[Infamous Second Son] The Story of Delsin Rowe | 🔥Honest Gaming History🔥

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well folks it's time time for us to cover a character that you guys have been asking for for a while a character but don't you was honestly way too lazy to hey no you shut your mouth you see all the videos I've been putting out I've been working I'm out here boy I'm hustling ah are you right see you well here you're working I'm proud of you bro wait really yeah man you really shooting for that 100k ah thanks cautious that that really means a lot man for real like I really appreciate that you know I still a [ __ ] though oh man play that intro son yo don't G you tryin to start this or no you want to call me a [ __ ] so why don't you start it because [ __ ] go first you wanna mm-hmm you know what it ain't even worth it fam is more important so this has been a minute since we covered an infamous story here's a little background info in this world there get the human beings known as conduits these guys are able to manipulate unique forms of matter like the realest conduit of the mall cold who was able to manipulate electricity among other kids but you know how the world gets when people start doing stuff that can't be explained regular folks start Wilin out after the events of infamous to these conduits who renamed bio terrorists at the Department of Unified protection aka DEP aka deep was formed to round up all the terrorists for the better good after all the conduits were round up because they're not terrorists the military decides to take over the whole condo with the same in operation there's another DPS being phased out enter Delsin Rowe the master graffiti artist and self-proclaimed criminal mastermind Dolson is a Native American from the fictional a Comus tribe so don't go looking it up the only family he has left is his brother Reggie who just so happens to be the sheriff which makes it kind of hard for Dustin to partake in his criminal mastermind tactics after getting another lecture from his brother about tagging Dustin and Reggie witness a crazy military truck crash this truck contained three conduits Hank Abigail and Eugene delson's curious Estes I should take a casual stroll to the because there's absolutely nothing sketchy about a freaking military truck crashing not for real like my boy could have avoided the whole situation and I would have made a complete sense but I guess some people just carries us the crazy [ __ ] the only Condor would look at the crash is Hank so doesn't tries to do the heroic thing by helping him out but has a rogue act immediately backfires after Ricky tries to get involved Hank shade upholds Nelson hostage yes see why sometimes it's better to just leave [ __ ] alone well good thing you didn't leave the [ __ ] alone Hank activates his powers and Nelson tries to stop them but instead of just stopping him he absorbs the Jutes powers so now Nelson is able to manipulate and absorb smoke just like Hank hands and just like that Nelson becomes a terrorist their conduits not terrorists fine conduits damn Kelvin is hella confused about what's going on and Reggie's not helping because he immediately starts shooting Nelson like someone with the coronavirus so Dosan does the only thing you can do he goes to find Hank to figure out what the hell is going on but the heck chase throws him right into the arms of Brooke Augustine the leader of a DUP who also happens to be a conduit wait who hired you Brooke is able to manipulate concrete and though that may sound boring his house it's actually hella painful doesn't cease Brooke interrogating Hank and is like I'm not trying to get arrested so he plays it cool but Augustine thinks that Hank might have told him some fun - its secrets I'm sorry what like what was hanging to tell this random ass kid that he just met he doesn't even know him like Augustine you all here wiling right now so after Dustin dismisses Augustine's assumptions the dumb ass is like oh well it's kind of funny because aren't you a terrorist - you are really gone for real so Augustine gets curious and starts torturing my guy with her concrete powers but Delson is still keeping his mouth shut about what went down I'm not telling you about my newfound powers lady so this nice lady from the Acoma tribe named Betty tries to defend Alfea but Augustine uses this chance to finally break Yeltsin and there is Betty and the rest of the tribe so Delson tells it the truth and admits that he somehow caught Hank conduit powers put the [ __ ] in believe him and accuses him of lying so she knocks him out he wakes up to find the rest of his friends hurt but no one is getting any better I mean one doesn't just heal from getting shanked by concrete so does incorrectly assumes he has ability to evolve empowers grabs Reggie and tells him that they need to go to the he's based in Seattle fine Augustin that snatch her