The FULL Story of Mortal Kombat (MK1 - MK11 Aftermath) | Honest Gaming History

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- [Donte] Mortal Kombat has come a very long way. - [Conscience] What started as a small passion project from the geniuses John Tobias and Ed Boon, is now a worldwide phenomenon. - [Donte] But with so many additions to the franchise including the new Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath update, the story is longer and even more confusing and we're sure there are bunch of y'all who are lost, but just needs some clear guidance on how this story works. - [Conscience] So this week on "Honest Gaming History" as a last minute change from Donte, instead of covering Shang Tsung, we're covering the full MK story so far. Once again, don't see why you couldn't just stick with Shang Tsung, you know how wild this lore gets. - [Donte] I mean, you right, but Aftermath got me all into the MK story, plus, we were bound to make a lore video for this series sooner or later, so might as well educate the fam now. - [Conscience] Yeah, but warn a guy bro. This video comes out tomorrow, you dead just changed the subject. (Conscience sighing) It's alright though, I'll get you back. - [Donte] Wait, what? - [Conscience] Don't worry about it, play that intro son. (Tank! (NΣΣT Flip)) - [Donte] So, the Mortal Kombat lore begins with the One Being. An omnipotent entity that took up all of reality. - [Conscience] The Elder Gods didn't really vibe with this dude, so they waged war against the One Being and created powerful weapons known as the Kamidogu to shatter it. - [Donte] The One Being's essence was used to create the realms we know today as Earthrealm, Netherrealm, Outworld, Chaosrealm, Orderrealm, and Edenia. - [Conscience] And the six Kamidogu that were created by the Elder Gods embody the essence of these realms. - [Donte] As the Elder Gods ruled over the realms, one by the name of Shinnok let his greed for power overcome him and tried to control Earthrealm, but Raiden with the help of the Elder Gods beat him and he was banished to Netherrealm. - [Conscience] Overtime, Outworld grew way too powerful. This was because somehow the essence of the One Being possessed the first known ruler of Outworld, Onaga, along with the conqueror that overthrew him, Shao Kahn. - [Donte] Both rulers were pressed on expanding Outworld by taking the other realms by force, so the Elder Gods created the Mortal Kombat Tournament to give the realms a chance to defend themselves. In this tournament, the participating realms choose warriors to compete, if a realm gets 10 Ws in a row, then they're allowed to conquer the losing realm. - [Conscience] Under the rule of Shao Kahn, Outworld used their raw power to beat Edenia and conqueror it, so the Elder Gods safety measure only prolonged Outworld's conquest. These gods are friggin' useless, I swear. - [Donte] The next realm on Kahn's conquest list is Earthrealm. For nine times straight, these guys beat dog shit out of the place with their champion, Shang Tsung. Then in the tournament that would decide the fate of Earthrealm, the Great Kung Lao takes the win over Outworld. - [Conscience] But he gets beat by Outworld's new champion, Goro in the next tournament, then Goro proceeds to beat Earthrealm eight more times, so Earthrealm is once again in a corner, but this time the realm's shitty ass protector, chooses Liu Kang to join the tournament. - [Donte] alright Conscience, maybe we should chill with the Raiden jokes, people are getting kinda butt hurt. - [Conscience] Man look, I love the fam. You know I do, but nothing and I mean nothing will stop me from shitting on Raiden. - [Donte] Well aight then. - [Conscience] So with Liu Kang as champion, Earthrealm beats Outworld twice, with our boy beating Goro, Shang Tsung, then Shao Kahn during the second tournament, but Shao Kahn ain't haven't that, so he invades Earthrealm anyways. - [Donte] Elder Gods? - [Conscience] With the help of warriors like Sonya, Jax, and obviously Liu Kang, Earthrealm defeats Shao Kahn again and he retreats to Outworld, then Edenia reclaims their freedom now that Shao Kahn is weak from getting his ass beat so much. - [Donte] But then, Shinnok is revived by the Netherealm sorcerer Quan Chi and y'all know how much he wants Earthrealm. So, he starts by re-conquering Edenia, which sucks since as he just kind of got their lives back, then goes for Earthrealm. - [Conscience] But the fire Bruce Lee pulls through again and beats the former Elder God, then the god gets re-banished to Netherrealm and Raiden gets upgraded to Elder God status so he can be useless somewhere else. - [Donte] But as you can already tell, Earthrealm never stays safe for long. Quan Chi makes his return and discovers the legendary fallen army of the Dragon King Onaga. He's the guy that ran Outworld before Shao Kahn in case you forgot. - [Conscience] Quan Chi plans on reviving this army, to knock the Elder Gods down from their pedestal and conquer the realms. - [Donte] But the guy can't do it alone, he needs the help of someone just as evil as he is and being able to manipulate souls would help too. So he enlists the help of Shang Tsung and they form a deadly alliance. - [Conscience] Before they embark on their quest to seize all the realms, they gotta get rid of the two people who could stop them. - [Donte] They