivators for the people in their system or controlled by it to accuse anyone of these groups individually as the lone gunman as part of the security fence designed to protect this system and has become very difficult to deny that some shadow government now here's the thing okay like I know this might sound like [ __ ] crazy man you [ __ ] Cupid but like I feel like there there's got to be some form of a shadow government you know what I mean like there's got to be some people controlling some level of control in the background you know like I mean if you think about it it's kind of it's kind of weird to think that a world disconnected a world where really there is a top echelon of people that ultimately have a lot of money you know what I mean like I mean I'm speaking it from my perspective okay if I was like [ __ ] super billions and [ __ ] like I might throw my dick in the hole control the world pot if it meant benefiting me you know maybe if I was a [ __ ] sociopathic individual but you know first of all I'd hope that never [ __ ] even happened and I've even get close to that [ __ ] and be that just seems like something that's scary anyways like like people that have it whatever though I mean like I just believe that there's some people like a lot of people if they had it would try to get more and more you know it's that whole greed principle right like me I'm not saying like I'm over superly different I mean I just don't care you know what I mean but their majority of people they care a lot about it and when they get it they always want more and more and more and that's what leads to this kind of [ __ ] so I feel like there's got to be something going on but I mean is it like [ __ ] day you sex level [ __ ] I don't know no probably not okay me I don't think the world is that evil and dark yet okay I mean I like to think differently I like to be positive you know [ __ ] my life dude what why I'm looking up Illuminati [ __ ] like you know what I mean if the if this was tracked I'd be so [ __ ] man dude honestly what do I look at it's late in the night so [ __ ] weird to accuse anyone of these groups okay blah blah blah thanks to alex jones that was the individual that had the the Bohemian Grove video we now have hardened public evidence that the biggest movers and shakers of the political and business world are at least complacent enough to be President and mock human sacrifice to an ancient Babylonian God when they attend the cremation of care ceremony performed by the men at the Bohemian Grove club in the elite resort in Northern California attended by presidents and policy makers as well as business tyke I know there's a big people go over there do some really weird [ __ ] so whatever blah blah blah blah blah we have some satanic [ __ ] going on and over here what's kind of cool is they have like a lot of resources so you can like watch like SRA movies and you can tell the site actually is pretty old cuz it's using video Google calm which was like that was before Google bought YouTube so they had like Google Video and [ __ ] but ya know they got they got mind control forums oh my [ __ ] god is like a treasure trove I got a look at morals and Dogma Project Paperclip that's a legit thing that's [ __ ] that's a straight-up [ __ ] the weirdest [ __ ] in the world some of this stuff to be honest though like if you think about it like I'm not saying Chris is [ __ ] stupid hell no Chris has obviously done a lot of his research and he's done a very good amount of research I honestly think this is an inch ting greed I might think it's a little too far-fetched you know we got like Hitler in the CIA which you know that's a whole nother [ __ ] story definitely go check it out I mean let's go to the About section all right so he's got it he's got a YouTube channel let's [ __ ] look at this account has been terminated because we received multiple third-party claims all right well apparently the YouTube [ __ ] Center hit YouTube contact of the Chechen mob and put up with a hit squad on on this [ __ ] NTR is an online radio program hosted you can know where to run is basically the the radio talk show that this person has it seems like everyone over here is a radio talk show they even have lovely Pay Pal like donate link as well to that's that's actually really nice you know I mean if you ever want to give a few bucks to this man this guy Scott Chris White has their PayPal account set up you know for nowhere to run now they also have another site over here I don't know it's just like a whatever the [ __ ] it is it's like some pot cash [ __ ] let's go back over here that's that's like archives you go to like apologetics let me go to the apologetics real quick oh no it just links back to the site there's nothing really create oh my god what are we looking at oh my lord you know I think you know man Creek Chris really puts a lot of time into this [ __ ] let's go oh my god am i spaced holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Chris is my space labs Nashville Tennessee well like you know the thing about Christo is like all this conspiracy [ __ ] like people always use people always