The Weirdest YouTube Channel I've Ever Found...

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hello guys and gals it's me mudahar and the lights are out but the lights are also red in my room so that can only signify one thing we're looking at a really weird creepy youtube channel now ladies and gentlemen one thing to note is i did actually uh record half of this video without actually hitting the camera so you can roast me all you want but one thing to show you going too deep into youtube is a japanese channel simply known as all right now it's got 51 000 subscribers so it's not exactly the smallest you know channel in the world and if you want to know how that origin point happened well we had big japanese youtubers to cover it hey we are the mizu tamari bond thank you for watching they're about 4.2 they're almost 420 4.2 million subscribers strong i really want to say 420 real hard but uh yeah they're probably one of the biggest youtubers in the japanese circuit we make videos for likes more than the number of views so if you like our videos please give us likes see they know how to get they know how to they know how to run the algorithm i like it dude these guys are these guys are these guys are some solid hundred heads up here dude god damn now if you go to nugumu's twitter account you can actually notify that yourself that they are a virtual youtuber okay they joined april 2014. i don't know if this makes them one of the oldest virtual youtubers but uh it's pretty solid to say that not only is this a virtual youtuber with some with some with some history but it's a virtual youtuber that actually has a level of horror attached to it and i'm sorry that my mic keeps shaking i know that's distracting but what isn't distracting is going to this channel now if you go to the about section they actually have japanese which i did translate in google and if you want to hear how bad that is well let's uh let's play that real quick i don't think this is true at all now if we go through the order of videos here i'm going to view the ones that have piqued my interest the most now most of these videos are about a minute long i think the longest you're ever going to get is like three minutes in length so i'm going to click on the ones that pique my interest the most and of course there's a lot to pick from but in general you're gonna get videos where you have like this ken doll with like a virtual face attached to it i'm gonna assume the minute long videos are really just for the sake of this whole channel requiring some long render times to create these beautiful masterpieces so let's go to the first video in the mix now this is number zero zero this was uploaded two years ago and if the thumbnail is anything to do to to rile yourself up about let's go actually watch the video uh it says now loading as soon as you start so let's hit play uh you feel that like feeling at the back of your head you know like you feel yeah it's called a conscience so clearly there's fireworks going on and uh and and and they sat and a stock sound of like a baby crying i don't know what's up with this weird image i mean they they basically have sculpted like a child like a baby head or like some infant head and then they stuck a bunch of like cables into it so i i guess maybe they're like like they literally have audio cables plugged in and it's rotating on what appears to be a scale with like some [ __ ] macgyver like table i i don't know this is just odd okay this is odd and if you think it's odd it keeps on going for a minute 45 you think it changes and no it doesn't now if i have to actually cut out the audio for these videos i may have to because they do seem to have some level of copyrighted music so if i do have to cover it out i'll do the best i can to explain how the audio sounds okay but i think the visual is alone for a lot of people like this is just insanity this is what i like to call a [ __ ] stitched eyeball face mask thingy okay i know it's not the most creative [ __ ] name in the world but i mean considering what i'm just looking at within the first two seconds of it i think i'm doing a pretty good job the season when powdered snow comes fluttering down we are always at cross purposes there's literally a baby crying in the background what the hell is this although even lost among the crowds okay we are looking at the same sky although we are both blown about with the by the wind freezing just the same there's like a long noise of like a kid crying dude i don't know if i can that's just so weird to me like even if it's like just fake arc stuff it's so weird to me i found you from out of 10 million people that's a really wholesome message actually if we can't be honest how can we live together through joy and sorrow both being in vain this is getting like surprisingly deep for what is like some dude in a ma a [ __ ] up mask and a baby crying in the background this is just this is such a surreal thing i don't know what the powdered snow is i'm gonna assume that stuff is like you know i'm gonna assume that i'm gonna assume whatever that is is 100 colombian i'm just saying oh dude that [ __ ] weird zoom in stop it okay so the end of the video now i like to assume where they were sitting at is like some sort of bathroom maybe it's public maybe it isn't i don't even think it's a public bathroom but i gotta say the special effects that they're working with the little mass going on is uh quite realistic looking like to be honest with you if i had a couple shots of like vodka in me