start by seemingly murdering Shao Kahn, then jump Liu Kang and snap his neck. - [Conscience] With everything important out their way, they return to Outworld and begin to use the souls of fallen warriors to revive Onaga's army. - [Donte] But they forgot about Raiden. He drops his Elder God status to gather as many defenders of Earthrealm as he can to stop Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. - [Conscience] But this useless ass god dropped his status for absolutely no reason. Earthrealms forces got overwhelmed and killed, the only being left to stop the revival of Onaga's army is Raiden. - [Donte] So Raiden tries to pull a last ditch play by taking on both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, but they beat him. - [Conscience] So this man not only got everyone into a losing play, but he couldn't even pull through in the end? Useless son. - [Donte] With Raiden defeated, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi fight each other because they're evil. - [Conscience] Quan Chi defeats the shape-shifter, but then Onaga comes marching in like, "What the hell are y'all doing in my house?" Shang Tsung gets up, sees the dragon king and immediately attacks the thing with Quan Chi. - Raiden regains consciousness too and joins the two sorcerers in their fight against Onaga, but they're not even doing chip damage bro. So, Raiden summons all the energy he has left to try and kill Onaga, but it does nothing but take out Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. So Onaga's alive and since the One Being is still within him, he plans on getting all six of the Kamidogu to remake the realms in his own image. alright, so a bunch of years before this, a spirit named Damshi came to the warrior named Shujinko and gave him the task of collecting all six Kamidogu. Now, because the spirit claimed to be an agent of the Elder Gods, Shujinko was out here thinking that he was using that for the greater good, but this spirit was actually Onaga in disguise. So, Onaga takes the Kamidogu from the foolish Shujinko and returns to Outworld to reconquer his realm. - [Conscience] Oh and y'all remember that useless suicide attack Raiden did? Yeah, he revived from it, but he's corrupted now. So, the first thing he does is revive Liu Kang and send him out on a rampage. So, you watched this man die as an Elder God, which I guess you couldn't really help, but now you turn Liu Kang into this? Raiden, stop doing things. - [Donte] With most of Earthrealm's defenders dead, there is not much that can be done about Onaga. - [Conscience] But this time the savior of the realms will be Shujinko. - [Donte] The journey he went on to retrieve the Kamidogu, basically made him broken. So, after recruiting some help, he shattered the Kamidogu and defeated Onaga. Well good shit Shujinko, you caused a problem and immediately solved it. - [Conscience] Damn. You know who could really learn from that? Bitch ass Raiden. - [Donte] Damn bro, you're really letting it all out today. Huh? - [Conscience] I mean, we're doing the whole Mortal Kombat Timeline here bruh. Everyone's about to see how he be messin' up. - [Donte] Okay. But do you have to keep reminding the audience about how much you hate this man? - [Conscience] Yes, yes I do. Anyways, with Onaga defeated, Earthrealm is once again safe. - [Donte] Until the NRS team read over the MK plot and was like, "Where the hell were we going with this?" Then we got Armageddon, an event where pretty much the whole MK cast killed each other off. - [Conscience] The only people left were Raiden and Shao Kahn. Apparently the Shao combat Shang Tsung and Quan Chi killed was a clone. - [Donte] So Shao Kahn is currently beating the god out of Raiden and it looks like all hope is lost. - [Conscience] Until Raiden has an epiphany and sends a message to himself in the past saying, "He must win." - [Donte] Thus giving Raiden a redo at this whole protecting Earthrealm thing and also giving NRS another chance to make this story fire. This brings us to the rebooted timeline starting with Mortal Kombat 9. - [Conscience] We're brought back to the first Mortal Kombat Tournament that Liu Kang participated in. Reboot Raiden got hit by the message of his future self and begins his quest to try and fix everything, but actually mess everything up. - [Donte] I mean, he didn't mess everything up, he did some good things here and there. - [Conscience] Fine, messed almost everything up. So, the MK Tournament goes on like the last timeline. Everyone's here for their own reasons. - [Donte] You have Sonya Blade trying to save her commander Jax Briggs, there's Scorpion, looking to kill the first Sub-Zero, Bi-Han, for killing him and his clan, then there's people like Johnny who's only here to flex. - [Conscience] Just like before, Liu Kang wins the tournament by beating Goro, then Shang Tsung, but the timeline still ain't fixed yet. - [Donte] Raiden lets it go for now and celebrates Earthrealm's victory with his allies at the Wu Shi Academy. - [Conscience] At the celebration, Shang Tsung shows up with an invitation to another Mortal Kombat Tournament, where the boss this time will be Shao Khan. - [Donte] He kinda forces them to accept, then Raiden and the gang head to Outworld. - [Conscience] And this is where Raiden starts messin' up. So for one, Smoke and Kuai Liang, the second Sub-Zero, show