talk about the government spying on anybody that's why you shouldn't make a myspace with your location on it you know if you're worried about the government tracking you maybe you should take steps to reduce the level of tracking the government does I don't [ __ ] know but apparently they've got recommended links to Alex Jones salvation revelation with Frank lordy chuck Missler a lot of these people I don't know FEMA news like this feels like the kind of person like I don't know if anybody of you watched that movie the conspiracy it was like this movie that was shot as a found footage piece not found pretty sorry no it was like a documentary in the beginning and then it turned well like a found footage movie there was a good [ __ ] movie like it was honestly like a sleeper movie I didn't expect it to be good I just I just joked about it it kind of feels like he's the the conspiracy dude in that I could feel like this guy is it there like that I feel like it what is a poem attic dude the [ __ ] is this automatic debunking Saudi Arabia damn dude the Kings revelation holy [ __ ] this guy's crazy Isis Russia and Iran this man you know I gotta say one thing dude he's got a lot of free [ __ ] time I'm just saying you go to the contact nowhere to run got a hate mail that's the [ __ ] what what is this what is all this I swear you've got a lot of time Chris its conspiracy clothes dot-com all right so um wait all views expressing this website and radio program are those of Chris's alone all right so the Frank and Chris show the foxes Book of Martyrs take the zeitgeist challenge I bottom line here is nowhere to run all right it's a what Chris has done is exposed a vast satanic conspiracy I feel like I'm reading one of the most like [ __ ] I mean the Beatles conspiracy was at least funny this is just like like reading through this man it's kind of like downright depressing I mean he doesn't have any KL tremenda and artichoke Point artichoke or whatever the [ __ ] it is and I own you man 10 but regardless you know what is this for false Christ's and false prophets shall rise and shall shew signs and wonders to seduce if it were possible even the elect mark 13:32 wait we have run out of time the war will all my [ __ ] god what is this the war will bring about the death on such a scale that we will beg for a world government the deception will be overwhelming and unless you ask for the Spirit of Jesus to dwell in you soon you too will believe the lie and please understand that what we call sin is total slavery being free from its total power is a wonderful thing if you are truly saved and no longer want to sin and when you do slip you won't like it it's so peaceful and beautiful to be in the kingdom of Jesus Christ his very loving father and provider seek Him and he will save you from that bondage the king is coming back all right so we went from [ __ ] we went from the satanic conspiracy all the way out to I mean he's done his research for me and we got a lot of no yeah yeah I think I don't think Jesus would really care about the vast government Illuminati conspiracy and I think I think Jesus and God have more important things to do than this but regardless I'm gonna back out of this man is like you see like the Beatles one was least injury this is just like depressing you know what immediately I wanted what the [ __ ] but Chris I feel like he has a lot of time on his hand but you know if you ever want to read through this death definitely go ahead you know go go for it anyway so let's back out of here wonder this child an adult survivors of satanic ritual abuse reports sadistic torture human sacrifice and cannibalism man I you know there's any Satanists in the audience they can only imagine I triggered they must be getting did Jesus holy [ __ ] on by these guys [ __ ] all right so here is cult of the almighty Dave you know I always wondered you know where do i [ __ ] I love every time I go to any of these religious sites you I mean whether talking about Jesus or Satan or [ __ ] you know the flying spaghetti mattress or something or Dave for this instance they always have that donation link you know let's go to the donation link and then see where the [ __ ] it's taken me apparently I could oh it's all PayPal obviously description called I'm not purchasing anything what what do you mean what I'm not purchasing something what I'm not purchasing a cult of the almighty Dave or I think you got the wrong PayPal all right so here we go we've got out well apparently we won't give him my worshipper number so I don't even know what [ __ ] number worshiper I am even though I haven't worshipped to do it at all so Dave's of the world unite for Dave is so loved the world that He gave His only Son Dave that whoever believes in Dave shall not perish but have eternal life and Dave knows Dave 3/6 okay you know what this this seems like a parody okay it's got a question let's go to questions real quick if I join the cult the almighty David I pretty the West every day or something like that no you must however hold the virtues and greatness of the comment if we discover that you engaged in any non Dave like behavior