TechLead Shouldn't Be Trusted (as a multi-millionaire)...

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Reddit Comments

That was actually a good, balanced video even though no new information was presented. The conclusion was that MM is not a scam, so everyone that sold and took loss based on those claims was actually fooled by Coffeezilla's baity video.

MM could get good exposure from this video.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/tarruda 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Seems like a decent informative video. Way better that Coffee Zillas's video!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/png_savvy 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/livekomik 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

He definitely did better analysis of the transactions than Coffeezilla and he is not wrong in his view. At the end of the day, MM is a meme coin and its creator a very polarising figure.

Muta was fair in saying that while he doesn’t think much of MM and TL, we haven’t crossed threshold for scam. So honestly, I think Muta did a fair job.

Disclaimer: I’m a MM holder

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/supermook2151 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well this title and thumbnail is a bit less retarded than CoffeeZillas

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/WaveEU22 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

It’s adding to the pump PAMP IT!!!!!!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/CryptoNefu 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

More FUD from a boring YouTuber who just doesn't get it, also saw this guy on Redbar once

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/radpets69 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

There are gamers and there are people who make games.

It was a fair video and he is entitled to his opinion. Either way, this is more publicity.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Perfect-Honeydew-612 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Interesting. All I can say is, who really cares at this point? I don’t. I don’t think it’s a scam, it never was. Yes, the wording was iffy, but then again, who cares at this point.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KoKo_Is_Here 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mudahar today we're taking a look at uh the interesting side of money and social media now ladies and gentlemen about uh two three weeks ago i looked at something called save the kids me and coffee sort of looked at that though on the whole thing we worked together we spent many nights researching a save the kids uh coin okay the entire debacle that's centered around that now ladies and gentlemen since we covered save the kids there were plenty of other projects that launched that caught our eye and frankly with a lot of these situations you have to let them play out a little bit so you can really cover them and really assess them uh properly i would say or is the to the best of anyone's ability now ladies and gentlemen today's uh today's lovely little situation comes from tech lead if you don't know who tech lead is we actually know tech lead about a year ago actually that's how me and coffee first met we actually looked at something that i like to call the trend black saga for a quick recap trend black a youtuber made a video on tech lead and was then falsely dmcad by tech lead and then eventually ended up getting it resolved they had a copyright strike dispute techlee later messaged tren and then sent a message where he would reveal his name publicly and they couldn't sit behind anonymity you know revealing personally identifiable information which is probably against plenty of terms and services and generally is an unethical and potentially illegal thing to be doing now a lot of this would have been obtained with the youtube dmca system for those of you have no idea basically on youtube you can dmca strike anyone it doesn't have to be legitimate it can be a completely bs dmca strike because youtube relies on safe harbor provisions you have to effectively give up your personal information because dmca eventually leads into a legal dispute between two individuals and you can imagine in a system like youtube where creators basically work on their own anyways they may have to end up just giving their own information to another party and if they don't have legal teams or well a team in general it can be a daunting experience for anybody and it's a very broken system and because of that tren faced a bit of an issue now ladies and gentlemen since then tech lead has basically been in his corner and i've kept an eye on him and frankly i thought he was getting better i actually found tech lee to be a bit enjoyable now tech leads a youtuber whose ex google x facebook uh basically ended up getting fired for having a youtube channel and all that good stuff but tech leads content is basically centered around coding classes you know teaching people how to be efficient programmers and very recently a bit of financial advice you know how to be rich one must know secret selling all my bitcoins bitcoin is back baby what i'm buying on the crypto bull run again i might have to explain for the million time in a row if you take financial advice from youtubers you're already potentially setting yourself up for the biggest shot in the foot don't bother now tech leads entire gimmick also revolves in flexing wealth okay that's why in a lot of these videos you'll find out that he's got the as a millionaire suffix too you know i put ellipses at the end imagine if i put as a millionaire at the end of that too it's kind of a bit pretentious but i guess that's the hustle that's the flex that's the long-running meme that tech lead centers his entire online personality around money how much money you got how much money he makes a day how much he makes in investments the channel is more about finances i find than actual tech okay it's more about flexing finances and a finance portfolio then again about tech i mean at one point i guess it was about coding and [ __ ] but hey you know channels change it is what it is you can do whatever you want i don't care if you flex his channel his rules simple as that clearly a lot of people actually like the sarcasm i mean hey i just admitted i liked it too a month ago july 1st 2021 was the launch of a social experiment known as million token okay welcome to this momentous day because today marks the start of a brand new journey for you for me for all of us i'm glad you could join us because today we are launching a brand new digital currency the currency's name million token and so million token is literally a million dollar opportunity i'm putting a million dollars of my own money into this to get us started but this coin can skyrocket in price whoa before you go talking about skies and rockets will you put a million dollars of your own money into the coin well god damn audience i want you to remember that very carefully burn that into your heads because we're going to be coming back to it later on in the video wait legal's telling me to have a clip for this hold on let's roll it out loud and you know to clarify okay when i started the project i bootstrapped with 50 000 usd coins paired to 50 000 million tokens and that was quickly bought up within the first three hours or so it was totally sold out so you need usdc in order to deploy tokens i had already collected about 100 000 usd coins so i use those to continue deploying more tokens which would bring in more usd coins and you know the guarantee had always remained in play which is that if you bought a