up to this tournament looking for Scorpion since he killed the first Sub-Zero, Kuai Liang's older brother. The Lin Kuei Sub's started doing something called the Cyber Initiative. It's basically this thing where they turn a bunch of their assassins into cyborgs. It kinda sucks if you wanna do anything, but be a weapon. So, Smoke gets caught by the new Cyber Lin Kuei and Raiden saves him which sounds good, right? But that leads to Sub-Zero getting taken and turned into a cyborg instead. Sub-Zero! Now, tell me folks, who would you rather have? A Cyber Smoke or a Cyber friggin' Sub-Zero? - [Donte] Man, you're really-- - [Conscience] Then, after that mess, Raiden confronts Kitana and tells her that he should go digging in her father, Shao Khan's business to find out the truth about her past. Now, I understand that it's good for Kitana to find out about her past and all, but why would you tell this girl to go mettle with that tyrant? You know what that man is capable of Raiden? So, Kitana does what Raiden tells her and she finds out that her dad is actually not her real father. He killed her father, married her mom, adopted her, then made a clone of her mixed with Tarkatan DNA. This clone is Mileena by the way. Then because Shao Kahn is Shao Kahn, he imprisons her. So, Liu Kang being Kitana's love interest, goes to rescue her and Raiden uses this chance to tell Liu Kang's friend Kung Lao, that maybe this means that he must win and that decision leads to Kung Lao going into a battle that he wasn't supposed to and getting his neck snapped by Shao Kahn right after. Fuck ups all across the board my guy. - [Donte] Are you done? - [Conscience] Huh, yeah. Yeah, I needed that. - [Donte] May I speak now? - [Conscience] Hold on. (slap whamming) - [Donte] Ouch, what the fuck? - [Conscience] That's what you get for changing the topic at the last minute, bitch! - [Donte] Asshole! - [Conscience] Yeah, yeah, whatever! Continue the story. - [Donte] So Liu punches a hole through Shao Kahn for killing his best friend and that wins him the tournament, but just like before, Shao Kahn's like, "Fuck the rules" and invades Earthealm anyways and guess what the Elder Gods do? Nothin'. - [Conscience] So the invasion happens and thanks to the revival of Shao Kahn's late wife and mother of Kitana, Sindel, a bunch of Earthrealmers die, including Jax, Smoke, and Kitana's old friend Jade. - [Donte] Raiden pleads to the Elder Gods for help and they obviously tell him to kick rocks. Then after Liu Kang leaves him out of anger for all the screw ups he caused, the dude tries to ask Quan Chi for help. Quan Chi? - [Conscience] You see how low you have to stoop when you're garbage? - [Donte] Quan Chi shits on him too, then Raiden has an epiphany, he must win, means that Shao Kahn has to win. If he enters Earthrealm then the Elder Gods have to do something about it. - [Conscience] But with the Elder Gods track record, this is a pretty risky gamble. - [Donte] And Liu Kang figures that too cause when Raiden tells him the master plan, Kang's like, "Are you out of your goddamn mind?" - [Conscience] So they fight about it and Raiden accidentally kills Earthrealm's true protector. I don't think y'all are ready for another Raiden rant. So, I'ma just leave you with this. Fuck Raiden son! - [Donte] So, Shao Khan appears in Earthrealm after this like, "Whoa, what did I miss?" Then he proceeds to beat dog shit out the Thunder God, but luckily the Elder Gods actually do something this time. I know Raiden was like, "Whoa, I dead thought they were gonna let this man kill me!" - [Conscience] So thanks to the Elder Gods, Shao Khan gets got and the Earthrealmers relax for a bit. - [Donte] But sadly Quan Chi was in the background plotting to summon Shinnok this whole time and what really sucks, is that he controls the revenants of all the warriors who were killed in MK9. So, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, Sub-Zero, yeah, all those guys and more are under Quan Chi's control right now. - [Conscience] So Shinnok gets revived and he initiates his plan of taking over Earthrealm with his Netherrealm forces. - [Donte] And he almost gets away with it too, if it wasn't for that mettling Johnny Cage and his broken ass green powers and Johnny also somehow beat revenant Sub-Zero and Scorpion during this time. Don't know how that happened, but it did. - [Conscience] Then after this, Johnny Cage and Sonya lead a strike on Quan Chi's base. In the process, Raiden is able to revive Jax, and now human Sub-Zero thanks to Quan Chi's magic and Scorpion. - [Donte] And Sonya literally busts Quan Chi's balls. It's hilarious. - [Conscience] This moves us to the "MK X" comic series, where a bunch of important events happen. - [Donte] For one, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade have their daughter, Cassie Cage. She becomes best friends with Jax's daughter Jacqui. - [Conscience] Scorpion, who now goes by his real name Hanzo Hisashi thanks to his revival restores the Shirai Ryu and trains the blind swordsman Kenshi's son, Takeda. - [Donte] The death of Shao Kahn leads to Mileena ruling Outworld, but she sucks balls at that, so a civil war breaks out and the Osh-Tekk Kotal Kahn claims the Outworld throne. - [Conscience] Sub-Zero beats the Cyber Lin Kuei and starts training warriors to form the new non-Cyber Lin Kuei and though this