[Assassin's Creed] The Origins of Altair

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Assasin's probably the coolest profession of badass gaming character can take other than you know being a professional badass as an assassin you get to do whatever you want when you want kill steal the world is yours why be a thief or a murderer when you could just be both unless you're like an actual person watching this video then you probably shouldn't do that good evening class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history today's lecture will be on [Music] ass ass in get it cuz it's spelled with it with the two asses and the [ __ ] know once upon a time there was a bartender named Desmond he was your typical dude he stayed out of trouble paid his taxes and Vanessa being assassin since he was a kid you see Desmond was part of something called the assassins order this beautifully named group was a top-secret army of highly trained assassins that's not to maintain the freedom of all the people on earth the assassin order otherwise known as the assassin Brotherhood has been defending the world from an evil organization known as a Templar order for over 1,000 years the Templar order was another top secret group composed of important military and political figures they sought to make a perfect world by controlling the free will of all human beings that's not how you do [ __ ] bro when Desmond was 16 he ran away from the secret assassins compound that trained him and traveled to New York to pursue the career of his dreams bartending follow your dreams kids his life as a bartender was short because a Templar related company known as its algo industries founded and kidnapped him don't follow your dreams kids Abstergo was after something called the pieces of Eden these were powerful forms of ancient technology that had the ability to control minds and more stare go needed Desmond because he was a descendant of many powerful assassins who hid the pieces of Eden away from the Templars using science and Stargirl with force Desmond to visualize the last of his ancestors so they could find out where these pieces of Eden work Desmond is turned into a machine called the animus and it's tossed into the life of the first important ancestor from the assassins order altair altair altair eben look why are you guys giving me the complicated ass names to cover you know I can't pronounce for [ __ ] alter year was born on January 11th eleven sixty five in the city called Masyaf in Assyria both of his parents were assassins which means he came out the womb killing people sadly his mother died during birth and his father Umar was executed by the Saracens damn what I said before Altai air came out the womb struggling and it turns out that Omar's best friend Ahmad is responsible for Omar's death so to feel better about his actions Amada runs up into Altair's crib apologize for getting all tears father killed and kills himself right in front of the poor child so you're just gonna traumatize me after telling me that you got my father killed cool cue to alter year goes to all Mali the mentor and leader of the assassins order and tells them about what just happened all Marlene is like listen fam do me a solid and don't tell anyone about this altar year does what he is told and considers a train under my lien to become the grits assassin there ever was while he's training to become an assassin he ends up becoming friends with another assassin in training named a boss a boss was the son of a lot awkward during their time training all bosses filled with grief over his father's death to help soothe his friend Altair tells a boss the truth about how his father died Altai ears kind gesture does the exact opposite and leads to a scuffle between him and a boss the two assassins in training are detained because of the scuffle and since the boss started the whole thing he is forced to go through an extra year of training all tyre is like sucks for you [ __ ] then graduates and earns his degree in assassination time goes on and in 1189 the city of Masyaf was overrun by templars they were holding all Mahlum hostage a now more experienced altair enters the city with the boss in hopes of stopping this invasion a boss tries to [ __ ] out and convince all teairra to fall back all tears like bro I got this just follow up when I give you the signal but all Thai year we're outnumbered and [ __ ] just follow up when I give you a signal all tired then takes on the Templar single-handedly and saves all Molly well he did have help from a boss who single-handedly a boss his [ __ ] made he gets no credit you're right this act earns the utmost respect from all molly and he then promotes altair to master assassin and a boss is the definition of salty two years go by and all teairra takes on more missions and becomes even more experienced his assassin skills reached a tiered levels but he had one major flaw he was cocky as [ __ ] we're talking goku level cocky that's dangerous on his next major mission all malam tells him to retrieve a very powerful artifact from the Jerusalem vault this place was being guarded by the Templars he is said with two other assassins named Malik and kadar Altair starts off the mission by murdering an innocent bystandard who they suspected would snitch on them if he saw them I mean hey they just get stitches right by doing this I'll tell you broke the first major rule of the Assassin's Creed never let your blade touch the innocent Altair and his friends continue on their quest to find this artifact but went into the Grand Master the Templars Robert de Saab lay instead of you know doing the assassin thing and killing him all cool and sneaky like altar here it makes a ballsy move and just rolls up on them all crazy no they're not a thug they're an assassin and kill people with Vaness now with brute force Robert denies all two years attempt then tosses him out the temple that the assassins were trying to infiltrate altaïr's actions here broke the second code of the Assassin's Creed one must hide in plain sight be one with the crowd you can't be one with the crowd if you're just gonna run up on dudes like cat then all Taylor just leaves us to friends to somehow deal with the Templars and retrieve the artifact by themselves [ __ ] this breaks the third and last code of the Assassin's Creed never compromise your fellow assassins Altair heads back home in order to tell al mualim about the tomfoolery that just went down however a leak beat him to the punch and tells all Molly while Altai air did snitch also years actions led Kedar to die and got Malik terribly injured before all Mahlum could punish all to the air Templars attack Masyaf again the assassin order defeats the Templars again and force them to retreat after that minor annoyance all Moline gets back to delivering his punishment to our arrogant protagonist he calls him a traitor of the order for not only breaking all the calls of the Assassin's Creed while also leaving the Templars right to their base he then strips him of his assassin status and takes away all of his cool assassin toys not the toys but all Mele knew that he could not risk losing the greatest assassin he had so we told Altair to go and assassinate another traitor of the order this traitor was responsible for the first attack on Masyaf that was discussed earlier in the video all tiger takes him out with no problems he then offers Altai air a deal