token for one usd coin or upgrader you can always trade it back for one usd coin that is the one token to one usd coin peg now this is a red flag to me if somebody's going to tell me that in a video that they're gonna put in a million dollars of their own money into a token and it turns out much later that it comes out and it's exposed as hey i really put in fifty thousand dollars so to understand what's going on is techlee did put fifty thousand dollars of his own actual money into it you can look at this from the actual uh blockchain history where he purchased coins from coinbase so in this case coinbase two sent tech lead like ten thousand five thousand dollars in some cases twenty four thousand and that money was then shuffled into the liquidity pools for million token now this is all okay but if you look at every transaction past this you can see that what tech lead is doing is withdrawing from these liquidity pools and then reimbursing them back into the liquidity pool so there's a lot of money shifting around what really appears to be the case is as these tokens were selling people were taking million token from the liquidity pair and also putting in stable coin like usdc and tech lead would then take this money and then shuffle it back in i think the implication that i don't like here is in the initial video you're going to tell them that you're putting in a million dollars of your own money to a lot of individuals that does sound like you actually are putting in a million coins of your own into the currency and to be honest with you me i have experience in crypto i realize that that's not even really that possible unless tech lead was purchasing coins over the course of days and weeks it takes a while to accumulate one million coins you know there are transactional limits there are things there are rules you have to follow with various exchanges um so the 50 000 bootstrapping makes sense however i just think emitting it or sort of obfuscating that fact is just a red flag in general but hey this could just have been part of the experiment or opportunity or investment i mean who really knows at the end of the day it's always like a different story but uh let's just go to the website real quick and sort of see what we're dealing with now in fact even on million tokens website it actually states very much disclosure by purchasing million token you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment contract and you agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur i can't do the voice that long although million is a community driven defy ecosystem always make sure that you are in compliance with local laws and regulations before you make any purchase cryptocurrencies are not legal tender and are not investments regardless of disclosures and whatnot what's also interesting is that it's never that simple in the world of finance see just because you say you're not a security or an investment contract doesn't mean you necessarily aren't see it's actually really complicated and it scares the [ __ ] out of the sec and the various lawyers that handle anything like this trust me i've talked to a few of them let me show you this article published by a law firm detailing substance over form now according to this form right here if we go to the actual bottom you can see that statement on digital asset security issuance and trading on july 27 2017 the commission issued a report which concluded that the particular digital assets were securities and explained the issuers of digital asset securities must registers offers and sales of such security unless a valid exemption applies so again if you scroll down a little bit the dow report and the munchie order emphasize that digital assets offered and sold as investment contracts regardless of the terminology or technology used in the transaction are securities and if you read even further let me emphasize an earlier point simply labeling a digital asset a utility token does not turn the asset into something that is not a security so what they're effectively saying over here and what this leads into is something that's known as the howie test for those of you don't know what the howie test is i'm going to cover it's a three-part test we'll just go over here real quick basically one of the definitions the sec uses is the term security means any note stock treasury stock security futures security base swap bond debater evidence of indebtedness certificate of interest or participation in a profit sharing agreement collateral trust certificate pre-organization certificate or subscription transferable share investment contract so understandably that term investment contract is kind of like a catch-all term okay so under the how we test if you fail this all right and it's the three-part test which is used on a case-by-case basis to determine if any crypto asset is in fact a security if you end up failing this and the howie test considers you an investment contract then you are therefore a security so i understand there's a few rules that are applied here one an investment of money which include for example an investment of fiat currency or cryptocurrency now tech lead in his first beautiful announcement of this entire project said that he put in one million dollars of his own money he empathy a million dollars of my own money into this to get us started you know whether you put in 50 000 or 1 million i think it's [ __ ] up to say we're starting off with a blatant lie in this project but if you put in any amount of money a dollar or a million dollars you are therefore investing a piece of money into the project so it's a very easy section to fail over here now where we get to it in a common enterprise and then with an expectation of profit derived from the managerial or entrepreneurial efforts of others so basically you can also assess this by hey if tech lead is going out of his way to promote the [ __ ] out of this coin and it's going to the moon with an unlimited market cap because hey if we roll his original video he's talking a whole heck of a lot about hey where the pro where the where the expectations can go this this token can go from a million dollar worth to 10 million to 100 million to beyond and so for example at the start there may be a thousand people each of whom won a thousand tokens a dollar each that's a one million dollar market cap for all of the coins in existence but if for example there's 2 000 people who now want the coins and there's increased demand for this limited supply of coins than by market dynamics tokenomics the value of the coins should rise to two dollars each and so the total market cap of the coins becomes two million and so then we could get to five million ten million dollar market cap a hundred million a billion dollar market cap i mean the moon is the limit here this could make all of us rich so i guess you have to expect that there's a certain level of profit to be gained if you're going to the moon i don't know somebody in court could say you're trying to make a profit now if we go back to that term investment was being used quite a fair bit and in one video you know tech lead has like the million token price chart up on his screen as he's talking about investments like hey if you and investors jump into it investments like instead of an opportunity being used as a definition tech legistrate refers to all of this as an actual investment go go take a listen real quick welcome back and wow i could not even sleep the past two days this is incredible the coin that we launched last thursday reached five million dollars in market cap in just 48 hours i mean this must be one of the fastest growing cryptocurrencies at launch we're going into the