wasn't in the comic, around this time Hanzo met with Sub-Zero and he reveals that the massacre of Hanzo and his family was all a part of Quan Chi's plot. So, this brought an end to the ongoing feud between them, but now Hanzo really wants to kill Quan Chi. - [Donte] 25 years after that whole Netherrealm invasion, Johnny Cage creates a new team under the Special Forces. - [Conscience] This team consists of his daughter Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda and Kung Lao's nephew, Kung Jin. - [Donte] And Mileena is using Shinnok's amulet, the key to re-summoning the fallen Elder God, to try and take Outworld back from Kotal Kahn. Sonya and the rest of the Special Forces find out about this and they send the new-gen Earthrealm defenders to Outworld to retrieve the amulet. With the help of Kotal and his subjects, Mileena dies from insect aids and they get the amulet. - [Conscience] But Kotal's like, "Sike, y'all woulda thought" and captures them while keeping the amulet for himself. - [Donte] And it turns out the subject he entrusts to hold the amulet, D'Vorah, is actually working for Quan Chi and is on her way to hand it to him. - [Conscience] Luckily Sonya, Jax, and the Special Forces are already on their way to the guy. They catch him slippin', but Hanzo shows up at the worst time, ready to kill the dude to avenge his family. - [Donte] So, Hanzo pushes his way through the good guys to get to the sorcerer, then gets his head ready for the choppy chop, but D'Vorah shows up and passes Quan Chi the amulet and somehow as Hanzo proceeds with the beheading, Quan Chi chants the spell required to summon Shinnok once again. - [Conscience] Now awake, Shinnok heads to the Jinsei so he can proceed with his plan to corrupt it and take over Earthrealm. - [Donte] Bo' Rai Cho tries to stop him, but he gets bodied, then when Raiden tries to stop him, Shinnok sends the revenant forms of Kitana, Smoke, Sindel and yes, Kung Lao and Liu Kang too. - [Donte] Raiden handles everyone, but his two former students first. Then they attack him out of anger for letting them die back in MK9. - [Donte] The 2v1 ends with Raiden victorious, but he's not in good shape after just getting jumped. - [Conscience] So, Shinnok holds him back and he also has Johnny Cage hostage, so he doesn't get hit by that green energy bull shit again. - [Donte] Luckily Cassie and her team come in clutch and she makes to Shinnok. - [Conscience] She activates the same bull shit that her dad used and beats the Elder God even though she is a friggin' child. - [Donte] She's not a child, she's like in her 20s- - [Conscience] Donte! This man is an Elder G and Cassie dead just got here. She's a child! So, Shinnok is defeated, but he still managed to corrupt the Jinsei, so Raiden goes in and purifies the Jinsei, but he gets corrupted in the process. - [Donte] With Quan Chi dead and Shinnok defeated, revenant Liu Kang and Kitana decide to rule Netherrealm. - [Conscience] Raiden pays the two a visits and basically tells them that if they try to mess with Earthrealm, he will end them. - [Donte] Moving on to MK11, Raiden is seen torturing Shinnok, then since he can't kill him, he beheads him. After Raiden leaves his little torture chamber, the Titan of time Kronika comes in, basically revealing herself as the villain of this game. - [Conscience] Moving on, Cassie Cage gets promoted to commander, then Dark Raiden shows up to warn them about Liu Kang's Netherrealm army. Raiden wants to attack Liu Kang now, while they have the element of surprise and against Johnny's better judgment, Sonya agrees to join Raiden on the mission. - [Donte] So, Sonya, Cassie, Raiden, Jacqui, and a bunch of foot soldiers storm Netherrealm. The attack is successful with them taking the Netherrealm Cathedral, but Sonya dies in the process. Cassie and Johnny are obviously hurt by their loss, so Raiden decides to not help by telling them that she died as a warrior. Bruh, my mom just died. - [Conscience] Back in Netherrealm, Kronika appears to recruit Liu Kang and Kitana in her mission to create a new era without Raiden. They happily accept since they're sick of the Thunder God just like Kronika is. - [Donte] Meanwhile in Outworld, the execution of someone known as the Kollector, gets interrupted by a time quake caused by Kronika. Past versions of a bunch of characters show up in total confusion. - [Conscience] One of these characters being past Raiden, so this causes present Raiden to kinda just leave existence. - [Donte] Another one of these characters being Shao Kahn and he's not too happy about Kotal sitting on his thrown. So, he tries to attack the new Kahn, but he fails and gets bodied. D'Vorah comes just in time to save him and his subordinates though. - [Conscience] Afterwards, Raiden confronts Kotal Kahn and the Kahn tells him that they were allies in the fight against Shinnok, but afterwards he got corrupted and started wildin' out on all the realms he deemed as threats. Raiden then assures him that that is not him, but y'all know Raiden by now, sooner or later he's gonna fuck up. - [Donte] Back to Shao Kahn and his people, Kronika reveals herself to them and recruits them into her no-Raiden army. - [Conscience] They accept because they are also on the fuck Raiden band wagon. - [Donte] Now back to the Special Forces, they're trying to figure out why younger versions of Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, Jax, Sonya, and Johnny Cage are here. - [Conscience] Raiden gets a quick summary of how his future turns out and Liu Kang and Kung Lao are told that Raiden caused both their deaths. - [Donte] Oh and younger Sonya was told that her future self literally just died, so that makes things awkward. - [Conscience] Before they're able to really talk about all this time shit, Liu Kang and Kung Lao are tasked with defending the Wu Shi Academy since it looks like Kronika's people are messing with shit. - [Donte] They run into past Scorpion and revenant Jade, beat them both, then run into Kronika's lackey Geras, trying to steal some of the Jinsei. - [Conscience] Before getting to Geras, he sends their revenant forms at them to stall. The hatred they have for Raiden, low key makes them feel a little iffy about him, but they ain't got time for that right now cause they have to deal with an immortal time warrior. - [Donte] They beat their revenant forms then lunge at Geras, but he stops time and dips like a bitch, naw for real. Geras literally does nothing, but get beat then revive until he gets the upper hand, but he still talks shit like he actually does shit. Fuck outta here Geras. - [Conscience] So after this, Hanzo and Sub-Zero join forces in the team up of the century to put an end to the revival of the Cyber Lin Kuei. Since Kronika is tryNna to use them for her end-Raiden army. - However, Kano, Erron Black and future Kano use Sektor's damaged frame to create her army of Cyber Lin Kuei, then even later, Kronika persuades Jax to join her cause. Jax, a good guy. All right Jax, I get it, your life was fucked up, some mummy dude took your arms and your wife is gone, but how you just gonna switch sides like that especially when your daughter is still on the good side? Even if you don't know what's going on, look at this lady son, tell me she's not evil. - [Conscience] Later, Raiden confronts the Elder Gods as he usually does, but finds that place in ruin with only the one Elder God, Cetrion waiting there. - [Donte] Cetrion reveals that Shinnok is her brother and Kronika is their mother. When Raiden chopped off Shinnok's head, he ruined the balance of light represented by Cetrion and darkness represented by Shinnok in the realms. Kronika didn't like that, so that's why she is now trying to create a new era without the Thunder God. - [Conscience] All this might have been stopped if Raiden didn't wild out and chop of Shinnok's head? - [Donte] I mean I guess, but what else was Raiden gonna do? Shinnok was dead a threat. - [Conscience] He could have sealed him back I the amulet. Nobody told him to keep it for himself. Quan Chi was the only dude we know of that could summon Shinnok and that dude got murdered. So, if Raiden just locked the amulet away somewhere, we'd be chillin'. - [Donte] Oh, yeah, yeah. No, your right. - [Conscience] Huh, so Raiden's like, "You won't get away with this Cetrion", but Cetrion explains that Shao Kahn has captured both Jade and Kotal Kahn, so they kinda have the upper hand. - [Donte] Meanwhile, the re-reformed Cyber Lin Kuei attacks the Special Forces base and kidnaps both past Johnny and Sonya. After this happens, Raiden takes the rest of the heroes to the Shirai Ryu Fire Garden, since that's the only safe place to plan their attack. - [Conscience] The team knows that they can't just leave Shao Kahn with Jade and Kotal, so Liu Kang and Kung Lao head to Outworld and assist Kitana in overthrowing Shao Khan and taking the Outworld thrown as Kitana Kahn. - [Donte] Cassie goes to save the past versions of her mother and father and both Kano's get marked in the process. - [Conscience] Then Jacqui goes with her father's past self to find Kronika's crown. They find it, but get stopped by present Jax. - [Donte] Remember that present Jax works for Kronika now, so he wants them to give him the crown, but past Jax can't have that, so he beats his present self's ass. - [Conscience] But Cetrion shows up and snatches the crown and leaves with present day Jax and he defends himself by saying that he's doing this for his daughter. My man is stupid. - [Donte] Afterwards, we go back to the god tier duo, Hanzo and Sub-Zero. They are trying to rescue someone by the name of Kharon. With his fleet, they'll be able to get all their forces to Kronika's base for the final attack. - [Conscience] Hanzo goes in alone and beats dog shit out D'Vorah to get to the man, but then his past self shows up talking about how Kronika will revive the Shirai Ryu. - [Donte] But after beating him, Hanzo states that he already revived the clan and Kronika's plan includes summoning Shinnok who is the person responsible for killing their clan in the first place. After the clan's revival he pledged to protect Earthrealm and he believes past Scorpion should honor that pledge as well. - [Conscience] As past Scorpion reflects on what Hanzo is saying, D'Vorah surprise attacks Hanzo and poisons him. - [Donte] Scorpion sides with Hanzo and saves him from D'Vorah, but it's too late, the poison is already doing it's work. - [Conscience] Hanzo tells Scorpion to enlist the aid of Kharon and find Raiden at the Fire Garden. - [Donte] Scorpion gets the job done, but once he enters the Fire Garden, he is forced the defend himself against Sub-Zero then Raiden. - [Conscience] Raiden