so be banished to Detroit oh my god dude come on Detroit any of that man what makes Dave so great the greatness of Dave Springs from the eternal holy Dave news questions like that do not do nothing to demonstrate your unenlightened state of mind meditate on day 4 40 meditate on Dave now our healing sense sounds hot I did all these things I still don't understand why Dave is a big deal he will surely perish in the flames of the non Davis is that the hell for people who worship Dave do not despair we will Dave you regularly and hos that you may grow cortex and understand you're ignorant ways I'm a girl the cult of the Almighty Dave seems oriented towards men okay we're come on knows more genders a to cover Dave base Dave is our hope is welcome the cult of the Almighty Dave your name need not be Dave oh that means I could join too I mean my name is inferred from Dave everyone is most welcome and her attempt to take over the world dude I got a donate to Dave just just because he made me they'll have come on this looks like a bunch of crap that you made up is it shut up you heretic all right yes right let's go pray to Dave here Dave your name must contain Dave or Dave babe I know me we [ __ ] let me go Dave email had resolved not [ __ ] giving you my email on camera sex male female unsure yes please yes you know it everyone always wants to get [ __ ] by Dave right hey you think if you go that often it just like Auto sends a picture of Dave's dick or something back to you claim you're dave dumb yeah I'm Dave from clown one I want you to [ __ ] me and Afghanistan did if this place is not listed very briefly what you want to rule this land oh [ __ ] me Dave [ __ ] me Dave right now [ __ ] me do you believe that the almighty Dave is horn and truly Dave oh yeah hell yeah Dave claire's is I mean I mean being the one in truth Dave only the one and true Dave would make this [ __ ] yeah that's [ __ ] so let's just go hear my prayer [ __ ] I'm not gonna give than [ __ ] let me go to the how to join page I don't need to don't know don't do that how to join all right way how to you may be Dave you may become a Dave babe all right wait let me know how do okay wait you may be Dave what the [ __ ] is this if your name is Dave you're dating is automatic alright wait how do I my name is aunt Dave oh I have to pray to him to be a part of it oh all of it leads to the same place [ __ ] you Dave alright you did yours linking me to the same [ __ ] I just got a kingdom of Dave how about that the day of the day approaches I'm like all truth Dave's was gather their strength and prepare for victory I don't know how many Dave David's were watching when we dominate and rule the world the Dave's page you'll be given dominion over their choice of prime real estate oh my god did okay I got a book quick but as this ruler of Canada is Dave Preston second ruler of Canada is Davey boy Mitch and then ruler of the United States is Dave Bridges all right you got Dave babe Megan as first lady of the United States your rights I'm a weird person I wish to conquer this faith for you alright Josie Dave babe Luna ruler of Hawaii I want Hawaii because it's cool king of Ohio I request that by ruling over this land of corn-fed idiots rights King Dave rhythm ride that ride them I think Dave Cadwallader ruler of Mexico add me to your international list of members long live Dave so they got a bunch of chapters of Dave I guess yes rule of galapogos island Mohamed Charlie a bead Abbey Dave oh let's go down Asia Dave merica ruler of Japan Asians are the kings of kinky sex they just keep it kind of quiet what is my life at this point did you got like Jill Dave babe Nichols who's the ruler of Europe Europe is the Davis place around it is it now is it really okay outer space but Liz Dave babe Luna ruler of the moon MOA white ruler of Planet X it's the home of monster zero Ghidorah need i say more oh my god is this [ __ ] all right so I think I can lay my claim on certain lands real quick like what is this Elliot J Dave wedge ruler of Oman because I had these why why does this a thing is so weird it's so weird I love it dude I love it oh my god it's [ __ ] great though like you know honestly like I've seen like actual cult websites is so beautiful to read it this is a [ __ ] joke this guy makes he's got like a great sense of humor very Dave sense of humor for DES so loved the world that he kid okay we read that and the Lord Dave caused a deep sleep to fall upon Dave and he slept and he took one of his Dave ribs and closed up the flesh the rib which the Lord Dave had taken from Dave made him a Dave babe and brought her and what the [ __ ] dude is somebody got a sex change in the book of knave now [ __ ] is this that's a pretty painful sex change right they're talking about ripping out ribs and [ __ ] and putting into somebody else all right Dave is my shepherd I shall not want all right those uh dude that that was the Dave Bible as far as you can tell is pretty a pretty pretty pretty closed-off Bible there let's go to the Dave's prayer okay what is it Dave prayers our Dave who art in heaven Hallowed by thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on