[Street Fighter] The Story of Ryu

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you know what really grinds my gears when it comes to fighting games the plot is either extremely convoluted or not at least until recently it wasn't even common for a fighting game to have a story mode and no I'm not talking about those dumbass let's have a conversation that leads to a random unneeded fight type of story I'm talking about a full cinematic story mode experience that actually means [ __ ] I shouldn't have to watch some poopie movie that may or may not be canon just to understand the origins of my favorite fighting game characters I'm looking at you Street Fighter what up class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history this week's lecture will be on Rios origin story starts off like many other male anime characters he was orphaned at a young age and has no idea who his parents are wow that's original as a boy Ryu was taken in by a great martial arts master named bulkhead now what's the first thing you do when you're an old man that just happens to find an orphan boy on the street you teach a man up people up go Ken trains Ryu in the art of ansatsuken the assassins first as violent as that sounds Vulcan style of teaching and forced mercy and pace it's okay to dish out these hands and don't go killing people kill me after some time an alternative go can business - ask him to train his son the kid was an masters gokane he realizes that he's basically running an orphanage now and accepts the boy originally these kids hated each other but then their bond slowly grew through training and they became brothers after treating the two fighters till they reached their 20s goken tells real that it's time for him to travel the world and perfect his fighting style get off got at my dojo Ryu and Ken go their separate ways Ryu then enters the first world warrior tournament he takes out the competition and challenges a champion and a guy Sagat defeats Ryu then lets his guard down to help his adversary oh what a stand-up guy but then an evil and violent force takes over an unconscious Ryu possessed by this force will you give so got the meters yep shoryuken in the world you should have been blocking Sagat you know the startup on that move is unreal so God gets knocked out and his left with the nasty scar Ryu walks away as the champion question mark he dance takes his master go Ken looking for answers what was this dark force and how to compel him to almost kill a man ReWalk into his dojo but nothing could prepare for what he was about to see go ken was dead like really dead like take dead multiply that by dead then raise that to the dead power when you drops everything and goes to find the bastard that killed the closest thing he had to a father he finds out that go kids own brother who goes by Akuma is responsible for taking out his poor master Akuma tells Ryu that the dark force that consumed him was known as the satsui no hado thus out to be no harder was a dark force that grants the user immense strength at the cost of the user's own humanity Akuma who was already to come to the SoCs we no hado sees the immense potential and ryu and uses that as his lord of to try and get REME to succumb to this dark force as you can tell Akuma has problems Ryu is done listening to Akuma's [ __ ] it challenges them to a fight hold up hold up hold up so you're telling me that this man Akuma killed Reeves master right and then this dude Ryu who just won his last match off with some [ __ ] may I remind you besides that his next best move is to fight the guy who is not only stronger than his master but it's ok with just killing people like that that's right somebody get their boy because this [ __ ] is stupid and you somehow managed to win but Akuma admits to going easy on him just to test his strength then as a way to show Ryu that he's not seeing him with the hands Akuma uses the power of the South sukhino Auto to obliterate the island that they were fighting on with one hand don't flex on that dude Akuma cuz that nick is crazy Mayu escapes then continues on his journey to learn about himself and perfecting his fighting style he ends up running into cannon they fight because this is a fighting game and that's their only form of communication ken hands Ryu another L but notice that something is off Ryu tells Ken about the unfortunate and the best that he went through and as a to help Ryu focus and gives him his red hair time later on he runs into a teenage girl named Sakura who absolutely adores him Sakura has heard of Reed strength and thoughts begging him to train her Ryu politely curves her ass but takes a selfie with her so she feels better even later on are you wanting to see God now I'm sure you guys understand that saga' has been feigning for a rematch ever since the [ __ ] that happened in the first world warrior tournament Ryu tells him to calm them down because a little gift he let them on his chest has not healed yet so God does not take no for an answer so we want to change him and just give him the win two years go by and real is still doing his same old thing wandering around the world training and trying to keep us out to enojado and check elsewhere and bison the leader of the criminal organization known as shadaloo grows interested in our japanese hobo he walks riah to join his forces so he takes it upon himself to start looking for him Ryu doesn't know about this so he just continues wandering around like nothing is going on he runs to a mysterious woman named Rose who warns them about m.bison for a hobo rear-end into a lot of important people [ __ ] makes no sense maybe you end up confronting prices bison invites him to join shadaloo promising that he will make of the strongest fire ever real declines the invitation and they fight because in case you forgot this is a fighting game and that's what you do Ryu then takes another L from bison and he tries to control reuse unconscious body using a psycho powers for the most well-known fighting game characters Lee you sure gets his ass beat a lot when all hope seems lost for Ryu and Sakura and Sagat busting to save his ass well Ken and Sakura come to save his ass so God just came for another match because he knows that Ryu gave him a previous win soccer and Kenda checks bison while he got fights as mind control reader but because the guy is actually a stand-up guy he puts most of his effort and snapping Ryu out of his mind control and he succeeds I now recovered leave goes out bison a second time and succeeds in defeating him Ryu then leaves his friends and continues to train and question the satsui no hado that is still lurking in his body Ryu ends up joining the second world war tournament in the middle of the tournament