[Jak and Daxter] The Full Story of Jak and Daxter

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mmm-hmm so conscience it looks like fans really like when we cover iconic playstation characters oh yeah yeah like the Kratos video did really well and both the Dante and Nero video got a lot of love I think we need to follow this wave bro hmm I mean we could always do Kingdom Hearts yeah yeah [ __ ] that no but really though we need something old-school when you tackle a game that's been forgotten but it's still close to our hearts we need we need something like I got it what up class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history in this week's lecture we'll be covering in the beginning there were beings known as the precursors their precursors were the most powerful beings in the universe using the form of energy known as eco the precursors created this planet and many others they are like the Greek gods I said they don't go around knocking up mortals and stealing people's brothers as the world progressed eco started being used as a power source for pretty much anything and they came in different colors - with each color capable of doing something different with the world progressing people progressed to humans started studying and manipulating eco these gifted individuals became known as sages although eco seems like this amazing form of energy there was one form of eco that was extremely unstable and destructive dark eco dark eco is like regular eco if regular eco had cancer now with the background junk out of the way let's fast forward to the present time where we see Jack our mute hero and Dexter the annoying sidekick making their way to Misty Island a place that their mentor green eco sage Samos told them not to go to the duel begins to investigate the island and spot two mysterious figures talking to these creatures called loker's lurkers are one of the many [ __ ] of this tale they attack villages people basically do everything they can to ruin lives the duo catches part of the conversation and decides to just walk away from the whole situation as they continue investigating Misty Island they run into an armored lurker in self-defense Jack knows a canister of dark eco at the lurker which kills it but also inadvertently drills daxter into a pool of dark eco however daksa does not die instead he reimburses a creature known as an awesome you see what happens when you do dumb [ __ ] look at that belly cancer concerned jak and daxter make their way back to their home in Sandover village to talk to Samos say MOS is like see what happens when you don't listen to me look at you poly cancer unfortunately Samos has no way of curing daxter but he does know someone who can there is a sage who studies dark eco named Paul he would be their best bet to cure Daxter getting to gold won't be that simple because this is a game and games like making you work for no reason see gold lives very far away and they can't simply get to his place by foot luckily Sam Moses daughter Kara built something called an a grab Zoomer the Zoomer could be used as a means of transportation to help jak and daxter travel and collect Paracels which are needed because ha they're needed because of plot let's be honest guys every game needs a little collectible you accumulate over time to make you feel like you're doing something that's what power cells are - jak and daxter so whenever you hear me mention power sell think collectible anyways with this information our protagonist grabbed Kira's Zoomer and head out on their journey they do a normal adventure game thing traveling to different places and doing favors for a bunch of people hey man wanna pick up mop poop I'll give you two any Power Cells for it in the middle of their quest they finally run into garland his sister Maya but he is not the helpful stage that they thought he was for one they realized that Gaul admire where the mysterious Vickers that was giving a speech of those lurkers and go speech went a little something like yo if you see a human beat they ass on top of that goal has been out here kidnapping all the eCos ages to drain their power and use it to kill the precursor robot that he is a building he wants to use his robots in his master the dark eco silo and flood the world with dark eco why the hell would you want to do that after disclosing his whole plan to our heroes he dips Jack is like Daxter is like well can't have that then our heroes head over to Gauls base to take him down as they are fighting gold the different forms of eco from all the stages combine to form a new form of eco that is white this eco is powerful enough to take out Gaul for good but it could also be used to turn Dexter back to normal jak and daxter agree that furry cancer is not that bad then use a new form of eco to put an end to golf [Music] after their skirmish they discover the precursor door an ancient artifact left back from the precursors they decide to open it and within if they find the ropes Rider and the rift gate so the rift II is basically a portal that allows you to travel to other realms the rift rider is a vehicle that you used to control the roof gate and allows you to travel to be rough gate safely so say most Kira jak and daxter decide to mess around and open the