assumes that this dude is a bad guy and starts wildin' out. Scorpion and eventually even Liu Kang try to convince him to chill, but no, Raiden does exactly what everyone told him not to do and starts using Shinnok's amulet on Scorpion. - Bruh, but they told you. They dead told you not to do this Raiden. What's wrong with you? - [Conscience] So this leaves to Liu Kang fighting Raiden in defense of Scorpion, then Raiden realizes that they're falling into Kronika's plan. Kronika has restarted the timeline multiple times and each time she pit Liu Kang and Raiden against each other. - [Donte] Oh, so it wasn't cause Raiden is crazy. Kronika's just a bitch! - [Conscience] Then as if on cue, Kronika pops in, talks her shit to Raiden and takes Liu Kang and tells Raiden to see her with the hands without his problem solver. - [Donte] So, Raiden takes all of his allies along with Kharon's fleet and guns it for Kronika's base. - [Conscience] After bringing Jax back to the good side and throwing Geras into the depths of the Sea of Blood, Raiden gets confronted by revenant Liu Kang, who has just absorbed the soul of past Liu Kang. - [Donte] Raiden has learned from his mistakes, so instead of fighting Liu Kang, he chooses to save him by fusing with him and creating the Fire God Liu Kang. Not gonna lie, his makes no sense, but it's hype as shit, so I don't care. - [Conscience] Then God Liu Kang bicycle kicks his way through everyone in his path and gets to the boss, Kronika. - [Donte] But Kronika bitches up and resets the timeline all the way back to the primordial age. So, here one of three endings happen. In one, Kronika, kills Liu Kang and begins a new era. In another, Liu Kang wins, mortal Raiden somehow shows up and tells him that he is now worthy of being the protector of Earthrealm, then he begins the new era with his girl Kitana. - [Conscience] However, in the ending that we're focusing on, Liu Kang begins to reset the timeline with Raiden, but they get interrupted by Shang Tsung, Raiden's brother Fujin and Nightwolf. These guys were trapped in the Void by Kronika and watched everything that unfolded from the sidelines. - [Donte] Shang Tsung senses that Liu Kang won't be able to reset the timeline because he accidentally destroyed Kronika's crown when he defeated her. So, the sorcerer proposes that he go to the past to retrieve the crown, but wait, didn't Kronika reset the timeline? How do you now go to a timeline that no longer exists? Wouldn't that just be a parallel-- - [Conscience] Donte! You're asking too many questions, just turn off your brain and enjoy the hype. - [Conscience] Anyway, Shang Tsung is known for being a snake in the grass, so Raiden is super against this plan. - [Donte] However, Liu Kang has a plan, so they decide to let Shang Tsung carry out his plan with Fujin the Nightwolf. Plus Shang Tsung apparently used to work for Kronika, so he should be able to get the upper hand on her. - [Conscience] So the team heads to the point in time where Kitana fought her father for the throne of Outworld. - [Donte] Almost immediately after seeing that they can't get caught by anyone cause that could alter the timeline, they get caught by the Kollector. - [Conscience] Dumb asses bro! - [Donte] They beat the dude, then agree to revive and enlist the help of Sindel, since she used to be a good guy and she has nothing to do with what happened in the MK11 story. To get this done though, they first head to the Jinsei to get some of the Earthrealms' life juices. Then on their way to Natherrealm to revive Sindel, they get captured by revenant Liu Kang. Revenant Sindel show up along with revenant Nightwolf which makes there job a lot easier. - [Conscience] Nightwolf frees himself and the team beats both revenants, but in the process, Shang Tsung gets hurt badly, so Nightwolf reluctantly allows him to absorb the soul of the revenant form. - [Donte] They grab Sindel and head to Outworld to enlist the help of Sindel's former bodyguard, Sheeva. - [Conscience] Once she joins their cause, they head to the Soul Chamber where they find Kotal Kahn healing from his spine injury back when he fought Shao Kahn. - [Donte] Just like everyone else who caught these guys, Kotal goes against them because Shang Tsung is on their team. So, Sheeva holds Kotal back, so they can revive the former queen of Edenia. - [Conscience] Once revived, Sindel and Kitana have an emotional reunion, then with the help of Sindel, the time scene squad heads for Shang Tsung's island to retrieve Kronika's crown. - [Donte] They run into Jax and Noob and after beating them, Fujin manages to help Jax see the light. - [Conscience] On the way off the island with the crown, the run into Jacqui and past Jaxs, but they show that they are allies and Jacqui and the Special Forces actually believe them. - [Donte] Sindel then leaves for Outworld to assist Kitana and they all agree to reconvene at the Sea of Blood to attack Kronika. Oh yeah and by this point, Kronika knows that Shang Tsung is interfering with the timeline, so she's planning on handling that ASAP. - [Conscience] Moving on to the Fire Garden, back at the point in MK11 where Scorpion tries to join forces with the good guys, Shang Tsung appears before him and Sub-Zero. - [Donte] Just like all the other times, they fight merely because Shang Tsung is here. Fujin beats both the specter and the