Dave world as it is in Dave heaven give this give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our non Davis as we forgive those who do non Davis against us and lead us not into Dave babe temptation but deliver us from Devo for for the time is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever hail Dave that's the Dave prayer man I got a save what are the enemies of the faith here notices Roger Wilson Dave nurse equals zero Erica barn writes your cult is sinful Brad syllables like you're sick Kathy writes you really need to get out more Patti writes you know if you want to be committed all you have to do was ask Phil Reger writes suck my dick loser boy and Michael it'd Michael Eady is like with a name like Dave you must have been born on the planet remulac with parents called mr. and mrs. Dave cone that's it your name is really Cohn okay look it's this was like the falling heretics a monster cult these infidels Shall Perish of the not okay look if that was actual things these people by the way I needed needed to I needed to start the camera there it kind of stopped you know what I mean I gotta be on point with that usually I'm better at hiding it but but recently I've been sucking a lot of dick on that so clearly these people you know through websites in these people are really [ __ ] it's these are the actual comebacks man dude Dave Dave could probably shut them down with the hair on his right nut okay that's really really the only thing I can guy these is the worst [ __ ] comeback so ever that roasting video I did that was like a million times better than this [ __ ] like what is this you are sick yeah wacko your call to thankful it is real by the way I mean the [ __ ] your name is really Cohn it's about the cringy [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life holy [ __ ] hymns of the cult let's see it it's wrong on the last page anyways alright this is the is to him you can read over there and you can read it if you need to sign the book of life view the book of life humor search award okay so at least we know it's a [ __ ] joke I gotta say one thing that really did genuinely bring a laugh to my face you know what I mean I gotta be honest with you probably the funniest [ __ ] sight I've read in a while cult of the almighty Dave Dave's of the world unite so if your name is Dave hit up the cult of the almighty Dave it seems like they're really Pro Dave even if your name isn't Dave you can still go over there and you know you doesn't matter it's very gender neutral so anybody can go today it's like the most accepting [ __ ] the cult I've ever goddamn seen in my life not a whole lot of things and it seems like these people are really laid back and cool honestly I mean it's a joke but it's honestly a very funny joke so let's go to a different site so this is an ER Plex net now you might be wondering this looks very similar to the site I showed you last week and it is alright because the thing is I looked into it a little more in an ER Plex net it seems to be another file site now I think I've shown you this before but I've shown more of parasite which was a different a different archival web site here you have an ER Plex on that files and projects related to crypto tribes files crypto Anarchy agar ism vizor of darknet services so you know it's people I would assume related greatly to anarchy but we're gonna look into it so they have a clear net version of the website they've got the darknet ITP dark net and CG dark net which is totally something different which we will definitely look into since we have had several down times of our clear night gateways all regular visitor advisor bookmark the dark net addresses as well so they've been active since 2010 to 2013 they have a copy left not a copy right I guess silent protest go to the Agora Inc I think what is that all about you have services let me open that [ __ ] up - agora IRC sir yes so an IRC server where you can talk to other people in the group all right fair enough what is the wait they have a web IRC client can I access the web IRC client maybe maybe there might be actually people in there you know maybe again I do stress be careful accessing the IRC as well just because people do spam links of child porn on there as well I mean one of the darker sites that I've shown you with the IRC had similar stuff to my nickname let me do a and connect to it I guess yes welcome to Al Gore oh there's a lot of people that are still on this site and I don't know how many of them are active and I'm gonna write a hi I'm e right hi one of them quit nobody's responded yet all right but Jimmy apparently quit ping timeout 121 seconds just gonna give them a few more seconds to see if somebody even responds wait Jimmy has changed Nick - Jimmy alright no but nobody nobody seems to even be [ __ ] responding at this point let me go check the rest of the site we'll go back to that in a bit but over here they have a services that you can access gamma DX darknets nodes and shells let me go to gamma D X and nodes and shells maybe you know what I mean oh so gamma D X's we're currently eight darknets and three