rift gate then all hell breaks loose these beasts called metalheads busted the rift gate and start invading Sandover village team Jack is like damn that sucks then they go to the rift gate and leave Sandover village to the mercy of these metalheads yala savages the other end of the rift gate opens and jak and daxter are thrown into a mysterious place called haven city upon their arrival fellows from the closing guard go ahead and arrest Jack for what looks like absolutely no reason now I could make a joke about the political climate of the u.s. from this but I won't luckily daxter escapes before they could capture him two years go by and throughout these two years dax-ur has done all that he can to find and rescue Jack while dax-ur was on the search in his own spin-off game Jack was being tortured it turns out that Haven city's at war with the metalheads so out of desperation Barron Praxis the ruler of Haven city developed the dark warrior program in this program he injects innocent beings with dark equal to try and turn them into the perfect reckless soldier Jack was lucky enough to be thrown into this program for two years so Jack was obviously super hype about this so hype in fact that when Dexter found him he spouted his first words I'm gonna kill praxis oh well at least we know what he sounds like dexter fries jack and all that dark ego in his system temporarily transforms him into a being called dark jack but seeing his best friend helped him fight the darkness and go back to his regular form the two escaped the Crimson Guard facility and run into an old man named cor who was accompanied by a mysterious little boy cor tells them about a a group of freedom fighters known as the underground that are trying to fight against the rule of bear praxis interested Jack axe for more information and core tells him to go to their hideout and ask for a man named torn jak and daxter make their way through the underground hideout and meet up with torn the do last one if they can meet the leader of the underground the shadow but unfortunately towards kind of a dick he's all like oh you're not worthy to have to meet the shadow if you want to meet him you have to prove yourself which is code for do me some dumbass favors until I feel like letting you meet my boss so jak and daxter end up completing a multitude of quest for torn then through one mission jak and daxter find out that the Crimson guards are giving barrels of Eagle to the metal heads that's not good the dule tells torn about this news and as a response to season two me quote and his bodyguards sake for more information now sick is cool true is a fact they did have to do a bunch of quests for crew meet ashlynn practice the daughter of Baron practice and friend of torn and then eventually find out the truth about the Baron this dude is working with the metal has to keep his citizens oppressed he gives him some eco on the low-low and in return they attack the city just enough time to scare citizens to making them feel like they need the Barons protection but the city is running out of eco so the metalheads are getting kind of impatient this is not how you run a city [ __ ] crew sent jack to meet a mysterious racing manager to learn about some racing championship being held in the city the manager also happens to be a mechanic who is working on a secret project although she is super dismissive of Jack and my boy daxter she doesn't know that the winner of the racing championship gets a tour of the palace of Haven City which means that if Jack wins he gets immediate access to the headquarters of his enemies which also means that Jack will be able to find the Baron and beat his ass all of a sudden this racing idea sounds super lame so until the racing championship actually goes down jak and daxter continue doing favors for tour really though mob boys have been doing this do dirty work for how long now how many dumbass favours does it take to make you worthy this touring guy man especially since throughout this whole game jack is constantly at war with the dark ego inside of him they're doing my boy Jack dirty while doing multiple favors for torn the dual ended up fighting something very peculiar outside of the city walls they find Sam Moses old Hut you know their home from the original jak and daxter game but why would say Moses hut B here and why is it look so old after some thought the answer hissed him like a brick wall the ripped gate that they used two years ago didn't just take them to another place it took them to the future those metal has they release attack the world and cause this future which technically means that team Jack's curiosity caused this whole mess good job guys after this huge plot twist the two finally get to meet the shadow but guess who he is it's a mouse but younger and he doesn't know who Jack or daxter is samos tell the duel that the boy they met a while ago was actually extremely important because he is heir to the house of Marv the true ruler of Haven City now you're probably wondering what the hell is Ammar and why does this make him the true ruler of Haven City well Marv was an ancient hero to them by the precursors to protect the world he founded the ruling dynasty of Haven city and created a weapon to destroy the metalheads and