inFAMOUS' Timelines From Choices | A Line Through Time

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okay let's see how the poll is going and well the 30th anniversary is coming up in July so welcome to a life through time where I take the time to look through your favorite franchises and work out how it all lines up a while ago I made a poll to determine the next episode which Metal Gear won by quite a lot but then I realized metal gates 30th anniversary was coming up three months later and I did feel conflicted about it so I asked if people thought I should wait for the anniversary I'll just do it now because I wanted to make sure it was okay with you guys first basically everyone who replied said to wait so I guess I'll cover one of the other choices first infamous welcome back [ __ ] yeah I knew univac you [ __ ] sheep I know Metal Gear should be next but [ __ ] you it's my show I do I want you can't handle that you can flip right off because you need me a lot more than I need you [ __ ] to sit down shut off and blandly except what I tell you about infamous and this is why binary moral tri systems are stupid inside their stains are cons the reason I bring this up is because in for most of the series that is kind of based around it I'm not going to complain much more about it but it's relevant to this episode since we're going to discuss the alternate endings to some degree as well so infamous is a superhero slash supervillain sandbox game released in May 2009 approximately two weeks for prototype oddly enough which can be described by the exact same terminology if you must present the play with a number of choices that affect the Karma rating of protagonist Cole MacGrath which in turn affects the evolution of his powers and late to the end including to either a good or evil ending no neutral ending because neutrality Zapatas or something naturally the good ending is canonical as tends to be the case do you feature episode 4 more but before we move on we need to discuss the game's antagonist Kessler as you're concerned about spoilers then what the [ __ ] are you even doing here idiot Kessler it turns out it's actually call from the future the entire game takes place in a second time line in cashless timeline after Cole married girlfriend Trish and have two daughters an unstoppable entity known as the beast showed up and annihilated Empire after losing his wife and kids Cole went back in time to push his past self to become stronger so we can pose a threat to the Beast his second time my counterpart ultimately proved stronger and defeated in the climax pretty clever right in there before we learned of Kessler's plan saw success beyond boosting Cole's powers there was a four chapter DC Comics series released through IGN the following month infamous post blast follows Cole and supporting character John White from the prologue - just before the first mission a few weeks later really it's just promotional material to establish the major characters and premise of the game still there's not much to discuss March 2011 saw DC producer six-issue miniseries simply titled infamous which picks up four days after the game concludes with Cole dealing with the loss of his girlfriend the betrayal of his best friend and the remnants of Kessler's influence Jun then saw the release of infamous 2 which sees the beast arrive kick Cole's asks destroy Empire City and everyone in it and reduced calls palaces square one effectively invalidating every choice Cole made in the first game good job so Cole flew to a new city gets his powers back and gets to choose a second element that is buffing Lee given a camera rating in the end the Beast turns out to be John White who was thought dead and he's actually trying to activate all super-powered people named conduits because only they can survive a plague that kills non conduits Cole then has to choose whether to sacrifice all conduits including himself to save humanity or become the Beast and activate the conduits at the cost of humanity strangely both endings are legitimate choices well written adequately conclusive and emotional which is a [ __ ] miracle for a game with multiple endings there is technically a third branch stemming from infamous - festival of water stand form its function that sees call turn into a vampire and having to track down his sire before the night ends it's kind of suggested that zyg was making the whole thing go but it also makes out that vampires are real anyway but it does technically exist in its own reality so I'll include it anyway 2014 saw the series debut on ps4 with the last title in from the second sock the good ending to the second game really should have ended the series and I've been told second son was plan to follow the evil ending but they settled on Cole remaining go to the end but somehow both conduit and humans continue to exist and I don't think it ever really addressed with Cole dead we get a new protagonist Delsin Rowe a Native American played by Troy Baker because of course he [ __ ] is whose power is to absolve other people's conduits are effectively the x-men now haunted for being different labeled as bio terrorists one such conduit Brooke Augustine uses her concrete powers to hunt down all the conduits for the government and leaves shards of concrete in the bodies of Delphine's tribesmen Delphine