history books for this one guys be fluctuations and price like there was a dip here although you can see that the price did recover which is very healthy for the markets and you know i'm thinking maybe this was somebody who bought early and sold for a profit and good for that person they were one of the early investors and since the coins are guaranteed at one us dollar minimum each you know i think it's the simple guarantee that ensures that the project won't just vanish and disappear overnight and so investors are able to actually invest and make plays on the market dynamics tokenomics and the markets instead of having to worry now because i want to be as fair and balanced as possible i'm going to introduce what tech lead is saying for context in the situation regarding this okay so only put in money that you are willing to lose which is fair advice please don't put all of your life savings in here and invest responsibly even i don't know what's going to happen from here on out now beyond that let's go check out the million token website okay i think this is the better tell all right so on the million token website it's a decentralized digital currency they've got 17 648 holders all right god look at all those lions million is a decentralized digital currency with a limited supply of 1 million tokens pegged to a minimum value of a dollar usdc for a total market cap of 1 million usdc million was founded by ex-google x facebook tech lead with over 1 million subscribers on youtube as a millionaire as million gains popularity and usage the value may increase above the initial peg value of one dollar for example if a thousand people want thousand millions the fair market value of million is one dollar each if two thousand want one thousand million the fair market value rises to two dollars so i guess he has a floor set of a dollar because of backed liquidity and then all of a sudden it can have a theoretical maximum listen you can say the words it may reach it but i mean if you're constantly mentioning to the moon again legally it's a bit of a it's a bit of a minefield all right and i wouldn't want to be in it if i was tech lead now interestingly they also have a roar map all right we're getting into the memes ladies and gentlemen they've got the cup face sorted out now i want to read some of this to you because for a token like this to be worth something it has to have utility right it has to have some use case for it but we'll get to a lot of that in a bit cup phase building the community bsc network integration so they've all done all this anyways they've got everything going record-breaking achievements that's solid now they've got the smart contract audit all right which they use something called certic and i'm not saying anything against it but these audits a lot of people think that this is suddenly going to say that hey you're not going to lose money or this won't this token won't be involved in something shady that's not even close to what these audits mean these audits are effectively just simple like checks by a group to see if the contract code that they're using actually does what it states okay and as far as we've seen million token and various other tokens on the chain right now whether they're involved in some shady scammy stuff or not all usually fall follow whatever's in their code this audit doesn't really say anything off the bat okay it just shows you there's nothing really wrong with the code and again tech lead is a smart guy i don't think he'd [ __ ] up the code for this in any capacity collaboration with influencers so again it's just more public hey guys join in on us you know join in go to the moon again that's not utility more exchange listings again just putting your name out there more of a public image nft collaboration with digital artists that's the closest thing to utility that we're seeing right there but that's still not done yet partnerships with other projects kind of a vague term but i'll give it that okay it's probably utility launch on polygon network main phase decentralized launch pad built on mm be listed on all major chains and networks onboarding other projects to integrate mm again anytime you see utility it's very like vague i guess like what other projects do you have any idea but hey at least we'll be on every major chain publicize you know buy it partnership with celebrity influencers ha oh that's a dead sign right there surpass price of gold oogie collaboration with global fortune 500 elite brands again is just promotion promotion jacuzzi bar super party we're gone beyond now they've also got nfts if you want to join the party but that's generally the idea of million token now let's see how million tokens doing these days okay i think that's an important point for a lot of this right now million token right now is worth 21 okay currently it's down 14 but let's look at million token as a maximum okay as a group so on the fourth of july which is the earliest we're capturing this on it was worth 20 what was it like let me go to the highest 27 dollars all right now at its peak we're looking at a value of 200 and what is it 217 dollars actually 223 dollars is what the all-time high was then after that it dipped it dipped to a low of 39 what is it like the 47 dollars or whatever then it spiked up a little bit and now it's harmonizing and it's going lower and lower at around 21 okay now hey listen okay that means if you bought all the way up here at 223 well you're sitting there with a fat [ __ ] bag all right that ain't worth close to what you spent on it ladies and gentlemen now at the end of the day some people would just blatantly say ah scam rug pulling everything and that's not exactly true just because the value dropped doesn't mean that there is necessarily a criminal you know thing behind it in fact we have to look even beyond a price chart okay because what tech lead is doing over here is rather interesting in terms of cryptocurrencies now the way that this all works is something called liquidity pools right so to understand we're looking at uni swap now this also exists on pancake swap but i'm looking at uni swap because that's where the majority of the attention is and i think it's enough to explain what a liquidity pool really is in this case now liquidity pools are sort of the backbone for a lot of these crypto tools systems ideologies whatever in this case it's a big deal for million token now according to tech leads own words the way that we're going to keep the floor price for this one dollar basically million token shouldn't go below one dollar is that we're creating liquidity pools so tech lead has created a liquidity pool in this case where he pegs one million token because there can only ever be one million tokens one million million tokens if you will now to in order to ensure that they're each worth a dollar you go into the liquidity and you make sure each million token has one pair one us dollar okay one usdc coin which is a stable coin that's value is pegged to a dollar so again you can understand that if you have a million coins that are backed by a million stable usd dolan you know coins you're good okay that's that that's a good sign now to understand that's just a floor apparently by tech lead because the more and more people want it because of artificial scarcity and market dynamics and [ __ ] the actual value of the coin will increase the more and more people go for it that's why the value right now is at 22 okay at the time of filming this video now from what i've checked there really isn't enough liquidity to cover the fact that each token if it's valued at 22 dollars is backed by 22 dollars that means that right now these tokens which are worth