[God of War] The TRUE Story of Kratos

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I'll never just kick back and think about how dope is going to be when you get the chance to introduce your future child to all the amazing games that you grew up with son back in my day we didn't have all this virtual reality nonsense we had classics like Mario Sonic and huh the good old days ladies class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history well today's lecture will be on originally there were the primordial these were the first beings that created the earth from them came the gods the Titans and most importantly the Furies the Furies were entities that were tied to no one they didn't answer to anyone and they didn't report to anyone their job was to punish those who they deemed guilty no back to the Titans and the gods these guys were fighting with each other because they each wanted full control of the earth with the help of the Furies the gods being led by his juice won the battle and they looked over earth from their posh Penthouse and Olympus during this time of triumph Ares the God of War the friend of the Furies because he planned on using them as a weapon to overthrow Deus and become the new king of the gods thus proving that even if you are a god you could still be trifle in his [ __ ] so fast-forward a [ __ ] ton of years later and votes end up doing the nasty with some chick named Callisto fast forward nine months and Kratos is born as a Spartan but he doesn't know that he is the son of Zeus and he gets a little brother named a mouse so Zeus learns of a prophecy that states that a son of his will overthrow him and caused the demise of all the gods Zeus is like well can have that and sends Ares to go and kidnap his own son that's a one parenting right there Ares believes that day was the sort of prophecy so he goes after him Kratos tries to protect his brother but Ares a big classroom like the child he is pissed and convinced that his brother is dead Kratos tattoos day Moses birthmark across his whole body thanks forward a few more years and Kratos is now one of the best Spartan soldiers and he's a grown-ass man with a wife and a child but his daughter caught the plague oh oh so the Spartan government finds this out and is like well can't have that and sentences her to be thrown into a pit to die what she's a child Kratos does not stand for this and goes on an adventure to find ambrosia the only thing that can save his daughter unbeknownst to Kratos the gods were up in Olympus placing bets on who would get the ambrosia first Ares put his money on our angry Spartan which is weird because he is solely responsible for Kratos his childhood but I know Kratos flies the Umbra but is forced to battle the barbarian king Eric since Eric's father is also dying Kratos is like screw yo daddy then defeat Sarek at the cost of his own army Kratos then returns to Sparta and heals his daughter to reward him for his perilous but successful journey the king of Sparta promotes him to captain so you would think Kratos his life just goes up from here right he has a healthy family he's now captain which means he gets a better salary Ares is up an Olympus like damn this dude is real what could possibly go wrong well you remember Eric right Eric wasn't super hyped that Kratos basically sealed his father's things so our work attacked Kratos and his army the only difference here is that this time Eric won Kratos was inches away from death's door but he calls an Aries the god of other kidnappings and asked him for a strength Ares grant Kratos his wish and kills the barbarians and gives Kratos the blades of chaos as a way to show him that he now served Ares welcome to slavery [ __ ] [ __ ] as a servant of Ares Kratos did what he was told kill people burn villages accidentally murder his family in a blind rage the gift of whoa whoa whoa what he did one in a blind rage oh you didn't know Ares tricked Kratos into killing his own wife and daughter Jesus Christ Ares what the [ __ ] so Kratos is obviously pissed about this and proceeds to curse Ares his name while also renowned Singh as elitist and not good then the Oracle that warned about this whole thing happening curses them by attaching the ashes of a dead family to his skin thus giving birth to the Ghost of Sparta however Kratos did not realize the mistake that he made by renouncing his oath to Ares you guys remember the Furies right it was the Furies job to punish anyone who broken oath and they were also super tight with Ares so you know what that means the Furies were going after Kratos on his run away from the Furies Kratos meets or coasts the son of Ares and one of the theories Oracle's explains that Ares wants to use craters as a weapon to overthrow hopes and become the new king of Olympus however before Quintus can't really do anything with this newfound knowledge he is captured by the Furies and they torture him with illusions of his past but the Furies didn't Bank on the fact that Kratos is the greatest badass in gaming history he defeated these all-powerful Furies and freed himself from Ares grasp sadly he had to kill or coast to since he was the old keeper that sucked since craters and areas were now on bad terms Kratos decided to spend time serving the other gods no-show Ares what he was missing Kratos plans to use the other gods as leverage against Ares he planned to use as leverage to one day kill Ares and hopefully get rid of all the nightmares he's having of murdering his family in cold blood Athena the goddess of wisdom has a soft spot for Kratos and decides to help him Athena task