follows her to Seattle to copy of powers and save his people the ending tear boil down to expose Augustine's secret in return home a hero or killer and be banished from the tribe leading to Delphine killing them all in effective rage sadly the evil ending doesn't feel like a legitimate conclusion the way the second games did the cause legacy DLC which I have to mention because I know someone will if I don't takes place during the main game he reveals a little more about what's been going on between the games and confirms that cold dies a hero in the second game and no they still don't really explain humans and conduits existed together later that year a standalone expansion was released called infamous first light get it because it's set before second Sun so it's first light [ __ ] you I think it's clever first might follow seconds from supporting character abigail fetch Walker setting up her confinement at the start of the game after she accidentally killed a brother and later gets revenge of the drug dealer who is responsible being a prequel with a predetermined outcome there are no moral choices leaving only the one ending effect getting their revenge and being arrested and that's it for infamous no I'm not discussing the browser and Facebook games so Capone's have done basically nothing since first light there's no follow-up to second some but we can make an educated guess based on the history the series does inclusiveness of only one of the endings and the typical practices of the rest of the gaming industry and assume that the good ending will be canonical if the series ever continues now time frame infamous 2 takes place two months after the death of caster in the first game during infamous 2 we see a check dated February 6 2011 sets in infamous 1 in late 2010 and 2 in early 2011 the opening text scroll of second son refers to the events of the second game is taking place seven years ago posting Delphine story in 2018 first lights main events outside of the framing device occurred two years prior while the device itself leads directly into the venture second son so 2016 additionally Gelson is 24 jour in second song so we can assume he was born in 1994 Cole was 27 at the time of his death in 2011 place of his birth in 1984 and less though in fact he was a year younger than Delta also fetch mentions that she and her brother spent a few years on the moon between awakening her powers in the event of first wife she was evidently still routine back then based on her locks and her still living with her parents but she also grew up knowing Kondylis big feeling yes so it was also sometimes after inking of sick my best guess is that she was 18 at the time two years after call death and water Augustine sets up with EVP to a lower knowledge of conduits survival to spread and to give her some time living in that environment honestly I don't think the writers really thought it through and they chose a seven-year gap instead of I'd know 20 after Kessel's timeline the exact timeframe isn't very clear in the second time line cause powers are activated by the race fair whose production Kessler accelerated through his interference so we can probably assume kessler's powers of walk later on like why John White becomes the beast in infamous to thanks to the raceway the dead drop audio files can't even fly that Kessler knows John is the beast but most of infamous one is exclusive to the second time line because Kessler causes a lot of what happens as part of his grand plan the only known catalyst for awakening conduit genes prior to Cole's death of the race fair and the beast who was created by the race V meaning that Kessler's powers of walk thanks to a race where that came later since he did have them by the time the beast arrived the cast of second son meanwhile operate more like mutants from Marvel how was a-walkin during adolescence after emotional stress so it seems that the race fair is only a method of prematurely activating conduits rather than being uniquely capable of doing so so Tesla's powers of walk sometime after Cole's either naturally or through a race face since we have no given days for this let's assume that without cold activation of the race fair causing the blasts which claimed the life of Tricia sister call and Trish's relationship progressed to the point of marriage around the time of the second game in 2011 since that gives them a few months to prep their daughter seemingly twins look around five or so when the Beast arrives so we'll say that slate 2016 : its family are on the run for some time before the beef caches of which will say is early to mid 2017 Colburn travels back in time probably still in 2017 as for when he arrives his first acted to usurp control the first songs in a coup seeing then leader Richard takes on Alden kicked out onto the streets as a child Alden then appears in the first game as an old man raising all sorts of questions about Tesla's age Tesla was already in his early thirties when he left so an extra 50 or 60 years on top of AI kind of ridiculous so let's did generous team solve this needs to occur between Kessler survival and the game the fear that Alden was around ten years old when his father died and that the stress of living Roth coupled with his powers makes him look older than he actually is say around 40 in 30 years of Paxton Kessler