"The MARIO Creepypasta" - Haunted Gaming

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hello guys and gals Mima darn welcome to another episode of haunted gaming creepypastas you might not have heard that mentioning in a while I mean I feel kind of bad I got rid of creepypastas which is what made me here and by all means I do intend to bring them back entirely don't get me wrong creepypastas they're gonna be a big giant form of haunted gaming but I want to do them in a little bit more in a more interesting manner I like I like to I like this series right now where I can have sort of different styles for every different kind of thing that we cover and the videos feel a little more unique that being said gripes on that aside today we're gonna take a look at Mario now for those of you who might remember I already had covered Mario I actually read the creepypasta which is available on the creepypasta wiki at the time and it was it was a good creamy pasta it was actually one of the first few that I had entirely covered on the channel now it went so far as to the point that I actually ended up playing the romhack which is created for this creamy pasta as well in fact the creepypasta and the romhack were actually made an entire unison and I mentioned it at a time when I have made the initial haunted gaming video but what I didn't do at the time was actually look at the entire forum thread I did and I wanted to sort of look at it today look at the game again not play it so much as actually discuss what was really on it and the technicalities of it and a little bit of a bonus asides from just that creepypasta as well so let's get started and over here you actually have the initial forum post that you can actually Google up and look at entirely if you go to Adam for example who is the actual writer of the creepypasta Adam has actually been active for quite a long time they started their account on this website the smw Central which is one of the more popular sites for super mario world rom hacking in fact it's not just super mario world these guys were also behind super mario 64 and a Yoshi's Island which were other very popular games regarding Super Mario World and you know the Mario franchise and of itself now with a total of about 566 million hits for this website 32,000 total users it's not a small website by any mention of the imagination now of course compared to the rest of the internet it might seem small but back then in 2009 this is a pretty big deal now Adam are a person in question here has actually been active since 2017 in fact I actually have an entire YouTube dedicated himself mr. apt one for those who were wondering now they were the ones behind the Mario creepypasta in fact if you go back to the initial story and we're gonna look at it real quick they initially released a run called Mario dot zip all right being nor the percent 21 that's just part of the URL straps now here basically on my all all Adam had written was so it all happened on tonight of all nights I was bored obviously contemplating what I thought I could do to waste time as I chatted with the people at smw see obviously indicating to an IRC chatroom at the time we had good times and shared a few laughed together out of boredom I decided to patrol the hacks waiting to be moderated section seems that we had quite a bit 33 if I recall correctly the first few hacks I saw when I sorted them by date were a couple really horrible ones with bad screenshots to boot naturally showed these hacks to be centrist centrality is currently on smw see we were laughing and I'll bad some of them were but then I got to the hack called Mario and just that nothing more nothing less the description seemed quite odd as if some Japanese hacker was trying to translate the original plot of Super Mario World into English and failing horribly I showed this to Chiron and he started laughing at the description and it read as follows now over here they were quoting the initial mentioning of the hack this was actually part of an NFL file which was released alongside the IPS files for those of you don't know IPS files are typically used for people who didn't want to really spread roms which would actually be piracy so basically that would give you an IPS file you would overlay that into your ROM and it would actually patch us it you could then put that ROM on to say an SNES emulator and play it without ever having to worry about piracy the whole concept was that you would dump your own rom hence you were the one creating the backup on your own of course in general practice this wasn't really meant to be upheld people just downloaded the rom patched it boom there you go now I simply dismiss this as trying to act japanese and release a crappy hack with some edits or so that's what I thought this was at first now of course I could read through the rest of this and this is just essentially the creepypasta the hack the nfo file mentions as you played the role of super mario plumber verify that you are beautiful poor inset so to satori again kidnap Bowser the Ebola King it is your job to save her that concludes six levels of very long of course you can see the English is quite broken in fact some would argue that it is the finest pidgin language pidgin English you might have ever heard as you scroll through you'll notice that they actually have picture files of all the points where you find I hate you point of advice little binder you see at Yoshi's Island house things like that now as we look through over here those are the actual reactions of the people in progress so around the time and this is posted in 2010 which was not that old in fact when I covered the creepypastas probably at what point to three years old I would believe I think I covered this around 2013-2014 I think I did other things but this was a 2013 project for me now as we were looking through people at 2010 they started saying cool beans I can't believe I have to read all this but I have to stay cool story bro now as we look more and more into it some people call this person out on hacking some people call this person out on just being a troll some people didn't actually believe it entirely but as you go through and through and through this was actually updated a little bit more so this was released in multi parts and I've mentioned this initially