TechLead Shouldn't Be Trusted (as a multi-millionaire)...
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 749,764
Rating: 4.9335637 out of 5
Keywords: techlead, someordinarygamers, coffeezilla, million, mm, token, million token, make money online, investigated, get rich
Id: 93oS5KWbKrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That was actually a good, balanced video even though no new information was presented. The conclusion was that MM is not a scam, so everyone that sold and took loss based on those claims was actually fooled by Coffeezilla's baity video.
MM could get good exposure from this video.
Seems like a decent informative video. Way better that Coffee Zillas's video!
He definitely did better analysis of the transactions than Coffeezilla and he is not wrong in his view. At the end of the day, MM is a meme coin and its creator a very polarising figure.
Muta was fair in saying that while he doesn’t think much of MM and TL, we haven’t crossed threshold for scam. So honestly, I think Muta did a fair job.
Disclaimer: I’m a MM holder
Well this title and thumbnail is a bit less retarded than CoffeeZillas
It’s adding to the pump PAMP IT!!!!!!
More FUD from a boring YouTuber who just doesn't get it, also saw this guy on Redbar once
There are gamers and there are people who make games.
It was a fair video and he is entitled to his opinion. Either way, this is more publicity.
Interesting. All I can say is, who really cares at this point? I don’t. I don’t think it’s a scam, it never was. Yes, the wording was iffy, but then again, who cares at this point.