Nikocado Avocado Has Become YouTube's Villian...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and about a year ago i made a video titled nicocado avocado needs serious help where we looked at the youtube phenomenon known as nicocado avocado i don't know i'd say tongue twister right ladies and gentlemen i looked at this individual and he had some pretty questionable eating habits some life habits whatever you wanted to call it now since then honestly nico kata avocado has not changed much at all uh at least as far as the content has gone ladies and gentlemen nico cotto is a very self-aware individual and a lot of people who are worrying at this point i feel have there is no way to fix this okay nico cotto avocado has made their life choices and now we're going to be witnessing a youtube buck banger that's gone off far into the deep end now ladies and gentlemen mukbanging is a very popular form of content if you're from asia a lot of creators will prepare food sit down and eat the food now mukbanging is a range okay sometimes when you dip your toe into the pond you might go to a mcdonald's you might buy a big mac and you might have a big mac mukbang okay you know little mcnuggets on the side you might even splurge and buy a sodi pop now that's not necessarily bad or anything right but when taken to its logical final conclusion the final god of mukbanging nicocada avocado shows that you can eat an entire heart attack grill menu apparently it seems you can have fried chicken and in fact not just have fried chicken but that appears to be an entire menu's worth of fried chicken and inside your new 2.3 million dollar apartment you can consume 10 000 calories of fire tackies i don't really know what takis are i'm from north america so all i know are cheetos bro and that's pretty much what it is if it looks like a crunchy stick with cheddar on it that's a cheeto to me bro and now you've also got situations where nicocado is consuming what appears to be ghost pepper ramen now i've watched this video and i swear to god i am questioning the idea of him actually mixing the ghost pepper oil into it really all i can see is the fact that he's cooked these raw noodles and consumes basically all of them there are some key interesting things that he says here here's his take about doing manual labor if you will just listen to it so get your chopsticks ready it's time to show you how to cook these things so it's very easy i mean i'm struggling at labor and i really hate cooking because it's just a form of labor and i hate labor even breathing can be labor's for me breathing is laborious you know i at this point this guy memes so hard that you know i'm pretty much convinced that getting healthy isn't sort of the important point you know anybody worrying about this individual i don't really think you have to worry because nico cotto doesn't really worry about himself at the end of the day it seems like all of this is just a meme to him and uh considering labor just wait until we get later on it gets into like some real class warfare [ __ ] but uh there is one more line i wanted to listen into it just for the memes let's listen to this one i just don't have strength i feel like my bones just disappeared i feel like i have no muscle which is kind of true here's the thing i have gained a little bit of water weight over the years and um before i gained the water weight i was really skinny i didn't really have any muscle to begin with i tried gaining muscle yeah i don't know if that's necessarily water weight again i'm glad that he puts the disclaimers in these videos that this is not medical advice but if you consume food like this it's not healthy for you in the long term one of the things that always baffles me is anytime nico cotto loses like x amount of weight then following videos will be him consuming food that's multiple times of the lost weight it's like somebody who gets out of a rehabilitation center and the first thing to do is like all right guys i'm clean from crack now let's do 20 rails and call it a day that's not healthy that's not what you should do this behavior is completely off the rails to give nico cotto a bit of positive credit over here he does finish all of the food and it doesn't seem like there's any wasting going on however for ghost pepper noodles boy that uh that's that's quite an amazing reaction so far and the fact that this dude's not on the ground literally firing napalm out of his butthole that's that's new to me i'm just saying i wouldn't recommend it that is a bad eating habit some would call that an eating disorder but we'll get to that in a bit now nicocado avocado has discovered that in order to thrive on the mukbang algorithm you need to be able to create conflict because what is a good story without any form of conflict now for the past several years nico avocado and his ex-husband have basically been breaking up and coming back together faster than [ __ ] amoebas ladies and gentlemen so we're going to go down a little trip of what the last year has given us in the nikocado verse and really enjoy the content here nikocaro avocado as large as his channels has gotten has also decided to create several patriots or sorry one patreon not several it's a patreon with several tiers so here you can get for 11 a