again 22 are not backed per token with 22 dollars as far as i've been able to see that's a lot of liquidity and not one person can manage that for that you'll need something called liquidity pools so the way liquidity pools in this case work right as you can see right here you've got pairs so mm to usdc so that means this pair is million million coin to usdc so this is a stable coin and the mm is the mm coin that you know tech lead has minted tech leads coin now you've also got more liquidity pools with east so this is ethereum then you got usd tether then you've got wrapped bitcoin to wrap the btc to mm and so on and so forth there are two pages of all of these coins of all these pools right and this isn't the only pool set there are more but these are the biggest so the biggest one in this case had 1.58 million dollars worth of volume after that we had 380 000 worth of volume all within 24 hours by the way over the course of seven days 21 million dollars just in this pool alone were exchanged now if you've noticed they have percentages at the end of them that means whoever owns this liquidity pool makes one percent of all transactions so quick example is let's click on this liquidity pool right you can see that right here we've got a volume just in 24 hours 1.58 million dollars worth of volume moved through this liquidity pool meaning that if you owned it in just 24 hours you made 15 700 worth of just fees alone right now you might be wondering oh my god look at all these liquidity pools you're telling me if i just made a liquidity pool to this token that i could make twenty thousand dollars a day just on fees no the reality of it is is that that's also really [ __ ] risky okay you can make a liquidity pool literally you can add liquidity right now providing liquidity itself is its own topic of discussion and when the values and the actual uh ratios can change of certain pairs uh you tend to run into some problems you know you may come into issues within permanent losses but you can counteract that with fees and you know if the trading volume is high enough and the reality of it is unless you know what you're doing you shouldn't just provide liquidity out of the kindness of your heart it is a very lucrative market to get into but again you really have to study each and every token very carefully if you're going to provide liquidity whatsoever don't just do it because somebody said again that can be pretty much applicable to anything financially related to so again just to recap if you're making a liquidity pool you're basically creating token pairs right so when you're making a pool contract because you're trying to avoid the whole idea of an order book which is what uni swaps whole ethos is around right you basically create a pair all right you take the token that you want to trade so in this case the million token you pair it with a stable coin that people are going to buy and sell with like usdc in this case what most people are using and you put an equal amount in right you're incentivized to now i took tech leads wallet which for all intents and purposes is 0x5922b0 bba e51 now this is tech leads wallet because a you've got sort of the public name tag but what's more important is when you click on the erc20 tokens and you go to view all and you go to the very last page you'll find out this is tech leads account because tech lead was the first person to receive 1 million million tokens so tech lead had the original million tokens just sitting on the account which then got distributed to a lot of the people buying into this now i used a tool which is known as zapper phi which allows you to view the net worth of accounts so in this case it's pegged at 4.2 million now you can look at the wallet in this case where tech leads account has 3.1 million dollars worth of mm token so he holds about 14 of the overall token 142 000 of the mm token remember there's only a million of them right now with the 21 price per token he's got 3.1 million of this token sitting around tech leads also got 40 000 dollars in usdc 3 000 is in ethereum and 406 dollars in wrapped ethereum so let's go look at this thing this is the liquidity pools now if you click on this we'll find out that this is the liquidity pools pegged to tech leads account now the first liquidity pool is 1 million usdc now as you can see this is actually pegged around a price target of 99 cents to a dollar and one cents so this apparently holds the floor okay basically this this allows million token to be worth at least one dollar as far as i'm able to tell okay now at this point even if we looked at the price chart before people who bought in at 220 dollars they probably won't see a zero dollar price tag okay because it at least will be worth something given the liquidity that is backing it but hey if it's if they're not dropping to zero dollars listen one dollar is still as sad if you bought something at 220 and now it's suddenly worth one it's still pretty it still stings just as bad okay maybe maybe the ass [ __ ] isn't as bad but it's still pretty bad now back to the ethereum scan blockchain this is we're going to get down for some good old-fashioned investigating kind of like you know we'll save the kids nonsense except this time it's uh it's actually much more interesting to look at so here you've got one million tokens that were minted tech lead then went to coinbase one and got 10 usd coin okay probably as a test or something now i don't really care about the million token i actually care more about the usd coin because this each of these coins is worth one dollar it's a stable coin so let's look at how much money tech lead has been moving around so if we go up over here into the situation you can see that the token launched around the 1st of july right which is you know the first time the video was ever made by tech lead so leading up to the days tech lead basically built these liquidity pools so mm usdc mmusdc2 and c3 these are the liquidity pools that we're going to be looking at now i'm going to open up each of these pools real quick and we'll see how much money they have right now so the first liquidity pool usdc currently has zero dollars sitting in it right now meaning that all of the money that has ever moved into it then this was just around the day of the token launch so the first of july and it all stopped around the third of july this pool so you can see that initially this got like 135 million token then tech lead was filling it with like 110 dollars then money and eventually it was all siphoned out okay so it has no token left anymore it's just an empty account now after that liquidity pool let's go to the third one because the second one is where a majority of the work is done so in usdc3 which if we open up the external site it takes us to the uni-swap information and you can sort of see right now this is what that liquidity pool is doing it was active for this period but then it's not being used anymore there's nothing moving through it it's a dead liquidity pool so you can see the total transactions which are 17 000 transactions this pool was being used pretty heavily okay so around the fourth of july just just after the whole like launch of the token so eventually this was basically all but cleared out if you look at what's in here right now you can see that they've got about 209 dollars worth of the mm token and about 12 bucks in usd coin dead one let's get out of here what's really important is mm usd c2 now if we open up the external site and just view how much moves through it this is a active liquidity pool wallet now this is charging one percent fees so again what you have to understand is in the last 24 hours they're actually down nearly 