when I covered this creepypasta Adam made one post and then people wondering and another post came by so while people are already contemplating on the creepypasta hack and its origins Adam was already drumming up a story alongside the game that he had obviously created now part 2 somewhere not far off from Yoshi block I found a message box in the same place I remembered that it always had been though if I'd learned anything at all from playing this it's that whatever had to be in that message box message was not going to be even remotely normal in the slightest this made me hesitant to hit it but it ended up doing so anyways I wanted to find out more the message I was greeted with was as follows but is there anything I can do to change your mind and of course Adam constantly thinking what the [ __ ] we go further more into the story and we find out that people still start people at this point start believing that it's some form of creepypasta it has some form of a believability to it at some moment people are actually impressed at how good the story is are how good it comes across with and actually start believing that it could have some form of reality behind it to going further into it you can see that actually has more pages around over here you can see that somebody actually had mentioned by the name of Chiron Manor which is an administrator on the site actually showcased the first glimpse of the picture file that was always associated with Mario the creepypasta now we had seen this it was actually a thumbnail for the video and we seen it plenty of times basically what would happen is as you play through the game you end up getting this JPEG file the JPEG would not initially start off but just changing the header around it you can actually view that you would get this picture of this individual now this isn't exactly something often scary in fact this could easily be done with any picture you can take same for say for example take a selfie hue the colors out to be red and just go to your color correction curves and just level it out to the point where it's just your face and everything of course pixelation and blockage can all be added in post process and this kind of a photoshop job isn't really difficult to do so it was so-so to create something like this isn't exactly hard you can make it any point seriously take it take a selfie of yourself and mess around with the exact settings I told you in fact there are applications just on your cell phone that'll let you do it and you can get the same kind of an effect so this was bundled with the actual ROM file and next thing you know things started coming across people good and sleep and next thing you know people prepared to select you mean icky disturbing games or similar stuff like that so bottom line is the game it of itself created quite some lols I guess you could say that built out from this board and the story could have been left at that but at that point for me personally I went on the mission of finding out the ROM and playing it now shortly after I'd made the initial creepypasta reading I decided to play the game and of itself the game's IPS file is still available to download just using the site as well all you need is a legally acquired copy of Super Mario World for the SNES I'm not going to tell you how to do it there's a whole torrent of information available on the internet by all means go look for it yourself thank you very much and you can play the game to your heart's content now when I played the game that's actually one of the more interesting rom hacks that I ever touched to it at that point my experience of rom hacks weren't really that impressive in fact if you go back and look at the video I'm I'm kind of blown away by just how the smallest of details are sort of exaggerated in this in this game entirely now the game wasn't anything special you just go through in fact most of it just entered around Iggy's castle things like that you end up seeing the photo and that's about it the game wasn't really anything special but what it was was a game that was built entirely using ROM assets when it was actually contained within the ROM this was not an exe game you were downloading that it wasn't something like say out of acid play where they were using engines such as game maker or something like that which is premade assets entirely you've seen exe games like Yoshi dot exe where that was an entire conundrum that they were tossing away and Yoshi dot exe was an interesting game more of a walking simulator or hold the right key to progress this one was built entirely using in-game assets and it was entirely built away through a rom and it kind of goes to show you just how impressive the rom hacking community can be when put to the right kind of stuff and frankly this stuff wasn't really easy to do so asides from that the game was ok the game was simple I made a little funny bit I guess in the edit process but hooha the whole world works and that was essentially the mario creepypasta down to a nutshell now that was just a cursory glance of something like say Mario the creepypasta written by Adam and the thing is one could leave it at that and essentially Adams description of it wasn't much different than playing the game yourself which you can already look at videos of the game being played and frankly see just what you wanted to see out of it anyways the game is just a standard rom hack but I think what's interesting is reading into say pages 3 & 4 out of this thread because while I said that there was part 1 part 2 like certain other mediums this doesn't really have any finality to it as well Adam never really bothered finishing this thread in fact what exists out of this is a close thread which is four pages remaining and take a guess if Adam ever actually finished the entire creepypasta no he didn't no not at all see when you go to page 3 you got a wizard the va's intial who is typing about the actual image themselves so let's go read through what the actual community thought of and just where this whole situation ended up going to okay I just spent an hour working on unscramble the unscrambling that corrupted image I took pieces of it unscrambled it and put it through some color filters the highlighter feature and paint what I got will disturb me forever I got this face like a