this kid is a descendant and they now need this kid because the only hope they have of defeating the metal had to end practices to use Mars weapon and Maz weapon is powered by the pet cursor stone which is located in the two of marv which can only be accessed by a descendant of Marv ergo they need this kid to save the world so our heroes take the kid to the two of Moore where he has to pass the trials of manhood but guess what to take the trials of manhood you have to actually be a you know a man then Jack uses the kid to unlock the tomb then just jumps into himself Jack passes the trials of manhood and is about to procure the precursor stone but then bitch-ass practices shows up and steals the [ __ ] dick and just when you think things couldn't get any worse the duel returns to the Underground's hideout to find out that torrents sold all the mouth to protect Ashland now a bunch of the underground is imprisoned all for some [ __ ] and just a few weeks ago you were talking about how jak and daxter weren't worthy enough to meet the shadow so jack has to go save those guys but something good comes all this jak and daxter find Samos like the old Samos the one they know so young-sam was an old Samos Meetup and they conclude that practice wants to destroy the precursor stone I mean the good thing is that this join the stone will kill the metalheads the bad thing is that it will destroy the whole world too so yeah not the best idea so now jak and daxter need to get into the palace as soon as possible luckily they still have the races a chance to enter they go back to the racing manager who was actually revealed to be Kira if that wasn't obvious enough and she listened to know that her whole secret project was to create a new ripped rider it's almost gone well she needs a few more parties Jack promises to get her these parts then goes to the race now before we continue let me tell you about this due to arrow real quick errol is a leader of the Crimson Guard and he originally helped practice with the duck warrior program ever since Jack decided to start racing he's been one up in arrow every chance he gets so now arrows salty ass and the racing championship and all he wants to do is take out Jack but he fails and Jack wins and then he crashes into a bunch of eco and dies unfortunately Baron prax is completed and nice jack his price of getting a tour of the palace so he has to get him by force there ashland stops him and it's like why are you making life harder for my daddy he's only trying to do good and kill the metalheads jack is like [ __ ] your daddy is trying to crack the precursor stone and destroy everything I'm trying to save everything ashen is like oh damn yeah my daddy stupid then she listed do all know that crew was building a bomb for practice meant to destroy the precursor stone Jack is like well okay have that then the duel go to crew and they beat his ass and he dies jak and daxter then grabbed the last two parts cure needs for her rift Rider remake but find out that the metalheads have breached the city aah Shing they then go to confront Baron praxis but then core shows up you remember core he was that old guy that was with the mysterious kid well it turns out that core is the frickin leader of the metalheads so practice goals all gun ho and tries to defeat core but core body's him then he does damn a lot of people died in this game however before he dies he let Jack know about a second bomb that he creates Jack diffuses that bomb grabs a precursor stone that finally goes to confront the true antagonist core but before they fight core reveals the biggest twist of the century that kid the heir to the throne of Marr is actually Jack's younger self holy [ __ ] so essentially this means that Jack created his whole meadow had a problem to begin with but when he was a kid as it is said enough more than thought he could fix this problem so they sent him into the past to become the hero that started this whole problem so basically jack is cleaning up his own mess pretty much so Jack ends up defeating core then they send young Samus and Jackson a path to continue the time loop and then they all live happily ever after well until Jack 3 comes out god damn it so sometime after the events of Jack to closing guard death BOTS and the remains of the metalhead population reom rush to take over the city count beggar a member of the Grand Council of Haven City I saw this is his chance to banish Jack from the city you see Baker is a salty ass [ __ ] he doesn't like Jack because of his connection to dark eco until he blames all of Haven city's problems on him even though my [ __ ] saved the city not too long ago so jack is banished the wasteland outside of Haven City and is accompanied by daxter and pecker a friend they made in Jack - Jack and Friends end up fainting from fatigue but they are found by famous the leader of a town known as Vargas one second actor awaken they are greeted by Davis and he's like listen [ __ ] ah Sejal so now I own y'all you do quest for me from now on our heroes have no other choice so they accept these terms does leading to a multitude of quest meant to prove their worth to Dimas during their time serving Davis and earning his love and respect they run into a monk named Steve who really does