month uncensored mukbangs not allowed on youtube what kind of stuff are you oh foul language sensitive topics what kind of sensitive topics are you mixing into the food are you putting it in a different orifice i couldn't tell you now for 21 dollars a month you can get vlogs videos about my life outside of the mukbangs personal life updates not allowed on youtube sex behind the scenes footage access to patron only community and then you get the 32 dollars a month right so everything in the earlier tiers plus house tours imagine paying a multi-millionaire 32 bucks a month to see their multi-million dollar houses and apartments i mean the rich get what health related chats not allowed on youtube medical misinformation what what what what what do you mean not a lot on youtube what and now if you're extra extra avocadoe you can get yourself 400 a month the producer patron now this to basically be a producer which by the way is a job right you have to pay nico cotta the privilege of being the producer i guess producer is just a fancy way of saying i'm financing the mukbangs only one is remaining it's a hot ticket item dude i might start doing it let me get my credit card a lot of my youtube content isn't family friendly and has recently been hit with low ad revenue my videos can be flagged age restricted or demonetized it's partly my fault for being such a drama queen oops but it's also a reflection of youtube's new rules it this is a page where i can create what i love without the risk of being too edgy for advertisers dude i don't really know how much of this i believe considering the fact that every video that i've pretty much seen in this case has had ads running on it that being said though i also don't really find this to be too out of the ordinary you know nico cotto is making content that definitely skirts in my opinion on that ad friendly border right and if you don't know the demonetization system basically steers content uh into an advertiser friendly zone uh and in that case it works pretty well i mean youtube's trying to avoid any other further demonetization and this is just the system we live in that said though i'm going to go back on topic this is just something that is an entire different video discussion and of itself in order to scratch the crumb of the internet goatsy i'm going to go to oral and homes channel who's basically uh who's basically the the husband or the boyfriend or the per the person the person who's with nico cotto and splits up with them every so often now i want to show you what nico cotto is up to now to show you that this is a meme that is fully understood niko kato knows what he's doing nico cotto's like a tier one [ __ ] youtuber listen to this hi everybody it's me nick avocado because i eat a lot of avocados even though i look like a blueberry today it's just water weight i know it's get it out of control hello ah it's water weight boys it's water weight have you seen the tacky challenge we just looked at i don't think that's water weight bro i'm just gonna put it out there i'm out of breath i'm getting fat and i don't know why and i don't i'm getting fat and i don't know why i love this catchphrase nicocado avocado has coined this into a slogan for the channel now again ladies and gentlemen just to clarify nicocado's question here i'm getting fat and i don't know why really you don't know why really now nico come on now now i want to give you an example of how the mukbangs look like so this is chick-fil-a with orlan right now orlan is one of the is is the boyfriend of course i have to keep reiterating this because the story all revolves around this now of course what ad am i getting since i started i've lost 70 pounds youtube stop already god damn i'm already falling down this rabbit hole youtube you can't fix me baby now as you all can see the average mukbang here consists of pretty much buying out a chick-fil-a menu so we're talking like three big sandwiches like three big bastards an entire chick-fil-a tindy set i guess those are extra sandwiches a big bucket of fries and usually you ask them what sauce you want you know you have it in your mind at this point just buy all the sauces kids call it a day and yes ladies and gentlemen to clarify nicocado is in fact sitting with the shirt off i'm not getting around with you that's what we're getting into now ladies and gentlemen something interesting i find in this situation is disclaimer for entertainment purposes only the information provided on this video is for entertainment purposes only information on this youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a qualified dietitian or health care professional any statements made throughout this video regarding specific dietary or nutritional information are not to diagnose treat cure or prevent cancer please consult with a physician or other health care providers regarding your specific needs yeah ladies and gentlemen if you came here and took any of this advice to heart normally i'd call that natural selection but i have to assume that nico cotta slap this [ __ ] in just to please the lawyers i also think he did this just to also placate the youtube guidelines if you look to the right over here youtube says if you're posting content this is relegated to the harmful or dangerous content