dark net providers so a lot of people host a lot of net like dark night like like basically stores and exchanges that you can go to and that's pretty Universal I don't know how active they are considering the sites are relative the old at this point I mean 2013 was literally a year after I started my channel so it's gotten kind of old really and nobody's still responded yet I feel very [ __ ] lonely but let's go to the files Ivy that's why we're really [ __ ] here at this point so in the files they have crypto tribal second realm which is injuries let me open that up free and ashamed unashamed they have entertainment and miscellaneous files let's go check this out so in the second realm if you like this book oh it's an actual book you can read free and ashamed we moved again a guide for the unemployed but not helpless let's let's read this okay a guy to end all wars well interesting stuff I will say entertainment you have a long side night let me open that I think this might just be some [ __ ] Deep Web fanfiction and then in miscellaneous you have bridging the gap all right all interesting reads let's open that up well interesting titles so here's a guide for the unemployed but not a helpless you have lost your job you may have lost your house along with these losses came something worse you lost status and respect you became jobless homeless and left a respectable category that hurts and we're sorry well they really do care about your feelings most people in the West especially America spend their lives working very hard in hopes of getting ahead you know most most people in the world do that not not just America the system makes it almost impossible the natural actually get very far ahead one that I will to an extent agree with you know the system is kind of [ __ ] you to people that are working hard at times but everyone believes that this is a worthy way to live so we just keep moving forward usually without thinking much further than everyone else does this so it must be right that's a big mistake and I totally agree I think you should think outside the box and be productive but ultimately be productive to help yourself out to being productive is a good thing it's a superb thing but the system in which you work for was never the noble cause it was advertised to be if it was would it have spit you out and left other people often much worse than yourself in common and constant a little oh my god I cannot read right now and and Const in their positions you see being in the unemployed position was probably your fault your error was to believe the system was actually able to deliver for you it isn't and never really was okay so basically it's a long book they gave you the real horror story most people don't independently plan their lives instead they watch what others are doing and try to find a slot in their game and fit in once they secure that slot they may try to advance within it but it's highly unlikely that I believe it entirely they find a boy or girl they like get enough to eat and a place to live and continue on with the usual scripted life then when they get old and worn out they have a few quiet ears then they die wondering what it was all for if you think about it it's crazy but everyone seems to live this life without question there are reasons of course why people never question the script and the big one is this respected authorities make you feel vulnerable vulnerable and inferior to all of your life when you were very young they told you only the rich handsome prince really mattered and the only only the prettiest girl ever really mattered at school they made you fear stepping out of line disobeying teacher for being called out in class you know it's all it's all I agree with that you know what I mean like I'll be honest reading this reminded me a lot about my life to an extent - I wasn't you know I'll be honest with you to me a lot of school was kind of [ __ ] now I don't want to say that as drop school entirely and [ __ ] off with it to me I always used to be the one breaking the rules and arguing with the [ __ ] teachers for the right reasons I would say then looking back at it definitely for the right reasons and yeah I guess I'm turned out just [ __ ] fine you know what I mean I mean my teachers probably hate me I'm probably like probably teachers hate this student he proved them all [ __ ] wrong and I know that for a fact you are a natural society for society okay so this is getting kind of like heavy and [ __ ] all right we've got a lot of stuff read the Bible there may be there may be no more thorough and condensed set of ideas in the world believe if you think that it is right or don't believe you think that is right but read the ideas in the book and make your own decisions about them do not compare what you read with anything that a religious person ever told you read the book itself that I will say or for a fact do it okay there's a lot of people who shove stuff down your throat don't let somebody this goes to anything in life let me give you some tips don't let anybody shove things down your throat and you shove it down your throat yourself it sounded