ice assassin, then they get confronted by Liu Kang and Raiden. - [Conscience] Fujin explains the situation to them both, then Raiden wilds out as always, ignores their story and pulls out Shinnok's amulet. My man, can you chill? - [Donte] So before Raiden starts a fight with Liu Kang again, Fujin beats some sense into his brother, then Raiden admits that he was being stupid and they team up. - [Conscience] Kronika shows up and reveals that Shang Tsung created the crown, then when they refuse to hand it over, they use this avatar like team attack to force her to retreat. - [Donte] Now is when we start getting to the twists. Turns out Sindel is actually evil and plans on reviving her husband and ruling the new era with the help of Shang Tsung. So, yes people, unfortunately Shang Tsung did not turn a new leaf, he's still a fuck and they made Sindel a bad guy in this timeline too, which honestly kinda sucks. - [Conscience] So Sindel finds her former tyrant husband, but Sheeva finds her comforting him. So, Sindel beats Sheeva to keep her mouth shut. - [Donte] Then when her people find Sindel standing over their leader's body, Sindel easily tricks these dumb asses into siding with her. Worst soldiers ever! - [Conscience] Sindel revives Shao Kahn and everything starts going to shit. They ambush the Special Forces and young Johnny Cage watches as Sonya and Cassie get their asses handed to them. - [Donte] Then Johnny Cage pulls off the biggest flex ever and tells Shao Kahn that he's about to give it to him, but he gets shut down cause like, you don't just simply beat the leader of Outworld. - [Conscience] Then the evil couple ambushes Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and Kitana along with her people. - They take down everyone one by one, even their own daughter Kitana. Sindel even admits to killing her late husband because of his weakness and choosing Shao Kahn cause he was powerful. So, you're gonna choose the tyrant over your own daughter? Yeah I hate this Sindel. Luckily, while this is happening, Fujin, Raiden, Shang Tsung, the Special Forces and Wu Shi Academy monks make their way to Kronika's stronghold. - [Conscience] As they attack the place, Shao Kahn and his people make the most savage entrance of a lifetime, by entering the keep with Kotal's severed head. - [Donte] Then Shang Tsung pulls his final trap card and tricks Fujin into giving him the crown. - [Conscience] The sorcerer puts it on and transforms into his younger self. Then he pretty much bodies everyone in his way and absorbs the souls of both Raiden and Fujin to stop them from interfering. - [Donte] Oh shit, yeah, that might be GG. - [Conscience] Shao Kahn and his wife then join Shang Tsung to confront Kronika, but at the last minute, Shang Tsung betrays the couple and absorbs their souls. - [Donte] So, with Shao Kahn and Sindel out of the picture, Shang Tsung proceeds to absorb the Titans' soul, thus finally giving him full control over time. Wait, can Shang Tsung even do that? How does a god absorb the soul of a Titan? Shouldn't Kronika be way stronger? - [Conscience] Bruh, this is Mortal Kombat, you know power scaling doesn't exist! So as Shang Tsung begins to create his new timeline, God Liu Kang confronts him. Apparently everything that happened was according to his plan. - [Donte] Liu Kang knew Shang Tsung would betray him, so he waited until this moment for the perfect chance to strike, just like any good Earthbender. - [Conscience] So technically, he low key pulled a Raiden by sacrificing the lives of everyone for the greater good? - [Donte] I mean yeah, but this is Liu Kang we're talking about bruh, he's got this. - [Conscience] Yeah, you right, you right. - [Donte] So here we get two endings. In the first one, Shang Tsung kills God Liu Kang and rules over his New Era with Fujin and Raiden as his subjects. - [Conscience] In the relevant timeline though, Liu Kang beats dogs shit out the sorcerer just like he did back in the first MK Tournament, then resets the timeline. - Then he introduces himself to the Great Kung Lao, the original Earthrealm winner of the MK Tournament and the story ends with Liu Kang telling Kung Lao that he will train him to prepare him for the MK bull shit that's on its way and that is where we're at with the Mortal Kombat Timeline. Honestly they just had to make another game in the future. Honestly I feel the Aftermath DLC of the Mortal Kombat storyline in a good place. Like when they make MK12 or whatever they call it, they could finally go into what happened in the original Mortal Kombat Tournament that Earthrealm first participated in. The one with the Great Kung Lao. I don't know about y'all, but I'd be super down for that. Like we can get to all the background MK lore that we don't know about, like who exactly are the Elder Gods, what exactly is this One Being, all that cool stuff. So if you'd be down for that, lemme know in the comments if not, tell me what your forward in the next Mortal Kombat. I don't know what it's gonna be, honestly they can just go into their future and talk about something completely different or they can go to some random side story that we never talked about. So, yeah, this is what I want. I much rather have a Kung Lao story, but if we're not gonna have that, lemme know what you guys want in the comments. So now with the main storyline done, I could