not like Jack because of all that dark eco he has inside of him seem warns Jack about the Daystar and about how the world is coming to an end Jack just Chuck's her up as being another hater and leaves her be he also be concerned about light eco which bounces out the dark eco lying within him later on the heroic duo run into she begs jack to come back to Haven city the combined forces the kg deathbots and the metalheads are too much for the good guys to handle jack is like [ __ ] I saved your dumb ass City and then you were pay me by throwing me into the desert without food that whole city could suck on my left nut well after some time jack does come back to Haven city to assist his friends in their time of need Jack's too nice to leave his bros hangin jak and daxter were together with their former allies to slowly take down the cagey death BOTS and the metalheads after a few missions in Haven C they find out that the leader of both the remaining metalheads and the cagey deathbots is Errol that salty ass [ __ ] that Jack kept embarrassing somehow he's returned to cause Jack even more trouble with the situation getting more dire jak and Daxter cassini trying to fix his whole cagey death ba and metalhead issue but do their endeavors they find out about another threat ah [ __ ] so there are these beings known as adult makers they are former precursors who were tainted by dark eco the Daystar that seemed mentioned is actually their ship and now they're coming to attack the world so now jack has to worry about errol Kay's army and the dope makers I would just click luckily there is a way to stop them nice Jack needs to activate the planetary defense system made by the precursors to destroy the dark makers sounds easy enough boy the system is within the core of the earth of course it is so now it's time for a Jack to start officially taking out his enemies starting with Errol Jack and accent confront the new cybernetic arrow they find out that he is working with the dark makers so they fight him but he manages to escape like the [ __ ] he is Jack ends up revisiting Damon and with all the way the Jack is put in throughout the game Dame is finally Deen's him as a worthy Ally he's extremely proud of Jack's efforts he seasoned like a son like a son like a stop trying to ruin [ __ ] doji we'll get to that anyways Jack and excist are heading over to the precursor quarter actively the planetary defense system on the way they are ambushed but Damon's jumps in to help out after a fierce battle Jack and Amos are overpowered which looted Amos is untimely and unfortunate death before he dies however he begs Jack to find his son and tell him that his son is the heir to the house of Marr sound familiar yup Jack his nameis his son and his real name is Marv but Davis died before Jack could even tell him then vagrance beech ash shows up to tell jack even more info Baker was the one that took Jack away from his father he wanted to harness Jack's affinity for eco but Jack was taken by the underground before that could happen with that being said bigger leaves to enter the precursor Corps furious Jack follows Baker to the core once check and daxter entered the core they successfully begin the activation of the defense system as thanks a precursor shows up and I'll protect the chance to evolve into one of them but before he can even respond to this request saltiest Vegas shows up an Imagi he should be blessed with the chance to become a precursor the precursor accepts Viggers wish and granting the power so Vega wins no no after the precursor begins to argue with itself it reveals his true form the precursors are actually a bunch of axles just like Dexter oh my god so this whole time the universe is being run and protected by a bunch of rodents yup pretty much huh I can dig it feel better than having a universe run by conniving ask gaza continue to do you dirty man you really don't like the greek gods do you they did my boy kratos dirty damn [ __ ] so the precursors still have to respect beggars wish and they turn them into a knot so then they send Jack to go and confront Errol in the dark maker ship after a long climactic battle our heroes managed to stop arrow and the planetary defense system puts an end to the dark maker ship with the world at peace once again the precursors reopened their offer to allow Jack to become a precursor himself Jack decides his name with his boy Dexter and the to live happily ever after really nope all to Jack X combat racing after one year of peace Haven city has been rebuilt and the combat racing that was a staple in the last two jak and daxter games became a common sport in a new city called Cross City till they just took a minigame from the original trilogy and decided to make a game off of it cool Jack Dexter say most Kira toward an Aston are all invited to craft city to listen to crews last well you guys remember crew he's that badass I kind of helped Jack out in Jack too but fortunately he died crews daughter Lane leaves the meeting and plays a recording of crews will where link crew had a daughter like like a living daughter somebody touched that [ __ ] yes doji now can we please continue with this plot alright alright I just I just didn't think that it was possible for someone to do the nasty with