[Infamous] The Origins of Cole MacGrath

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wouldn't it be dope to become a superhero gain your powers and some freak accident use your newfound gift to save innocent people and stop crimes become an enemy of the state because you're a vigilante with powers that no one understands then slowly lose all of your loved ones because being a superhero is not as amazing as the cartoons make it out to be wouldn't that be awesome what's good class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history today's lecture will be on Cole MacGrath was just your everyday bike courier from Empire City with an unhealthy fondness for parkour he had friends puppies alike all the things you need her a video game plot to royally [ __ ] you over one day on the job Cole was told to deliver a mysterious package like the good courier that he is he asked no questions and simply does what he is told while on the job overseas an odd phone call of course he answers it because Claude the dude on the phone instructs him to open the package that he was told to deliver he denies his persons request because he is the hero of our story he's a respectable citizen who would never the guy offers him money then he opens it the package held something called the race fear once called open the package the race fear immediately exploded and completely destroyed the historic district of Empire City well this is why you don't touch other people's [ __ ] a few days after the accident Cole looks up in the hospital and is greeted by his girlfriend Trish and his best friend but Cole feels different he's not the same bike messenger that he was before the accident it turns out that the explosion gave him the power to control electricity hold up so you mean this do to open someone else's property set off a bomb that destroyed a [ __ ] ton of civilians and a huge part of the city then got blessed with superpowers that's the mole [ __ ] well things did not only change for him a plague fell on the majority of the citizens of Empire City crime was at an all-time high people were dying left and right a criminal group known as the Reapers - this is their chance to take over Empire City and continue to terrorize its people as a response the government quarantined the whole city in order to block it off from the rest of the world as the city was tearing herself apart Cole began training himself to master his newfound powers with the help of Zeke he manages the controlling as Zeke and Cole worked together to survive this hell a mysterious person called the boss's survival makes himself known throughout the community via television broadcast he lists the people of Empire City know that Cole set off the bomb that caused his whole mess he is the reason why the city is in shambles I mean not wrong not only was cold now seen as a terrorist his girlfriend also left him because her sister was one of the people who died in the race fear explosion and to think this could have all been avoided if he just left that package alone sick of the [ __ ] Cole and Zeke decide to ditch Empire City with Cole's powers break into the quarantine should be no problem well as cool as it is to control electricity that power does not make you bulletproof during their escape Zeke and Koehler stopped by a wall of machine guns the person responsible for this barricade was an FBI agent known as Moya she confronts : because it given information for all the [ __ ] up [ __ ] that has went down so far care to explain conscience so apparently there is something called the law undo it gene this is a form of mutation within certain humans that when activated grants the holder superhuman abilities like the x-men the Ray sphere is a device that was made to unlock the superhuman abilities of people who have the conduit gene and fortunately using this device creates a giant explosion that kills multiple regular human beings in the process as you already see the Ray sphere was evolved by an organization known as the first sons the first sons were a group of individuals who sought to unlock the hidden potential of human beings through experimentation so they basically wanted to unlock the powers of anyone with the conduit gene I hope you got all that after Moya's much-needed explanation she offers Cola deal if he can retrieve the Ray sphere and find on white her husband and fellow FBI agent then she will clear his name and allow him to escape Empire City with his girlfriend leaving him and the rest of Empire City hating his guts Cole has no other choice he accepts moyes offer and goes on to search for John Y on his quest to find John he ends up having to deal with the Reapers that we mentioned before another opposing faction in the state known as investment and a mysterious man known as ISIL now let me tell you about this [ __ ] named Kessler as cool as out here trying to not only find John White but also make a city a safer place Kessler makes it his mission to just be a thorn in coal side it's not even like he's directly trying to stop coal from achieving his missions he just does certain acts that makes coals like so much harder like helping Cole's enemies escape and showing him business that easily disorient and confuse him and he doesn't even give you a reason at first he just shows up says some cryptic [ __ ] then dips [ __ ] but Cole manages to overcome these obstacles and slowly makes Empire City a little safer here was constant acts of heroism after a while of doing Moya's dirty work and saving the city Cole is finally contacted by John White : psych drunk where have you been your wife has been looking all over the place for you John's like wife goes like uh yeah Moya the FBI agent otherwise known as your wife John's like um I don't know who you're talking about but I'm a grown-ass man I don't do that marriage [ __ ] wait what does being a grown-ass man have to do with not getting married [ __ ] just let me read my script anyways it turns out that Moya was lying about John White being her husband their goals aren't even the same she's actually working for DARPA a US agency responsible for developing new technology for the military DARPA actually funded the first sons in the creation of the race fair now Moya is using coal to retrieve the Ray sphere so DARPA can have it back that two-timing [ __ ] you already know Colette that chick on Red John on the other hand knows that the Ray sphere is too dangerous for human hands so : John band together to retrieve it and destroy it with the help of Zeke they managed to do the impossible and nab the Ray sphere but something goes tear wrong Zeke has the race fear in his hands but he hesitates why well just like in this script Zeke has been completely forgotten coal is out here saving the city and gaining all the fame while Zeke is chilling in the shadow Zeke wanted to be cool too he wanted powers so he does what any idiotic two-timing supporting character would do this guy activates the race fear knowing full well that it has a potential to eliminate thousands of innocent human beings Cole get your boy luckily the race fear does nothing Zeke just stands there like but my powers though then Kessler confronts him and tells him that he could fix the problem and give Zeke the power that he so desperately wants Zeke then looks cold right in his soul and leaves him to join Kessler whose man's is this just when you thought Cole couldn't lose anything more Kessler contacts him again and tells him that he has kidnapped Trish his ex-girlfriend now I