I Hacked an Xbox 360 in 2021 For Some Reason...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and boy oh boy i have a really bad hangover ladies and gentlemen i did something while i was impaired and that was hacking an xbox 360. now you might be wondering moodle why would you ever bother risking soldering while under the influence look i don't know okay i'm a boring old man with too much free time these days so hacking these systems is sort of like my guilty pleasure every time i get any system and if i can hack it you bet that i will there are so many hack systems on my desk like for instance i've got my vita over here i've hacked the veto right now i've had two vitas vitas are great hackable systems uh here's the moda phone of course you can imagine this is a hacked together job there are plenty of devices that i just enjoy modifying even if i don't use them i modify them now the xbox 360 is one of those devices where i grew up with it xbox was my my system you know for me when i was a young lad just getting into online gaming and playing a lot of those classics that i now hold near and dear to me the xbox 360 was where it was at playstation 2 before that and a whole bunch of playstation 1 gaming now with the xbox 360 hacking it is not a simple affair ladies and gentlemen so to start off let's talk about how an xbox 360 is hacked for instance in its initial prime what people used to do was actually hack the firmware on the dvd drives of the xbox 360 itself now for a while this worked people could run pirated games unfortunately microsoft ended up finding out this exploit and they started hardware banning every single device i think the hardware ban was something like they would ban your system to the year 9999 now of course no xbox 360 will survive that long and no xbox 360 is actually going to be unbanned when that year rolls by mostly because xbox live will also be dead now ladies and gentlemen after that came the next xbox hack now some of y'all my age would understand something called jtag for those of you don't know what a jtag is a jtag was basically another hardware hack that was effective up until like i think firmware version 7371 now as a young kid back then i wanted a jtag xbox 360. back then if you had a jtag xbox 360 you were the coolest kid on the block i knew one kid that had it that played grand theft auto 4 earlier and boy i never felt as jealous and sad that day now after that xbox 360 started to uncover a new hardware exploit which is what i did with my xbox 360. now this is called the rgh which is known as the reset glitch hack basically you are going to solder onto the xbox motherboard and effectively you're going to solder a device that will send small electrical signals as far as i understand to the cpu that will allow the xbox 360 to run unsigned code now i have a few xbox 360s this is the one that i use to game officially i actually use this to place on my older xbox 360 games connected to xbox live it's an xbox elite system it's got like 250 gigs of memory on it i didn't hack this one i actually used this now i ended up using my original xbox 360. and boy i got a story with it i was lucky ladies and gentlemen now back in the day xbox 360's used to have this thing called the red ring of death which uh basically meant that unless you were willing to towel that up for 10 minutes and let it run for 30 uh you had to send it back to microsoft okay now i ran through two xbox 360s eventually microsoft sent me back a jasper model now for those of you don't know the jasper model is when they fixed the red ring but of course like all hardware eventually that too will die now in this case modifying the system requires you to identify what motherboard you have and there are a few of them out there for instance this one diagram that i've been looking at pretty much details how to identify which motherboard or system you have for instance based on the power plug you had yes they looked like this very very very terrible these were the newer xbox 360 elites or slims and these were the older systems now of course with the combination of the powers with the power you know cord and whether they had hdmi or they didn't have hdmi ports you could identify you had as if you had a xenon system which was the original xbox 360 release the jasper one that i had or the trinity or corona that are now the newer elites and slim xbox 360s knew as in they're pretty retro these days now ladies and gentlemen after all of this i had to realize why did i modify the system now once the uh once the inebriation started to wear off and the hangover kicked in i realized why i hacked the xbox 360 because i wanted to play original xbox games now you might be wondering but muda why couldn't you hack the original xbox i have the problem is trying to connect those older retro systems to a newer oled tv requires me to hardware modify those systems or use like third-party hdmi dongles which in which which bring in like input lag and a lot of other issues honestly i just wanted a solution that would work with the least amount of like you know cabling and required and that's why i looked at the xbox 360. because what can you do with an xbox 360 that's modified you can run homebrew you can run xbox 360 games as well as xbox 360 games that are region free now in a lot of cases there's plenty of good xbox 360 games that are out there i'm holding a couple of them in my hands for instance enemy territory quake wars which actually has its multiplayer component filled with bots on the disk isn't that a novel concept having a multiplayer game be alive after it's dead yeah we're never gonna get that again games like ten choozy which are also really awesome games i'm surprised i've met people that have never touched this game now you've also got vampire rain which is known as one of the best stealth action games