creates us to go and find Pandora's box since that will definitely help him in defeating Ares crater sin golden an adventure in which he kills a bunch of important mythological figures and grass Pandora's box Ares senses Kratos his major accomplishment and is like well can I have that then hurls a pillar from Zeus knows where and impales Kratos with it Ares is obviously not dealing with Kratos as [ __ ] anymore now on normal circumstances this would be the end of our hero's story but this is being Kratos we're talking about here Kratos just barely escapes the clutches of Hades cause back up from the underworld and retrieves the same Pandora's box that Ares took from him my man died bit at the idea of death and just decided to come back to life this guy's a [ __ ] mortal how with the power of Pandora's box Kratos grows to a godly size and gains a [ __ ] ton of strength he meets up with Ares and a giant sword right in the bastards face after Kratos is victory he finds out that the gods will not free him from his nightmares and he will always have to deal with them dick move guys Kratos is like up and have that then tries to commit suicide but then Athena stops him and is like or you can become been you got aboard and like not kill yourself that's cool too so Kratos becomes a new god of war but he's still pissed during his rants a new god of war he finds his mother who he thought was dead she tells him that his father kidnapped her as well and he put her other son damos in the domain of death to be tortured Kratos asked his mother who his father is but she has turned into a monster before she can tell him Kratos is forced to kill his own mother and grows even more pissed and he seeks and eventually finds his brother damos damos attacks Kratos at first because he blames him for not rescuing him from Ares bro the dude was a kid Ares was a god cut Kratos some slack Danna toasts the god of death interrupts and captures demos Kratos saves demos again and they finally make up until that Atos kills damos hey Kratos is angered at the fact that he has lost another person because of the gods then kills Thanatos so if it isn't obvious enough Kratos no longer fits with the gods so he puts all of his efforts in assisting his Spartan soldiers and taking over Greece the gods become weary of creatures as theirs for power and blood to try and end his killing spree in one battle Zeus tricks Kratos into storing all of his godly powers and immortality into the Blade of Olympus the weapon used to defeat all the Titans Zeus then gets the jump on Kratos and stabs him with the bling causing Kratos to die this time however Kratos does not use main character [ __ ] to escape death instead Gaia states his ass then she tells him to find the sisters of fate so he can change his fate and exact revenge on his [ __ ] a father after a full day's worth of murdering important figures in Greek history Kratos finally finds us this is a big day make the mistake of trying to tell Kratos what he can and do obviously they haven't heard enough about this God killing Psychopaths craters as far as with as usual hey Q then takes them both out the picture Kratos then takes control of the loom of fate which gives her the power to travel through time Kratos uses his new toy to travel back in time to the point where his deuce was about to kill him with the Blade of Olympus he engages use an epic combat and manages to gain the upper hand as a king immortal Athena jumps in and begs Kratos to spare Zeus Zeus as the donkey he is uses this as a chance to escape oh they both forgot that one does not simply tell Kratos what to do Kratos chases after Zeus to deliver the final blow but Athena sacrifices herself by taking the blow that was meant for Zeus now Athena was the only being in Olympus that did not treat Kratos like complete dog so obviously he's a little mad and confused Athena is like bro like I know you want to kill the gods but do you not understand that God's control the earth if you kill Zeus and the rest of Olympus the world is gonna like tear itself apart do you really want that oh and Zeus is kind of your daddy in case you didn't know Kratos looks Athena in the face and is like Athena I see your point and imma let you finish but [ __ ] Olympus [Applause] then craters proceeds to do the most badass and selfish act in gaming history my man the mortal God killer uses the loom of fate to go back in time and recruit the Teen Titans to wage war against the gods what is this game so now soos is terrified because he now knows that Kratos is the child of prophecy that was meant to overthrow him and bring about the demise of all the gods this is what you get for going wrong mortals dumbass then Mount Olympus starts to shake Kratos is climbing up the heavens with an army of tie-ins to claim his father's head Poseidon manages to take out most of the Titans but forgot that Kratos is the real is mortal alive Kratos proceeds to beat the living god [ __ ] out of Poseidon and murders him guy and Kratos finally reach Deus but Zeus gains the upper hand this time after one strong attack Gaia Kratos are left hanging on for dear life on Mount Olympus Gaia ends up betraying Kratos by letting him fall to his death saying that he was a pawn in her plan completely sick of being betrayed by everyone in Greek mythology Kratos falls down to the underworld and ends up meeting up with Athena who has reached a higher level of existence she changes her mind about the whole Zeus thing and the fact that help Kratos on his quest for revenge Kratos then runs into Hades as that is the main thing stopping him from leaving