40 percent they moved 1.57 million dollars worth of volume which means this account made fifteen thousand almost sixteen thousand dollars in just fees alone so if we go over here to this account right now we can actually look that it was it has currently 1.4 million dollars worth of usdc coin it also has 1.1 million dollars worth of the million token okay so 53 000 tokens that are left now if we go back to tech leads account let's see how much money he actually put into the situation now tech lead what's really important to look at is coinbase 2 okay coinbase 2 is really going to showcase where tech lead is getting the money from so if we click usdc and filter all of tech leads transactions by just how much usdc is dealing with and let's go to the very first page now around the time just before the launch of the token tech lead gets that ten dollars that we saw earlier now if we go even further into the situation he tests it a little bit on that first liquidity pull then tech lead takes money out and then finally tech lead goes back to coinbase two and buys ten thousand dollars worth of stable coin then he buys five thousand then ten thousand more okay so twenty five thousand then he buys fifty thousand dollars okay total fifty one thousand anyways point is tech lead ends up going back to coinbase and purchasing some actual coin to help back the liquidity because remember the end of the day the first thing tech lead said in this video was i'm gonna back up using my own money all right a million dollars of my own money 10 million dollars of my own money into this to get us started later on again he said that he put 50 000 when coffeezilla inquired out loud and you know to clarify okay when i started the project i bootstrapped with 50 000 usd coins paired to 50 000 million tokens so you can see right over here it's actually true so coinbase two which is where he's buying these usd coins from he buys ten thousand then puts it into the liquidity he buys five thousand then another ten thousand and then twenty five thousand hundred and eighty two dollars so if you add it up real quick it's probably somewhere in the ballpark of 50 to 51 000 usd coins that he's purchased now after all of that he puts it into the uni swap so he puts it into the liquidity pools after all of that tech lead literally using just fifty thousand dollars runs this operation so for the entire day that people are buying and selling and putting in money because remember as people are buying this token they're putting actual usdc into the liquidity pool basically tech lead is taking money out of this liquidity pool and putting it back in and basically adding that fifty thousand dollars and blowing it up to a million so by technicality he's he's actually matched a million dollars in liquidity right however he only started with 50 000. so again i want to remember when you're saying to the entire world that you're using your own million dollars but in reality it's 50 000 that's what we call a [ __ ] lie okay it's a pretty big lie by the way too it really shows you how much risk somebody is willing to put in right i mean a million dollars is a far cry from fifty thousand i mean fifty thousand is a lot of money but it ain't no million dollars and i think the lie is the important thing to be talking about okay getting caught in that is already bad information it's already a bad time now i gotta say the fifty thousand dollars instead of the whole million is already bad when you're caught into that situation right it's not a good look now the next thing that really gets me going is the community started a month ago noticing something weird okay so here's dcf god who basically stated this here's how tech lead is scamming his community again that's this guy saying it i'm not going to use the term scam uh telling hit them to buy his coin while he dumps on them this is the address so the address over here is tech leads of course account right so you can see this is the public account we were just looking at you know it's him because it's the same wallet that minted the initial 1 million again it's you know if he's the one making the token he's gonna have the initial mint right so number two transaction where he mints the one million token we've seen that so july first he posts the first youtube video you click on this it is in fact the first youtube video where he says i made a coin all right we watch this first july 2021 so that's true now immediately july 2nd he starts wrecking liquidity while telling his community and followers to buy because it's going to the moon so let's go look at this transaction hash real quick and it's [ __ ] damning because on the second actually right here july 2nd 2021 a day a day after he made this [ __ ] video he decides to remove 247 000 million token and half a million dollars in f nearly half a million in just liquidity okay so it's kind of a little damning that somebody who's you know kind of uh telling people this is going to the moon is somehow not as confident in their project as i once thought okay i think they consider that maybe instead of million token having usd stablecoin is more important kind of a weird look so here dcf says by removing liquidity and not selling he's effectively selling without selling the way he doesn't have to tell his community that he sold while they all bought he just has to hold the initial promise of keeping 1 million of usdc liquidity now of course by liquidity pool if you look closely you can see that there is a million dollars sitting around just holding the price up by a dollar so again as long as this pool exists i personally don't think that you know what tech lead is saying is wrong he's not necessarily i don't think that there's a law being violated okay people compare this to like save the kids and everything but in my opinion it's very very well done and it's not like what it's not like what tech lead said is necessarily wrong okay he is maintaining now dcf even says he even holds all the liquidity in a one percent fee position so he can siphon out one percent of all the volume that's the one percent tax that is charged on the liquidity pool that he runs so it's kind of like a scam if you will right i mean he's running liquidity he's providing it and this is sort of the reward for doing it now if you look at tech leads account i'm using something called non-send ai which i paid like ten dollars for it's a great piece of to it's a great tool if you want to do blockchain analysis because if you do it the old-fashioned way uh you're going your brain's gonna actually turn in the [ __ ] mush but if you can look at the top labels from like the wallets that this you know account that belongs to our friend tech lead is involved in so now we're gonna take a closer look and we're gonna target the usdc stable token and we're gonna see what tech lead is sending and receiving from so tech lead is actually receiving a lot of [ __ ] money in this case so depositor address name usdc token which he has forty thousand of as we saw in the other as we saw in like all the uh trackers this is basically the uni swap pools that tech lead is working with right so if we open these up real quick just in all their capacity right now you can see that these are just the same pool so usdc2 usdc3 usdc and another usdc uh swap right now in this case what's also interesting to notice is we've noticed that right now there are 10 million incoming tokens 10.6 million tokens are coming in now 8.7 million are being put back into by our friend tech lead so you can see 40 transactions in and 40 transactions out now what's interesting is tech lead has kept 1.9 million tokens of that usdc so nearly 2 million tokens are in the account