departed from 2017 age 33 he is 63 both tiny fights Cole in the first games climax I think that sounds reasonable because much older and you'd have serious doubt you could hold it on against coal in his prime so using this time frame we could please Kessler's arrivals occur in in 1981 36 years is an odd choice for time to travel back though so let's up that's a far too since he had no specific destination as far as we know placing his arrival in 1977 this makes him 67 which is still kind of reasonable and also adds a tiny bit more credibility to old engage which is now 43 I admit there's not a whole lot to the series timeline besides working through the poorly thought-out timeframe but again I focusing on simplest stuff to get back into the swing of things but don't worry we'll get back to complicate stuff later on this series but for now the infamous timelines go a little something like this timeline number 1 1984 Cole MacGrath is born 2011 Cole marries his girlfriend Trish Daly and the couple produced two daughters Cole's conduit gene later triggers granting him control over electricity 2016 a powerful conduit dubbed the Beast appears in Empire City : is family flee bother beast and nya lates the city 2017 the beast pursues colon catches up with him killing Trish and their daughters distraught cord uses his powers to travel back in time at the Beast devastates the earth timeline number 2 1977 Cola doctor named Kessler and usurps controlled the first sons he begins development of the race very early and farms plans to make his counterpart stronger 1984 Cole MacGrath is born 1999 Delsin Rowe was born in salmon Bay 1995 abigail fetch Walker is born in New Jersey 2010 the first son's complete development and testing on the race fair Kessler High is called to deliver the race fair detonating it in a densely populated area and causing an event known as the blast the blast claimed thousands of lives introduces Rayfield plague to the surviving population and trigger cause conduit G granting him control of electricity Empire City is quickly quarantined call is assisted by NSA agent John White that he eliminates the various factions within the city who destroyed the Raceway the lasso seemingly costing John's life after Kessler murders Trish that strengthened court resolve called some funds Kessler and kills him learning of the beast and the previous timeline in the process Cole continues his campaign against the first sons and destroys the remnants of Casarez experiment 2011 a revived John White transformed into the beast and destroy his empire city call flee south to New Marais to prepare for the inevitable rematch after cold deals with the villainous factions of the fifties John reveals himself to Cole and explains his plan to sacrifice non conduits to awaken dormant conduits so they can survive the plague Cole uses the Rayfield inhibitor to kill every conduits on the planet and in the threat of the plague for God Cole is posthumously honored as a hero 2012 following the emergence of new conduits Brooke Augustine forms of departments of unified protection to capture Entertain You conduits now Dobbs bioterrorist 2013 after awakening her neon powers fetch runs away from home with her brother Brent 2016 while being forced to work for a drug lord named Shane effective drug by Shane and accidentally kills Brent fetches arrested by the DUP and taken to learn to control her powers at the cordon k conduit prison 2018 obviously arranged is an opportunity for fetch to aventure brother by killing Shane which she accepts while being transported to Seattle fetch Eugene Sims and Hank Daughtry escape their transport Hank encounters Delsin role whose power to replicate all the powers manifest by copy hand smoke power Augustine tortures the Acamas tribe for information leaving concrete embedded in their bodies Shelton pursues Augustine to Seattle to copy her powers and undo the damage by acquiring the assistance and powers of the other conduits in the city Galton defeats Augustine and acquires her powers he exposes the deity's actions and oceans in an age of coexistence between conduits and non conduits infamous have some questionable decisions made surrounding its time frame but it's a fun series with some incredibly creative uses of the protagonist powers I'm really surprised there hasn't been any kind of ps4 remaster release or collection yet but if we never get a new one I'm happy leaving the story and else in Chapter still given the very obvious comic book inspirations of the series you know what would be a really cool idea a crisis story with all the different versions of coal and Delson maybe the new ones you haven't seen yet like an established character as they exist in the timeline following infamous 2z Belen bin I'll cool about this who knows maybe that's what the devs have been cooking up all this time during the radio silence wouldn't that be one hell of a sucker punch air [Music] [Applause] [Music] kill all sons of [ __ ] as my official instructions
Channel: The4thSnake
Views: 217,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timeline, timelines, infamous, second son, first light, cole macgrath, delsin row, fetch, abigail walker, infamous 2, festival of blood
Id: pgpi8Kb2mp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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