powers Reggie is like huh but what are you really gonna do doesn't his powers and you don't just follow through so Dosan and Reggie make it to Seattle and immediately start messing with the DUP they ran around town slowly limiting their vision around the area then after some time fooling them Dukes plans they hear about a Conda with serial killer rollin around the streets of Seattle well they're like well can't have that so they go look for the killer they find out the killer is a girl who only seems to be at they're drug dealers her name is Abigail she's able to manipulate neon and she just so happens to be one of the conduit to escape from that car accident in the beginning of the game Delsin confronts her Nate uh cyl the Nelson touches her and absorbs her neon powers and in the process he gets look into her past and finds out why she's out here murdering drug dealers we can go to and get with her right now because we're probably going to talk about her in a future episode of honest gaming history but just know that drug deals are the reason why her brother got killed after Delson violates her mind Reggie gets all crazy and tries to arrest her oh I forgot to mention Reggie has a bit of a problem with conduits like I already told you how he started treating doesn't like he had the coronavirus but he continues to remind Delson that these powers are not a gift but a curse like my guy that's your bro how you gonna cheat him different it's because he has powers now so if you're wondering why when she was so ready to throw this girl in the slammer it's partially because he's low key races towards conduits and honestly guys [ __ ] Reggie so Nelson the feds Abigail because she's only taking down drug dealers I mean technically you shouldn't be out here killing people in the first place but you know Reggie could still chill out for a sec after seeing this please to free her weren't working Nelson get smart about this he said that she would be his responsibility and she could help him take down the DUP Reggie accepts she accepts and they form the photo dep squad together Abigail and Delson continue to mix you out of a better place by continuing to destroy the DUP hold on it and getting rid of drugs in the street oh and Abigail starts crushing hard on Towson it's adorable but hella awkward after some more time Dolson finally confronts Augustine after she figures out that he's somehow got a second power my man Nelson dead asked if he can leach her powers she's like you just want me to give you my powers and he's like I mean would it help if I said please Augustin gets tight that wraps him in concrete but just when the bad guys to win a random-ass angel Bing appears in snatches Delson after he gets dropped off he gets contacted by some dude named Eugene who claims that he's a huge fan of Delson they work together to try and stop a DUP convoy containing a whole bunch of civilians who are suspected of being conduits but a damaged helicopter stop Nelson right in the face during the rescue the impact knocks him out for a bit then after he wakes up the suspected civilians are gone racist-ass Reggie helps him find where the civilians are being held thousand fights a big-ass angel named he who dwells that he was to the condo and who took all the civilians and as is possible for all the weird angels he's been seeing dozens others power absorption SAS my great big turns up at this mystery dude is all Jean and he just so happens to be the third and final conduit who escaped that car crash Eugene was just your average nerd who got bullied non-stop one day those bullies drove him too far and he realized he was a conduit who could summon angels and demons the dup captured him entertained him for six years forcing him to use and learn his powers now he's a condo at freedom fighter just like Nelson and Abigail he didn't capture those civilians for batteries is he just want to help them escape the clutches of the DUP but you know Reggie this bum immediately it seems that my boy Eugene is a threat leave the kid alone bro Delsin defense the conduit and calls Reggie Allen's racist [ __ ] Reggie accepts his wishes the Nelson tries to convince Eugene to join the good fight Yugi starts off too scared to leave his condo with hate but eventually decides to help out the [ __ ] the DUP Squad oh and Delson now has the power to summon angels and demons too he was already kind of broken but now he's like a smoke wielding neon shooting angel summoning Jesus later Nelson finds out that Hank the guy that doesn't stash his smoke powers from is out here rampaging around the streets making him look bad Dolson decides to confront Hank so we could also join the [ __ ] the DUP Squad I mean he's already out here killing doop soldiers so he might as well Hank puts their past aside and joins Nelson and his band of rogue conduits Hank informs Nelson that both Eugene and Abigail were captured by the DUP so