The Rise and Fall of Infamous

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[Music] once the seventh console generation arrived licensing agreements constituted the pillar upon which countless superhero video games materialized many of them manifesting as movie and tv adaptations from batman and x-men to spider-man and the justice league comic book enthusiasts had their fill of interactive heroes in tight shenanigans since few experiences featured original characters built from the ground up with interactivity in mind sly cooper developer sucker punch productions attempted to break new ground in the superhero space upon entering development on infamous around 2006. infamous core concept proved simple its pitch structured around the fantasy of an average everyday man acquiring superpowers then deciding whether to wield them for the good of others or personal gain the studio left such decisions to the players thereby bolstering the power fantasy with a karma system that positioned the protagonists as heroic or villainous notably two sequels and stand-alone expansion spawned from the first game's success with each adventure evolving the proven gameplay formula but not every change presented in the franchise's final phase garnered favor a new lead character equipped with powers far removed from the old left some infamous faithful reeling as they clung to the remnants of a bygone era and since sucker punch had moved on and embraced the call of another ip one question lingers for those who fondly remember infamous during its heyday will the electrifying series ever reclaim its former glory this is the rise and fall of infamous [Music] eager to spread their wings six programmers quit their jobs at microsoft in 1997 and founded sucker punch the washington state-based group started small partnering with ubisoft for 3d platformer rocket robot on wheels in late 1999 while the puzzle adventure launched exclusively on nintendo 64 sucker punch had also pitched rocket to sony executives who were interested but turned down the project as it lacked a marketable mass cut along the lines of spyro or crash bandicoot the robot on wheels crew managed to satisfy sony's marketing predilections upon proposing sly cooper another 3d platformer starring an anti-heroic robin hood-esque raccoon who wielded a multi-purpose cane sly cooper fit perfectly in the playstation family the brand's early success heralding the start of a mutually beneficial relationship between the companies from 2002 through 2005 the studio developed three sly games for ps2 in a second party capacity by the end of production on sly 3 honor among thieves however the creative team felt the time had come to explore new horizons infamous game director nate fox divulged in a 2013 game informer interview that sucker punch pitched four ideas to sony post sly three one whose promise revolved around a man stranded on an island and coincidentally bore the title uncharted the publisher rejected the deserted island proposal but gave the green light to a golden age of comics inspired superhero project dubbed true hero later known as infamous with the workforce comprised of comic book aficionados sucker punch had no trouble brainstorming what it would take to build an original superhero ip gta 3 proved a great source of inspiration the freedom of its open-ended design sparking the imagination of sly cooper developers who envisioned super-powered people zipping around a similar play space comics such as the dark knight returns batman no man's land and dmz flavored the group's thinking during infamous production along with the batman begins film and activision's spider-man 2 adaptation yet as opposed to capturing the feeling of playing as an existing superhero infamous creators emphasized what becoming a modern-day hero would entail the idea manifested in a couple of ways before the project found its footing fox told joystick the title's original build borrowed heavily from the sims with social interaction features geared towards in-game pedestrians because it seemed gaming in general was pivoting in the direction of organic life simulations the studio spent a year exploring this sims style concept in addition co-founder chris zimmerman once revealed that infamous began as a superhero version of animal crossing players would have patrolled the city tracked criminals and assisted citizens all while maintaining the alter ego of a property developer experiments with this premise lasted approximately six months though it's unclear how it connected to this sims-like iteration described by fox regardless both concepts lost favor to a more action-oriented focus as neither fulfilled the hero power fantasy fox admitted this degree of seemingly fruitless experimentation could damage small studios yet argued the iterative process worked to their strengths cutting ideas that failed to pan out led to the evolution of successful game systems after all indeed some concepts fell through the cracks in the absence of a fun factor and despite the challenges involved in building its first open world sucker punch ensured fun rested at the heart of infamous [Music] transitioning from the cartoonish and level-based sly cooper to infamous realistic open world presented more than a fair few obstacles to surmount the 15-person art team struggled to create the fictional empire city for example stress from the first year and a half of production exacerbated these struggles as the studio's 60-member workforce managed the task of crafting a gritty and believable open world environments needed foot and vehicle traffic systemic gameplay and realistic looking people key facets in an urban sandbox that felt foreign to the sly cooper creators infamous further demanded sucker punch rethink the structure of its technology especially for interweaving systems such as streaming and the no load sandbox the pace at which players acquired new abilities factored into the world design as well fortunately the choice of superpower for protagonist cole mcgrath helped streamline various world-building decisions a direct product of the