i can't come on it ain't safe here at night it's one of the best stealth action games you can probably get your hands on okay you also got games like fable 2 which is a game me and my brother played up to the ends of the earth co-op all the way through and then eb games screwed up my godfather purchase by giving me this crappy cover but yes the godfather original for xbox 360 is an awesome title now of course beyond this there are a lot of japanese xbox 360 games games like gundam i think operation troy is what they call it which is an actual decent game now because the xbox 360 was region locked basically if you bought a japanese game you couldn't play it on an american xbox now i don't know who invented region locking they have to be some level of a sick beyond imagining because there's no like i think this person gets a literal now in a lot of ways gaming while having the ability to back up the disc drive to the actual system which is something you can easily do on these hacked systems is just a breeze you never need the disk again and honestly i prefer it because i don't want to run my disks into the ground which is a lot which is actually a big reason why i hack these systems just so i can play a lot of my games backed up without ever touching the discs again now beyond running xbox 360 games that are on a disc there are plenty of xbox 360 games that basically were released on the arcade or the xbox live indie section a lot of games that actually have faced some level of d-listing so if you can find these games somewhere floating around on the internet running them on a hacked xbox 360 is a very trivial thing to do all you have to do is go into your file managers and tap the default.xcx you get how they do you get how it's exe on pcs like the executable file they just like called it xdx on the xbox 360. you get it haha real funny basically you can run a lot of those games right off from your drive and have a good time they played just like your standard xbox 360 games nothing weird about it now beyond gaming on the xbox 360 with games that are built for it what about games that aren't built for it well that's where emulation kicks in and boy oh boy the emulation is always pretty solid on the xbox 360. there are a lot of games that you can pick from retro arch runs underneath that and if you're not a fan of retro arch there are a lot of emulators that you can find floating around on the internet though all you have to do is copy to the xbox 360 and run like no tomorrow now in a lot of cases the experience is about what you can expect from that generation of systems for instance nintendo entertainment system works about as expected super nintendo works about as expected you know i could play games like chrono trigger and a lot of those old jrpgs with no problems uh games from the game boy advance series run really good for instance i could play mother 3 on an xbox 360. that's a pretty poger's moment now beyond all of that okay moving on further running games that are in the playstation 1 category were a little bit of an issue this is where you start to notice the cracks in the matrix if you will see playstation 1 performance is about as good as a orgy at a retirement home i guess it would be funny to watch for two seconds until it eventually becomes sad and pathetic now ladies and gentlemen i'll give you a quick example of how it runs to play oh now see that's siphon filter too all right you know back in the day when i was a kid i could probably play with that performance but now that i've developed standards oh we are not playing games that way ladies and gentlemen but i'm gonna actually tie this and bring it back to a later point in this video now beyond that what the real reason i actually wanted to do all of this was because i wanted to play the original xbox games like i told you now to play the original xbox games was a big deal for me and i'm gonna i'm gonna actually mention here microsoft does a great job with backwards compatibility if you have an xbox one or anything from that series the xbox one or the xbox series running those classic games is actually very easy to do you pop the disc in you download the game package from xbox servers and you run them locally on your system and in a lot of cases microsoft has cataloged a lot of those xbox 360 games now for instance you could play stuff like lost odyssey right off of an xbox one and it runs about as well as you'll expect it just like the original system games like red dead redemption which don't have a pc release but through xbox one backwards compatibility if you have the xbox one x or the series x you can run that game at like 4k now you can also run a lot of original xbox games as well too games like splinter cell splinter cell pandora tomorrow and splinter cell chaos theory i actually wanted to play splinter cell pandora tomorrow because for some reason ubisoft just cannot give sam fisher a break they re-released the game as a trilogy pack on playstation 3. i picked it up it was an absolute pathetic excuse for gaming so i ended up finding the original pandora tomorrow to install onto my good old-fashioned xbox 360. later did i realize after playing it on this hacked system that they actually did re-release pandora tomorrow on the original like xbox one backwards compatibility baffling my entire reasoning for doing this went out the window but hey let me just get back to it basically on the internet you can find the original xbox 360 backwards compatibility files so to understand xbox 360 used emulation to actually emulate the original xbox system so what would happen is let's say you wanted to run a game like halo 2 you would put the halo 2 disk into the xbox 360. microsoft would check the halo 2 and check in at servers that do we have a emulator for it they would say they would let you download a tiny emulator file