of tech leads so tech lead got 2 million tokens right net game uh after you take out the fact that he sent back 8.7 million again it's managing liquidity in another in another liquidity uh pool he ended up giving back 2.4 million but then taking 3.8 million out which puts the total for that pool alone at about 1.4 million dollars right so again let's go even further and look at some weird sides of this okay so let's look at what tech lead is sending money to now in this case tech lead's got a few accounts that he's been pushing money into right one of them in this case is andrew lee.eth so let's go one by one and see why is tech lead sending half a million to one account half a million to another account then half a million and a quarter million okay that's a lot of [ __ ] money why let's figure it out so in this case this is the andrew lee wallet so oxfd66 in fact let's go to the erc20 tokens view all of them and go to the very last piece so as you can see this guy gets a thousand coin tech lead gives a thousand token but then on the fourth of july tech lead gives a million dollars to this usd token account okay kind of a [ __ ] lot to which this person then goes and puts a thousand bucks into that mmusdc2 liquidity pool then they take 81 mil 81 sorry tokens out so basically i guess what they're doing is they're buying with a thousand dollars at 81. so again further question is if you open that transaction hash you can kind of see that yeah right here at the day of transfer that thousand dollars then became a thousand million token okay now i have to imagine this is a tech lead account as well too simply because when you look further into the transactions uh there is some point something called bsc bridges mentioned which is what i believe is the bridge that connects to the other pancake swap which is the other tool that is being used to sell million token right so you can see right over here that tech lead ends up sending like eight almost nine thousand million token over here to this account oxfd66 and this amount by the way is worth somewhere in the ballpark of 1 million on the day of transfer now it's about 200 000 not a small sum but of the day it was 1 million it was then promptly within minutes sent to the bsc bridge so 8 000 and another 900 so i have to assume what's happening over here is this is just you know tech leads shuffling around money some liquidity in between two exchanges to kind of keep the price and level now what gets even wilder in the situation beyond the andrew lee eath account is these like four random new no name andy accounts let's click on one of these and click down over here now at this point what's going on is suddenly these accounts now are getting erc20 tokens they got 500 000 on the 21st and the 22nd buyer friend tech lead okay so basically after the whole million token you know just just basically what two weeks before they ended up getting half a million dollars kind of a [ __ ] massive amount okay i'm just going to say it as it is now of course this is the only account you go down to another account and you'll find out hey guess what right here you can see that this account from tech lead got 340 they then sent it back but then suddenly tech leads like hey no here's a quarter million okay in fact hey i love you so much here's just one million token uh i don't think i don't think you could just okay then tech leads like wait hold on hold on quarter million that's not enough here's another quarter million okay and then you go to block five four and then uh another account ends up giving like 91 okay so i have to imagine one person sheepy says following the money trust me i'm doing it too buddy now tech lead is sending money to these accounts on the 17th during the whole million token like rally right basically this is like three four days after the peak of this tokens like value again i don't know if tech leads addressed this or whatnot but i think the idea of shuffling half a million dollars around sometimes six hundred and four thousand dollars is a discussion worth having now in a lot of cases let's look at the largest token transactions that were being done by the tech lead wallet okay so around the first of july you can see that uni swap pool mm to usdc was the one that was constantly being shuffled money into so in some cases you'll see that tech lead was putting 268 thousand dollars into then taking 320 dollars out of so anytime it's green tech lead is taking the money and anytime it's red tech lead is putting money into the liquidity so you can actually see it a little closer if you click on this outbound transaction you'll see that right here tech lead to uni swap so he's actually putting in the money okay now of course this is where we're going to look at the peak of the value on this token right so the peak value was on the 14th of july where it was priced at around 223 now it had a trading volume of 79 million dollars now this isn't just specifically i think towards the one liquidity pool this is an overall volume of trade so overall imagine for a second if you if every if every liquidity pool was charging one percent each which not all of them were you're looking at a transit you're looking at just 790 000 in [ __ ] fees alone okay that's a lot of money i was really surprised when i saw this amount of volume being traded off of just you know just some youtube like you know coin deal but i talked to an interesting person who nerd city invited me to a cryptocurrency sort of liquidity pool expert somebody who's been doing this and they said that's really not uncommon i mean it's a lot of money but you know if you're on a youtube side you can actually achieve this it's [ __ ] wild and one of the things that i have to imagine is uh tech lead has such a cultish fan base around this you know people who no matter how much you criticize this coin will defend it and say hey you're criticizing it you're fudding it you're ruining it you're being a negative nancy you're a lion and at the end of the day the reality is it's such a cultish fan base that there's no doubt in my mind that this whole token was spread to every discord and reddit board out there and this is what led everyone else who's never even heard of million token to just jump in and funnel money into so here i am into the future and in a lot of these videos i like to give the most fair and objective take i ever can so i wanted to actually wait until i saw how the million token was kind of trending now according to this chart over here you can see that million token is actually 44 up now of course looking at the graph you can see it's kind of trending upward right now it actually looks you know it has way more wall volume like literally a day ago you're looking at 1.5 million dollars worth of volume and in the matter of a day we reached up to 4.2 million so i guess maybe it is kind of trending you know the end of the day that that does look like a trend now of course will it ever reach the maximum high of the uh of 223 dollars that it was on like the 13th i don't know you know it might you know the world is full of infinite possibilities right it might reach that it might not you never know so of course when we go back to our nenson ai i want to actually click on the uniswap v3 pool which is where the majority of those transactions were occurring so if i click on the actual ai over here you can see that when we just visualize everything right now you can start to see the largest token transactions now of course on the 13th we're going to look at that very specifically so the 13th to the 14th and you know we can kind of go all the way up to the 15 but i think this is important enough now ladies and gentlemen tech lead