there were nine people on all Hualien [ __ ] list if Altai year killed them that he would not only gain his toys back but become a Master Assassin once more all hi air is like I will do it for the toys then embarks on his quest to murder the nine people on all Moline [ __ ] list I'll tell ya shrestha the first eight people but the ninth person was someone that all two year was too familiar with the ninth person was Robert the same dude that embarrassed Altair in that mission that got him into this whole mess Altai air gets his sweet sweet revenge by shoving his blade right into Roberts throat but not before Robert gives him the biggest plot twist ever al mualim is a Templar all teh air rushes back home to confront his master but when he gets there things seem off my lien was using the apple of Eden or artifact that Alta air failed to collect to control the villagers and other assassins Altair is confronted by multiple brainwashed assassins and he is staked by Malik and other assassins who were not being controlled Altair confronts his master and unfortunately Robert was right all whoa Liam was indeed working with the Templars and he wanted to use the apple of Eden to maintain peace by forcing its victims to listen to him feeling utterly betrayed Altair engages all Malema in a duel and he wins mainly Kazama Lima is an old fart the apple of Eden Bhim protects the map showing all to the air and all the other assassins where the other pieces of Eden are all tired then decides to burn all my leaves body as a traitor to the order this is what he deserved after coming everyone down and letting them know exactly what happened I'll tell your ticks in the role as a new mentor and leader of the assassins order and the captain known as the mentor he decided to change some of the traditions at the order held dear okay one assassins had this weird rule where you have to cut off your ring finger just you can use the infamous hidden blade alter heir alter the hidden blades of that one did not have to murk their ring finger just to become an assassin he also made turns the assassins order put a focus on helping the weak and actually loving their loved ones basically all teh air became the Obama of the order he travels for a long time while using the apple of Eden to learn many things about the world he recorded most of this material in a journal he created called the Codex he even got married and had two sons wait I'm sorry but things seem to be going way too well Peralta air right now is this story about to end on a high note don't cheat this game is rated M for morbidly [ __ ] up this [ __ ] is about to get crazy dark real quick fast forward to the Year 12:28 all Taylor and his wife made their return to Masyaf after traveling for years all tiara finds out that during the time that he's been away the assassins order made a council to keep things in check the leader of this council was a boss Otto years former best friend and the infamous lord of salt under a bosses leadership the order felt a shambles on top of that alter your frontal that Abbas had his second son ex the salt is real and an assistant of a boss also ended up killing all tears own wife salt having lost too much ulterior decides to escape Masyaf to grieve a few more years go by and Altair has recovered from his grief it was time to take back his throne as a leader of the assassins order he makes his way back to Masyaf where he runs into many other assassins that are still loyal to him and the way things were when he was leading the order all two-year tells them about his plan to take back the throne but there was one stipulation he does not want any assassins to die they will stay true to the Assassin's Creed and take back the throne without killing any of their assassin brothers Altair makes his way to a boss as he moves forward with his mob of assassins a boss's guard stand down because one Altair and his fellow assassins were not attacking anyone and - this is King LT air the guy who defeated all Baalim the guy who took down the Grand Master the Templars the guy who led another assassin to reach the highest levels of salt known to man you don't where Altair he then enters the bosses quarters and a boss is pissed Bettis assassins just let this dude stroll in his castle Abbas does a usual bad guy thing and talk about how his way is the right way and how I'll tie a range it but then a hero of our story does the most gangsta [ __ ] I've seen in a video game ever my man raises his hand and just shoots a boss in the face with the gun on his wrists guns weren't even a thing back then you can't tell me altair isn't the realest g of all time all of our bosses men stand down since they now know that altair is packing heat all Taylor then takes back his throne and leaves the assassin order into a prosperous future during this arc of his leadership he created a library filled with all the knowledge he's attained through his travels and through the apple of Eden he also decided to expand the assassin order by creating multiple guilds in different countries now everybody can become an assassin unfortunately this moment of prosperity did not last for long many years after Altair took back his throne the Mongols invaded Masyaf putting the people first he made sure that everyone escaped to Masyaf unharmed once he was sure that everyone was safe he gave his Codex to two explorers and said his goodbyes to his son then locked himself within his library of knowledge err after living a murder filled life as the dopest assassin ever he died in peace what's going on touchy family and thank you once again for watching another episode of honest gaming history I decided with the winners are gonna be for the people that won these pins so please look out in your DM because I'll be contacting you asking you put your address so I can send you guys your copy all my other patrons you already know that I'm sending you one I already actually for your addresses if you enjoyed the video please don't forget to Like subscribe if you have it already and share it to everyone you can thank you to all my little patrons who made this video possible if you are not already a patron but would like to become one check out my patreon page up and left in the description below and find out how you can support the channel and get some dope-ass rewards at the same time I'm gonna let you guys know who the next person I'm gonna be covering is through my social media so you guys should probably follow me through one of those also one last thing if you guys enjoyed my static shock video be ready because I'm gonna be making another one with the same guys I work with to make the last one so be high for that but that's all I gotta say so be easy stay away and take care
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 192,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the black mastadonte, mastadonte, black, the, assassins creed, gameplay, ubisoft, pc, assassin's creed, playstation, origins, open world game, release date, singleplayer, new assassins creed, altair, assassins, assassins creed revelations, altaïr ibn-la'ahad (video game character), assassins creed 2, trailer, ps3, creed, revelations, video game (industry), honest gaming history, lore, story of altair, assassin's creed story, apple of eden, the origins of altair
Id: fQccCM5_EOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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