policies youtube has said numerous things you can't do dangerous or threatening pranks so that's out of the question hard drug use yes kid you cannot do hard coke or opioids eating disorders content that praises glorifies or encourages viewers to imitate anorexia or other eating disorders look man i'm just gonna say it like it is bro i think eating this much food itself could qualify as an eating disorder now ladies and gentlemen way back when i looked at nico cotto the first time what was important was during that video i looked towards you know the early days of nico cotto a person who is a fit you know vegan heavy individual who decided to you know join the mukbang trend and back then nico cotto was this really likable character and dipping the toe into that pond led to what is one of the final conclusions this is a 10 000 calorie extreme zombie nitro takis fuego challenge i assume this person's eating a crap ton of these tacky fuegos so much so that they're piled up to the highest heavens if we're looking at it right now this is what this guy is gonna try and just watch it right now okay you're looking at him prep look at it now don't bring up jesus mary or cheap screamers jesus mary and joseph yeah that's where we've gotten to and you know when you get to this point ladies and gentlemen coming back from it is not going to be an easy situation at this point nico cotto doesn't really care about getting better i think for him it's just kind of a game and this relationship that he has is also a bit of a game too so i wanted to dive into that just a little bit more because i feel like it's another massively hilarious piece in the situation now when i said earlier that nico cotto has discovered the secret on youtube success i'm not kidding with you ladies and gentlemen nico kado right now through mukbangs is kale in the algorithm this is one of the biggest reasons why nico cotto probably wouldn't quit mukbangs this is simply one of the most profitable revenue streams imaginable all you gotta do is prep some food sit and eat granted your health comes at a cost granted you have some problems in this situation but it is what it is now nico cotto beyond mukbangs has realized in order to craft this crazy algorithm-popping experience you have to involve conflict and in this case nicocado breaks up with their ex-husband or whatever you want to call it boyfriend basically their other their significant other constantly on camera and the fact that there are still people falling for it baffle me this is why aliens need to destroy humanity okay we are not worthy of intergalactic travel and joining the federations now if you look five months ago nico cotto has said we broke up you can tell this dude memes when all you've got is the good old-fashioned mcdonald's in the entire the entire thumbnail this guy's memen with you dude they don't care of course you might be like wow they broke up very serious situation yeah they really didn't break up though because right after that immediately orlan comes back into the entire mix we broke up i mean in mcdonald's on a first class flight to somewhere far far away delta airlines did not sponsor this video but yes i am flying first class business class and delta airlines yeah i forgot to tell you nico avocado looks like he likes to flex the wealth a whole heck of a lot and i kind of want to jump into that too because it's pretty funny so this one video from april 1st 2021 he uploads my new house tour i bought a 2.3 million dollar penthouse who's that like one girl i think it was like nico lol yeah who's like who bought that two million dollar like apartment and everyone like gave her crap for it this is nico kado avocado banking off of all of those youtube all the mukbang rewards and finally getting an apartment oh yeah youtube must really be killing your advertisements bro youtube must really be destroying you i'm getting like double parked ads on this [ __ ] get out of here now this is where i think nico cotto's uh villain arc sort of comes in where he really tries to be one of the most unlikable people out there on the internet you know last time that i looked at him he was kind of somewhat a humbling character maybe i didn't look too deep into it but just get a glimpse of what nico cotto's view is on individuals that uh you know have to work for a living i guess you would say oh it's a fun show you know i sit up here in my tower and watch everyone struggle and be poor it's so entertaining i love watching poor people they struggle oh i just need popcorn i could sit here and watch them struggle all day so up here in my tower because i'm so rich i watch all the poor people hi and that's it and then when i'm ready to go to sleep i press the button you hear that one this is why nico cotto is like in my opinion like the joker of the mukbang community like he's just kind of a villain like at the end of the day the guy the guy has like literally no likable personality left anymore you know he's like look at all those poor people down there i love watching the poor people watching them struggle and squirm while all i have to do is engorge on tackies and call it a day ah god i love society this is the kind of [ __ ] that people watch and then you go on reddit right like right afterwards and they're filled