use this as a base to make all these other characters make sense for you guys and for me, honestly. So with that being said, end screen! (beep) Now, before I get into my whole end screen spill, I would be a miss, if I didn't talk about what's going on in the country today. So, if you didn't already know, which you should because why wouldn't you? The country is currently out of control because of just the pure and blatant racism going on in society. All this sparked obviously, by the the murders, not just deaths, murders of innocent Black men caused by cops, the people that are supposed to be protecting us. I just wanna say, this is not a situation that we can just like, let go, like we all always do, like I notice all the time whenever something like this happens, it goes in the news, it gets talked about for like a week and then we forget about it. No, no, no, no, no, no. We have to continue talking about this, we have to continue speaking out about this and we need to unify in order to stop all this dumb ass injustices because if we don't, then it's gonna keep on happening over and over and over again and then years like this are gonna repeat and we do not want that. So, honestly right now, I just wanna do my best efforts to support my people and support the Black Lives Matter movement and support everyone out there that's fighting for our right to just live in this country, cause all we wanna do. We just want to live and we're not even getting that. So to help support because I know not everyone of you can go out there and protest, the Corona is still a thing and also these protests are getting crazy, so I know a lot of you are like scared for your protection, so I wanna give you guys the way to still help out from your homes. To help with that, in the inscription below, I put a link to the Black Live Matter movement fund. Now, I'm not forcing anyone to do this or anything like that, but I'm just saying if you have funds and you were gonna use those funds to donate to me, don't do that. Donate to the Black Lives Matter movement fund instead, cause I feel like putting support in that is way more important now, than giving money to little old me. So, check out that link and don't forget, if you cannot donate, you can still help. Sharing a post about this protest, positive post by the way, not negative post about riots and all that shit, that's not helping us whatsoever. You can also educate yourself on Black history with documentaries on Netflix, books out there, there's a bunch of stuff out there to teach you about what is really happening, so you know exactly why we're pissed about all this. This is not some random where somebody died and we got mad, no, no, no, no, no. This is over, 200 years in the making people. This is 200 plus years of injustices, racism, taking away of your rights like it's just not fair, it's not fair, so educate yourself people, cause I feel like a lot of people have opinions on this, but they don't know exactly why it's so important, they think it's just something simple, but it's not. This has been going on for a long time and we need to discuss this and stop it. We need to end this right now and you could use it now to teach other people that may not know about this stuff, because I get it, the schools didn't teach everything about slavery and Black history and all that stuff. There's still so much more that we need to know, not only because now we're just powered, we just didn't know about the history of this shit. It's important and definitely don't just follow me, there're so many other brilliant Black minds out there who are talking about so much about deferring the subject and I feel like you guys should really take the time to listen to them. There're people on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, all that shit. So, check out these people, check out their pages, I think it's work listening to them and just see what they gotta say, you'll learn something new, I guarantee it and that's pretty much all I want say. So, thank you guys for watching the video, don't forget like if you enjoy it and comment who else you wanna see me cover in future episodes of "Honest Gaming History." Shout out to the Black Ball Bro's, F and H Paul, Isaih Mendes and all my other dope patrons who make videos as possible with their very kind donations and if you like to see more of me, don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell notification button, so that you get updated whenever I upload new videos. So, with al that being said, I'm off this. As usual, be easy, stay lit, Black Lives Matter, stay healthy and don't forget, you can do whatever the fuck you put your mind to. All it takes is practice and time. Peace out y'all.
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 280,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortal Kombat, the mortal kombat timeline, full mortal kombat story, the FULL story of mortal kombat, mortal kombat 11 aftermath story all cutscenes, mortal kombat 11 friendships, mortal kombat movie, mortal kombat 11 aftermath reaction, mk11, mk timeline, mortal kombat story, mortal kombat aftermath ending explained, mortal kombat 11 aftermath ending explained, liu kang, scorpion, sheeva, fujin, kung lao
Id: 4_X7ITohpnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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