belief that kohl's powers needed to complement the game world the group settled on electromagnetism while conceptualizing other ability types one early goal leaned heavily on the notion that the game's chosen power had to function well within the context of action games shooting lightning bolts as a ranged combat attack helped seal the deal on electricity then as did the marriage between such a power and the open world setting of empire city electric gameplay mechanics meant players interacted with the city's power grid engendering a symbiotic relationship wherein the metropolis coal protected provided him the nourishment necessary to sustain his newly developed abilities naturally being an electrical conduit had its disadvantages which informed some in-game limitations driving a car wouldn't have made sense for instance neither would swimming or wielding certain weapons plus the lack of vehicular traversal ultimately mattered little in a superhero sandbox where climbing and parkour reigned supreme though sucker punch set out to make all of empire city scalable infamous trademark parkour mechanics didn't begin taking shape until halfway through production after staffers saw the incredible parkour action sequences on the french film district b13 a viral video of russian freerunners also influenced the navigation possibilities and infamous culminating in a tedious iterative process that took two years to complete developers agreed the effort proved its worth by the end evidenced in parkours elevating the superhero feel they so desperately wanted to achieve the grinding maneuvers further enhanced the power fantasy interestingly enough though grinding wasn't even a topic of discussion until the focus tester suggested it near the end of production the distribution of coal's power served as another component that warranted apple iteration before the team satisfied its need to keep players engaged long term speaking with gama sutra game designer darren bridges noted the first attempt at a macro design for super powers failed miserably a system enabling users to purchase special abilities at leisure came online first a misguided effort aimed at expanding the freedom offered in open world adventures bridges said the design scheme complicated the creation of engaging combat setups sucker punch additionally struggled with integrating powers into mission parameters to remedy this developers tied ability acquisitions to specific main missions and allowed players to upgrade coal's powers via the karma system karma itself spawned from a sony marketing meeting in which one pr member expressed special interest in the idea of players making good and evil choices sucker punch subsequently explored the possibilities in greater depth resulting in a dichotomous narrative structure that offered player agency according to nate fox decision making further stemmed from a desire to immerse users on the role of a super-powered being players needed to own the experience thus each choice informed how the inhabitants of empire city responded to cole's conduct more importantly the protagonists karmic state influenced abilities and upgrades driving home the notion that coal's superhero identity reflected player choice killing innocents unlocked abilities with splash damage that automatically increased the spread of destruction meanwhile good behavior opened the door to precision attacks it all serviced infamous choose-your-own-adventure-style comic book motif which centralized the nuances of power and corruption the overarching story demanded plenty of iteration too brian fleming revealed during a gdc 2009 interview that nate fox scripted much of the narrative before writer bill harms joined full time to pen the story dialogue and other insulary scenes fleming referred to harms as a huge savior of the writing given how much evolved during his tenure a period of time involving multiple rewrites it all came together with a tale about a bike courier inadvertently delivering a bomb to downtown empire city and causing an accident that granted him superhuman abilities cole's transition from ordinary delivery man to demigod-like figure consequently drove the mystery as well as motivated sucker punch's belief that a costume and alter ego were wholly unnecessary nate fox in particular thought it unreasonable for the average person to don a cape just because they gained powers the first game's success suggested millions of playstation players agreed are you ready to become infamous [Music] sony's e3 2007 announcement of infamous garnered much excitement wowing onlookers with a teaser of a vast open world and electrifying abilities the latter unsurprisingly drew comparisons to other popular franchises namely wbtv's animated static shock series which sucker punch developers claimed in no way influenced their ip moreover infamous regularly found itself pitted against prototype radical entertainment's action-packed adventure that starred in average joe turned anti-hero games media amplified the contrived rivalry and the competition increased tenfold when prototype launched less than two weeks after infamous may 2009 release while critics and players often debated which project outperformed the other in terms of quality the two didn't seem to cannibalize each other on the market sucker punch's game specifically sold nearly 2 million units in a year despite its ps3 exclusivity such success laid the groundwork for a franchise that possessed an abundance of potential movement controls and combat in cole mcgrath's initial outing were widely considered the highlight of infamous though gameplay-related bugs and frame rate issues occasionally robbed the experience of momentum and though developers internally perceive the good versus evil choices as nuanced the general consensus argued that most decisions felt binary thereby stifling the impact of infamous otherwise compelling storytelling with infamous 2 then sucker punch reevaluated how best to marry the worlds of comic book inspired fiction and interactivity [Music] the first infamous wore an unapologetic comic book flare on its