the underworld this time obviously Kratos kills Hades because well he's Kratos and he escapes the underworld for a third time Kratos then proceeds to go on his final mythological killing spree or he kills God's demigods and even Piper the biggest difference here is that since he is killing gods that actually mattered to earth the world is falling deeper and deeper into chaos from each God killed after a games worth of brutal murders Kratos finally confronts Zeus Kratos the mortal and Zeus the king of Olympians engage in their final bow however and have to remember that Kratos is filled with inner hatred and sadness because he is responsible for the death of his family he's been carrying us around for all the games so far [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Zeus uses this as an advantage and gains the upper hand on Kratos almost defeated Kratos manages to dig and forgive himself with the murder of his family the vices of fear and anger leave him and he's infused the immense power of hope sounds awfully [ __ ] for a man's man like Kratos Kratos uses this newfound power to overcome Zeus and brutally kill him with his bare hands with the king of the Olympians all types of dead the world completely punched into chaos finally realizing that he is the reason why the world is he ends up committing suicide which releases the power of hope to the world and proves that the only being that can truly kill kratos is Kratos however we now know but even he can't get this job done because the new god of war is coming out but has to do with north mythology and he has a son but how does the world still exist a fool is plunged to chaos and why is Kratos in Norway will he continue his God killing spree with the Norse gods his next victims the only way to find out is by waiting for the new god of war to come out and by buying it and playing it obviously what's going on don't you family before I end this video I just want to let you guys know I got a little surprise for you in case you guys do not follow me on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook which you probably should because then you would know about this event already I got a bunch of these little pins I call them the butt master don't cheat pins just gonna put them right there so you guys could see it or if my grandma doesn't me up love my cameras hit me up so I won't show you guys anyway so I have a bunch of these dope ass pins and I thought I could just give them away to you guys but obviously I can't just fill them out that because they're like twenty five thousand of you guys so I can't just buy twenty five thousand pins and then give all the pins to you guys it's a huge waste of money so I'm giving up ten of these pins ten random subscribers what you have to do is share one of my videos on any social media platform they give me the proof and then you qualify it tell us simple and you get the chance to be one of the first people to get some type of black mass and don't cheat merchandise this is like the first black metal OCI's merchandise a number of invested money into and you know maybe even ufff people like it I'll start making more and then you know I can start selling them for like three dollars a pop or something tell my patrons you're not worried about this [ __ ] whether you paint dollar $5 $10 even $30 you are automatically getting one of these for free I'm gonna contact each one of you individually asking for your address and I'll send you this so don't worry about qualifying for that this is only for the subscribers that are not patrons already yeah but that's all I have to say so let's get to the closing notes of this video thank you so much for watching this video guys I am gonna try and push for an honest video game history every week to do that I would have to solely focus on the honest video game history but I'm gonna try it and I'm gonna see how it goes if I can do it I'm pretty sure you doesn't be pretty at because you guys so far love this series anyways you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to Like share with all your friends and subscribe if you happen already but [ __ ] share mostly though cuz sharing is like hella importantly for merit remember to share the [ __ ] let me know what other characters you think I should do in another honest gaming history video thank you to all my loved pages who've made this video possible if you are not already a patron go to my patreon page so I'll let in the description below and find out how you can support the channel and get some dope-ass Awards at the same time and next week I will be covering Ryu from Street Fighter so yeah that'll be fun if you can't wait till next week for more videos you can watch another one of my videos if I'm left right they're right below me I think I really hope it's there if it's not a middle really stupid right now as always be easy stay lit and take care
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 346,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the black mastadonte, mastadonte, black, the, god of war, kratos, gameplay, e3, playstation, sony, god of war 3, e3 2017, ps4, norse, son, father, creature, god of war 2, mythology, combat, ps2, god of war iii (video game), god of war (video game), god of war 1, santa monica studios, god of war series, god of war 4, god of war trailer, god of war ascension, god of war 3 remastered, honest gaming history, honest gaming history black mastadonte, comedy, gaming, the true story of kratos
Id: T23kFGBYX3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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