that would actually look like a real person's face like stitched up it's kind of giving me like twisted metal black like no face vibes so i think i'm gonna kind of back out of it and go somewhere else this is definitely one of the videos to go down into the rabbit hole and that was actually uploaded just last year so this is like during this is like pandemic time arg action now this is where we get the generic videos with the ken dolls right and this is almost in like a million view territory abraham lincoln coming in clutch with the this is the english comment you've been looking for dude he has like copyrighted music you literally have to work with no music i have to check it so to live in amagasaki which i assume is like uh just a city over there i must hurry i want to suck out your life blood oh what the [ __ ] dude right now i am right behind you well i can hear you but you're not behind me that's for sure get out of here oh what is this i feel like if you were on a bad asset trip this is what you're gonna get oh dude that like that like that like at the end that got me that that was [ __ ] weird dude get out of here that is the stuff this stuff is really odd all right so this is like what i like to call the max headroom clone if you don't know in mac's headroom it was like a weird like uh tv hijack broadcast um again i'm not gonna get too deep into that but this is like on that same territory let's go watch it and see what we got again i may not be able to give you any audio throughout this entire video just because of like copyrighted music um it just seems like there's a whole heck of a lot of it in this side but let's hit play it's like looking at a grand theft auto one [ __ ] character like i don't i don't get you nugu new new gumu he's like he doesn't even have subtitles for this one like you can't you don't have subtitles i don't even think he's saying anything like logical but the entire video is literally just this max headroom glitch system and i get and i guess that's all it really comes down to i don't know what we're trying to get over here i don't know if he has like a message embedded within it but like this is what you're getting i mean it's very clearly inspired by the whole max headroom thing except it's way less animated and i think it has a lot to do with the virtual youtuber ai stuff okay konichiwa my friend but like if could you imagine like owning this doll and i assume that head is real too i am sorry that is the most possessed nightmare fuel looking [ __ ] doll imaginable like if you just look at the hands real quick one of them looks normal the other one looks [ __ ] singed by like some ghostly apparition whatever it is it's wearing what i believe to be i think that's a yukata if i'm not mistaken i play persona 5. i know a bit about japan just putting it out there let's hit play a lot of meat is ready like i think we're getting into like can like first he finds me now he wants to eat me i think we're getting into some i think without a doubt we are entering the point of like some slight weird cannibalism they almost have enough meat i became the same as you what fat all right cool fat and sleep deprived is what this ghost became and that's what happens all that is left is yours okay all i assume i assume they mean my meat all right i i don't have a whole lot you got an inch to work with maybe and then like they just have the mouth running like it's like it's like they chat and then the mouth just [ __ ] runs i don't get it oh okay okay okay that's a little too loud i'm gonna turn that down that's too [ __ ] loud it's just like the doll it's just like the doll with like vhs footage and like that's i found you okay all right so a month ago they made this mask with like nails in the eye sockets this is like really [ __ ] recent and it's just moving around that's all it is just like they're moving this like a face mask with like nails tossed into it around for no [ __ ] weird reason across the floor i don't know what the rhyme or reason to the story is but all i know is we're looking for meat what kind of meat i have no oh it's on like a little rc xd dude what the [ __ ] they're really advancing the whole story over here they got like little army action toys i i don't even get the story we wanted meat they're finding me and now they're playing around with army green men and like [ __ ] weird faces that's the monster that's gonna attack them that's the army man's godzilla you ever wanted to really [ __ ] yourself well i saw the thumbnail to this video but you're about to crap yourself hard if that does not look possessed i have no idea what again i'm not going to be able to translate anything because i really am just working with the subtitles that sometimes get posted into this but like you've got these multiple dolls in this action and of course it's not just this doll look at what else you're busting into like this is just i'm sorry if i'm even running an ark i don't think i can own dolls like this it's a communication between possessed dolls and then this ken doll [ __ ] nugumi like main character and this is it one big happy possessed [ __ ] family she's literally in like barbed wire with like nails in her head this this friendos is demented and no i'm not watching anime phasma phobia so this is how they made that one early doll that we saw like just now where they stuck like nails into the eyes and you can just see it right here in this like interlaced footage it's like literally it's just like a doll's head with eyes in it and like