sleeve accentuated by graphic cut scenes crafted to ground the comic like mythos after seeing responses to the 2009 title developers went back to the drawing board making an effort to heighten the presentation quality the visuals demanded an overhaul varied environments were a must-have and the divisiveness surrounding cole mcgrath suggested he too needed a drastic makeover though cole's shaved head was a product of uncertainties about rendering a full head of hair on the lead critiques leveled against the sheer number of bald-headed video game characters encouraged the development crew to revisit its options given infamous choose superior technology letting cole grow out his lock seemed the best course of action his bright yellow jacket also received the boot on one hand the pursuit of a cinematic presentation placed added emphasis on actually seeing the superhero or super villain in action stands the obscuring quality of another layer of clothing in addition the sequel setting in the southern united states didn't agree with the inclusion of a hot leather jacket sucker punch's interest in increasing the presentation value bled into some of the behind the scenes aspects as well such that the crew opted to record mocap and voice simultaneously as a result cole's original voice actor jason cottle was replaced by generation kill star eric laden since the introduction of mocap necessitated an actor who could provide both physicality and voice the studio pushed for a change of scenery too well aware of the fact that empire city's urban landscape offered little in the way of scenic diversity during the hunt for a setting distinct from empire city the likes of london and johannesburg were taken into consideration but the swamp land and vegetation of new orleans along with the cultural touchstones such as the french quarter and above-ground cemeteries sealed the deal on the world famous city named numerate infamous two's fictional metropolis borrowed multiple design styles from districts throughout new orleans while the real locale's gothic art and architecture didn't mesh well with the supercharged world of infamous artists looked elsewhere and repurposed victorian and spanish traditions that complement indo-marey's stylized aesthetic [Music] [Music] i got contacted by a cop and a junkie wow who's quite a fan base people take you seriously not much was considered sacred when making the jump from infamous to its direct follow-up every aspect of the experience had room to improve including the generally well-liked combat system ranged attacks remained the franchise's bread and butter but developers knew the first game's rudimentary melee mechanics desperately needed remodeling as infamous players who tried close quarters combat were often left flailing with unrefined karate chops and kicks the push for heightened presentation in the sequel fostered the pursuit of more visceral close-ranged fight encounters thus inspiring the creation of the amp a two-pronged metal rod cole's amp allowed him to channel electricity into a handheld device capable of dealing devastating damage to anyone on the receiving end the melee weapon provided the perfect answer to coal's combat deficiencies as did the addition of brand new abilities specifically ionic powers sucker punch's continued investment in expanding player freedom led to another boon too power variances secondary combat options that unlocked different types of rocket grenade and bolt classes what's more much like its antecedent infamous 2's gameplay design supplemented the happenings in the world surrounding coal sucker punch framed the combat and ability enhancements around the notion that the character needed to amplify his powers to defeat a formidable new foe named the beast teased at the end of infamous the beast appeared early in the sequel overpowering coal to such a degree that he had no choice but to escape empire city and head south towards numerate for the studio the beast is coming concede effectively set their tone for the experience cole would spend his time in the new orleans adjacent metropolis growing stronger becoming a super superhero all in preparation for the inevitable arrival of the civilization ending beast figure in true infamous fashion though the acquisition of new powers was contingent on the karma system which received somewhat of a facelift between games challenging players with tougher decisions proved central to the story structure and significantly broadened the game's scope instead of once more presenting choices in the guise of heroic or villainous actions opposing sides of the moral spectrum were represented by two distinct characters nyx the paragon of evil and quo the paragon of good siding with one character over the other unveiled good or evil aligned abilities that strengthened cole's arsenal however developers noted in a may 2011 interview with now gamer that each decision had to bear meaning less players question the merit of a morality system yet increasing the karmic scale's value came at a cost namely in that significant amounts of mission content existed exclusively for the heroic and villainous arcs in essence then scores of players would miss out on sections of the game the price sucker punch paid to raise the bar for its choose your own adventure style storytelling [Music] down on the allure of playing infamous twice raised the sequel's replay value yet the development house still felt the pressure of tacking multiplayer components onto single-player games such stressors especially weighed heavily on aaa developers during the zeitgeist in which sucker punch produced infamous 2. after all the early 2010s constituted the age of online passes and the epoch of anti-consumer gimmicks designed to inhibit the used games market for a time the crew contemplated adding co-op to appease the multiplayer trend before concluding it did nothing to increase replayability as one developer tersely put it the game would still end the search for compelling content players could return to after the credits rolled saw the studio revisit an idea it tabled during