Tyson makes his return and it's up to Ryu and his friends to take him out for a second time they defeat bison a and they go their separate ways again after some more time traveling Rio finds out that ages from a faction of shadaloo known as and INR after him because what's a criminal organization without a Japanese hobo who helicopter kicks people Kyle an American military man and close friend of Ryu plans on taking down sin because they're evil and America doesn't with evil Ryu hears about this and joins guile and his mission because the last time a criminal organization was after him it did not go well Ryu Ken and guile enter the center headquarters and take out multiple henchmen Ryu then confronts them the leader of sin and a fight ensues death gains the upper hand and proceeds to beat the tar out of Reeve getting his ass whooped as usual just when it seems like it's over for our hero a strange power awakens within him but it's not the satsui no hado Ryu defeat Seth assets managed to escape since Reed knocks out from fatigue after the mission meant to destroy sin rerun the others part ways they end up meeting in the next world warrior tournament this tournament was being hosted by a lone upset um clone uh yup um looks like a set that we you fought died V set so there is more than one Seth looks like it and bison made multiple sets as perfect vessels for his soul once his current body becomes useless the set that Ryu fought had too much free will so he disposed of it then some chick named Barry finished him off street fighter ladies and gentlemen a clone of seth is hosting this tournament and ryu enters hoping to improve his skills during this tournament he has another friendly match with ken and finally gives a got the rematch he was begging for for years Ryu wins this time and proceeds to the final round he defeats the clone Seth and it shows a biological weapon that was being developed by sin after the tournament Ryu continues his journey and runs into an old friend of his it's his masters last father go can follow apparently when a Kula finish go ken go could actually use something called the power of nothingness to empty his soul and force himself into a deep coma that makes no King sense it does it that's just lazy writing Capcom get your [ __ ] together go ken is well aware of the saw to win Ohio that is torturing me you so we use the power of nothingness to seal this dark force away ryu feeling somewhat relieved fits his master adieu and continues on his journey and this is on the somewhat part after sometime you meet up with Dahle ISM the Indian yoga master and tell them that he is still being bothered by the south so we know Hado dollars and tells ryu that he needs to stop compressing the power of the satsui no hado he needs to conquer it so that it does not consume him as they're talking a mysterious figure appears out of nowhere and demands to fight this dude look like Bentley if probably decided to be into makin for a week we was forced to fight my colleague but Nacala overpowers him as usual Ryu was then forced to use a sock sweet no hado to defend himself but dollars and blocks were used next attack he tells Ryu bro what did I tell you about that sound to be no hado [ __ ] dollars it must take care of McCauley instead and he forces in the college to flee Don ilysm tells me that that man is an ancient warriors of our souls and he only appears when warriors are needed to save the world from a crisis Ryu takes this as his cue to save the world then he reunites with his friend for one last adventure it turns out that shadow Lou was added again till they worked together to destroy shadaloo once and for all Ryu engages m.bison and for the most part I seem evenly matched so for the first time a main antagonist does not completely beat the tone of Ryu to finally finish off bison Ryu shows that he has succeeded in conquering the south to enojado by tapping into the power of nothingness she uses this newfound power to finally put an end to bison and Ryu and friends destroy the shadaloo base after these series of events real and Kent decide to have a friendly sparring match another one Ryu defeats Ken and for the first time in his life he is content with himself and how strong he has gone as a fighter the to say their goodbyes then part ways hoping to meet each other again soon many years go by and when it comes to the street fighter story Ryu could've just falls off he answers another world warrior tournament but not much is said about how far he gets or while he doesn't it he ends up fighting and developing a rivalry with Hugo the wrestler and Alex from New York but other than that Ryu doesn't really do much with him finally overcoming the satsui no hado and slowly mastering the power of nothingness we can confidently as that reuse story is over thank you so much for watching this video don't you fam I'm trying to stick with my pledge of making this video a weekly thing instead of being a semi monthly thing but this takes a lot of effort to get out so please bear with me if I don't get it right every single week if you enjoyed this video do not forget to like hit that thumbs I was trying to get this video to at least 500 likes subscribe if you haven't already and hit that little Bell notification button so that you know whenever I upload a video and share it with everyone you know thank you to my long patience who helped to not only make this video possible but this whole channel possible if you are not already a patron go to my patreon page in the description below and find out how you can support the channel against some dope-ass poor ones at the same time I have not decided who I'm gonna cover next week I'll try to come back to you guys with that information as soon as possible and I'm extending my pin giveaway for another week so if you have not already please don't forget to share one of my videos and give me the proof and you will enter in a chance to win one of these pins that's all I gotta say so as usual be easy stay lit and take care
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 152,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the black mastadonte, mastadonte, black, the, the honest origins of ryu, honest gaming history, ryu, street fighter, capcom, ken, gameplay, akuma, street, sf, sf5, marvel, sf4, ryu theme, the origins of ryu, the story of ryu, guile, chun li, street fighter 1, street fighter 2, street fighter 3rd strike, street fighter 4, street fighter 5, fighter, vs, hd, street fighter iv (video game), street fighter v, street fighter switch, street fighter 2 switch, ultra street fighter 2 switch, evo 2017
Id: qvgSYY0wq_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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