with entire redditors you go crazy about how the rich are disgusting then listen there is work involved in this okay there is sacrifice to be made in the mukbang community primarily in your health that's for sure but to but but i mean this kind of mocking disgusting tone like this is why it's so difficult to sympathize with the niko avocado you know after watching this content for so much after consuming myself entirely in this situation i i can't sympathize anymore at this point my love for nicocado has purely switched into viewing this person as youtube's villain okay this guy knows he's the youtube villain he knows how far he buried himself into the system and now you might as well just embrace the meme in in a lot of cases mukbang content has evolved where people are doing like murder mysteries while consuming large amounts of food and you know what whatever cool you evolve your content in any capacity this is like the jerry springer level of evolve your content we have switched from doing anything funny and positive into just okay guys we're going to consume a lot of food we're gonna crap on the poor and i'm gonna talk about how crappy my relationship is getting the people that consume this unironically have nothing better in my opinion going on in their life it's like you sit down you consume this you're probably already too lonely in my opinion you're just sitting at home and this is the one glimmer that gets you through the day it's kind of sad and you know guys ladies and gentlemen nico cotto avocado might have found out that you know ruining a relationship and reconciliation may lead to a lot of views in the mukbang algorithm but even he's not going to the point where cps almost took our kids from a seafood boil mukbang god truly has left the server ladies and gentlemen that's all i'm gonna say this is my last video on nico cotto i'm only making this because this man has cemented himself as the villain in youtube and at this point i have to perceive him as such when i when i made my last video i honestly thought that nicocado avocado was like on a path to kind of learn or like you know basically alter their life course because if you proceed consuming this much food on a daily basis the way that nico cotto is doing yeah it's great for youtube views yeah it's great for money but what's the use of that money if let's say in five years down the road you start to actually develop health complications look i used to be big not as big as you know like some of these bigger mukbangers right but i was a fairly overweight individual and it is terrible for your health concerns guys i'm talking about like bone problems i had muscle issues i had back problems in like my 20s that's not okay so literally i'm i'm still chubbier don't get me wrong like i'm still fat but you know i'm considerably down from where i was and at the end of the day it's honestly left me healthy when you're not packing over a crap ton of you know body weight to carry around it literally does liberate and make you feel a million times better that's the one thing that i have nico cotto does not care about getting better nico crowder does not need a fulfilling relationship this is like a bonnie and clyde relationship instead of in st instead of stealing cash they're stealing calories ladies and gentlemen and that's pretty much what it is i don't promote this lifestyle i don't agree with this lifestyle but these are two adults that are making their own choices now whatever they're promoting kind of nonsense and that's one of the reasons why again i have to tell you guys hey listen this is not okay all right please take good care of yourself step away from this kind of stuff don't fall into the mukbang trap the other big reality of it is is since nico cotto now has fully basically embraced the villain personality i have no sympathy for this individual the only thing i was worried a year ago that this guy would probably face some severe issues five years ten years down the road but nico cotto does not care about changing and so worrying about the situation isn't going to help youtube is not going to step in and honestly should they i don't even really think so okay this guy is not out there completely violating the guidelines because if he really was youtube would have probably removed this already so the fact that he's here doing what he does that'll forever stick around but everybody that's concerned at this point about nicocado avocado should just kind of can it and move on this guy doesn't want to learn this guy just wants to keep running these relationship problems these mukbang rabbit holes and that's pretty much how the situation's gonna end ladies and gentlemen it is not going to be a pretty situation and nico cotto is given all the love and tender tough loving that he has ever been given and if it's if he's not learning now he's not going to learn ever ladies and gentlemen so hopefully at the end of this video i hope nico cotto enjoys the spoils of all of his youtube success and everything that he's ever done because the way that he's eating right now it may be a very short run that being said ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,479,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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