production on infamous one user-generated content inspired by media molecules littlebigplanet nervous about sony's response to the proposal staff created a kevin butler inspired advertising sequence to pitch the publisher on user created content as a major infamous 2 feature reportedly sony executives were so impressed that they immediately gave the green light with pointers from media molecule infamous 2 developers set about crafting creation tools based on the same assets used to build the game itself the goal centered on providing users with a robust tool set to design missions from scratch and modify existing levels fans responded positively to much of the news that spawned from infamous jews announcement though sucker punch faced a wave of backlash in the days following its e3 2010 showing all of it geared towards cole mcgrath's redesign during his sit-down with eurogamer bruce oberg cited the lukewarm critical reception to cole's original look as one reason for the makeover oberg further justified the new character model by noting that so much about infamous had changed between games that a redesigned seemed the obvious next step either way the team could not have predicted the fallout and initially believed the uproar had come from a vocal minority 16 pages of complaints about the revised design on studio run fan forums suggested otherwise considering the widespread disappointment sucker punch announced plans to restore coal's original model during sdcc 2010 needless to say excitement for the superhero sequel grew exponentially from that point forward [Music] infamous 2 arrived in june 2011 to predominantly positive reviews critics and players alike welcome the combat and general gameplay improvements with open arms specifically applauding the efforts that went into making close quarters combat viable updates to the already exhilarating parkour and grinding systems received praise as well improved visuals sat at the center of attention too thanks to developers better utilizing the horsepower provided by ps3's cell processor and most agreed the ability to import saves from infamous one heightened the experience further still albeit marginally so as with the first entry though much debate surrounded the sequel's karmic elements some thought the addition of nyx and kuo as moral polarities added an extra layer of complexity to the overarching plot others perceived their dueling missions along with the morality meter that defined cole's behavior as limiting and severely lacking in nuance the thrill of controlling a superhuman with electromagnetic power served as one of the few factors sucker punch maintained between the two titles interestingly the studio continued developing ways to heighten the experience post-launch evidenced by the concurrent releases of infamous two's festival of blood expansion and playstation move support in october 2010 the 15 stand-alone expansion dropped coal into a horror-themed new murray overrun by vampires in a fast spreading infection bitten by a vampire the character had only one night to save his soul and that of the city in a tale that explored the dark side of the infamous universe move support came across as the much less compelling offer yet to exemplify the production team's commitment to experimenting with the parameters of its sandbox world and sony had made it clear months prior that said world would stick around for at least a while longer hands up you deviant sub human homo sapien while the bellevue headquartered outfit maintained its independence throughout development on infamous 2 studio leadership never shied away from shouting sony's praises as a publishing partner co-founder bruce oberg waxed lyrical about the freedom his team felt when partnering with playstation despite the latter's ownership of sly cooper and infamous series creators viewed the deal as a small price to pay for being able to pursue their own ideas with little to no money troubles hanging over their heads these concerns faded entirely when sony acquired the development house for an undisclosed sum in august 2011. two months following infamous two's debut then svp of sony worldwide studio scott rhodey divulged that sucker punch's ability to successfully develop new intellectual property made the group a valuable asset one the platform holder didn't want to lose since other publishers were interested in purchasing the studio co-founder brian fleming added in a statement of his own that the acquisition simply reflected the realities of increasing production budgets independence for some was no longer feasible sony had no intention of encroaching on the team's operations however insisting the founders and executives would remain in charge for the day-to-day the publisher's concession of control to developers presumably came down to a matter of trust which sucker punch accrued during its efforts on sly cooper and infamous infamous two's number three debut on the u.s sales charts likely played an additional role in sony's decision and the resulting deal proved even more lucrative once the next infamous entry hit the market for a new console generation depending on player choice infamous two concluded one of two ways for coal mcgrath the good ending depicted the hero sacrificing himself and thousands of other conduits or superpower people to save humanity from a doomsday plague in contrast cole and the evil ending turned his back on humanity and inherited the powers of the beast heralding a new beginning for all conduits creative director nate fox preferred the latter and wrote it as the canon conclusion however ps3 trophy data revealed that over 70 of players chose to sacrifice cold in the good ending forcing the studio to reconsider nascent concepts for the third entry first and foremost the team felt compelled to honor the brand's choice and consequences motif if the vast majority of infamous faithful wanted coal to make the ultimate sacrifice then so be it the popular choice suited sucker punch's plan to release a third installment exclusively on the next playstation console designer jamie griesemer called the