know that Trish left Cole because he technically accidentally killed her sister but in Cole's eyes that still his woman he is gonna do everything he can to save her sadly he was a moment too late cancer killed Trish right in Cole's face whoa Kessler went way too far this time Cole was pissed and he was dead set on destroying the murder of the only woman he loved so with the help of John White they finally managed to nab the race fair Cole has had it with this thing if it wasn't for this device none of what he went through would have happened the city would not have been in turmoil his best friend would not have betrayed him he would still be with his girlfriend so with all the anger hatred and power that he has left : to smash a rapier into pieces but something goes wrong of course it does the race fear explodes and completely vaporizes John White Cole is like well uh I destroyed a whole city got betrayed by an FBI agent and my best friend watched my ex-girlfriend die in front of my face and now the only person left that was actually willing to help me is dead yep time to kill Kessler Cole and Kesler meet up at the location where everything started the place where the Ray sphere activated in Cole's hands ground zero they Duke it out and Cole manages to win but right before Kessler dies he lunges that coal to show him one last vision this vision shows him the true identity of Kessler in an alternate past Kessler was a conduit with the wife and a kid everything was peachy Atilla being known as the Beast shota the beast was a walking nuke causing destruction wherever it could Kessler could have used his conduit powers to take it on but instead he fled with his family like the bitch-ass [ __ ] he is the Beast ended up getting too Kessler's family anyway and killed them so instead of trying to fight the Beast like he should have in the first place he uses his conduit power to travel back to the past so he can try and change the future he tastes controlled the first son's accelerates the race for a development process and does everything he can to make coal stronger and more ruthless but why why call why was he so set on making Cole's life a living hell because Kessler is cold wait what Kessler knew that his past self would not be strong enough to take on the Beast so he came back to the past to do everything maybe good to make Cole strong enough to take on this monster once it showed up so cold can time travel what no what are you talking about you're missing the whole point of the twist no the point of the twist is that Cole will develop time-traveling powers ah doji no shut up anyways Cole words all of this and so cold doesn't learn how to travel through time no doji that's stupid fine continue Cole takes information and uses this as his drives take on the Beast in the very close future a few months later Cole and Zeke are confronted by NSA agent Lucy Kuo she knows about the impending doom it is the Beast and offers to join : Zeke she knows of a way to give colon ufff power to take on the Beast but to do this they have to go to another city called New Marais right when Zeke and Cole agree to go to New Marais the Beast appears in attacks Empire City Cole is like kid I could just end this plot right now he attempts to defeat the beast but ultimately fails and gets knocked down silly Cole or plots are for kids when Cole wicks up he finds out that the Beast we destroyed Empire City they realized that this beast problem has to be dealt with as soon as possible so they head over to Sebastian wolf a contact of Luci quo dr. wolf presents the answer that they need he developed something called the Wraith field inhibitor or r5 for sure this device drains the power of conduits which will in turn drain the power of the Beast but this is a video game taking out the final boss would never be that easy the Rayfield inhibitor requires a lot of power to activate luckily for our heroes there are these things called blast cores that will supercharge coal and give them enough power to activate the RFI so coal has to go out and collect these blast cores so they can charge the RFI and destroy the Beast that'll keep the player busy for a good five hours on his quest he makes enemies like ultra the leader of the militia that has taken over New Marais he also meets new allies like banks a fellow conduit who hates Bertram team cold realizes that they need to take care of Bertrand first since he's only adding to their issues before they manage to take him out however he kidnaps Lucy and turns her into a conduit don't really see how that makes team coal weaker but okay thanks Bertrand later on in this quest Cole runs into a familiar face it's John remember the [ __ ] that got vaporized by the race fair a while back well it turns out that this incident actually activated his powers given to him by his conduit Gina John explains to Cola the plague that fell on the citizens of Empire City because of the racer explosion will destroy the human race the conduits are the only beings that will survive so the best idea is to wipe out the human race to activate the powers of all the conduits John then shows Cole his powers Cole puts two and two together and concludes that John as the Beast I knew I hated that [ __ ] for a reason cope resists his new information to his crew and they immediately split apart Lucy's trifling-ass sides with the Beast because there are five does go off all the conduits will die in exchange for the lives of the regular people Lucy wants to live Nick's eyes with Cole and Zeke because she knows that the Beast needs to die like today Lucy in a fit leaves team Cole to join the Beast the rest of the team prepare for their final battle [ __ ] hold up hold up we forgot about Bertrand well before Cole tells his crew about the whole jumping they confront Bertrand in the militia one last time it turns out that Bertrand as much as he hates conduits is actually a condo with himself he turns into some mutant Godzilla thing and battles team Cole they defeat Bertrand and put the rest of their focus into the beast problem all right so what their plan finally made Cole says his goodbyes to Zeke these guys have rekindled their friendship since the whole Kessler incident and Cole knows that the RFI will kill him so this is a very emotional moment for both friends with the power of all the blast core stored within Cole our heroes confront the Beast for one last time after a long grueling battle coactivator RFI and witnesses the Beast died as promised the device heals all the regular people that were affected by the plague but the majority of the conduit population died including Cole Zeke completely torn by his friends sacrifice takes his dead companion in his arms and they leave New Marais to gether well not really together cuz Cole is kind of dead yeah and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 352,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the black mastadonte, mastadonte, black, the, the origins of the infamous cole macgrath, honest gaming history, infamous, gameplay, games, infamous 2, review, ps3, video games, cole macgrath, cole, playstation, macgrath, sucker punch, playstation 3, cole macgrath death, cole macgrath all powers, story of cole macgrath, infamous story, infamous full story, the origins of Cole MacGrath, gaming, infamous second son, ps4, playstation 4, sony, video game, video game (industry), conduit, hd, funny
Id: AUNbRelT46o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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