human's except without her No it had to breathing holes its pupils were just vertical slits like a snake the I however was morphed into a look of rage the eyebrows slanting down it had the most evil smile I've ever seen it curved up its face almost up to the eyes it had a mouth of very thin razor-sharp teeth and had no hair I say had because as soon as it was completely completed painted crashed however I got a screen cap beforehand thank God for print screen when I passed it on to another paint session I got a picture of the face itself not my windows bar not paying shitty interface but a cookie cut of the face itself apparently paint has an autosave function though so my previous project saved to my pictures however the disturbing thing is that the filename was please help me I opened it up in windows photo viewer and found that the image is 666 by 6 6 6 pixels at this point I just go [ __ ] this and close the window the image set itself is my background I tried to upload it and I got a screen that says error you are not allowed to do that and get redirected to the main page and I just noticed the whole time I've been chewing my fingernails furiously right now my left hand is literally covered in blood I'm kind of pale but it's winter so I think it's normal why won't the blood stop it's getting all over my desk I can't leave though I have to solve the mystery I just wrapped my hand in a piece of paper from the floor it smells like cat piss but I'll have to do I'm getting pretty tired over here I can't on maybe tomorrow maybe someone invert the colors of the image provided by Google Images from me I'll just lay down right here so one thing to notice here now I would say that this would just be your standard sock account but it was an account created since 2009 so unless Adam actually planned on making this an entire year ahead of time maybe just maybe I could believe it but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say that this wasn't exactly planned ahead of time now the account was seen 1 year 2 months and 17 days ago so it's pretty inactive as at this moment in time now that being said what's over here almost seems like another character Adam is involvement this was mentioned in the initial creepypasta that I had read it only included part 1 of Adams and part 2 of Adams posting on this form everything else was entirely omitted so here you got another character who's actually almost adding to this creamy pasta detailing how they were looking at this photo they found an image that is 666 by 666 pixels wide and apparently had made made itself its own way actually actually had made itself the wallpaper of their computer now don't get me wrong I've had this happen to me a couple times if you ever looked in that video I made called a weird Russian game that I found where I played a serious AMRAAM hack which was unnerving as hell you found out that in the end it actually after a screamer turned my background into a specific wallpaper and it got to the point where I actually delete the entire virtual machine that I was using because it was so corrupted with with this virus that was injected through this game anyways so you go through over here you can see that everyone is actually kind of falling in for it and of course this is all centered around being related now obviously it's 5:00 in the morning for some of these people and they're probably falling into some form of a creep ass a story which of course some people can be gullible to believe it some people can't but as you can see it's coming through and through and through pretty quick you know this thread is going out of control and it's it's getting odd as somebody is mentioned now as we go through over here you can find out that Adam is nowhere to be seen on the third page going to the final page I'm gonna tell you right now you don't see Adam but you see wizard the juez intial ones again and he writes what if all the message box texts are to be read and order of the level number just a thought as a last message possibly says end of text also it's kind of strange that every map not used is covered in stars now at this point I must say that it is very very interesting to see that Wizards the only one that's really posting about the about ways to figure it out ways to figure out this romhack in a way sort of keeping the thread in line even though it's very derailed at this point now spot alpha writes man Adam I have to say you made a very nice creepypasta a real hack the way you wrote it was definitely creepy at this point people have caught on wizard the essential response with wait Mario is the antagonist ma RI o is creator Mario is the player Mario is the hack name it's like I'm really playing Super Mario Sunshine like seriously what if the bad Mario is actually Bowser in disguise and at this point ladies and gentlemen let me tell you you do not see Adam anymore Gold and Sonic rights the only way we can get any more out of this is to somehow force the author to explain his reasons for creating this which isn't really gonna happen so yeah case it and that's the end of that a story that never really got any complete explanation out of now when I first read this creepypasta I thought maybe that was the end of the entire story but it never got focused out of it and as far as reading into the other parts of this forum page for for anything detailing Mario a smw see creepypasta now what was a tiny little story four-page thread on a forum and a posting to an IRC message board about an interesting spooky game ended up actually sparking other creepy pastas and romhack simply deviating off of this entire situation as well for those of you've been around long enough you might have heard of the creepypasta I hate you written by slime beast a very talented individual who wrote stories such as funny mouths as well very very talented creepypasta writer the romhack that essentially spawned out of his story is also available on smw C central and a game that I actually ended up playing to as well which I actually have to say compared to Mario has a little bit more effort to it obviously slime beast made a much more targeted story towards the romhack as well using a style and the rom hacker essentially could cut and paste and basically make a story right out of it and this actually implemented some really really