so [ __ ] weird all right learn about the common law forget the law produced by Senators learn about justice learn to avoid the state they will always want to steal your production that is what they do once you have something again they'll want it again don't go back to Egypt let's talk more action screw the rules I mean you still got to live by rules okay okay just go outside take a [ __ ] in the community centers like lobby alright because that's my own rule all right but apologue is this is your life but it is your decision whether or not you will live it you own yourself you own your production no one should have anything to say about what you do unless somehow other hurt others okay yeah that's good all else is tyranny no matter what kind of impressive words they sell it with so you've been hurt well that sucks but what are you gonna do about it you can sit and complain you can cry like a [ __ ] you can find people to blame you can beg the system to take you back you can demand that the system gives you free stuff you can burn and break things until you get your way you can steal you can line up behind some big man who promises to put you on the top of the heap you can follow some wild-eyed guru with a magic plan or you can start to live your life for a change do it now the most Pepe I've ever felt holy crap I never thought I'd feel so this is such a feel-good thing oh my god it's so great makes me feel so good about life just living all right just go for it man dr. Phil's telling you how to live your life in ten pages I've already got more motivation and it's so it's so motivating and nice so cute it's amazing it's like they really care let's go to the prophetic novel of America's return oh man there's a lot of God today in this episode I don't want anybody to think that I'm like a religious hater or something I'm just mood to her you know what I mean I don't like it when any five like [ __ ] goes crazy please don't have a religious turf war in the comments section below man now I'm always scared of that makes the comment section so far it's like it's like a nuke went off down there and it's just [ __ ] gone you can't even read it what is that what is that a lie do you sense the coming collapse of Western civilization then use our relocation services a network what international relocation service do you just hate the u.s. that much dude what one troy ounce bullion gold coin for the first hour plus our travel expenses so you pay these people to assist and relocate you to another part of the world because you sense the collapse of Western civilization man 250-300 five pages what kind of [ __ ] book is this lady maca delians you can too [ __ ] is I reading here what what am i what am i read what I was looking at why part one at eight o'clock I'm okay all right you know what this is a long-ass book I don't even think I'm allowed to [ __ ] really show it all right we're gonna back out over here is a long side night okay interesting stuff indeed but we're gonna we're gonna back up from that they're over here bridging the gap famous essay all right we don't need to read the famous essays but ladies and gentlemen that was an ER Plex net I have the honest out of anything in this in this in this episode I have felt the most peppy I've ever felt in a while you know like God those the whole unemployment rent that was the best [ __ ] Rainer that it's like it's like they me it's a it's a it's like this is the best [ __ ] advice to give to someone like I genuinely feel happy you know like I genuinely feel like if I needed that advice that would make me feel so much better about life so big shout out to the person on an are Plex you posted that man on fleek but let's go - lets go - lets go to something else man I think I think it's enough inner plexiform maybe I might come back to it you know maybe you might check out more of the free and unashamed category next time we'll see how we stop war but for now let's go to something else and ladies and gentlemen that is the end of this week's deep web browsing episode number 71 as I've mentioned earlier you could see the camera failure before you know at least I had the backup camera to capture those reactions that I've normally have looking at those websites so as an extra over here I hope you enjoyed that video have an amazing rest of the day and hopefully your Sunday is as Dankers every sunday possible this is me muta har and if you liked what you saw let me know what you think about these websites in the comment section below that Slender Man esque videos weird [ __ ] video indeed let me know what you think about it this is amin buddha har like you saw please like comment subscribe just like you dislike it i [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,639,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SomeOrdinaryGamers, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, deep web, dark web, deep, dark, dank, deep web browsing, deep web exploration, man, in, the, road, man in the road, episode, 71
Id: um6uDHhLB2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2016
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.