they coop up with you ready to save the captured conduits but just like I'm sure you guys assume when they decided to join forces Hank can't be trusted turns out the smoking ballsack was working for Augustine his whole time so the concrete queen gets a jump on Nelson and captures it but Reggie shows up with a freaking rocket launcher and blasts Augustine hi Reggie maybe you're not so bad after all but that Augustine gets tight and kills Reggie damn Justin I'll start to like the guy so Delson rages the hell out and gets in a full-on superpower fight with Augustine the battle gets so wild on the island there on collapses Dolson wakes up after the islands collapsed and immediately chases the prick who betrayed him tank he finds him and his Cubs at the DUP has Hanks daughter that's why he pulled that dick move before dozen Spears a guy because he ain't worth it then he sets his sights on Augustine he regroups with the rest of his super friends and they storm Augustine's base once he confronts her he finds out that Augustine actually set up the whole crash in the beginning of the game Augustine has been capturing conduit supertintin from the mobs were after them that's Noble I guess in a really twisted and messed up way obviously Ben confides in Nelson and actually try some reason with the dude she even has the gall to try and convince him to join her nelson dubs her [ __ ] and they fight with delsa standing victorious doesn't absorbs her powers and doesn't so I'm gonna look into your past thing turns out that obviously used to be from the military seven years ago the military was at war with the conduits and she ended up getting turned into one with her conduit powers active and the world had complete chaos wounds in a fear of conduits obviously decides to be the one to protect the conduit in our own twisted way by capturing them I mean you had good intentions lady but you can't just be out here capturing people brah unless she made like a no Savior school for the gifted but for conduits now that I can get behind so Augustine gets up and refuses to let Delson free all the conduit she captured they fight again and Delson wins again using her own power against her that's a pretty gangster [ __ ] with Augustine down the [ __ ] the DUP Squad take down the DUP expose Augustine for the twisted conduit that she is then free all the conduits who were captured with Augustine's powers he he was arrested the Acoma strive and spray paints the same billboard he did in the beginning of the game but the memorial for his brother and with that the story of Delson banner Monroe comes to a sad but very fulfilling end honestly this is a really good story I kind of wish there was more reasoning as to how the human just stopped being scared the conduits but you know every story has its faults either way Delsin is a dope-ass character with some dope-ass powers i see what you guys wanted me to cover him so bad alright i'll thanks so much for watching this new episode of my honest gaming history I really appreciate it I know a lot of you guys are waiting for it while it's here you can be now I hope you're happy I hope you enjoyed the video if you did enjoy the video don't forget to like because it helps channel out a lot let's see if we can get to 2,000 likes for 24 hours we didn't nail it last time but less you can get it this time I don't know it's honest getting history you guys using gala with on the gate on us getting history so I see if y'all can do it leaving y'all comments who else you want to see me cover in huge efforts of the one is gaming history and share this with all your friends specifically those who are super into infamous because I'm sure they would love this and don't forget to check out Nami where they're having a huge sale and all their season one item so you'll probably go to their website like right now like right now right now this shit's probably gonna run out fast so you don't want to miss out so if you like their stuff check it out then now is the best time to get some of their season 1 stuff like there's not so puffer jacket the deku tracksuit the Akita puffer jacket a whole bunch of dope stuff so check out their website see what you like buy some stuff you guys on the deal and with that being said be easy they lit and take care and don't forget you can do whatever the [ __ ] you put your mind to all you need is practice and top peace out yo
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 121,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Delsin Rowe, delsin rowe powers, delsin rowe smoke powers, delsin rowe and fetch, delsin rowe funny moments, delsin rowe vs augustine, the story of delsin rowe, the origins of delsin rowe, the story of infamous second son, infamous second son, infamous second son story, delsin rowe story
Id: 4a4hxVcqI-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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