interesting things I didn't really I really think was possible in things such as a super mario world rom hacking but then I forget when the game is popular super mario world and the rom hacking community behind it even spawning so much as nintendo making a game basically profiting off rom hacking i think it's safe to say i was i was really dumb thinking that they weren't really gonna push the idea of having good ole roms using every little inch of that rom space to create whatever kind of texture or Spooky's atmosphere they wanted to make when moving on further than that there's also more roms that we can entirely look at - i don't want to just end this video off reading a cursory glance I think if it's one way to leave this video off a sort of tie guys into some more creepy parts of Super Mario World hacking so let's actually take a look at some of the other Super Mario World ROM hacks that are available out in the wild that you can download and play for yourselves so I don't think I have to tell anybody that jigsaw smc is obviously based off of these Saw movies so you think it starts off now the interesting about it is that with this kind of injection some of it requires now these ones come in VPS files really if you don't know bps files are essentially files where like IPs files IPS files are like the early version avid bps allows for ROM expansion so it's a more advanced version of rom hacking and that's why you get sort of advanced techniques like this so here does Mario you may not know me but I certainly know you in fact everyone across the globe knows your name time and time again you have rescue the lives of others but do you possess the ability to save your own of course obviously signifying Saw movies sorry my Tobin felt Tobin Bell impression is not that amazing but I try my best is it gonna start let's start off the first level in the game called the cellar now first thing to say is this game has got some really really loud audio effects it's got entirely different music over here but you've got to figure out how to escape and essentially play is much more like a Saw movie some of these have you have found a rusty hammer so it's kinda like a Resident Evil's survival horror in a way I assume that the rusty hammer what I'm going to do is break this and yeah you basically help on the d-pad and you break the mirror with the hammer that's bad luck you know so it's got this interesting survival horror type mechanic to it multi let multi layer to everything this is actually want to be more already you can tell is more advanced than something like say out of when you're surrounded by darkness fall the light of your heart there's already more advanced than like say the RT we see the ICU or things like that this is already a much more interesting experiment I got a second I'm surprising as he was a little earlier but then again I wasn't really the one looking for rom hacking amulet ROM ROM acts will it relegated to this kind of stuff so follow the darkness if you can one of the things that we can't really do is go through that it seems but it's telling us to follow the heart whenever we see darkness so maybe we just have to go through all the over here something like that or maybe there is a some sort of an open area for us to explore no it does ooh what's that actually you see that we actually ended up coming across a really interesting the nook and cranny if you own let me just get back up over there it's got a little bit of a weird weirdness with the graphics where it almost feels like I'm looking at something out of say ghost house but everything has been reworked entirely it's actually really interesting on how that we work is the one thing I'm going through over here there's a little nook over here open that a page up follow the blood and over here we can look back and try to see where this blood really is oh there is that's the blood right over obviously it's a huge blood smear on the wall thank you very much let's go back in there and teach what we can find I gotta say the audio and this actually works a wonders compared to just using the standard Mario's soundtrack or you know standard ghost house theme but a lot of other creep hasta at games would do obviously this one isn't really a creepypasta game so it can kind of get the liberties to go away with a lot of that kind of stuff you have found a knife with a note alright fair enough found a good knife how much pain are you willing to suffer in order to save your own life the clock is ticking live or die they're giving me only one choice we can actually go and walk right into the knife and you can choose to live or die entirely which has got an interesting way of doing it so you've got a little health bar on the top left of the actual game itself and once you commit actual suicide you I think maybe get kicked out of the game I think maybe that's how it works or the game just continues to end itself that could be entirely mean of its own thing let's go check out the next ROM this one's known as the haunt which has a boo it's hyper realistic visions on it I guess you could say now of course all these have their own simple login start screens whatnot but Mario you'll never underestimate our restlessness souls of determination and elegant violence rebel and you will die rebelle rebel anyways it's a date to it so it's got that standard a story start that you could see in Mario now Mario it's never really known for its story I guess you could say it so just giving you a standard premise of your being cooped go for it now of course the map goes change you can see six-six-six is everywhere Mario's a little bit discovered a little discolored it on the top left what if we go into the if we go into this segment of the game we can see that the whose look slightly more spookier than I would ever have to ever have to even vision seeing and already the game kind of looks better than one Nintendo a toss at office it's got a little more interesting effects going around with it now one thing I can't seem to do is pass the ever a lovely tree before me I don't know what the heck's going on over there but I seem to die off and quickly to this boo let me actually figure out how that works but already off the bat I can kind of see a definite improvement over other games like the ICU or Mario which you also have to