project a fresh start for infamous one that would welcome newcomers and tell a story longtime fans could appreciate the studio was wary of making ps4 owners unfamiliar with the franchise feel as though they were jumping into the final season of a tv show thus an infamous game boasting a new lead character setting and powers offered the perfect entry point discussions concerning the future of infamous began in 2010 a year before the cole mcgrath starring sequel landed in stores early talks with sony focused on the inevitable hardware transition to the 8th generation console and what that might entail for the ip in particular developers expressed a desire to explore sandbox design in a manner that ps3's hardware limitations wouldn't allow suggesting sucker punch more or less knew what it needed technologically to reinvent the look and feel of its superhero adventure sony for its part listened with intent inviting the team to convene with ps4 lead system architect mark cerny about the console's specifications the infamous crew shared their hopes through the lens of open world game creators seeking the freedom to build vast areas with quicker load times and seamless streaming fortunately the hardware under ps4s hood enabled sucker punch to achieve that much and then some when it came time to produce the actual game developers had the perfect setting in mind to fully exploit the power of the then next generation console [Music] you know what they say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single kick-ass tag who says that in terms of high-level ideas for the project that would eventually bear the title of infamous second sun the seattle setting came first the choice made sense given the development house's proximity to the real world emerald city they needed only to roam their backyard to record locally sourced sounds similarly grabbing reference images for notable landmarks proved a lot easier too initial plans were to build seaport a fake seattle a la empire city and numerate but if players were going to glimpse a version of the space needle in a video game sucker punch felt it needed to be the actual landmark thinking that inspired the studio to forego another fictional approximation and instead recreate the real city because the layout of seattle wouldn't service gameplay capturing the mood of the metropolis across details both big and small became the primary focus licensing logos and signs from local businesses helped in one way and the area's notoriously rainy weather befit the game engine's new reflection technology which bounced light off of wet pavement and other reflective surfaces in glorious fashion for the time with the locale set in stone focus shifted towards designing the lead character the public response to cole's original model for infamous 2 weighed heavy on the design process though sucker punch knew a fresh face constituted the right call due to the spirit of seattle pervading every other facet of the experience having the city inform the creation of a new protagonist seemed the best step forward nate fox explained that given seattle's deep-seated native american roots depicting delson rowe as a native became a question of why not essentially dalson's heritage further connected him to the pacific northwest setting despite its irrelevance in the overarching plot escaping the ludonarrative dissonance that disconnected the cold mcgrath and cut scenes from the cole mcgrath and infamous one and two gameplay also informed delson's characterization developers approached the new hero through the lens of someone who practiced reckless abandon often framing him as a johnny knoxville-like figure carelessly pulling perilous stunts because of his newfound superpowers an added bit of texture for delson manifested in the frustrated artist characterization that he tagged graffiti on buildings and swore he was destined for greatness revealed supplemental complexities and relatable flaws through it all his struggles and imperfections were juxtaposed against an older brother reggie the mr do right with praiseworthy academic achievements and a career in law enforcement who left our hero feeling like the second son when designing his power set though sucker punch ensured delson rowe came second to none [Music] possessed a single power set but even sucker punch acknowledged the gameplay controls had grown overly sophisticated with the addition of power variances in infamous two according to jamie griesemer re-examining the control scheme in the first two installments informed the decision to excise complexities that prevented players from interacting with the game naturally introducing layered power sets seemed optimal for streamlining the control layout hence the advent of a multi-powered hero the design process for the new powers themselves ran parallel with the creation of delson row and second sun's version of seattle such that the prevalence of neon signs in the open world inspired neon abilities meanwhile delson's smoke powers came as a byproduct of sucker punch continuing to utilize elemental sources of power though designers purposefully avoided overly common elements in the seattle setting like water or those too similar to coal's abilities such as ice if differentiating delsin from coal in terms of core capabilities wasn't enough the animation group additionally emphasized how each character physically manipulated their powers animation director billy harper likened the projection of coal's electricity to controlling a photon blaster harper and the crew animated delson smoke in such a way that it effortlessly flowed out of him and he effortlessly flowed into it smooth motions conveying the speed with which he moved when manipulating smoke and ember despite second sun primarily pulling its weight as a special effects driven action adventure facial motion capture played a significant part in the quality of the moment-to-moment action every character needed to appear believable so performance capture entered the mix with facial motion capture added to better transmit emotion on screen even the digital seattle's