actually takes out 1.6 million dollars 1.4 million dollars and if you click on the actual transactions right now you can see that tech lead is basically removed 1.4 million dollars in liquidity and 5 000 mm tokens on that day and transferred it to the tech lead account so if you can see that at the time of transaction is one million mm token that's removed sent to tech lead and then you can see that at the time the actual usd coin that was sent was 1.4 million now of course tech lead can also just be you know moving around liquidity and whatnot but of course there is another transaction 1.6 million so if you open that one up you can see that's what the earlier transaction that was mentioned when we saw it with the reddit threat sorry the twitter thread where a 103 million token is removed but 1.5 million usdc tokens so this was removed from that liquidity swap to tech lead and you can see that at the day that was 70 000 mm token that was sent alongside 1.6 million usdc token now even on the 13th of july all right some of the biggest transactions that are also being taken out are milli almost a million dollars 965 928 924 so if you click on this 924 000 you can actually very much see that this is removing a [ __ ] on a liquid like this is removing around 1.6 million dollars worth of the million token at the time as well as 925 000 as well and that was going to the tech lead account now of course that isn't to say tech lead wasn't putting money back in of course around the 13th of july you can see techlee did in fact put 697 thousand dollars back in so again you see where it says negative when it's in the red that is actually tech lead putting the money back in right so if you can look at it from tech lead to the uni swap actual you know liquidity pool and here he puts in around 1.1 million dollars worth of a token at the time alongside 698 000 worth of usdc coin a bit of a discrepancy but hey you know it happens sometimes right now of course there are periods where you know tech lead decides hey i'm going to put in half a million half a million half a million half a million half a million so money is constantly being shifted around i i'm sure in relation to it being one-to-one that might generally be a bit questionable but it is kind of wild and i've talked to experts who work in liquidity pools that on the largest day of your transactions manipulating liquidity or in some cases pulling out this massive amount it almost shows that there isn't sort of a long-term goal it almost shows that there isn't a lot of faith from tech lead themselves but you know at the end of the day i will say tech lead isn't outright scamming in a way because i think in order my definition of a scam is very simple okay if people put in money and they can't get money out i look at that as kind of a scam behavior now if somebody outright lies alright which in this case tech lead who initially in his video claimed that i'm putting a million dollars of my own money into the situation but in reality it was 50 000 would i consider that a lie in my belief yes i would consider that to be a lie now whether of course later on tech lead used his fees to reimburse and then eventually add a million dollars in token and i guess would just kind of be semantics in this case the point is this didn't start off 100 truthfully and in reality this leads me to my final thoughts you know in a in a in a pride there's always one winner you know there's always one line one person at the top and to really imagine everyone else winning in this entire scenario i think we can look back at the price chart over here right you know for one person winning which i think tech lead might be the biggest winner in this entire scenario there are people that have actually lost okay people who bought in around the 13th when this token was priced at 223 dollars are now looking at their investment at some of their all-time lows now of course there's a likelihood scenario that this could actually um you know rebound back to the top now of course the likelihood of that you know price chart going all the way back up you know it's about as likely as spacex figuring out how to you know do faster than light travel in the next two weeks you know hey the endless possibilities is what everyone says right now ladies and gentlemen when i look at this entire scenario tech leads actual demeanor in character really is just wild okay almost unhinged if you will you know as they say any publicity is good publicity negative publicity is kind of like a double-edged sword the world learns about who you are and then you can play that and turn it around you can turn around the narrative and so it's kind of like genghis khan napoleon or captain blackbeard these iconic historical figures and you know some of these people are even villains sure you could say that captain blackbeard was a scammer he even killed people and yet they are legends in history and there is a value with these people and so the more fame for a cryptocurrency the better in fact i bet that if i were to get arrested and go to jail the price of million token would skyrocket because it would just be legendary you know like it took this millionaire down now i like to think that when tech lead mentions talks about attention right and you can flip things around you know all attention is exactly good attention right you know positive attention is great when you're getting it but when you're scrutinized in a negative light you know flipping that around is a lot harder than you might think and nobody wants to be attached to a stain like this now tech lead mentions things like going to prison this might make the token more famous going to prison makes you a criminal okay at the end of the day and it's not something that anybody wants to be associated with you know in closing thoughts i i definitely find this to be one of the more interesting crypto you know situations that i'm looking into you know especially when i compare to something like save the kids or whatnot you know that itself was just a complete downright [ __ ] pile million token seems like it's done very intelligently and you know there is a very likely scenario i'm not gonna sit here and call something an outright scam okay because i'm looking at all scenarios right now you know there's a very likely situation that million token can find all the utility in the world and suddenly it becomes one of the biggest meme tokens but i think tech leads idea of a social experiment makes a lot of sense to me because at the end of the day what tech lead has done is taught us the actual true value of speculative assets and that you know when even when you compare million token to something like dogecoin or shiba or a lot of these other meme tokens that have come out what really is the difference i wouldn't say there is that much okay at the end of the day putting your money into those tokens is about as stupid as putting your money into million token in my opinion ladies and gentlemen all i can really say about this is that from the outside looking in all right when i see the actual road map the roar map for the situation it doesn't seem like it really is going anywhere it seems like a lot of the actual uh specula a lot of the actual value from this token seems to be derived from how much promotion it can really do and really at the end of the day when the promotion dries up regarding million token it might go all the way to the [ __ ] and really if i'm looking at the amount of winners in this tech lead is coming out a winner you know he definitely seems to be the one that stands to gain the most from the situation and whether there are other winners you know sure that can be an absolute thing but when