you would store that on your system and you would use the emulator to emulate halo 2. because the xbox 360 utilized different architecture you would have to emulate the original xbox architecture to play those games so yeah microsoft is kind of on the cutting edge of emulating all of their systems for back compatibility and honestly sony and nintendo could learn a whole lot from them but that's a different video so to understand i was able to download these packages copy them over to the xbox 360 drive using the actual freestyle dashboard that's the hack dashboard and if you've noticed i'm actually using the original blade style dashboard that was in the very original xbox 360 release some of you people will remember that microsoft changed it for the worse years down the road but basically by doing this you can copy any iso file for the original xbox and it should in theory just run and i've got some examples for instance pandora tomorrow works about as well as you can expect it there are some frame rate issues and i'm going to chalk it up to the fact that this is of course an emulation but for the most part it runs fine and i can absolutely play it grand theft auto vice city ran really well and the reason i would play it on this is again they have not removed billie jean from the system so you can play the original vice city in all its glory and then some you can actually play games like 50 cent bulletproof and this is where more cracks in the matrix show see because this is emulation it's not perfect so this is where you'll start to notice like graphical errors and bugs but because we're on a hacked system we don't need microsoft's whitelist to tell us what we can play or what we don't need to play we can basically run any xbox iso file and in my testing most of them worked relatively well some of them have frame rate issues in some key sections some of them have graphical problems but i would say in my in my testing most big titles worked out of the box now ladies and gentlemen at the end of all this was any of this worth it the answer to that is i guess if you're a tinkerer maybe ladies and gentlemen hacking these older systems is kind of losing a lot of its appeal because in a lot of ways emulating the xbox 360 and playstation 3 on a pc nowadays is slowly becoming a bigger reality so in a way i would say five six years down the road xbox 360 and ps3 will be pretty well preserved we're actually able to play some xbox 360 games using the xenia emulator on pc and in a lot of cases it works there are a lot of games that don't work but the xenia team is doing a really good job i think they were able to get red dead redemption running at 60 frames per second on the pc kind of baller move now even as far as emulators go this system is just not strong enough to really be worth emulating honestly i would recommend you pick up an xbox series s or if you can afford it an xbox series x and using microsoft's like 20 developer mode just use that modify your new system and run emulators that way i made a video on xbox series x emulation and ps2 works on it ps1 works on it any modern system works relatively well on an xbox series x or series s the cpu updates alone on those systems are just miles above what this system is ever able to provide honestly if you did want something from this generation i'd recommend you get a playstation 3. i've made a video talking about ps3 modifications and since i've made that video like four years ago modifying a playstation 3 is infinitely easier than modifying an xbox 360 and you get a ton more value out of it for instance playstation 3's allow you to have access to ps3 games which there are a lot of classics there a variety of ps2 games through emulation which is very easily achieved on almost any playstation 3 out there playstation 1 emulation which as far as i've been able to test is pretty much 100 compatible with everything even down to using discs and then using emulators that are also available on the ps3 scene i'm able to play a lot of those classic games just fine on a ps3 in fact i'd even recommend getting a playstation 4. those are actually modifiable pretty heavily nowadays so yeah ladies and gentlemen if you were to modify any of these systems the xbox 360 is nice and all but as far as modifying it goes just get yourselves a playstation 3 or get yourselves a vita i think it's a far more enjoyable affair but you know what this was an interesting test i hacked an xbox 360. i had one use case playing original xbox games and the one game that i really wanted to play was already on xbox one anyways but that said though if you're into the xbox 360 because there are some pretty good games like vampire rain and if you just want to do it for the sake of hacking the system go for it ladies and gentlemen now there is one question that i'm sure people are asking me can you run hacks on xbox live through it yes you can but because rgh is a pretty known exploit i'm pretty sure your ban is probably gonna happen in like five seconds anyways so unless you got a ton of xbox 360 key vaults to burn out then sure it might be an endeavor it might be a fun affair but you're not going to get far with hacking systems online so and if you're going to do that i definitely don't endorse it but as far as preserving xbox 360 games and uh you know playing region free stuff absolutely worth it bang banger hack and if you want to run emulators on it well super nintendo runs great and mother 3 is totally playable on an xbox 360. so ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 474,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox 360, xbox 360 2021, some ordinary gamers, sog, mods, 2021, xbox one, xbox series x, xbox series, modify, fix, hacking, rgh
Id: 5Tk2FkcserM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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