him like him so with Cruz recording he states that Jack and his friends have been poisoned the only way to get the cure is if they win the crash city Grand Championship without much of a choice Jack and friends enter the championship as the game progresses they found out about another criminal named mezzo apparently before Cruz death mezzo and crew made a bet where they would create two different racing teams the racing team that wins the crash city championship would decide which criminal family could stay in the city so basically crew is using team Jack to make sure that his family is still the dominant one in crash City even in death this dude is still a conniving fat [ __ ] short story shorter team Jack or rather team crew with a championship and me so ends up dying because why not then Jack and friends find out that Ray knew about the poison she followed crews instructions and made sure not to drink the poison herself so that she could run the family business team Geoff just kind of let this go then Kyra finally kisses jack and whoa no we're not really no conscience on to jak and daxter the lost frontier god damn it sometime after the events of Jack X our heroes find out that the world is going through an eco shortage because of this shortage the world is basically tearing itself apart so Jack Kira and aksar go on a quest to find a new source of eco for the world all the way they are attacked by a group of pirates led by a man named Phoenix the battle does more damage than their ship can take so they crash land onto an unknown Island there they conveniently find an eco crystal that can power their ship as they begin to continue their quest for more eco they spot another ship being attacked by more pirates Jack is like well and have that then they save the ship they are greeted by the captain of the ship and leader of a land known as Europa a man named Scotty he sky gate adviced it back to Europa and shows him the Eco seeker an ancient form of precursor technology that can track major sources of eco all right giving our heroes the answer to their problem in the beginning of the game would be too easy so not only does the Eco seeker not work but is stolen by Phoenix and his band of pirates Kira jumps after him but she is kidnapped in the process god damn it Kira jak and daxter eventually find her but it turns out that she is now siding with this Phoenix dude jack is like what the [ __ ] he's supposed to be my woman but Kira explains they all need to work together to fix this eco seeker and find a new source of eco so like the last few games Jack and a squad go on a multitude of missions to find the parts needed to fix the Eco seeker after some time Jack finds out about a dark secret into Europa apparently sky he'd was messing around with dark eco and wants to do something similar to the dark warrior program gonna inject two however sky he'd went a little overboard and infected everyone in Europa with dark eco Phoenix worked under sky heat during this time but he rebelled and became a pirate once he found out what sky he'd was up to so essentially sky 8 is the actual antagonist and Phoenix is officially Jack's new ally yeah a friendship eventually the team fixes the Eco seeker and found an eco core but skyyy gets to it and because it traded up as energy to become a dark eco marketer short story shorter again Team Jack manages the Fiat sky heat and activate the eco core which fills the water with eco once again then they live happily ever after really yes don't you it's over thank God they [ __ ] was long as [ __ ] thank you so much for watching another episode of honest gaming history guys I'm sorry I know I did not cover everything in the jacking back in a storyline but Jesus Christ is this story long so obviously I couldn't cover every single little detail if you enjoyed the video please don't forget to like it share it and subscribe so you stay updated with all my other honest gaming history episodes let me know who else you want me to cover in the next episode of audits gaming history in the conversation below pew shout out to avatar alch mine wire and all my other law painters who make videos like this possible with their kind monthly donations if you are not already a patron but would like to become one go to my patreon page down below and find out how you could support the channel for as small as one dollar a month grow and also down below me you could watch another episode of honest gaming history I know you want to go watch that [ __ ] you love it so with all that being said be easy stay lit and take care
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 227,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full story of jak and daxter, jak and daxter, honest gaming history, the black mastadonte, jak and daxter the precursor legacy, jak 2, jak 3, naughty dog, jak x, lost frontier, jak and daxter (video game series), jak and daxter the lost frontier, jak and daxter collection, daxter psp, jak 4, the precursor legacy, combat racing, jak and daxter ps4, hd collection, jak and daxter: the precursor legacy (video game), jak and daxter ps2, jak and daxter ps3, jak and daxter 4
Id: bMWdL2Ma1FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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