pedestrians were given life using an advanced 3d scanning process in which the studio hired 75 plus extras to lend their likeness to the open world's myriad denizens talent like troy baker and travis willingham who portrayed delson and reggie respectively brought more gravitas to sucker punch's embrace of performance capture baker's role especially benefited from the technology considering the evolution of the karma system which presented itself in second sun through the moral decisions dalson made that affected other characters brian did a different take on the infamous formula though he insisted karma's most important changes culminated in systems meant to foster various styles of play something that would make subsequent playthroughs more enjoyable upon release however not everyone was convinced the game warranted a second run [Applause] in 1999 i took part in a political rally and got tear gassed by the cops in february 2013 nate fox opened his segment of the ps4 reveal event by referencing his participation in the seattle wto protests of 1999. fox recalled his fear of the police during the ordeal and segued into a discussion on the price of security as it related to intrusive government surveillance this prelude for the infamous second sun announcement teased an in-game dystopia wherein the fictional department of unified protection constituted a catch-all analog for post-911 cia dhs and tsa departments that labeled conduits as bio-terrorists and disregarded their civil liberties intriguing premise aside second son's story received a tepid response when the ps4 exclusive launched in march 2014. the morality system felt draconian to some its binary choice is lacking the nuance necessary for delson's motivations many critics and players found delson unlikable too due in no small part to his brash personality the secondary characters also fell short of expectations resulting in what was perceived as an unaffecting experience that did little to elevate the franchise's overarching plot second sun's gameplay and visuals received the highest of marks though striking graphical fidelity and stunning special effects cemented it as the most gorgeous ps4 title of the day and the combat and movement enhancements raised the bar in their own right guaranteeing infamous play better than ever barring minimal frame rate issues and graphical bugs the remarkable presentation value brought the superhero brand to higher standards thus making the storytelling blemishes all the more disappointing it didn't help that a contingent of people lamented second son's superficial approach to the friction between seattle and its native american community notably dalson belonged to the akomish a fictional tribe created by sucker punch to avoid disrespecting real tribes the akomish's real world counterpart the duwamish seeded its land in the 1855 treaty of point elliot a deal signed by duwamish leader chief seattle and governor isaac stevens that ultimately backfired for local natives kotaku's 2014 article examining second sun and its settings dark past reflected on as much while analyzing the game's muted address of contentious issues in this regard if nothing else the discussion sparked discourse about representation in games sucker punch once more found itself embroiled in the topic several years later though it didn't quite hit the mark and bore the lowest metacritic score in franchise history infamous second son moved an impressive one million units in nine days these record-breaking numbers secured its place as the ip's fastest selling entry and the studio had every intention of giving players more reasons to stick around long term the first notable piece of post release support reared its head in a surprise photo mode patch mere weeks after launch a free update photo mode allowed players to manipulate time of day and toggle the hud editing options range from camera orientation and field of view to color grading and depth of field accompany the update as well programmer matt durasoff told playstation blog the mode stem from the team seeing players share awesome shots without any special tools hiding the ui for cleaner screenshots seemed an obvious fix one that quickly led to the introduction of more editing tools gran turismo 4 may have toyed with a proto photo mode feature in 2005 but second sun popularized the novelty of taking and sharing in-game screenshots from modern audiences the third infamous further marked the first ps4 exclusive to receive a standalone story expansion thanks to the august 2014 release of infamous first light second sun character abigail fetch walker starred in the dlc her neon abilities taking center stage in an experience packed with fresh story content races arena challenges and the demon's enemy type all of which left fans hungry for more infamous has remained mia since 2014 however precedent suggests sucker punch prefers to let a property rest after three installments nate fox hinted as much in a sit-down about ghost of sushima telling hosts on the game informer show that the crew grew tired of making superhero games and wanted to try something new but sony's 2021 update of the official infamous domain implies the brand is ready for another jolt be it in the form of a remake remaster reboot or sequel many would agree it's time playstation's original superhero series arose from the smoke and embers left in second sons wake [Music] [Music] thank you for watching we'd like to take this time to think by name the generous patrons who have pledged to our hall of fame rewards year alex moretti and those currently subscribed to our producer rewards here daria get landy k hayes milkshake if you enjoy our content please consider subscribing to our channel and backing us on patreon [Music] you
Channel: GVMERS
Views: 652,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infamous, infamous 2, infamous 3, infamous second son, infamous first light, documentary, history, 4k, gameplay, infamous 4, sucker punch
Id: 8FnmBh5KuKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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