you look at the price charts again there are people that definitely appear to have lost in this entire you know pool now of course tech food will tell you that hey invest as much money as you're willing to lose and that is sound advice and i would say the exact same thing if i had to and if i was in their shoes but looking at million tokens various disclaimers it's kind of hard to really visualize if this is going to pass things like the howie it's really hard to it's really hard to sort of pin down if this will be a security at some point or it won't be it depends on how regulations handle this now million token is relatively irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and this token itself won't spark a lot of investigations but if you have 30 or 40 types of million tokens advertised in the same way run by the same types of people i think at that point the federal government will really look into cryptocurrencies and a lot of these alternate coins with a lot a lot more scrutiny than they are currently okay and that's pretty much where i'm going to end this entire situation do i think that million token is necessarily a scam uh i wouldn't say so i don't think it really crosses my barrier for and again that's just me being fair and objective in the situation you know at the end of the day i look at things very independently of each other and what tech lead has done is rather interesting would i consider this an investment that you put your time and money towards [ __ ] no because if you have the kind of money to put towards this all right you might as well be looking at other more intelligent investments for you at this point you might as well consider talking to a financial expert somebody with a degree and licensing in the field and they'll probably guide you the right way again as a multi-millionaire i don't really concern myself with these million tokens and that's where i'm going to leave this situation now of course i think if we shift away from the market dynamics and the whole like you know principal values of these tokens and the charts and everything let's go look at tech lead as a character now of course if we look beyond the oft comparisons to mythological figures shrouded in that you know negative attention if you will let's look at uh his twitter account real quick and maybe that will give you a general idea of whether you should back an individual like this now tech lead is a sarcastic individual one could consider this to be a troll i think trying is a better attempt you know trolling is definitely an art and i think tech lead lacks the the true skill to really pull it off now let's go look at some of these tweets he starts mentioning coffee as well as a scammer where he makes these videos getting way more dislikes than they get like so i don't know how successful that is point is tech lead i don't believe cares about negative attention at the end of the day it doesn't matter as long as the attention is there it really is what it is tech lead believes he can turn it around whether that's true or not is a whole different story so of course the further you go down you can see that he keeps saying rank one growth on uni swap goes to a million so he clearly shows that it's number one at the top but of course if you go to uni swap right now on one of its highest volume trading days too recently let's go look at what it's doing ah let's go look at that top tokens well if you go all the way to the very end you guys can see that uh right around over here well million token is more in that 39 okay it's not really number one uh but you know it might get there you know if there's more effort being done it's got it's got a few spaces to crawl up to but i think it'll i think it might get there if you guys put in enough effort sure i like this one response by an individual who said i don't understand this whole argument about tech leads initial liquidity pool it literally wouldn't have made any difference if he immediately put one million dollar in it he would have still earned that 950k which he used in reality to complete the 1 million peg so the total change from his initial own money would be 50 000 in both cases his risk is zero in both cases because there is no uh risk for buying selling mm at one dollar no matter the amount and in both cases he fulfills his promise to peg one million token to one dollar so no aspect doesn't make any difference so why is he a scammer yeah i think you're kind of forgetting that there's an in inadvertently there's a bit of a lie in that situation i i will say again if you put in 50k to bootstrap versus a million it's a bit of a difference okay it's actually a substantial [ __ ] difference again you can argue semantics all you want but i think i think being even slightly deceptive especially when it comes to a financial operation like this is pretty damning indeed take a million dollars of my own money into this to get it started but this coin can skyrocket i can no longer be silent coffeezilla abusively molested me four views hashtag me too god damn all right using a pretty serious uh using using a pretty serious implication on this website in order to push the token if you still want to invest money in i mean hey it's it's your funeral i guess right [ __ ] now the most famous cryptocurrency on youtube i think i think you're pushing it a little bit man i mean you ain't getting no you ain't getting no dexterto articles save the kids was more famous than this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] at some point he plays the race card is racist where he mentions coffee is racist against asian people so i guess i'm just going to support diverse cryptos i wonder what you're going to say when me and asian is criticizing you tech lead and asian are you still going to play the race card or is it going to be like asian on asian like you know [ __ ] turf wars right now what's going on i don't know i don't get it it's really stupid sell a kidney 4 million token at some point you just have to ask yourself when lambo so ladies and gentlemen this guy is basically just a troll at the end of the day some sarcastic dude but at the end of the day even sarcastically pulling this kind of [ __ ] off with your fans a bit of an interesting scenario i would say ladies and gentlemen if after all this you still want to consider investing in million token then uh it's your choice it is your money at the end of the day i don't really care again i just wanted to make this video because i found this entire event rather interesting and uh you know as somebody that at the end of the day am i going to promote or at least support this token no will i put a dollar of my own money into it no will i start a million dollar liquidity pool to assist this no ladies and gentlemen at the end of the day there are wiser investments out there and million token simply is not one of them at least in my opinion but then again i'm not a financial expert and if you're ever ever wanting to learn about finances or learn how to invest please go to a certified financial investor if you go to a youtube personality to learn how to invest holy [ __ ] [ __ ] welcome and join the rude awakening that is about to befall you that said though i've got some other videos to make some more important things to cover some more relevant things to uncover that said though this is me muharram if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 749,764
Rating: 4.9335637 out of 5
Keywords: techlead, someordinarygamers, coffeezilla, million, mm, token, million token, make money online, investigated, get rich
Id: 93oS5KWbKrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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