what appears to be some i think that's either the hair or like the doll actually had a [ __ ] spinal cord attached to it whatever it is it looks unnerving is this some paranormal activities level footage of the entire experiment well it's only time to find out what i can tell you is they've got way more copyrighted music than one could ever god damn expect but i think what appears to be nagumi is finally taking it easy and maybe chugging a nice little beer or having a drink i have no clue why he's in a dark room with a night vision camera i don't know but what i do know is that there's a weird light going on in the background i don't know if that's a reflection of the recording or anything of the sort but what i can tell you is this apartment is one of the messiest things that i've ever seen and nagumi needs to do a better job of [ __ ] cleaning the [ __ ] up doll number five i think at this point now it appears to be wearing a dress but like the thematic principles of this entire argos it must be filled with nails clearly we're brushing off all of the trauma and torture that this doll has went through i don't know what's up with the face but that level of disfigurement just should not be possible like i think they stuck it in a microwave somewhere what i can tell you though is it's like it almost feels like some weird variant of japanese voodoo like this is these are like reincarnations of like an actual girl maybe that's the whole idea of an arg right like maybe these are just like maybe these are like what i would say manifest or like representations of like various women and these like you know it's it's like voodoo you know like it's literally like some extreme form of japanese like voodoo it's like a japanese haitian crossover kind of wild i don't know what the brushing is all about but it's getting to be a bit too much for me the head is literally about to fall off at this point now of course if you go to nagumi's twitter account you can actually tell that it's just an arg virtual youtuber experiment and of course they do give you some behind-the-scenes footage of like various things that they make like this was the uh nail mask without the nails first put into it so kind of cool and they've got multiple images uh that i can't really decipher i don't know if this is a yearbook for the [ __ ] you know anime like spooky monsters but it is what it is of course uh just uh just to sort of shout out uh the the the merch store that they have you can actually buy these lovely pieces you can buy an entire notebook with this character on top of it imagine taking that to your college dorm room what i personally really enjoy though is uh i don't that's a belt bag i almost thought that was like a [ __ ] like sumo thong for some reason and of course their shirts and banger smartphone case i'm just gonna point out there and like what appears to be error messages like baby you could literally buy baby bibs this is the greatest merch store that i've ever seen but i do actually like that mug and i may choose to cop that there might actually be a thing now interestingly enough nugumi also does provide uh actual uh github sources for the actual voice that he uses so you can see or she uses nagumi underscore voice.python you can actually open it up and see that you know literally it is how they create code like import wave uh wind sound os and then you can see define nugumi speak so you can actually see where they take like the voice they say the file they adjust the voice rate which makes it sound slow and then pitch which makes it sound really deep changing the rate and all that kind of stuff so if you do want to create a virtual youtuber with the new gumi like style creepy voice then nagumi is actually open sourced they're uh they've actually open source part of their vtuber like magic which is insane to think about it open source v tubing right this is like a first for many occasions so yes if you do want to do it nagumi has a 100 true and honest python file to assist you out now we've looked at a lot of odd videos in this situation and to be real with you i have to kind of say uh nugumi might be a hidden treasure for me i didn't understand anything he did without the subtitles or she did without the subtitles but uh i'm just gonna use today from now on uh i don't know what they have been doing with this entire scenario but i i must say from what i understand of this arg is it's a character that is basically able to track us down and after 10 years of finding us you know at the perfect place and perfect time in that first year video we watched that completely left me shocked and odd it seems as though nagumi wants meat and me and you may be the meat that is in question so i don't know what's what it's all about maybe it's a little cannibalism action maybe it's a little army man action it's a very versatile arg but nothing nothing will ever top the entire image of nagumi sitting around having a nice little i assume beer in his dirty dank depressing looking room so that being said ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it check out this art you can definitely see a lot of effort being put into it so you know shout out where shout outs are due this is me muda and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just it if you dislike it i am [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 401,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c73Qv4kMvcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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