mind in the fact that because of how they were made the hack to also work within that realm of believability you know you couldn't just have those games looking the way they did for some reason I can't seem to across that area entirely which was a little off-putting I must say a little off-putting so it seems one of the many locales that we had to essentially go to was all the way down over here trying to escape from these spooky spooky ghouls now some of the actual stuff is hidden through the forefront over here some of the stuff that we really can't seem to avoid but going through over here seems the trees are supposed to be left untouched if anything and there's only graves that we can really escape down under and here we go we're right back under so basically what we got over here is a bunch of puzzles stuff that we're trying to escape from of course the enemies begin to change dramatically to the point we don't even have boosts to worry about anymore going down over here you can sort of Vegas it up back into these segments go across as much as you can and frankly should be out of here in some basic regard now it seems over here that we've actually failed the puzzle we're back entirely where we shouldn't have been so unfortunately for that not much we can do you can actually see that from the the fact that we're here again so puzzles to solve puzzles to really dictate around and nothing much more beyond that it's good try up another one MD ends up being the last one to really look through and this one is by souls to limbo which is the exodus to death quite possibly more ambitious version of a super mario world romhack because you can see already text has been changed shell Mario's soul escaped from Hell to in order to avoid oblivion ladies and gentlemen we have went straight from just a cutesy jigsaw you know ghoul hunting you down Mario creepypasta all the way to this so it's impressive to see what the Mario creepypasta really spawned a game like this where I guess it's not really so much as horror but rather impressive we consider what we're looking at here ladies and gentlemen this is an entirely totally worked a different you know Armageddon themed version of Super Mario World so I guess if you really wanted to say man wow that is that is certainly the more exciting of things that I've ever seen in this romhack let me tell you right now I don't I don't think I've ever seen stuff like this in a super mario world romhack and wow this has full-on cutscenes going with death standing over there Jesus peach is right over here look at this poor soul I found I mean there are obviously joke rom hacks like Mario versus Sonic to exe I'm not even joking you that exists but for the fact that we have this to the extent we're at peach being thrown into a pit of lava oh my god this is stuff that you wouldn't even see them like game maker software they have more liberties to get away with it Jesus oh my god what am theirs Yoshi it seems like Yoshi is completely dead over there my lord it's actually kind of depressing to look around with I feel like some of the actual sprites have actually been changed around entirely now with this it seems like Mario has somewhat of a health counter as well ooh there's Chronos sprite basically laying there completely dead seems like they put that in there's a lot of assets taken around from numerous SNES games but this is quite possibly one of the more interesting releases of an SNES ROM entirely this is actually ambitious and amazing I got to say so fast noodle levels you got underground force you have a whole story around over here and you can keep on going through as more you want so Delta out of the realm of pretty pasa but obviously looking at wow even the enemies are entirely reworked Jesus this is very impressive stuff I got to tell you but wow that last game my god that was amazing so you can see the Mario creepypasta essentially started off with something that we had read in just a two part explanation but it was something that the community around it invested themselves into and it's a game that ended up being a really interesting creative pasta game and it spawned another amazing talented creepypasta writer to actually create their own creepypasta and then somebody to make a game out of that and last but not least you had Game Center around saw you had gained centered around ghost hunting and puzzles related to its own somewhat like a 2d PT if you will crying out loud with some of the some of the asinine puzzles involved in that and finally a game that pushes I would argue the SNES to its limits and takes mario to the most hellish ambitious journey I've ever seen ladies and gentlemen I think ha today's haunted gaming episode turned out in my opinion to be pretty damn good I I I'm not gonna toot my own horn but I found that looking into the Mario creepypasta looking actually deep into it I learned some new things about the story myself and frankly going beyond just a story I think the surrounding context with it is rather amazing so we got to look at some spooky games around it and we got to look at the context around the Mario creepypasta unfortunately it never ended but maybe that's a good thing because it did spawn out a lot of things that frankly led to bigger and better and more ambitious projects out of it that being said if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you disliked it there's been another episode of haunted gaming part of creepypastas and the new reworked haunted gaming don't worry creepypastas will also be coming soon I'm in the mood for some narrative stuff I think having a break like I have nearly a month involved is actually pretty important so maybe you might get some new stories read out let me know what you want read out let me know what you think but don't forget I will also be doing this format as well so keep everything is energetic and new as I wanted to let me know what you think about it does it mean mood horror and I [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 417,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, mario, creepypasta, haunted gaming, haunted, gaming, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, gameplay, pc, snes, super mario world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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